Name: ______Gulliver's Travels 8 Picture

Match Date: ______

A - The academy is described. Note how Gulliver's 1 logbook illustration • • reflects early 19th century factories, dark satanic mills.

B - Gulliver espies the wife of 's Raja below as the Raja arrives 2 to extract taxes. His • • taxation will further impoverish domains outside her estate.

C - At Lagado's academy a linguist explains how carrying 3 items about can replace • • speech with communication based on pointing at objects.

Created at Page 1 D - Gulliver, while reversing Laputa's lodestone, is knocked off 4 • • the island, landing in the estates of the Raja's wife, who treats him well.

E - The Raja's wife explains her husband's rationality. She is proud 5 • • of her son, but distraught at what her estranged husband has done.

F - The governor of , a famous sorcerer, detains Gulliver. Here Gulliver is 6 • • pretending to be drugged while he is aware of what the governor is using Gulliver's blood for.

G - and Glubbdubdrib are wasted by their rulers' rationality. The academy leading 7 very many experiments • • that 'proved' persuasive on paper has had devastating practical effects.

Created at Page 2 H - Gulliver in Lagado, Balnibarbi, at the academy, witnesses 8 • • research including, as here, to extract sunlight from cucumbers!

I - Having rescued Gulliver from Strudlebrugs, 9 Glubbdubdrib's governor • • entertains an unsuspecting Gulliver to a drugged meal.

J - Summoned with Gulliver's blood, Alexander the Great 10 • • emerges to be consulted by Glubbdubdrib's governor

K - Told at dinner he will sail for and home next day, Gulliver realizes he has heard 11 this the night before, due • • to finger tip wounds from which blood has been extracted for necromancy.

Created at Page 3 L - Glubbdubdrib's governor leads Gulliver down a hallway to a 12 • • large mirror from which historical characters emerge for interview.

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