Starve the Bankers That the Association Should Upon the Cross to Redeem Him
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/ .. ' CATH·OLIC WORKER \ Subscriptions Vol. XIV. No. 10 January, 1948 25c Per Year Price -lo Christ's ' \ Industry Threatens Winter Agony Wage-Ho_ur Law The charity of Ch0rist compels the . Fullness of His Gifts, we The economic dictators of the country who shoved the Taft· us again this year, to turn aside share, in an unending act of Hartley anti-labor bill through Congress last year, last month from the habitual pattern of gratitude, our warm garments, gave' testimony before the House Labor Subcommittee which is self-seeking, and in merciful our shoes, our blankets, our food, studying "changes" to the Federal Minimum Wages and Maximum vision, to answer the constant, our soap. Hours Bill. · pitiful cries of children, from How miich disillusionment and It is_certain now that they will not be able to easily steamroller Europe and Asia. Emaciated, despair live in the hearts of changes in this session of Congress. Government officials, union and blue from expo8ure to cold Germans? Reverend Gebhard leaders, civic leaders and some employers are presenting a united and neglect, they extend their (Continued on page 6) front against any changes proposed by the minions of the United languid, bony hands, and with States Chamber of Commerce. They are united in demanding that piercing cries, beg for bread in minimum wages be raised rather than lowered. the literal sense of the word. In The working clas15 has left Patrick W. McDonough, presi-+------------- vivid awareness, catch a passing the Church because the dent and chief stockholder of glimpse of their agony, ex Christian Church has left the McDonough Steel Company Donough, "is equal to changing pressed in letters from priests the working class. Tnat the of Oakland California came to the minimum wage froi;n 40 cents and nuns of .many countries. masses may live with Christ, Labor's defense in a biting at an hour to $4.96 an l10ur . This is Christ's Winter Agony. Christians must first live tack on his fellow industrialists. raising the minimum wage to 75 Christ stretched out upon the with the masses . , The He pointed out that industrial cents an ho.ur certainly is not frame of His Cross, snowed strength of the Socialists ists have increased their "take preposterous. Seventy-five cents upon by the winter blizzards and Communists comes less home pay" by 1040% since the an hour is a lower wage than in Berlin, slashed by the freez from their ideology than end of war because of the re the 40 cents an hour of 1939. It ing sleet in Hungary. Tliere will from the fact that they live duction in the corporation tax . will still amOftnt to a subnormal • be thousands of deaths these with the ml),sses ... to apply On the other hand he said the wage for 3,000,000 workers and months of early 1948 - babies; the social doctrine of the rise in the cost of living has substandard living for their 11!,- children, adults, priests, nuns. encyclicals effectively there lowered the buying power of the 000,000 to 15,000,000 dependants." Death from total starvation, and is one eo;sential-to live with 40-cent mimimum wage to 20 About the same time Mr. its accompanying diseases - and the masses. cents. McDonough was making the from freezing in the snows. Jacques Maritain. "This reductfon of corporation statement to the Congressional Gifts of The Holy Ghost tax from 95% to 38% said Mc- sub - committee the National Peace for the world will come, Association of Manufacturers only when each nation is re issued a platform for industrial · stored to the love of Jesus management in behalf of its Christ: when each country grows 16,000 members. The retiring in spiritual affection, .one for president of tb,e NAM Earl Bunt another. Do we not all belong Feed the Poor ing issued the association's usual labor C,(_usbing program which te Q<>d t~ .fa.tJuu:~e we not His children? Each human being this ~ ~~ tln:re ~ so precious, that Jesus Christ ticularly vicious })Oints. Bunting would have died a million deaths said in the course of his program Starve the Bankers that the association should upon the Cross to redeem him. By PETER MAURIN How very spiritual Europe can " l. Encourage management to grow in these dark days of deso 1. Share Your Wealth living in Assisi, brings a slump plow back earnings and increase lation. And what fountains of 1. Saint Francis desired in business. output, eliminating present U.S. , grace are open to us in America, 1. God wants us , that men should give up 6. A slump in business Treasury pressure on business to in sci far as we can lighten. that to be our brother's keeper. superfluous possessions. brings more unei:;np oyment. distribute 70 per cent of its Cross of hunger, nakedness, by 2. To feed the hungry, 2. Saint Francis desired 7. More unemployment profits as dividends." sending our gifts of food and to clothe the naked, , that men should work brings a depression. "2. Encourage Labor leaders clothing. Fortified by the Gifts to shelter th'e homeless, with their hands. 8'. Depression to forego demands for further to instruct the ignorant, general increase in "wages with of the Holy Ghost, it\is possible 3. Saint Francis desired brings more depression. at a personal sacrifice, out a corresp~ding increase in to reach in under this spiritual that men .sh'ould 9. More depression and material chaos and restore is what God brings red agitation. productivity." , wants us to do. offer their services "3. _Finance, to the greatest all things in Christ. Divine love as a gift. 10. Red agitation 3. What we give to the poor brings red revolution. extent feasible reconstruction is · the measure of all things. 4. Sa\pt Francis desired Love, replacing hatred, accom for Christ's sake, 11. That is what people get loans 'to foreign countries that men for saving money through the World Bank and panied by prayer and the activ is what we carry with us should ask other people ity of sending food, clothing, can when we die. for a rainy day. private sources rather than out I : for help of the taxes collected from the change the situation in all the 4. As Jean Jacques Rousseau when work failed them. war areas. Grace upon grace we says: 6. Wealth-Producing Americ~n public." This of course receive daily from Our Lord. It "When man dies 5. Saint Francis desired Maniacs being just another opportunity is little ·to ask, that in· retur n for he carries that men-should live for the economic barons to feast as 'free as birds. 1. When John Calvin in his clutched hands legalized money lending (Continued on page 7) only that which 6. Saint Francis desired at interest, he has given away." that men should -he made the bank account NO go through life the standard of values. ~ ON 2. Why Not Be A Beggar? giving thanks to God 2. When the' bank account ROOM 1. People who are in need for His gifts. became the standard ·of By Mary Irene Naughton and are not afraid to beg, 4. The Wjsdom of Giving values, PffpWa~~ Someone once said: "During give to people not in need people ceased the occasion to do good 1. To give money to the poor to produce for use Around Newburgh, New York,. all the ages man has been on is to enable the poor to buy. the earth he has not yet built for goodness' sake. and began 1 ftve miles outside of which Mary himself a house." The great 2. Modern society 2. TO enable the poor to buy to produce for profits. farm iS located, we had more snow masses of the poor are still, and calls the beggar, is to improve the market. 3. When people began · than sleet so we did not have bum and panhandler 3. To improve the market · to produce for profits .the jewelled fairyland display of increasingly so, unhoused. and gives him the bum's is to help business. The Housing Problem may be they became the countryside closer to New rush. 4. TO help business in considered. from many angles, wealth-producing maniacs. York. The wind blew the snow 3. The Greeks use to say is to reduce unemployment. 4. When people became drifts waist high and Father the angle of theory, the 'angle that people in need 5. To reduce unemployment of public and private housing wealth-producing maniacs Becker of Georgetown, who was. are the ambassadors of the is to reduce crime. they produced our guest over Christmas had projects, the angle of what a gods. 6. To reduce crime ' too much wealth. plenty of manual labor helping house is supposed to be, anyhow, 4. We read in the Gospel: is to reduce taxation. 5. When people found out Hans, John, Joe and Frank get -but d-0wn here at Mott Street, "As long as you did it 7. So why not give to the poor that they had produced paths shovelled to and from the in a hospice,-we see it in. terms to one of the least for business' sake, too much wealth barns, the men's house, the road, of people, people whose hearts of My brothers, for humaI).ity's sake, they went on an orgy etc. For two days the mail did are shedding blood in the face you did it to Me." for God's sake·? of wealth destruction, not get through, though some , of a hard, terrible reality.