4A Thursday, October 22, 2020 • Telegraph Herald • TelegraphHerald.com opinion Bob Woodward, Publisher Amy Gilligan, Executive Editor Telegraph Herald Media Editorial Board Amy Gilligan (chair), Monty Gilles, Dustin Kass, Genevieve Twining, Joan Schuster The Telegraph Herald’s mission is to be the preferred provider of local news, information and advertising content in the markets we serve. letters to the editor
[email protected] Whatever your preference, make your voice heard From Richard Burroughs Royal Oaks, Guttenberg Do I care if you don’t vote for any of my favorite candidates? No! Do I care if you don’t vote at all? Yes! America’s Founding Fathers risked everything to be free of a tyrant who had total control of their lives. Their efforts resulted in a new democratic form of government. In essence it was “Of the people, by the people, for the people.” By their votes they selected men of high character, who, by their integrity and dedication, guided our country to freedom and pros- other view perity. Where are we now? Today’s leaders seemingly are devoid of that same commitment. They appear to be lackeys to their political party and their shad- owy, (or not so shadowy) benefactors ...? Destroying our institutions Are you OK with the current anger and strife so prevalent in our country? Do you want to end “Obamacare” and lessen welfare? BY VICTOR DAVIS HANSON nee Kamala Harris. Almost immediately, Then vote Republican. Hoover Institution Although the vice presidential Are you desiring “Healthcare for all, free college, expanded debate was conducted with proper distinguished American welfare, etc.? Then vote Democratic.