English 12: Science &

TIME CONTENT/ CORE GOALS/SKILLS ASSESSMENT Fantasy - Unit #1  Literary Genres: Fantasy o Writing Assignments 1 Marking Period  Literary Elements: Elements of Fantasy,  Open Ended Questions o The Hero and the Crown , Point of View, ,  Discussion Boards Theme,  Short Answers  Literary Devices: figurative language,  Annotated Bibliographies plot structure o Tests / Quizzes  Interpret, compare, describe, analyze and  Chapter Reviews evaluate literary devices  Summative Assessments

o Identify and assess effectiveness o Research Assignments of point of view  Literary Analysis Articles

o Identify and assess the o Projects

effectiveness of tone and  Multimedia Group Project

 Recognize and analyze the elements of

fantasy writing

o Anansi Boys

 Literary Genres: Fantasy o Maskerade Literature Circles – Fantasy  Literary Elements: Elements of Fantasy, o Writing Assignments o Sunshine

Characterization, Point of View, Tone,  Open Ended Questions o Fevre Dream

Theme, Plot o The Alchemist  Discussion Boards  Literary Devices: figurative language,  Short Answers plot structure  Annotated Bibliographies

 Interpret, compare, describe, analyze and o Projects

evaluate literary devices  Group Report

o Identify and assess effectiveness

of point of view

o Identify and assess the

effectiveness of tone and mood

 Recognize and analyze the elements of

fantasy writing

Vocabulary  Word Acquisition and Usage o Writing Assignments Sadlier‐Oxford Books G and H  Multiple Meaning/Roots  Original Thematic Sentences o

o Tests / Quizzes

 Summative Assessments

Writing  Writing Process  Text Citation

English 12: & Fantasy


2nd Marking Period Science Fiction – Unit #2  Literary Genres: Science Fiction o Writing Assignments o The Martian Chronicles  Literary Elements: Characterization,  Open Ended Questions Point of View, Tone, Theme, Plot  Discussion Boards  Literary Devices: figurative language,  Short Answers plot structure  Annotated Bibliographies  Interpret, compare, describe, analyze and o Tests / Quizzes evaluate literary devices  Chapter Reviews o Identify and assess effectiveness  Summative Assessments

of point of view o Research Assignments

o Identify and assess the  Literary Analysis Articles

effectiveness of tone and mood o Projects

 Recognize and analyze the elements of  Group Analysis

Science fiction.

 Literary Genres: Science Fiction o Writing Assignments Science Fiction / Fantasy – Unit #3  Literary Elements: Characterization,  Open Ended Questions o A Wrinkle in Time

Point of View, Tone, Theme, Plot  Discussion Boards  Literary Devices: figurative language, o Tests / Quizzes plot structure  Chapter Reviews

 Interpret, compare, describe, analyze and  Summative Assessments

evaluate literary devices o Research Assignments

o Identify and assess effectiveness  Literary Analysis Articles

of point of view Projects o o Identify and assess the  Group Report

effectiveness of tone and mood

 Analyze and assess the presence of both

science fiction and fantasy elements in a

piece of writing.

o The Invisible Man  Literary Genres: Science Fiction o Writing Assignments Literature Circles – Science Fiction o Andromeda  Literary Elements: Characterization,  Open Ended Questions o I, Robot Point of View, Tone, Theme, Plot  Discussion Boards o Ender’s Shadow  Literary Devices: figurative language,  Short Answers plot structure o The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy  Annotated Bibliographies  Interpret, compare, describe, analyze and o Projects evaluate literary devices  Group Report o Identify and assess effectiveness

of point of view

o Identify and assess the

effectiveness of tone and mood

 Recognize and analyze the elements of

Science fiction.

o Writing Assignments o Sadlier‐Oxford Books G and H  Word Acquisition and Usage  Original Thematic Sentences Vocabulary  Multiple Meaning/Roots o Tests / Quizzes

 Summative Assessments

 Synthesize information from multiple Writing resources including a longer literary

work and several shorter o Literary Analysis Senior Paper

analytical/factual works to create a

English 12: Science Fiction & Fantasy

cohesive literary analysis/argument

COMPREHENSION AND Comprehension and Reading Skills  Vocabulary READING SKILLS for Fiction and Non-fiction o Acquisition and use  Collins Writing Activities  Teacher modeling TAUGHT/REINFORCED  Word recognition  Unit Tests  Scaffolding of techniques UNITS #1-5 o Root words and content words  Writing Assessments  PSSA style questions  Inferences/conclusions/generalizations  Extension Activities  Classroom Texts o Make inferences o Cite supporting evidence  Main idea/details o Identified stated or implied main idea o Cite supporting evidence  Summarization o Summarize key details  Genre

o Identify/analyze purpose

o Cite supporting evidence

Interpretation and Analysis of  Interpret, compare, describe, analyze and  Collins Writing Activities Fiction and Non-fiction evaluate components  Unit Tests o , , plot, theme,  Writing Assessments tone, style, mood,  Extension Activities o Connections between texts  Interpret, compare, describe, analyze and evaluate literary devices o Examples/purpose/effectiveness of personification, simile, , hyperbole, , , foreshadowing, flashbacks and o Identify and assess effectiveness of point of view o Fact vs. opinion o Bias/propaganda techniques