
Saint George The Great Martyr Eastern, Orthodox Church 17323 Main Street Hesperia CA.92345 TEL:760-244-9223 DnGeorge: 760-792-8604 Website:WWW.STgeorgeoca.org Dear Brothers and sisters , I beg everyone’s forgiveness . It appear that I miss understood the instructions from our . He is very concern about everyone and especially those under his pastoral care in the Diocese of the west. Consequently the total number of people allowed in the church at one time is (three) I would like to remind everyone of the gravity of the situation. And beg your understanding and forgiveness. If you are or suffering from anything. Please don’t hesitate to let me know. I will make sure you are ministered too. Every one of you is in my prayers, and I’m trying to the best of my ability to stay in touch with all of you. I regret to inform you that this situation will continue till at least the end of April. Which mean Palm Sunday, Holy week and even Pascha will be limited to only 3people in the church? Lord Have Mercy. Fifth Sunday of : St. Mary of Egypt Martyrs Agathopodes the Deacon, Theodulus the Reader, and those with them

Tone 1 Troparion (Resurrection) When the stone had been sealed by the Jews, while the soldiers were guarding Your most pure body, You rose on the third day, O Savior, granting life to the world. The powers of heaven therefore cried to You, O Giver of Life: “Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ! Glory to Your Kingdom!//Glory to Your dispensation, O Lover of mankind!” Tone 8 Troparion (for St. Mary of Egypt) The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Mother, for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh for it passes away; but to care instead for the soul, for it is immortal.//Therefore your spirit, O holy Mother Mary, rejoices with the angels. Troparion George You were Bound for Good Deed…… Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit Tone 1 Kontakion (Resurrection) As God, You rose from the tomb in glory, raising the world with Yourself. Human nature praises You as God, for death has vanished. Adam exults, O Master! Eve rejoices, for she is freed from bondage and cries to You://“You are the Giver of Resurrection to all, O Christ!” Tone 3 Kontakion (St. Mary of Egypt) Having been a sinful woman,you became through repentance a bride of Christ. Having attained angelic life,you defeated demons with the weapon of the Cross.//Therefore O most glorious Mary, you are a bride of the Kingdom. Kontakion : God Raised …….Now and ever…Steadfast protectors Tone 1 Prokeimenon (Resurrection) Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us / as we have set our hope on You! (Ps 32/33:22) v: Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the just! (Ps 32/33:1) Tone 4 Prokeimenon (St. Mary of Egypt) God is wonderful in His , / the God of Israel. (Ps 67/68:35) Epistle Hebrews 9:11-14 Galatians 3:23-29 (St. Mary of Egypt) 04/5/2020

Tone 1 Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. v: God gives vengeance unto me, and subdues people under me. (Ps 17/18:47) v: He magnifies the salvation of the King and deals mercifully with , His anointed, and his seed forever. (Ps 17/18:50) Tone 1 v: I waited patiently for the Lord; He attended to me and heard my supplication. (Ps 39/40:1) Mark 10:32-45 Luke 7:36-50 (St. Mary of Egypt)

1. (Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing the following) Hymn to the All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace: the assembly of Angels and the race of men. O sanctified temple and spiritual paradise, the glory of virgins, from whom God was incarnate and became a Child – our God before the ages. He made your body into a throne, and your womb He made more spacious than the heavens. All of creation rejoices in you, O Full of Grace.//Glory to you! Communion Hymn! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest! (Ps 148:1)The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not fear evil tidings. (Ps 111/112:6b-7a)Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Quotes from the Saints The saints were people like all of us. Many of them came out of great sins, but by repentance they attained the Kingdom of Heaven. And everyone who comes there comes through repentance, which the merciful Lord has given us through His sufferings. (St. Silouan the Athonite, Writings, XII.10)

prayers for the livings: Elias,Abbot Tryphon, Sam and his Family ,Fred, Anne, Peter, Juan, Juan, Ruth, Debrutu,Elena, Denise,Michaela, the child of God Sophia and her parents and family, Elizabeth and their Newly Born Daphne, Gregory and Mary, Anastasia, , Isidoros, Vaso, Angela, Nick, Nick, Sonya and Dragosh, Timothy, Eric & Betsy and their Children ,Zayden,Manny.and all those who are suffering from the recent pandemic. Prayers for the Departed: And all the orthodox that lies here and there sleep in the Lord. REMINDER Oh Lord and Master of My Life. Take away from me the spirt of sloth, despair and lust of power and idle talk. But rather grant unto me, the spirit of chastity, faith, Humility and love to thy servant. Yeah oh lord and king! Grant to me that I see my own transgression, and not to judge my brother. For Blessed art thou unto ages of ages, Amen. (May the prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian, be in your mind and heart everyday throughout our Lenten journey) **Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, Saint Paul tells us to pray ceaselessly. I hope you don’t misunderstand me, but I think this crazy time should be looked at to some degree as an opportunity to even try to get closer to God. Yes everyone is being tested. Our church has endured much more than that. Now we need to pray for all of us and for the world around us even harder. If any of you is sick please let me know. Please stay safe harmless as a dove, but wiser than a serpent! We can’t do much of the normal things we did a little while ago! But we can still pray. No time to meet our friends for a bite to eat or a movie. But we can talk to God in our prayer corner, and ask for the Saints intercession through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and ever Virgin Mary. Lord Have Mercy! **When I receive words from our Bishop and instruction for services, I will pass on to you promptly. ** I will send you a separate email with instructions for the audio stream, please during this difficult time, if you are sick and in need of Holy Communion let me know. 04/5/2020