A snapshot: Utilisation of resources and articles from the Emergency Nutrition Network and Field Exchange in published articles, books, reports and articles Review Report Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), 32, Leopold Street, Oxford, OX4 1TW, UK tel: +44(0)1865 324996/249745 email:
[email protected] www.ennonline.net Review by Joyce Kelly, Independent Nutritionist, on behalf of the Emergency Nutrition Network, May 2009. The Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) has produced the tri-annual publication, Field Exchange since 1996. A number of evaluations have explored how Field Exchange and the ENN is perceived and utilised by print and online users. Anecdotal and incidental findings have indicated that Field Exchange is cited and drawn upon to inform numerous publications. However, until this review, this had not been formally evaluated. This evaluation was initiated to gain a ‘snapshot’ of where and how Field Exchange and other ENN resources are cited and in doing so, gain an indication of their use. This report was compiled in March/April 2009 and reflects a literature search via established databases commonly used in the health/sociological research setting. The report highlights the broad range of work which has referenced or cited work from the publication Field Exchange or other ENN resources. Background to Literature Searching methodologies When conducting a literature search in the area of science/health/social research, the researcher will, in general search for author, journal or keywords in the title, subject or abstract of the document. More detailed searches are possible but very few facilitate searching the references section of an article. For this reason, the more commonly used databases (e.g.