Lago Oil & Transport Co., Ltd.

VOL. 29, No. 7 Fsso Donates 33 Traffic Kits To Help Classroom Instruction Nederlandse Antillen Committee, . Mr. Evans re- N.V. donated traffic safety marked on the importance of kits to principals of thirty- learning safe habits at an ear- three local schools recently. ly age. The presentation was made "The saying ’As the twig is by R.G. Evans, Esso Market- bent, so grows the tree’ is es- ing Representative, at the Es- pecially true in the all im- so Club. portant task of educating. Present at the donation The Esso Organization is were HE. Arends, of the De- proud to have the opportuni- partment of Education, Police ty to play a part in the safe- Commisioner G. H. Mol, mem- ty awareness of the entire bers of the Press and Lago’s community.” Safety Advisor E. A. B. Beau- "By training our students Esso Marketing representative Glenn Evans (1) explains one jon, who welcomed the guests. to understand traffic safety of traffic kits donated to Aruba schools to J. Bastiaanse, In presenting the first kit and to obey the rules, you chairman of School Traffic Committee. to Mr. J. Bastiaanse, chair- help mold a sound character Representante di Esso Marketing Glenn Evans ta splica man of the School Traffic in the individual. You plant un set pa trafico regala na schoolnan di Aruba na J. Basti- the seed of safety awareness aanse, President di Comité di Trafico pa School. C. Fodermaier Leaves in the child today and you have firm roots in responsi- Aruba on Retirement ble citizens of tomorrow. The traffic kit contains ef- Mer 5 Ta Ultimo Fecha pa Manda After 20 Lago Years fective instructional material After working for Lago for including a magnetic traffic ~Peticion pa Training den Verano more than twenty years, Ca- board for indication of va- Pa di 14 anja tras di otro bao, y pa juda estudiantenan thryn C. (Cay) Fodermaier rious traffic situations, model Lago ta ofrece entrenamento hanja bon costumbernan y leaves Aruba today on retire- magnetic vehicles, traffic signs na trabao pa _ estudiantenan punto di vista na trabao, y pa ment. She had been Executive and magnets. di universidad. E programa ta duna oportunidad na estudi- Secretary in Comptroller’s The kit is especially design- dura di 17 Juni te 9 Augustus. antenan pa hanja experiencia since 1966. ed to teach schoolchildren the Peticionnan pa _ participa y direccion di valor pa nan Cay came to Aruba in June, principles of traffic safety. mester ta aden promer cu Mei den nan estudio futuro na col- 1947, as Assistant Service Su- Traffic safety was institut- 5, 1968. Formulario en blanco lege y posibel carera. Tambe pervisor in the Accounting: ed as a regular subject on the ta obtenibel na Training Sec- nan ta hanja oportunidad pa (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) tion na Oficina Principal, sinja tocante nan mes perso- kamber 179, telefon 9-2527. na en relacion cu mundu di E programa ta pa yiunan di trabao. residente di Aruba cu ta stu- diando na un "college’”’ reco- noci. Nan mester a cumpli cu Management Dinners exito por lo menos un anja di estudio universitario. Resumed, Honoring Peticionnan lo worde trata a base di "esun cu jega pro- Long Service Men mer ta hanja promer aten- A group of one hundred cion”, dependiendo di posibi- management members attend- lidad cu tin pa entrenamento ed the first dinner of this year na trabao. at the Aruba Golf Club Ya cu tin oportunidadnan March 22. limité, preferencia lo bai pa estudiantenan Arubano asina During the dinner from leu cu ta posibel. 6:30 to 9 p.m., seven employ- Compania lo duna estudian- ees were honored for reaching tenan un ayudo financiero di a milestone in Lago service. First management dinner of the year was held for 100 man- f. 225— pa cada periodo di agement members March 22. cuater siman di entrenamento. President W. A. Murray Promer comida di anja Ppa como 100 miembros di gerencia a Obhetivo di e programa aki presented 30-year service em- ser teni Maart 22. ta pa duna experiencia di tra- (Continued on Page 2)


Lago Oil & Transport Co., Ltd. © pews

E. Villanueva - Editor; A. Werleman - Assoc. Editor; L. 1. de Lange - Publ. Asst.; J. M. de Cuba - Photographer C. Fodermaier Ta Bandona Aruba Despues di Binti Anja cu Lago Despues di a traha pa Lago bata Secretaria Ehecutivo den pa mas di 20 anja, Cathryn C. Comptroller’s desde 1966. President W. A. Murray presents 30-year emblems to Hor- (Cay) Fodermaier ta laga Cay a bini Aruba na Juni tensio de Cuba (left) and Edward Withfield (r). Aruba awe cu pension. El ta- 1947, como un Assistant Serv- President W. A. Murray ta presenta emblema di 30 anja na ice Supervisor den Accounting Hortensio de Cuba (r) y Edward Withfield. Miss Fodermaier’ Departament, na unda el a (Continua na pagina 8) (Continued from Page 1) Department, where she pro- Comemento pa Gerencia Resumi; gressed to Service Supervisor. Lago she had been in the U.S. A B. A. English graduate Marine Corps Women’s Res- Siete Honra Pa Servicio Largo and art major of College of erve where she rose to Cap- Un grupo di cien miembro New Rochelle, New York, Cay tain. presenta na Felipe Erasmus, di gerencia a asisti na e pro- also took a secretarial course Some of her favorite pass- Fernando Fingal, Eddy Wijdh, mer comemento di e anja aki tur di Process-Oil Movements, at Krissler Commercial School, times here have been playing na Aruba Golf Club, dia 22 di y William T. Peterson, di Poughkeepsie. From 1939 to golf and bowling, Maart. 1943 she worked for the Do- At a recent party in her Process-Refining. mestic Finance Corporation, honor held at the Golf Club Durante e comemento di her last position being Person- many co-workers and friends Management Dinner nel Director. Before coming to bade farewell to her. 6.30-9’or di anochi, siete em- pleado “a recibi honor como (Continued from Page 1) nan a cumpli un temporada largo den empleo di Lago. blems and certificates to Ed- ward A. Withfield, Process- Presidente W. A. Murray a Refining, and Hortensio de entrega emblema pa 30 anja Cuba, Mechanical-Welder. di servicio cu certificado na Edward A. Withfield di Proc- Twenty - five-year service ess-Refining, y na Hortensio watches were presented by de Cuba di Mechanical-Weld- Mr. Murray to Felipe Eras- ing. mus, Fernando Fingal, Eddy Wijdh, all of Process-Oil Mov- Oloshi como aprecio pa 25 ements, and William T. Pe- anja di servicio Sr. Murray a terson, Process-Refining.

This portrait of Miss C. Fodermaier was painted by Miss L. Among those who received their 25-year service watch from de Lange of PR/IR, as a personal retirement gift to her one- President Murray at the management dinner were Felipe time supervisor. Erasmus (left) and Eddy Wijdh (r). E portret aki di Srta. C. Fodermaier a ser pinta pa Srta. L. Entre esnan cu a recibi nan oloshi di 25 anja di servicio for de Lange di PR/IR, como un regalo personal di retiro pa su di President Murray na e comida pa gerencia tabata Felipe anterior supervisora. Erasmus (robez) y Eddy Wijdh (d). April 5, 1968 ARUBA ESSO NEWS

Safety Advisor E. A. Beaujon (left) welcomes teachers at Advisor di Seguridad E. A. Beaujon (r) ta yama maestro Esso Club gathering (center). At right, Esso Marketing y maestranan di school bonbini na reunion na Esso Club Representative Glenn Evans presents first of 33 traffic saf- (centro). Na drechi, Representante di Esso Marketing Glenn ety kits to J. Bastiaanse, chairman of the School Traffic - Evans ta presenta promer di e 33 setnan di borchi di trafico Committee. Thirty-three island schools received a traffic kit na J. Bastiaanse, president di Comite di Trafico pa School. to improve classroom instruction. Trintitres schoolnan di Aruba a recibi un set. May 5th Is Deadline Esso Ta Regala Borchi Trafico To Submit Requests For Summer Training Pa Mehora Educacion den Klas For the 14th consecutive Esso Nederlandse Antillen trafico, boso ta yuda forma year, Lago will offer on-the- N.V. poco dia pasaé a regala caracter di cada individuo. job summer training to col- un cantidad di set di borchi Boso ta planta e semiya di lege students. The program pa seguridad di trafico na comprendemento di seguridad runs from June 17 to Aug. 9. trintitres school di Aruba. den mente di mucha di awe Applications must be turned Presentacion a worde haci pa e por tin raiz firme den in before May 5, 1968. Appli- door di R.G. Evans, represen- cuidadanonan responsable di cation forms are now avail- tante di Esso Marketing, na mayan.” able at the Training Division, Esso Club. E set di trafico ta contene G.O.B. Room 179; Ph. 9-2527. Na ocasion di entrego taba- materialnan efectivo pa sinja The program is open to ta presente representante 4i mucha, inclusivo un plancha children of Aruba _ residents Departamento di Educacion magnetico di trafico pa muns- School Principal J. Bezems who are enrolled at an accre- Sr. Emiterio Arends, Comisa- stra varios situacion den tra- thanks Esso for traffic kits dited college. They must have rio di Poliz G. H. Mol, miem- fico, modelonan magnetico di on behalf of the schools. successfully completed at least bronan di Prensa, y Lago su diferente vehiculo, senjalnan Cabezante di School J. Be- one year of college. Consehero di Seguridad E. A. di trafico y algun magneet. zems ta gradici Esso pa set- Applications will be handl- B. Beaujon kende a recibi y a E set aki ta construi espe- nan di borchi trafico na nom- ed on a first-come, first-serv- duna bonbini na huespednan. cialmente pa sinja muchanan ber di schoolnan. di school principionan di se- ed basis depending on avail- Ora cu el a entrega e pro- guridad able job training openings. mer set na Sr. J. Bastiaanse, den trafico. Esso Donates Seguridad den trafico diez- Because of the limited op- president di Comision di Tra- ((Continued from Page 1) un anja pasa a bira un punto portunities, enrollment prefer- fico pa School, Sr. Evans a school agenda eleven years di enseyanza ence will be given to Aruban pone enfasis riba importancia regular den pro- ago. At the end of each year grama di schoolnan. Na fin students where possible. di sinja costumbernan di se- students of the elementary di anja escolar A student grant-in-aid of guridad ya na un edad mas e alumnonan schools are required to sit for Fis. 225 per four-week period hoben. di schoolnan elementario mes- an examination. ter tuma un will be provided. "E proverbio ’Costumber ta examen. Over 12,000 children have The program’s objective is Otro Naturaleza’ ta special- Mas cu 12,000 mucha a tu- taken this examination and ma e examen ey, y to provide work experience to mente berdad den e tarea di mas di more than 10,000 have passed 10,000 a pasa cu help students learn good work suma importancia cu ta edu- exito. the test. habits and attitudes, to enable cacion. Organizacion Esso ta Miembro di Comision di Members of the Aruba students to obtain experience orguljoso di por hunga su rol trafico pa School na Aruba School Traffic Committee are: and guidance of value to them pa trece na henter nos comu- ta: J. Bastiaanse, president; J. Bastiaanse, chairman; J. in their future college studies nidad e saber cu mester di se- J.W. Klein, secretario/tesore- W. Klein, secretary-treasurer; and eventual careers, and to guridad den tur cos”. ro, Frere Kasper, J. Snijders, Frere Kasper, J. Snijders, V. provide them an opportunity "Sinjando nos_ estudiante- V. van Nimwegen, J. van van Nimwegen, J. van Veen, to learn about themselves in nan comprende seguridad den Veen, W. Wijffels y R. J. A. W. Wijfels and R. J. A. Boel- relation to the job world. trafico y obedece reglanan di Boelhouwer, miembros. houwer, members. ARUBA ESSO NEWS April 5, 1968

5a eer S a Alin OF dla

Central Tool Room Area Su- J. M. Roza takes tool orders L. Vrolijk is one of CTR em- W. Williams is an expert ii pervisor is Modesto Figaroa. at tool delivery counter. ployees who works on_ tube repairing welding and othe rolling machine. special equipment. Supervisor di Central Tool J. M. Roza ta encarga di tu- L. Vrolijk ta un di e emplea- W. Williams ta un experto pi Room di Mechanical Depart- ma order na toonbank pa en- donan cu ta traha ariba un drecha mashin di weld y otr ment ta Modesto Figaroa. trega herment. rolling machine. equipo special. Central Tool Room Backs You Up With Proper Tool for All Jobs A place oftentimes busy as Some special equipment a beehive is Lago’s Central kept by the Tool Room in- Tool Room. Charged with clude hot tap machines, air storing, supplying, repairing hoists, chain blocks, air grin- and maintaining thousands of ders, tube rolling machines, tools, this tool room is locat- rivet busters, pull-lifts, power ed in the Central Shops build- saws, wagon drilling machine, C. Rasmijn with tool delivery pickup moves out of CTR to ing. impact wrenches, rope blocks. many destinations in the refinery. Daily its personne] handle is also an assortment C. Rasmijn cu pickup di entrega herment ta There sali for di CTR a few hundred incoming and pa hopi destinacion den refineria. of safety equipment in stock, outgoing tools and equipment. such as safety belts, oxygen Tools returned for repairs or regulators, welding hoods, maintenance number about a rubber goggles, gloves, boots, hundred a day. respirators and gasmasks. Among its stock of some Some of these require spe- 2000 different types of items cial handling. The rubber there are such large pieces as gloves and masks, for in- the hot tap machines and tiny stance, are washed in a wash- items, such as a 1/16” drill. ing machine, sterilized and Although the Central Tool stored in a warm cabinet af- Room has its own pickup to ter they are returned. i deliver tools to job sites, shop Partial view of CTR with office at right. and field personnel and con- Whenever a tool or piece of Vista parcial di CTR cu oficina na drechi. tractors also come and pick equipment is returned, it’s in- up their tools. Tools are sup- spected for proper and safe plied against receipt. operation. This is especially so with chain blocks, hoists, To facilitate turnaround safety belts and other protec- Central work on units, the tive equipment. Tool Room also has a tool which is stationed at trailer "An important link in the job site. Mechanical operations, the The Central Tool Room has CTR has a constant job of four sections: the administra- supplying the proper tools in tion office, the repair room, safe operating condition to St ~ ae the tool room supply counter craftsmen to enable them to This is not a battery of guns, but of air hoists, These are a and the shop tool room, where do their job well,” says Area ‘ few of equipment stored outdoors by CTR. tools are kept particularly for Supervisor Modesto Figaroa, Esaki no ta un bateria di cayon, pero di mashin di hiza. the Electrical, Machine and who is in charge of the Cen- Nan ta un poco di equiponan cu ta ser teni pafor di CTR. Instrument shops. tral Tool Room operations. April 5, 1968 ARUBA ESSO NEWS

.oolman assists in wash- Safety goggles are supplied by Chain blocks are frequently E. A. Richardson is charged rt and sterilizing rubber CTR and used here by CTR checked and repaired by lI. with keeping records and oth items. repairman V. Semeleer. Kelly. handling administrative work. oolman ta asisti pa laba Bril di seguridad ta ser en- Chain Block ta ser gecheck y Esun cu ta tene record y ta *© briliza articulos traha di trega pa CTR y usa aki pa drecha cu frecuencia pa I. encarga cu trabao administra- BOX rubber. repairman V. Semeleer. Kelly. tivo ta E. A. Richardson. Central Tool Room Ta Respalda Bo Cu Herment Bon pa Trabao Un lugar cu hopi bez ta cal, Mashin y Instrument. ocupé mescos cu neshi di vru- Algun piezanan di equipo minga ta Lago su Central especial cu Tool Room tin dis- Tool Room. E lugar aki ta en- ponibel ta mashin pa traha carg& cu almacena, entrega, riba linja di zeta na uso, lift drecha y mantene miles di di aire, katrol di cadena, slijp- herment. E lugar ta keda den steen di aire, mashin pa lora edificio di Central Shops. tuberia, aparato pa kibra re- Employees also come to get or exchange tools at CTR Tur dia empleadonan di ey- mache, zaag di coriente, katrol counter. den ta atende cu varios cien pa cabuja, y yabi di impacto. Empleadonan tambe ta bini pa busca of cambia herment na pieza di herment y equipo cu Tambe tin un surtido di e toonbank di CTR. ta drenta y sali. Hermentnan equipo pa seguridad, manera cant debolbi pa worde drecha ta faha di seguridad, regulador como cien pa dia. di oxigeno, capa pa weld, bril Entre nan stock di 2000 di- di rubber, handschoen, bota, ferente tipo di equipo tin al- respirador y mascara di gas. gun grandi manera e mashin- Algun di eseynan ta pidi nan pa bora tuberia mientras tratamento especial. Por e tubo ta na servicio, y cos- ehempel e handschoennan y nan chiquito manera un boor mascaranan di rubber ta wor- di 1/16”. de lab&é den un mashin di laba Aunque Central Tool Room panja, sterilisi y wardé den tin su mes pickup pa busca y un cashi cajente. = ies oe entrega herment na sitio di Ora algun pieza of herment CTR’s tool trailer serves employees closer to job sites. trabao, toch empleadonan den bolbe na Tool Room, nan ta Trailer di herment ta sirbi empleado mas cerca di trabao. shop y riba tereno y tambe examiné si e ta bon pa trabao contratistanan ta bin busca y e ta sigur. Esey ta worde herment. Herment ta worde haci especialmente cu katrol- entregé contra recibo. nan di cadena, lift, faha di Pa facilita trabao di mante- seguridad y otro equipo pro- necion grandi riba plantanan tectivo. di refineria, Central Tool Area Supervisor Modesto Room tin tambe un trailer cu Figaroa di Central Tool herment, pa uso na e lugar Room ta splica: "CTR ta un caminda trabao ta na progreso. coneccion importante den tra- Central Tool Room tin cua- baonan di Mechanical. Su tra- ter seccion: oficina di admini- bao constante ta di entrega x stracion, cuarto di reparacion, hermentnan den condicion se- This is one day’s load of tools returned to CTR for repairs toonbank pa recibi y entrega guro pa trabao, pa artesano- or maintenance. herment, y un almacen spe- nan por usa nan pa haci un Esaki ta un carga di herment debolbi den un dia na CTR pa cial pa shopnan di Electri- bon trabao.” drecha of mantenecion.

ARUBA ESSO NEWS April 5, 1968 Combustible Solido New, Clean and Safe Solid Fuel Ta Esso Su Producto Pa Candela Rapido Is Esso’s Quick Fire Starter A new product introduced marketed in white blocks of Un producto nobo cu Esso by Esso Research is the solid about 14 inches long, 242 Research a introduci ta un fuel used as a safe and clean inches wide and 1% inches combustible solido, us4 pa cen- fire starter. The solid fuel is thick. It’s divided in twelve de candela di un manera se- comprised of a petroleum pro- sections for easy use. guro y limpi. E combustible duct held in minute droplets One precaution to be taken solido ta un producto di pe- isolated within the microcells is not to store it close to open troleo, cu den forma di drup- of a foam structure. It is 90% flames as it’s flammable. pel masha chikito ta hinca petroleum, but to the eye and den cel di un substancia mane- touch is dry and solid. ra scuma. Pa 90% e ta petro- Solid fuels leo, pero na bista y ora hen- are used in mis- sile and space programmes de toké e ta secu y solido. primarily for safety reasons. Combustiblenan solido ta ser An Esso home product, the us& den cohetenan y den pro- solid fuel can be conveniently

grama espacial, na promer lu- used for camping, barbecue gar pa motibonan di seguri- and in fireplaces. dad. Called Esso Fire Starter, Como un producto cu Esso this solid fuel for home use is safer, mes ta traha, e combustible burns instantly and solido por worde us4 cu con- gives’ a hot flame and is clean veniencia pa kampeer, barbe- to handle. No kindling or cue y den comfor. newspaper is necessary. Clean, Safe Barbecuing. The Esso Fire Starter is Barbecue limpi, seguro. Su nomber ta Esso Fire Starter, y e combustible soli- do pa uso den cas ta mas se- guro, e ta kima_ unbez y ta Majority of Lago Employees Use duna un viam cajente. Ade- mas e ta limpi den uso. No “Pay -Yourself-by- Check” System tin mester di ningun madera Presently 57.8% of all staff Lago working day every of papel di corant pa cendé. and regular employees are us- month for the first payday of Esso Fire Starter ta riba ing the "pay-yourself-by- the month or as early as the check” system at Lago. Intro- fourth working day after the mercado den forma di blok- pay period for semi-monthly kinan blancu, 14 duim largu, duced in June, 1965, only 170 employees used the new facil- paid employees. Regular pay- 2 duim y mei hanchu y 1 duim ities in the first six months. days are usually seven Lago y cuarto diki. E ta parti den Now more than 950 employ- working days after the pay diezdos seccion pa uso facil. ees receive their pay semi- period. Un precaucion si ta necesario: monthly or monthly through Employees can still make no wardé banda di candela arrangements for their net habri pasobra e por pega can- the local banks, as shown by pay to be deposited in local dela. the figures below. Using the checking or cash- banks. They should contact ing account at local banks, the Payroll Section and make Mayoria di Empleadonan Ta Usa employees can receive their arrangements for an account Sistema "Paga-ho-mes-cu-Check” pay as early as the fourth at the bank of their choice. Actualmente 57.8% di tur pago asina tempran cu e di empleado staff y regular ta cuater dia di trabao di Lago usando e sistema di "paga bo cada luna pa e promer dia di STAFF AND REGULAR EMPLOYEES mes cu check”, cual sistema pago di e luna, of asina temp- a worde introduci na Juni, ran cu e di cuater dia di tra- (Empleadonan Staff y Regular) 1965. Na cuminzamento sola- bao despues di e periodo di mente 170 empleado tabata pago pa empleadonan di quin- usa e facilidadnan nobo du- cena. Dianan di pago regular % Total % Total rante promer seis luna. ta cai generalmente siete dia Dec. di trabao di Lago despues di 1966 Payroll Payroll Awor tin mas cu 950 em- Employees e periodo di pago. pleado ta cobra nan sueldo di Semi-Monthly 351 48.2% 59.4% quincena of di luna pa medio Empleadonan ainda por haci di banconan local, manera e arreglo pa laga nan sueldo ne- Monthly 452 40.2% 56.2% cifranan ta mustra den e cua- to ser deposité na banconan dra na banda drechi. na local. Nan mester acudi 803 44.2% 57.8% Usando un cuenta coriente Seccion di Payroll y haci ar- of di cobra na banconan local, reglo pa habri un cuenta na e empleadonan por recibi nan banco cu nan mes escoge. | April 5, 1968 ARUBA ESSO NEWS | Yachtsman Chilcott Stops Here ‘|On World Cruise With Aventura

Of the many foreign yachts After visiting Curacao, Bo- stopping at Aruba, the ’Aven- naire, Margarita, the Virgin tura” sailing under American Islands and St. Thomas, Cap- flag is probably the first tain Chilcott plans to head for large one that offers accom- Africa and the Mediterranean. modation to 22 passengers The Aventura is spending a who wish to cruise along. few weeks in Aruba. The 147-foot Aventura, He purchased the yacht one which can cruise at 9 knots and a half years ago in Pan- with her two diesel engines, is ama and started his trip Nov- owned by Don Chilcott from ember 30 last year from En- Los Angeles, who is also the senada, Baja California, Me- captain. He has a six-man xico. crew. Skipper Chilcott holds some Captain Chilcott, an ocean records in ocean sailing. He yachtsman, is cruising the was on the Ticonderoga in the Caribbean with his wife and Honolulu-Los Angeles race and The 147-foot U.S. yacht Aventura” is probably largest one two boys and a girl. There are holds a record in the San to visit Aruba which can accommodate 22 passengers on also a few passengers aboard. Diego-Acapulco ocean race. world cruise. F Yate Americano Aventura” di 147 pia probablemente ta esun mas grandi cu a bishita Aruba y por hiba 22 pasahero ariba viahe rond mundo. Donjo di Yate Chilcott a Pasa Aki en Viahe Mundial cu Aventura Di e cantidad di yatenan Despues di a bishita Cor- estranhero cu ta bishita Aru- sow, Bonaire, Margarita, Islas ba, Aventura” cu ta nabega Virgines y Santo Tomas, Capi- bao bandera Americano ta tan Chilcott su plan ta pa bai probablemente e promer di e Africa y den Mediterraneo. clase grandi cu tin acomoda- Aventura ta pasando algun cion pa 22 pasahero cu kier siman na Aruba. haci e biaha tambe. Don a cumpra su yate un Aventura cu tin 147 pia anja y mei pasé na Panama, largu y por nabega cu un ve- y a cuminza su biahe dia 30 di locidad di 9 milja pa ora cu su November anja pasa for di En- dos motornan diesel, ta propie- senada, Baja California, Me- dad di Don Chilcott cu ta biba xico. na Los Angeles. Sr. Chilcott Captain Don Chilcott of yacht Aventura” and wife, while tambe ta captan. E tin un tri- Capitan Chilcott tin algun in port in Oranjestad. pulacion di 6 homber. record na su nomber den nabe- Captan Don Chilcott di yate "Aventura” y su esposa, mien- Capitan Chilcott, un nabe- gacion ariba lama oceanico. E tras den puerto na Oranjestad. gador di yate ariba oceano, tabata na bordo di Ticonder- actualmente ta haciendo un oga den e pustamento di barcu biaha den Mar Caribe cu su di Honolulu pa Los Angeles y Promer Esso pa Motorista esposa, dos yiu homber y un e tin record di a gana pusta- yiu muher. Tambe tin algun mento di San Diego pa Aca- Ta Habri na Hulanda pa Turista pasahero abordo. pulco.

Promer hotel di Esso pa radio y si paga extra tambe Motor Hotel na Born. NEW ARRIVALS motorista na Hulanda a habri un television. Pasaheronan Un estacion di servicio Es- oficialmente na Born dia 15 por scohe di un menu di pla- so banda di e hotel ta per- February 9, 1968 di HENRIQUEZ, Victoriano R, - Pro- Maart. E hotel ta keda tonan internacional den e res- cura pa servicio completo, y cess-Oil Movts: a son, Victor Raymond Ansbertus. banda di Caretera E-9 cu ta taurant cu tin lugar pa 120 tin lugar pa parkeer liber pa cuminza na . Su persona. Si nan no tin muchu 120 auto. February 14, 1968 distancia BOEKHOUDT, Alphonso - Mechani- for di Maastricht ta tempo, anto nan por come den cal Dept.: a son, Michael Angelo. 10 kilometer. Esaki ta promer coffee shop cu por recibi 60 . Na otro lugarnan na Euro- February 22, 1968 di tres hotel cu Esso ta pla- persona. GOMEZ, Dominico - Process-Qil pa Esso tin 18 hotel pa auto- Movts: a son, Humphrey nea di traha pa Hulanda. Patrick. mobilista habri caba: 9 na TROMP, Alexandro - Mechanical Dept.: a son, Gregory Alexander. Cada un di e 44 camber di Un bar intimo, decoré se- Suecia, 5 na Alemania, 2 na e hotel pa motorista tin su gun estilo di Reina Victoria, February 23, 1968 Italia y 1 cada un na Dina- QUANDUS, Francisco - Process-Oil bafio privé of ducha, telefon, ta un otro atraccion di Esso marca y Inglaterra. Movts.: a daughter, Augustina Viviana.

a ARUBA ESSO NEWS April 5, 1968 New Gate House at Gate No. 3 Stands in Center of the Road A new Gate House built in ther conditions. the center of the road in front On each side of the road, of the General Office Build- the sidewalks have been mov- ing replaces the old gate ed 3 to 5% feet to provide house at Gate no. 3, which two 16-foot wide lanes. On the was located on the north side north side, space for parking of the road ears for brief periods has been made available. Smaller in size with a width Another improvement in- of 6 feet and 12 feet long pa- side the fence is a wider cor- rallel to the road, the new ner to the right for safer gate house is 12 feet more traffic. outward or eastward. The re- sb The pedestrian gate on the finery fence on the south has The new gate house south side has been moved a at Gate 3 in front of the General Office been moved 24 feet eastward. little and built into the new Building is in center of road. The push-button robot gates fence extending eastward. The are now also some seven feet pedestrian gate on the north E casita nobo na Porta 3 dilanti di Oficina Principal ta den more eastward, but are still side moved a bit eastward on centro di camina. west of the new structure. the walkway. A special feature of the new diki y muraya di esbest ta structure is a one-piece over- Lago policeman had to move hanging flat roof of reinforc- from one side to the other to Puesto di Control na Porta 3 ed concrete. The 4-%4-inch check badges and cars, the thick roof and asbestos walls new location permits him to are built to resist corrosion, carry out his duties more ef- Awor Ta Para Meimei di Camina so the structure will require ficiently from the center of Un puesto di control nobo sibilidad tur rond, ora e ta little or no maintenance. the road. trahd meimei di caminda di- cla e edificio tambe lo duna While offering visibility all The more streamlined gate lanti di General Office Build- proteccion adecuado contra around, when completed the house is being built at a to- ing, ta tuma lugar di e pues- condicionnan di tempo. building will also give ade- tal cost of $9,900. Project to bieu na Porta No. 3, cual E tubonan cu ta move cu mo- quate protection against wea- leader is Carlos B. Bislip. tabata pa nord di caminda. tor electrico pa cera pasada di, auto, awor ta keda siete E puesto nobo ta mas chi- pia mas pariba, pero ainda First Esso Motor Hotel Opens quito, cu 6 pia hanchura y 12 nan ta keda pabao di e casita pia di largura den mes direc- nobo. cion, cu caminda, y e ta keda Na cada banda di, caminda 12 pia mas pafor of pariba, In Holland To Serve Tourists aceranan a worde hala 3 te Waja di planta pa zuid tam- The first Esso Motor Hotel providing complete service ad- 5% pia, pa asina forma dos be a move 24 pia mas pariba. in’ Holland was officially joins the motor hotel and eaya di 16 pia hanchu. Na opened March 15 at Born. there is free parking for 120 Un punto principal di e parti nord awor tin lugar pa Located near Highway E-9 cars. structura nobo ta su dak plat parkeer vehiculonan durante from Amsterdam and some 10 di un solo pida traha di beton algun ratu cortico. kilometers from Maastricht, Elsewhere in Europe, 18 bashé. E dak aki di 4% duim Un otro mehora paden di this is the first of three Esso Esso Motor are in diki y muraya di asbest ta waja ta un skina mas hanchu, Motor Hotels planned for Hol- operation: 9 in , 5 in trahé pa wanta corosion, asi- pa asina tin mas seguridad pa land. , 2 in , and 1 na cu e edificio lo tin mester trafico, | each in and Eng- di poco of ningun mantene- E porta pa hende na pia pa Each of the motor hotel’s land. cion. Mientras e ta ofrece vi- zuid a worde halé un poco, y 44 bedrooms is equipped with awor e ta parti di e waja cu | private bath or shower, tele- ta core pa parti pariba. Esun phone, radio and optional TV. Srta. Fodermaier cu Pension di nord awor ta keda un poco | Guests may choose from a (Continua di pagina 2) timo puesto tabata di Direc- mas pariba riba e seccion di | menu of international dishes progresa pa Service Super- tora di Personal. Promer di a acera. in the restaurant, accommo- visor. bini na Lago, el tabata den dating 120 people. If pressed Cuerpo di Marina di Estados Den pasado Lago su poliz for time, they may patronize na warda mester cana di un, Un graduado como bachiller Unidos seccion di Reservista, banda pa otro pa check ficha 1 the coffee shop which holds den Ingles y cu estudio spec- na unda el tabatin grado di 60 people. y autonan, pero awor e pues- — ial den arte na Colegio di New kapitein. to nobo ta permitié haci su j Rochelle, New York, Cay tam- Algun di su pasa tempo fa- trabao mas eficazmente for The cozy bar, decorated in be a tuma un curso di secre- vorito tabata hunga golf y di centro di caminda. Victorian style, is another at taria na Krissler Commercial bowling. traction of the Esso Motor School, Poughkeepsie. For di Na un reciente fiesta na su E puesto di control nobo cu Hotel at Born. 1939 te 1943, el a traha pa honor teni na Golf Club hopi tur su facilidadnan ta costa Domestic Finance Corpora- co-trahador y amigonan a tu- un total di $9,900. Lider di An Esso Service Station tion, pa cual compania su ul- ma despedida di dje. proyecto ta Carlos B Bislip.