E2232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 3, 2008 movie, ‘‘A Life Interrupted: The Debbie Smith During the time that I have served in the damage was widespread and in some cases Story.’’ House, I have been honored to call them both very significant. Many of the people that I rep- Madam Speaker, I rise to request that my colleagues and friends. They have served the resent are still without power and for many, distinguished colleagues join me in recog- constituents in their own districts extraor- especially in Orange County, life will never be nizing Lifetime Television for its tireless efforts dinarily well, and have been a key part of se- the same. Their homes were completely flood- to educate and inform the American public curing the reputation of the delega- ed and many will never be livable again. It is about important issues confronting women in tion as a group that works together on a bipar- a testament to the hardworking and self-reliant our society and to achieve equality and justice tisan basis for the good of our State. people of southeast that they are al- for women all over the world. Congressman CRAMER has had a long and ready picking up the pieces and helping them- f distinguished record of service. One great leg- selves and others in the recovery. I want to acy is his stalwart support of our space and thank those first responders, the local govern- COMMEMORATING THE LIFE AND missile defense programs. Whenever ques- ments, the State of Texas, and selfless indi- PUBLIC SERVICE OF STAN tions on those programs came up in the viduals that have helped during the evacuation MAYFIELD House, we looked to BUD CRAMER for his and recovery process. knowledge and guidance. As a result of his ef- We have worked tirelessly since Hurricane HON. ADAM H. PUTNAM forts, facilities in the Fifth District like NASA’s Rita to ensure that Texas’ first responders OF FLORIDA Marshall Space Flight Center, the U.S. Army were better prepared for the next time a hurri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Aviation and Missile Command, and the Red- cane hit the Texas coast. I have spent my Friday, October 3, 2008 stone Arsenal have become not just important time since September 13, meeting with indi- employers in Alabama but true national as- vidual citizens, FEMA, officials from Texas and Mr. PUTNAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today sets. local communities, utility providers and others to honor the life and public service of Stan We admire and respect BUD CRAMER for an- to identify shortcomings, offer help and sup- Mayfield—a native Floridian, civic leader, and other reason: his great compassion for chil- port, and ensure the best level of service is defender of the taxpayer. Florida lost a dear dren and deep concern about the tragedy of provided now and the next time a hurricane friend on September 30, 2008, when Stan child abuse. Each year, the National Chil- strikes Texas or we are affected by some Mayfield’s hard fought battle with cancer came dren’s Advocacy Center in Huntsville that he other emergency situation. to an end. founded teaches thousands of people how to While I was working in Texas after Ike made As a businessman, school board member, recognize and help at-risk children. landfall, the House voted on several important and a state legislator, Stan’s community lead- For years, it has been my pleasure to work pieces of legislation for which I would like to ership is a testament of his commitment to with Congressman TERRY EVERETT of the Sec- register my views. public service. However, his greatest role was ond District. He has always been the type of First, H.R. 6899, the Comprehensive Amer- that of husband and father. I extend my deep- representative who makes this House work. ican Energy Security and Consumer Protec- est and most heartfelt sympathies to his wife, He holds firm to his principles, but works tion Act; despite the bill’s name, H.R. 6899 Deborah, and their three sons—Evan, Samuel, across the aisle to find solutions. would actually harm our nation’s energy secu- and Coleman, at this difficult time. With his duties on the Armed Services and rity, and accordingly, I would have voted Stan’s community involvement was expan- Intelligence Committees, Congressman EVER- against passage of the bill. sive, from his service on the Indian River ETT developed a well-earned reputation for ex- This bill opens a sliver of our offshore re- County School Board to his tenure in the Flor- pertise in defense and intelligence issues. sources to development, while permanently ida State House of Representatives. Stan was Whenever my staff or I had a question about closing off the rest. In fact, the Department of known for his tenacity to hold government ac- these matters, our response was: ‘‘Ask TERRY Interior’s Mineral and Management Service countable for greater transparency, and his what he thinks.’’ His support of the excellent calculated that this bill would ban most of our determination to cap spending and fight for work being done at and the Max- nation’s outer continental shelf oil and gas nat- lower taxes, but his passion for greater infra- well-Gunter Air Force Base has benefited both ural resources from development. This bill is structure, conservation, and Indian River the constituents in his district and the people the equivalent of cracking open the gate, bolt- County is what his friends and colleagues will of our country by strengthening the national ing the front door shut and then throwing away remember. defense. the key. It is the wrong energy policy for our Most recently, Stan was preparing for a new All of us in the Alabama delegation have country. chapter in his life after winning his primary been privileged to work with BUD CRAMER and Moreover, in addition to this bait-and-switch election for Indian River County Tax Collector. TERRY EVERETT. While we’ll no longer be con- approach to the offshore moratorium on en- A model of strong perseverance, Stan refused gressional colleagues, we will always remain ergy exploration, the bill neglects to provide to allow his illness to deter him from public friends. Both of these leaders, I know, will for revenue sharing among the states for off- service and doing what he loved—serving continue to have much to share with their shore leasing. Without a revenue sharing in- people. It was this motivation and resolve that communities and our State of Alabama in the centive from the federal government, states Stan put toward every challenge that truly ex- years ahead. are highly unlikely to allow the drilling that our emplifies his character. f country desperately needs. This is not the en- My thoughts and prayers are with Stan’s ergy solution the American people want, and loved ones, his friends, and his many col- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Congress should not replace the current tem- leagues who served with him throughout his porary ban on offshore exploration with a per- many years in public service. HON. manent one. f OF TEXAS House Democrats also offered another gim- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mick on energy policy instead of providing real RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE relief at the pump to my constituents recov- BUD CRAMER AND THE HONOR- Friday, October 3, 2008 ering from Hurricane Ike and all Americans. ABLE TERRY EVERETT ON Mr. BRADY of Texas. Madam Speaker, I H.R. 6604 was billed as a way to cut specula- THEIR RETIREMENT FROM CON- rise today in order to state for the record an tion in energy markets, while in reality it did GRESS explanation of my absence and how I would nothing but paper over Democrat’s inaction on have voted on several of the bills that were offering real solutions to America’s energy SPEECH OF considered by the House of Representatives problems. I voted against largely the same bill HON. while I was in Texas helping the relief and re- this summer and would have done so here as OF ALABAMA covery effort after Hurricane Ike damaged my well. This bill was nothing more than window IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES district and communities so hard. dressing and a thinly veiled attempt to placate As my colleagues and those in the gallery the American public. In reality, it does little Wednesday, September 24, 2008 know, Hurricane Ike made landfall along the more than insult the intelligence of the Amer- Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, the people of Upper Texas Coast early in the morning of ican public; but the American public won’t be Alabama will be losing two outstanding public Saturday, September 13. The effects of this fooled. servants at the end of this session with the re- storm stretched from Alabama to Texas, with But Democrats are starting to buckle to tirements of Congressman BUD CRAMER and the 11 counties that I represent landing right pressure from the American public. In the Congressman TERRY EVERETT. in the middle of the storm’s path. The resulting House-passed stop-gap funding bill, the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:49 Oct 04, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K03OC8.017 E03OCPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS October 3, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2233 House lifted the moratorium on off-shore oil versary, I congratulate Wayland Baptist Uni- erations Group II who fought to liberate occu- exploration and oil shale production. If the versity and look forward to watching this insti- pied Greece during World War II. This month, moratorium is lifted in the Senate as well, tution thrive in the years to come. these heroes are being awarded the Bronze America will be one step closer to energy re- f Star Medal for Valor for their service in de- lief. fense of freedom. Lastly, the House passed legislation last TRIBUTE TO ST. JOHN’S HEALTH In February 1943 at the height of World War week to uphold the landmark Supreme Court’s SYSTEM II, the Greek government in exile sought help decision in DC v. Heller. DC v. Heller upheld from the for Andartes, the Greek the 2nd Amendment rights of residents of HON. ROY BLUNT Resistance against Nazi occupation. In re- Washington, DC that had been trampled on OF sponse, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS, the forerunner of the CIA) formed top-secret for over 30 years. I would have proudly sup- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ported the Childers amendment to H.R. 6691 Greek Operations Groups (OGs) from the Friday, October 3, 2008 and supported the amended bill on final pas- 122nd Infantry Battalion. After undergoing rig- sage. As a matter of fact I am a co-sponsor Mr. BLUNT. Madam Speaker, today I rise to orous training, almost 200 largely Greek-born of legislation very similar to the Childers congratulate St. John’s Health System in or Hellenic-American soldiers launched their Amendment, H.R. 1399, the District of Colum- Springfield, MO, for their work to improve the secret mission, undeterred by warnings that bia Personal Protection Act. I am glad to see quality of health care services provided to our most would not likely survive the perilous fight- that the House has taken a bi-partisan step to seniors. St. John’s Health System was re- ing behind enemy lines. Chosen for their flu- protect the Constitutional right to keep and cently recognized by the Centers for Medicare ency or near-fluency in Greek, their physical fitness and ability to endure arduous service in bear arms. and Medicaid Services for their outstanding I look forward to working with my colleagues commitment to improving Medicare patient rugged mountain terrain, and their intense mo- on both sides of the aisle to continue providing outcomes as participants in a new chronic dis- tivation to oust the Nazi occupiers from the land of their ancestors, these teams were in- relief to those suffering from Hurricane Ike and ease management demonstration program. serted behind enemy lines. From April to Sep- I appreciate the speed with which this Con- Nearly 70 percent of all deaths in America tember 1944, the men of OG II fought along- gress has acted to help provide that relief thus are attributable to chronic diseases. Chronic side the Greek Resistance, delaying and far. However, just as we learned after Hurri- diseases like heart disease, cancer, and dia- harassing the Nazi withdrawal, eliminating cane Rita, this process will be on going and it betes are some of the most common diseases enemy troops, and destroying their equipment will take the continued effort of Congress, but they are also the most preventable dis- in order to weaken the final defense of Ger- Texas, local communities and individual citi- eases. Working to prevent these diseases from being acquired in the first place should many against the Allies. zens to complete the recovery effort. I ask that Operations Group II, led by Lt. John be our top priority. Managing these diseases all Americans continue to offer their thoughts Giannaris, operating chiefly out of the tiny re- so that adverse outcomes are minimized and prayers to those along the gulf coast. mote village of Pappas, conducted military op- should be next on the list. f erations primarily against the railroad in the Unfortunately, most of the health insurance mountains between Lamia and Domokos. Dur- 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF WAYLAND programs that the Federal Government oper- ing a four-month period the team participated BAPTIST UNIVERSITY ates do not place the same prioritization in its in 14 missions during which they destroyed payment policies. We don’t encourage individ- three locomotives and 31 railway cars, blew uals to seek preventative care and we barely HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER up 7,400 yards of rail line, and inflicted 675 reward individuals who change their lifestyles OF TEXAS casualties on the enemy. On September 8th, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES when diagnosed. We pay in the end with the 1944, as the group approached a heavily pa- final bill, but the Federal Government doesn’t Friday, October 3, 2008 trolled area, it came under point-blank enemy pay for the course of treatment that will deliver machine gun fire. Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Speaker, I rise better health outcomes and a longer, more OG II member Michalis Tsirmulas was hit. today in recognition of a fine educational insti- productive life. Ultimately all Americans pay Under a withering assault, Lt. Giannaris or- tution in the 19th Congressional District of the price for the high costs of chronic dis- dered a withdrawal while himself crawling to Texas. This year, Wayland Baptist University, eases. aid Tsirmulas, only to learn he had been located in Plainview, Texas celebrates its l00th Over the past 2 years St. John’s Health killed. After being severely wounded, Lt. anniversary of excellence in education. System has participated in a national dem- Giannaris narrowly escaped capture, passing Wayland Baptist University is a 4-year uni- onstration program. The results of this project within earshot of German soldiers hunting him versity with a total of 14 campuses and a stu- will help to identify new, innovative models to down. He was found by two local dent body of more than 6,000. Founded in deliver higher quality health care. St. John’s shepherdesses, who cared for him and con- Plainview in 1908 by Dr. James Wayland, the was one of only five physician groups that tacted his men. In a daring daylight escape, University has become one of the largest achieved benchmark quality performance for Lt. Giannaris was spirited to safety in a British Southern Baptist institutions of higher edu- all measures used during the evaluation. I am aircraft. cation in the country. pleased that St. John’s is being recognized The story of the Greek-American OGs was Throughout its 100 years, Wayland Baptist nationally for their excellent care for the citi- highly classified for more than 40 years. The University has seen much progress and zens of southwest Missouri. I hope that, fol- full account of these soldiers and their accom- growth. While maintaining its commitment to lowing St. John’s leadership, the final results plishments was unknown even to the surviving providing a quality Christian education, of the demonstration program will bring mean- participants. After fighting in Greece ended, Wayland has been at the forefront of change. ingful changes in delivery of health care serv- most of them went on to other assignments in It was among the first universities in the coun- ices for all of our seniors. Europe and Asia. They returned home never try to admit women and minority students, f knowing the enormous impact their mission offer distance learning programs, and to cre- had on events in Greece. Most never spoke of ate programs directed toward military stu- IN RECOGNITION OF THE VET- their experience with the O.S.S for many dents. ERANS OF OSS GREEK OPER- years, even to their families. Many years later, Wayland places a strong emphasis on stu- ATIONS GROUP II ON THE OCCA- Giannaris, since promoted to Captain, rec- dent success and provides an excellent learn- SION OF THEIR RECEIVING THE ommended his men for an award. The De- ing environment. The school offers a wide va- BRONZE STAR MEDAL FOR fense Department agreed and authorized the riety of disciplines, from fine arts to engineer- VALOR Bronze Star Medal for valor. ing, as well as a wide variety of extracurricular Recently, a search began for survivors and activities. Athletics at Wayland provide a con- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY descendants of the deceased of OSS Greek stant source of pride for the community, pro- OF NEW YORK OG II, undertaken by Dr. Robert Perdue, OG ducing more than 800 All-Americans and 100 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES II historian and a retired agricultural research individual national championships in the last scientist. This month at a ceremony in Astoria, century. Friday, October 3, 2008 New York, the 22 enlisted men of OG II will Dynamic vision and devotion to students are Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Madam be honored at a ceremony. One surviving en- the true marks of an exceptional educational Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to the brave men listed member of OG II will attend as will fami- institution. On this occasion of its 100th anni- of the Office of Strategic Services’ Greek Op- lies of six deceased members of the Group,

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