Numerical and analytical studies of critical radius in new geometries for corona discharge in air and CO2-rich environments Jacob A. Engle, Jeremy A. Riousset Department of Physical Sciences, Center for Space and Atmospheric Research (CSAR), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL CEDAR 2017 (
[email protected]) Abstract II. Model Formulation In this work, we focus on plasma discharge produced between two electrodes with a high potential Objectives Geometry Cartesian Spherical Cylindrical difference, resulting in ionization of the neutral gas particles and creating a current in the gas • Apply Paschen theory to Cartesian, 푥2 푅2 푅2 medium. This process, when done at low current and low temperature can create corona and “glow” Analytical 훼eff푑푥 = ln(푄) 훼eff푑푟 = ln(푄) 훼eff푑푟 = ln(푄) 푥1 푅1 푅1 discharges, which can be observed as a luminescent, or “glow,” emission. The parallel plate geometry spherical, and cylindrical geometries; 푥1 = 0 R2 →c; V(R2) = 0 R2 →c; V(R2) = 0 −퐵푝 used in Paschen theory is particularly well suited to model experimental laboratory scenario. V(c) = 0; V(c) = 0 • Obtain analytical expressions for critical 훼eff(퐸) = 퐴푝푒 퐸 However, it is limited in its applicability to lightning rods and power lines (Moore et al., 2000). −퐵푝 −퐵푝 푑 = 푥 − 푥 훼 (퐸) = 퐴푝푒 퐸 훼 (퐸) = 퐴푝푒 퐸 Franklin’s sharp tip and Moore et al.’s rounded tip fundamentally differ in the radius of curvature of 2 1 eff eff radius and Stoletov’s point; 휕푉 = 0: Stoletov′s point 휕푉 ′ 휕푉 ′ the upper end of the rod. Hence, we propose to expand the classic Cartesian geometry into spherical 휕푑 = 0: Stoletov s point = 0: Stoletov s point • Develop numerical models for 휕푅1 휕푅1 geometries.