Vol.38 No.1. (112003). Ed,tor: David J Brown Art Editor and Designer: Desmond Wyeth FCSD. Deputy Edrtor: Karen Svensson Ed1tonal: Tel: +44 (0)20 7755 3828 Fax: +44 (0)20 7755 3716 e-mail:
[email protected] Published by Arup. 13 Fitzroy S1reet. London W1T 480. UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7636 1531 Fax: +44 (0)20 7580 3924 e-mail:
[email protected] www.arup.com Arup is a global organization of designers. It has a constantly evolving skills base, and works for local and international clients throughout the world . We shape a better world. Front cover: The City of Manchester Stadium (pp25-36) Photo: ©Arup Associates/Dennis GilberWIEW Editorial 3 Most of the projects and processes described 37 Poverty in this issue of The Arup Journal were designed Denver alleviation: to enhance and improve various aspects of Millennium the role of the human environment. In his 2002/03 Brunel Bridge the engineer International Lecture 'Poverty alleviation: the John Eddy David Singleton role of the engineer' (pp3-9), David Singleton Steve Kite j analyzes the ways in which human poverty is 8 often rooted in infrastructure issues, and how engineers can work with local communities, regional authorities, and national governments J to alleviate and solve them. 0 In Zimbabwe, the local Arup practice pulled 10 together much of the country's troubled road 40 construction industry in a consortium to design Engineering BedZED and deliver, quickly and with minimum adverse Chris Twinn 'Marsyas' at environmental impact. a vital new road Tate Modern (pp49-52) for the wealth-creating Zimbabwe Cecil Salmond Platinum Mines.