E1642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 21, 2012 I encourage my colleagues to redouble their the Red Raider Club and is a third generation I have several constituents who have been efforts to raise awareness of this very serious member of the State Society. Barry is impacted by this disease but two stand out for epidemic, and thank all those who have also the assistant treasurer of the Vestry of St. me personally. Cathy and her daughter Grace served our country for their immeasurable Patrick’s Episcopal Church. have been tireless advocates for their cause. service and sacrifice. As you can see Barry is very active in the Cathy’s husband was diagnosed with early f community and has a passion for Texas and onset Alzheimer’s and she has seen the ef- for politics. While Barry can boast many legis- fects up close. Each year they have taken HONORING AND REMEMBERING lative and political achievements, I know he time out of their schedules to travel to DC and THE LIFE OF JAMES E. JACOBS will say his greatest success is being a hus- as well as my district office to update me on OF HILLSBOROUGH, NEW JERSEY band and father. Barry is married to Jennifer her husband’s condition and express their Brown who is the chief of staff for Representa- hopes that we can get closer to curing this HON. LEONARD LANCE tive LAMAR SMITH. Together, they have a son, awful disease. Grace has even taken her ad- OF NEW JERSEY Leighton, and a daughter, Gipson. vocacy to the Roll Call Forum to speak on her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I want to express my appreciation and best mother and father’s behalf. This is why I sup- port the National Alzheimer’s Plan. Friday, September 21, 2012 wishes to Barry as furthers his career with the Alpine Group. He will be dearly missed and al- f Mr. LANCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ways warmly welcomed in my office. 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE honor and remember the life of James E. Ja- f cobs of Hillsborough, New Jersey. James was INTERNATIONAL STORYTELLING a loving husband, father, son, brother, uncle, A TRIBUTE TO KEN WALSH 2012 CENTER soldier and friend. Born and raised in Verona, ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL HENRY New Jersey, he graduated from Montclair SCHIMPF AWARD RECIPIENT HON. DAVID P. ROE State University and later served in the United OF TENNESSEE States Army. He bravely served his country in HON. ANNA G. ESHOO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vietnam and was awarded the Bronze Star for OF CALIFORNIA Friday, September 21, 2012 his commendable service. Jim was honorably IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I sub- discharged as a Specialist. Friday, September 21, 2012 mit these remarks to recognize the 40th anni- Jim lived by the Latin phrase: ‘‘amor vincit versary of the International Storytelling Center omnia’’ or ‘‘love conquers all.’’ This could not Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in Jonesborough, Tennessee. be truer for Jim and the love of his life, Kath- honor Ken Walsh, a member of the faculty of On a warm October day in 1973, leen Geiger, whom he married in 1990. St. Joseph’s School of the Sacred Heart in Jonesborough—a tiny Tennessee town in the Throughout their twenty two year marriage, Atherton, California, who is being honored with heart of the Southern Appalachian Moun- nothing brought Jim more happiness than talk- the Henry Schimpf Award for his selfless serv- tains—played host to the first National Story- ing about their two greatest accomplishments, ice contributions, commitment and dedication telling Festival. their children, Daniel and Katherine. This fam- within the St. Joseph’s community. Like the A Jonesborough journalism teacher and his ily will remember him for his everlasting love, man for whom the award is named, Ken neighbors rolled an old farm wagon into Court- support and encouragement. Walsh has touched and improved the lives of house Square and, around that wagon, told Jim was a devout New York Giants fan, an so many while at St. Joseph’s School of the stories. The Festival was modest, but some- expert solver of crossword puzzles, a self- Sacred Heart, and embodies the kind of pa- thing happened that sunny October day that taught guitarist and an aspiring poet. Among tient, humble, selfless teaching methods we has forever changed our culture, the tradition his fellow soldiers, friends and family, he was should all aspire to practice. of storytelling, and this Tennessee town. known for standing up for those less fortunate Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Recognized as the world’s first public event than he. in honoring Ken Walsh, an educator who lives devoted exclusively to storytelling, the Festival I join the Jacobs family and friends in re- a life which embodies the goals and criteria of ignited a renaissance of storytelling that has membering Jim for his public service to our Sacred Heart Schools. He lives the five com- spread throughout America and the world and Nation and his service to others. mitments of faith, respect, social awareness, transformed Jonesborough into the Storytelling f community building and personal growth, and Capital of the World. In 1975, two years after his contributions to his students have strength- the first Festival, the institution that would one IN RECOGNITION OF BARRY ened our community and our country immeas- day become the International Storytelling Cen- BROWN urably. ter was founded—propelling this growing cul- f tural movement for almost 40 years. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS During the past four decades, the Inter- WORLD ALZHEIMER’S AWARENESS OF TEXAS national Storytelling Center has advanced the DAY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES power and possibilities of storytelling—in per- Friday, September 21, 2012 formance, preservation, and professional prac- HON. PETER J. ROSKAM tice. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF ILLINOIS Storytelling can’t directly feed the hungry, honor Barry Brown. Barry served as my chief IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES house the homeless, or cure the sick. But of staff when I was elected into the House of Friday, September 21, 2012 within each of us is the capacity to tap into our Representatives in 2002 and recently stories, our narrative assets, to communicate transitioned into his new role with the Alpine Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I would like to more effectively—to share knowledge, per- Group here in D.C. During the ten years Barry express my support for the ongoing efforts of suade, entertain, advance a cause, teach, served as chief of staff in my office, I always this body and the American people to conquer lead change, and visualize the future. appreciated his dedication and loyalty to the the devastating disease of Alzheimer’s. Alz- Indeed, a well-told story can communicate staff, constituents, and to me. heimer’s is one of the top 10 causes of death truth, concept, or idea with immeasurable After receiving his Bachelor of Arts from in America, and the only one without a way to power. So, based on this belief, ISC is dedi- Texas Tech University, Barry began his career prevent, cure, or even slow its progression. cated to connecting the powerful tool of story- as a legislative assistant for the House Agri- While death rates from diseases such as telling with the voices of individuals, organiza- culture Committee Chairman, . stroke, heart disease, and breast cancer have tions, and communities across the world to Barry later became the legislative director to fallen since the year 2000, deaths from Alz- help them achieve their goals. Representative and the chief of heimer’s have increased by 66 percent. The vision of the ISC is a better life, a better staff to Representative . While Alzheimer’s disease affects over 5 million world, through the power of storytelling. To on Capitol Hill, he also served Representative Americans who are cared for by more than 15 achieve this worthy vision, the ISC is advo- and Senator . Before million caregivers. These caregivers shoulder cating for the power and possibilities of story- working for my office, Barry was also the Vice the heavy burden of caring for their loved telling and providing people across the world President with the Alpine Group. ones and forgoing paid positions while watch- with the knowledge, experiences, and tools to As a fifth-generation Texan, Barry partici- ing the disease progress without the possibility effectively tap into the contemporary applica- pates on the National Board of Directors for of a cure. tions of this longstanding tradition. The ISC is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Sep 23, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21SE8.084 E21SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 21, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1643 inspiring and empowering people across the Mr. Abu Naser Khaliquzzaman, known as leader; how to be a person of integrity; how to world to discover, craft, and share their stories Zaman, acts as a community leader in his respect others and how to help someone dur- to: enliven and enrich performance—as teller Brooklyn neighborhood and serves as a Board ing a difficult time. The members may be and listener; celebrate our personal, commu- member for the Dahil Neighborhood Associa- young in age—only teenagers—but they are nity, and cultural heritage through the preser- tion. Zaman also served as a member of the putting these life lessons into action and mak- vation of our stories and story traditions; and Board of Directors of the Mid-Atlantic Soybean ing important contributions to the Baytown enhance health and wellness, education, and Association. community. community services through the professional Zaman has worked tirelessly to promote de- The Baytown community has been enriched practice of storytelling. mocracy in his native Bangladesh for many by the members of the Robert E. Lee Interact On October 5–7 of 2012, the ISC and the years, most notably acting as sponsor to a se- Club and will continue to be as the students Jonesborough community are celebrating their ries of non-partisan community programs put service above self for the next 50 years. 40th anniversary of the National Storytelling aimed at strengthening the future of Ban- And that’s just the way it is. Festival—the acclaimed event that launched gladesh by encouraging women to vote and f the storytelling renaissance and transformed become more active in politics, and calling at- A TRIBUTE TO NANCY SULLIVAN Jonesborough, the oldest town in Tennessee, tention to the foreign investment potential of STRETCH 2012 SPIRIT OF MATER into the Storytelling Capital of the World. Bangladesh. From an early age, Mr. AWARD RECIPIENT f Khaliquzzaman has understood the impor- tance of democratic processes and has A TRIBUTE TO DENISE SHELDON spread his understanding to his community fol- HON. ANNA G. ESHOO 2012 SACRED HEART PRE- lowing the Independence of Bangladesh from OF CALIFORNIA PARATORY ATHLETIC HALL OF Pakistan. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FAME AWARD RECIPIENT In response to the tragic events of Sep- Friday, September 21, 2012 HON. ANNA G. ESHOO tember 11, 2001, Mr. Khaliquzzaman orga- Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nized a press conference to condemn the acts honor Nancy Sullivan Stretch, a 1957 grad- OF CALIFORNIA of terrorism and convey to the Bangladeshi uate of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Ath- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES people how acts of terrorism ruin relations erton, California. Nancy is being honored on Friday, September 21, 2012 among nations. In the following years, Zaman October 20, 2012, with the coveted Spirit of Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Khaliquzzaman has worked to create unity Mater Alumni Award which recognizes alumni honor Denise Sheldon, a 1993 graduate of St. among people of all walks of life and has who ‘‘radiate Mater’s spark of divine spirit and Joseph’s School and a 1997 graduate of Sa- sponsored a series of religious and civic who employ life in a manner representative of cred Heart Preparatory. The School is proud events to these ends. the Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton, Goals to offer the Athletic Hall of Fame to honor her Abu Naser Khaliquzzaman has also worked and Criteria. Schools of the Sacred Heart for her athletic achievements. The award rec- to improve relations between the US and Ban- commit themselves to educate to a personal ognizes contributions of alumni athletes, gladesh by holding a series of events in and active faith in God; a deep respect for in- teams, coaches, and administrators of Sacred Dhaka with the objective of finding common tellectual values; a social awareness which im- Heart Preparatory. Individuals like Denise ground for peace and condemning inter- pels to action; the building of community as a Sheldon who are inducted into the Hall of national terrorism. Zaman Khaliquzzaman has Christian value; and personal growth in an at- Fame have made significant achievements in dedicated efforts to facilitate cooperation and mosphere of wise freedom.’’ her sport of volleyball and exemplified the understanding between the United States and Nancy is being honored for spending her life principals of sportsmanship and Christianity as the Muslim world. working toward fulfilling the goals and criteria illustrated in the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Today, I rise to honor Mr. Abu Naser of a Sacred Heard education. She served for Heart Schools. Khaliquzzaman for his contributions to the eight years as Board President of Creativity Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Brooklyn community and the U.S. relationship Explored, a San Francisco organization de- in honoring Denise Sheldon, an athlete who with the Muslim world. It is my honor to recog- voted to supporting people with developmental lives a life which embodies the goals and cri- nize Mr. Abu Naser Khaliquzzaman as a pro- disabilities in their quests to become working teria of Sacred Heart Schools. She lives the moter of democracy and community in Brook- artists. She serves her parish as a Eucharistic five commitments of faith, respect, social lyn and abroad. Minister and founded the ‘‘Peanut Butter Bri- awareness, community building and personal f gade’’ which prepares hundreds of brown bag growth, and her contributions to her sport ROBERT E. LEE HIGH SCHOOL lunches and distributes them to the homeless have strengthened our community and our INTERACT CLUB of San Francisco. Her volunteers include small country immeasurably. children, teens, adults and seniors. Nancy also f served her community as an Assistant District HON. Attorney for the City and County of San Fran- RECOGNITION OF MR. ABU NASER OF TEXAS cisco. KHALIQUZZAMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Friday, September 21, 2012 in honoring Nancy Sullivan Stretch, a woman HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE who has lived a life which embodies the goals Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, today, I OF NEW YORK and criteria of Sacred Heart Schools. She want to recognize the important contributions IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lives the five commitments of faith, respect, that the Robert E. Lee High School Interact social awareness, community building and Friday, September 21, 2012 Club has made to the Baytown, Texas com- personal growth, and her contributions have Ms. CLARKE of New York. Mr. Speaker, I munity. For over 50 years, the club has proud- strengthened our community and our country rise today to recognize the contributions of ly served our community. This is quite an ac- immeasurably. Abu Naser Khaliquzzaman, President of World complishment in and of itself, but in the last Trade Promotion Center, Inc. to the Brooklyn year alone, the club has completed over 900 f community and to furthering democracy in his hours of community service. TRIBUTE TO KEN RIVERS native Bangladesh. The contributions of Mr. Sponsored by the Baytown Rotary, the Khaliquzzaman have included strengthening club’s community service projects last year in- HON. KEN CALVERT cluded the annual cancer fundraiser, Relay for ties between the U.S. and Bangladesh, im- OF CALIFORNIA Life; campus clean up events; hosting a Red proving the quality of Bangladeshi democracy, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and improving the Brooklyn community. Ribbon Week, and serving meals at the Bay- World Trade Promotion Center, Inc. is a town Thanksgiving community dinner. The Friday, September 21, 2012 Brooklyn based producer and distributor of club also held a Trick-or-Treat for Hunger Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to American food and agriculture commodities, event where it collected 1,587 canned goods honor and pay tribute to an individual whose which provides employment and prestige to to donate to our community. dedication and contributions to the community the community. Mr. Khaliquzzaman’s sense of With a motto of ‘‘service above self’’, the of Riverside County are exceptional. South- community and vital support has greatly bene- club’s members are learning many important west Riverside has been fortunate to have dy- fitted the Brooklyn area. life lessons: how to be selfless; how to be a namic and dedicated community leaders who

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Sep 23, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21SE8.088 E21SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS