Potrero Canyon Park

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Potrero Canyon Park Potrero Canyon Park Check Dam Alma Real Drive The Potrero Canyon Nature Preserve consists of approximately 46 acres of City-owned property, located in the Pacific Palisades area of Council District 11. Potrero Canyon was purchased by the City in the Alma Real Drive 1960s and has a long history of landslides and instability. Construction of D the Preserve will substantially stabilize the canyon walls while creating approximately eight-acres of riparian habitat, with walking paths and scenic overlooks. The riparian habitat will be irrigated by diverting and cleaning urban runoff and storm water flowing in the existing Check Dam storm drain. Site specific native California plant species will be planted Trail throughout the canyon to restore natural habitat. Walking paths will Overlook extend from the Palisades Recreation Center to the beach. An ADA compliant restroom will be installed in the northerly portion of the canyon with additional parking for Preserve visitors provided at the B” Palisades Recreation Center. Frontera Drive New Accessible Parking Spaces Preserve Entrance Restroom Check Dam Overlook Impermeable Liner 0 2.5 5 10 Preserve Parking Improvements at Check Dam Palisades Park and Recreation Center Accessible Parking: 5 Spaces Typical Riparian Creek Plan Native Regular Parking: 25 Spaces Garden Wet Riparian Zone Dry Riparian Zone Trail See Typical Riparian Creek Plan Palisades Park Check Dam Check Dam and Recreation Access Road B’ Center Overlook Riparian Adjacent Woodlands/ Check Dam Coastal Scrub Transition Zone A’ Check Dam Preserve Entrance De Pauw Street Trail Fuel Modification Zone Pump Station Location Pacific Coast Highway A” Meadow Earlham Street Friends Street Overlook Swarthmore Avenue Coastal Bluff Scrub Zone Trail Continues to 0 25 50 100 Temescal Canyon Angeles National Plant Communities Forest 405 Simi Valley Sunset Blvd Representative Species Representative Species Representative Species Representative Species Representative Species *The Fuel Modification Zone is Thousand Burbank Populus fremontii spp. fremontii Platanus racemosa Juglans californica Acmispon glaber Juglans californica composed mostly of coastal scrub plant Oaks material. Planting will be “islands” of Sunset Blvd San Vicente Blvd Fremont’s Cottonwood California Sycamore Southern California Black Walnut Deerweed Southern California Black Walnut Los Angeles small plant/tree groupings widely spaced West with mulched ground. Open areas will Covina Salix laevigata Quercus agrifolia Quercus agrifolia Baccharis pilularis Quercus agrifolia be hydroseeded for erosion control and Red Willow Coast Live Oak Coast Live Oak Coyote Brush Coast Live Oak maintenance. These fuel modification Pacific Coast Highway Wilshire Blvd Project zone planting considerations will help Location Downey Baccharis salicifolia spp. salicifolia Baccharis salicifolia spp. salicifolia Baccharis pilularis spp. consanguinea Encelia californica Heteromeles arbutifolia prevent the creation of fire fuel ladders Mule Fat Mule Fat Coyote Brush Bush Sunflower Toyon in areas adjacent to homes along the Fullerton Torrance canyon. Project Location 10 Freeway Juncus patens Muhlenbergia rigens Ceanothus spinosus Eriogonum fasciculatum Malacothamnus fasciculatus Long Beach California Gray Rush Deer Grass Greenbark Ceanothus California Buckwheat Bush Mallow Mimulus guttatus Rosa californica Elymus condensatus Optunia littoralis Optunia littoralis Riparian Adjacent Woodlands/ Wet Riparian Zone Seep Monkey Flower Dry Riparian Zone California Wild Rose Giant Wild Rye Coastal Bluff Scrub Zone Coastal Prickly Pear Fuel Modification Zone* Coastal Prickly Pear Newport Coastal Scrub Transition Zone Regional Location Map City of Los Angeles Beach Potrero Canyon Park Plant Communities Representative Species Representative Species Representative Species Juglans californica Populus fremontii spp. fremontii Juglans californica Southern California Black Walnut Fremont’s Cottonwood Southern California Black Walnut Salix laevigata Quercus agrifolia Quercus agrifolia Red Willow Coast Live Oak Coast Live Oak B’ Baccharis salicifolia spp. salicifolia Baccharis pilularis spp. consanguinea Heteromeles arbutifolia B” Mule Fat Coyote Brush Toyon Fuel Modification Zone Fuel Juncus patens Ceanothus spinosus Malacothamnus fasciculatus Modification California Gray Rush Greenbark Ceanothus Bush Mallow Zone Riparian Adjacent Woodlands/ Riparian Adjacent Coastal Scrub Transition Woodlands/Coastal Scrub Transition Mimulus guttatus Riparian Adjacent Woodlands/ Elymus condensatus Dry Wet Dry Wet Riparian Zone Seep Monkey Flower Fuel Modification Zone* Riparian Riparian Riparian Coastal Scrub Transition Zone Giant Wild Rye Optunia littoralis Zone Zone Zone Coastal Prickly Pear *The Fuel Modification Zone is composed mostly of coastal scrub plant material. Planting will be “islands” of small plant/tree groupings Representative Species Representative Species widely spaced with mulched ground. Open areas will be hydroseeded for erosion control and maintenance. These fuel modification zone 0 10 20 40 planting considerations will help prevent the creation of fire fuel ladders in areas adjacent to homes along the canyon. Canyon Cross Section B Platanus racemosa California Sycamore Acmispon glaber Deerweed Quercus agrifolia Baccharis pilularis Coast Live Oak Coyote Brush Impermeable Creek Liner Baccharis salicifolia spp. salicifolia Encelia californica Riparian Habitat Growth Mule Fat Bush Sunflower Zones Decomposed Granite Trail Impermeable Liner with Riparian Fencing Muhlenbergia rigens Eriogonum fasciculatum Riprap Facing California Buckwheat Deer Grass Check Dam Inlet Typical Creek Cross Section D 0 2.5 5 10 Rosa californica Dry Riparian Zone Coastal Bluff Scrub Zone Optunia littoralis California Wild Rose Coastal Prickly Pear Plant Pocket in Riprap Facing Outlet Basin Cut Off Trench Riprap Pad Riparian Habitat Growth Water Gravity Flows Subsurface above Zones the Liner toward End of Riparian System Check Dam, See Section C Impermeable Liner 0 2.5 5 10 Water Gravity Flows Subsurface above the Liner toward End of Check Dam Cross Section C Riparian System See Typical Riparian Creek Plan on Plan Board A’ Water Gravity Flows Subsurface above the Water Pumped to Surface Liner toward End of Riparian System from Pump Station To Beginning of Riparian System End of Riparian System. 0 25 50 100 Over Flow Drops Down to Creek Centerline Section A Buried Urban Runoff Pipe To Beginning of Riparian System To Beginning of Riparian System Flows to Intercept Point A” Overflow goes to City of Los Angeles Urban Runoff in Buried Pipe Low Flow System Intercepted, Cleaned, and Pumped to Beginning of Riparian Systems.
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