26339 Uffington Road, Stamford 1.1 April 2020


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Prepared by: Prepared for:

RPS Lambert Smith Hampton

Aline Behrendt Dudley J Cross Archaeological Consultant Building Consultancy Lead – South

Myk Flitcroft BA MSc MCIfA Director – Archaeology & Heritage

Sherwood House, Sherwood Avenue Pyramus House, Roman Way Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 1QQ Grange Park, Northampton NN4 5EA

T +44 1636 642 707 E [email protected]



This archaeological desk-based assessment of land off Uffington Road, Stamford has been prepared by RPS on behalf of Lambert Smith Hampton. The site is located on the eastern edge of the town of Stamford and comprises approximately 4.87 hectares of industrial estate. The site is proposed for mixed-use re- development. This assessment has been prepared with regard to Government’s National Planning Policy Framework, to identify and provide a description of the significance of heritage assets within the site and the likely effects of the planned development. This study concentrates on identifying any archaeological interest in the site and assessing the potential impact of development on the archaeological significance of any identified assets. The assessment is based on an examination of evidence in the Lincolnshire Historic Environment Record (HER), Historic England’s National Heritage List for England, historic maps, and online resources. The assessment has confirmed that there are no scheduled monuments or other designated heritage assets within the site. Development within the site will not affect the significance of any designated heritage asset in the surrounding area. The data provided by the HER contains a circular polygon within the south-west part of the site, which indicates the approximate location and potential extent of an early Saxon cemetery. The cemetery is inferred from the discovery of a Saxon burial during the construction of the railway on the western boundary of the site in the 1860s. As is common with records of Victorian discoveries, it is difficult to locate accurately and difficult to assess its significance. Saxon burials are more commonly found within cemeteries, but those cemeteries vary significantly in size. It has been assumed in preparing this assessment that the cemetery originally extended within the site, broadly as mapped. Making an assessment of the significance of the conjectured remains is complicated by the fact that their state of preservation is unclear. The extent of the modern development suggests that at best there are likely to be only islands of survival, but the original recorded depth of the burial at 4ft does suggest that burials could survive outside of deep intrusions. This assessment has also considered the potential for other, as-yet undiscovered, archaeological assets within the site. Historic maps demonstrate that the site was undeveloped open ground to the east of Stamford’s built area in the early 19th century, and this is likely to reflect the land use from at least the Medieval period onwards. The site remained undeveloped until the 1970s, when the existing industrial estate was built. Based on the HER dataset for the surrounding search area, the historic maps, and the existing development on the site, the site is considered to have a low potential for significant additional archaeological assets. The heritage interest in the site can be safe-guarded through an appropriately worded condition attached to any planning permission granted. In practice demolition should be permitted to slab level, to be followed by archaeological monitoring of removal of hard-surfacing to reveal the archaeological horizon. Targeted archaeological investigation comprising test- pits and trenches are then likely to be required to establish the presence/absence of further burials or other significant remains. Provision should be made for further archaeological mitigation measures to follow this work and for subsequent off-site analysis, recording and reporting leading to publication as appropriate.


Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... I 1 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF STUDY ...... 1 2 PLANNING BACKGROUND AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN FRAMEWORK...... 2 National Planning Policy ...... 2 Local Planning Policy ...... 3 3 GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY ...... 5 Geology ...... 5 Topography ...... 5 4 ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND WITH ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE ...... 6 Introduction ...... 6 Designated Heritage Assets ...... 6 Non-Designated Heritage Assets and other archaeological monuments ...... 7 Previous Archaeological Work ...... 7 Mesolithic – Bronze Age ...... 8 Iron Age - Roman ...... 9 Anglo-Saxon/Early Medieval ...... 10 Medieval ...... 10 Post Medieval & Modern (including map regression exercise) ...... 10 Assessment of Significance (Non-Designated Assets) ...... 12 5 THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT & REVIEW OF POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSETS ...... 13 Proposed Development ...... 13 Review of Potential Development Impacts on Non-Designated Assets ...... 13 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ...... 14

Figures Figure 1: Site Location ...... 17 Figure 2: Designated Assets ...... 18 Figure 3: HER Data Events ...... 19 Figure 4: HER Data Monument ...... 20 Figure 5: 1814 Ordnance Survey Draft ...... 21 Figure 6: 1886 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 22 Figure 7: 1901 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 23 Figure 8: 1932 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 24 Figure 9: 1951 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 25 Figure 10: 1975 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 26 Figure 11: 2000 Aerial image ...... 27

Appendices Appendix A Gazetteer of HER Entries



1.1 This archaeological desk-based assessment of land off Uffington Road, Stamford has been prepared by RPS on behalf of Lambert Smith Hampton. 1.2 The site, also referred to in this report as ‘the study site’, is located on the eastern edge of the town of Stamford and comprises approximately 4.87 hectares of land centred at TF 041 077 (Figure 1). The site currently forms an industrial estate. It is bounded by Uffington Road to the south, the Stamford Retail Park and buildings on Ryhall Road to the west, open ground to the north, and by further parts of the industrial estate & the to the east. 1.3 This assessment has been prepared with regard to Government’s National Planning Policy Framework, to identify and provide a description of the significance of heritage assets within the site and the likely effects of future development. This study concentrates on identifying any archaeological interest in the site and assessing the potential impact of development on the archaeological significance of any identified assets. 1.4 The assessment comprises an examination of evidence in the Lincolnshire Historic Environment Record (HER), and online resources. Information regarding Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields and Listed Buildings was obtained from Historic England’s National Heritage List for England and the HER. Information on Conservation Areas was sought from South Kesteven District Council. 1.5 The assessment incorporates published and unpublished material and charts historic land-use through a map regression exercise. 1.6 As a result, the assessment enables relevant parties to assess the significance of archaeological assets on the site and the potential for previously undiscovered archaeological evidence, thus enabling potential impacts on the significance of any assets to be identified along with the need for design, engineering or archaeological mitigation.



2.1 National legislation regarding archaeology, including scheduled monuments, is contained in the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, amended by the National Heritage Act 1983 and 2002, and updated in April 2014. 2.2 In March 2012, the government published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and it was last updated in February 2019. The NPPF is supported by the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG), which was published online 6th March 2014, with the guidance on Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment last updated 23 July 2019. ( 2.3 The NPPF and NPPG are additionally supported by three Good Practice Advice (GPA) documents published by Historic England: GPA 1: The Historic Environment in Local Plans; GPA 2: Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment (both published March 2015). The second edition of GPA3: The Setting of Heritage Assets was published in December 2017. National Planning Policy

2.4 Section 16 of the NPPF, entitled Conserving and enhancing the historic environment provides guidance for planning authorities, property owners, developers and others on the conservation and investigation of heritage assets. Overall, the objectives of Section 16 of the NPPF can be summarised as seeking the: • Delivery of sustainable development; • Understanding the wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits brought by the conservation of the historic environment; • Conservation of England's heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance; and • Recognition that heritage makes to our knowledge and understanding of the past. 2.5 Section 16 of the NPPF recognises that intelligently managed change may sometimes be necessary if heritage assets are to be maintained for the long term. Paragraph 189 states that planning decisions should be based on the significance of the heritage asset and that level of detail supplied by an applicant should be proportionate to the importance of the asset and should be no more than sufficient to review the potential impact of the proposal upon the significance of that asset. 2.6 Heritage Assets are defined in Annex 2 of the NPPF as: a building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions. They include designated heritage assets (as defined in the NPPF) and assets identified by the local planning authority during the process of decision-making or through the plan-making process. 2.7 Annex 2 also defines Archaeological Interest as a heritage asset which holds or potentially could hold evidence of past human activity worthy of expert investigation at some point. 2.8 A Nationally Important Designated Heritage Asset comprises a: World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, Protected Wreck Site, Registered Park and Garden, Registered Battlefield or Conservation Area. 2.9 Significance is defined as: The value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. This interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives not only from a heritage asset’s physical presence, but also from its setting.


2.10 Setting is defined as: The surroundings in which a heritage asset is experienced. Its extent is not fixed and may change as the asset and its surroundings evolve. Elements of a setting may make a positive or negative contribution to the significance of an asset, may affect the ability to appreciate that significance or may be neutral. 2.11 In short, government policy provides a framework which: • Protects nationally important designated Heritage Assets; • Protects the settings of such designations; • In appropriate circumstances seeks adequate information (from desk based assessment and field evaluation where necessary) to enable informed decisions; • Provides for the excavation and investigation of sites not significant enough to merit in-situ preservation. 2.12 The NPPG reiterates that the conservation of heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance is a core planning principle, requiring a flexible and thoughtful approach. Furthermore, it highlights that neglect and decay of heritage assets is best addressed through ensuring they remain in active use that is consistent with their conservation. Importantly, the guidance states that if complete, or partial loss of a heritage asset is justified, the aim should then be to capture and record the evidence of the asset’s significance and make the interpretation publicly available. Key elements of the guidance relate to assessing harm. An important consideration should be whether the proposed works adversely affect a key element of the heritage asset’s special architectural or historic interest. Additionally, it is the degree of harm, rather than the scale of development, that is to be assessed. The level of ‘substantial harm’ is considered to be a high bar that may not arise in many cases. Essentially, whether a proposal causes substantial harm will be a judgment for the decision taker, having regard to the circumstances of the case and the NPPF. Importantly, harm may arise from works to the asset or from development within its setting. Setting is defined as the surroundings in which an asset is experienced and may be more extensive than the curtilage. A thorough assessment of the impact of proposals upon setting needs to take into account, and be proportionate to, the significance of the heritage asset and the degree to which proposed changes enhance or detract from that significance and the ability to appreciate it. 2.13 In considering any planning application for development, the planning authority will be mindful of the framework set by government policy, in this instance the NPPF, by current Development Plan Policy and by other material considerations. Local Planning Policy

2.14 The current development plan for South Kesteven district is provided by the policies of the South Kesteven District Council Local Plan 2011 -2036 (adopted January 2020). Within the Local Plan, consideration of heritage assets is provided in Policy EN6 The Historic Environment: EN6: The Historic Environment The Council will seek to protect and enhance heritage assets and their settings in keeping with the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework. Development that is likely to cause harm to the significance of a heritage asset or its setting will only be granted permission where the public benefits of the proposal outweigh the potential harm. Proposals which would conserve or enhance the significance of the asset shall be considered favourably. Substantial harm or total loss will be resisted. Proposals will be expected to take Conservation Area Appraisals into account, where these have been adopted by the Council.


Where development affecting archaeological sites is acceptable in principle, the Council will seek to ensure mitigation of impact through preservation of the remains in situ as a preferred solution. When in situ preservation is not practical, the developer will be required to make adequate provision for excavation and recording before or during development. 2.15 In line with national planning policy guidance and Local Plan policy, this desk-based assessment seeks to clarify the site’s archaeological potential and the likely significance of that potential and the need or otherwise for additional mitigation measures.



3.1 The British Geological Survey (BGS) 1:50,000 records the surface solid geology of the study site as limestone belonging to the Lower Lincolnshire Limestone Member. 3.2 There are no superficial deposits recorded over the solid geology for majority of the study site, although deposits of 1st Terrace sand and gravel have formed on the eastern margin of the site, and the northern quarter of the site is mapped as containing alluvial deposits along the River Gwash. Topography

3.3 The study site is located on level ground to the north of the , on the eastern edge of Stamford. 3.4 The site lies between the River Welland and its tributary, the River Gwash. The Welland flows west to east around 150m south of study site; the Gwash runs roughly north to south passing around 50m east of the study site’s eastern boundary. The confluence of the two rivers lies approximately 700m south-east of the study site. 3.5 The site is currently occupied by areas of hardstanding and brick buildings forming an industrial estate, with scrubby overgrown areas around its margins.




Palaeolithic 900,000 - 12,000 BC Mesolithic 12,000 - 4,000 BC Neolithic 4,000 - 1,800 BC Bronze Age 1,800 - 600 BC Iron Age 600 - AD 43


Roman AD 43 - 410 Saxon/Early Medieval AD 410 - 1066 Medieval AD 1066 - 1485 Post Medieval AD 1486 - 1799 Modern AD 1800 - Present


4.1 This chapter reviews the available archaeological evidence for the study site and the archaeological/historical background of the general area, and - in accordance with NPPF - considers the potential for any as yet to be discovered archaeological evidence on the study site. 4.2 This chapter provides a summary of known assets within the study site and a review of recorded archaeological information within a 1km radius of the study site, also referred to as the search area, based on information held on the Lincolnshire Historic Environment Record (HER) and the National Heritage List for England (Figures 2-4), together with a historic map regression exercise charting the development of the study area from the 19th century onwards until the present day (Figures 5- 11). Information from this search area is used to predict the study site’s potential for additional archaeological assets. 4.3 Chapter 5 subsequently considers the site conditions and whether the proposed development will impact the theoretical archaeological potential identified below.

Designated Heritage Assets

4.4 Data obtained from Historic England and the Local Planning Authority confirms that there are no Designated Heritage Assets (World Heritage Sites, Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Conservation Areas, Registered Battlefields or Parks and Gardens) within the study site (Figure 2). 4.5 The closest Scheduled Monument is the Ruins and site of St Leonard’s Priory (NHLE entry 1007690), which is situated 250m southwest of the study site, on the south side of Uffington Road. The ruins of the priory are also designated as a Grade I Listed Building (NHLE 1062210). The Priory is separated from the study site by existing modern built development along both sides of Uffington


Road, and the dense vegetation along the former railway line on the western boundary of the study site. There is no inter-visibility between the site and the scheduled monument; the study site is seen as part of the modern built development along Uffington Road and makes no positive contribution to the setting of the scheduled monument. 4.6 Further west within the search area, around 800m west of the study site within the modern built area of Stamford, lie a series of designated heritage assets relating to Stamford’s Medieval religious houses: the scheduled Greyfriars Priory (site of) (NHLE 1004973), the scheduled Whitefriars Gate (NHLE 1005006), and the scheduled Site of Brazenose College (NHLE 1004972 & Brasenose Gate (NHLE 1005008). 4.7 Just outside the eastern edge of the search area, around 1.1km from the study site, lies the scheduled Neolithic Causewayed Camp at Uffington (NHLE 1004938). 4.8 The Greyfriars Priory, and Brazenose College scheduled monuments lie within the Stamford Conservation Area, which extends eastwards as far as the junction of Ryhall Road and Uffington Road. There are numerous listed buildings within the Conservation Area. The Conservation Area, listed buildings and scheduled monuments within it are not inter-visible with the study site. 4.9 The Grade II* Registered Parkland of Burghley House (NHLE 1000359) is located to the south of the study site, on the south side of the River Welland. within the north-eastern and eastern extent of the search area, c.550m away from the site. The parkland is not inter-visible with the site. 4.10 None of the designated heritage assets were assessed as sensitive to development within the study site. No further consideration is given to designated heritage assets within this report. Non-Designated Heritage Assets and other archaeological monuments

4.11 The data provided by the HER records one non-designated heritage asset within the study site: an Anglo-Saxon burial (HER ref 30676) discovered in the mid 19th century during excavation of a cutting for the Stamford to Essendine Railway. The burial was described as being found “at a depth of 4 feet near the Uffington Road”. Later 19th century OS maps show the railway cutting forming the western boundary of the site. 4.12 This burial is anticipated to have formed part of an early Saxon cemetery rather than an individual isolated burial, and the asset is discussed on this basis throughout this report. 4.13 The HER data for the surrounding search area provides details of archaeological sites and finds dating from the Mesolithic to the Modern periods. The dataset is heavily weighted towards Medieval, Post-Medieval and Modern sites within the historic core of Stamford (on the western edge of the search area) but includes sufficient records for earlier periods and for areas outside modern Stamford to allow characterisation of the area’s earlier archaeology. 4.14 The HER data is reviewed and discussed on a period-by-period basis below to provide an assessment of the study site’s potential for the presence of additional (as-yet undiscovered) archaeological assets. 4.15 A gazetteer of HER records is included in Appendix A. Their locations are shown on Figures 3-5.

Previous Archaeological Work

4.16 There are no records of previous specific archaeological investigations within the study site, although – as outlined above - archaeological finds were recovered during railway construction work immediately adjacent to the site in the mid 19th Century.


4.17 Twentieth & twenty-first century archaeological investigations recorded within the search area relate largely to work undertaken in association with individual development proposals, including multiple small-scale works within the core of Stamford. 4.18 A programme of archaeological trial investigation was undertaken in advance of proposed development at the Gwash Valley Business Park, immediately to the north-east of the study site: Geophysical survey in 2006 (ELI 12939) was followed by a programme of trial trenching in 2007 (ELI7743). These investigations identified a number of linear features which were thought to represent the remains of former drainage ditches and possible flood defences on the eastern side of the River Gwash. Small quantities of Roman pottery were recovered from the fills of several of the ditches, indicating a Romano-British date for this activity. 4.19 Later small-scale trial trenching to inform works to the River Gwash immediately east of the study site in 2015 (ELI12543) recovered a further single sherd of Roman pottery, but no archaeological features or deposits were encountered. 4.20 Archaeological trial investigations (geophysical survey – ELI8693, and trial trenching – ELI8694) were undertaken in advance of development at New College, 500m west of the study site in 2008. No significant archaeological features or finds were identified. 4.21 A programme of archaeological fieldwalking (ELI509) was carried out in 1991 in advance of a proposed golf course development on a large site at eastern edge of search area . This recovered numerous finds including Prehistoric flint and pottery of Roman to Post-Medieval dates. Subsequent trial trenching of the proposed development (ELI251) recovered a range of archaeological features believed to be from Mesolithic to possible Saxon in date. 4.22 Programmes of geophysical survey in 2001 (ELI2566) and archaeological trial trenching (ELI10511) are recorded in advance of development on Road, around 400m south of the study site, on the south side of the River Welland. The geophysical survey identified possible evidence for Bronze Age round barrow. The trial trenching produced evidence for Iron Age activity, Roman industrial activity and Medieval agricultural evidence. 4.23 The locations of recorded archaeological investigations within the search area are shown in Figure 3, a gazetteer of archaeological ‘events’ is included in Appendix A. Mesolithic – Bronze Age

4.24 The earliest evidence for Prehistoric activity within the search area takes the form of a concentration of Mesolithic and Neolithic flints (HER refs 35077, 35078) recovered as surface scatters of finds from fieldwalking (ELI509) on the Uffington Estate Golf Course development site 900m east of the study site. Subsequent trial trenching (ELI1251) identified spreads of charcoal and large patches of fire-reddened clay which the excavators interpreted as Mesolithic hearths. 4.25 The HER records a probable Neoltihic Causewayed Enclosure (HER 30050) on the valley slope overlooking the River Gwash and River Welland, around 1.1km east of the study site. 4.26 Later, Bronze Age, worked flints (HER 35079) were found as part of the fieldwalking at the Uffington Estate golf course site 900m to the east of the study site. Further Bronze Age flint finds were encountered in trial works at Barnack Road 400m south of the study site (HER 39047). Structural evidence, in the form of possible funerary ring ditches/round barrows of Bronze Age date, has also been identified on the Barnack Road site (HER 35446). Further possible Bronze Age activity was identified in the centre of Stamford from small-scale archaeological works on Wharf Road (HER 36514). 4.27 Taken overall, the existing HER evidence from the search area suggests some utilisation and exploitation of the river valley floor landscape from the Mesolithic period onwards, and with the area around the river confluence becoming a possible focus for ceremonial activity in the Neolithic period


evidenced by the construction the causewayed enclosure, and later Bronze Age activity and probable burial sites. 4.28 The study site is considered likely to have had a moderate potential for the presence of further similar scatters of finds, particularly of Bronze Age material, although this potential is likely to have been significantly reduced by development of the study site in the late 20th Century. The study site is now assessed as having a low potential for the presence of significant archaeological remains of Bronze Age or earlier date. Iron Age - Roman

4.29 Evidence for Iron Age activity in the local area is more obvious, with sites of probable Iron Age settlement or farming enclosures identified from aerial photography at Barnack Road (HER ref 36471 – 400m south of the study site), and on Uffington Road south of Newstead (HER 36693- 600m east of the study site); and also confirmed through archaeological trial works on the Barnack Road site (HER 39044). Parts of larger landscape-scale pit-alignment boundaries of probable Iron Age date are recorded running down the valley sides south of the River Welland (HER 36472 – 550m south-east of the study site) and north of the river (HER 36124 – 800m east of the study site). A further un-related section of pit-alignment is recorded 900m north-west of the study site at Kesteven Road School (HER 34256). 4.30 Evidence for Roman activity is recorded directly north-east of the study site on the opposite side of the River Gwash (HER 36827). The majority of these features were thought to represent the remains of former drainage ditches, moving water into the adjacent River Gwash. A small assemblage of pottery was recovered from the fills of several of the ditches, with all but one fragment being from a variety of 2nd to 4th century vessels. Fragments of Romano-British ceramic building material were also recovered, including possible roof and hypocaust tile, suggesting the presence of a Roman building somewhere in the vicinity. However analysis of environmental samples taken from the ditch fills recorded a very low density of charred plant remains and grains, suggesting the site was well away from any centre of habitation or arable cultivation. 4.31 Other evidence for Roman activity in the search area is present in an occupation site with possible evidence for a building 900m west of the study site (HER 30685), and in Roman iron production evidence recorded on the Barnack Road site 500m south of the study site (HER 39045); the HER also records the discovery of ‘a number of Roman coins’ from a garden around 400m west of the study site (HER 30692). 4.32 The HER data for the search area indicates increased utilisation and shaping of the local landscape in the Iron Age and Roman periods, with evidence for individual settlements (likely to represent small farmsteads) set within a agricultural landscape of enclosures and larger scale land divisions. 4.33 The study site is considered likely to have had a moderate potential for the presence of further evidence of Iron Age or Roman activity. Although evidence for Roman period activity is recorded directly north-east of the study site (HER 36827), as this lies on the opposite bank of the River Gwash it is unlikely that additional directly-associated remains would have been present within the study site. Potentially, the adjacent parts of the study site could contain other equivalent similar Roman drainage ditches. 4.34 The study site’s potential for surviving Iron Age or Roman archaeology has also been reduced by the effects of development within the study site in the late 20th Century. The study site is assessed as having a low potential for the presence of significant archaeological remains of Iron Age or Roman date.


Anglo-Saxon/Early Medieval

4.35 As outlined above, railway construction directly west of the study site in the 1860s discovered evidence for an early Saxon cemetery (HER 30676) immediately adjacent to – and presumably extending into - the study site. Finds recovered from the railway cutting included one cremation urn, along with a spear, other pottery fragments and skull and bone fragments. The full extent of this Saxon cemetery is unknown, but it is reasonable to assume that further remains lay within the study site boundary. 4.36 By the end of the 10th century, Stamford was an urban centre of commercial, military and political importance. The HER dataset included a series of records relating to Saxon iron-smelting on the south-east side of the town (HER 34882, 38906, 38902). The study is however thought located well outside the Late Saxon urban area, within its agricultural hinterland. 4.37 To the south-west of the study site, the priory of St Leonard (a cell of the Benedictine cathedral monastery of Durham) had been established possibly by the end of the 12th century. The Norman priory was built on the supposed site of an earlier Saxon monastery dating back to the 7th Century (HER 301612) – although evidence to confirm this earlier Saxon monastery is described as “extremely tenuous”. 4.38 The study site is considered to have had a high potential for the presence of further Saxon burials associated with those discovered in the 1860s. This potential is likely to have been affected by development within the study site in the late 20th Century, but the study site is assessed as retaining a moderate potential for the presence of significant archaeological remains of early Saxon date. The site’s potential for later Saxon remains is considered to be low. Medieval

4.39 The study lies around 600m outside the outer limits of Medieval urban settlement in Stamford. 4.40 A series of Medieval religious houses are located outside the eastern edge of Medieval Stamford, including the Benedictine priory of St Leonard (HER 30611 – 300m south-west of the study site) founded in the 12th century, a 13th century Carmelite (Whitefriars) friary (HER 30613 – 250m west of the study site), and Stamford’s Franciscan (Greyfriars) friary (HER 30621 – 550m west of the study site). 4.41 A further Medieval priory, dedicated to St Mary (HER 33538), was located 500m east of the study site at Newstead, within Uffington parish. The Priory of Newstead was originally founded in the late 12th century as a hospital before becoming a house of Augustinian canons in the 13th century. The priory was located next to the River Gwash about halfway between Stamford and Uffington 4.42 The study site lies well outside the precincts of all of these religious houses, and is anticipated to have formed agricultural or valley-floor grazing land throughout the Medieval period. 4.43 The site is assessed as having a low potential for significant Medieval archaeological assets. Post Medieval & Modern (including map regression exercise)

4.44 The HER dataset includes a substantial number of records relating to extant structures within the historic core of Stamford and to finds of archaeological artefacts from sites within the town. Other than confirming the continued presence and importance of Stamford through the Post-Medieval period, these have no relevance to the assessment of the study site; These HER records are included in Figure 4 but are not individually labelled.


4.45 The study site is likely to have remained undeveloped agricultural or grazing land throughout the Post-Medieval period, but its history can be traced with greater reliability through the 19th and 20th Centuries through review of historic mapping. 4.46 The earliest map which shows the study site in any real detail is the 1814 Ordnance Surveyors’ Drawing (Figure 5). This shows the site as open ground lying some distance outside Stamford, on the north side of the road (Uffington Road) which runs east from Stamford to cross the River Gwash at Newstead. The map shows the River Gwash passing directly past the north-east edge of the site, with a minor watercourse (presumably a cut off former channel of the river) looping through the northern part of the study site. 4.47 The subsequent 1886 first edition of the Ordnance Survey ‘County’ series of 6” maps (Figure 6) shows the study site itself in similar undeveloped state, but with the cutting of the Stamford and Essendine railway (constructed in the 1860s) now forming its western boundary. Construction of the railway had also isolated the former watercourse in the northern part of the site. East of the railway line the 1886 map shows the growth of industrial development on the north side of Uffington Road in form of the lime kilns and buildings of the “Stamford Limeworks”. 4.48 The second edition of the county series map, published fifteen years later in 1901 (Figure 7) shows no change within the study site, though east of the railway the Stamford Limeworks are shown in an enlarged (and partly quarried) site, with the buildings of the ‘Rutland Works’ shown to their north off Bourn Road. 4.49 By the 1930s (1932 map shown in Figure 8), the industrial development west of the study site had become more extensive, with substantial built development at the ‘Rutland Engineering Works’ to the west of the study site and continued westward expansion of the Stamford Limeworks to their south (simply labelled as “Lime Wks” on the map). The 1932 map shows further new development to the south of the study site, with the creation of a Sewage Works and filter beds on the north bank of the River Welland and further (unlabelled) built development in the parcel south of the Uffington Road opposite the study site. In contrast to this increasing industrialisation of the land to the west and south, the study site is shown remaining as undeveloped open land. 4.50 The 1951 map (Figure 9) presents a very similar picture, albeit with some limited new development within the study site, in the form of an overhead electricity line with two pylons or poles mapped within the south-east and central-east parts of the site. 4.51 Significant changes to the study site and immediately surrounding area are shown on the 1975 OS large scale map (Figure 10). By the time this map was published, the Stamford and Essendine railway had been closed and dismantled, and its former line immediately north and south of Uffington Road is shown on the map as ‘dismantled’, further north the railway route had been re-purposed to form access roads within the Rutland Engineering Works. More significantly, the southern half of the study site itself is shown as heavily developed, with a ‘Transport Depot’ occupying the area adjacent to Uffington Road, and a ‘Ready-Mixed Concrete Depot’ to its north. Further industrial development (a ‘Wool Warehouse’) are shown to the east of the study site. The northern half of the study site continues to be shown without new built development, although a new boundary is shown marking the northern edge of the depot and the eastern side of the Engineering Works. 4.52 The later 2000 aerial image (Figure 11) shows additional industrial buildings in the centre of the study site, to the north of the 1970s industrial estate, and shows the northern half of the study in use for materials storage. 4.53 In summary the study site formed open, undeveloped land from at least the early 19th century through to the 1970s, when it was extensively developed as industrial estate. 4.54 The site’s potential for the presence of significant Post-Medieval or Modern period archaeological assets is minimal. The development of the site in the 1970s is also anticipated to have had an adverse impact on the survival of any earlier buried archaeological assets that may have previously present.


Assessment of Significance (Non-Designated Assets)

4.55 Paragraph 189 of the NPPF outlines the requirements for an applicant to describe the significance of heritage assets affected by the proposed development, and states that the level of detail supplied by an applicant should be proportionate to the importance of the asset and should be no more than sufficient to review the potential impact of the proposal upon the significance of that asset. 4.56 There is one non-designated heritage asset identified within the study site: an early Saxon cemetery (HER 30676), inferred from finds recovered during construction of a railway cutting immediately adjacent to the site. 4.57 The original extent of the cemetery is unknown, and Saxon cemeteries are known to vary significantly in size. It is clear however that any parts within the area of the railway were destroyed during construction of the railway cutting in the 1860s; any remains west of the railway are also likely to have been destroyed through development and quarrying within the Stamford Limeworks site from the late 19th Century onwards. The extent of the cemetery east of the railway line, within the study site, is unclear. However development of the study site in the 1970s, particularly in the southern part of the site, is likely to have affected survival of buried archaeological remains. The extent of the modern development suggests that at best there are likely to be only islands of survival, although the original recorded depth of the burial at “4ft” does suggest that burials could survive outside of deep intrusions 4.58 Around 1000 Saxon inhumation cemeteries have been recorded in England. They represent one of our principal sources of archaeological evidence about the Early Anglo-Saxon period, providing information on population, social structure and ideology. Any surviving evidence for the Saxon cemetery within the study site would have archaeological interest but is not considered to be of national importance because of the reduced level of survival of the cemetery overall. 4.59 With regard to the study site’s potential for other, as-yet undiscovered, buried archaeological assets, based on the HER dataset for the surrounding search area and the previous development of the study site itself, the site is considered to have a low potential for significant additional archaeological assets. Any surviving remains are likely to be of local interest and would be significant for their archaeological interest and potential to contribute to regional research agendas.



5.1 The proposed development will see demolition and removal of the existing industrial estate buildings within the site, and construction of a mixed-use development including a housing, a care home, and a retail unit. 5.2 The retail, supermarket, element is proposed for the southern part of the study site, with associated surface car parking occupying the frontage onto Uffington Raod. The proposed care home is located to the northwest of the supermarket, with elements are located in the centre and northern parts of the site. 5.3 The new development will be accessed from Uffington Road via a new spine road which will enter the site at the south-west corner. Review of Potential Development Impacts on Non- Designated Assets

5.4 The data provided by the HER identifies one non-designated heritage asset within the study site: the site of a possible Saxon cemetery (HER 30676), located in the south-west part of the study site. This is based on finds made during construction of the adjacent railway cutting in the middle of the 19th Century; the study site has subsequently been developed with concrete hardstanding and brick buildings occupying this southern part of the site. This previous development is anticipated to have had an impact on survival of buried archaeology within the site. 5.5 The assessment above has established that the study retains a low potential for the presence of other significant archaeological assets. 5.6 Potential development impacts in this south-west part of the study site (i.e. the area of greatest potential archaeological interest) relate to construction of the new access road, and formation of the new surface car park on the road frontage. 5.7 If further evidence for a Saxon cemetery survives in this part of the site, construction of the new road and excavation for any new services positioned under the road have the potential to remove the archaeological remains. Construction of the surface car park is likely to have little impact given the previous development in this area. 5.8 Elsewhere within the site the constructional techniques employed in modern development are such that it is unlikely that any buried archaeological remains still present on the study site would survive the development process. 5.9 Any development impact can be appropriately mitigated and the heritage significance of any archaeological assets within the site can be safeguarded through a targeted programme of archaeological investigation undertaken during the early stages of development. Such a programme can be facilitated by a suitably worded condition attached to planning permission. 5.10 In practice demolition should be permitted to slab level, to be followed by archaeological monitoring of removal of hard-surfacing to reveal the archaeological horizon. Targeted archaeological investigation comprising test-pits and trenches are then likely to be required to establish the presence/absence of further burials or other significant remains. Provision should be made for further archaeological mitigation measures to follow this work and for subsequent off-site analysis, recording and reporting leading to publication if appropriate.



6.1 This archaeological desk-based assessment has considered a 4.87ha brownfield site off Uffington Road, Stamford. The site is proposed for mixed use re-development. 6.2 The archaeological potential of the site and the significance of heritage assets within the site has been assessed through desk-based review of existing archaeological information for the site and surrounding area, and review of historic maps. 6.3 Data available from Historic England and the Local Planning Authority show that there are no scheduled monuments or other designated heritage assets within the site. Development within the site will not affect the significance of any designated heritage asset in the surrounding area 6.4 The site contains one non-designated heritage asset: an early Saxon cemetery (HER ref 30676), inferred from finds made during construction of a railway cutting immediately west of the site in the 1860s. Development of the current site in the 1970s with concrete hardstanding and brick buildings is anticipated to have had an impact on survival of any buried cemetery evidence within the site. The extent of the modern development suggests that at best there are likely to be only islands of survival, but the original recorded depth of the burial at 4ft does suggest that burials could survive outside of deep intrusions. 6.5 This assessment has also considered the potential for other, as-yet undiscovered, archaeological assets within the study site. Based on the HER dataset for the surrounding search area and the previous development of the study site itself, the site is considered to have a low potential for significant additional archaeological assets. 6.6 The impact of the proposed development on archaeological assets within the study site can be appropriately mitigated through a targeted programme of archaeological investigation undertaken during the early stages of development following demolition to slab level. Such a programme can be facilitated by a suitably worded condition attached to planning permission.


Sources Consulted

General Lincolnshire Historic Environment Record South Kesteven District Council

Internet British Geological Survey – British History Online – Historic England: The National Heritage List for England –

Bibliographic Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Standard & Guidance for historic environment desk based assessment 2014, revised 2017 Department of Communities and Local Government National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (revised February 2019) Historic England (formerly English Heritage) Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment 2008 (new draft 2017) Historic England Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning: 2 Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment July 2015 unpublished document Historic England Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning: 3 The Setting of Heritage Assets December 2017 unpublished document Historic England Scheduling Selection Guide: Commemorative and Funerary. September 2018 Historic England Introductions to Heritage Assets: Pre-Christian Cemeteries. October 2018

Cartographic 1814 Ordnance Surveyors Draft (2” to 1 mile) 1886 OS County series 6” Lincolnshire 1887 OS County Series 25” Lincolnshire 1900 OS County Series 25” Northamptonshire 1901 OS County Series 6” Northamptonshire 1904 OS County Series 25” Lincolnshire 1905 OS County Series 6” Lincolnshire 1930 OS County Series 25” Lincolnshire 1932 OS County Series 6” Lincolnshire 1938 OS County Series 6” Lincolnshire 1951 OS map 1:10,560 Lincolnshire 1958 OS map 1:10,560 1960 OS map 1:10,000


1971-72 OS plan 1:2500 1977-79 OS map 1:10,000 1989 OS plan 1:1,250 1991 OS map 1:10,000 1993-1996 OS Large-scale National Grid data 1999-2000 OS raster map 1:10,000 2006 OS raster map 1;10,000

26339 | Uffington Road, Stamford | 1 | April 2020 Page 16 Project Ref: S:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\MXDs\Figure 1 Site Location.mxd AB 03/04/2020

Leicestershire Rutland !( !(

Cambridgeshire Northamptonshire 309000 308500 308000 307500 307000 306500

503000 503500 504000 504500 505000 505500

Site Boundary 0 180 360 540 m Search Area ± Scale at A4: 1:18,000

Figure 1

Site Location

© Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 AB 03/04/2020

Site Boundary Search Area

Listed Buildings Grade %, I

%, II*

%, II Stamford Conservation 1062597 Area Northfields 1317166 Conservation Area Scheduled Monuments

Parks And Gardens Grade

1004973 I 1005008 II*

1004972 II

1261587 0 125 250m ± Scale at A3: 1:10,000 1127510

1360390 1062210 Figure 2 1007690 Designated Heritage Assets Project Ref: S:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\MXDs\Figure 2 DesAss.mxd © Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 © Historic England 2020. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database right 2020. © [HERSource] 2020. The Dataset contained in this material was obtained on [02/04/2020]. AB 03/04/2020

Site Boundary

Search Area

ELI10666 (! Event Points ELI13193 Event Lines

Event Areas ELI13192 ELI12939

ELI13191 ELI7743 ELI12939

ELI12543 ELI8693 ELI8694 ELI10232 ELI8692 ELI5563 ELI2703 ELI11425

(! ELI10537 ELI509 ELI351 ELI47 ELI12798 ELI10627 ELI353 ELI293 (! ELI10319 ELI7121 (! ELI10318 ELI10349 (! ELI254 (! (!(! ELI9295 (!(! ELI9722 0 125 250 m ELI11928 (! (! ± Scale at A3: 1:10,000 (! ELI675 (!

ELI248 (! ELI678 ELI10511 ELI50 ELI2566 ELI10752 Figure 3

ELI268 HER Data Events ELI1176 ELI8786 Project Ref: S:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\MXDs\Figure 3 Events.mxd © Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 © Historic England 2020. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database right 2020. © [HERSource] 2020. The Dataset contained in this material was obtained on [13/03/2020]. NB 14/04/2020

Site Boundary


# Monument Points

Monument Lines # Monument


36827 30050 #

33538 # 36125

36693 36124 30676

# 30613 30685 # 30692 35077 # # 30706 # 35078 # # 35079 # # # 38165 30621 # # # # ## # 30612 # 0 115 230m # # 30611 # ± Scale at A3: 1:9,000 # # 36471 # 39047 # # 36516 # 39045 ###36514 # 39044 36472 #

Figure 4

HER Monuments Data Project Ref: B:\documents\Archaeology - Jobs\26001 27000\26339 - Road,Uffington Stamford\Graphics\MXDs\Figure 4 monuments.mxd © Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 © Historic England 2020. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database right 2020. © [HERSource] 2020. The Dataset contained in this material was obtained on [13/03/2020]. B:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\CAD\Figures.dwg Name / 07/04/20

MAKING N COMPLEX Site Boundary 0 100 200m EASY Scale at A3: 1:7,500

Figure 5

1814 Ordnance Survey Draft

© Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 B:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\CAD\Figures.dwg Name / 07/04/20

MAKING N COMPLEX Site Boundary 0 100 200m EASY Scale at A3: 1:7,500

Figure 6

1886 Ordnance Survey Map

© Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 B:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\CAD\Figures.dwg Name / 07/04/20

MAKING N COMPLEX Site Boundary 0 100 200m EASY Scale at A3: 1:7,500

Figure 7

1901 Ordnance Survey Map

© Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 B:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\CAD\Figures.dwg Name / 07/04/20

MAKING N COMPLEX Site Boundary 0 100 200m EASY Scale at A3: 1:7,500

Figure 8

1932 Ordnance Survey Map

© Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 B:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\CAD\Figures.dwg Name / 07/04/20

MAKING N COMPLEX Site Boundary 0 100 200m EASY Scale at A3: 1:7,500

Figure 9

1951 Ordnance Survey Map

© Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 B:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\CAD\Figures.dwg Name / 07/04/20

MAKING N COMPLEX Site Boundary 0 10 20 30 40 50m EASY Scale at A3: 1:2,000

Figure 10

1975 Ordnance Survey Map

© Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 B:\documents\Archaeology Jobs\26001 - 27000\26339 - Uffington Road, Stamford\Graphics\CAD\Figures.dwg Name / 07/04/20

MAKING N COMPLEX Site Boundary 0 10 20 30 40 50m EASY Scale at A3: 1:2,000

Figure 11

2000 Aerial image

© Crown Copyright and database right 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100035207 UFFINGTON ROAD, STAMFORD, LINCOLNSHIRE; ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT



Appendix A

Gazetteer of HER Entries Lincolnshire Historic Environment Records HER No. Name & Description Location Date Monuments 30050 Neolithic Causewayed Camp TF 0536 0796 Early Neolithic to Late Neolithic 30603 St George's church and churchyard, St George's Square, Stamford TF 0320 0708 Medieval to Modern 30604 Former St Paul's church, now the chapel of Stamford School, St Paul's TF 0330 0736 Medieval to Modern Street, Stamford 30607 SITE OF ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH, CORNSTALL TF 0330 0723 Medieval 30610 SITE OF HOLY TRINITY AND ST STEPHENS, STAMFORD TF 0343 0744 Medieval 30611 Ruins and site of St Leonard's Priory, Stamford TF 0387 0729 Medieval 30612 St Leonard's Anglo-Saxon monastery in Stamford TF 038 073 Early Medieval/Dark Age

30613 White Friars (Carmelites) in Stamford TF 0373 0756 Medieval 30614 Whitefriars Gate, Stamford TF 0357 0745 Medieval 30620 The Dominican Friary (Blackfriars), Stamford TF 0345 0720 Medieval 30621 The site of the Franciscan (Grey) Friary in Stamford TF 0350 0735 Medieval 30625 Site of Brazenose College, Stamford TF 0337 0731 Medieval St George's Gate, Cornstall TF 0338 0722 Medieval 30632 St Pauls Gate, Stamford TF 0339 0737 Medieval 30634 WATER GATE TF 0329 0706 Medieval 30639 TOWER, TOWN WALL, WHARFE ROAD TF 0329 0707 Medieval 30659 HOUSE ON THE SITE OF BLACKFRIARS TF 035 071 Post Medieval 30660 FISHPONDS ON THE SITE OF BLACKFRIARS TF 035 071 Post Medieval 30661 DOVECOTES, BLACKFRIARS HOUSE TF 035 071 Medieval to Post Medieval 30664 17 St George's Street, Stamford TF 031 071 Post Medieval to Modern

30676 ANGLO SAXON BURIAL, STAMFORD TF 0416 0767 Early Medieval/Dark Age

30680 ROMAN PEWTER DISH TF 035 074 Roman 30684 ALTAR FROM 2 MELBOURNE ROAD TF 0360 0756 Roman 30685 ROMAN OCCUPATION 35 CONDUIT ROAD, STAMFORD TF 0322 0754 Roman 30686 MEDIEVAL RINGS FROM THE DOMINICAN FRIARY TF 0349 0717 Medieval 30692 RB COINS, UFFINGTON ROAD TF 038 075 Roman 30696 Newstead Mill, Uffington TF 0461 0786 Post Medieval to Modern

30699 MEDIEVAL FINDS AT 8 ST LEONARD STREET TF 0323 0720 Medieval 30702 Medieval Remains, 19 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0319 0714 Medieval 30704 PIPEKILN, BEHIND THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL TF 0323 0733 Post Medieval 30706 Seventeenth century lock gates of the Stamford Canal TF 0423 0747 Post Medieval 30723 Finds from 39 High Street TF 0316 0724 Medieval 30724 LIMEKILN, PRIORY FARM TF 0393 0742 Post Medieval 30726 MEDIEVAL POTTERY FROM NEAR THE FISHPONDS TF 039 072 Medieval 30729 CULVERT ON PRIORY ROAD TF 0375 0735 Medieval 30730 POSSIBLE MEDIEVAL KILN, ST PAUL'S STREET TF 035 073 Medieval


30732 Possible Medieval Pottery Kiln, School Area TF 035 075 Medieval 30733 BRICK KILN, STAMFORD SCHOOL TF 0334 0739 Modern 30737 MEDIEVAL POTTERY, PINFOLD LANE TF 035 073 Medieval 30738 MEDIEVAL POTTERY, EAST STREET TF 034 074 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval 30742 CLAY PIPE KILN, NORTH STREET TF 032 073 Post Medieval 30744 Blashfield Terracotta Factory, Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0326 0699 Post Medieval 30753 POTTERY FROM THE BANK OF THE WELLAND TF 041 073 Post Medieval 30763 MEDIEVAL BUILDING 12, ST PAUL'S STREET TF 0323 0730 Medieval 31422 Unnamed farmstead (Carr's Lodge), Uffington TF 0467 0854 Post Medieval to Modern

31425 Borderville Farm, Stamford TF 0358 0889 Post Medieval to Modern

31672 Beck Cott, Uffington TF 0469 0789 Post Medieval to Modern

31774 Undated Burial, Borderville Farm, Stamford TF 0371 0858 Unknown 31778 Redeposited Flints, Stamford TF 0351 0857 Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age 33538 The Priory of Newstead by Stamford, Uffington TF 046 078 Medieval 33553 Uffington House and Park TF 0568 0735 34256 SITE OF PIT ALIGNMENT NEAR KESTEVEN ROAD SCHOOL, TF 0319 0823 Undated NORTHFIELDS 34762 STAMFORD CANAL / WELLAND NAVIGATION TF 0888 0840 Post Medieval 34869 MEDIEVAL POTTERY AND RIDGE AND FURROW, UFFINGTON TF 0545 0742 Medieval ESTATE GOLF COURSE 34882 SAXON REMAINS FOUND WITHIN THE SCHEDULED AREA OF TF 0339 0733 Early Medieval/Dark Age BRASENOSE COLLEGE, STAMFORD 35035 Brasenose College gate, St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0337 0735 Medieval 35077 MESOLITHIC ACTIVITY, UFFINGTON ESTATE GOLF COURSE TF 0545 0742 Early Mesolithic to Late Bronze Age 35078 MESOLITHIC? NEOLITHIC AGE FLINTS, UFFINGTON GOLF TF 0545 0742 Early Mesolithic to Late COURSE Neolithic 35079 NEOLITHIC/BRONZE AGE FLINTS, UFFINGTON ESTATE GOLF TF 0545 0742 Early Neolithic to Late COURSE Bronze Age 35347 Undated possible industrial activity, Blackfriars Street TF 0327 0706 Undated 35369 Conduit head, St Pauls' Street, Stamford TF 0325 0729 Post Medieval to Modern

35446 Possible ring ditches off Barnack Road. TF 0422 0711 Early Bronze Age 35450 Linear Feature, Barnack Road TF 0422 0710 Unknown 35451 Ridge and Furrow off Barnack Road TF 0422 0710 Medieval 35541 Boundary stone on Uffington Road, Stamford/Uffington boundary TF 04747 07804 Post Medieval to Modern

36124 Cropmark pit alignment, Uffington TF 0511 0768 Later Prehistoric 36125 Cropmark boundaries, Uffington TF 0531 0774 Unknown 36463 Post Medieval to modern building, Stamford TF 0338 0699 Post Medieval to Modern

36464 Site of post Medieval building, Stamford TF 0338 0699 Post Medieval 36465 Undated building remains, Stamford TF 0338 0699 Unknown 36466 Medieval wall, Stamford TF 0338 0699 Medieval 36471 Prehistoric enclosures off Barnack Road, Stamford TF 0450 0720 Later Prehistoric 36472 Prehistoric pit alignment off Barnack Road, Stamford TF 0455 0713 Later Prehistoric 36474 Site of Iron Foundry, Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0326 0699 Post Medieval to Modern

36475 Early Medieval activity, Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0328 0699 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval


36476 Medieval activity, Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0328 0699 Medieval 36479 Early Medieval / Medieval iron smelting, Star Lane, Stamford TF 0318 0727 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval 36480 Possible Saxo-Norman pottery production, Star Lane, Stamford TF 0318 0727 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval 36481 Possible Medieval / post Medieval building, Star Lane, Stamford TF 0318 0727 Medieval to Post Medieval 36486 Medieval activitity, Star Lane, Stamford TF 0315 0726 Medieval 36487 Post Medieval activity, Star Lane, Stamford TF 0315 0726 Post Medieval 36514 Possible Bronze Age activity, Wharf Road, Stamford TF 03411 07128 Bronze Age 36515 Possible Medieval activity, Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0341 0712 Medieval 36516 Possible building of post-Medieval date, Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0341 0712 Post Medieval 36518 Post-Medieval walls on land at Star Lane, Stamford TF 0317 0728 Post Medieval 36524 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval TF 0353 0740 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval 36552 Unknown TF 0356 0753 Unknown 36692 Late Iron Age and Early Roman Settlement Enclosure, Stamford TF 0352 0855 Late Iron Age to Roman 36693 Later Prehistoric TF 0464 0770 Later Prehistoric 36821 Post Medieval to Modern TF 0355 0690 Post Medieval to Modern

36822 Post Medieval to Modern TF 0372 0777 Post Medieval to Modern

36827 Romano-British Activity, River Gwash, Uffington TF 0429 0803 Roman 37008 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval TF 0335 0717 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval 37009 Site of 19th Century School, Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0334 0716 Post Medieval 37090 Medieval TF 0321 0723 Medieval 37091 Post Medieval TF 0322 0722 Post Medieval 37107 Unknown TF 0361 0717 Unknown 37122 Post Medieval to Modern TF 0333 0701 Post Medieval to Modern

37186 6 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0320 0719 Post Medieval to Modern

37187 7 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0320 0718 Post Medieval to Modern

37188 18 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0319 0713 Post Medieval to Modern

37189 25 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0719 Post Medieval to Modern

37190 27-28 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0720 Post Medieval to Modern

37193 3 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0719 Post Medieval to Modern

37194 18 and 19 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0337 0723 Post Medieval to Modern

37195 32 and 33 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0344 0723 Post Medieval to Modern

37196 60 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0326 0718 Post Medieval to Modern

37197 61 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0322 0716 Post Medieval to Modern

37210 Wall of former Grey Friary fronting Priory Road and Brazenose Lane, TF 0348 0727 Unknown Stamford 37216 Outbuilding to 12 St George's Square, Stamford TF 0323 0707 Post Medieval to Modern

37220 1 to 3 St George's Street and 41 High Street, Stamford TF 0319 0723 Post Medieval to Modern


37242 22 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0317 0732 Post Medieval to Modern

37458 Post Medieval to Modern TF 0460 0788 Post Medieval to Modern

37618 5 Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0330 0708 Medieval to Modern 37644 Premises formerly occupied by T Gibson and Sons, Star Lane, TF 0318 0731 Post Medieval to Modern Stamford 37648 4 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0726 Post Medieval to Modern

37649 8 and 9 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0729 Medieval to Modern 37650 12 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0322 0730 Medieval to Modern 37651 13 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0323 0731 Post Medieval to Modern

37652 16 and 17 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0326 0732 Medieval to Modern 37653 The O'Briens Arms public house, 25 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0337 0738 Post Medieval to Modern

37654 Brazenose House, 28 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0332 0732 Post Medieval to Modern

37655 32 and 33 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0327 0730 Medieval to Modern 37656 44 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0724 Post Medieval to Modern

37873 10 to 12 St George's Square, Stamford TF 0323 0708 Post Medieval to Modern

37875 1 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0718 Post Medieval to Modern

37876 6 and 7 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0324 0719 Medieval to Modern 37877 Reindeer Inn, 20 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0338 0723 Post Medieval to Modern

37878 42 to 45 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0336 0720 Post Medieval to Modern

37893 15 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0325 0731 Medieval to Modern 37894 Two barns to the east of 28 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0333 0733 Post Medieval to Modern

37895 Clapton House, 30 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0328 0731 Post Medieval to Modern

37906 Congregational Church, Star Lane, Stamford TF 0318 0730 Post Medieval to Modern

38162 9 Water Street, Stamford TF 0337 0689 Post Medieval to Modern

38165 Hudds Mill, Stamford TF 0423 0740 Medieval to Modern 38255 45 and 46 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0320 0724 Post Medieval to Modern

38256 24 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0337 0737 Post Medieval to Modern

38264 62 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0716 Medieval to Modern 38266 10 and 11 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0333 0722 Post Medieval to Modern

38289 Rising Sun public house, 17 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0313 0732 Medieval to Modern 38290 20 and 21 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0316 0732 Post Medieval to Modern

36364 Albert Bridge, Stamford TF 0334 0693 Post Medieval to Modern

38365 7 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0320 0729 Medieval to Modern 38366 10 and 11 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0729 Medieval to Modern 38367 Conduit House, 14 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0324 0731 Medieval to Modern 38381 Former entrance arch to Grant's iron foundry (later Blashfield's TF 0329 0705 Post Medieval to Modern Terracotta Works), Wharf Road, Stamford


38589 18 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0314 0732 Post Medieval to Modern

38590 25 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0314 0729 Post Medieval to Modern

38603 Priory House, Priory Road, Stamford TF 0392 0735 Post Medieval to Modern

38608 9 St George's Square, Stamford TF 0322 0709 Medieval to Modern 38609 14 and 15 St George's Square, Stamford TF 0323 0705 Medieval to Modern 38627 9, 10 and 11 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0714 Medieval to Modern 38628 23-24 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0718 Medieval to Modern 38629 26 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0720 Post Medieval to Modern

38630 9 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0329 0720 Post Medieval to Modern

38631 22 to 24 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0340 0725 Post Medieval to Modern

38632 54 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0331 0718 Post Medieval to Modern

38647 15 to 17 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0336 0723 Post Medieval to Modern

38660 19 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0315 0732 Post Medieval to Modern

38661 Stamford and Rutland General Infirmary, Stamford TF 0365 0751 Post Medieval to Modern

38725 31 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0327 0730 Post Medieval to Modern

38761 59 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0327 0718 Post Medieval to Modern

38850 41 and 42 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0725 Medieval to Modern 38882 2 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0718 Post Medieval to Modern

38883 63 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0716 Post Medieval to Modern

38902 Possible late Saxon/early Medieval iron working site, 35-36 High Street, TF 0314 0724 Early Medieval/Dark Age Stamford to Medieval 38947 Medieval quarry pits, ditch and posthole, St Leonard's Priory, Stamford TF 0382 0730 Early Medieval/Dark Age to Medieval 38948 Post Medieval pottery, St Leonard's Priory, Stamford TF 0384 0736 Post Medieval to Modern

38949 Undated postholes and a pit, St Leonard's Priory, Stamford TF 0383 0734 Unknown 39044 Iron Age activity, land off Barnack Road, Stamford TF 0422 0710 Iron Age 39045 Roman activity, land off Barnack Road, Stamford TF 0428 0714 Roman 39046 Possible Medieval agriculture, land off Barnack Road, Stamford TF 0421 0710 Medieval 39047 Prehistoric flint, land off Barnack Road, Stamford TF 0416 0714 Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age 39048 Undated pits, postholes and ditches, land off Barnack Road, Stamford TF 0421 0711 Unknown 39067 1 to 8 Adelaide Street, Stamford TF 0343 0717 Post Medieval to Modern

39068 14 Adelaide Street, Stamford TF 0348 0719 Post Medieval to Modern

39069 16 to 19 Adelaide Street, Stamford TF 0351 0721 Post Medieval to Modern

39070 12 to 15 Belton Street, Stamford TF 0340 0702 Post Medieval to Modern

39071 Everard House, 1 Brownlow Street, Stamford TF 0342 0717 Post Medieval to Modern

39072 29-31 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0346 0724 Post Medieval to Modern


39073 34 to 38 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0342 0723 Post Medieval to Modern

39074 1 to 4 Blackfriars Street, Stamford TF 0325 0707 Post Medieval to Modern

39075 6 Blackfriars Street, Stamford TF 0327 0708 Post Medieval to Modern

39078 Milner's Row, Stamford TF 0336 0708 Post Medieval to Modern

39079 40 High Street, Stamford TF 0316 0724 Post Medieval to Modern

39097 1 to 9 Ryhall Road, Stamford TF 0355 0748 Post Medieval to Modern

39098 11 to 13 Ryhall Road, Stamford TF 0357 0749 Post Medieval to Modern

39099 20 and 21 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0319 0715 Post Medieval to Modern

39100 4 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0322 0719 Post Medieval to Modern

39101 5 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0323 0719 Post Medieval to Modern

39102 47 to 52 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0333 0719 Post Medieval to Modern

39103 Byard House, 19 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0334 0735 Post Medieval to Modern

39104 37 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0325 0728 Post Medieval to Modern

39121 37 High Street, Stamford TF 0315 0723 Post Medieval to Modern

39254 Porter's Lodge, Stamford and Rutland General Infirmary, Stamford TF 0357 0745 Post Medieval to Modern

39261 40/40a St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0322 0726 Post Medieval to Modern

39370 Former Primitive Methodist Chapel, Stamford TF 0326 0705 Post Medieval to Modern

39468 Medieval Iron Working Waste, 7 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0325 0720 Medieval 39484 Former Stamford East Railway Station TF 0344 0692 Post Medieval to Modern

39485 Railway goods shed at the former Stamford East Railway Station TF 0350 0692 Post Medieval to Modern

Events ELI248 Observations during building work at 8 St Paul's Street TF 0321 0729 ELI254 Excavation behind Grammar School TF 0323 0733 ELI268 Trial trenching at Dominican Friary TF 0349 0717 ELI47 Electricty cable trench, East Street TF 034 074 ELI675 39 High Street TF 0315 0724 ELI50 Trenches at 8 St Leonards Street TF 0323 0720 ELI2703 Fingerpost survey of Lincolnshire ELI351 Investigations during service trench cutting at St Paul's Street, TF 0342 0743 Stamford, 1979 ELI353 Watching brief at Priory Farm and St Leonard's Priory, Stamford TF 0387 0739 ELI7121 Archaeological recording at Stamford School TF 0339 0734 ELI293 Observation of tree planting work at Stamford School TF 0339 0734 ELI10627 Site visit to Brazenose College gate, St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0337 0735 ELI10752 Site visit to the entrance arch on Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0329 0705 ELI11928 Site visit to Congregational Chapel, Stamford TF 0318 0729


ELI678 19 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0319 0714 ELI1176 Cherry Holt Lane TF 0352 0709 ELI1781 Land adjacent to Gas Lane, Stamford TF 0338 0699 ELI1838 Land at Blackfriars Street/Wharf Road TF 0327 0706 ELI1840 Land at Cherryholt Lane, Stamford TF 0352 0709 ELI2026 Land at West Limes, Priory Road, Stamford TF 0354 0730 ELI2027 Land adjacent to Star Lane, Stamford TF 0315 0726 ELI2566 Land off Barnack Road Stamford TF 0422 0710 ELI4303 Belton Street / Tenter Lane, Stamford TF 03385 06992 ELI4368 Land at Wharf Road / Albert Road, Stamford TF 03280 06996 ELI4379 Land at Star Lane, Stamford TF 03182 07272 ELI4394 Land at Star Lane, Stamford TF 03149 07266 ELI4672 Wharf Road, Stamford TF 03413 07126 ELI4694 Intensive Archaeological Watching Brief on land at Star Lane, Stamford TF 03168 07281 ELI5011 Land at St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 03528 07404 ELI5563 Stamford Endowed Schools, St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 03536 07537 ELI6750 Watching brief at land off Wharf Road, Stamford TF 03267 06968 ELI6764 Geophysical survey at Stamford School TF 03401 07325 ELI6765 Trial trenching at Stamford School TF 03401 07325 ELI509 Fieldwalking at Uffington Estate, Uffington near Stamford TF 0572 0725 ELI251 Trial trenching at Uffington Estate, Uffington near Stamford TF 0576 0725 ELI7020 Archaeological evaluation at land adjacent to Brazenose Lane, TF 03456 07323 Stamford ELI8560 Archaeological evaluation on land to the rear of 4 St Leonards Street, TF 03219 07225 Stamford ELI9722 Archaeological Evaluation of Land at St Leonard's Priory, Stamford TF 0384 0731 ELI10204 Site visit to 17 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0313 0732 ELI10205 Site visit to 18 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0314 0732 ELI10206 Site visit to 19 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0315 0732 ELI10207 Site visit to 20 and 21 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0316 0732 ELI10208 Site visit to 22 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0317 0732 ELI10209 Site visit to 25 Broad Street, Stamford TF 0314 0729 ELI10232 Site visit to Stamford and Rutland General Infirmary, Stamford TF 0365 0751 ELI10318 Site visit to Priory Farmhouse, Priory Road, Stamford TF 0392 0735 ELI10319 Site visit to the remains of St Leonard's Priory, Priory Road, Stamford TF 0389 0737 ELI10349 Site visit to Hudds Mill, Stamford TF 0423 0740 ELI10352 Site visit to St George's church, Stamford TF 0320 0708 ELI10363 Site visit to 9 St George's Square, Stamford TF 0322 0709 ELI10364 Site visit to 10 to 12 St George's Square, Stamford TF 0323 0708 ELI10365 Site visit to an outbuilding to 12 St George's Square, Stamford TF 0323 0707 ELI10366 Site visit to 14 and 15 St George's Square, Stamford TF 0322 0705 ELI10377 Site visit to 1 to 3 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0319 0723 ELI10379 Site visit to 6 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0320 0719 ELI10380 Site visit to 7 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0320 0718 ELI10418 Site visit to 9, 10 and 11 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0714 ELI10419 Site visit to 17 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0319 0712 ELI10420 Site visit to 18 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0319 0713


ELI10428 Site visit to 1 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0718 ELI10429 Site visit to 2 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0718 ELI10430 Site visit to 3 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0719 ELI10432 Site visit to 9 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0329 0720 ELI10434 Site visit to 10 and 11 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0333 0722 ELI10435 Site visit to 15 to 17 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0336 0723 ELI10436 Site visit to 18 and 19 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0337 0723 ELI10437 Site visit to the Reindeer Inn, 20 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0338 0723 ELI10438 Site visit to 22 to 24 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0340 0725 ELI10442 Site visit to 32 and 33 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0344 0723 ELI10443 Site visit to 42 to 45 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0336 0720 ELI10444 Site visit to 54 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0331 0718 ELI10445 Site visit to 59 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0327 0718 ELI10446 Site visit to 60 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0326 0718 ELI10447 Site visit to 61 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0322 0716 ELI10450 Site visit to 63 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0716 ELI10511 Archaeological Evaluation at land off Barnack Road, Stamford TF 0422 0711 ELI10605 Site visit to 4 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0726 ELI10606 Site visit to 7 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0320 0729 ELI10607 Site visit to 8 and 9 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0729 ELI10608 Site visit to 10 and 11 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0729 ELI10610 Site visit to 13 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0323 0731 ELI10620 Site visit to 14 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0324 0731 ELI10621 Site visit to 15 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0325 0731 ELI10622 Site visit to 16 and 17 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0326 0732 ELI10623 Site visit to the former St Paul's church, St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0330 0736 ELI10624 Site visit to 24 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0337 0737 ELI10625 Site visit to the O'Briens Arms public house, 25 St Paul's Street, TF 0337 0738 Stamford ELI10628 Site visit to two barns to the east of 28 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0333 0733 ELI10628 Site visit to two barns to the east of 28 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0333 0733 ELI10629 Site visit to Brazenose House, 28 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0332 0732 ELI10630 Site visit to Clapton House, 30 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0328 0731 ELI10632 Site visit to 31 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0327 0730 ELI10634 Site visit to 32 and 33 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0327 0730 ELI1986 Site visit to conduit head, St Paul's St TF 0325 0729 ELI1985 Site visit to conduit head, St Paul's St TF 0325 0729 ELI10636 Site visit to 41 and 42 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0725 ELI10637 Site visit to 44 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0724 ELI10638 Site visit to 45 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0320 0724 ELI10666 Proposed Household Waste Recycling Centre, Gwash Way Industrial TF 0382 0863 Estate, Stamford ELI10722 Site visit to premises formerly occupied by T Gibson and Son, Star TF 0318 0731 Lane, Stamford ELI10728 Site visit to 9 Water Street, Stamford TF 0337 0689 ELI10736 Site visit to 5 Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0330 0708 ELI11127 Belton Street, Stamford TF 0338 0699 ELI11425 Greyfriars Gatehouse, Ryhall Road, Stamford TF 0357 0746


ELI11502 40/40a St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0322 0726 ELI8377 Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0335 0717 ELI9185 Watching Brief at Wharf Road, Stamford TF 0335 0717 ELI10721 Site visit to the Congregational Church, Star Lane, Stamford TF 0318 0730 ELI8692 Site Visit to New College Stamford, Drift Road TF 0347 0773 ELI8693 New College Stamford TF 0363 0771 ELI8694 New College Stamford, Drift Road TF 0363 0771 ELI10537 Stamford School Sports Centre, Conduit Road, Stamford TF 0330 0760 ELI9295 Priory Stables, Stamford TF 0390 0733 ELI12186 Brazenose House, Stamford TF 0336 0733 ELI7743 Land at Stamford, Gwash Valley Business Park TF 0427 0805 ELI12543 Land off Uffington Road, Newstead TF 0431 0784 ELI12549 Land at 7 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0324 0720 ELI10431 Site Visit to 6 and 7 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0324 0719 ELI9338 Land at the RAFA Club, 12 St Pauls Street, Stamford TF 0322 0731 ELI10609 Site Visit to 12 St Paul's Street, Stamford TF 0322 0730 ELI10424 Site Visit to 27-28 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0720 ELI10423 Site Visit to 26 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0720 ELI10422 Site Visit to 25 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0719 ELI10421 Site Visit to 23-24 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0318 0718 ELI12784 Alterations at 23-24 St George's Street, Stamford TF 0319 0718 ELI12798 Land at Primrose Cottage, Priory Road, Stamford TF 0380 0739 ELI12937 Test Pitting on Land at Beggars Roost, Priory Road, Stamford TF 0349 0730 ELI12938 Archaeological Monitoring on Land at Beggars Roost, Priory Road, TF 0349 0732 Stamford ELI12939 Land at Stamford, Gwash Valley Business Park TF 0429 0807 ELI12939 Land at Stamford, Gwash Valley Business Park TF 0429 0807 ELI10448 Site Visit to 62 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0716 ELI9602 Site Visit to 62 St Leonard's Street, Stamford TF 0321 0716 ELI13191 Magnetometry Survey, Borderville Farm, Stamford TF 0339 0852 ELI13192 Land South of Borderville Farm, Stamford TF 0360 0859 ELI13193 Land to the South of Borderville Farm, Ryhall Road, Stamford TF 0360 0859 ELI8786 Archaeological Evaluation on land at Cherryholt Road, Stamford TF 0360 0718

26339 | Uffington Road, Stamford | 1 | April 2020