PORTLAND.. DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 1862—VOL. 23, 31._PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1892. PRICE THREE CENTS. THIS MORNING’S NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. ---£- pretty fight for the lead. When the tape THREE MINUTE CLASS—PURSE $160. OUR SMART was crossed at the half Brown was ahead J. P. Tucker, b Pago 1* RIDERS. GRESHAM’S MO. Bangor, g Kobert A..2 111 THE with Liscomb a close A. B. blk Orono GLORIOUS FOURTH. Weather second, followed Perkins, Orono, g indications. by Tobie and Soully. L. C. Gilson Bay.1 4 3 4 General news. gave E. A. Greenleaf, Chester.,3 2 2 3 telegraphic out on the second At the finish F. Bangor, bg AYER’S lap. Chas. Dustin, Bangor, b s Lucky Nel- Page 2. M. Liscomb pulled out ahead, taking 1st son.5 342 It- T. St. m General news. prize, medal; 2d prize. F. M. Brown, bi- Eflminster, Etna.b Monas.4 6 6 6 sporting W. M. & N. W. Took All the Prizes ai 3d W. E. T. Page,Orono, g g Gray A Bad for Those Who W aine towns. Hair They Nearly cycle shoes; prize, Tobie, If Was Too Even for the Peo- 6 Day alarm Hr Big F.agl©... 6 6 6 Tempt Vigor clock, all of For nd. Ivittie iM. b The Fourth at Freeport Hanson, Passadumkeag, Restores faded, thin, and gray hair the Saco Meet. Linwood Berry of Saco, won the 220 g Colonel H.7 dr. Fate in Balloons. Page 3. amateur ple’s to Time—2.30, 2.50, 2.4414, 2.48. to its original color, texture, and yards dash, securing the silver Party Disregard. A noble desire. RUNNING HALF MILE Poem: it from cup. RACE, HEATS, BEST abundance ; prevents falling — Story: Juanitor. The half mile open safety was 2 IN 3. out, checks tendency to baldness, 4. Madama A. M. Atwood, Boston, b g Keep- Page a new THERE Decidedly Close Editorials. and promotes and vigorous IS REJOICING AMONG TH1 SO WEAVER OF sake .1 i TWO MEN WERE KILLED IN BOS- GREENBACK FAME E. L. & J. N. Page 5. A clean, safe, and with F. M. Brown the winner a Swazey, Bucksport, ch g growth. elegant, by quar- Dollarbill.2 2 PORTLAND CYCLISTS. HEADS THE TON HARBOR YESTERDAY. She was badly hurt. economical hair-dressing, ter wheel, F. M. Liscomb, second. TICKET. Chas. Duffy, Bangor, b g Gipy.3 4 John Maine boys in Yale ’92. Down the stretch Connor. Bangor, ro g Happy Boy... .4 3 home Liscomb and Time—56, 58. Greenwood Garden opened. Brown were neck and neck but with Lis- 2.40 CLASS—PURSE $200. Dedication of the Diamond Island Hail. Everywhere Popular J. P. The Team Race Won ant comb the Tucker. Bangor, blk m Gypsy G...1 1 l traffic on the They Handily seemingly having advantage, At One Time the Convention At Auguita, Me., Mme. Patti Found Her Heavy street railway. “Nine months after having the ty- Yesterday C. T. Page, Orono, blk g Orono Boy.... 2 2 2 Portland men with the Road Race was Given to Them but Brown made a and G. H. F.. self Forepaugh,) phoid fever, my head was perfectly hald. bj magnificent spurt Went Wild Over a Rumor that Gresham Bishop, Bangor, g g Dagger .3 4 3 in the Kennebec and Was Uncon- to lead a foot or two when Chas. Dustin, Bangor, li m Jennie Koife.4 3 4 Forepaugh’s show. I was induced to Hair Magnificent — In thi managed by try Ayer’s Vigor, Gargln’s Spurt Had Consented But Cater News F. Prescott, s 5 5 scious Rescued—At Waltham, Deaths and the tape was crossed, an oak Spoiled Newburg. g Newburg_6 marriages. and before I had used half a the Other in winning Kittle Hanson, Lant.6 6 Ypen bottle, Events') which Portland Mei chair that Passadumkeag,ch g 6 Mass., an Aeronaut Got Stuck in given by Atkinson; 2d prize, F. M. Sensation and at the Eleventh 2.4414. the 6. hair began to grow. Two more bottles Time—2.48, 2.4414, Page Figured, They Were Sue rattan 3d L. Trees and Generally Liscomb, chair; prize, C. Hour the Fell Back on Was Finally Hauled Onto a Wit and Wisdom. brought out as a head of hair as Delegates FREE-FOR-ALL—PURSE $250. good cessful. Gilson, box cigars. ever Weaver. C. G. Andrews, Bangor, b s 1 1 Roof. The suburban winner. I had. On my recommendation, Next was Naumkeag..l Sie half mile boys’ Chas. blk m Kock- The brother William safety Varney, Bangor, Lady great bicycle meet my Craig made use of [Special to the Press.] won by Arthur P. Fairfield, Saco, in vilie.2 2 2 4.—A balloon Omaha, Neb., July 4.—The People’s E. P. Boston, July ascension Page 7. Ayer’s Hair Vigor with the same good 1.38 4-5, prize, bicyole lamp, Herbert A. Dearborn, So. Newburg, b m Dot- Marine news. Saco, July 4.—Success stamped ever] party from and ty M.3 3 3 from the Common this one of results.”—Stephen Craig, 832 Charlotte Jose, Saco, second, bicycle lamp. delegates Georgia several afternoon, Financial and feature of the York Wheelmen’) Time—2.37, 2.36, 2.32%. the features in commercial. 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. County The two mile safety was full of fight, other states, yesterday, declared in favor the celebration of the The Home. races here today. The weather was de Gibson and Tobie for first of Senator of South for Fourth prepared the 8. "struggling Kyle Dakota, MR. by city government, Page on the first three with Brown FRYE AT WOODSTOCK. Brief Jottings. lightful, although a strong wind prevent place laps, President. Mr. Washburne of Massa- bad a sad ending. The Pro- and Liscomb behind at aeronaut, Hair ed coming along a An Oration on the Personal. Ayer’s Vigor very fast time. The track was in su chusetts, national committeeman and Inependence Day fesser Augustus of met leisurely pace, catching up glasses of Rogers Malden, The Hampton boat race. Dr. J. & the best American his Prepared by C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. perior condition, racing trad water from their trainers as they passed Messrs. Taubenrek of Illinois and Branch Ship. death almost instantly, his assistant, The Longshoremen’s outing. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. for bicycles there has ever been in Maine them. But when it came to the last lap of Georgia, were the Thomas Fenton, and the The glorious Fourth. managing Kyle Putnam, Conn., July 4.—Today Henry dying later, The Portland men these two a spurt, when showed up nobly began strong boom last all third occupant of the balloon now A down east yachting trip. Liscomb’s wheel collided with Brown’s night. Practically the G. Bowen of the New York Independent being Mischievous Members of the Portland Wheel Clul New came in the from the shock boys. throwing the former out. Brown pegged Englanders to the convention gave his 22d annual literary festival in hospital suffering A small blaze. took first prizes in event en on a in a and inhalation of every they away fine spurt coming in consider- neutral frame of mind, and Senator Koseland park, Woodstock. An audience gas. An immense He teased the elephant tered and won the team race Foui ahead of Tobie. Time 6.30 crowd easily. ably 3-5; first Kyle was taken up most of them as of abo ut 3000 gathered on the Common this af- Accidents. by people enjoyed the occas- first were and prize, medal; second prize, W. E. Tobie, prizes captured many sec likely to prove the strongest candidate. ion. Hon. ternoon to witness the ascension. Soon Fire on Free street bicycle shoes; third prize, L. C. Gilson, Charles A. ltusSell, Senator onds. Frank M. Liscomb thf 1 Gen. Weaver was after 4 Professor his Miraculous escape of Wm. Watson. brought meerschaum pipe. objected to by this Platt of Hon. Thomas J. Rogers, assistant, state Connecticut, record down to 2.51i,and in additioi Chas. M. of Great Falls won the element as with and Delos E. Goldsmith, a Farley being weighted defeat Morgan, Secretary Tracy, Senator Frye, representative will receive an diamond 220 dash in of the Press in- THE WEATHER. elegant ring foi professional yards good as a Greenbacker presidential candidate. and City Association, stepped time. Col. Elliot Shepard were the speak- to the “Governor The Biddeford banc the huge airship Russell,” that|accomplishment. Despite Kyle boom, the Weaver fol- ers. Mr. and the Fair furnished and One of the most interesting was the Frye’s subject was the|Ameri- began ascent, assisted by the Today witli Rising Temperature* music, altogether it was^s lowers have kept up a front. two-mile team race between the Port- courageous can and in cheers of the vast crowd. The balloon and occasion, Mr. one of the ship, the course of his speech 4.—Local thoroughly enjoyable lively Brown, most prominent rose a Boston, July forecast for The York land Wheel Club and York Countv but few hundred feet and then county wheelmen extender of the Massachusetts is said referring to the depression of the Ameri- New England for Tuesday: three men in each team. delegation, sailed to the south. When over Fair; rising hospitalities in a most manner, Wheelmen, to be one of the away gracious managers of the Weaver can he said: South Boston it rose temperature. Portland was Brown, Liscomb and Dean rode for Port- shipping industry, to a considerably largely represented it forces. Today Delegate Taubenreck re- the land ; Tarbox and G. M. and F. G. Leavitt I assert that not but the higher attitude, continuing the journey Local Weather attendance, and warmly cheered their received the protection, Report. for the York Liscomb following despatch from directly out to sea. When about five victorious boys. As many: as 40 or 5C County’s. took Sflnn.fm* TTvlo* entire absence of it. has wrought the ru- first and Brown miles down the harbor and off Portland, Mb, July 4,1892. wheelmen, some place second for the m of this most national indus- Thomn- accompanied by ladies, ‘•I have wired Louecks and Washburne that I important went out from Portlands on every so that the and son s island, Professor Rogers, who did the Forest City. lap, could not accept. If the convention determined try, believe that this is susceptible Wheel club ran a total of 54 not relish the of an ocean 8 A. M. 8 p. M. The up points to on me, I presume I cannot refuse, if of demonstration. The wonderful ca- thought voyage, necessary to Mile Ordinary Novice 34 for the home wheelmen, securing the to harmonize.” reer of illustrates it. To attain attempted open the valve and land on England the Barometer. 29.748 30.110 prize of a handsome and one The island. In his efforts to do so he was race on picture following telegram was received her present position upon the ocean she the first the programme and a made a rent in the Thermometer. 63.8 64.0 chance on beautiful cup which must be from J. A. a side of the balloon. Dew Hauser of Indiana, candidate pursued persistently most remarkable Point. 49. 43. the full number of entries tc won twice before it can be owned The immense to descend at a appeared by the for lieutenant governor on the protective policy. She permitted the bag began Humidity.59. 47 club. People’s terrible rate as it struck the Wind....*.NW W start. Ralph Webber of Saco had the party ticket: importation of bulky articles in British and, water The mile horse race was won seemed to Velocity.. 5 best of his almost from the running “I have just seen Gresham. If unanimous ships only: allowed no foreign to entirely collapse. Rogers opponents ships sank at once Weather.Cloudy Cloudy easily by F. W. Kinney’s chestnut geld- he will not refuse.” in her domestic and and his body has not yet and was an winner ir engage trade, per- Mean ther... 64.0 Max. vel. wind... beginning, easy time 2.10 1-5. W. H. Little- been recovered. Fenton and Goldsmith daily 30NW ing Shiloh, Tremendous excitement was mitted no of merchandise Maximum ther... 70.0 Total MRS. MARY TYLER. 3.35 caused transportation precip.... 1.14 3-5, but the effort proved too muct field’s brown pony Dick was second. from one struggled manfully and succeeded in Minimum ther... 69.0 Hermon, Me. by this message. “Your success seems British colony to another in for him, and he fell on the track This ended one of the most successful catching hold of the basket and held on fainting assured,” was the message sent to each foreign vessels; allowed no imports into at the finish. Fred Cobb of Biddeford tournaments over held for their lives. Their was racing in Maine. of the three leading candidates his any British possession by foreign vessels predicament was second; Herbert Next will be some fine races in Port- by seen by some laborers on SPECIAL NOTICES SET YEARS OF AGONY! Dyer, Saco, third, supporters just before the hour set for except those belonging to the country of Thompson’s and Will H. fourth. land on the when those who won to- island, who out to the Norton, Biddeford, 23d, the battle to begin in earnest. Gresham’s growth, production or manufacture and immediately put The will have to hard spot in a row boat and to v Award. Tortured Demons! day struggle to retain friends seemed enthusiastic. then only when three-fourths of the managed drag Higliest by Twenty Mile Road Race their honors. increasingly the two men into the boat. Both were —TO— General of the crews were citizens of the same Secretary Hayes Knights country. in a exhausted condition. Fen- was then started, half a mile on the track of Labor said the had determin- She allowed no vessel to receive British greatly RHEUMATISM IN HARD LUCK. Knights ton’s condition was the most and ed to stand Gresham. registry except those built in her own precarious, —A IT E- 8i miles toward Portland, by George Wash- he inhaled burne of officered and having quantities of gas and on Massachusetts was unqualified- dominions, entirely owned, the road and return, finishing with New Association’s Annu- water. By this time the Nathaniel England Bowing ly claiming the nomination for on three fourths manned by her subjects, tug three miles on the track. On leaving the Kyle P. Doane, which had been in use by the NEURALGIA al Begatta. the first ballot, and Gen. Weaver’s dis- and never opened her registry to foreign track, H. Ctargin of Portland was in the judges of the city was on ciplined corps declared their candidate built ships unttl 1849, a change of policy sailing regatta, Cured by Four Bottles of lead, John (5. Lawrence of Saco, its way up the harbor. The saw the second, was as solid as a rock. then necessary. She could not possibly tug and Ralph D. Littlefield of Saco, third. Lynn, Mass., July 4.—The rain and trouble and went to the rescue. The Permanent Chairman stand- supply her own shipping; timber had be- For the half-mile novice safety (state wind ruined Louecks, two men were transferred there to be DANA’S. strong Sunday night nearly ing on his one come exceedingly scarce and very ex- record), three starters appeared. Frank leg, to this Mr. Fenton A Miracle In Hermon, Me, the annual regatta of the New England pensive, while iron had hardly become brought city. slowly G. Leavitt of Saco, at once took the lead, Swinging His Crutch sank and died before the reached the Amateur a factor in the problem. She then tug Dana Sarsaparilla Co. : it the entire distance with Bowing As»,ieiation in Lynn Goldsmith was maintaining at arm’s waved the some of our found city. brought to the city Gentlemen:—I take in out first in harbor tent length, assemblage to bought ships; shortly great pleasure question, finishing 1.291-5, today. The erected on Na- that the hospital, where it is stated he will re- etating that after suffering for order. His was a experiment of iron ships was a severely prize, lantern, carrier and horn: speech surprise and a cover, he is six years with KHKOA. luggage hant Isthmus to store the craft of the success; at once devoted her entire atten- although suffering tonight A. umbrel- one to a from the shock and Tb3 S' TISM and NEURALGIA Harry Rowton, Saco, second, was disagreeable perhaps majority tion to from quantities of Double the of Extracts. ■ ■ “ ■“ contestants collapsed by the wind at building them. From then to now Strength Ordinary' Which affected my whole sys- la. of the convention. Its gas he inhaled. They flavor as natural as fre3h fruit. 3 impetuosity and she has encouraged iron tem, particularly my head and limbs. The 100 yards amateur dash next oc- a, m. and six boats demolished. They shipbuilding, all this time seemed to re- fire elicited cheers every few words. Mr. compelled all of her subsidized lines to BAD DAY FOR During nothing cupied attention and a con- were the shells of of BALLOONISTS. ABSOLUTELY PURE. lieve the agony 1 endured proved good single McCaffrey build steamers of iron or rebuilt ~ test Louecks said other steel, Mine. Patti (No chemicals or until I tried DANA’S SARSA- although the time was not remarka- the Crescent Boat Club, Edward among things: “This Came Pretty Near Being acids.) B Hftl ffl Hayes' is the her navy of the same ■wl PAR1LLA. I hare taken on- ble. Linwood of Saco of the greatest of all revolutions. materials, very Perry came ir Bradford Boat Club, A C. Dow- Being in Browned on the Kennebec. four hut the result has been that silent largely private yards, to induce the es- FULL ly bottles, first in 11 seconds, and won the silvei ling of the Crescent Boat Club, the propelled by power of educa- short MEASURE, WONDERFUL. I have gained considera- eight the tablishment of great and their (No weight panel bottles) cup. Thos. Great N. H.. oared shell and the double scull tion, ballot [applause], we can con- shipyards Augusta, July 4.—Independence Day _ Mullen, _- in WEIGHT. FEEI. Falls, junior maintenance. She never a trifle more than brands of a,—ubie ourselves we are opened up her was celebrated here a firemen’s Although costing STRONG and WEEE. I second, Parker of shell of the Crescents and the shell gratulate progressing by pa- are so far in I Pingree Saco, third; single coastwise trade until she knew that no questionable merits, superior * ■ CONSIDER MYSELF Theo. all along the line. The slates have not rade, horse racing and a balloon ascension Boynton, Portland, fourth; Wm. of A. A. Frates of the Cumberland Bow- nation CURED. I am 65 of been fixed could obtain any share of it in Madame Patti of Boston. STRENGTH and FLAVOR years age. H. O’Brien, Portland, fifth. ing Association of Portland. The water up by this convention, we are by Owing to _ __ _| You are at liberty to all at the competition with until she believed the balloon was as to make them much more economical to The mile 3.10 was a close at tide at 7 a. m. was sea, but result will be the choice her; dampness largely filled O Er82 use this letter in any way safety, class, high very choppy. that we in use. Sold fJSBJ of the renominated response would open ours and with steam and came down with Patti in by grocers everywhere. you Bee fit. and interesting event. Once and three- At noon the wind went down and at the people, by this con- vention she, with her immense could the Kennebec river. Here she was ju4Tu,Th&S Gratefully yours, around the track the three rac- of the association [applause], not the choice of the advantages, en- quarters special meeting at for it. Hermon,,Me. MRS. MARY TYLER. ers machine elements of the nation. There successfully compete tangled by the ropes and in the swift cur- SPECIAL TELEPHONE CONNEC TION kept closely bunched, but on the Hotel Nahant it was voted to pull off all We, the undersigned, certify to the truth is a In 1835 England inaugurated her subsi- rent had a miraculous home stretch but the double sculls. This was spirit abroad here that a man nomi- escape from of Mrs. Tyler’s statement. post- dy for the establishment and main- KIMBALL & Merchants. 4.15 nated by this convention must not policy drowning. She was unconscious when a BISHOP, E. G, of poned. At p. m. the only tenance of steam Me. Scully Portland, stand and our great lines on all the boat her but was resuscitated Hermon, regatta started. The race was witnessed fairly squarely upon plat- picked up, made a fine form of but he important routes of ocean traffic, and lias after half an hour. spurt and won easily in 3.06 The canoe race of one principles, must also have DANA SARSAPARILLA GO., BELFAST, ME. by 20,000 people. paid out over to it out. Garments Cleansed suit of and was won burned his behind him. $250,000,000 carry one-lialf bridges 3-5, prize, clothes; W. W. Tarbox, miles by W. P. [Ap- She has commenced We'want no by paying about THE LAST OF THE TRIO -OR- NO SWEAT Perkins of the Vesper Boat Club of Low- plause.] doubtful man to SHOP Saco, secod, umbrella; L. P. Houston, lead $2,000,000, until in ell no time taken. In the this movement. We must know he gradually increased, Taken from His Balloon Or tenement-house-made but manu- box of ; single sculls, 1854 the annual by People on a cigar, Portland, third, cigars. has been with us to expenditure was $5,950,- factured well paid union labor in our The mile seniors, J. W. of the Bradford long enough have by ordinary, state record, had Burgen been found 000. Her payments decreased Near by Hoof. own clean Boat was first in 11 true. during factory. three and to be a Club minutes, 30 our -AND- starters, proved pretty Mr. Yandervoork of Nebraska Civil War. She then feared no com- Boston, July 4.—Frank P. Shattuck contest betweeu Frank seconds. In the single sculls, in- offered G. Leavitt oi an amendment petition of ours; but soon after its of Boston to make an ascen- one and one-half striking out that clause of attempted SLEEPER’S Saco and W. E. Tobie of Portland. Web- termediate, miles, we sion at the rules that after the close, when were making an Waltham this afternoon in one of PRESSED READY FOR who at Edward of the Bradford providing second WEAR, ber, fainted the close of the first Hayes, ballot all effort to recover lost the Professor balloons. When the EYE boat club won in 11 34 seconds. candidates except the two lead- ground by Rogers’s race, started in this event, but had to fall minutes, act of subsidies wel'e cast off the balloon No. 13 PrebSe Street. W. S. Merrill of the Cumberland ers shall be retired and inserting the February, 1867, granting fastenings was behind. Down the home stretch Tobie Bowing to the Pacific at once increased carried a brisk wind. After rak CIGARS failed to turn provision that when voting began the can- Mail,they up by made a vigorous effort to even up with Association, Portland, until the when the tree didates should be voted for until there was year 1870, they amounted ing through tops it became Are the delight of his but could not the three-quarter buoy. In the to opponent, succeed. a choice. This $9,107,741. Finding that our effort caught in the telegraph and telephone oritical smokers. scull one and one-half amendment prevailed by 10c. Leavitt crossed the tape a wheel ahead single juniors, was a the wires over the Park theatre Foster’s House each. John a large majority, so the rules as to bal- only spasm, gradully reduced, building, on ForestCity Dye m d.2U z miles, Cosgrove of the West a Tobie Lyun until in the last for which were nov29 eodtf o, winning gold medal; are in accordance with the custom- 1889, year which I many people. Mr. Shattuck leather boat club was first, in 11 minutes 35 sec- loting second, patent shoes. in have tlie report, she was in a but a onus, me tour oared boat ary rules national conventions of this paid $3,210,434. perilous position finally Clias. M. Great N. working The first American steamer lurch of the Farley, Falls, H., nature. Chairman Branch of the resolu- put on the balloon brought him near won the race, seniors, one and one-half was 100 yards professional dash in miles, tions route between Hew York and enough to the roof so that those who won the Bradford boat club in 9 min- committee, offered a resolution Liverpool, 103-5 seconds; John sec- by was the “United States.” built in stood there rescued him from the Jennings, Saco, utes 45 In stating that through some the 1847; basdet, ond D. H. seconds. the senior four ’oversight she one ; Barry, Lewiston, third. xicKex or xne made round The Cunard The balloon sailed oft' to the southeast, TRADE MARK REGISTERED. oared one and one-half the agenxs union I'acme rail- trip. At this the result of the 20 mile shells, miles, then down three S. S. SLEEPER & CO., Boston point way did not receive instructions to allow company being heavily subsidized, coming miles away. Mr. Factory, road race was Bradford boat club also took first in 9 Pnulfl ar»nl vorlnon fimirrVifo fi-nrv. nln-Lf- jlyg announced and amid to the convention the Shattuck was severely shaken up and _eodlw cheers minutes and 30 seconds. The four delegates usual re- Lawrence rode upon the track, duction in fares and pounds to four. bruised. oared working boat race, one providing that a PINE TREE followed almost half a mile behind by H. juniors, In 1838 the first British steamer crossed DRIVING PARK. and one-half the committee of three communicate with The Dead Aeronaut. the third man not miles, Neponset rowing the Atlantic to our Gargin, Portland, the officials to have the mistake ports. In 1839 the Then club won, time 9 minutes, 50 seconds. In railway Mass., 4.—Prof. The Fourth showing up. Gargin commenced a Cunard line commenced service. Malden, July Augus- Celebrated by Gardiner Lovers the oared one and rectified. regular remarkable which end- junior eight shells, it an annual tus A. drowned from his balfoon of long, spurt, only Mr. Marion Cannon England gave subsidy of Rogers, Horseflesh. a half the Columbia of California pro- in ed when the tape was crossed at the miles, straightaway, In 1850 this was in- today Boston harbor, was born in Association tested against the resolution as exhibit- $425,000. subsidy a three miles in Rowing was first in 10 creased to IV olfboro. N. in 1830 and came finish; spurt length and a want of $550,000, then to $735,000,then H., to minutes. The last race, for senior ing independent spirit. Boston Gardiner, July 4.—The Pine Tree which enabled him to gradually but sure- eight in 1852 it was made $850,000. in 1862. He resided in Malden 13 close the oared shells, the Columbian Rowing As- His Vehement Denunciation and was a detective in Driving Park connected with the Pine ly up long distance between The Collins line subsidized by us, years private Bos- him and sociation won by about 30 lengths, in 9 ton for 10 He was Tree Farm at Lawrence. As lap after of the roads his was put on to this route in years. employed by stock Farmingdale was 45 seconds. brought audience to their the lap was rolled off he was seen to be stead- minutes, 1850. England didn’t hesitate a moment Eastern railroad in the capacity of to the for the first time feet several times. He said: “It is not opened public ily gaining, but no one believed he would Hanlan Beats Hosmer. to increase her subsidy to the Cunard private detective at the same time. He About 4000 accident that the had been an today. people were at the be able to overcome the long lead of half by Pacific coast dele- Line for the sole purpose of off aeronaut since 1870. Today’s Hartford, Conn., July 4.—Edward driving ascension SAVED HER LIFE, races. The track was very good consid- a mile which Lawrence had. But see, it gates were overlooked. Our for our line. The competition reduced was his 113th. He had made Hanlan defeated George H. Hosmer in a request 15 ascensions ering the hard rail last night The sum- is the last lap of the three miles on the freights 50 per and in from Boston and been pre- Mrs. Ij, A. Haskell of three mile shell race on the Connecticut the customary courtesy was denied de- cent., eight years Charlestowa, maries: track, and then came the noblest we ended the and the Collins cipitated into the harbor two or three Mass., Rescued from the Crare* spurt river this afternoon. and with insolence. The Dem- subsidy Green Class, of all. Before the home stretch was liberately Line died. times. In the past six or eight year* he Mrs. L. A. Haskell was a dreadful sufferer Auctioneer by Gen. Withers, C. A. reached Lawrence was ocrats and secured The has been in air from nervous Life was Hoyt passed, and down Republicans half fare steamers of the Peninsula and engaged sending up ‘hot debility. gradually Wintlirop.1 l i wasting She could walk, the track came Lawrence at the RAISED A CHURCH but we, the producers of the have Oriental balloons, having a woman from away. barely Manchester, W H Fairbanks, .2 2 2 Gargin, ROOF, earth, Steamship Company receive as jump became but a shadow of her former self. Augusta. last back been refused terms.” them with a He Jip, A. S. Church, Augusta.3 3 3 falling exhausted. Gargin won equal subsidy $1.20 a nautical mite, besides parachute. managed Prominent physicians could not her. three ascensions M help Time—3.06, 2.49, 2.49%. in 1 hour, 20 minutes and 29 And Livermore Falls Methodists Mr. Dean of New York moved that the mail pay to India and Australia. To es- today, one at Augusta, eeks in the country were of no avail. seconds, Narrowly 2.37 time that matter be before one at and Turned her footsteps sadly homeward. Class. good considering the roads Harm. brought the interstate tablish lines to the West Indies, Brazil, Me., Waltham, Mass., anoth- Escaped the fatal Family and friends felt anxious. Thought Gen. Briggs by Messenger Wilkes, must have been in poor condition on ac- commerce commission to see whether the Kiver Plate and the west er, one, at Boston. she must die. Country A friend recommended Hid* ■Briggs, Auburn.1 1 l count of recent rains. First prize, $20 the law permitted the railroads to dis- coast of South America, Great Britain don’s « Dan C. F. Magnetic Compound. Smuggler, Achoru, Cooper’s 2nd John G. fiiVBRMORE Falls, July 4.—A cyclone criminate in favor of one national the Mail Steam proved an angel helper. ’Twas the Good Mills.2 2 3 overcoat; prize, Lawrence, politi- paid Royal Packet Com- roof cal convention Samaritan in the hour of need. It rescued Grey Victor, G. W. Boggs, Windsor.4 5 5 travelling bag. Gargin broke his saddle Sunday lifted the off the Methodist against another. He pro- pany $1,3500,000 annually. her from the very brink of the grave. Un- Old Honesty, C. M. Guild, Augusta... .3 3 2 while on the road and lost considerable the posed using the matter for campaign pur- Now I do not propose to to intel- der date of Jan. church, congregation barely escaping argue 24, 1892, she says: “lam now Music, J. H. May, Boston. dr. time. That he should win after that is poses. The motion was carried. ligent men that in the in very excellent health—a testi- St James, James Nolan, Lewiston.6 4 4 the wreck. The storm formed a water- England, payment living remarkable. of these euormous annual monial to the rare worth of Hiddan’s Time—2.35%, 2.36%, 2JS8. Omaha, Neb., July 4.—Gen. Weaver sums, had in The mile start spout 50 feet high when it crossed the view the Magnetic Compound." They ail tell 2.27 Class. quarter safety flying was was nominated for President late tonight. encouraging of her the same story. Patients from the for blood from the here. merchant improve F. beginning. There Androscoggin Several mi- marine, rather than the car- very first dose. The flush of health returns. Walter D., B. Maxim, Wayne.2 1 1 people C. T. Stack- were seven entries and all started. death. IN EASTERN MAINE. of her mails. The sums They are soon well and strong. Our compound Dunard, Jr., by Cunard, raculously escaped rying paid, Gardiner.1 2 2 2 A the manner of is not a sarsaparilla. Do not confound it with pole, Liscomb Took the Lead heavy cyclone formed at Livermore paying, conclusively prove Ben B. F. & F. H. Au- They Rang Church Bells and Went to the such mixtures. It is a valuable all the year V., Briggs, Centre about 4 this afternoon, moved it to any mind open to conviction." Since ’round It cures burn.5 5 3 3 and it to the medicine. nervous diseases, kept finish, though not down James Atwood’s Races. the Crimean war has seen the rheumatism, heart Fred M., C. A. Marston Skowhegan.4 3 4 4 easterly, blowing England paralysis, disease, diseases to and of a naval of the liver and Volunteer,C. W. Beery, Augusta ...3 4 5 dr without having do lots of hard Frank Lindsey’s farm necessity reserve, and is pay- blood, kidneys, and stomach work, buildings. to the and Time—2.35, 2.33%, 2.31%, 2.34%. across the [Special Press.] now to a troubles of every name nature. Hid- winning in 36 2-5 seconds, fast time. Sweeping river, it mowed a ing annually large number of den’s Magnetio Compound sells on The famous stallion Nelson owned by path through through the woods 60 rods Bangob, July 4.—The Fourth in East- fleet passenger steamers from $35,000 to its merits. It does not to be boomed. First prize, medal; 2nd prize, E. G. Scul- require 0. H. Nelson of trotted an wide and blew down Mr. Morrison’s barn ern Maine In this $50,000 each, besides mail What A trial wins it new friends everywhere. Com- Waterville, passed quietly. city pay. exhibition mile in 2.23. The stallion ly, collar and cuff case; 3rd prize, travel- and one at Twelve Corners. The has been the result of this posed of carefully selected and scientifically cyclone bells were rung, a salute fired and the prohibition, it is a three owned toilet case. was followed a and of prepared roots, herbs and barks, natural Haley, years old, by W. I). ling by thunder shower. usual amount of fire crackers burned. A protection encouragement Eng- medicine. It cures in the natural way. If you Haley, South Gardiner, one of the fast- Willie Davis, Biddeford, won the half land? She built in 1889 85 per cent, of it once will recommend it. It to big excursion down the river to Fort try you always ssts of Nelson’s trotted an exhibi- mile foot race in 2.23 1-5. First Mr. Blaine tli© President. all the vessels launched in the world that is the coming medicine. Druggists. *1. BUY sons, prize, Point by the Ancient Order of Foresters tion mile in The Pine Tree track box of 2nd James year. She owns over one-half of- IT, TRY IT, ’TWILL DO YOU GOOD. If you 2.38J. cigars; prize, McGuire, Washington, July 4.—Ex-Secretary and friends ou the steamer Katalidin was today are sick do not to be one of the fastest in the umbrella. tlie and nearly one half of the delay. Try promises Biddeford, Blaine has sent the President a cordial enjoyed by 000 people. The sprinting tonnage state. The mile safety, state record, was of the of 34,000 steam and sailing ships of the _ very acknowledgement receipt his race at Fort Point between Prescott and closely contested and in many of and wlidle world. Miss Nora Kelleher Drowned. respects telegram sympathy condolence at McNamara excited great interest and POWDER the most event of the The death of exciting day. the time of the his son, Emmons much betting. Prescott won. The ex- Pure* Saco, July 4.—Miss Nora Kelleher of previous record was 2.54 and this was Blaine. The was sent BRIEFLY TOLD. Absolutely telegram the day cursionists had other sports. In Bangor A cream of tartar 3aco, 26, while bathing in Bidde- set as a time limit to be reduced. Brown baking powder. Highest of aged young Mr. Blaine died, but was not re- 2000 people went to Park to in fopd this was and Liseomb of Portland were Maplewood all leavening strength.—Latest United States Pool, afternoon, drowned. bunched ceived by Mr. Blaine until he returned to witness the races which Lawlor and his 12 foot HIDDEN MEDICINE CO.. Mass. were interesting. Capt. ocean Government Food Report. Newburyport, Her body was recovered. all along the course, and had a Bar Harbor after the many funeral in Chicago. The summaries follow; greyhound have reached St. John, N. B. Koval Bakisg Fo wdrr Co., 106 Wall st, N.Y I-'---— 1 DRY GOODS. ON THE BALL FIELD- Base hits—Pittsburg, 11; Baltimore, 7. Er- MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. rors—Pittsburg. 4: Baltimore, (S. Batteries— J Baldwin and Mack; McMahon, Robinson and Portland Players Twice Beaten by the Gunson. Second Game. l .e wist oils. The Grandest Greatest Health and Pleasure Resort Pittsburgs.2 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 1—10 Scenery, sumivTer vTsito^sT Baltimores.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0—2 Lewiston, 4.—Lewiston won Base 16: 4. Er- ON THE July hits—Pittsburg, Baltimore. CONTINENT. Sign of Gold Boot. from Portland in an con- rors—Pittsburg, 0; Baltimore. 3. Batteries— today exciting Terry and Miller; Foreman and Gunson. Unsurpassed Cuisine. test. McGuire was batted out of tbe LADIES’ THE MORSE Oxfords in box in the third innings and was replaced FAMILY MOVED. Wonderful Glen Springs. Stylish many styles and shades. by Welch, who was touched for one IV. Swansbourne, of the Boston only A Tornado Lifted Them House Symphony, and Their leader of orchestra. Slippers, Tlieo Ties and N. Y. scratch hit. Cray umpired satisfactor- Slippers in many shades, all sizes in Buekfield. and half sizes. ily. Attendance 1800. The score: OPEI Jt'XE 35th. LADIES’ LEWISTON'S. Russet Boots and [Special to the Press.l Oxfords. AB. B. B. TB. PO. A. E. and Post Office in house. __ after- Telegraph jul7,3mo CHILDIUEilV’S, MISSES’ and LADIES’ Sheehan, f. 4 0 0 Buckfield, July 4.—Yesterday 2 2 0 O For Russet Boots •' further information and circularsaddress C. R. and Oxfords. i/ Mullen, cf. 5 2 1 1 0 O 1 noon an onimous looking cloud made its MIIXIK.BN, Prop. Cook, If. 4 2 3 8 2 0 O appearance in the northeast corner of LADIES’ •I. Lezotte, lb. 3 3 2 3 0 0 O New Style Blucher Front Face. Webster, ss. 5 1 2 5 10 1 1 Buckfield near the Paris line and swept McDermot, 2b.... 5 0 1 1 2 1 O LADIES’ DR. WARNER’S down With a roar and noise like an McCormick, 3b_3 1 1 1 1 3 0 ap- New and Blucher Oxfords. MeGuire. 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Stylish p. proaching train of cars, striking and in- Welch, p. 3 0 O 0 O 0 0 Well IVEXHM’Si c. the barn of A. Donohue, 4 0 0 u 4 o o stantly demolishing large j P. F. Bals, all widths, sizes and half sizes, price $6.80. E. it struck the Totals. 36 12 10 19 27 6 2 Bessey. Continuing, Celebrated farm KEEP ooom. Corsets. of Herman PORTLANDS. buildings Morse, level- by wearing Brown’s Russets, Oxfords and Blucher Bals. AB. R. B. TB. PO. A. E. ing the barn, ell and ice house, and lift- Posted YOUTHS’ and BOYS’ Annis, If. 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 ing the dwelling house, with the family Is the like William Footwear. O’B ien, cf.. 2 2 O O 2 0 1 iu it, and moving it 20 feet from its foun- man, who, Stylish Rogers, l'o.... 3 2 1 1 15 1 0 dation. In the barn were a mare and E. of 2b. 4 1 colt, Currier, Kennebunk, Me., Clymer. 1 4 3 2 O but both into the field DR. WARNER’S Carey,; ss&p. 4 0 0 0 1 6 1 escaped adjoining knows what he needs and where S!GN 0F G0LG boot. Burns.3b. 4 0 3 5 3 3 0 without injury. None of the family D Q r^!M#SU Platt, c. 4 O o O 2 2 O were hurt. On its devastating course to get it. Mr. Currier was sick Tobin, p&rf. 4 O 0 0 1 1 1 eastward,three-fourths of a mile 4 o 0 0 O 0 0 further, for 5 years with severe stomach Kelley, p&ss. the tornado levelled the barn of Virgil trouble. BROWiM,461 D. Then he tried CongressSt. Coraline Corsets. Totals. 34 6 6 11 27 15 3 Bieknell in which were seven horses. BRANCH STORE, Innings....1 2 3456789 Owing to the amount of hay over their were from the fall- The LewfstOUS.0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 5—12 stalls, they protected ALLEN'S Union 944 merit an£ popularity of Dr. Warner’s ; Station.. ° Street. Portlands.2 O 4 0 0 0 O 0 0—6 ing timbers and all Pro- Congress eodtf Coraline Corsets is attested the fact that the escaped injury. by ceeding over the hill the storm struck sales have now reached $2,000,000 annually base hits—j. Lezotte, Burns, 2. Three base the of North SARSAPARILLA. and village Buckfield, raising axe increasing rapidly year by year. hit—Cook. Home runs—Cook, Webster, Cly- the barn and ell of the swallow hits— stand, He has taken two mer, McDermott. Sacrifice viullen. Web- KVVP.fi 111 no* tlffi timliprs a.nrl pavriairoc bottles and ster 2, Clymer. Stolen bases—Tezotte 2, Don- the he is cured — ahue, McCormick, O’Brien. First base on er- river and twisting off elm trees 18 says good appe- — WILSON UK. 2. Hit inches & WAKNtlt S DUG rors—Lewiston, 3; Portland, pitched in diameter as if were CO UUKStlS. by tite O’Brien. they pipe feels perfectly well. ball—By Carey, Sheehan; by Welch, stems. From there,it struck the hillside Fifty cent Corsets are sold without any profit Passed balls—Donahue 2. Strvck out—By Mc- of the Morrill pasture, THE GROCERS. to the manufacturer and almost without profit Guire, Carey 2, Platt, Tobin 2; by Welch, An- tearing large 128 Doses 50 Cents; nis. Rogers 2, Clymer. Burns, Carey, Tobin; by boulders from the earth and leveling to the merchant. Nevertheless there is a large Carey, Welch. Umpire, Cray. Time 1.40. trees, one of which struck a brood mare All demand for 60c Corsets, and we challenge com- Druggists. , The Forenoon to N. E. her Warner’s Game. belonging Morrill, injuring parison between Dr. fancy strip Cor- so Allea’s that she cannot stand. In this pos- Sarsaparilla Co., Woodfords, Mo. i FOR THE sets and any others at similar prices ever offer- In the forenoon the Lewistons played ture the wind seems to have spent its Boston 125 Broad ed to the Office, St. | public. the Portlands in this city and defeated force after travelling about two miles SEA them 5 to 4. from a northwest to a southeast course SHORE, and taking in a about live rods 6. strip Dr. Warner’s Coraline Corsets 1.00. Woonsockets, 17; Pawtuckets, wide. The remarkable feature of it is PICNIC Woonsocket, July 4.—Woonsocket that no lives were lost or persons injured PARTIES, The loss will won by terrific hitting this morning. At- bodily. aggregate nearly or is severe on tendance 2000. quite $5,000,and especially HOTELS, Mr. Herman Morse, who is a poor man Wooiisoeket..3 11101100 0—8 with a sick and he is Pawtucket... 4 000000200—6 family, virtually homeless. YACHTS, Base hits—Woonsocket, 21; Pawtucket, 9. Errors—Woonsocket, 3; Pawtucket, 7. Bat- teries—Svllivan and Burrill; Lynch and Con- THE DAY IN FREEPORT. We are for naughton. headquarters everything Fantastics and Athletics Pleased One Salems, 6; Brocktons, 4. MANUFACTURERS OF THE in imported and domestic at Thousand groceries Brockton, July 4.—Salem won a hot- People, ly contested game this morning as fol- ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. [From Our lows: Regular Correspondent.] The celebration here today was one of Salems.1 0101012 x— 6 lestr ireW indowScreensand airs the ever ScreenD best had in MdSliW Broektons....3 0000001 0—4 town. The out- IW THE WORLD. Base hits—Salem, 6; Brocktons, 7. Errors— look in the early morning for a good day Salem, 3; Brockton, 3. Batteries—Killeen and Our patent spiral spring attachment i* withouta as was not rival, its Bergen; Doe and Burke. very promising, Soon, however, j method of application renders the adjustment of the screens per- the clouds and the Woonsockets, 8; Pawtuckets, 4. began clearing away fectly simple and easy, and experience has fully proven that in c WILSON all & that could wish, and retention CO day proved anyone lurability of spring power it leads all others. Pawtucket, July 4.—Pawtucket won The came to town from all direc- people Measures taken and estimates furnished for orders of any size this afternoon’s game field- tions, and it is estimated that there were I or small. ST. This-is the most popular $1.00 Corset ever by superior arge wjE8aCOBLAJVga-B 1000 here. The as manufactured. It is made in two lengths, medi- ng. Attendance 1700. people programme, previously was um and extra long, and in white, drab and Woonsockets.0 1 0 0 1 3 2 0 X— 7 arranged, successfully carried out. The fastastics made a black. Pawtuckets.0 00003010—4 the awarded be- PORTLAND Ba-e hits—Woonsocket, 7; Pawtucket, 9. grand showing, prizes SCREEN CO., Errors—Woonsocket. 3; Pawtucket, 6. Bat- ing §10 to the Freeport Gun Club Band OFFICE AND FACTORY, DR. WARNER’S teries—Kilroy ami Burrill; Callery and Con- and $5 to the of the laugliton. delegates county convention. j 53 Manchesters, The athletic HANOVER ST., ME. Four-in-Hand Coraline Corsets 1.00. 5; Lowells, 4, sports touched the popular “yl7 PORTLAND,'eodtf and were well : --——— fancy attended and well .. --I— I ‘- Ladies who have Drge hips and those who Manchester, July 4.—Manchester received. They resulted: Gray. have trouble with their Corsets breaking down ixrnn n dIacp rrama fliic mAvninrr* 100 dash—Levi Dan Mc- &TH-LO-PHO-ROS will And the Four-in-Hand. yard Patterson, first; [From our Regular Correspondent.] especially, adapted Vlanchesters..04000010 0—5 Millan, secoud; Robert E. Soule, third. The one to their needs. It gives a graceful is' [.dwells.1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1—4 Pole vault—Dan McMillan,- first, 8 feet 3 At the regufaS? meeting of Mystic Di- figure, Standard and rrncsi navis, I ieui ill Indies. "J" Scientific Specific very comfortable and is a special favorite with Base hits—Manchester, 7; Lowell, 7. Errors menus; sccunu, 'ision, S. of *F.!, July these officers -Manchester. 4. Batteries—Wheel- Standing broad jump—Dan 2, a large class of ladies. Made in white and drab, 3; Lowell. McMillan, first; Remedy for sr and Guinasso; McCarthy and McAuley. Benj. Coffin, second. vere elected: jj-f Purchase Running high jump—Divided between Dan P.—Jennie O. Large Lowells, 5; Manchesters, 1. W, Allen, McMillan. Benj. Coffin and Levi Patterson. W., A.—John H, Allen. L DR. WARNER’S broad RHEUMATISn, Lowell, July 4.—The Lowells played Running jump—Dan McMillan, first, 17 R. S.—Albert Pennell. feet; Levi Patterson, second. A. R. S.-Abbie SI Pennell. i this ° great game afternoon. The atten- 220 yards dash—Levi Patterson, first; Dan F. S.—Ernest H. Allen. 444 Coraline Corsets McMillan, second. NEURALGIA, 1.25. lance was 3500. The score: Treas.—David F, Huston. Half mile bicycle race—Kerbin Dinscomb, Chap.—Franklin Maxfteld. They are French strip Corsets, designed af- .owells.0 0100040 x— 5 Walter and Kindred Diseases. first; Dennison, second. Con,—Edith M. Allen. II ter the latest Paris fashions. They are con- danchesters.0 0000010 0—1 Mile bicycle race—Will|Orne, first; G. O. Reed, Ass’t Con.—Mabel second. Knight. structed throughout of the finest English Sat- Base hits—Towell, 4; Manchester, 4. Errors I. S.—George Black. Prompt relief; permanent cure. 0; Manchester, 5. Batteries—Eud- Putting the shot—Frank McMillan, first, 28 O. S.—Charles E. Allen. 0 FllfE teen, are light in and -Lowell, wreight long waisted, giv- ] Morse and Guinasso. feet 3 inches; Robert E. Soule, second. lerhgmand McCauley; These officers will be mg a lady a neat and graceful form. Throwing the base ball—I.evi Patterson, first, installed Satur- R Sold by all druggists. $1 per bottle; 6 for $5. Salems, 4; Brocktons, 2. 370 Walter second. 365 feet. t Beautiful free JCHIS. feet; Dennison, lay night, July 9, by D. G. W. F. John picture to any address. Potato race—Ernest Davis, first; Dan Mc- 4.—Salem I. Allen. Salem, July bunched its Millan, second. e THE ATHLOPHOROS COMPANY, DR. WARNER’S The weather continues to be New Conn. Balance of a Wholesale Stock. lits and won this afternoon. Attendance extremely Haven, The Goodwill Home. vet, heavy showers occurring on Sunday ,450. tfternoon and But little Janl6 Tu,Th,S.ceS6mnrm Coraline Health Corsets 1.25. Fairfield, 4.—The annual meet- ! night. hoeing Salems.0 0003010 0—4 July las been of the Goodwill Home done and it will be impossible This is the and most standard Irocktons.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0— 2 ing Association of 32 inches made to sell for largest selling o do any for some time on land, Special Meeting: Stockholders. wide, Corset in the world. was held at the home today and was heavy Millions attest its merits. Base hits—Salem, 7r Brockton, 7. Errors— will be 37 l-2c, within-two picks as fine as 1 attended. The of the of- hops, particularly. potatoes, The stockholders of the Fort Pavne Coal and The elnstio Coraline busts insure an elegant Salem, 1; Brockton, 2. Batteries—O’Neil and largely reports lergen; Lincoln and Burke. ficers showed that nearly $6000 had been 1 ;reatly damaged by the unprecedented Iron Company are hereby notified that a special the “Anderson” Scotch Ginghams that form and well fitting dress. Made in medium vet weather. meeting of the stockholders will be held at the contributed and for the sell for Beautiful Scotch and and in black expended sup- office at Fort Payne, Alabama, at 10 40c, styles, long waists, white, drab, and John H. Allen,and wife have gone to company’s The National port of the work, the past year a o’clock m the forenoon of Tuesday, the 26th fast colors. Our for all ventilating. League. being i'almouth Foreside to a few price styles, large increase over any spend days day of July, 1892, to attend to the following Dr. Warner’s Genuine Coraline The following games were played in previous year. ; vith Hunt at his business: without the Improved The old board of officers was re-elected George cottage. We limiting quality, Corsets better value and better he National will better 1— To see if the stockholders will consent to give service for League yesterday: with the that Mr. T. H. lope they have weather than execption Thurs- ; the issue of Company bonds to an amount suf- the money than any others. AT CHICAGO. ve have had ton of Portland was chosen to succeed lately. ficient to take up all outstanding bonds, off Delbert Hunt of Portland and pay First Game. Charles Dunn, Jr., of the same as sister, all liabilities and provide a suitable working city diss Mabel and consent an ,'hicagos.1 o 1 o 0 O 0 O 0— 2 director. Hunt of Deering Centre, capital, that such issue of bonds 16 2-30 shall a VKl few Yolks.0 lassed the be seemed by conveyance, or 3 1 2 0 0 0 5 x—11 _ 1 Sabbath with friends in West mortgage Dr. Warner’s Perfection Waists. trust deed of the Base returned company property; if such hits—Chicago, 5; New York, 17. Er- Swept Over the Falls to Heath. iray. They home Sunday consent is then to fix the amount for These justly popular Waists are made of fine I New 1. given, ors—Chicago, 0; York, Batteries— light, Miss Edith M. Allen which such bond shall and to direct as to 1 iumbert and Lewiston, July 4.—This a ! accompanying issue, satteen, and fastened by flexible tape in place Schrlver: Eussie, Boyle and morning hem. the time and of rate of inter- named was place payment, of steel loyle. German, Shultz, est and or kind of clasps. They are provided with thin picking Misses Jennie L. Pennell and Bertha manner security, and to act in Second Game. drift wood above the falls. He lost con- and all matters flexible steels in front and on the any relating thereto. sides, but , t. have to View Ihicagos.1 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 3—12 trol of his boat and was swept over. The Twombly gone Bay 2— To see if the stockholders will vote to sell these can be removed if desired. few Yorks.1 o act as table in summer all the and franchises of the j. 3100000 0—5 boat was crushed. had been girls the hotel property company He. in the to Base New 7. here. any person or corporation- and fix the rTubby, hits—Chicago, 12; York, Errors country only six weeks and was manner ana terms of such -Chicago, 0; New York, 6. Batteries—Hutch- getting : time, place, sale, and a home for his wife and six act in and all matters thereto. ■ usou and Schriver; Crane and Doyle. ready chil- any relating JACKSON FAVORITE WAIST dren now in whom he was 3— To see if the stockholders will vote to con- Street. AT CLEVELAND. Germany about Congress solidate with one or more other mining, quarry- ]e30 dtf lias an international to send for. reputation, and embraces First Game. ing or manufacturing corporations, and act in and all matters many features which no other Waist embodies. I llevelands.0 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 2— 9 any relating thereto. Two Vessels Wrecked. 4— To see if the stockholders will vntn t,, It is designed to meet the requirements of la- -Vashingtons.0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0— 2 Batii, July 4.—Schooner John H. uuce tne par value ol the shares of the capital dies who cannot comfortably wear a stiff and Base hits—Cleveland, 15; Washington, s. stock to fifty dollars each, the irrors—Cleveland, 0; 2. Batter- Moore, of is on making capital rigid Corset. While it can be worn with as Washington, Philadelphia, Norton, two and one-lialf millions of dollars, or amend and Knell and es—Guppy Zimmer; Milligan. the rocks at Small Point. She went the company charter so as to that much comfort as an ordinary dress waist, provide the Second Game. ashore Saturday when bound up the riv- par value of shares shall be fifty dollars instead yet it will give the same elegance of contour as of one hundred dollars. llevelands..1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0— 3 er to load ice. She is full of water. The the heaviest boned 5— To see if the Corset. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 X— 4 stockholders will vote to ■Vashingtons.3 schooner Commodore Tucker of CAN EAT amend the of Sold us. Bangor by-laws the company. only by Base 9; 7. Er- is a total wreck at hits—Cleveland, Washingtons, Popham beach. She 6—-To act upon any other business that may ors—Cleveland, 4; Washingtons, 4. Bat- was hound to legally come before the and Bangor. meeting. eries—Eettger O’Connor; Killeen and Mc- By order of the directors. Dated this 25th ; nire. day of June, 1892. l-tHHIS W Aid Id. AT ST. MAINE TOWNS. LOUIS. W. P. KICK, President. First Game. W. T. We carry the most popular styles of the Fer- Items of Interest Gathered DUNN, Secretary. by Corres- d3t ris Waists for ladies and it. Louis.4 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0—9 BURROWES’ IMPROVED misses. of the Press. jya__ 3hiladelpliias... .0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0— 2 pondents Base hits—St. Louis, 11; Philadelphia, 10. Vlnalhaven,' Errors—St. Kouis, 2; 2, Batier- Philadelphia, our If Dr. Warner’s Summer Corsets es—Galvin and Buckley; Keeie and Cross. [From regular correspondent.] It Is made with Second Game. The following delegates were chosen at are this better than ever before. year The the caucus w it. Louis....0 10 0 here to ire Screens 0020 0—3 Republican Saturday thread lace netting used in them is far superior Philadelphias.-.l 0300200 x— 6 attend the county convention held at in and to Strength! Vitality! appearance durability any other net- Base hits—St. Louis, 4; Philadelphia, 9. Kr- Rockland July 7: Dr. E. H. Lyford, T. ting ever employed for Summer Corsets. They ■ors—St. Louis, 3; Philadelphia, 2. Batteries— J. Lyons, Fred E. Littlefield, J. A. Davis, are boned with Coraline. ileason, Breitenstein and Buckley. Carsey and F. Jross. L. Carver. F. S. Walls, Chas. Little- L. P. AT I.OUISVILLE. field, Berry, W. S. Vinal, Geo. S. Cottolene First Game. Carver. The 50c. SUMMER CORSETS. Louisvilles.0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0— 0 labor trouble here remains about Biooklyus...... 0 0102001 x— 4 the same. While the Bodwell Granite Our new 60c. Summer Corsets are equal in Instead of Base 7. Er- Company have a few non-union men at to those we sold last hits—Louisvilles, 4; Brooklyn, quality season at 76c. 6; 1. Batteries— work in thair at the KNOW THYSELF. ■ors—Louisvilles, Brooklyn, quarry Sands, the A new and They are made of good netting and line satine Viau and Stein and Or SELF-PRESERVATION. only Dowse; Daily, union men here are as determined to Gold MediflPRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and strips and are excellent shape. Second Game. stand out as when they first went out, PHYSICAL DEBILITY. ERRORS of Louisvilles.01100010 1—4 June 1. YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE- DECLINE, and all DISEASES Brooklyns.02210020 x— 7 LARD, MATURE Mrs. E. L. Folsom of and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 pages, cloth, Base hits—Louisville. 31. Minneapolis, R. & G. CORSETS. 6; Brooklyn. Er- Minn., who has been visiting her parents, gilt; 1S6 Invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 •ors—Louisville, 4; Brooklyn, 1. Batteries— mall, double sealed. Descriptive Stratton and Mr. and Mrs, C. B. started and Pie will be by Prospect- We have quite a full line of these celebrated Sanders, Dowse; Haddock and Vinal, here, the ns with endorsements for her mrr I CCWn Daly. home last Friday, her mother ac- ct the Press and voluntary I Corsets, which we are selling at close prices. AT pKp h Jr.TYm CINCINNATI. companying her as far as Boston. testimonials of the cured. I !!!■■■ ■ NUW, First Game. The steamer V inalhaven, which arrived Consultation In person or by mail. Expert treat- Bostons.I ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER- 03 0 C010 0— 5 here Saturday night, is a very fine look- FRENCH C. P. CORSETS. Jncinnatis.1 5000003 x— 9 ing steamer. On her arrival a large com- BETTER. )UR SCREEN FACTORIES ARE THE iiase hits—Boston, 7; 9. Er- Boston, Mass. LARGEST IN THE WORLD We have a broken lot that are closed Cincinnatis, pany of our citizens on the being •ors—Boston, 7; Cincinnatis, 4. Batteries— gathered The Peabody Medical Institute has many 1ml- BIIEEOWE8' IMPROVED WIRE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS are made from out at less than import cost. Siehols and Bennett; Chomberlain and wharf, throwing bouquets on board, tators, but no equal.— Herald. tock which has been In preparation from one to three years. Every part of the work is done Vaughan. cheering, firing guns, etc. v ;V The Scienoe of Life, or Self-Preservation, is a < arefully and systematically (in large rooms thoroughly equipped with machinery) by ex- Second Game. Rev. W. E. Gaskin, pastor of the Union treasure moro valuable than gold. Read it now, ] lerienced screen makers. We have already this year screened more than one hundfed miles of WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to 1 me residences. iincinnattis.3 2 100000 0—6 church commences his Manufactured every here, vacation only by be STRONG .—Medical Review. (Copyrighted.) Bostons.0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 2— 7 this week. He, with his family, go to I Base hits—Cincinnati, 7; Boston, 7. Errors— N. H., to this week at the dec3 Our Prices Are tlie 7. Nashua, spend N. K. FAIRBANKS. CO., eod&wl Lowest, iiecinnati, 8; Boston, Batteries—Dwyer old home of Bhamberlain and Stivetts |liis parents. Mr. Gaskin md our screens will wear at least three times as as made screens. There is some Vaughan; and’ and long oheaply j. Bennett. will not close his church his va- CHICAGO, lifterence between a Portland made carriage and one in the but there is a during made West, greater WANTED. between our screens and rTIjibby, AT PITTSBUItG. cation, but has decided to be here and lifference the cheaper grades that are sold at prices in advance of 1 6 Central Wharf, Beaton. a Boston Publishing a »urs. We make screens to order only and will send men to show First Game. hold his usual services on Sun- House, manager samples, give estimates, or morning BY for -jur business In Maine, one who can 1 ake measures. Street. 3 At the Congress Pittsburgs.02 20000 0—7 days. morning service Sunday procure and handle agents, security required, je20 dtf Baltimores.0 0 2 o 0 o 0 3 0—5 last, three were confirmed by Mr. Gaskin. state salary expect»o-***«ss J. A. if., Press office. E. T. BURROWES & CO., 70 FREE PORTLAND MAINE. jyleod3t Ju7 ST., eod2m dry goods. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. of her DRY GOODS. MISCELLANEOUS. A NOBLE DESIRE. into Morenito’s palm the jretals lilies and roses, which in falling turned, May I reach each leaf, into a piece of money, and That purest heaven, be to othpr souls which caused him such joy that he The cup of strength in somo'great agony. Another Grand Sale in Close Out tie Stock. rubbed his and sat and lo! Bargain Enkindle generous ardor, feed pure love. eyes up; Beget the smiles that have no cruelty— from one of his hands—oh, wonderful a I case 10c Printed Challies 6 l-4c. Be the sweet presence of good diffused. miracle!—a white piece escaped and fell And in diffusion even more intense. with silvery ring to the stones. jmibiy; I case $5.00 Toilet Quilts $3.75. So shall 1 the choir invisible, join I case 10c Printed Cambric 8c. Whose music is the gladness of the world. He could believe neither eyes nor ears —George Eliot. at first. He stooped and raised it. It Best Cocheco Prints 5c. was a beautiful, new and shining five Steel Scissors, all sizes, 25c. JIAAITO. peseta piece! The virgin, then, had not Ruchings at half price. deceived him! She had told him the Leather Shopping half price. truth—he could to the corrida on Bags go Portmonnaies half price. Easter Great morning! Sale Colored Dress Coods half price. One and he was down the steps leap Nice Vases half There lived at Seville, in the faubourg and running with all his legs for the price. Colored Lansdown 80c, worth $1.25. ftjjiugrnU of Triana, a youth of some sixteen years Plaza de Toros. 6-4 Plaid worth $1.25. • called Juanito el Morenito. Suddenly, as he turned the comer of Cloakings 69c, A Brief Narrative Orphaned of father and mother, he the Calle San Pablo, he ran against a Brown, Creen and Blue Faille Silk for dresses 85c, Triana worth Five Brothers Plug Tobacco is had grown up sturdily as a wild weed young girl of the faubourg, whom $1.25. the Best Chewing Tobacco that that pushes itself forth from the stones he had known since childhood, and who Wine, Drab, Blue, Creen and Peacock Satin Rhadame was La Chata. She was and — of the Triana some- called can be made the choicest pavements, sleeping pale 75c, worth $1.25. times under the beautiful some- sad, and her great black eyes were full of the stars, UNDERWEAR Antique Lace Tidies 7 and 13c, worth 20c and 30c. selections COTTON highest grade times in the stable of a posada, nourish- of tears. Leaf used in connection Fans for graduating classes, very cheap. Tobacco, ing himself upon a handful of sweet “What is it, Chata—what is it?” de- with Ladies’ Colored Ribbed Hose 25c, former price 75c. absolutely pure ingredients acorns or a fritter half manded Juanito quickly; “tell me!” “ “ purchased price Misses’Fancy Cotton 8, 12 1-2,15c, 50,62,75c to produce a flavor and from a strolling vender, and for a “My mother,” responded she, “is ill, pleasant doing The best 25c Fast Black Hose in the world. a chew. We want living a thousand and one haphazard for two days and nights now, I have palatable your 15 inch White worth the most lucrative of neither eaten nor slept. The doctor of a Brocade Sash Ribbon $1.25, $2.50. Ask for Five Brothers jobs, which, per- Brief Few judgment. Description Leading Our discount sale of Handkerchiefs will be con- the sale of at came this morning and ordered new special Plug. Use it once, and we be- haps, being programmes the doors of the theaters. remedies, and I am going to the botica tinued this week. lieve you will always use it. KTXJMIHE3R.S. A handsome lad, too, in spite of his now; though it is useless to go, the JOHN FIHZER & tattered garments, with luminous eyes, druggist will give me no more credit. J- 3VC- dyer «fc OO. BROS., Louisville, Ky. smiling mouth, close curling hair, and What shall I do, Juanito? What shall 1 jy4dtfnrmtopcol a deeply sunburned skin that had won do? If the bells ring for her, they will him the surname of Morenito. How- ring for me too—for I will not survive TO ever, for that matter, there was really her!” CARD THE PUBLIC. a strain of gypsy blood in his veins, and Morenito stood pensive a moment, his NIGHT r DRAWERS, like all gitanos he was of an independ- luminous gaze plunged deep into the wei JjOBES. of the then ent nature, loving vagabondage for its eyes weeping Chata; brusque- 25c. endless freedom, and crazy about bull ly he drew the white piece from his DRAWERS. the miraculous five fights. pocket, peseta piece, 38c. Made of good cotton, 4 tucks, /PONireV Tin +• aloof tVio Tvtnmitvv nf fha TiaIv and pressed it into the hand of his little Night Robes, cambric one lot with ruffles, superior Friday saw Morenito waken in morose friend. good cotton, ruffle neck, shape and fit. and gloomy humor. All during the “Take it, nina mia,” said he; “take front and sleeve. Passion week the theaters had of course this money; it came to me from the Vir- 38c. DRAWERS. PHOTOGRAPHS. Mr. J. H. Lantson informs his old (extract) been closed, and he, in consequence un- gin de la Esperanza, and the bonita friends and that he lias the well- will not patrons repurchased able to continue his business of pro- madre be vexed if I nse it tc Good 5 tucks and wide 50c. cotton, known DAMSON STUDIO, and has added novelties gramme selling, did not at the moment cure thy mother.” Night Robe, many hamburg trimmings, and one of VCURES/ a cuorto in his La Chata was so that she 18 lace sleeve and to the already very complete appointments this famous possess pocket. overjoyed tucks, neck, lot Lonsdale with broad hem All the more was he sensible of his did not for a word of bu1 and one lot 12 Photo establishment. Having visited most of the leading stop thanks, front, tucks, and four tucks. poverty, as on Easter morning a superb ran without turning to the druggist’s pointed collar, cambric ruffle, studios of our largest cities, during his absence, and been corrida of with Mazzantini and in he Piles' bulls, shop. collar and sleeves, 50c. DRAWERS. actively engaged in his profession California, feels Frascuelo as spadas, was to be held in Truly it was written that Morenitc better prepared than ever before to insure his patrons the Seville; and now, the emptiness should not to the Easter bull course. Boils seeing go Best cotton, 5 tucks, wide ham- most satisfactory work, especially as he will give every of his purse, he was going to be deprived But as there are always compensations burg trimming and one lot sitter his personal attention. STUDIO, No. 5 Temple Street, of his favorite spectacle. in this world he did not on that account 65c. Wounds Night Robe, Lonsdale with 4 clusters of tucks opposite Falmouth Hotel, Portland, Me. But may be after all it was not too pass a less gay Sunday. 30 tucks in dtl very good cotton, of 4 maylG was On that tucks each. Also out sizes late; fortune perhaps still to be day Chata’s mother was bet- tucked cuffs hnd sailor Bruises yoke, that arc found in the streets of the city. ter, and the young girl came to the usually hard to find. Hope po- collar, and one lot tucked ham- returned with the thought, and with a sada court to find and thank him for the Sunburn burg and insertion yoke, ham- murmured prayer to the Virgin do la service that he had done them. She had 65c. DRAWERS. GONSTANT MOTION burg sleeve and broad collar. Soreness Esperanza, to whom he was greatly de- also made for herself a festival garment, Best cotton, ] 0 narrow and one voted, Morenito shook the rim of straw and with the rest of the Blessed Virgin’s wide tuck, broad Sprains that alone remained upon his curly locks, money bought two blood red roses foi hamburg and hurried from the stable in which her raven tresses, and then she and Mo- 75c. trimming. for the ho had made his bed renito had to stroll the Guad- Night Robe, night upon gone along Chafing very handsome hamburg Inser- a heap of fodder. alquiver under the flowering orange 75c. DRAWERS. Keeps Water tion and tucked yoke, hamburg ■ Sore Eyes The morning was magnificent. Against trees of the Alameda. and tucked full and one Best cotton, 10 tucks, 3 rows a blue, spatfkling sky the slender rose Spring had put I know not what flame sleeve, -I3XT THE- lot low torchon feather fine wide ham- Sore Feet tower of thiv Giralda stood out with the in Chata’s black eyes, and perhaps, too neck, trimmed, edge, clearness oi a delicate cameo; the streets a tender sentiment had lent its aid t< with 24 tucks, torchon and burg trimming, and one lot line Mosquito Bites already wdre full of people arriving this illumination. I only know thai tucked sleeve. hmstitcheed hamburg trim- from 'the country to view the proces- when they found themselves in a se ming. Also tine lines up to Hemorrhages sions of th9 Confradias, and already, eluded corner formed by the myrtle $1.50. BEST CONDITION! _ too, on,the Square of the Toros, a long thickets, the young girl brusquely threw Inflammation tail of purchasers eagerly besieged the her arms around Morenito’s neck -with i 88c. Night Robe, office “of location”—a sight that, you frank: elaborately tucked and insertion And a constant flow of frade keeps a stock in the best condition. We may readily believe, did not lessen the “I love thee, comrade!” yoke, low neck effect, tucked CORSET COVERS. no our AVOID SUBSTITUTES bitterness of his keen regret. And that while the bells rang out the and hamburg sleeve, and one have dead stock because stock never stands still. for For four lpng, weary hours Juanito carols the Easter service, the lips oi lot 4 rows line insertion, 6 broad GENUINE MADE ONLY BY of the these two children It is and in. beat the pavement Rue de la tasted their first kiss tucks, hamburg and insertion always flowingout flowing the 12 1-2c. CORSET COVERS. Sierpes, sniffing the odor of fritters of love.—Translated from the French oi &| Aavrp and cinnamon cakes and Andre Theuriet E. C. FORD'S EXTRACT CO., neV0T"okndon sputtering by Mrs. Waggenei Plain, well made, of the best in the or for Short Stories. browning boiling oil, following material. nov7T.T&S&wcS in the wake of the toreadors slowlyi promenading and strutting the flagging Gave Him Plenty of Boom. $1.00 Americans haven’t much Night Robe, the care molded, as it 17c. CORSET COVERS. before doors, they reputation 20 tucks in clusters, front and had been melted and poured into theii for veneration and in the genera' back, long pointed hamburg Fine cambric, hamburg neck. short velvet jackets and tight fitting scramble are not noted for courtesy tc collar, and cuffs. One breeches. one another, but one day recently, wher hamburg the lot 14 hemstitched tucks, V neck 25c. CORSET COVERS. Vainly had he racked his brains seek- mercury suddenly fell off thirty GIVEN AWAY an honest means of the nec- points and the wind was front and back, hemstitched ing gaining tripping along Fine cambric and best cotton, essary pesetas, vainly sought to affiliate at the average rate of fifty to sixty miles tuck aud hamburg sleeve. One V shape, square and high neck, himself with the venders that cried the an hour, and two or three times fastei lot 32 tucks in clusters, V neck, hamburg neck. to customers purchasing goods to the amount of 10.00, Ten Dollars worth programmes of the processions and the in spots, there was witnessed a scene or elaborately tucked and hem- names of the different brotherhoods. crowded Broadway near the postofficc stitched hamburg cuff. or at any one time. All the places were filled in advance, that reversed all of this. An honest 38c. CORSET COVERS. upwards they rebuffed him everywhere. sober, upright workman passed along Fine cambric, high neck, elab- At last, unable to stand it longer, his and the courtesy with which he was trimmed with stomach empty, his hack broiled by the treated on all sides spoke volumes foj $1.25 Night Robe, orately hamburg, low w'ith sun, he turned aside into the Plaza de American politeness. broad tucks, front and back, neck, hainburg front. MEN’S SUITS. la Constitucion, where the processions No matter how roughly the icy wine wide hamburg collar and cuff. would come to a and with the probably stand, played mob, the individua One lot solid insertion and 50c. CORSET COVERS. Men’s All wool Suits at 8.00,10.00, 18.00 under one of the of the members of the latter bowed $6.00, 12.00, 15.00, finding portals right anc tucked yoke, insertion sleeve. and 20.00. Mr. S. A. ESTES Audiencia a corner full of shadow, he left to this honest workman. He wa> Fine cambric and cotton, high One lot broad tuck front and Odd Pants at l.OC decided to rest there while awaiting the bowlegged and dirty too. They migh and low neck, V shape and $1.00, 1.25,1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, Is one of Waterville’s most Popular back, sailor collar, hamburg passage of the Confradias. jostle each other, but not him. For he square, hamburg and torchon and 5.00. and feather trimmed col- Shoe Dealers. “He that sleeps well dines well,” says carried a pane of glass about 18 inchei edge trimmed. Men’s Spring Overcoats at $1.50. 5.98, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, lar and the and in wide and 5 feet And the wind oc and cuff, tine lines up Testifies I have used Spanish proverb, Morenito, long. 15.00, 18.00 and 20.00. default of breakfast, treated himself to casionally caught it and shied it, shining to $3.30. 75c. CORSET COVERS. a good, thick slice of dozing. Soon he and shifting in the sunshine, to one side Groder’s Botanic Fine cambric and cotton, high Dyspepsia Syrup, slept and slept profoundly, and, my and the other, and sent its nervous bear BOYS’ SUITS. and I think it is the best medicine faith I but he was handsome sleeping er swing around in the vicious eddies and low neck front and back, for Biliousness, Indigestion, Constipa- thus; stretched full length on the broad, filling his eyes with dust, as if intern square and V shape, hamburg tion and Stomach trouble that I ever tried. Pant Suits at white stones, one arm doubled undei upon first confusing and then breaking SKIRTS. and lace trimmed. Boys’ Long $1.00, 1.50, 5.00, 6.00, 8.00, 10.00, Hive been subject to Dyspepsia for over his b^fick curly head, the long black him up in business. and 12.00. twelve years and have tried nearly all lashes sweeping the brown of the cheeks, The polite crowd before hin Odd Pants at 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 1.00 kinds of medicine, without receiving any parted Boys’ Long $1.00, 1.50, the red in a smile like the sea before a Cunarder $1.00 CORSET COVERS. benefit until I used Groder’s Syrup. I ad- lips parted dreamy billowy and 5.00. over as as all sufferers to a tseth white almond kernels— then fell together in his wake vise try it. It is wonderful gurgling 50c. Fine cambric, and a Skirts, hamburg remedy. an opinion qhared in by couple oi to tremble at what might have hap 9 inch tucked ruffle, broad tuck lace insertion neck and sleeves, f>. A. Estes, Shoe Dealer, tourists passing at the moment, young pened. It is doubtful if a workingmai above. One lot 7 inch cambric to be worn 38 Main Street, people and doubtless newly married—at ever before cut so wide a swath oi especially adapted with thin waists. CHILDREN’S SUITS. Waterville, Me. Broadway. It was actually fascinating ruffle, narrow liamburg edge, 4 it by the way they held each other’s to watch his progress and to speculate tucks above. arms. into how many thousand fragments i Children’s All Wool Sawyer Suits at $2.75, worth $4.00. PRflVF “All! see him, the handsome boy!” said Bingle misstep might cause the glass tc Children’s Suits at 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00. TO the man to his a $1.50, young wife, stopping be divided. All the business work 10.00 and 12.00. we to the 75c. 7.00, 8.00, On and after October 1,1891, give every second contemplate sleeper; what 6tood still for a minute to see him pass Skirts, Odd Short Pants at 75 1.50 and person selling our medicine the privilege of a he -would make—that pose par- —New York Herald. 6 inch liamburg tucks above CHEpSE. 25, 50, cents, $1.00, 1.25, picture selling six bottles for $5.00, and guarantee ticularly; that open, outstretched hand, ruffle. One lot, 10 inch cambric 1.75. that in case it does no can — you good you as if waiting for alms to fall from -—» ® ruffle 8 tucks, 10 tucks above receive your money back. Read guaranty Tired Woman a heavfra. See it!” (in railway car)- ruffle. 25c. Chemise. with every bottle. We claim to cure Dys- “From heaven, yes,” said the young Please, sir, will you hold my baby awhile pepsia, Headache, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Good cotton with rutiles. , wife, “but a better He’s crying so I can do nothing with him Kidney Complaint, Neuralgia, Distress after smiling; surprise FURNISHING GOODS. Fernande—the it Male Passenger—Um—what is he eating, Palpitation of the Heart, Colic, Ner- still, alms, give your- cry some in his hand for? vousness, Loss of Sleep, Dizziness, Irregular- self, money that lie’ll ing $1.00 at sir.” Skirts, C. & H. Unlauudered White Shirt at 37 worth 50c. ity of the Appetite, Pleurisy Pains, Bloat, find when ho wakens.” “Nothing all, 9 inch liamburg ruffle, 6 tucks 38c. Chemise. l-2c., Wind on the and Lovers are It was “Well—er—whut good will it do foi at Stomach, Hacking Cough, always generous. above. One lot, 14 inch Excellent material, tucked Outing Shirts 25c., 45c., 75c., 98c., $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, to ruffle, Constipation. And why will it cure? Be- a fivfe franc that the young man me take him?” 2.50 and 3.00. piece 10 tucks, 10 tucks above ruffle. front, and one lot with ruffles. cause it is Relaxing, Purifying, Soothing, drew from his purse and lightly laid “Then he’ll have something to cm C. & H. Laundered White Shirts at 48c., worth 75c. and It is compounded from the which about.” Stealing. upon the open palm, mechanical- at 8c. a roots and free from Alcohol Men’s Suspenders pair. purest herbs, ly half closed itself at the contact of the “Oh, he will?” or Morphia. It is harmless to the smallest Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 23c. each. cold metal; then, smiling at each other, “Yes, sir. He’ll be crying forme Ihen 75c. Chemise. children like and it is far $1.25 child; it, superior and the Skirts, 50 dozen Hose at 7c. a 4 pairs for 25c. the on their way. longer you hold him the loud si pair, to Castor Oil and all other preparations. couple passed 7 inch hemstitched liamburg Good cotton, all over fronts, But Morenito continued to and he'll yell.” Thin Coats from 45c. to $3.00. Call for Groder’s Botanic Dyspepsia sleep, of tucks above. neck and sleeves “I so.” ruffle, 5 clusters hamburg and Vests from 75c. to None unless our while sleeping to dream. He dreamed presume White Fancy $2.50. Syrup. genuine bearing Also fine lines up to $5.00. worth $1.00. trade-mark, the Beaver, that by a ladder the color of heaven’s “Yes, sir. Then, when he is real sun own canopy, the pure Virgin of la Es- It is only me he is crying for, I’ll tak< him peranza descended to him from the and he’ll stop.”—Good News. THE GROBER DYSPEPSIA CURE COMPANY, skies. On her head was a crown of Afraid of Thirteen. WATER VIDUS, MAINE. lilies, in her fingers lilies and roses, and There is not a in the she said to him in a voice sweeter far player land todaj who will not think twice before IRA F. CLARK & than honey dew- signing CO., with a whose total AW “Juanito, thou hast never forgotten company number ol SUIOKE actors will be thirteen. It is one single time to pray to me each mom just con sidered all that not and evening. In recognition of thy by only will th( R. LI The One Price (lash Clothiers, company but one of the J. Spot piety, and in honor of the resurrection fail, thirteer who start out will come a BBY, back of my son, I wish to reward thee. Thy corpse, —Chicago Herald. desire is granted, thou shalt go to the 482 corrida You want a Live Campaign CONGRESS 7 7 ME. Sunday!” Paper.— Street. STREET, PORTLAND, dtt the The Pbess costs 50 cents a month. Congress jun30 At the same time virgin shook i > PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. them with those of the second session, MISCEIXANEOUS. financial. FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. AMUSEMENTS. which are AND always, and necessarily so, larger than those of the first session. MAINE STATE PRESS. -"V'H »■»- GRANITE ::: SPRING ::: CASINO Mr. Holman's comparison shows some Subscription Rates. BONDS. PORTUND NATIONAL BANK, Long Island, 650,000,000 to the of the advantage pres- Thomas and Watson, Managers, Daily (Tn advance) $0 per year; *3 for six ent House. But when a comparison is FEED £. RICHARDS, President, months; SI.60 a 50 cents a month. WILL OPEN quarter; made between corresponding sessions W. W. MASON, Vice President, The Daily is delivered every morning by this is the showing: C. G. ALLEN, Cashier, Monday, July carrier anywhere within the city limits and at Mass 4’s 4th, Appropriations of the House, Lowell, Afternoon ami Evening Performances. Woodfords without extra charge. Fifty-first Congress, first session ... Ohio, Daily (Not in advance), invariably at the $443,475,563 Cleveland, of in our The Appropriations the House, -OF- Deposits New York Ideal Opera Company rate of $7 a year. Fifty-second Congress, flist School 41-2’s Maine State Press, (Weekly) published session. 485,884,775 In 20 5’s SAYINGS DEPARTMENT every Thursday, $2 per year; $1 for six months; other words the present Democratic Omaha, Neb., yr MASCOT! 50 cents a quarter; 25 cents for trial subscrip- House has appropriated during its first POrtTIiAKTlJ, MB., in small or large amounts Star east of 25 people. tion of six weeks. Knoxville, Tenn., session 642,409,212 more than was ap- draw interest from the first Specialties Between the Acts. Persons wishing to leave town for long or Cold.5’s propriated by the Republican House of day of each month. POPULAR PRICES. short may have the addresses of their 1824. to 40 parison appropriations MISS A. L. SAWYER 1898, and holders of Receivers Certificates due Middle Street, Portland, Maine. draft horses. These horses can complete, ready hang. dtf sent on this House and the last one. Like 1893 and 1895, can exchange the same on a safe je!7 be seen at our sales stables on foot. Prices application. many 587 lias removed from Brown Block, and profitable basis for the First Mortgage York Street on and after S. other things Mr. Holman it Bonds of the Falls Rail- July prepared by to Centennial 93 Portland & Rmnford The dread of forfeiture has been Congress St., Block, on is misleading. Instead of comparing the way. at our office. Particulars given the greatest drawback against life Exchange St., and will re-open hei application. insurance. The absolute removal of of this session with the appropriations Shorthand School and FRED E. & CO. this possibility is one of ihe prime CHARLES Typewriting RICHARDS of DAY, causes the UNION MUTUAL’S appropriations of the last Congress for CUMMINGS Street. office, September 5. Portland, Me., May 31,1892. success. BROTHERS, 544 Congress ♦he corresponding session it eodt: my31 dtf jy2 diw jelotu&satlmo compares jyl ^ FIRST DISTRICT CONVENTION. THE FOREPAUGH SHOW. OVER 50,000 PASSENGERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It Served tlie City in Place of a General The Great Crowds on the Portland Rail- UNDERWEAR COUTER. BASEMENT SALESROOM. The Weather The Republicans of the First Congressional Celebration. road Cars. Today in is likely to be A lot of District will hold a convention Reception FOR women’s Jersey A lot of fancy colored on at 2 fair. hall, Portland, Wednesday, July 27, The of Portland declined was a for the City having Yesteiday great day 1892. ribbed lisle thread under- o’clock p. m. for the purpose of nominating a Portland, July 5, linen Shades with to the with a cele- Portland street and Lamp candidate for in and provide public special railway line, espec- Representative Congress, ecru bration of the Fourth this it re- for the vests, and white, at silk at 6ic for to- of transacting any other business that may year ially electric branches to Deering fringes properly come before them. mained for Forepaugh to furnish amuse- and Westbrook. The Westbrook line Men 36c. for today, other days day, other days 87c. The basis of representation will be as follows: ment for the citizens as well as for the was simply overwhelmed with traffic. Busy Each city and town will he entitled to one dele- residents of the towns and villages for Ite handsome new cars in early = -a-3srx3== our 50c. gate, and for each 75 votes cast for the Repub- bowling “Monday miles around. As a result the streets of in the with seat crowded RIBBONS COUNTER. of the lots are lican candidate for governor in 1888. morning every sale” and in a Many an additional delegate, and for a Portland were almost as deserted as a and the steps lined with passen- bargain- clinging so fraction of 40 votes in excess of 75 A lot of shaded and small, com- plague stricken town and our neighbor- gers were unusual Brighton it will be no very early votes, an additional delegate. sights along giving way Vacancies in the delegation of any city or ing city of Deering found itself crowded and Spring streets in Deering. But there Women! fancy striped silk Ribbons, ers get the choice. town can only be filled by residents of the town different from other Mon- the to overflowing. caased to be unusual about the or city in which vacancy exists. anything three inches wide, at 25c The District Committee will be in session at There were three performances in the spectacle before the day was over. On Here is a for which you have the hall at 1 o’clock on the afternoon of the point busy days, at afternoon and this and on line the traffic —never sold for less than OWEN, MOORES: CO. convention for the purpose of receiving the great tent, morning, the Deering men and women that come to know as the credentials of delegates. they day evening, and before the'gaily caparisoned was tremendous. But the system By order of the Republican District Com- can appreciate. for 38 and 42c. mittee. steeds rushed into the arena the voices of worked to a charm, and it is safe to say shopping. ANDREW Chairman. HAWES, the were “All so SILKS COUNTER. S. W. JUNKINS, Secretary. employes heard shouting that the public were never well served The items we’ve set Portland, July 4,1892. the reserved seats are sold.” The at- before. On the city lines there was also Ten aside for this week’s sell- pieces of fancy mosphere in the tent was something ter- a large business, although for a large ELWELLHALL, wool ball and tassel rible. The heavy rains of Sunday and portion of the day all the life of Portland ing are in most cases se- up- Sunday night had converted the circus seemed to be centered on the road to the holstered at 6c. a Convenient Building at Diamond Island in our lections from the choicest Fringes grounds into a great bog, which, al- circus grounds. departments every- Formally Opened. for though covered with straw, quivered and Early in the evening Manager Newman thing you need, and so lines in the stock, the yard today, regular trembled under the and under the said that his line had can and At Great Diamond Island'last evening feet, transported 50,000 do your shopping with cut down prices 10, 15 25 c, influence of the hot sun of yesterday and people during the day, and the day was price way for the new building was formally dedicated little trouble. INFANTS’ OUTFITS. the heat from the bodies of the thous- far from over then. the and to be and opened to the public with addresses, day only ands in the audiences, sent up a marshy There was so far as heard an A lot of fine white nain- an entertainment and a dance. A packed not, from, Clothing for men and sold for cash odor, and made the so close accident of sort. invariably hall showed that there is interest atmosphere any sook short Dresses for great boys. with no and hot it was difficult to breathe. But exchanges. This felt both in the city and on the island. Portland Mon With Forepaugh. people will endure for what Children, six months to The entertainment with a martyrdom for is done to atten- opened piano James Donahue, mail and programme Furnishings every- get your they consider pleasure even when packed three old—at duet by Misses Berry and King, which of the Adam is one. years 56c, close as sardines on hard wooden seats. agent Forepaugh? shows, tion to was executed in fine order. This was every department a native of this city. He was warmly for other The Vaidis sisters are stars of the of the store at today, days 75c. followed by a report of the building com- welcomed Goods of once, and not alone from their by many old friends. When Outing every Mr. E. L. chairman. arena, dizzy height NOTIONS COUNTER. mittee, Goding In the tent was full and the thus to make sure of aoove tne neaas ot tne spectators, out big manage- description. your an able manner he presented the build- ment the sale of “Jim- A of from the of their acts. When stopped tickets, big basketful good to the association. President Jos. H. brilliancy all the new ing stood on top of the wagon and pro- Summer Footwear for seeing things they performed upon the flying trapeze my” King accepted the gift in a few -well three cheers for Portland. with which counter quality 500 yard basting one held his breath. Then there posed man, woman and child. every He the every chosen words. also laid before Pat better known as cotton at a was James Irwin, who stands on his head Walsh, “Spot,” in the store is 3c. spool—sold assembly the wants of the island. When has charge of the dining room of the Headwear for blooming on a trapeze bar while it is swinging and everyone, for he spoke of the needs of walks, so that Adam Forepaugh shows. He is a resi- at the present time. every day everywhere juggles with balls; the Zeigler brothers, dent of this and in honor of the from father to and CP in weather like the past week one will city day son, who till it would seem as if the and place the tables and canvas were dec- not be to walk knee- spin hats, compelled through orated with lanterns and flowers. TRIMMINGS crowns would away from the flags, Nobby Yachting Caps COUNTER. deep grass, he was greatly applauded. fly brims; LEATHER GOODS COUNTER. the who come forth clad for Pavilion Theatre. for Dr. Thomas H. Fillebrown then spoke Rosaires, the girls. A lot of colored crochet the ball room and to roll and A lot of Beatrice briefly for the associate members, and proceed Manager McCallum’s home company Shop- clamber over each other in acrobatic Silverware Dress Buttons at 18c. a showed the benefit derived from a short played to immense business yesterday Crockery, feats in a most the Ir- ping Bags—black fancy summer on exciting manner; afternoon and and Glassware at the low- dozen for other vacation the island. evening, turning people today, Did you ever see a folding bed* wins, who do the familiar act of tearing the be- leather, with broadcloth He was followed by a vocal solo by Mr. away at both performances, seats est prices in the to a ladder and one of the city. days 36c. That Barnard, “Thine Eyes so Blue and Ten- pieces leaving ing all sold. Emma and Evelyn Pollock and silver ornaments is, not have you just at the of a top ETC. which was A performers perched top stick; made their bow for the first time this Goods at BLOUSES, glanced at one in hut did der,” very pleasing. duet Dry bargain —at passing the Japanese and balancers in re- 50c.—never sold be- by Mr. Barnard and Mrs. Wightman, “O jugglers season and were enthusiastically prices. A lot of women’s yon ever stop to examine one eccentric acts and novel feats; the glad- their and fancy with a That We Two were Maying,” called forth ceived, singing dancing being fore under 83c. thought of how it would iatorial brothers, who pose as statues, much Miss in her Shirt full the heartiest applause. These were fol- admired. Boswell, sale in Ladies’ Pongee Waists, look in your house. Did you and Special YARNS COUNTER. the woman who swings tables with clever is a new one and a lowed by a solo by Mrs. Wightman, specialties, Blouses. front pleated back, ruffled ever see yourself in the long her teeth. card. Mr. had some new Outing A small “Under the Linden Trees,” which was good Gray lot of imported handsome mirror aud think what The riders were their lead- collars and cuffs at finely rendered, attractive, songs which were well received. embroi- .$1.75 an ornament it would he to the ers being Josie Ashton and Mile. Estrel- For the the Slipper patterns The meeting then began to select a rest of the week, thrilling BARGAINS sold every day at $2.50. room. If you have not you have la, the bareback equestriennes, and Wal- sensational drama entitled “The Mid- EVERYWHERE. dered in silk and wools name for the new hall. Four names were DRAPERIES ROOM. not really seen a Folding Bed. lett, the trick rider. Fencers, buffoons, night Express,” will be the attraction proposed. “DiamondHall,” “Kohinoor,” and a amount of has been on canvas horizontal bar animal train- great scenery 50c.—Satur- “Social Hall” and “Elwell Hall.” The performers, especially prepared for this piece. It is A hundred five foot we nave a uuiuuer ui jseus aim ers took lively part in the programme, that this will prove to be the ComeandSee! $1.00. they are of fur- last name was introduced in memory of predicted day’s price Brass with expensive pieces while a made success ever at the Pavilion. drapery poles the late Mr. Edward H. Elwell of the high perched trapezist greatest GLOVES COUNTER. niture, so they go more slowly thoseimarvelous all than do the Portland Transcript, who was so greatly long flying leaps through fixtures, rings and pins other lines. We the air, which your heart Messrs. Gay & Stanwood of Boston Fifteen dozen six but- interested in the island and one of the always brings for the must sell them too, so here are a into and Crado a offer a lot of securities for sale in our attaching curtain, first members of the association. The up your mouth, gave ton length Mousquetaire few bargains. new kind of exhibition on a financial columns this morning that at each for name of Elwell Hall was unanimously gymnastic 45c. today— in the air. should be the attention of those Kid Gloves in a A Solid Cherry Phoenix Bed jhosen. The floor was then cleared and hoop suspended high given perfect other 60c. As with all well modern to invest. days with full mir- the of the island danced regulated cir- wishing assortment of length, plate glass young people mode, gray, JEWELRY cuses there now must be a grand specta- COUNTER. ror, reduced fron $150 to $100 the night away. brown and at so with this MARRIAGES. black $1.00 to close. This is the handsomest The new hall sits at the head of the cle, year’s Forepaugh’s Middle, Pearl and Vine Five dozen Amber show is the “Fall of Nineveh.” Sts., on the site of the old restaurant presented sold at bed in the place. wharf, In this Rev.; Dr. —regularly $1.50. It is after the of the “Fall of Pom- city, July 2, hy Blanchard, Necklace Beads at 18c. a A and style Frank E. Lane of Poland and Miss Enuna Au- building. spacious kitchen pan- STATIONERY COUNTER. and other with gusta Mitchell of Greene. ISAAC C. ATKINSON, GEN. MANAGER. A Gunn Bed in Oak. Combina- fitted with all' the modern conve- peii” spectacles, throngs Jy5 dtf sold at try, Id this citv. July 2. by Rev. A. H. Wright, string, regularly tion bed and sideboard of hand- of attired and armor clad men Walter McDuffie and Miss Ellen boxes niences, opens from the right side of the gaily girls George Mary Twenty-five of to give picturesqueness to parades and Brewer. 25c. some style, reduced from $85 to l^all. A large open fire-place gives pleas- In South Gorham, July 2, by Rev. E. C. Har- fine with dancers and dash- Reuben and Miss F. Envelopes, square, $60. ure and enchantment to its marches, graceful mon, Deeriug Lucy Knight, LINENS COUNTER. surroundings. both of Gorham. ing riders and abundance of music. CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT octavo and commercial Off the stage open two large dressing In Saco, by Rev. J. L. Marsh, Thomas B. CO., dozen extra A Converse Combination Fold- Another interesting feature is the camp Mosher of Portland and Anna M. Littlefield of Twenty rooms. The hall is fitted with a fine Saco. Custom House Wharf, Portland, Me. sizes, and smooth ing Bed and Writing Desk with of Moors, two women and a In Rev. B. N. rough German hardwood floor. genuine Fryeburg, July 2, by Stone, large Huck handsome reduced from number of under their tent il- Herman L. Dreer and Miss Ellen S. Roberts, finish at a mirror, men; they both of N. H. 5c. package, Maine in Yale *92. Conway, Summer 1S92. Towels, $90 to $50. Boys lustrate the of their life at In June Herman C. Smith and Arrangements, July 5, pure linen, fringed way home, Phipsburg, 18, 10c. Miss Inez M., daughter of Capt. John W. Gil- Wm. Haskell of Falmouth, while one of 70 astonished Saturday’s price and colored at Stockbridge patriarch years liam. WEEK DAYS. borders, a nephew of Mrs. Annie Louise Cary the spectators with his In Camden, June 17, Myron S. Pendleton and CORRETS COUNTER. vigor, holding J. Adams. For Forest City Landing, Peaks Island, other Better call and see them even was one of the of Mary i8cforday, days 25c. Raymond, graduates five people upon his shoulders or about In Rockland, June 4, Frank H. Witham and 6.45, 6.40, 8.00, 9.00,10.00, *10.30, 11.00 a.m., Three different the class of ’92 at Yale last week. His The ended Etta J. Carroll. 12.00 m., 12.30, *1.45, 2.15, 3.00, *3.45, 4.30, styles UMBRELLAS COUNTER. his body. hippodrome the 5.00, 5.45, 9.15 if don't care 6.10, *7.00, 7.30, *8.00, p. m, of Corsets sold you to buy. name was on the honor list and he had show. Return 6.20, 7.20, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, *11.00, regularly A lot of silk 11.30 a.m., 12.20, 1.00. *2.15, 2.45 3.30, *4.15. warp a “first dispute,” thus showing his abil- DEATHS. gloria We have some handsome Side- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 5.00, 5.30. 6.05, 6.30, *7.00, *7.30, 8.20, *8.50, at 50c. to be sold 10.16 or at close of today cloth rain or sun ity as a student. In athletics also he has p. in., entertainment. Umbrel- and there is one In this city, July 4, Jessie Barker, aged 67 For Cushing’s Island, 6.40, 8.00, 9.00, boards, too, taken a at 25c. all sizes. prominent place, having played Popular Greenwood Garden Was Opened years. *10.30, 11.00 a.m., 12.30, 2.15, 3.00, 4.30, 6.10, las at never sold be- beauty that is marked down from [Funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clk, *7.00, *8.00, 9.15 p.m. Return 7.00, 8.15, 9.15, NEEDLEWORK COUNTER. $1.50, on his class foot ball team and rowed on Yesterday. $90 to from the residence of Cnas. W. Littlefield, No. *10.45, 11.20a.m., 12.45, 2.55, 3.40, 4.45, 6.40, fore under and $60. his class crew which, in their last race, 62 Turner street. *7.20, 8.30, 9.30 p. m. A lot of $2.00 In this city, July 4, Mrs. Ellen, widow of the For Trefethen’s, Evergreen, Little and Japanese print- won the of the was We have made a reduc- championship college. Greenwood Garden thronged with late John Eads. Great Diamond and Long Island, great 5.30, 6.00, ed cloth for cur- $2.48. He has inherited musical ability from pleasure seekers yesterday and praise [Funeral on Wednesday forenoon at 9 o’clk, 7.00, 8.00. 9.00, 10.30 a. m., 12.00 m., 2.00, Crape tion in our Rattan Rockers, cut- from the Cathedral of the Immaculate Concep- *3.15, 4.20, 5.45, J6.10, 7.30, 9.30 p. m. HANDKERCHIEFS COUNTER. his and is the was down. There mother’s family organist bestowed freely upon the really fine tion. Halifax, Boston, and Arizona papers For Marriner’s Landing, Long Island, tains, draperies, scarfs, ting prices right and choirmaster at one of the entertainment A1 please copy.l 9.00, 10.30 a. m., 2.00, *3.15, 5.45 p. m. A lot of Irish are some in these. largest provided by Haynes, In Knox, June Miss Inez M. linen, great bargains 19, Kenney, aged RETURN. sashes and for dresses at Congregational churches in New Haven. the new manager. The extensive list of 26 years. In Morrill, June 21, Saran J. Hatch, aged 61 Mr. Haskell is to coach the Hererford attractions and the low price of admis- Leave Trefethen’s, 6.20, 7.00, 8.00. 9.10, for other Our Entire Stock years. 10.20, 11.50 a. m., 1.05, 3.20, *4.35, 5.25, 6.35, 40C. today, days In Mt. Vernon, June 23, Miss Mary Ann Bean, in. our college foot ball team next fall and enter sion promise to restore the Garden to its 7.00, 8.35, *10.30 p. kerchiefs, regular 50 OF aged 60 years. Leave Evergreen, 6.15, 6.55, 7.55, 6oc., 29 inches wide. Yale Law School about December 1. He old time The show com- Tin North June Mrs. Dins- 9.05, prominence. Anson, 24, Mary 10.15, 11.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.15, *4.30. 5.20, 6.40, and line at more. COTTON 75c. for is a man with all who know mences at 10 o’clock in the and 8.30, *10.26 p. m. UNDERWEAR, (WOMEN’S) 25c. very popular morning In South June John Paris, 24, Brown, aged Leave Little Diamond, 6.30, 7.15, 8.10, and a member of the Delta continues all is a 73 Ten dozen Mus- Most of these are him Alpha day. Big Alice, wonder, years. a. in., 12.00 m., 1.15, 3.30, *4.45, plain today. m. FURNITURE 6.35, 6.50, 8.45, 10.40 p. Phi All his fi iends wish hi m with a handsome intelligent face and funeral late fraternity. [The of the William A. Fields Leave Great Diamoud, 6.25, 7.05, lin Corset Covers at soiled but are un- will take this afternoon at 2.30 8.05, 17c. slightly success which he is bound to at- pleasing presence. Razoretta’s acts place Tuesday 9.15, 10.25, 11.55 a. m., 1.10, 3.25, great at his late N". 2 York street. *4.40, 5.30, o’clk, residence, 6.45, 8.40, *10.53 p. m. we for actual tain his were He swallowed funeral of the late Welch the sort sell use. through great ability. astonishing. knives, [The Marguerite Leave Ponce’s Landing, Long every day injured will take this afternoon at 3 Island, 6.05, Albert Grant is another long sabres and as place Tuesday 6.40, 7.45, 8.50, 9.50, 11.20 a. m., 12.50, 2.50, NECKWARE COUNTER Dingley prom- sword,cavalry dessert, o’clock, from parent’s residence, No. 69 Center at sizes and (WOMEN’S.) and BEDUING *4.05, 5.10, 6.35, 8.20, *10.15 p. m. 25c., 32, 38 man who some will be a razor. old as well street. ising young day sharp open Crowds, Leave Marriner’s Landing, Long Island, a. Fifteen dozen Is Being Closed Out at heard from. His home is in Lewiston, as young, laughed at the old time antics 10.00, 11.30 m., 3.00, *4.15, 6.45 p. ill. 40 only. fancy and his father is well known not only to of Punch and Judy and the big flock of SUNDAYS. TOILET GOODS COUNTER. light and dark Silk Wind- Maine people but also to the nation. Mr. performing birds divided attention with rnSTSnJSK11 LUWttib in For Forest City Landing, Peaks Island, Five of COST. received honors in any design. 9.00, 10.00, *10.30, 11.00 a. m.: gross good qual- sor full Dingley history, po- animal families I 8.00, 12.15, Ties, length and the I DENNETT the 570 m. ~ litical science and law, subjects to which cages. Many brought Florist, Congress Street. 2.15, *3.15, 3.45, 4.45, 6.10, 7.30 p. For Cushings Island, 8.00, 9.00, a. size rubber he to devote his their lunches and jolly groups were pic- 11.00, ity large width at ioc. for intends energies through m.; 12.15, 2.15, 3.45, 4.45, 6.10, 7.30 p. m. today, life. He has been on the Glee Club for nicing at the tables under the tents and For Trefethen’s. Evergreen Little and Combs, other and to the Zeta Psi Great Diamond and Long Island, 7.00, Dressing graded, 19 and 25c. three years belongs trees. The new mechanical orchestra 8.00, days THE 9.30, 10.30 a. in.; II He is to enter the 12.15, 2.00, *3.15, 4.20, 5.15, at 8c. for other fraternity. Washing- *7.30 m. today, HOSIERY COUNTER. 5m/-»•»-* T.nw nflvt fall smrl fit Tiim- over the entrance gate excited much J6.10, p. For Ponce’s Landing, Long Island only, The little ones were 18 and 20c. self for newspaper work and public life. curiosity. tossing *1.30 p. m. days A lot of fine UNION F'or Marriner’s light weight John T. Phinney of Machias, is the in .swings, riding the flying horses or Landing, Long Island, MEN’S FURNISHINGS. a. m.; 2.00, *3.15, 4.20. 5.15 p. m. third man in ’92 who has won honors for plimlifnrp tlio tall nhcnwaffirv frtwor nr *Not run in stormy or foggy weather. Onyx ingrain Black Free his native state. He obtained the Still- not run to Long Island. dozen the clever as he jDoes Twenty-five man fellowship and will continue his watching magician per- 0. W. T. GODING. at BEDDING General Men’s Hosiery (Women’s) 36, studies in Yale another year. With such formed his mystifying tricks. Among jy5dtf Manager. imported Half-hose a trio Maine can well be proud of her the indoor specialties, Messrs. McGrew full made and regular price 50c. CO. sons and feel that she is as well repre- regular Street. and Arnold deserve mention for their At the same counter a sented at Yale as at Harvard or any col- Jy2 dtf neat and dance, while the warranted unchanging lege within her own bounds. songs High- lot of ribbed encores for their ex- imported leys received many black at 12 1-2C. actually cellent manipulation of various musical for children, full 20c. stockings and unmusical instruments. Gus Mee- worth fashioned,—sizes 5 to 91-2 han rendered several songs favorably, At the same counter, a and the fun culminated with, the Marion- at a for lot of Canes 15c. pair today, Absolutely ette Circus, where John Till’s little Walking other days 25c. stuffed figures caused the audience to imported sticks fancy EMBROIDERIES the frequently burst into laughter and ap- [COUNTER. Best. with silver caps, bands cream of tartar plause. A lot of It is richest in pure ; mounts at specially good She Was Badly Hurt. and 80c. for It is strongest in wholesome leaven- Swiss Embroideries, Ham- ing power ; Last night Mrs. Hannah McDonough, today—Saturday’s price It has the best keeping qualities and Fore made at in medium No. 282 street, complaint and at burg edges is the most economical; 81.00 very cheap the station that Coleman Lee, and his widths at worth from contains no alum, ammonia or 9c, It wife, had assaulted her with a poker, that. other deleterious substance; 12 i-2c and struck her a severe blow on the up. All the ingredients used are pub- LACES COUNTER. another on the arm, and kicked MEN’S UNDERWEAR COUNTER. on the label. hand, e 1861. lished Best in China. her in the breast. The officers arrested grown Finest drank in America. A lot of French Chan- A line of The Old Standard Family Medicine. complete ft regulates the assists to think Packed in and tea-lead bowels, digestion, Lee. The officers seemed that only half-pound pound packages. and cures those diseases arising from a dis- The same as served in the Lace wide Men’s fine ordered stomach or liver, such as: Consti- the woman had made herself an- Japanese Garden at the Pure Food Exhibition. very tilly Edges, Balbriggan Biliousness, Indigestion, Loss oi s We send on of a ac. of Sation,ppetite, etc. Cleveland noying to the Lees because they said the free, receipt stamp, sample either Formosa widths a of Shirts, tan color, sizes Headaches, or mostly, variety 36 REMEDY for worms known. been while the man Oolong English Breakfast Tea. State choice. B5ST woman had drinking your Price, 35c.. 50c., and $1.00. At all druggists. & at 20c., to at Or of the was sober. But that was no excuse CHASE SANBORN, Boston, Mass. patterns, regulary 42, 48c, regular 75c Proprietors. for Da. J. F* TRUE to the & CO., Auburn. Maine. Powder brutally assaulting the woman. We sell only trade. sold at 36c. and 38c. Baking [ goods. i’ltl TT&S&WU4 I MISCELLANEOUS. WIT AND RESORTS. THE SUBURBAN WINNER. WISDOM. SUMMER ROOMS. TO LET. board. furnished or unfur- LET—Single room, LET—Two finished rents at the AKEWOOD, N. j—Winter Has Done Good Work Before—Some* ■‘I don’t think there is any chance for me with nished, Lincoln Park. newly resort. A TO over-looking Gas, TO Peak’s Island. J having a pleasant home would tako About His Owner. Miss hot and cold water, steam heat when Sterling homestead, Apply I- lady thing Daisy.” needed, to Seth Port- children to board. Best of care. bath room on same Sterling, Deputy Sheriff’s office, Portland, the not?” floor. Also a room on the other Montana, winner oi the ninth “Why CLIFF third land, 4-4 Lakewood and references. Address COTTacT floor witli water. Good board near Maine._ by. BOX 22. Suburban is a four “She doesn’t seem to care anything about Address P. O. BOX 2-1 Handicap bay colt, Mr. C. B. Saunders, so long and favor- 808, city. 29-1 let—Two furnished cottages; seven and Ban out of me.” years old, by Pox, imported known as the steward of the Cum- O LET—Pleasant rooms at 71 Free St. TO nine rooms, at Westwood Park, Fal- LET—Convenient rooms with board at "How does she treat ably Address The difference be- He is owned Marcus the you?” Good boarding house near. L. B. mouth. Everything necessary for common TO So. Portland. MRS. E. J. FISH- Queen. by Daly, ana she berland has taken the fine estate MISS "Icily haughtily. Every other fellow Club, O-VY.14-lf Two minutes’ walk from ER, Box 93 So. Portland, Me. copper king, who has an extensive stable treats but no known as on housekeeping. _30-tf tween a pretty woman kindly, me—well, I guess there’s Cliff Cottage, the Shore steamer landing (Waite’s Landing!; plenty of of racehorses. a chance for me.” EET-Pleasant rooms, or in thoroughbred As two- Road, 2i miles from this city. The single suites1 stable room. Inquire on the premises, or ad- ME., Stanley Farm. Summer Vv hy, man, you are the one she loves.' You’re T° with board at 110 PARKS!? MRS. H. M. dress E. T. WINTHROP, house, near and a homely one is half year-old he took part in three races, one house has been elegantly refitted and MERRILL, Portland, Me., care of board; 2Va story Lake Mar- in luck if you only knew it.—New York Press. 28-tf steamer Alice. 4-1 ranocook; horses, carriages, pleasant drives: of which he to his will be as a first-class summei RICE._ in the care of the skin. gamely placed credit, kept LET—Two references given. MRS. CHARLES STANLEY, resort. good furnished rooms. Im beating Correction, Bermuda, Russell, AH applications for board TO outre at 43 MYRTLE Street. LET—At Cumberland Foreside near BOX 55._ 8-4 For a family Jmedicine Ayer’s Sugar Coated Ring right Grand Trunk railroad a two storied Nourish and cleanse the Sorcerer and others in a six-furlong dash. should be made to hand bell. 2-1 TO station, Pills are unrivalled. eradicate disease. house, stable and house, Boarders Wanted at Hotel In 1890 he ran nine the They C. B. carriage eight rooms, Long, skin with FRYE’S AM- races, winning SAUNDERS, furnished, near the shore. Rest facilities lor Lorillard stakes at Monmouth Park, and Cumberland Club, LOST AND POUND. boating and bathing. Terms very low for the Buckfield, Me. ANDINE with finishing second to Potomac in the Real- Gus Snobberly, accompanied by Charlie Portland, Me. season. For particulars apply to HENRY S. QUINCE, No. 9 St. 2-2 This house has been called on the Misses may92m have found the Greatest Cure on TRICKEY, Exchange recently enlarged, newly ization at Sheepshead Bay. In the latter Clamwliopper, Bondclipper papered and and otherwise and notice the result. of FOUND—IEarth, for Rheumatism and in painted, improved. he was beaten a head. His first Fifth avenue. While waiting in the parlor Neuralgia LET—A tenement of five Buckfleld is a beautiful on the only by their worst chronic forms. I suffered twelve good rooms, village Portland tliev observed located. Price month. and Rumfort Falls II. and easily reached You will not do without appearance thlB season was at Morris the photographs of the young years and tried every known Sufferers TO centrally $5 per R., by PEAKS ISLAND HOUSE. remedy. Also for sale houses in all of the train. Saturday train leaves Portland at 6.10 where he defeated ladies in an . write to me and enclose stamp. MISS E. S. parts city. By it. Park, Masterlode, ORR East Maine. J. C. WOOD Vi AN, 105V2 Exchange St. 2-1 p. m.; due at Buckfleld at 7.25 p. m. Corres- and 1.1*11 me two sistahs wesemble each Harpswell, jyld&wlmo* solicited. Reckon, Gloaming, Lepanto Lizzie other,” remarked Charlie. pondence E. A. LET—Very convenient upstairs rent of GEO. M. Proprietor, £n the easiest sort of fashion. "Yes, 1 dah were taken SAWYER, Proprietor. 19, ladies’ jacket lost on LUCE, say they by the same High TO five rooms. Sebago water, No. 6 Florence dtf. — — LOST—Junestreet, between Danfortii and Congress jell SOLD BY nuotographer, don’t ;yer know.”—Texas Sift- street, Woodfords. 1-1 ings. Now open for permanent and transient guests. streets, Sunday evening. The finder will be Shore rewarded same to dinners a specialty. Parties entertained liberally by returningthe to loan on first and second MISCELLANEOUS. at short notice. the PRESS OFFICE.20-1 LET—Money If your hair is inclined to fall out and become ju202mo TO mortgage and any good collaterals. We also commercial thin use Hall’s Hair Eenewer. buy paper and loan life insur- buy Brown’s Russet Oxfords and SAVINGS BANK BOOK LOS'L ance three old. W. I’. policies years CARR, Russet Bals. All sizes and half Room 6, 2d floor, No. 185 Middle street 30-2 GENTS widths, jel8eodtf sizes. BROWN’S, Sign of Gold Boot. 2-1 The boy had been for three hours WE have been notified in writing, as required sitting ” LET—Summer on Peaks HIGGINS’ BEACH. by Revised Statues, Chapter 47, Section cottage Island, trader watching the bob on his fish-line when the man TO very pleasant location on Massachusetts ATTENTION—Any 112, by John Casey, No. 9 Newbury street, MOLLASSEShaving a tierce of molasses, Porto Rico came that his Book No. 51.305 avenue, six rooms. Enquire of WM. GARD- along. Portland, Me., Deposit Marquez, No. 13-80-10 on hand please drop a is lost and that RER, or write C. E. ShATTUCK, “What are you there?” said the man. he desires a duplicate book is- Wellesley, card to A. B. C. Press'.office and he may hear doing THE sued to him. 30-1 “Fishin’ said the Mass._ of something to his advantage. 29-1 boy. MAINE SAVINGS BANK. “Got said the man. RENT—New remington typewriter No. anything” _ by G. Treas. buy Brown’s S3.00 shoes vs. all oth- Alpliehs Rogers, FOR2. Inquire of H. J. MISS Yes,” said the boy. Portland, Me., June 1892. LARRABEE, er S3.00 shoes on earth. war- 18th, 30 Exchange 30-1 GENTS Every pair “Wliat?” said the man. __dlaw3w’Tu St._ ranted as represented. B.ROWN’S, Sign of “Patience,” said the and the man offered Gold Boot 2-1 boy, LET— An eight room on Central GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. him $4 a week to come down to the railroad HIGGINS' BEACH HOUSE cottage SAVINGS BANK BOOK TO Avenue, Peaks Islands, to let low for ticket office and answer LOStT very Russet Oxfords and Russet questions.—Detroit the season. Rooms and furnish- buy Free Press. large partially MOTHERSBals at of Gold Boot for clill- have been ed. Seven minutes walk from Forest Sign your notified in writing, as required City dren, BROWN, 461 Congress St,2-1 MONTANA. Isopen all tlic year round; al- WE by Revised Statutes, Chapter 47. Section Landing. Enquire of DR. G. E. DOW, 507 Va COCOA. It pays to have the best. Eemember, Ayer’s Mrs. EPPS’S of Congress 30-1 112, by Margaret Washington Portland. Cool Brown’s Russet Ox- BREAKFAST. Montana was first talked of as the is ways cool, finest shore dinners. St._ by wearing prob- Sarsaparilla the standard blood purifier. Me., that her Deposit Book No. 55,880 is lost fords and Russet Bals. See BROWN'S of the natarallaws which AT OLD KEEP •‘By a thorough knowledge able winner of the Suburban Stables for horses. Just the and that she desires a book issued ORCHARD—1 for- and nutrition and Handicap place duplicate to show window. Sign of Gold Boot.2-1 the operation* of digestion about two her. COTTAGESnished cottage and stable, situated on Old a of the fine of well- months ago, and taverny careful application properties knowing Too Expensive. to pass your vacation. Stage Orchard Ave., three minutes’ walk from beach; •elected eocoa, Mr. JEpp» has provided our breakfast tables ones who inside stable MAINE SAVINGS BANK country board. Ad- save ue got information price $125 for season. 3 furnished on with a delicately flavp red beverage which may “Are you sowing lawns with fresh seed from B. Sc Scarboro Beach by Alpheus G. Treas. cottages PARTIES—wishingdress M. C. BURNELL. is the use oi were not slow in your Ifl., Rogers. Cedar on the all within Gorham, Me., many heavy doctor's tills. It by judicious placing a commission in Portland, Me., June 27,1892. ju28dlaw3wT Ave., Highlands, short Box 4, reference required and given. 23-4 such articles of a constitution may be gradually this year?” Station. to distance of the Camp Grounds, have fine view diet^thki ta the future books at the odds oi Board $7 $10 per built up until stroug though to resist every tendency profitable and S85 for maladies are arounu No. It’s too expensive.” good water; price $100, $90 and find that the know a disease. Hundreds or subfile floating to one. As the of the race people good thing a mav forty day drew “Seed is not week. season. to HENRY S. Real us ready to Attack wherever there is weak point. We expensive.” Apply TRICKEY, WE when they see it, and we have had all we well- near he To Thomas B. of the Town of escape miny a fatAl shaft by keeping ourselves continued to grow in popular "No; but it costs money to employ a man to Haskell, Cape Estate Agent, No. 9 Exchange street. 29-1 can do in making those suits to measure for $12 fortified- blood And a properly nourished frame. yfth pure favor with the so much so in faot pull up the tilings that sprout from it.”—Pitts- and upwards, which we still continue to make «—1''Civil S&x’ice Gazette.” public, in the of LET—For the season, a furnished cot- ut « A AT r W A 'T T/L? HIATT Cl? Sr CAMtC- o. with water or milk. Sold only in burg Chronicle. Elizabeth, County Cumberland, Made sttriply boiling that be opened and closed the favorite TO tage on Peaks Island; seven rooms. 1 ithed half-pound tins, by grocers, labelled thus: Fore St. 22-2 for the race of the GREETING: and plastered. Inquire of F. C. WHITE, 480 greatest year. THE FATHER OF MAUI ILLS. t. H. JAMES EPPS & Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, nVAllO TIrtltr onrnn. A — — 1_ IHUmrSUN, « j.«/- u*. TO LOAN—on first or second the name of the State of are Constipation leads to a multitude of physical je30dlw Maine, you MONEYmortgages on real estate, good commer- London, well-known the WeBt as the IN to and warn the in- COTTAGES TO LET—Some of England, throughout troubles. hereby required notify cial paper. Life Insurance policies or any good It is generally the result of careless- habitants of said town of the best summer millionaire copper king. Mr. was Cape Elizabeth, quali- SUMMER cottages in Portland har- collateral securities. Inquire ol A. C. mar26___STu&wly Daly ness or HIGHLAND fied law to vote in town to bor to let. of A. M. LIBBY, associated indifference to the simplest rule of HOUSE, by affairs, assemble Iraquire SMITH, Portland, 42% Exchange St. 10-4 in mining interests with Mr. at the Town in said on health. Eugene McKay, of Brantford, Ont., Central Street, Westbrook, Me., Open Hall, town, Saturday, Me._ n;-tf J. B. Haggih. It is only in the past few the ninth day of July, A. D. 1882, at 2.30 PLUMBING. writes: June 9,1893. that Mr. has been o’clock in the afternoon, then and there to act LET—Store 278 Middle street, near Mon- FEMALE HELP. yearB Daly running ument “I had for several years been a>sufferer from upon the following articles, to wit: TO square, now occupied by Cyrus and his on June 18 was house Is situated on an elevation over- secured the services of Mr. J. W. horses, vlotory Art. 1.—To choose a Moderator to at Lowell. Tnis store has been occupied as a boot Earing constipation, had taken a different preside to McCubrey, a graduate of the New York the first victory to bring him into promi- great many THISlooking the city of Westbrook. Rooms all said meeting. and shoe store for over 20 years. Possession young girl assist in taking some of which did me for a time light and airy. Accommodation for 60 1st. WANTED—Acare of child and other light work. Ap- Plumbing School, X am prepared to do plumb- nence before the world. remedies, good guests. Art. 2.—To see if the town will vote to re- given July CHAS. MCCARTHY, JR. in accordance with the racing Three minutes from P. & R. station. Reason- ply house 106 EMERY street. 30-1 ing in alHts branches He but only for a time, then my trouble came back scind the vote passed at the annual meeting in 11-tf York laws at bought Montana aaa yearling from able rates for boarders. New sanitary worse than which a clerical error appears in the report of Mr. who was ever. I was induced by a friend, ju9dlm M. G. Haggin, the owner of Ban BLANCHARD, Prop. Selectmen on out street at FOR SALE. whom IBrandeth’s Pills had to laying proposed TO LET. Fox, his sire. While the owner of the benefited, Pleasantdale. them. Took two each for a Art. 3.—To hear victorious horse was not at the try night week, and act upon the report of Lowest Prices For Good Work present “IaAWSOA' the sale—One of the most built then one for about six ; weeks. HOUSE,” Selectmen, upon the petition of Albert thorough he was notified over the wire every night FORthree storied brick and race, by Spaulding and others, to lay out a town Floor space with heat and houses, pressed Since that time I have not the South way, dressed in the best location Matt Brynes, his trainer, soon after the experienced Harpswell, Me. beginning at a point on the southeasterly side granite, Portland, and of power. to GIANT ELEC- in the western part of the city, snlendid views and Green colors the slightest difficulty whatever, my bowels seaside hotel has been Sumner street, on a straight line with Main Apply Copper passed win- pleasant greatly on all sides, corner lot, must be seen to be ap- move every I believe that THIS and is now with ail the street, extending over land of Wm. Thompson, ning post. The horse was rid- regularly day. firmly improved, supplied N athan TRIC MOTOR COMPANY, 25 preciated, cheap. \V. H. WALDRON, 180 Micl- superbly modern hot and cold S. ‘Fickett heirs, Morrill Lewis heirs, den for sluggishness of the bowels and biliousness improvements, including and die 4-1 by Snapper Garrison, who Is the sea water baths. Albert Spaulding, terminating neir bank and 27 street._ H. are Scenery unsurpassed; good of Commercial Street. T. Brandeth’s Pills far to Creek. SNOW, stable jockey in the employ of Mr. superior any bathing, boating and fishing. for guests SALE-Excursionists and visitors to the Open Daly. Art. 4.—To hear and act the of mar7dtf other.” June 16th, 1892. Special rates for parties. upon report FORcity please call atHAWES’ music store, 414 421UIK ST., WESTBROOK, ME. the Selectmen tne of Edward upon petition Congress street, and select a musical instru- jusa diw* Fletcher and to out a town be- THE GREAT BICYCLE MEET. HARPSWELL HOTEL COMPANY, PROPRIETORS others, lay way, MALE HELP. ment, a music book or some sheet music; take ginning at a in the side of point southeasterly home the songs “Ta-ra-boom” or “What a differ For accommodations or particulars apply to the Saco about two hundred EQUITABLE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. road, (200) ence in the morning.” 4-1 Will the Foreign Riders be Debarred! J. J. POOLER, Manager, Portland, Me. yards southeast of the Boston and Maine R, R. salary and expenses PKOVINCETOWN, MASS. and WANTED—Salesman;from start; permanent place; good chance Now that the of American track, extending parallel with said track, SALE—Coach Harness 2d hand, some League __inar24-tf one and for advancement; control of large a"d HOSE! INCORPORATED, 1845.—MARINE RISKS ONLY. two-fifth miles to the Scarboro line. territory FORvery fine in citv built coach har- Wheelmen has decided to hold its inter- given man. Onlv house bargains filHIS old and reliable Art. 5.—To see if the town will vote to re- sub-agents right raising nesses almost new at F. O. Company is now writ- STATE OF MAINE. stock in both Canada and United BAILEY & CO., national at the 1. Marine Risks on the scind the vote passed at a special town States! Plum and Rubber meeting Chicago during ing most favorable meeting BROWN BROS. CO., Rochester. St._ 4-1 Rubber Cotton Lined, first two weeks terms. CUMBERLAND, SS. held March 30, 1892, whereby the town voted Nurserymen, in August, there is con- N.Y. 5-1 If desire Marine Superior Court, A. D. 1892. that the Selectmen be instructed to sell the old SALE—In the pleasant siderable as to what you Insurance, write the April -Term, healthy village speculation arrange- Company for rates and terms. Denis A. Ryan, of Gorham, in the State of Town House lot (so called) provided a satisfac- FORof Gorham, house containing twelve rooms Hose Reels and best ments will be made can be ANTED—At $40 month and one Nozzles; to bring over the Correspondence solicited aud given prompt New Hampshire, Plantiff versus Clinton A. tory price obtained. per expenses arranged for or two families, choice loca- Art. 6.—To see if the T T paid, a few good salesmen to sell two minute’s foreign riders. If the League in attention. Haley, of Ashville. in the State of Alabama as town will vote to sell nursery tion, walk to station, near schools persists to Howard E. for stock. Steady employment the round to and for a its I.. N. PAINE, LEWIS NICKERSON, alleged in plaintiff’s writ but now of parts un- Dyer ($250) two hundred and year churches, sale at bargain by G. D. lowest determination to allow only dollars a successful salesmen. Address with references. quality, prices. amateurs, President known, Defendant. Action of assumpsit on ac- fifty certain lot of land situated on the WEEKS, Gorham. Me. 1-2 to its Secretary. D. H. N. according definition, to compete, may2 d6m count annexed to recover the sum of two thou- northeasterly side of the Ocean House road, PATTY, Nurseryman, Geneva, Y. and land of one J. 1-1 FOR SALE.—A very nice square and it cannot do sand dollars to be due from adjacent southeasterly, L. _ consistently otherwise, (82000) alleged EMERSON & SONS & the defendant to the to the Parrott, said lot being (50) fifty feet in front on PIANO PIANO in good condition and CHASE CO., there Is a of the French and plaintiff according one possibility declaration in the writ. The writ is dated said Ocean House road and back capable book-keeper, excellent tone, will be sold at a bargain. En- extending with some of of Australian who race for cash March A. D. and therefrom four and one- WANTED—A knowledge stenographry. quire F. O. BAILEY & CO., No. riders, 17th. 1892, made returnable northeasterly (4ya) ’’E. E.” 18Exchange half a Address, P. O. Box 1898, city, street. 1-1 57 and 59 Kennebec Street. prizes, being debarred from the events. For several years, the tide has been at the May Term, A. D. 1892 of said Superior rods, being part of the lot occupied by stating Court. the old Town and authorize the treas- experience; salary expected. 1-1 While there are steadily in a way to waft the House; FOTRTIaAND, MAINE hopes that some means flowing urer sale on bailey’s island-a UNION MUTUAL forward in the Ad damnum, Three thousand dollars of the town to convey the same to the said 19 cl6m can ($3000.) of fair business tact Forvery desirable lot of land about jail be arrived at whereby the racing men current of continued and Wm. H. for Dyer on the payment of said sum. containing increasing Looney, attorney plaintiff. WANTED—Gentlemanas general sales agent for 5 shore near from all countries can Art. 7.—To see if the town will vote to sell manufacturing acres, large frontage steamer compete in the success. Its policy contracts taken the the Court have unlimited no Upon foregoing, order, that the to L. C. Jewell and that business; goods demand; landing, plenty of pure water on the premises, as a whole are the most liberal of others, portion of the or international races, the still re- any plaintiff cause the above named Clinton A. travelling soliciting, office work exclusively, grand sea view, elegant location for a summer feeling in old Town House lot left after out the FStRST CLASS the market. to be notified of the of this leaving established trade good for $1600 S100 residence or site. mains that there would be abundance of Haley pendency part that was taken for the yearly; cottage Inquire of CUSH suit, by publishing once a week for three weeks widening village to $200 required (protected from risk) address ING & 18 Commercial Wharf interest manifested if and road as per plan of C. E. Staples made Novem- McKENNEY, only England successively m the Portland Daily Press, a "C. L.” Press 30-2 Portland, Me. 1-1 ber 10 and 11, 1874, said plan on file in office._ America were pitted against each other. newspaper printed in Portland in the County being PIANOS the town office. Also sell the (10) ten feet WANTED- From 16 The of Cumberland an abstract of the Writ of De- adja- to 18 years old SALE—One-half double house con- speediest and most prominent of the nflnt snirt nlH Tnwn TTnnap Int. tioino- tho to learn claration and this order of Court thereon, the BOY the pressman’s trade; references FORtaining 8 rooms, fitted for one with FOR SALE OR ALSO racers come from and purchased ol J. L. Parrott, HASKELL & family RENT; foreign England, last publication to be thirty days at least be- February 28,1873, required. JONES. 29-1 a stable and good sized lot of land situated on and fix a price on the same. are members of the National lore me ierm oi saia court to oe noiaen at Port- Elm street in this city, price reasonable. In- Cyclists’ Given under our hands this first Union. land aforesaid, on the first of day of July of A. C. 42% Tuesday Septem- A. D. 1892. AGENTS. quire LIBBY, Exchange street. O-QrjaL.3NTS ber, A. D. 1892, that he may then and there in 30-1 Geo. C. Selectmen Tale Foot Ball said court appear and show cause if he has Mounteobt, ) v Association. any E. C: of TTN4YT> C! 1 T Y? A t_1. V _1. x_ cry Fancy or Plain at should not be rendered Robinson, J are wanted to sell The annual of why judgment against M. B. agents report the treasurer of him and execution issue Fuller, ) Cape Elizabeth. able bodied men the life insur- dence near horse ears. 3 miles from Port- accordingly. A true WANTED—Alive cheapest the Yale Foot Ball which PEKC1VAL copy. ance in the United States. Liberal terms to land, large commodious modern house and NO. 124 2-2 EXCHANGE ST. Association, BONNEY, Attest: Justice of said Court. Thomas B. Haskell. canvassers. Previous not nec- stable with out buildings to correspond, 12 was made on June ao, shows that the re- Superior good experience — AT — Abstract of writ and and ]y4dlw essary. invited. THE acres ten tons of hay. For further for STEPHEN BERRY, declaration, order ol Correspondence PROV- cutting par- ceipts the past season were §31,333.85 Court thereon, IDENT AID SOCIETY. Office 98 ticulars apply to N. S. GARDINER, 185 Mid- Exchange dle and the expenditures §13,790.69, leaving a Attest: H. F. LIBBY, Deputy Clerk. street, Portland. Me. 6-8 St.30-1 balance of Of was JOB ju21 dlaw3wtu W. P. §17,543.18. this, §2,530 BOOK AND PRINTER, SALE CHEAP—A second hand Jigger. HASTINGS’. given to the coaches, §3,000 to the Track WANTED. FORSARGENT, DENNISON & CO., No 174 Arttr machinery and models to Steamboat For held I also do all kinds of saw Sale. Association, recently: President, F. E. WANTED—Lightmake; engine, OIL BARRELS, TANKS AND CANS. Boynton. W'OODFORDS, Wheeler, mill, mill and machine W. B. of St. SMOKE A A CUMBERLAND H. S. Hudson. grist mowing repairs; Mofflt, Louis; vice-president, MILLS, OLD keep and in stock. HOLLIS CEN- Wallace of ORCHARD BEACH, N. E. Hill. pipe fittings The sound and serviceable 33 and 35 Commercial Winter, St. Paul, Minn.; BRUNS- THE MACHINE SHOP, Hollis Centre, Maine. steamer St., Adams & John Furbish. RICH- Tnrio Ofith 1 QQO o assistant manager, J. C. of WICK, Ridley, the “City of Richmond,” 600 tons, PORTLAND, MAINE. Sawyer, Dover, MOND, Rogers Bros. & Co., J. Haynes & Son, N. R. C. of Balti- and having; 61 staterooms, now run- mayl6 dtf H.; secretary, James, BATH, J. A. Winslow & Son. jimgocudlm the best of The PAINT YOUR WALLS references, ning; between Portland and more, Md. Yale Track Athletic WITH COMPOSITOR—withas to and character, wants a Machias, is hereby given that the ability posi- on Examination of Teachers. Association elected these officers: tion in a printing office witli a chance of learn- the route of the Portland, Mt. De- Presi- Noticesubscriber has been duly appointed Exe W. B. ing job printing. Address M. K. B., Press sert & Machias Steamboat is on dent, Wade, of St. vice- cutor of the Will of Company, Committee Examination of teacher.' Louis; offered for sale, delivered at THEwill be in session at the Portland M. P. Van of New MARY M. late of Office.__28-2 either Higl president, Ingen, HADEMAN, Portland, or School at i to have a new The Portland Rockland, after 1st Building. Wednesday, July 6.1892, York; assistant manager, W. S. Walcott, Examination of Teachers—Westbrook. in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and has flag. place July o’clock a. for the of can to is at RYAN & No. 243 next. She now he seen m., purpose examining of New L. S. taken upon himself that trust by bonds WANT—Youbuy KELSEY’S, may on her didates for as teachers in the Portlam York; secretary, Stillman, of will be an examination of candidates giving Commercial street. 23-4 positions rpHEItE THE SANITARY PAINTS. as the law directs, All persons route. For and schools. The examination will continue JL for positions as teachers in the Westbrook havingdemands present description througl Brooklyn. HARD OVER upon the estate of said deceased, are required terms to two Candidates will be examined in tin schools at the H School building, NIGHT. \XTANTED—People to know the MUTUAL apply PAYSON TUCKER, Gen- days. igh Westbrook, to exhibit the same; and all persons indebted to Reading. Vamoose-Konvood Wednesday, July a: 9 a. m. WITHOUT STICKING T> RESERVE FUND LIFE eral Manager, Mt. Desert & following subjects: Spelling, Englisl Race. 6, beginning said estate are called upon to make payment to ASSOCIATION, Portland, Grammar, Geography. Arithmetic Per order WITH HIGH GLOSS. 176y3 Middle street, Free policies. Cash sur- Machias Steamboat XJ.S.History, The Vamoose-Norwood race PERCIVAL BONNEY. Executor. Company, Port- and the is now set SCHOOL of Westbrook. render. Paid value. I ncontestable. Aver- Bookkeeping, Physiology, elements o COMMITTEE, 8 FLOOR AND 12 ARTISTIC WALL COLORS. Portland, June 11. 18U2. inn21dlaw3wTu up land, Me. the Natural Sciences, especially as applied ti for July 2. George W. Hall, Chairman of jy2 d3t age cost $16 per 1000. 3i/2 millions surplus. also Call and see our ten Smart may3-dft AgricuRure; Physical Geography, Englisl the Regatta Committee of the American THE CARY-OGDEN CO., Sole Manufacturers, year policy. agents _ Composition, Elements of Free Hand Drawing ■r>t OLIVER ST., BOSTON. wanted. Big money.19-tf Yacht says that day has been S.ENGINEER OFFICE, 537 Congress THE Elements of Music, and the Theory and Prac Club, |[S OLD RELIABLE FIRM • Street, Portland, Maine, June R. at store or tiM of Teaching, Per order of the Superintend selected because the tide will be favorable 22,1892. COOK, EVERETT, & PENNELL, A. P.F.D. WTANTED—To call your house —Sealed proposals for construction of rip-rap WHOLESALE RETAIL t and cash for old -OF- ing School Committee. 0. M. LORD, Supt. on that and the chances of their be- AND AGENTS, pay you rags, barrels, day, jetty at mouth of Saco River, Maine, will be re- iron, rubbers, bottles, metals of all kinds. If jelOeodSw is at this office until 3 m. on 137 & 139 Middle St., Portland, Me. ing smooth water in July very good. ceived p. Wednesday, you have any of the above drop me a and then annual meeting of the Relief Association please The start is to be made west of Race July 13.1892, publicly opened. Speci- of the Portland Fire postal. Address C. B. WISH, 131 Green fications, blank forms, and ail available infor- THE Department, wtll be E.B. instead of held at the chief street, city. ROBINSON & GO. Rock, four miles east of the mation will be furnished on to tnis engineer’s office, Wednesday __ll-itf application July at 7.30 o’clock. (ESTABLISHED I so that the will be able to Evening, 6t.li, to from 18-47.) rock, yachts office.jy2,4,5,6,ll,l2 THOMAS buy $1000 to $15,- PAINE, President, 000 worth of cast-off keep in the sound and in smooth water. J. N. NOTICE—Wanted clothing; I pay tile Have removed to their elegant warerooms, LONG, Secretary. highest cash price for ladies’ dresses, gents’ This will make the course jun20dtd change seventy- and children's clothing, and gents’ winter over- 400 Congress St., five knots instead of knots. coats; call, or address letter or to eighty of different circumstances postal S. ‘!®iamond 3rand.’ People LEVI, 97 Middle street.auglOtf and offer high grade ZE^TjfN-lNrQSS and Wedge necessarily requires contracts mater- The special plans and policies in OIECrAKTS at prices that defy com- Packed in 3 to 5 pound boxes and 2 poun< Boston ially in cliacter. The use the UNION MUTUAL LIFE PJnyrrs Get Less Pay. differing policies by WANTED—With capital in a petition. cartoons. Try it. It is the best. of the UNION MUTUAL LIFE IN- XirE make to order all kinds of custom harness INSURANCE COMPANY have The Boston on '' PARTNERwell-established business. Address Piano attended to. management started in SURANCE COMPANY are and sell of harness from Sic favor with insurers as I,., tuning personally framed every grade gained high this office. myl4-tf TO BE HAD AT ALL June 20 to cut down the salaries of their so as to cover every conceivable re- up. Our stock of whips is first—lass, prices evidenced by its large increases in Pianos exchanged. Second hand instruments of the 10 cents to .JAMES G. McGLUAFLIN, new business. Send for for sale. felLUSeodly players. Harry Stovey was given his re- quirement intending insurer. particulars GROCERS. Portland, Me. jull lmo of its policy plans. jel8,ln;o lease outright. Charley Bennett refused to be cut down to about $200 per month, SMOKE AK TT- S. ENGINEER OFFICE. 537 Congres 1 and will get his walking papers shortly. ACHE WILLIAM A GOODWIN, Street, Portland, Matae. June 125, 1892 S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 537 Congres? sealeOwosaIT- DORMAN’S TOOTH ANTIDOTE. John Giarkson and Kid Niohols ffT —Sealed proposals for completingthe construe were in- gj Street, Portland, Maine, June 22,1892, Wharf and for (T.ate City Engineer.) tion of Stone rough stone in .Jet formed that their salaries would be cut or —Sealed proposals for dredging at mouth oi will he received at the office of Elmer I. Thom' It will cure the most obstinate case at mouth of Kennebunk wil 1 received ty River, Maine, releases Lowe will now left Saco River, Maine, will be at this office as, architect. Me., up to 1 p. m., Mon. of in one office until 3 in. given. play Auburn, tooth ache minute. Liberal bo received at this p. Wednes until 3 p. m. on Wednesday. July 13,1892, and lltli, for furnishing all labor and ma Julv 1892, and then field regularly. day, .July terms to For one (lav, 13, publicly opened then publicly opened. Specifications, blank terial to fully a brick block in Lewis agents. pack age Civil & Architect blank forms, and all complete Engineer Landscape Specifications, availabl forms, and all available information will be ton. Me. Plans be seen at the office of the send 10 cents silver to Chas. Meeker, on may information will be furnished application t ) Take the Press for the furnished on to this office. or Portland. Me. Campaign— application architect, at my office in 48 Fora St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ju23 eodtf 1st National Bank this office. jy2,4,5,6,11,12 ■ CO cents a month. jy2,4,5,6,11,12 jy4d3t C. ATKINSON. Building;. ISAAC Ill lw* apll eodtf I 96; marrow pea' 1 86: choice screen Dea at MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. THE HOME- ISLAND 1 60a 1 76: hand-picked medium at 80;cnoice STEAMERS. STEAMERS. yellow eyes, 1 80@1 85: California pea beaus 2 2 30(a 40; Hand-picked. 2 50S.2 (iO. TRAVEL HINTS. Seed—Timothv, l 60®1 75: Western red ton Portland & Steamboat Co. 1 The attendant of is Bootlibay Retail Grocers' Sugar Rates. 60fa:S2;clover, 12@13c;Huuganan,l l&ol 30. ignorance unrest, Hay—Choice. 821@00 00: some fancy higher: HARPSWELLSTEAMBOAT Portland market—cut loaf 5yac ;confectloners’ and nowhere is this fact more fail- to to good is oo&«! 9 00: Eastern line, 818 proven Summer Arrangements. On and after Mon- 7c; pulverized, 6c; powdered, 6c; granulated, (a$19; poor to ordinary. 815.aj.817. than in Yet a day, May t). Stmr. Enterprise will leave East conclusively travelling. Delightful Sail 22 Miles Down Casco £c; coffee Sc. Potatoes—New Potatoes at 1 00 bbl. Bay. Boothbay every Monday at 7.15 a. m. for Port- crushed, SVi«', yellow, 75@2 ^ little this Week Day Time Table. old stock at 15(&;3(). very preparation would make land, toucliing at So. Bristol, "Heron Island, Harbor and Island. Railroad Receipts. Apples—No 1 Russets at 00ffi4 50; No 2s at Commencing July 4th steamers Chebeague and Bootlibay "Squirrel Every 3 unnecessary. leave Franklin Portland 8 00.&4 00. What Merryconeag will leave Portland Pier for Tuesday wharf, at PORTLAND. Julv 2. The time-tables a. in. Kound at issued by many of the Long and Little Chebeague islands, 9.00, 10.45 for Pond, toucliing "Squirrel R. Island Harbor and "Heron Receipts by Maine Central R.—For Port- railroad а. m.; 2.00, 4.00, 6.00 n. m. and Great Boothbay Island. OCEAN STEAMER MOVEMENTS. companies contain maps. Who- Hope leave Round Pond at 6.30 and. 99 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for Chebeague islands, Harpswell, 9.00,10.15 a. Every Wednesday a. FROM FOR TIME ever wishes to travel will m.; 2.00, 6.00 p. m Bailey’s and Orr’s ni. for Portland, touching at "Heron Island, connecting roads 149 cars. intelligently Islands, and Samia.Montreal... 8 9.00 a. m.; 2.00, 6.00 p. m. Bootlibay Harbor "Squirre Island. Every Liverpool. .July these to an idea Teutonic.New York. .Liverpool. .July 8 study maps enough get Return for Portland.—Leave Orr's Thursday leave Portland at 8 a. m. for Pema- Wholesale Island, Portland Market. City of Berlin New York. Liverpool. .July 8 of the country through which he will б. 00,11.10 a.m. 4.00 p. m. Bailey’s Island, quid, touching at "Squirrel Island, Boothbay ... "Heron So. Bristol and PORTLAND, July 4,1892. Waesland .Now York. .Antwerp ..July 6 pass. He will stations where the 6.10,10.45 a. m.; 3.45 p. ill. Harbor, Island, East place Harpswell. 6.25, leave City WasliiugtnNew York. .Hav&Mat. 8 11.35 a. 4.25 in. Boothbay. Pemaquid at 6 The following are to-day’s quotations of Grain, July train .stops so that he will bo able to lo- m.j 2.00, p. Littlefield's. 6.30 Every Friday Servta.New York.. Liverpool.u. ..By 9 а. m.; 2.25, 4.55 p. ni. Jenks", Great cbebea- a. m. for Portland touching at So. Bristol, East Produce, etc.: cate himself at time. The "Heron Harbor Provisions, Arizona.New York.. Liverpool.. u.Jly 9 any purchase gue and Hone Island, 7.05 a. in.;, Bootlibay, Island, Boothbay of a constant and Island. leave Flour. Gram. Marcia.New York. .Rio Janeiro July 9 local papers will prove б. 05 p.m. Waldo, Little Chebeague, 7.20 a.m. "Squirrel Every Saturday Federation .. .Rio Portland at 8 a. m. for East Superfine & Corn, car lots... 61@62 .New York. JaneiroJuly 9 help to the understanding. The idle 12.20, 2.50, 4.45, 5.20 p. ill. Long Island, 7.40 Bootlibay, touching .Montreal.. 9 a. at Island. Harbor "Heron low grades.$4t4@4^ Corn, oag lots.. 63®04 Mongolian... .Liverpool. .July traveller who his time with his m.; 12.35, 3.10, 5.00, 5.35 p. in. Arrive Port- "Squirrel Boothbay .... Island and So. "Steanie itouches from X & bag lots.. Vigilancia New York.. Rio Janeiro July 13 spends land, 8.15 a. ill.: 1.00. 3.40, 6.00 m. Bristol, Spring Meat, 60@61 nose more than 5.50, p. 15 No XX Spring $4%@4y# ! Oats,cr lots.... 43®44 Rotterdam... .New York. .AmsterdamJuly 13 buried in a novel injures Sunday Time Table.—Leave Portland for June to Sept. 15. freight received after Patent Sprng !Oats, bag lots. .45@47 Labrador.Montreal.. .Liverpool. .July 13 his eyesight. A good time-tabe and map, Harpswell and intermediate landings, lo.ooa. 7.45 a. m. on day of sailing. 5C c- Venezula.New York. 13 m. mylOdtf ALFRED RACE. Wheat. .5 25@5 Cotton See .Laguayra. .July with a makes a time-killer Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s for Infants m., 2.00 p. Return leave Harpswell 11.45 a. Manager. York. 14 gazetteer, prescription 3.50 m. Mich, str’ght ! car lots. 25 60@26 00 Santiago.New .Cienfuegos July when m., p. Arrive Portland, 1.00. 5,30 p. m. roller... OO Enchantress .. New Y'ork.. Rio Janeiro 18 unnecessary travelling. ISAIAH .$4%@5 I bag lots. $2B@27 00 July and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor DANIELS, General Manger. ... Next to the mental is the clear do.. $4%®4B/i : Sacked Br’n Sardinian .Montreal.. Liverpool. .July 10 preparation ]y4dtf Harpswell Steamboat Co. International Co. StLouis st’gt ! car ots. S19@20 00 Regina.New York. .Rio JaneiroJuly 20 preparation for comfort, and this need other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute Steamship 12ya I lots. 00 Marcia.New York. Rio Janero 23 rooler.$6@5 July — bag $20@21 not mean outlay. A linen case for — FOR clear do... $4%@4y» ! 00 Philadelphia .New York. 23 great FREEPORT STEAM HO AT CO. Middlings.. S3 9@22 .Laguayra. .July brushes and with a box and for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. Wnt’r wheat j bag lots. $23.@24 00 Namidian ... .Montreal.. Liverpool. .July23 comb, soap Vancouver .. linen that can be left to Time patents... 5 252:5 60 Provisions. .Montreal. .Liverpool. .July 27 pieces of soft It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Table For 1892. Eastport, Calais, St. John, N.B., Halifax, N.S. Fish. jPorlt. Bks.it; i>txdl7 oo throw make the away, community soap PHANTOM on and after Mon- and all of New Nova Sco- Cod—L a r ge l clear. .. ir> 75@16 00 MINIATURE ALMANAC.JULY 5. a a Millions of Mothers. Castoria Worms and parts Brunswick, and towels of sleeper unnecessary, destroys allays STEAMERday June 20 will leave Freeport at 6.30 a. Prince Edwards and Bret- Shore .... 5 25(5.5 6C I short etslO 50@16 75 tia, Island, Cape Sunrises .4 7 28 few of washed before ill.; 2.06 p.m. Wolfs Point 6.40 a. ill.: 2.10. on. The to Small do. .3 75(24 25 Beef.extra 14l Hlgl1Hich "aterwater /- yards cheesecloth, feverishness. Castoria Sour favorite route Campobello and Still sets.7 24 7 34 prevents vomiting Curd, p m. Great 7.05 a. 2.40 in. St. N. B. Pollock_2 75(53 75 I mess... 8 00@ 8 25 j leaving home, make a good substitute Chebeague m.; p. Andrews, Littlejohn’s Island 7.10 a. m.; 2.45 m. Haddock... 2 00,2.2 5C 1 plate... 9 00® 9 50 tide for andtowels and cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves p. htoon1?sets p. m.. afforaing a splendid Held. (Sage.liy2@12 Sid fm Queenstown July 1, C Soutnard should, with the satchel and its linen per week instead of two as formerly. Passen- Ches. & Ohio. 23% 2416 NEW HAVEN—Sld 2d, schs Fanny H Stew- 6.40 a. at the ends. If it is not to be laid at for sale at Union Station, Augusta, in.. *1.00, 1.20, 5.05. and gas. Unequaled diuiug car service. ger trains will leave Portland for Rockland com- Chicago & Alton.148 150 art, Norfolk; E Gerry, New York. and for JOHN W. SANBORN. Acting Gen. $11.20p. m., Brunswick, Gardiner June 27th, at (1.40 a. in., 1.20 in. & Alton 165 165 DUTCH ISLAND HARBOR—Sld to 3d, schs a on Man.,Boston and TIME TABLE meneing p. Chicago preferred.... once allow also fraction the width, W. F. BERRY, Gen’l Traffic Augusta at HI.20 a.m. May 22,1892. and 11.20 in., the train ss H B for Haver- Manager., Boston. p. latter running daily Chicago. Burlington Qiuncy.lOl 100% Diverty. Taylor. Philadelphia for both D. J. P. and Farmington, Phillips, and Rangeley via Leave New York from foot of street, hill New York for F H shrinkage is probable ways. FLANDERS. G. T. A.? Boston. Liberty Sundays Included with sleeping ear attached. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.137 137 ; Lugano. Clark, Boston; 8.30 a. 1.15 via Bruns- North D. W. Boston. Lewiston, m., p. m.; _ River, A her the business lie Delaware. Lackawana ti Odiorne, White, do and do; Charlotte Fish,Pen- Get the diagram correct to the fraction SANBORN, Genl, Supt., Friday freight will hand- West..157% 156% wick, 6.40 a. m., 1.00 p. m. For Philadelphia at 4.00„ 7.45, 9.00. 10.00, led the Maine Central K. K. and Denver & Elo Grande. 16 dleton, for H B of an so that if must be je27dtf by shippers 16% Amboy Bangor; Metcalf, Hodg- inch, cutting Monmouth, Wintlirop, Readfield and Oak- 11.30 with dining car, a. m„ 1.30, 2.15, 3.30 must deliver Erie... do for Haverhill. goods at Hie freight house of the 27ya 27 don, done for centrepieces or register holes land, 8.30 a. m., 1.15 and 5.10 p. m., and for with dining car 4.00,6.00,6.00, 7.30,8.45 p.m. Railroad instead of Erie preferred. Also sld, sells Eva Haverhill Company sending to tlie 64 May. Godfrey. it can be done before the cloth is laid on Winthrop and Oakland at 11.10 a. m. 12.15 night. Sundays—9.00, 10.80, 11.30 wharf. Illinois for New Annie L Wilder. Fall River for Central.10214 102 York; Wafcerville via Lewiston, 8.30, 11.10 a. with dining car a. m. 1.3u, 3.30 with Fall for the room. Tack linoleum after m., dining Freight will be received at Freight House Lake Erie & West.,... 23% 23% Rockport; Puritan, Sargent, River Mt butting via 6.40 a. car 12.15 AROUND THE WORLD $610. p.m.; Augusta, m., 5.00, 6.00, p. bl, night West Commercial street up to 4.3u p. m. and Lake Shore.. 134% 135V2 Desert. the within an invisible For Baltimore and edges evenly *1.00, 1.20, $11.20 p. m., and HI.20 a. m. Washington daily at 9.00, sent forward by express freight leaving Port- Louis n Nash. 71% 72Va N EAVPORT—Sld 3d, sell Ira D Sturgis, Hodg- Boston to Skowhegan via 1.16 11.30 with a. m. brad,say four inches apart, and if possi- JAPAN and return, Lewiston, p. m.; via dinlnrcar j 1.30, 3.30, dining land at 0 p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Michigan Central.108% 108 don. AValdoboro. 6.40 a. car 5.00 12.15 ble line the with an and Augusta, m.. 1.20, $11.20 p. m. p. m., night Minn. & St. Louis. 11 EDGARTOAVN—Sailled 3d, schs Julia & Mar- edges adhesive ALASKA return, Fridays. 10% Belfast, 1.20 and 11.20 p. m. Additional train week days for Baltimore at of Richmond leaves Hoboken for E Get the floor smooth dress- to CANADIAN- Returning City Macliias- Minn. & St. Louis pfd. 28% 28% tha. Hamilton. Calais; Bertha paste. by S428.50,223. 50. Apply Dover and Foxcroft, via 11.20 a. 6.00 m. Dexter, m., p. port Mondays, and at 4 a. Missouri Pacific.. 68% 68% Glover, Dyer, New York for Salem; Telumah' the Do not to even it PACIFIC 197 l. Wednesdays Fridays ing planks. try RAILWAY, Washington 00,1.20,11.20 p.m. cars in New do for Susan Parlor on’ day trains 'Sleepers on night m., passengers arriving Portland at 1.20 a m. .Jersey Central.138% 137% Marshall, Newburyport; Stetson, of over Boston. Bangor via Lewiston. 11.10 a. m., 1.15 p. The of New Haven for up by laying strips paper lining St., m.; trains. City Richmond will be succeeded by Northern Pacific common. 2OV2 20 Gott, Portland; Sandy Point, via Augusta, *1.00. 1.20 and $11.20 p. in., the Steamer "Frank.Jones" Grant, South Amboy for New sinks in the floor. Nothing but a jack je!4__ tulit&S3mo, Tickets via this line are on sale at principal onorabout July lo. Northern Pacific pfd. 56% 56% Salem; Union, HI.20 a m., and Sundays only at 7.20 a. m. Railroad offices PAYSON Geti’l York for S AV Harbor. will serve. The future service of throughout New York and New TUCKER, Manager. N orthwestem.117 116 Vs plane Bangor & Piscataquis R. R. via Dexter, at England. Northwestern pfd.144 145 BEVERLY-Sld 2d. sell Albert T Stearns, Grand Trunk 11.10 a. 1.00 and 11.20 _Jnn21dtjly3 the cloth will depend upon the floor be- Railway of Canada. m., p. m.; via Old- Boston office, 211 Washington street New York Central.112% 111% Kennebec and AVashington. town at,11.10 a. m., 11.20 m. 4tli'sch ing perfectly smooth. A nicely laid lin- p. dec22 dtt New York. Chicago & St-Louis. 16 16' GLOUCESTER—Sld Lucy Wentworth On and After SUNDAY, June 26th, Ellsworth and Bar Harbor, 11.10 a. m.. *1.00 oleum needs no but should .A-llctm. Ijiine do 1st pfd. 71 71 Machias for Boston; Charles McDonald J A binding, Trains will leave as follows: and $11.20 p. m. and HI.20 a. m. Ohio & Miss. 20 20 Decker and C C Miles, Rockland for New York; binding be desired for sake of appearance, Vanceboro, St. John, Halifax and Provinces Iloyal Mail Steamships. ior DEPARTURES. Ont. & Western. 18% Georgietta. tsostou uootuoay; rocnaset, use one-lialf-incli brass binding. Let 11.10 a. m., *1.00, 1.20 and $11.20 p. m. Pacific Mail. Bluehill tor New York; Victory,Bristol for New St. BETWEEH flnU MONTREAL 33% 33% linoleum, like oilcloth, lav face down For Auburn and Lewiston, 7.10 and 8.40 a. Houlton, Woodstock, Stephen and North lIVtnPUOL, QUEBEC Pullman Palace.194 194 York. Aroostook, 1.20 and 11.20 St. An- several in the store before m.. 11.10. 5.15 and 8.15 p. m. For Gor- p. m.; A Affair From I | From From Beading. 60ya 60 SIrl 1st. sch Katharine D Perry, and days fitting it. drews, 11.10 m. Bangor bam and Island Pond. 8.40 a. m.. 1.25 and a.m., HU.20 p. Tne 11.20 p. Family Liverpool | Steamships I Montreal Quebec. Kock Island. 81% Washington. Another reason for the cloth m. train and Health for the 80y2 having 8.15 p. m. For Montreal and Chicago Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays Baby, St. Louis & San Fran. 76 76 BATH—Ar 2d, schs Anna E.I Morse, Crocker, for the connects at Rockland witli 23 .June ‘Mongolian njuly lOJuly made perfectly ready apart- and 8.15 p. in. For 8.40 •• St. Pam. 82% Portalnd; C J Willard. York, do; 8.40a.m., Quebec, Pleasure for the Parents, 30 I Sardinian Id 17 82% Monhegan, ment is to avoid the base- a. m. and 8.15 m. For Buckfield and Steamer Frank Jones do Dfd. 127 Baker, do; Geo M Adams, Standish, and Maud, scratching p. 7 July | •Xumldlan, 23 24 Canton, 8.40 a. m. and 1.25 p. m. for Life for the Old Folks. 14 St. Paul & Omaha...4914 48% Robinson, Boston; Samuel Dilloway, do; Win board with surplus cloth, and the cer- Bar Harbor, Machiasport and interme- W\3d&\New I Parisian. 30 | 31 uo E do. the diate landings. pfd.122V4 118 Dowues, tainty of cutting ends untrue. The ARRIVALS. *S. S. Mongolian and Xumidian will only carry *Iiuus daily, Sundays included. ex- Sugar common... 97% 98% balance of the detail must be left to the $Night passengers on the voyage to Rmrfl.r nrpfH •ifil/.. o-rs/. j' mm jjcn iiuu nuuui voo niui UU3 1 Liverpool. Foreign Forts. isiuu u, (.ot;, o.^u auu DICCI'UIU lUUXUlCU, IIIM CVCl V Cabin $45 to .«S0 according to steamer and Texas skill of the layer. We offer no antidote 11.45 a. ra., 3.10, 5.40 and 5.50 m. From night, included, but not to Pacific, new. 8% 734 Ar at Hong Kong June 25, Belle of Bath. p. Sundays Skowhegan location or stateroom. Second cabin $30. Union ship for Island Pond and Gorham, 11.45 or to Belfast, Dexter or be- Pacific. 39% 39% Curtis. New York. blisters and putt's which appear in 7.35, Monday morning, Steerage $20. U. S. a. m.. and 5.40 p. m. From and yond Bangor, Bar on Express. 50 5o Ar at Port Pirie July sch Gov the centre of sheets of linoleum or oil- Chicago excepting Harbor, 1, Ames, Davis, and 6.40 m. Buns of AHa„ Line Steam- Wabash, St. .. Montreal,17.35 a. m., p. From Sunday mornings. If in- Louis & Pacific 10% 10% Port Gamble. cloth. The manufacturer comes in daily, Sundays JlHires’ do 7,35 a. and 5.40 m. to Bar Harbor. STATE LUKE {Service pfrt.. 26% 25% Ar at Honolulu June 20, S C Quebec, m., p. cluded, through barque Allen, there. The seller had better lie The m. train runs to New York and Glasgow, via western Union. 0* 03% San Franeisco. low, 8.15 p. only Island Pond White Mountains and Quebec Line. Londonderry, St. Paul. Thompson. to Montreal and West other every fortnight. Cabin $40 and upwards. Re- Minn. & Mann.II0V2 116% at Pernambuco to June sch and hope that Mrs. Jones will not put Saturdays: every Beer Ar prior 23, Nan- included. For Cumberland Mills. Sebago Lake, Bridg- /Jp^Root turn $75 and upwards. Kiclimona ft; country Waldo, from New York for Kong Kong. fate. How dreadfully the waves or the jarring Railway. Minne- as the genuine Hiatts’. do 5% c. (i Ion 29 B In Effect Jane 37, 1893. apolis and St. Paul. May 31, lat N. W, barque Webster, of the engine or screw shakes you up! Now Butter—Western extra creamery at from New York for Callao. Leave Portland via G. T. 8.40 a. ARRIVALS IN PORTLAND. _spill _M.W&F4mcd 21@20c: Pray, mute but awful Railway, daily firsts at, here is a call to the ship’s side. fancy higher: firsts and extra iSin'gOc; m. 1.20 p. m. From Waterville and Lewiston. 8.30 a. m.: Au- of wkeck-u. s. extra imitation creatnrv c: factory Now, if you had the Bitters with this RETURNING—Leave Canton daily 8.35 Bath, &c., 8.35; St. .Johns- Engineer 17'g;18 choice along you a.m., gusta, Montreal, RemovalOffice, 537 Congress street, Portland, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. creamery, choice 3.20 m. Mondays 5.00 a. m. and 8 a. 15«alfic;.Northern at22,B23c: wouldn’t happen. Travellers and tourists, take p. only bury, Fabyans Bridgton, m.; St. Maine, June 2, 1892. Notice is New York and Vermont good to STAGE CONNECTIONS Daily—From W. 11.45 a. hereby given dairy, enoice DR WOODBURY’S ANTIDOTE our advice, and before you start on your yatcht- John, Bangor, etc., m.; Farmington, to all persons interested in the wreck of the Daily, Including Sundays. 18®20c; Eastern creamery, good to choice at Minot for Hebron Academy; Buckfield for W. and 11.50 a. Bar ing or ocean voyage, your coasbwise trip or Skowhegan Lewiston, in.; schooner "Isabel and the there- THE NEW The above are Sumner and Canton for Dix- Harbor and Alberto,” cargo AND PALATIAL STEAMERS, 21@22c. quotations receivers, inland outing, obtain the Bitters, and thus Turner; Peru, Bangor Express, *12.05 p, in.; of, sunk in the southern of Rockland Har- for srrictlv wholesale lots. in cases of debility fieldand also for Brettun’s St. Lancaster. Fabvans and part prices fortify yourselves against stomachic difficulties, Mexico; Mills, Johnsbury, Bridg- bor, Maine, that unless said wreck shall be re- Cheese—Northern choice full creams, new Livermore. L. L. 12.15 I.ake 4.45 at tion is ben- malaria, dyspepsia, and the effects of exposure LINCOLN, Supt. ton, p. m.; Sebago moved 13, the United States will fair to good at and exhaus and by July 1892, PORTLAND AND TREMONT 8%@9c; fjicsvic; Western in rough weather or bad diet or water. Take p. m.; Waterville, Bath, Augusta proceed to remove It in accordance w ith law. lair to Je2T.___dtf 5.25 leave Franklin choice,new, atSlgStic; good CglVie; A small wine- it, too, for biliousness, kidnev trouble and Rockland, p. m.; Flying Yankee Sealed proposals, in will be received Alternatly Wharf, Portland, sage 9 c 1 Oe. eficial. 6.35 triplicate, every at 7 In season rheumatism. jy2eod&wlw p.m.; Rangeley, Farmington,Skowhegan, at this office until 3 on evening o'clock; arriving Waterville and p. m., Wednesday, July lor connection with earlies Eggs—Eastern extras 17c: Vtand N H extras fore Lewiston, 5.45 p. ni.; Mont- for the removal of the above named trains for points be- Mich, glassful be eaeh TEXAS AND 13,1892, at 17c; extra at lfic; Western firsts at CALIFORNIA, MEXICO. real, Quebec, Lancaster, Fabyans, Bridgton, wreck. The attention ot bidders is invited to yond. seconds at 8.16 *1.40 a. m. and Through tickets for 15Va@16c; 15®15%c. H. E. Semi-Monthly Parties, personally conducted p. m.; Night Pullman, the Acts of Congress approved February 2(5, Providence, Lowell fresh-killed chick- in e a 1 in creases the MILLS, Bar Harbor a. m. Worcester, New Ac. Poultry—Northern spring combining comfort, low rates, quick time, Pult Night Express, *3.20 1885, and February 23, 1887, Vol. 23, p. 332, York, ens at 25c; fowls Western iced fowls mail cars. Call on or included. 15®16c; Piano Tuner. sleeping address E. E. ♦Sundays and Vol. 24, p. 414, Statutes-at-barge. For Returning, leave India Wharf, Boston.everv chickens and PAYSON at lHgllVic; at 18®20c;live fowls at appetite improves digestion. CURRIER, New England Agent Southern P*. TUCICER, forms of hid. and evening at 7 o’clock. Vice Pres, specifications, information, lOSllc. Order Slate atCliandler’s Music Store 413 •Uc Co., 192 Washington Sfc, Boston, Mass. and General Manager. apply to this office. PETER C. HAIXS. Lieut. J. F. LISCOMB, J. B. COYLE, Beaus—New York, hand-sicked pea, at|l 90@ Sold by all Druggists. Congress Street. febSeoittt wtta F. E. BOOTHY, Gen’l. Pass, and Ticket Agent. Colonel of General Agent. June Engineers. jel0,ll,13,14jyll,12 Manager, Portland, 24,1892. dtf. seplb dtf THE PRESS. THE HAMPTON RACE. THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. RECKLESS SHOOTING. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Honors Were Left Easy Between Willard How it Was Celebrated in Portland and Hoodlums Break the BeGrow Window in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TODAY. and Soutli Portland. Vicinity. Boswortli Hall.

AMUSEMENTS. The event yesterday at South Portland The night before the Fourth was one a of men Old Orchard races. Sunday night gang young ~ti was the race of iraW FINANCIAL. Hampton boats, which of the noisiest for many years until the gathered in the street, near the head of took in the afternoon. There was Gay & Stanwood. place pouring shower put a damper on youth- Cotton, on Free, and began a fusilade of FIFTH PAGE. a crowd of on the shore ful largo spectators ardor. But the morning of the Fourth pistol shots which they kept up for a long Owen. Moore & Co. and wharves and much interest was broke and clear a time. The Atkinson Company. bright with strong This fact would not call for spec- TURNED Casco in the THE ILL” Steamboat TOWARDS Bay Co. taken, especially friendly rivalrj northeast wind. Young America was ial remark—as it was really Monday I EIGHTH PAGE. of South Portland and Willard. The early astir and the city echoed and re- morning, for the clock had struck 12— & not come Farrington Bickford. course did from our store we have a full line of The Atkinson sailed was from the harbor neai echoed with the noise of but it the men used ball car- although pic. Company. cannons, pistols, appears tires and of the a Standard engravings choicest kinds. That song is pathetic Clothing Co. Custom House wharf, around House and fire crackers. At sunrise, noon and tridges. indiscriminate shoot- little but M. C. M. A.; monthly Injhcir are thing, it doesn’t make one feel half as sad as it does to meeting. thence westward of Island Gingers Summer board; Oliver Mureh. Island, Hog sunset a national salute was fired by or- ing they broketlie valuable LeGrow me- J.ATTTTlVfBGG w 1TA Portland Yacht Club; as as mer- monthly meeting. Ledge, and around the buoy on The der of the city government, and the bells morial window in Boswortli Post hall plenty New Wants, To Let, For Sale, Lost, xFound, Brothers and back again. Mr. Edward forth their notes. From and one of the collar filled dealers, who, for a and pealed gladsome windows, the cenary similiar advertisements will be found under Ennis of South BUY FURNITURE the Portland had charge oi and the of Mr. appropraite headings on page 6. public many private residences, sign O’Connor, the tailor, with few cents’ extra profit, will the race as referee. stars and were to the about 20 bullet and several of and stripes flung- holes, the recommend Be then find that by coming to our store you could have saved so for Stock The boats were divided into two class- anything. Closed Taking. breeze. other signs in the vicinity were marked much. Von must read the papers to keep up with the times, but The Standard Clothing Co., will be closed on es. Class 1 was of the 2i in the on Health is although every paper will tell you about composed Band Concerts. same way. It is a wonder that by your guard. Thursday of this week, July 7th for semi-andu- and footers, Class 2 of the 20 footers, their reckless work no one was killed or too to be trifled al stock taking. A special sale of unmsual Im- The concerts given by Chandler’s Band precious Three participated in the first class and injured. portance will be ready for Friday morning to at the Western Promenade, Deering’s with. The best is none too five in the second. In the first class the At THE last some time. A stock of new sur- South Portland ATKINSON for large Oaks and Fort Allen Park were Monday morning In the hour of CO., plus goods from their wholesale house will be contestants were the boats belonging to the boys had the freedom of the good. danger fully enjoyed by many of our citizens to village. put on their counter. William of South SANFORD’S GINGER is yet you must visit us to appreciate the magnitude of our concern. Let Cushing Portland, a extent the They carried off gates, blinds and street large during day. The fine us call your attention to the two most seasonable Charles Orr of Willard and Thomas lights. subjects for July. programmes published in yesterday’s the best in the world. Lake of South Portland. Each boat car- The that edition were admirably rendered. heavy shower came on about For additional Local News see ried three men. 1.30 o’clock Monday morning was a great Containing among its ingredients the pur- In the Mayor’s Keception. est of medicinal French brandy and the best second class there were five boon to nervous It wet the Fifth Page. The people. pow- of imported ginger, it is vastly superior to boats to Thomas of reception, by Mayor Ingraham der the worthless, and often belonging Woodbury of the juvenile celebraters and sent cheap, dangerous A ~ a n — c> —li, tt—^ held in drew a number of gingers urged as substitutes. Ask for SAN- good refrigerator is a A The best is the city building of necessity. cheapest. many them to shelter for a so FORD’S GINGER and look for owl trade* a DRUMMERS ENTERTAINED. our Canadian visitors as as while, poor refrigerator is nuisance. Wc Yon will find it so in James of South well some of mark on the Sold Iiaby Carriages, Woodbury Portland, comparative wrapper. everywhere. won’t tell you about the ones, for same has to our own were quiet reigned. poor generally'the carriage John Griffin of South Portland and people. They very cordially what will we leave that to our do for Pleasant Hours of the Fourth Passed at Some of the boys got unusually ven- they do, several “little strangers.” Sup- received by His Honor. The reception competitors. We won’t tell wliat then that want the Mr. J. H. Dow’s Peaks Island. George Cushing. turesome last and a cannon Ju28 T&F&w you posing you best, Cottage, a evening put mrm8thp The race was proved very attractive and novel fea- we will show you the very close. In the first cracker on the letter box at the corner of class William ture of the day. THE NEW PERFECTION A large delegation of the members of Cushing came in first, but Free and Cross streets, by Gage Broth- about two minutes ahead of At the Islands. the Montreal and Maine travellers asso- only Charles ers’ store. When the cracker exploded will do. Any one who has used it will HEYWOOD. Orr who took second a xxuxiiuex ux citueus tell that. We will tell ciations accepted the generous invita- prize. xaigo pairomzea it blew the letter box to and scat- you you though pieces what it won’t do. tion ofi Mr.»J. H. Dow to enjoy the Ip the second class the boats kept to- the island steamers yesterday and took tered the letters about the street. Mr. the race and the close in the at these resorts. At 11 m\ALT--*.- hospitalities of his summer home at gether throughout pleasures Gage picked the letters up and kept them was Thomas won Island the New York Ideal Peaks Island ; yesterday afternoon. Mr. exciting. Woodbury Long Opera safely for the postoffice. It is a pretty and was a and Mrs. Dow had made ample prepara- George Allen second. The Co. drew good audience and the Gran- serious matter interfering with Uncle others came in this order: J.Wood- ite Mr. Ponce’s new thear tion, for, giving the visitors from Her along Spring Casino, Sam’s mails, and the young men who did Majesty’^Dominion and Mr. Dow’s as- bury, Griffin and G. Cushing. tre, and all were much pleased with the it will be likely to suffer if found out. sociates of Maine a royal reception. The The prizes were $6 for the first and $4 entertainment. The company was good rooms of his i beautiful cottage and the for the second in each race. and_tliis theatre is very attractive. At AT LAKE SEBAGO. spacious grounds surrounding, were William Cushing’s boat carried a jib Peaks Island the Pavilion and Green- How Portland prettily'decorated for the occasion. jib and was the only boat that did. She wood Garden were well patronized, both Longshoremen Enjoyed In- Games and amusements of various kinds made a very pretty spectacle as she came places affording ample entertainment to dependence Day. furnished pleasant entertainment. In up the home stretch in a spanking their patrons. The annual the dining rooms a nice collation was in breeze. In the Evening. outing of the Portland On July *,0Tir,'rSoi, David In the The distanoe over the course was Longshoremen’s Benevolent took readiness. evening the party The evening was marked hy the explo- Society Glascoe Farragut was born near were about nine miles. place at Lake The the guests of Mr. andj Mrs. Dow, sion of fire crackers and pistols while Sebage yeserday. Tenn. was all Knoxville, and them to the Pavilion Griffin in the second collided with one had day that could be desired and accompanied many families private displays of No American nava. was history theatre. Ther and of the other boats but no damage was enjoyed by all who went up. The following gentlemen fireworks From the harbor the exhibi- would be vrithout his I ladies the C. E. A. done. majority of the society went on the noon complete composed par'y: tion of rockets and Roman candles was We also have the Wakefield, and train and all of the six cars were crowded. biography. He was ten years Patterson and wife, H. M. Dranehart and MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. very pretty. from these you can make an easy se- wife, H. Mortimer and wife, J. O. Morin Arriving at the Lake the various sports old when he became a midship- lection. They are all in styles and HE TEASED THE ELEPHANT were in. of course. The ones and wife, Miss Miss William Watson’s Fall from the Roof of a quickly indulged The base ball man. For his services in the prices cheaper Daily, Enright, It won’t waste the Ice. are but run between the $7. they from there to Lamontagne, George Barn. game Forest Citys and Gulf he in De- Heojfor Berge, Capt. And the Elephant Resented the In- region received, about $15. Crescents was won the former It won’t so and fonl that D. Stephenson. J. F. Gardner, H. W. by club the thanks of con- get damp sult. cember, 1864, you hate to put anything in it. Wadsworth, Mr. Miner, T. H. Harris, Last Saturday, Wm. Watson, who by one run. James McGovern, formerly and the rank of vice-ad- of the gress, Capt. St. Lewis, all of Montreal; Horace works for James P. Baxter, Esq., at the Portlands, was the umpire. The It won’t cost you any more than a Yesterday afternoon when the crowd miral was created on his account. Jones and wife, of Montevideo; G. W. latter’s summer home on Mackworth’s winners received $15. poorer one. was trying to get into the circus, a num- Two later he was made and had a most The boat races attracted the most at- years ghawberTets. Tennant T. J. Welch and miraculous wife, wife, Island, escape ber of stood people close to the heard of a rank which no Miss H. H. Jones and wife. S. from death. He was at work on the roof tention. Those who contested in the Admiral, longer Deelian, the Do want a set for a sum- elephants watching massive, intelli- doubles were William Paine and J. O’- exists you cheap C. Lang- and wife, John C. Brown and of the high barn, near the ridge pole, on mer ? gent creatures. Among the number was Donnell, William Killeen and J. O’Brien, cottage H. C. and Miss the baok side. The of the roof is It’s now time for mum. wife, Thompson wife, pitch a man more or and Mat O’Brien and Thos. Black. profit saving apparently less under the Do you want a set for the children’s Drisco, W. H. Looney, Miss quite steep, and the eves are, on that They finished in the order Esq., influence of liquor, who slyly teased one clothing buyers. We have parlor suites of every des- room? and B. A. Atkinson. side, of 40 feet above the named. The victors received $40 ones and Looney upwards of the The The cription. Cheap high priced elephants. animal, quicker and the second ones $20. In the plum will be the a ground. On the ground beneath the plucked by ones. Do you want nice medium priced than lightning brought down its trunk singles, Matt O’Brien, J. O’Brien and tJI I Y Ur Web 1 dKUUK* eaves were comers. set? several boulders and a post, William were early skinning one side of the man’s face. The Paine the contestants. Sets upholstered in so situated that it would seem almost Matt O’Brien was an winner and suit a but there’s a Do want an set for with the and not easy got Every bargain you expensive Sudden Death of Mrs. C. T. Ames East man, smarting pain, the first of The other two SATIN DERBY, the best room? impossible for a man to fall among them prize $25. choice of knowing whence the blow had come, were close "and after a contest bargains. SILK Evening. without to very sharp PLUSH, being dashed pieces. In some Examine ours. wheeled round. In front of him stood Paine came in second, thus receiving Several dozen Straw Hats to close BROCATELLES, Watson while on the way slipped roof, an the second prize of $15. In both races RUGS, Last evening Mrs. C. T. treas- innocent looking countryman with a at cts. There’s Ames, and shot off the Thomas O’Neil was the referee and 50 $1.00 and $1.50 TAPESTRY, rolling rapidly down, small child in his arms. The man struck urer of Naomi Lodge, D. of K., fell dead Robert M. and Charles HAIR CLOTH. FOLDING BEDS. eaves, falling outside a staging erected Kelly /Sanborn qualities among them, while at a meeting of the lodge. She the countryman a hard blow in the face were the judges. below, and dropped to the ground. Sets that you can buy for $45, and had just read the usual report of the that split his lip and caused him to stag- The 200 yards dash was won by John The Gunn. The Phoenix. Those with him were horrified, expect- | J. Cronin in second. The sets that $200 won’t buy. term finances, sat down in her ger and nearly drop the child. The man Foley, coming FARRINGTON & BICKFORD chair, to find him dashed to prizes were $3 for first and $2 for second. Different in construction and ing pieces. They who had inflicted the blow then cleared new received also that price. gasped a few times and fell to the floor. The sack race was Many styles were to find that he had struck enjoyed by many see. They are the best and most convenient surprised out before an effort could be you should She was immediately raised and restora- made for and caused much amusement. John Formerly on the and if house is between the post and boulders so close Farrington Bros., market, your tives but without effect. Dr. his arrest. Gulliver was first and William Collins easv chairs and small and are crowded for room it applied, as to and landed in the Fancy Rockers, you graze them, only second. The prizes were $3 to the win- ottomans. will just what you want. Burroughs was called and decided it a CONGRESS STREET. prove space of soft ground there was. He was Accidents. ner and $2 for the second man. 542 case of heart disease, Thomas Conley won the stone throw- uit badly shaken up, but not seriously hurt. The Fourth never with- DO YOU NEED A S EWING MACHINE? Mrs. Ames was an exemplary Christian glorious passes in°; contest and received the prize of $2. out a number of accidents from the care- was in all lady and will be much missed in the Fire on Free Street. Dancing indulged the after- less of fire arms or fire crack- noon, an orchestra of five furnish- She was about handling pieces community. 41 years of Yesterday afternoon Officer Frith saw excellent music. ers. ing CARPETS. DINING ROOM FURNITURE. age. She leaves a husband and one child, smoke issuing from the cellar window of The society has been organized about A son of Mr. Fred who a man some 18 of Free as young Buckley, 25 and is now in a con- young years age. No. 58 street, known the Central years flourishing The standard makes at greatly re- EXTENSION TABLES, resides on Lafayette street, was dition. The officers of the are: Summer Board. Market, and located on the first floor of engaged society duced prices. CHAIRS, BRIEF with a companion in firing off a small President—P. J. Higgins. SIDEBOARDS, JOTTINGS. the large four-story brick block corner Vice President—M. O’Brien. PEQUAKET HOUSE at West Baldwin, cannon on Myrtle street. The THEMe., is now open for the board of families A at HALL FURNITURE, of Free and Center street. The officer cannon,at Recording Secretary—Ed Morin. Yelvet $1.25. ^ O’Neil. and others desirous of spending a few days or at LIBRARY It was a with a the last at the Treasurer—Jeremiah A Brussells $1.29. FURNITURE, bright day strong, clear, in an alarm from box 5 and the discharge, exploded vent, Financial J. weeks in the country, west Baldwin is one of pulled Secretary—P. lteilly. the most and A Roxbury Tapestry 90c. DESKS, cool northwest wind and filled the faces of the two boys with Trustees—M. J. Cramer, D. J. Wil- picturesque healthful places in yesterday. The Leonard, 30 miles from Portland on A Nice at 70c. BOOK CASES. department quickly responded. liam Nelson, James Collins, Johnson. Maine, only the Tapestry The their usual Fourth who is about 13 Henry Mountain Division of the Maine Central. Board police enjoyed chemical a stream on but the powder. Buckley, engine got from $3.50 to $5 a week. Pure of July dinner at the station years of age, was seriously injured. Mr. spring water, and Curtains. Handsome Effects in Antique Oak. yesterday. fire had evidently obtained a position National Educational Association. fresh milk and eggs and fresh vegetables are Draperies The of the took him specialties at the Pequaket House. For further regular monthly meeting the the chemical stream would not so Hezeltine, apothecary, reach, Fifteen thousand teachers are particulars address OLIVER MURCH, West WAN I A HANU home in a hack. The other was not expected DO YOU yacht club will be held tomorrow even- a stream boy Baldwin, Me. jul5eod5w* hydrant was put on. After half to attend the of the Na- so injured. great meeting know we have in House down to ing. an hour’s active work the flames were badly You everything Furnishings tional Educational Association at Sarato- Portland Yacht Club. circus A son of Mr. Charles was fir- carpet sweepers and ash sifters. Forepaugh’s procession filled It seems that the Skillings regular of the Portland extinguished. cellar N. 12-15. Maine teachers monthly meeting Kitchen Furniture includes all the little utensils and the the streets the route a when it ga, Y., July THEYacht Club will be held at the Club Our along with people was full of boxes and and ing toy pistol, exploded prema- House, We have empty rubbish cannot afford to miss the first when Merchants’ wharf, ou Wednesday evening. July Quaker Range and the New Tariff Range. cheaper The and burned his hand and face se- day, yesterday morning. show was a the was turely 6, at 8 o’clock. CHAS. F. FLAGG, Secretary, but these are the favorites and we have sold thou« fire underneath it all making a President Eliot of Harvard Ranges though, one. University juiodi’t them. We advise to very good dense thick that at was as sands of you smoke, times, auu i/i. m x. uuncu ajuiuca Mr. the A twelve old son of Mr. Michael uuuia, Starr, press agent of Fore- black as oil smoke. year commissioner of education, and other Stove for Summer Use. there were eleven Graham, who lives at No. 56 An Oil paugh’a show, says The store was filled with smoke, and Washington Gsde /zzeadeele edvtceci Buy was distinguished educators will present pa- & thousand people present in the tent yes- street, firing crackers, when a large ii & "t so was the building overhead which is on live cannon cracker pers educational topics. Copies terday afternoon, and hundred turned prematurely exploded, ca occupied by Clarence M. Merriman as a of the official bulletin and information ec-dnA-avi'ie, leaeted/edad both hands and his face with away for lack of seats. house. said fiilling V >cv jfo.. ] lodging Mr. Merriman what- relative to rates can be ob- ^ He was taken home. transportation ever his sustain powder. injury property might tained of the state manager, President M. oetd d'&le, f A man, whose name was given as Rod- THE ATKINSON COMPANY would be due to smoke and was insured. C. Me. Parties avz-y. dez^ was crackers on Fernald, Orono, going not ney, firing Congress He could give the companies or the over the Maine Railroad must Pearl and Vine Streets. and was Central ■/'tveevz rf!e dzeezld i Middle, Mr. M. street, evidently somewhat un- ejC6.80 agents. W. Best, who runs the at once state if Has the ■ It Come der the influence of He was notify manager, they Central said he was liquor. C. CEN’L MANAGER. Market, insured with desire to find on sale tickets at reduced ISAAC ATKINSON, whirling a lighted-cannon cracker about Crf. Dow & Pinkham for between two and rates at their railroad crfty.rfnrf /O.OoSrf his head when it exploded and his hand respective sta- To This three thousand dollars. What his loss tions. AUCTION SALES. was terribly mutilated. Ca Adtdtrfade 'Mvdt would be he couldn’t say. All his meats At Oakdale, while the boys were ex- BY F. 0. BAILEY & Auctioneers. That every successful, meritor- were, of course, rendered useless by the CO., perimenting with fire crackers, some edzeeelid/d ious article has smoke as were the vegetables and fruits. didddt-, NOTICE. its imitations. sparks set fire to the parlor of Mr. Al- dzz'/z/zdf The canned and bottled goods might Household Furniture, Etc. This is a grave for bert Allen’s house, considerable injustice, suffer more orless of a loss. doing vrzel e/lezad 5 avie/ Cerfe/ the damage. 6th at 10 a. m. genuine pure article will The half of the block in which the fire July and Wednesday, Jnly a* Master Willie Merrill of East /~f* During often be judged by the imita- was located is owned by Mr. George Deering, addecded.' -&dda. delved shall sell the furniture, etc., at house No. son of Mayor Merrill, burned his hand so our store will WE 5 Portland street, consisting of Parlor tion. No Stevens of Knightville, he having bouglii \ / August Suit, preparations require severely with powder while Tables,Mirrors,Pictures,Rockers,Chamber it from Mr. Colesworthv. It is insured celebrating be closed even- furniture. Extension Table and Dining Chairs, for their manufacture more every Mattresses and Monday morning that the services of a Sewing Machine, Beddng, and the loss will be only a few hundred o’clock ex- Hanging Lamps. Carpets, nice Cooking Range, care and skill, more costly physician were required. ing at 6 Parlor Stove, Crockery, Glass and Kitchen dollars. ete. 1e30dtd and than when Ware, etc., purer materials, The cat in the market was nearly suf A Small Blaze. cept Saturdays Flavoring Extracts. focated by the smoke but re finally Yesterday afternoon about four o’clock we shall close at 9 F. 0. BAILEY & CO^ Auctioneers. In this instance mater- covered. a man cheap walking down Brown street saw o’clock. Administrator’s Sale of Personal ials mean inferior flavors. A Down East Yachting Trip. flames issuing from the addition of Property at Auction. from the Honorable Dr. Price’s Delicious Flavor- The annual cruise of the Sclilotterbeck’s drug store. He notified to a license Winthrop PURSUANTHenry C. Peabody, Judge of Probate for Yacht will the clerks and a few pails of water extin- the of I snail sell at Public Extracts have won their Club start on Saturday, Julj County Cumberland, ing f A-M-WEtiTWORTH ^ Auction, at the house formerly occupied by 9. Yachts will guished the flames. The fire had caught to confidence gather off Point Shirlej Sophronia Butler, situated on Mechanic street, way public by in a lot of from a STANDARD Woodfords Deering, on Thursday. at 2 p. m. At 2.30 the wil rubbish, possibly piece Mrs. W. Jordan Corner, starting gun Annie a. m., all the household the and materials of fire cracker that Julv 7,1892, at 10 pure costly be fired from Commodore J. Stearns burning had been of sofas, chairs, Of 1GB Tremont St., Boston, was in very furniture, consisting bedsteads, blown in the wind. pool bedding, stoves, lamps, used, the new processes em- and the fleet by high health, from of bureaus, carpets, books, Cushing’s flagship Nimbus, bad circulation the blood, gP^ONEFLIGHT^JJ jfP | pictures, dishes, silver-ware, jewelry, etc., etc. will under having rush of blood to the head, numb can be examined on morning of sale. ployed for extracting from get way, the yachts passing ir Mischievous Boys. spells, PropertyJ and chills, and the physician said the veins ->548i CONGRESS ST.<- FRANCIS HIGGINS, after which two will be fired were almost over q Company, guns her A J Clothing estate Butler, the fruits their natural flavor- review, At Woodfords Corner morn- all body. col- Administrator of tlie Sophronia Monday lision with bursting as a signal to fill away for Marblehead a double runner brought on neural- jan24eodtt jlyl