Agenda Document for Council Minute Book, 22/09/2016 11:45
Public Document Pack MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THE PERIOD 9 August 2016 to 9 September 2016 Andy Couldrick Chief Executive Published on 14 September 2016 Our Vision A great place to live, an even better place to do business Our Priorities Improve educational attainment and focus on every child achieving their potential Invest in regenerating towns and villages, support social and economic prosperity, whilst encouraging business growth Ensure strong sustainable communities that are vibrant and supported by well designed development Tackle traffic congestion in specific areas of the Borough Improve the customer experience when accessing Council services The Underpinning Principles Offer excellent value for your Council Tax Provide affordable homes Look after the vulnerable Improve health, wellbeing and quality of life Maintain and improve the waste collection, recycling and fuel efficiency Deliver quality in all that we do PAGE NO. Decisions , 09/08/2016 Executive - Individual Member Decisions 5 - 6 Decisions , 09/08/2016 Executive - Individual Member Decisions 7 - 8 Minutes of meeting Thursday, 11 August 2016 of Health and Wellbeing Board 9 - 14 Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 17 August 2016 of Planning Committee 15 - 22 Decisions , 24/08/2016 Executive - Individual Member Decisions 23 - 24 Decisions , 24/08/2016 Executive - Individual Member Decisions 25 - 26 Minutes of meeting Thursday, 1 September 2016 of Executive 27 - 32 Minutes of meeting Wednesday, 7 September 2016 of Licensing and Appeals 33 - 36 Committee Minutes , 08/09/2016
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