

Paper No. and Title PAPER No. 9: of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common : , LSD Module No. and Title & Psilocybin Module Tag FSC_P9_M15

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin


1. Learning Outcomes 2. Introduction 3. Cannabis 4. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) 5. Psilocybin 6. Summary

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin

1. Learning Outcomes

After studying this module, you will be able to

 Significance of Cannabis, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and Psilocybin as common Hallucinogens  Their Mode of actions and mechanism  Screening Tests of Cannabis, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and Psilocybin

2. Introduction

Hallucinogens (also called psychedelics or psychotomimetic agents) are substances that induce changes in thought, perception, and mood, without causing major disturbances in the autonomic nervous system. Perceptual alterations can take the form of illusions, synaesthesias, or . An illusion is the result of misinterpretation of an actual experience, while synaesthesias are sensory misperceptions (e.g. hearing colour or seeing sounds). Both require external stimuli for their institution. Hallucinations differ from them in this important respect, since they are perceptual alterations without any external stimulation whatsoever. Hallucinations may be visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, or tactile in nature. Most hallucinogens induce visual or auditory hallucinations; a few cause tactile or olfactory manifestations. While a number of therapeutic can cause hallucinations in overdose, they are not classified as hallucinogens. A true is a drug that induces hallucinations in small doses (sometimes, as in the case of LSD, in microgram doses). Most genuine hallucinogens cause vivid visual hallucinations, while the other types of hallucinations are relatively uncommon.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin

3. Cannabis

Herbal cannabis () means all parts of the ; but excludes the seeds and mature woody stalk material. The of the plant occurs mainly in the flowering area, the leaves and the stem, particularly at the top of the plant. The greatest amount of resin is found in the following part. Female are selected for illicit cannabis production. The leaves of cannabis sativa are compound and consist of 5 to 11 leaflets, each characteristically hair covered, veined and with serrated edges. Under microscope examination features characteristic for cannabis may be seen for cannabis and resin: cystolithic hair and glandular hair. Cystolithic hair contains a deposit of calcium carbonate at their base. These hairs are mostly single cell. Glandular hairs (trichome) are most important since they contain and secrete the resin. They are short and may be unicellular or multicellular. The larger glandular hair has a multicellular stalk with heads that contain 8 to 16 cells.

The active source is contained in its resin. The principle constituents of the resin are , which has no action. is also inert, but on exposure to heat, it is partly converted to the very isomeric (THC).

Slang names: Pot, Grass, Weed, Hash, Mary jone, etc.


1) Bhang:  It is prepared from the dried leaves and fruit shoots.  It is mildest and contains 15% of active principle.  Fresh bhang is highly intoxicating and .

2) Majoon:  It is a sweet, prepared with bhang. It increases appetite and sexual desire.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin

3) :  It is prepared from the flower tops of the female plant.  It has a rusty green colour and a characteristic odour.  It contains 15 to 25% active principal.  Ganja is also known as marijuana. Cannabis is also known as reefer or .

4) or  It is the resin exuding from the leaves and stems of the plant.  It contains 25% to 40% active components  It is dark green or brown in colour.

The main psychoactive compound in cannabis or cannabis resin is 9tetrahydrocannabinol (9THC). Cannabinol (CBN) and Cannabidiol (CBD) are among the other main components. Cannabinol is the major breakdown product of 9THC and Cannabidiol is a precursor to 9THC.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin

The interaction with the active components in cannabis is via specific components in (CB1 receptor in brain, lung and kidney and CB2 receptors in the immune system and in hematopoietic cells). These receptors are members of the G- protein coupled receptor. Binding of THC to the receptor results in inhibition of acetylate cyclase and in calcium channel inhibition and K+ channel activation.


Cannabis main component is THC which binds to and activates specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors. There are many of these receptors in parts of the brain that control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth perception and coordinated movement. By activating this receptor, THC interferes with their normal functioning.


 Appears after administration of drug and last for 1 to 2 hours.  In small dose- effects are slight, , passivity, heightening of subjective experience.  With moderate dose- effects intensity of immediate memory function, lapses of attention and marked sensory distortions, is produced due to high dose effects.  Symptoms after intoxication: a) Psychiatric  Feeling of detachment  Clarity, cleverness  Disinhibition  Depersonalization  Euphoria  Laughing  Rapid changing emotions

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin

 Thought process: irrelevant thoughts  Feeling of periodical distress  Speech changes b) Physical  Slight nausea  Increased appetite  Heaviness and pressure in the head  Dry mouth  Ataxia

FATAL DOSE:  Charas : 2gm  Ganja : 8gm  Bhang : 10gm/kilo body weight  THC : 30mg/kg

FATAL PERIOD: Several days.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin



a. Filter Paper Method-

Preparation of reagent:

 Solid reagent : Dilute & mix Fast Blue B Salt with anhydrous Sodium Sulphate in the ratio of 1:100  Solution 1 : Petroleum ether  Solution 2 : A 10% w/w aqueous solution of Sodium Bicarbonate


Two filter papers are folded to form fluted funnels and kept on each other. Small amount of suspected sample is placed into the corner of the upper funnel of the paper and added two drops of Solution 1. Allow the liquid to penetrate to the lower filter paper funnel. Discard the upper filter paper and dry the lower filter paper. Now add a very small amount of the solid Fast Blue B reagent to this lower paper and add two drops of Solution 2. A purple–red coloured stain on the filter paper indicates the presence of cannabis product.

b. Test Tube method-

Preparation of reagent:

 Solid reagent : Dilute & mix Fast Blue B salt with anhydrous Sodium Sulphate in the ratio of 2.5:100  Solution 1 : Chloroform  Solution 2 : 0.1N aqueous Sodium Hydroxide solution

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin


Small amount of suspected material is taken in a test tube; a very small amount of the solid reagent and 1 ml of solution 1 is added to it. Shake well for one minute and add 1 ml of solution 2. Shake the test tube for two minutes, and allow this test tube to stand for 2 minutes. A purple red colour in the lower layer of chloroform indicates the positive result of the presence of cannabis product.


Preparation of reagent:

5 drops of Acetaldehyde and 0.4 gms of Vanillin are dissolved in 20 ml of 95% .


Small amount of suspected material is taken in a test tube and shaken with 2 ml reagent for 1 minute, add 2 ml of conc. HCl and shake it well. Allowed it to stand for 10 minutes and then add 2 ml of chloroform. Appearance of violet colour in chloroform layer (lower layer) indicates the presence of cannabis.


Preparation of reagent:

5 drops of acetaldehyde and 0.4gms of vanillin are dissolved in 20 ml of 95% ethanol.


The sample is extracted with petroleum ether. Filtered and evaporated to dryness. Added 2 ml. of Duquenois reagent to dissolve the residue add 2ml. Conc. HCl. Shaken and kept for 10min. Transferred the solution into a test tube add 2ml. of Chloroform and shaken. Purple colour in the chloroform layer indicates the Tetrahydrocannabinol.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin


Preparation of Reagent

 Reagent 1: p-Aminophenol (1 mg) in ethanol (10 ml)  Reagent 2: Caustic potash (1 g) in distilled water (10 ml)


The suspected material of cannabis is extracted in ethanol. A drop of extract is taken in a cavity of a spot tile or in a micro tube, and 2 drops of chromogenic Reagent 1 is added and mixed thoroughly followed by addition of 2 drops of Reagent 2.

Results: Bhang gives green colour; Ganja gives blue colour while Charas gives violet colour.

4. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a drug of hallucinogen group that causes . Abuser will imagine images hear sounds and experience sensations that look as if it is real but do not occur. Certain hallucinogens also create abrupt and random fluctuations in the temper of those who take them.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), first formed in 1938, is a very potent hallucinogen. It is prepared from lysergic acid, which is originated in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. LSD is formed in crystalline form and then merged with excipients, or diluted as a liquid for forming in ingestible forms. It is odorless, colorless and has a considerably bitter taste. LSD is retailed in tablet form (generally small tablets called as Microdots), on Sugar Cubes, in thin squares of gelatin (usually denoted to as Window Panes), and most commonly, as blotter paper (sheets of absorbent paper soaking in or saturated with LSD, enclosed with colorful schemes or artwork, and perforated into one- quarter inch square, individual dosage units). Street names: LSD is sold under more than 80 street names including acid, blotter, cid, doses, dots and trips, as well as names that reveal the designs on the sheets of blotter paper (for example, "purple dragon") The most common method of producing lysergic acid is clandestine laboratories is the conversion of ergometrine or ergotamine tartrate to lysergic acid. This is accomplished by refluxing the ergot alkaloid with potassium hydroxide and hydrazine in an / water medium.

FATAL DOSE: 14 mg is fatal dose.

MODE OF ACTION: The LSD is structurally related to (5-hydroxytryptamine) and is an agonist at the 5-HT1 receptor. Serotonin modulates many psychological and physiological processes including mood, personality, affect, appetite, sexual desire, motor function, temperature regulation, pain perception, and sleep induction. LSD inhibits central raphe neurons of brainstem through stimulation of 5-HT1A receptors, which are coupled to Adenylcyclase. LSD is also an agonist at 5-HT2A, 2C receptors, which are not located presynaptically on serotonergic cell bodies but on certain subpopulations of neurons in postsynaptic regions. The majority of 5-HT2 receptors in the brain are located in the cerebral cortex. Animal experiments have shown that LSD is anatomically distributed maximally in the visual and auditory cortex, and the limbic cortex (besides the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamic areas), which parallels the finding of high concentration of 5- HT2 receptors in human cerebral cortex.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin


 Extremely dilated pupils  Warm skin, excessive perspiration and body odor  Distorted sense of sight, hearing and touch  Distorted sense of time, self and place  Mood and behavior changes, the extent depending on emotional state of the user and environmental conditions.  Elevated body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure.  Tremors and sleeplessness.  The user may experience panic, confusion, suspicion, and loss of control.



Preparation of reagent:

1g para-dimethylamine benzaldehyde (p-DMAB) in is dissolved in10ml Methanol and 10ml conc. Ortho Phosphoric Acid is added further.


Take appropriate amount of the sample or few drops of methanol extract of the sample in a depression spot plate and add two drops of Ehrlich reagent. Appearance of a blue to purple colour indicates the presence of LSD.


Preparation of reagent:

8-10 drops of 40% Formaldehyde solution is added to 10 ml of Con. Sulphuric acid.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin


Take appropriate amount of the sample or few drops of Marquis Reagent. Orange colour change to brown color, which finally changes to purple, indicates the presence of LSD.


Preparation of reagent:

50 mgs of molybdic acid or Sodium Molybdate is dissolved in 10 ml of hot concentrated Sulphuric Acid. The resulting solution should be colourless.


Take appropriate amount of the sample or few drops of Frohde’s Reagent. Olive green changes to blue, which changes to green indicating the presence of LSD.


Preparation of reagent:

0.25 gms of Selenious Acid is dissolved in 25 ml of concentrated Sulphuric Acid


Take appropriate amount of the sample or few drops of Mecke’s Reagent. Olive green changes to blue-black indicating the presence of LSD.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin

5. Psilocybin

The hallucinogenic substances psilocin and its phosphate ester psilocybin occur in a number of fungi, particularly those of the genus Psilocybe. These are small, brown/grey mushrooms that grow wild over large areas, although they are commonly cultivated under controlled conditions for abuse purposes. After ingestion, psilocybin is rapidly converted in the body to psilocin, which then acts as an agonist at the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor in the brain where its effect is similar to that of 5-HT. Psilocin is also a 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A/2C agonist.

The microscopic examination of the fragments or powders of psilocybe mushroom specimens should only be performed by trained mycologists. The microscopic characteristics of fragments or powders of psilocybe mushroom are the spores, the cystidia (sterile cells in the fertile portions of the fruit-body), the basic structure of the outer layer of the cap and the basic structure of the tissue between the faces of the gills. When available, gross-characters of the dried fruit-body are useful.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin



Preparation of reagent:

1g para-dimethylamine benzaldehyde (p-DMAB) in is dissolved in10ml Methanol and 10ml conc. Ortho Phosphoric Acid is added further.

Result: Appearance of violet to grey – violet colour after few minutes indicates the presence of psilocin or psilocybin.


Preparation of reagent:

8-10 drops of 40% Formaldehyde solution is added to 10 ml of Con. Sulphuric acid.

Result: Appearance of orange colour indicates the presence of psilocybin while, appearance of green brown colour indicates the presence of psilocin.


Preparation of reagent:

50 mgs of molybdic acid or Sodium Molybdate is dissolved in 10 ml of hot concentrated Sulphuric Acid. The resulting solution should be colourless.

Result: Appearance of green changes to blue grey colour indicates the presence of psilocin. While appearance of olive green changes to yellow indicates the presence of psilocybin.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin


Preparation of reagent:

0.25 gms of Selenious Acid is dissolved in 25 ml of concentrated Sulphuric Acid

Result: The appearance of green changes to greenish black indicates the presence of psilocin. While the appearance of greenish yellow changes to brownish green indicates the presence of psilocybin.

6. Summary

 Cannabis has found in two types of species in Indian which are known as cannabis sativa and . Cannabis sativa is also known with the name of Indian . Each part of the plant is useful and contains many alkaloids, such as cannabinoid, cannabinol, THC etc.

 Cannabis has four components which are known as bhang, majoon, charas, ganja and hashish oil which are obtained from the different parts of the plant. Cannabis main component is THC which binds to and activates specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors.

 Cannabis is a which shows many sign and symptoms such as Feeling of detachment, Clarity, cleverness, Disinhibition, Depersonalization, Euphoria, Laughing, Rapid changing emotions, and irrelevant thoughts.

 LSD is lysergic acid dimethyl amide which is usually known as date rape drug. They come in category of hallucinogens. LSD is mostly known by the many street names such as acid, blotters, dots etc. It is manufactured from Ergot alkaloids such as, ergometrine and ergotamine. The most common type of symptoms is that abuser see images hear sounds and feel sensations that seem very real but do not exist. There is some physical change like dilated pupils, sweating, and loss of appetite, low blood pressure, tachycardia etc and followed with mood swings.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin

 The mode of action of LSD is the human nervous system by rapidly crossing the blood- brain barrier and binding to a G-protein coupled receptors including most serotonin (5-HT) receptors and their subtypes. Ehrlich test is the test for LSD which gives blue to purple on conformation of its presence.

 Psilocybin can be converted into psilocin by heating. This conversion can also occur if the mushrooms are not dried prior to or when they arrive in the laboratory.

 Consumption of one of the many species of the cosmopolitan genera Psilocybe, Panaeolus, Copelandia, Gymnophilus or Stropharia gives rise to the so-called ‘psilocybe syndrome’. These mushrooms contain the indole- alkylamine hallucinogen psilocybin and its dephosphorylated congener psilocin, which is about 1.5 times as potent as psilocybin. These hallucinogens are about 100 times less potent than lysergides (LSD). Intoxication with psilocybin-containing mushrooms is almost always intentional.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 9: Drug of Abuse MODULE No. 15: Common Hallucinogens: Cannabis, LSD & Psilocybin