Courtyard Cottages, Piddletrenthide Dorchester DT2 7QN
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Courtyard Cottages, Piddletrenthide Dorchester DT2 7QN welcome to Courtyard Cottages, Piddletrenthide Dorchester Within and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the Piddle Valley lies a few miles north of the county town of Dorchester and includes the villages of Piddlehinton, Piddletrenthide, Plush and Alton Pancras. Piddlehinton and Piddletrenthide, along with the valley itself, owe their unusual names to the River Piddle, which meanders through them. Listed in the Domesday Book of 1086, Piddletrenthide is central to life in the valley, offering two well-regarded public houses, the only shop and All Saints parish church, considered one of the finest village churches in Dorset. Boasting both Norman and 15th Century features, the church is particularly well-known for its numerous gargoyles and two headstones in the graveyard marking the graves of members of the Durbefield family, thought to be Thomas Hardy’s inspiration for the name of his famous protagonist, Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Further south, Piddlehinton is home to another well-liked public house and is particularly proud of its Millennium Green, an outdoor space for exploration, relaxation and play; the heart of the village community. Towards the northern end of the valley, Alton Pancras is a small village, the first permanent inhabitants of which are thought to have been Saxons. Surrounding the village is evidence of prehistoric human activity, including two round barrows and strip lynchets believed to be Celtic. welcome to Courtyard Cottages, Piddletrenthide Dorchester Mid Terraced Home Two Double Bedrooms Courtyard Garden Parking & Garage >> This Property Must Be Viewed! << Tenure: Freehold EPC Rating: E £200,000 Please note the marker reflects the view this property online postcode not the actual property see all our properties on | | 1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there is no delay in agreeing the sale. 2. These particulars do not 01305 265111 constitute part or all of an offer or contract. 3. The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect. Potential buyers are advised to recheck measurements before committing to any expense. 4. We have not Property Ref: tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures or services and it is in the buyers interest to check the working condition of any [email protected] DRR104202 - 0008 appliances. 5. Where an EPC, or a Home Report (Scotland only) is held for this property, it is available for inspection at the branch by appointment. If you require a printed version of a Home Report, you will need to pay a reasonable production charge reflecting 40 South Street, DORCHESTER, Dorset, DT1 printing and other costs. 6. We are not able to offer an opinion either written or verbal on the content of these reports and this must be obtained from your legal representative. 7. Whilst we take care in preparing these reports, a buyer should ensure that 1DF his/her legal representative confirms as soon as possible all matters relating to title including the extent and boundaries of the property and other important matters before exchange of contracts. .