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The Hornet, 1923 - 2006 - Link Page Previous Volume 58, Issue 11 Next Volume 58, Issue 13 By CHRIS LENTZ more than 1,700 potentially hazard- 4-year-old who died when a toy mis- rockets from the product" stated News Assistant ous items according to Harper's sle lodged in his throat, as well as Horowitz. Bazaar magazine. the injuries of 10 other youngsters. "There is onl' so much testing a Editor's note: This is the first in a In a recent interview with con- According to Karl's Toys, Hob- company can do to insure the safety two-part series concerning sumer advocate David Horowitz, he bies and Stationery Store Manager of the toy. The federal government dangerous toys on the retail stated, "One of the major problems Adele Hayes, "there have been does not really have any re- market. Through interviews with in toy safety is that consumers go many toys recalled, among them are quirements other than the Under- consumer advocate David out and buy these toys for their Silly String, Daykin Stuffed Toys writer's testing. Horowitz and local toy dealers, the children, and they are not aware of and Riviton construction sets. "So a lot of it is up to the discre- first section discusses the hazards what a dangerous toy really is. They tion of the person buying the toy. Silly String was of many toys. The second section take more of the child's desire into removed The major problem we come across because when mixed with bleach, WARNING: will offer toy buying guidelines and is the proper awareness of the consideration than the practicality the combination gives off insights by Horowitz. of buying the product. buyer," he said. poisonous gases. The Daykin stuff- "As an example, I think it would According to Horowitz, any toy is ed toys were recalled after a baby This Christmas season, six out of be ludicrous for a parent to buy a potentially dangerous. But it's not every 10 American adults will buy at small child a toy that possesses little strangled himself with an elastic only any toy that is a potential cord which suspended the animal least one toy. Unfortunately, your parts that they could swallow or danger, but any product is a poten- toys proven above the crib. The fault lay with Some chances of selecting a dangerous one choke on. tial danger if the consumer doesn't the parents in that case due to the from the more than 200,000 lining "Every parent wants to give his know how to use it. fact the shelves are disturbingly high. children things they didn't have at that the toy was clearly labeled "You obviously wouldn't give a not to be used as a crib toy," said Despite recent federal legislation, Christmas or other times in life, but child a chain saw for Christmas, yet potential hazard potentially hazardous toys still fill the parents don't really know what Hayes. parents get chain saws for "It was felt that the Riviton con- the stores. Especially during the hec- to look for," said Horowitz. Christmas. They don't know how to struction sets were one of the best tic Christmas season, adults should Horowitz instructs consumers to operate them and they can injure or construction sets around, but two choose with care playthings that are study toy packages when purchasing literally kill themselves with it. boys choked to death on the rubber sensibly designed, well-constructed, items. He stated that most major "It is the same with a toy, like an to children's health rivets, and thus went another item reasonably safe in operation and toy manufacturers will not only electric train. Electric trains in off the shelves, stated Hayes. suitable for the skills and interests show what the toy is on the box, but themselves are not hazardous, but if of the child. also what age level the toy was "Toy manufacturers do test the you don't know how to use it, or The Consumer Product Safety designed for. toys, but in the case of the 'Battle- how to hook it up to the electric cur- Commission (CPSC) estimates that In the past, toys have been re- star Galactica' toy it was tested in rent, it can be definitely dangerous, a minimum of 134,000 children end called for various reasons. Last terms of it operating and working especially for a young person," said up in hospital emergency rooms winter, Mattel recalled its "Bat- safely. But it was taken for granted Horowitz. every year with toy-related injuries. tlestar Galactica" space toy follow- that parents would not buy the toy "So you see, anything you buy The CPSC has reportedly banned ing the death of Robert Warren, a for a child that could swallow the Continued on page 3 Volume 58 Issue 12 Fullerton College Friday, Nov. 30, 1979 KPBK updates format By CHRIS LENTZ format. KMET, for example, is a billed as our Christmas present to News Assistant progressive rock station while KNX the community, and we will have an is a MOR (middle of the road) sta- appliance give-away as well as a tion. record give-away," said Ball. Starting in December, FC's cam- "KBPK, or just 90 FM as we will Many times KBPK is confused pus radio station, KBPK 90.1 FM, soon be called, will be a happy with KFCR, the closed circuit will make a gradual change to a new medium between these two system located in the cafeteria patio. music format. formats." In regard to this, Ball stated, "We "At the present time, we play the According to Ball, the reason are actually very different from top 40 hits, no matter what they are. behind the change is that the cam- KFCR, in that we actually broadcast Whether it's disco, pop, rock or pus station was licensed for the pur- into the community. New Wave, we play them," said pose of serving the public. At pres- "We serve the northern portion Mike Ball, KBPK station manager. ent, he feels the station's public ser- of Orange County as well as the "We will be going for a contem- vice programs and the present music southern section of Los Angeles CREATIVE GRAFFITI-Concerned residents of the neighborhood, particularly this footbridge over porary sound. Our objective is to format do not correlate. County," he said. area surrounding Lemon Street below Commonwealth Lemon Street, give a fine example of contemporary stay away from hard rock, yet we "While most stations will put According to FC President Philip Avenue have proven that graffiti can take on a very Mexican-American artwork. Next week the Hornet will still retain our hit-oriented their public affairs according to Borst, "a moderate shift in em- positive appearance. Many concrete structures in the will feature an in-depth study of this artisitc re-vamp. image," continued Ball. their music, we're putting our music phasis at KBPK is a good idea. Photo by Bob Simon "By contemporary sound, I am according to our public affairs," "If the station is to maintain its referring to artists like Ann Murray, stated Ball. community station image, it must the Eagles and Supertramp. We will "It is felt that with our new for- serve the broad scope of interest not be a 'beautiful music station' mat our present audience will be within the community," said Borst. Native American Week gives that plays Frank Sinatra and kept. Yet the new contemporary "KBPK serves the needs of the Johnny Mathis." format will attract an older, as well community, and it must accomplish Concerning the format change, as a larger listening audience. this through whatever means Ball stated, "Every station has a "This format change will be available," Borst said. FC students cultural lesson By LARRY WHITMER If so, you should take note of the thusiasm for the potential inherent Hornet Staff Writer cultural emphasis weeks on the cam- in the cultural weeks. pus of Fullerton College. "These In the planning stages are a Black Maybe you're different, but have Weeks are hopefully entertaining, History Week, Hispanic Culture you ever worried about the polariza- but more than that, they are an Week and Vietnamese Tet celebra- tion of the races? Does it seem education," said Irma Rodriguez, tion, she said. On Dec. 1, the strange to you that the "great FC's director of student affairs. international-students banquet is melting pot" we heard so much of "People of all cultures should at- scheduled. in our earlier years of education acts tend these weeks so they can learn The week of Nov. 19 saw the more like a smelting pot, purifying about other peoples," she added, Native American week. For three and refining the races? her eyes clearly displaying her en- days Indian craftwork and food of several Native American tribes were sold and displayed in the FC quad. In those three days, some of the Native American culture was A.S. ok's GLSEU shared. "The Native American culture By VICKY BYERS De Merle Trio, a jazz band, will ap- is News Editor pear Dec. 14. very dear to the Indian," said Funds in the amount of $25 were Melvin Deer of the Kiowa tribe, a also donated by the Senate in the cultural curriculum specialist of the The Gay and Lesbian Student Tribal American Center. "A com- Education Union (GLSEU) was form of a flower arrangement for the late Benjamin Skiles, father of parison can be made to the parable granted club status Nov. 20 at the former A.S. president Dennis of the pearl, told by Jesus of Associated Students Senate Nazareth." Just as Jesus exhorted meeting.
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