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SUBSCRIPTION PUBLISHED 5/- PER ANNUM. 00 EACH MONTH. COPIES FREE 00 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE IRISH WHOLESALE FROM ASSOCIATION AND EASON & SON, Ltd. OF ITS ASSOCIATE DUBLIN. DEPARTMENT TRAVEL OFfiCIAL ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION, DUBLIN. VOL. 4. JUNE, 1929. NO. 10. CONTENTS. MOTOR·BOATING AND RAMBLING A THOUSAND MILES ROUND THE IRISH IN IRELAND. FIfEE STATE BY MOTOR. MOTOR·BOATING ON CANAL AND Hilda M. Porter. RIVER IN IRELAND. BALLYCOTTON, CO. CORK. A. A. McCarthy, B.A. Brcoke W. Brasier. WATERFORD. M. Lyster. GOLFING IN IRELAND. J. P. Rooney. SPANISH POINT. J. O'Sullivan. LIS)' OF IRISH GOLF COURSES. MONTHLY COMPETITIONS FOR ARTICLES WHAT IT COSTS TO SEE THE IRISH AND PHOTOGRAPHS. FREE STATE. :Motor-13oating and Cftambling zn Ireland. HERE are two forms of holiday-making to which and it is to be hoped some group with money to invest Ireland is particularly adapted and to which \I'ill consider taking steps to make motor boats hireable we think sufficient attention is not given. £01' xtended periods in the same way as it is possible Holidays by motor boat are becoming in to hire motor cars and drive one elf. creasingly popular in all countries, and it is The other form of holidaying to which we refer is not generally realized that our waterways offer rambling and camping. There are large mountain unrivalled opportunities for this form of amusement. areas in Kerry, \Vicklow, Connemara and Donegal "Ve have a wonderful array of lakes and rivers, and, where walking tOUl'S can be undertaken under the be t ;taken in conjunction with ·our canuls it is possible to po sible conditions. There is fine scenery, often very aet from one end of the country to another on a o good climbs, and it is usual to be able to obtain for moderate sized motor boat. little or nothing the necessities of the road and accom \Ve publish this month an article on such a trip modation at night. The pleasure of such expeditions 'Undertaken from Dublin to the Shannon Electricity as ,ye suggest is frequently enhanced when, as in the Works at Ardnacru ha, and we hope it will inspire (',lS of the motor boating, a tent is carried. It should those 100kinO'o for new holiday ideas to consider the be remembered that in Ireland very great provocation .que tion. would be nece ary for a farmer to object to trespass For younO' adventurers equipped with a rod, a shot or camping on his land, and in the districts well beyond gun a~d a bell tent it should be possible to spend a the cities it "'ould be very unusual to be asked to pay marvellous fortnight amongst the best scenery in the for camping sites. Even in the neighbourhood of -country for about £5 each. Dublin it i usually possible to obtain sites for casual The chief difficulty of such enterprises is, of course, camping free, and even protracted stays of a week or the comparatively high initial cost of the motor boats, a fortnight cost extremely little. TRISH TRAVBL. June, 1929. Motor-Boating on Canal and River in Ireland 'By Alexander A. McCarlhy, 'B.A. .. What do they know of Ireland, who only England know?" On through Rahan, Ferbane, and Belmont, where we aw the property of the Turraun Peat Co., which HIS parody occurred to me last summer when is being worked at high pressure with machine turf I found that numbers of patriots of my ac cutters. T quaintance had spent their holiday money outside this country. At Shannon Harbour we saw another of the huge Strange it seems that large sums should be spent hotels, no\", alas, turned into flats, where formerly advertising the attractions of Ireland with a view to passengers on the Grand anal Company's horse inducing outsiders to visit our shore , whilst Irishmen drawn packet boats were wont to halt for the night fly from the country as soon a holiday time arrives. on the way Dublinwards. When one is able to say with truth that he knows It was here we met the Shannon, which is the evcry nook and cranny of Eil' , let him then " seek longest river in these islands. We were glad at the other fields and pastures new" for his vacation, but meeting, particularly as it permitted an increase of until he has exhausted the plethora of Irish beauty speed. On the Canal one cannot do more than four spots, he has no excuse for leaving the country. miles an hour, lest weeds might be drawn round the Numbers assume that various places in Ireland are propellor and the keel at the stern of the craft might much over- foul the bottom. rated, and that, The l' e is no on first-hand ac cause for such quaintance, they f e a l' on the will find them Shannon, pro· most disappoint vided the many ing. I mu s t navigation confess to a feel marks are ob i n g somewhat served and re a kin to this spected. when I started Abo u t five on a trip by miles from motor boat over Shannon H a r the Grand bour we passed Canal, the Shan Clonmac n 0 i se, where non and its Photo] The Shannon at Athlone. On the Canal. [Author. lakes. when years were We left Ringsend Dock on Tuesday, July 24th, fewer, St. Ciaran taught and Europe studied. The and after rising through twelve locks, found ourselves remains of the Seven Churches and two round towers at Lucan. Straight stretches of canal brought us to are well worth a visit. There is an annual" pattern .. Hazlehatch and Sallins, and so to Robertstown, Co. or pilgrimage to the shrine and holy well, and many Kildare, where we saw the fine building which was cur s have taken place there. formerly an hotel for packet passengers on the Grand After a further run of about nine miles we were Canal Company's boats. alongside the Canal Company's wharf in Athlone, a On and on through flat country until we reached town which is advancing all the time. It has very Tullamore, where we tied up for the night. good hotels indeed; a large woollen mills, A cruise of this sort has many attractions which are some good shops, and its boat-building industry is absent from coastal cruising. One may break the growing apace. This area is the centre of fast motor journey almost at any spot en route, and there is no boating, and ,vas selected as the venue for the recent fear of mal de mer. Tailteann Motor Boat Races on account of its perfect ext morning, Wednesday, saw all hands ready for suitability for" speed craft." Athlone has also many an early start, and we proceeded at a leisurely pace claims to historical fame, in its association with along the liquid, dustless main road for motor boats. Patrick Sarsfield, and also with Goldsmith, the o road hogs to avoid. No blind corners to negotiate. " sweet bard of Auburn," who was born only eight On we went, breakfasting and chatting, lunching and mil s away. appreciating the lovely vistas of delightful brown bog ,hortly after departing from Athlone we were land and purple heather on all sides. amidst the beauties of Lough Ree, an inland sea 222 (Continued on page 232.) June, 1929. 1 RI S H TRAVEL. Photol TIle Beach at Tml1lorc. [LT.A. 'ORD THE COUNTY OF CHARMING SEASIDE WATERF -- RESORTS AND BEAUTIFUL RIVER SCENERY. By M. LYSTER. T has not been often said of County await the eardling hands of children. In the dusk a boat crept out over the Waterford that it is a county of con Indeed it is an ideal picnic place. For river from the bu hes. It was so far trasts, and yet in going from Youghal in all the little pools there are shrimps, beneath It seemed to be in another world. I and when thee have bf"en caught and to Passage what different type of On the bank some fishermen were draw scenery does one not find. Along the one's bathe is over, there are shady places ing in the nets they had put out for peal. shore of the Blackwater there is misty, away from the wind to boil the kettle Presently they lit a fire on the bank. wooded scenery, and following the coast for tea. The boat was still on the water, with line from Tramore one walks on bare and At Annstown, beyond Gararrus, the its standing fignres within. The cene sunny lands. Along the road to the road leaves inland for Portlaw and Kil was remote and impersonal as a Japanese Metal Man there is hardly a tree. A kenny, and motorists will find it a good landscape. Afterwards figures moved Tramore gentleman purchased a much one. Another charming place a few about in the glowing firelight, and coveted piece of land at the approach to miles distant from Waterford City is peace descended as it does in mountain Newtown Cove so as to plant a little \Voodstown. As its name implies, it be places only beside darkening rivers. grove of trees there. There were diffi longs to the wooded side of the county, Lismore is a Norman Castle, having culties in the way, but he overcame them and the trees redouble their efforts here passed to the Devonshires from the all so that people might rest in this to make up for their ab ence in Tramore, Boyles.