CEU eTD Collection with use of at 3D printing with use of Peer production In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Master forof Arts degree fulfillmentrequirements the the of partial In Vanguard ofthe 3Dprinted future: Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology andSocial Sociology of Department Central European University Central Daniel Daniel Wykretowicz Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Andreas Dafinger Supervisors: Submitted to Jakob Rigi 2013 By CEU eTD Collection lbrtr a rvn fntoa. I a arctd fr te cs f ls hn 2$ wt an with 25$ than less of cost the printer It one 3D similar atfired to . the inexpensive desktop 9rounds. 2013) (Forbes for fabricated was It functional. proven was “liberator” called gun printed 3D fully first the time same approximately the In thought. I - Trek” Star from Replicator the as good as almost works 'print'.“It then and 'scan' pressed just He file. scanned the alternate to have not did he run, test a was it though Even object. scanned 3D Andreas a printing is April Vienna 15,2013.metalab, CEU eTD Collection space. I dedicate this thesis to all the people who keep the information free. information keepfree. thewho all people this thesis to space. Idedicate my the of to humans one bringing for Agency Jascha, Space European and NASA of thank to like behalf would I On informants, afterwards. and research my during feedback active the for Dafinger secondsupervisorAndreas thank my to Iwouldalso like a reality ofhackerspaces. explore In a first place, I would like to thank my supervisor Jakob Rigi for encouraging me to me encouraging for Rigi Jakob supervisor my thank to like would I place, first a In Acknowledgements i CEU eTD Collection hpe 4 3 2 1 References Appendix remarksConcluding ofhybridAnalysis motivations Chapter Portraits opencreators designs ofthe Chapter Case Description Chapter frameworkTheoretical Chapter Introduction Table ofContents Acknowledgements TableContents of Limits of the social drive to create commons to commons create ofthedrive social Limits Esteem reciprocity Conscious through action and liberation Curiosity (Spindoctor)Marcel (Manarius) Jascha Tom (Tom_Korn) (Wizard)Philipp community and the a Metalab: isa ? What Printers3D Contribution Methodology ...... ii 41 40 38 37 33 29 26 23 19 16 12 5 3 50 47 44 36 23 12 ii 6 1 i CEU eTD Collection 1 from migrating now are industry large of domain exclusive the once were that printing, 3D as such , fabrication of variety a (2005) Gershenfeld to According fabrication. personal for public general by used often more becoming and popularity gaining rapidly been has it prototyping, binder.or liquid (Rigi Nd.:12) beam electron an sistering, laser molding, by mergedand together microns, 2-30 as small as layers, in distributed are then which sheets, or rods liquid, powder, filament, of form in etc.) steel, glass, (plastics, materials raw different use machines model, the on Depending structure. solid a produce result a as and together binded are material of layers the process this In another. of top on layer one successively material, of layers horizontal multiple nozzle movable its of out spreads ink, of layer single a of instead machine, the printing 3D of case the X,YIn axis – Z. dimensions and three in head print a of movement the utilizes devices manufacturing additive whereas paper, of sheet a on dimensions two in print to able only are however which printers, traditional to way similar relatively in work printers 3d 2012). Ree (Ratto, layerization is process this in principle key The object. an make to material fuse - process manufacturing additive use printers 3D object, an shape of Instead printer. the to order in welding or drilling cutting, by material the of parts redundant of removal for i.e. subtraction, instructions of set contains which prepared (CAD), previously designs from -aided objects material dimensional three fabricate to used are printers 3D All the epigraphs in this work are taken from a poem the new by kewagi (2011). The author is one of the first the of metalab frequent visitorin and a at members one Vienna. is author The (2011). kewagi by new the poem a from taken are work this in epigraphs the All vn tog h ehooy i tl any ue n mnfcuig idsr o rapid for industry manufacturing in used mainly still is the though Even t of technology the in interest growing been has there Recently, industrial society. fallen a of left-overs the scavenging structures, abandoned and flats tiny hostels, cheap in live we timezones. and city, continents to traversing city from block, to block from drift we 1 Introduction 1 hree-dimensional printing. hree-dimensional CEU eTD Collection 3 2 toward relations participant's are how question: the answer to me enables This production. peer of theory the and ethic hacker the of context the in practice this potentially locate society. I the of organization it is whether and ideologies, and meanings functions, social motivations, individual of terms in realized is commons produce to technology the of use the how content open the of creation the to contribute of forms commons. other of and production 2012) (Moilanen economy design commons emerging an to contributing of study ethnographic an commodity existing questions production society.Through market current the in relationships peer change to attempts possibly and relationships, this By commodities. of of creation in instead results commons which production collaborative a i.e. production, peer commons-based are goods material how way consumed. the and production social of relations reconfiguring by market society the in relations power challenges it as disruptive be might technology novel the Hence, change. social affect can change technical thus and system, social the on impact can technology 2012) Rumpala 2012; Ree (Ratto, change. systemic a in result may technology the of popularization that even and 2012), Economist 2012; (Anderson revolution industrial third a R as interpreted be can form. manufacturing of digitalization material their create to how about constrains less with objects, shape in complex designing computer-aided with experiments in engage people devices fabrication desktop digital affordable or services printing 3D of popularization through accessible more becomes technology the As desktops. home to factories legally copied and modified. It may involve open designs, open source software or open source hardware. sourcehardware. open involve or designs, open open and sourcesoftware modified.It may legally copied be can which work, creative a of form David Wiley by any proposed describes which term a (1998) is content Open for 3Dmanufacturing machines otherdesktop printersuse. digital Personal or y tei eerh fcss o atclr ue o h D pitn ehooy in technology printing 3D the of use particular a on focuses research thesis My metalab netgt hi oiain fr sc ciiis ad hw d they do how and activities such for motivation their investigate I hackerspace community, I look on a group of who are who hackers of group a on look I community, hackerspace

As Rumpala aptly observes, the development of 3D printing 3D of development the observes, aptly Rumpala As 3 . Reflecting on the open content movement, I analyze I movement, content open the on Reflecting . 2 cn pnos sget ht ongoing that suggests opinions ecent 2 , an increasing number of number increasing an , transformative o the to CEU eTD Collection tes oe h nent ial, I as odce otn nlss o eaa' and metalab's of analysis community. and bythe described to within are it content exercised activities and a hackerspace the conducted how researching also repositories, on-line I hackerspaces.org Finally, Internet. the over others with share they which designs 3D open produce and printers 3D use who space the of members printing. with interviews semi-structured 3D of series for by supported was designs observation participate open the Secondly, including commons, of production collaborative and printers at conducted have 3D with experiments I both, in engage in people where Vienna, hackerspace place metalab a is which observation participant a from comes information of source primary The Methodology through innovate and discuss commons. ofgenerallyaccessible production create, to ability their exercising by attempts commodification and analyzes actors research market The the themselves. members of community behalf on attempts commodification internal also but external only not be might there that is hypothesis My within. from them change potentially to and power, and hackerspace the of values by those represented how on look I commons. create to motivations member's community investigating by goods produced commonly share and create to their drive social i.e. Internet, the through commons. remain to and attempts globally commodification shared and community the by produced commons the of durability a measuring by production of mode capitalist the to fabrication computer-aided of mode dominantcapitalist ofproduction? to the in constructed relation designs, production peer commons-based of case in value, and property intellectual The data presented in this work was collected with use of three distinctive research methods. research distinctive three of use with collected was work this in presented data The desktop digital the of potential transformative the about claims verifies research The open access to information to access open can function within current systemic structures of law of structures systemic current within function can 3

In order to do so, I look for the limits of the of limits the for look I so, do to order In the community's ability to resist those resist to ability community's the blt o resists to ability community CEU eTD Collection reflects a statistical data on an 'Average' member of hackerspaces community, described as a a highly a as described community, hackerspaces of member 'Average' an on data statistical a reflects it Furthermore, case. the to relevant behaviors social of patterns about generalizations extend, some to allows, also It printing. 3d for designs open of creation in engaging participants of profiles the of description thick focused, more serves it all, Above printing. 3D with relation their and metalab of members the of typology the reflects individuals these of choice the Hence, printers. 3D and designs open with experiment to started just Marcel and Jascha whereas printers, 3D of users and creators experienced as recently.categorized Secondly, space Tombe Wizzardand the can frequent to started (Tom, Marcel) two other whereas metalab, of members established are Jascha) (Wizzard, them of Two economy. and culture sharing printing, 3d towards attitudes of patterns distinctive and its twohours. future. one and between lasted The in average interviews life3D of technology the about opinions their and property intellect of issue the to relation their their stories, about information gathered I interviews semi-structured and informal Through topic. the in interested are or printing 3D with experiments in engage who informants, primary my as 15 chose I which from hackerspace, the of members 80 approximately with interactions had the I process In product. the of manufacturing to designs, computer-aided creating in from time, over production of process social the investigate to me enabled it Also settings. natural their in participants the of behaviors and attitudes investigate to me allowed observation participant The I community. the visitors, with socialized and workshops, other in participated interests, my to of projects on worked Similarly members. its of one becoming by community participate the a of in observation engaged I 2013 30, April and 10 April Between Austria. Vienna, of center the in located is which world, the in hackerspaces largest and oldest the of one hackerspace, metalab in fieldwork ethnographic an conducted designs,I have open of pool public the to contribute and use it

educated, 26 - 31 years old male from Europe from male old years 31 - 26 educated, In a process of data analysis, analysis, data of process a In who people with as well as capabilities, technology,its the with acquainted get to order In I have chosen four representative individuals that present four present that individuals representative four chosen have I 4

(39%) or North America (48%). (Moilanen (48%). America North or (39%) CEU eTD Collection respect and therefore may be useful in answering policy questions related to the topic. topic. relatedto the useful in questions may andanswering policy therefore be respect this in production capitalist of framework methodological current for challenges address it because rights, property intellectual the to related sector policy the with working professionals to also but world-system. ofcurrent and not workingwithin outside movements capitalism counter the in technology and liberalism morality, culture, towards relationships the regarding issues address and value theory anthropological of study wider to but movement, source value. to relation in organizations hierarchy organic in power and esteem labor, of questions sociological of comprehension better to lead should research the property, to relation in value of system their value. of study broader the to measuring m Furthermore, by society market the to technology the transformati verify to allow will It commons. of cation of process the in printers Contribution the 4. presented chapter in participants profiles ofattitudesthe ofthe bya pattern characterized be can activity, investigated in engage that interviewed have I space the at people the of most the Hence, profiles. four presented the in visible characteristics the with associated be can extent some to activity, similar in engage who space the of members the of most the knowledge, my To 2012) In doing so, I seek to contribute not only to the ethnographic literature on free and open and free on literature ethnographic the to only not contribute to seek I so, doing In The proposed research is furthermore particularly interesting not only to the scientific body scientific the to only not interesting particularly furthermore is research proposed The The paper contributes to study of peer production and extend it by focusing on use of 3D of use on focusing by it extend and production peer of study to contributes paper The y research about value in free and open content movements intend also to contribute to also intend movements content open and free in value about research y By answering questions who are the commons creators and what is what and creators commons the are who questions answering By 5 h the oil die t rae commons. create to drive social ve capabilities of capabilities CEU eTD Collection omnt, ol % o h sr il cet cul cnet % wl dt oiy o create or modify edit, will 9% content, actual create will users the of 1% only community, online given any in is, that distribution; 90-9-1 the through precisely estimated be can participation of level their to regards in content, Internet of creation the in part take who users of distribution Internet popular a to the that states refer It (2006). Huba Jackie and McConnell Ben by proposed rule”, “1% and the of hypothesis collaboration digital the to adequate is freeriders of audience an and contributors numerous a developers, core of circle small a between labor of distribution of concept Benkler's technologies. information by enabled freedom and information of relations spread freeze property and institutions laws, of range a and (2) environment” digital the of ecology “institutional over battle ongoing is there that notes He production. non-property and non-market role the increases which way a in cooperatives, and individual both for opportunities new create production of practices social and organization technologies, the in changes ongoing that argues Benkler producers. of communities the above standing authorities as act who agents external economy market the in Unlike pool. common same the to improved them return later who others, by modified constantly being are commons those that practice popular a also is It public. general by accessible and usable are that commons, create commodities. of instead ofcommons ownership),which productionresults in creation (and 2006),i.e. collaborative (Benkler production peer commons-based as literature the in described often is hackerspaces the of members Nd.). Rigi 2006, 2005, Gosh (Benkler 2005, ownership Bauwens and production collaborative i.e. production, peer commons-based n odr t iut yef i h il, I aaye te gtee aa truh ter of theory through data gathered the analyze I field, the in myself situate to order In ti rciepractice a is It Theoreticalframework The process of sharing resources and knowledge by the by knowledge and resources sharing of process The in which through collaboration of individuals volunteers individuals of collaboration through which in Chapter 1 Chapter 6 , peer production is not regulated or planned by planned or regulated not is production peer , (2006) CEU eTD Collection will lead to “the next digital war” (Weinberg 2010). This time it is the clash over replicating attempts over commodification resist to clash ability community test the research proposed The is objects. physical it time This 2010). (Weinberg war” digital next “the to lead will and technology this of popularity of increase with escalate will is which conflict of source a fabrication therefore desktop digital Emerging quo. status their protect to order in potential its cripple turn in and technology the of use the restrict to attempt might parties those Thus, threat. a be might at public large, antoas opportunity the rights holders andit property manufactures but forindustrial perceived be can printing 3D of society, technology within the production of relation reconfigure to potential have technology new the of qualities As knowledge. to access restrict to attempts previous to more analogous be might situation current The information. the of distribution and access of issue around general arises conflict The laws. property intellectual restrictive of introduction with printing 3D of potential the limit to try that incumbents and fabrication desktop digital of supporters between tension growing is there that indicates further Weinberg force. productive a than developmentrather human for obstacles of source a is domain, public pool the diminishes it as trend, increasing constantly labor. basedonimmaterial ofcapital asaccumulation source forcapitalist considered a the However be observe can it can because holders, right we property intellectual that the of argues behalf on attempts Lessig commodification printing. 3D of issue an debate the in included who Weinberg (2010) Michael by developed recently and (2004) Lessig Lawrence peer common-based into society production.” of economy whole the transform to aspire They movement. protest the of section radical the of platform economic the become has economy, knowledge of realm the in particularly niche, economic considerable a as exists already, which, production, peer “commons-based the that claims He movements. social anti-capitalist and production peer between link social a is there that claims further (Nd.) Rigi community. the with interaction “read-only”, a having it, consume will 90% and creation original the on based content derivative Relevant here is a debate on public domain and intellectual property broadly popularized by popularized broadly property intellectual and domain public on debate a is here Relevant 7 very limited, very CEU eTD Collection four categories: is which communities into members of motivations hackerspace categorizes He factor”. motivation of social “strong a for model characteristic motivation a discuss who (2012), Molinanen to refer I Further, hackerspaces. and hacker a of characteristics detail in present I where 2, chapter the in me by investigated be will notions Those improvement. world and information the to access free decentralization, openness, sharing, of principles on based is which ethic hacker the of study reveals (2001) Levy's is and work my to important commons. The of ownership and property of issues relevant economy digital of sphere the in production peer through ownership collaborative Gosh labor capitalist struggle. (2005)frames an anti fact struggle” “play isin his theory hackers that verify I capitalism. and hackers between relation on insight an provides capitalism against struggle labour a as hacking on opinion His movement. software source open and free the hacker in information within morality of commodification opposing investigate of practices community on (2008) emphasis greater even with movements Söderberg Similarly their liberalism. in of practices articulation hacker examine (2008) Golub and cultural and morality hacker of topography the portray and sociality hacker of nature heterogeneous Colman relevant. is ethics hacker of production through commons. generally accessible innovate and discuss create, to ability their exercising by commodities printable of production to technology the of use the restrict to lobbies rights property intellectual of 4. 3. 2. 1. In the research of motivations to produce commons shared by communities the study of study the communities by shared commons produce to motivations of research the In Group-enriching motivation for knowledge sharing, enjoyment, altruism and “respect”. altruismand “respect”. forknowledge motivation sharing, enjoyment, Group-enriching life space. community and the forthe real events, care space, phisical of development to related is that motivation, socially-enriching and software assets, personal hardware skills of improvement for motivation Knowledge-enriching Self-enriching motivation, which can be related to personal gains such as monetary rewards, monetary as such gains personal to related be can which motivation, Self-enriching 8 CEU eTD Collection (exchange-value) of wealth is therefore a foundation of capitalism. ofcapitalism. a foundation ofwealth istherefore (exchange-value) measure a as commodities, in objectified labor-time necessary socially as understand value, Using have. they value less therefore them, in objectified is labor-time less i.e. faster, produced be can commodities production, of productivity of rise can with because use-value happens It single decrease. simultaneously of value its amount, its in grow wealth material though even that happen can it society capitalist Paradoxically,in use-values. those produce to necessary socially labor-time of quantity by but usefulness its is by measured relation not is where wealth possessed, this of use-values value However of proportional. sum to equal is wealth material of Amount them. society capitalist in But wealth. material in labor-time by embodied determined is wealth. value Their of form characteristic are commodities of part as consideration into taken be can air clean even sense this In wealth. material their constitute person a by possessed objects useful the All and source is commodities) use-values. in itself express wealth material hand other theOn 705). 1973: (Marx wealth of measure in objectified time labor necessary socially as (understood value society capitalist In value. of measure as time labor using in foundation its has Capitalism value. Marx. by described production of mode capitalist the to opposition in is It values. exchange posses not do they limitations without copied and community the within shared are objects 3d of designs digital of ( Economy. notion Human of and authors the (2002) by proposed power communism” “everyday counter of theory Holloway's particular in Marxism, heterodox with as well as 1976) (Marx Marxism classical a of framework through experience my rationalize ownand author's propose division. at gathered data the commons digital printable of production the with in participating informants of motivations on metalab it comparing motivations of devision this discuss I 4 chapter the In Marx starts Capital (1973) with distinguishing two features of commodities: use-value and use-value commodities: of features two distinguishing with (1973) Capital starts Marx n odr t sals eain t agr srcue tt, pwr ad lgl aprts I apparatus legal and power state, – structures larger to relation establish to order In or future opportunities. or future opportunities. 9 ate l 01 2011) al. et Hart As the As CEU eTD Collection human propensity for sociability that, with some redirection of emphasis, might serve as ground for ground as serve might emphasis, of redirection some with that, sociability for propensity human common “a i.e. communism', 'everyday of notion the (2011),explore who project Economy Human and power-to, flowofdoing”. (30) ofthe collective rupture relentless oppose commoditywhich is“a fetishism their liberate hackerspaces of members so, doing By knowledge. public of pool the to contribute cases many in personally,and themselves develop to projects, own their on work to energy and time their devotes hackers do, to capacity their selling of Instead hack. to collaborate, to do, to capacity power, its aggregates movement the hackerspace a of environment the in actions, where collective by exercised analogically is movement hackerspace the of power social The in power The do. to collective. capacity a “can-ness”, agency, as to understood related be is understanding can and Holloway plural, inherently be to has which (15) refusal” active an of “scream a as doing of activity the defines He (2002). Holloway by used terms the in interpreted also be can mode ofproduction. the alternative by undermined is drive this capital, of drive immanent an is value surplus of increase in pursuit the As value. valorizing self a as function to ability its losses capital commodities, of instead commons of produce in results and framework capitalist the outside functioning is it as production, peer of case the in However 255). 1976: (Marx value. valorizing self aas itself act to anability therefore has Capital self valorization. perform commodities, to money form, from its in change with which agent independent as acts It monster”. “animated an organism, living a becomes Capital valorization. self of process the in itself replicates grows, magnitude, its changes capital accumulation of process the In decentralization. is production peer of principle the whereas centralization accumulation, is capital through mission whose own, it of life has capital described Marx as because contrary, the in stand might Those commons. of production peer of case the in apply not do value of system Furthermore, corresponding to my work is the research done by the authors engaged in The in engaged authors the by done research the is work my to corresponding Furthermore, doing, on focus and pragmatism in based firmly is which practice, hacker investigated The capitalist that suggests, exchange-value no posses commons digital that hypothesis My 10 CEU eTD Collection same time is based on individualism. isbased onindividualism. same time the at yet and general, in humanity even and communities of needs the serves it egoisms individual of instead competition, than rather collaboration through functionsit As production. of peer practice ongoing to and community hackerspace investigated the organizationof the to accurate particularly is economy human of 2011:15).description al. Their et (Hart organization” economic non-capitalist 11 CEU eTD Collection 4 at starts 3D (Cube printers 3D purpose home affordable selling consumers private for services provide to started company the recently More aircrafts. drone hi-tech for elements printing example for solutions, content-to-print providing and manufacturing industrial for printers 3d professional company a Systems, 3D as professional such producers major by stimulated further and recognized self-assembled also is with trend the experiments Nonetheless in devices. engagement and hardware the appropriating to attention an directing in resulted It makers. of community it around organize and printer affordable build to idea sharing by technology printing 3D the of adoption widespread towards aim initiatives Those RepRap as such Initiatives corporations. manufacturing by product a of development commercial of result a than rather movements content open and makers of initiatives root grass of result a is desktops home to factories from migration slow its and technology the of popularization However prototyping. rapid 3DPrinters it. community within relations and hackerspace the metalab economy. specificity.itsdesign and hacker a Finally,Secondly, of notion the investigate describe I machine.” to According 3D printing has its roots in industrial manufacturing, where for over twenty years is used for used is years twenty over for where manufacturing, industrial in roots its has printing 3D open in used are they how and printers 3D the are what describe firstly I chapter this In 4 http://reprap.org/ are the reason for growing popularity and affordable price of basic 3D printers. 3D basic of price affordable and popularity growing for reason the are protect us. to pretend who those fear and us, lead to claim that all and distrust we hotspots. happen, wireless sense they before long riots smell we language. one but tongues, many speak we Rpa s hmnt' is eea-ups efrpiaig manufacturing self-replicating general-purpose first humanity's is “RepRap CaseDescription Chapter 2 Chapter

that is on the market for over 20 years selling both selling years 20 over for market the on is that 12 CEU eTD Collection 5 the through for possible objects it reality,making digital of borders the digital surpassing further step one it share push but Internet, and design to only not public general for available it makes now that revolution digital of stage third the is technology printing 3d the of Popularization content. 2.0” “Web With arts. visual digital to and culture written ability of production in increase to to led which related Internet, the through was globally broadcast second ; desktop personal of popularization was first The revolution”. digital of wave third “the encountering now are we that argues (2012) Anderson Chris consumed. and produced are goods material how of relations social challenges it technology the to access in democratization with but industries, creative and manufacturing in work the change to micro-factories. workshops orsmall into eventuallyhouseholds goods, transforming material were computers of production way distribution spatial broader a in allow in will it this, similarly of Because previously. popularized 'personal' it making by technology the of expansion the facilitates trend 2012) This Ree (Retto, size. in compact more and expensive less becoming are they as of public wider process to affordable are the printers 3D as in such machines machines that recently only guide is it fabrication, to used were files CAD of form in instructions digital and 1960s, the since process manufacturing industrial supporting were computers though Even 2) 2012: (Rumpala materiality”. given are and virtuality from taken are which artifacts, hybrid assemble to combined are they machines: these by used are data and material “both As digital. and mechanical factors: of types two incorporate they that argues (2012) Rumpala form. material into information a and platform sharing a is which service, for3dprinting. tools provides modelingand customization It also marketplace. on-line an Cubify, lunched and 1300$) around to web 1.0 form of website which only allow to view the web site but do not allow public to generate its content. web allowto public donot its 1.0form but whichviewsite allow web ofto generate only the to website opposite other.is each It with collaborating and interacting content, own their generating by website the of creation in participate to users their allow which sites web media social non-static, describing term popular a is 2.0 Web 3D printing can be considered as a socio-technical invention that carries a potential not only not potential a carries that invention socio-technical a as considered be can printing 3D transform to ability their is dimensions three in print which machines about peculiar is What 5 , which encourages active participation in creation of digital of creation in participation active encourages which , 13 CEU eTD Collection at least limited. The technology allows to freely modulate and change shape of objects in form of form in objects of shape change and modulate freely to allows technology The limited. least at or redundant are skills fabrication manual the labor. Thus manual the handle machines the printers; 3D by facilitated greatly is production personal of process The fetishism. commodity of notion the diminishes it this sustainability.By self in results that goods, of fabrication towards attitude (DIY) yourself” it “do presenting by trends this oppose communities hackerspace in hackers or tinkers Makers, craft. whole the perform ability loses worker the labor of devision by Furthermore labor. whole organization but production the not reconfigure only cultural ability to ofsociety. and characteristic revolutionary most the its reveals technology printing 3D the commons digital of production peer of intersection an with Hence, Nd.) (Rigi market. the abolish to potential even has fabrication desktop digital generalized that claims he labor. Furthermore of divisions social and technical transcended allows to printing 3D of technology this process facilitating that observesalso who Rigi, Jacob by shared is opinion This 14) 2012: (Rumpala goods.” to relationships different potentially therefore and consumption, and production of modes new about bring to seem tools new These oneself. something make to capacity the and creativity emphasizing to contribute values “these that argues Rumpala culture. capitalist to alternative an propagate they so doing By other. production, peer commons-based each with results sharing and designs, the of remixing and discussion of though together collaborating process a in engage therefore community Thingiverse the of Members infinitely. replicated be can that commons as but commodities as function not do they charge any without provided are files those As culture. the to thus and resources, its to access open and free allowing repository, community a as function (thingiverse.com) Thingiverse as such which platforms, sharing objects. printable of distribution and on-line display cultural of process in mediating in emerging specialize are There shared. and exchanged are designs 3D form. tophysical those acquire objects Marx (1976) argues that, through capitalist production, the worker is alienated from their from alienated is worker the production, capitalist through that, argues (1976) Marx containing ofprintable files a culture in throughform witch medium isa Internet natural The 14 Websites CEU eTD Collection according to one of my informants, Michael (30 years) “ Furthermore, years) work. (30 Michael this informants, in my of focus one to I according which on manufacturing digitalized the of part essential printabl 3d for designs digital the of cation the that hypothesis my verifies This it.” of use a make simply just or feedback, a you give and it test it, print can else someone services, other or thingiverse on it share you “If me. told creators the of one yourself”, for object the print is itself printing The to print. necessary even not is it cases for some “In involvement. human require not parameters should and automatized desired set and extruder printer's the to filament load printer, the connect to is rest The focused. is labor intellectual human the all where hence is design the of preparation A designs. computer-aided from instruction of sets uses it object an print to order in i.e. information”, “materialize to able is it that is printer 3D a of characteristic important most the process, fabrication the in participation through verify later could I as and my informants, by emphasized was it As manufacturing. of process the of digitalization a is printing 3D of 2002) power.(Holloway counter creating by power of centralization the reduces it by and power-to, calls Holloway what people in enables it production, personal of process facilitates which tool, a as used As Nd.) (Rigi labor of distribution scale global with labor of division capitalist the replace can production of mode novel the Internet the of Withuse consumed. and created are culture of aspects physical the how way new a to rise gives This made. are designs digital the where space virtual printing to 3D transferred is of creation use object With actual of object. process the the technology of design digital create to necessary skills of set new of possession and imagination author's by only limited is object an of shape The required. is molding nor tooling No necessary. not are skills manual labor, physical the does machine the new As shapes. opens It work. physical any their of complexity by using unconstrained remaining while objects, fabricate to makers without for possibilities them print simply then and design digital My analysis of the issue showed that the most important element ofthe emerging element that most showed issue important analysisthe My ofthe technology 15 it's a tendency of technical people to people technical of tendency a it's digital desktop fabrication is being is fabrication desktop digital e objects is the most the is objects e CEU eTD Collection 6 hackerspace: ofthe member the of one by me to proposed was which hacker, a of definition Schneier’s Bruce use will I paper, this of purpose the For culture. hacker a as describe later I what about background basic a provide has be clarified. misleading and to I Therefore What is hacker?a workshops orhackerspaces. atprinted homes, global the designs open through network share to technology the of use the is revolutionary is What technology. the use will who people all with environment sharing the associate cannot one Thus, reasons. various for and ways of various in used be can and itself, by technology social a not is printing by 3d default) social is (hence communication of mean a as which Internet, the Unlike world.” the change to collaboration need you so default, by social not are they but cutters laser or printers 3d like tools of types all have to cool It's society. the transform to technology the of ability the overemphasize A digital models of physical objects that are available under various open licences, hence are part of digital of part are hence licences, commons. open various under available are that objects physical of models digital A is fal h troyia nesadn fahce saa as hacker a of understanding stereotypical the all, of First 43) 43) the limitations with systems who experiments someone of intellectual curiosity. for (Schneier 2000: youdon't happens rules a who and setif followA sees of what them. wonders someone is hacker It's and what's somethingthe edge wonders instead.looksbeyond. It's someonedoes else who at A is who thinks conventional hacker whoand someone discards wisdom, the outside box.It's someone 6 of 3d objects that can be later modified, discussed, improved and finally and improved discussed, modified, later be can that objects 3d of the strange new plane that producedus. newthat the strange plane exploring conquistadors, digital are we underwear. differentlike personae of our out change and and realities in phase we it. earning without respect demand who those hate we find it necessary to firstly define what a hacker isand a hacker define to itfirstly what necessary find 16 malicious techno-criminal is techno-criminal malicious CEU eTD Collection transcends them. In this understanding of hacking, a hacker can be anyone who who engages in this in engages who who anyone be can hacker a hacking, of understanding this In them. transcends ofhacking. a own key istherefore aspect their Innovation purposes. scene this in Hacking it”, with something do or it improve and given is what with to can you what see to things... of curtain the behind “look to is hacking him For them. improving them”, of out more is something “getting he i.e. products', 'hacking is example, for Tom cameras. own their building by photography or instruments music also but hardware, and electronics mainly things, various hacking are people that me told chapter, next the in later detail in describe will I profile whose informants, Tom,my destructive. of than one creative more is it but edge subversive a has it hackerspace, the at stay my during observe to able was I As activities. illegal other or cyberwarfare involve to have activity,not does yourself) it it (do definedindeed hackers. as be is can space the of member it the of most that verify that to me allowed hackerspace the heard at observation repeatedly I hackers, be participant The people. other from it hear to have you to as hacker, a oneself name to “inappropriate” themselves consider they do informants my a as perceived rather asked I When 2012) (maxigas earn. to has one is which status, social the to related is and hacker compliment a as described being Accordingly, 1992). al et (Raymond it.” of work crafted carefully a or job patchwork quick-and-dirty a is result the Whether ingenuity'. of application appropriate “'an as understood be can therefore Hacking it. change to it by and it, beyond think to limitations, it’s overcome to search forway ina system whichand one looksat a cognitive doctrine tobut ato subject not related is which hacking, – activity their of quality the by defined person a is hacker Hence, technology. to related be to have not does it is. system Therefore the what specify not does definition broad This Through its very nature, hacking is revolutionary as it tests the boundaries of the system and system the of boundaries the tests it as revolutionary is hacking nature, very its Through DIY fringe or programming computer lucid with associated usually is hacking though Even

“hacking is not necessarily what ordinary people think it is.” At metalab At is.” it think people ordinary what necessarily not is “hacking is a process by which people adapt, redesign or customize products for products customize or redesign adapt, people which by process a is

art, you have to admire the cleverness that went into went that cleverness the admire to have you art, 17 CEU eTD Collection also realized outside of hackerspaces, mainly in the cyberspace or at private theworkshops. cyberspaceor hackerspaces,in at mainly also realized of outside bythe space.However,projects those mediated to hacker’s projects, production are of including 3D designs printers, for that projects the of most very the to applies characteristics This Internet. the through licenses open and free under released are instructions and codes source descriptions, designs, their as knowledge, of sharing and production of process the to contribution a are therefore practice hacker of the results (Levy ethic hacker of credo the to according Finally, joke. a or play of sort a often are they need, pragmatic the from necessarily not and curiosity, of out originates project the as technology”. Third, the of part great “a it finds he and start” can project hacking that ways the of one is “abusing that argues informants my of One for. designed firstly not was it way a in device a uses one when technology,i.e. the of “abusing” involve often projects Secondly, doable. is something that prove empirically to i.e. system, given a and oneself challenge to is project a for justification often informants the of one to According curiosity. author reflect they First, 2008) Golub (Coleman, culture. hacker the to characteristic features, same share them of space activitythe hacking onwithin their focus they that member of group a or member a of occupation temporary a is Aproject ‘projects’. as informants by described repetitively activity main their around oscillated which of all practice, hacker of acts different witnessed I hackerspace the at situations everyday the observing While hacking. political of projects ‘hacktivist’ or projects, yourself) programing, it D.I.Y.(do to various art, limited tinkering, not is but of mainly consist It Hackerspaces. the at exercised activities system. political the of boundaries the pushing are they as hacking, non-technological of example an be can hackers as considered be could Tesla Nikola and DaVinci Leonardo example for that opinion an across came I computers. with experiment to like who population the of members savvy technologically only not activity, of type Even though there is a wide variety of projects that members of the space engage in, most in, engage space the of members that projects of variety wide a is there though Even the of scope the in reflection has practice, hacker i.e. hacking, of understanding broad This 7 As in this paper I focus on hacker practice within the hackerspace I decided to narrow down the spectrum of spectrum the down narrow to decided I hackerspace the within practice hacker on focus I paper this in As avant la lettre la avant 7 . , and the Pirate Party, as well as acts of 'hacktivism' of acts as well as Party, Pirate the and , 18 1984) “all information should be free”. The free”. be should information “all CEU eTD Collection Austrian parliament and the town hall. Inspired by example of and c-base and Club Computer Chaos the of example between by Inspired just hall. 6, town the Rathausstrasse and parliament at Austrian Vienna, of district first the in located is It world. the in ofthe members community.help other and reciprocate to also but projects, own their realize to and personal knowledge their their enhance to by pursuits driven are They for. answers seek they which “questions” with other, the on and ideas” and schematics “with metalab to come people hand one the On “inventor”. an or mind” technical “a as notions ambiguous some into fit loosely can that hackerspace, the to membership have I their to prior formed were in. that predisposition basic certain have space the interested of members the observed are they sphere the in proficient more become can they so process, the in knowledge and sharetheir items, present already alter toprojects, life their can give similar interests with people where space a for need the is places such of activity. existence the for reason major The common in engage and face-to-face meet ideas, also but hardware, resources, share to “Internet the people” for place common a is it verify, later could I as and field the entered first I when of me to IT, described was of it As fields culture. the from hacker and people interested art media, new collaboration for space physical a offers and projects conducting hackerspace for infrastructure The provides artists. and founders hackers, collaboration enthusiasts, and information technical-creative of mostly exchange free between for space a is it that is metalab as such place a of feature implicit important The projects.” their on work and meet can people where places, Metalab:hackerspacea thecommunityand theI havehackerspace. seenin The primary place of my research – Metalab – is one of the largest and oldest hackerspaces oldest and largest the of one is – Metalab – research my of place primary The physical community-operated are “Hackerspaces (2013), hackerspaces.org the to According and life and happiness. (kewagi, the new) happiness.and life(kewagi,the and liberty of ones new spin and behind wealth dream material of dreams to their leaving dare are we didn’t about. ancestors our heads our outside and inside worlds new inhabit we 19 CEU eTD Collection 8 Industriesfounder ofthe the of one the Pettis, Bre by metalab at here developed printer, 3D Makerbot of prototypes first the of one is It printers. other the resembles somehow that device abandoned time long digital old, an notice use them of all as similar, may observer is careful a printers the behind devices Furthermore, designs. computer-aided from instructions those The of designs. all digital of from case manufacturing the for in used process production also are which of both mill, CNC made self a and cutter laser professional expensive, an have also they printers, 3D the from Apart Canada. in lives currently but metalab of member frequent a be to used who Marius, by lab the to donated were two other The use. to easier is and quality print better provides it as often, most used being currently is printers) 3d with regular experience first their the in people of helps often who (one members Uniq to belongs which printer, Ultimaker The currently. used not is it and point some at abandoned was project the but themselves, members the of some by constructed was printer RepRap The Thingomatic. Makerbot and Mendel RepRap Cupcake, Makerboot Ultimaker, designs. open and printers 3D with (ibid.) towilling help.” and capable who's someone there's project, a during encounter can you problem every almost “for myself verify could I As knowledge. is metalab the at shared being is that resource important most the occasions, multiple on me to expressed was it However,as (ibid.) exchange”. creative stimulate to and events at catering “for kitchen a and , photography and chemistry a area), social library, a medialab, a hardware-lab, and electronics- terminals, public and and(a recreation a lounge following networkoffering wireless free workshops, by and presentations talks, for members room multifunction a infracstructure: 200 over accommodate to space a offers it m² 220 On 2013) (metalab.at knowledge. and information change freely and collaborate to technology” with things “an as 2006 in founded was it , in hackerspace Makerbot Industies is one of the leading companies selling inexpensive (below 3000$), home purpose 3D printers. 3D purpose home 3000$), (below inexpensive selling companies leading the of one is Industies Makerbot The most importantly for my research, at metalab there are many people who experiment who people many are there metalab at research, my for importantly most The 8 and the ex-member ofthe the ex-member and Viennese hackerspace. They have four desktop 3D printers that anyone can use – use can anyone that printers 3D desktop four have They 20

open center for people who do creative do who people for center open CEU eTD Collection 9 metalab the of president the of position a holding volunteering currently is Vandebina, who as known also Sabina, Budapest. in Knowledge For Centre Autonomous Hungarian or Resistor, NYC Francisco, San in including world, the around hackerspaces many for patterns design providing and inspiration giving movement, hackerspaces of development in role significant a played has at living metalab. a year he spent some flatstayhalf at have to hea when didtold that not me even members the of One live. they where place a even cases extreme in even or time, the of most spend they where home' second 'a becomes members its of some for place the that me to occurred It socialize. to except reason particular any without days whole for place the around' 'hanging people many observed I as elusive rather is division this However out. hang also but work only not people where center meeting community a into turns and crowded more gets space the hand, other the on eveningsthe In office, work. an to as place space a the use who freelancers mostly are there metalab socialize. and meet simply can people where place, meeting a as serves also in to and welcome come participate. youaremember always a not are you if Even space. the of value core a is symbol metalab's in expressed openness of idea Superman. Doctoras The or such Who, Matrix fiction stories the in described as qualities mythical abnormal some have can also It use. and enter can anyone that infrastructure communication public genders, and a encompasses which infrastructure, public of place a as described local government and other government entities. and local the from founding external accept to metalab enables and members, of board a and It president a law. have Austrian to requires by recognizable officially it makes which (Gesellschaft), association an as functions Metalab host alsoIt a is of the mostopen designs.Thingiverse.com, for sharing popular platform 3D I came across the opinion that it is “an experimental laboratory for social movements”. It movements”. social for laboratory experimental “an is it that opinion the across came I it knowledge, and tools, workspace, a sharing: of place a all of first is metalab though Even be can metalab of idea main the member, funding the of one but be to told was it As 9

told me that it is “a space for social invention.” invention.” social for space “a is it that me told This idea is expressed in the symbol of the space – a telephone booth, which is part of part is which booth, telephone a – space the of symbol the in expressed is idea This 21

Metalab, considered as a part of broader of part a as considered Metalab, plurality of interests, professions interests, of plurality

In the daytime at daytime the In CEU eTD Collection and meritocracy, members. the between istheofrelationships thusit value cutter. to a use laser example ability isbased onskills the within space created value the internal As meritocracy, for possession ofcertainskills, knowledge isrelated toand the value wherethe routines. isbasedon ofthe economy space in the internal status member'sand place social The with yourown them others, changing confronting and test opinions own their their limitations ofthemselves' borders 'cross truism' ofothers borders butwherepeople the 'peaceful invading as occurs,not space as hacking ofthe oropinions.thelevel On social choices, other beliefs, persons to discriminate behavior isan unacceptable it animosities occur And if orpersonal conflicts even isbetter). language which programing about (not only are preferences diverse and here lifestyles growing useoftechnology. globallywithmasses ever the reach to prospect a has movement hacker the communication enabled technology information of society. a vanguard ofthe becomes hackers paralyzed, movement politics are times in the Especially relevant particularly be might observes aptly informants my of one as (hackerspaces.org), hackerspaces 700 estimated of consisted 2012 of place a remains it still but engagement. communal workplace the with merges it situations some in even or place usual from different third the members its of most surrounding for fact in is hackerspace The workplace. social and home of environments individual for important an i.e. place”, “third a calls (1991) Oldenburg what resembles it this By work. and ideas, exchange meet, people where 2.0' the world. material coffee 'a forbroadly point understood hackers, space isa meeting The ver. house movement, hackerspaces The important about the place is that people here tend to respect differences. to respect tend people isthat place here the important about The opinions The

can be considered as an extensions of the existing hacker movement into movement hacker existing the of extensions an as considered be can The emergence of relatively novel but successful movement, which as of as which movement, successful but novel relatively of emergence The in the situation when conventional social movements and movements social conventional when situation the in 22 CEU eTD Collection Philipp(Wizard) below. presented the participants of profiles the of attitudes of pattern a by characterized be activity,can investigated in engage that interviewed have I space the at people the of most the Hence, profiles. four presented the in visible characteristics the with associated be can extent some to activity, similar in engage who space the of members the of most the knowledge, my To 2011) (Moilanen (48%). America North or (39%) highly a a as described community, hackerspaces of 'Average'member an on data statistical a reflects also It case. the to relevant behaviors social of patterns about generalizations allows extend some to and printing, 3D for designs open of creation in engaging participants of profiles the of description thick focused, more serves It printing. 3D with relation their and metalab of members the of typology the reflects individuals specific these of printers. openand designs 3D with to just experiment Jaschastarted whereas and Marcel choiceThe printers, 3D of users and creators experienced recently. as categorized space be can Tom the and Wizzard Secondly, frequent to started Marcel) (Tom, two other whereas metalab, of members established are Jascha) (Wizzard, them of Twoeconomy. and culture sharing printing, 3d towards attitudes of patterns distinctive 4 present that individuals representative 4 chosen have I metalab at From among 18 of my informants and circa 80 people I had interaction with, during my stay my during with, interaction had I people 80 circa and informants my of 18 among From Philipp is a 30 years old male. Born and raised in Austria, he is a computer programmer by programmer computer a is he Austria, in raised and Born male. old years 30 a is Philipp Portraits of the open designs creatorsdesignsthe Portraits open of river. the and city the of children are we for nations, disregard we ourselves. of aspects defining as not wear, can we accessories as alignment spiritual and color skin gender, consider we Chapter Chapter 3 23

educated, 26 - 31 years old male from Europe from male old years 31 - 26 educated, CEU eTD Collection 10 a for works he when hand, other the On enough. challenging not or repetitive are often they as him, interest still that ones necessarily not to, told is he that things doing is he work At things”. different only not activities, hacking researchprinting. importantly –3D and formy most butprograming, also electronics various a in engages he time lesiure extensive his hence In challenging, entertaining. more are paid, not if even that, projects different on work to time spare his devote to prefers he Instead, more. work to need a find not does money, he much thus spend not do he that me told company. He one for working week a hours 30 to 20 only spends he as time, his of tune.play any to website Thingiverse the on directly customized be can cylinder Box,which Music a Parametric of design his for Challenge Customizer Thingiverse in won he that 2X, Replicator new MakerBot brand and 2, solidudle older printers, 3d his of two on objects various printed 3d we night the over where apartment his to metalab the of members some with along me invited he even that extent the to helpful, and friendly extremely – contrary the on be to himself However,presented he metalab. the at status social internals his of because tone, official more have will communication valuableinformant. a highly he proved to weretrue, be him and heard about I that claims the all that verify quickly to able was I him met finally I Germany.when Nonetheless, Munich, in conference printing 3D the to gone has he because him meet to chance a have not did I metalab at stay my of week first Unfortunately, the him. for to talk 'must' I that insisted even whom of some independently, members few a by information of source prime a as me to recommended was He electronics. and computers with 'magic' do can he that told is it as appropriate, is Wizard nickname, Internet his sense, this In electronics. and programing in skills superior his for members other among known metalab, the of members core the and founders the of one is He occupation. For more information see information see For more Even though he does programming at work and in a spare time, he says these are “totally are these says he time, spare a in and work at programming does he though Even programmer.computer a works as Philipp However,much consume not occupation does this our that expected I Wizzard, of esteem high a about stories many hearing After 10

http://www.thingiverse.com/THING:53235 24 CEU eTD Collection 12 11 its develop to mankind enables It works. content open how is This them... with cooperate people, to talk I alone. do didn't I did, I that “Everything alone: anything done never would he that claims licenses copyleft open, under works his sharing by culture and knowledge of pool common the contribute to practice good a be to it of considers he benefits why is the it and experience information sharing personal from knows he Hence, it. from gained he that aware is he community and the lot open hesource onopenness.tookfrom that a stresses He experience isbased why is It sharing.” through more learn you contrary, the on Rather yourself. ofusing GPL.instead shifter, magic his of hardware the on license CC of variant he non-commercial why applying is considers It price.” best the make always will Chinese and that product is final the license sell GPL can with everyone problem only “the that says He licenses). CC of feature Alike Share and license GPL of idea (base license same the under work your release should you work, or code the of part small a even use you if that require i.e. 'contingent', are they time same the at but content the of use commercial allow they that licenses those in likes He designs. or hardware for licenses Commons Creative and software for License Public General as such licenses, open use he works ( ethics. hacker of part a as considered be can even and space, the of attitude members the popular members among a is which done”, things “get to is projects various in engaging for motivation main his that says He pleasant. and stimulating more it finds he activity, payed non or payed is shifter''magic called gadget author his of developing as such choice, own his of project Pettis, Stark 2009 Pettis, Stark

results in dedication of the work to the public domain or restriction of only some of the rights (“some rights (“some rights the of some only instead of “all reserved”) rights reserved” of restriction or domain public the to work the of dedication in results which work, their on imposes author that privileges copyright whole or part from resignation self a is Copyleft http://magicshifter.net/ his of most For initiatives. source open the to contributor and user active an also Wizzardis Philipp express an opinion that “ that opinion an express Philipp ) if you share knowledge with others you don't loose it loose don't you others with knowledge share you if 25 a great part of his of part great a 12 . Moreover, he Moreover, . 11 , whether it whether , CEU eTD Collection work skills are self educated, i.e. not acquired through the official state education but learned from learned but education state official the through acquired not i.e. educated, self are skills work and design his of most the that claims Tom career. professional is pursue to university from out few a dropped he but employed design industrial studied He he metalab. the from ones including which developers, software in company, own his had he recently Until product in industry. works development and inventor an as himself describes He practice.” the to “stick to prefers he he that mata-narratives any legitimacy. Instead ruling and power the sustaining about and gaining of tool political a as only perceives skeptical is He “none”. answered quickly he orientations Tom (Tom_Korn) open as content. and generalized formsofopen sourceactivity tocompared other be can characteristics similar to due designs open that hypothesis stated previously my proves This characteristics. similar have usage finally and process production motivations, intimal the as design, open an or software open an developing between difference much not is there scene this In (forks). derivatives making by contribute can you or rider) (free user end an be can you involvement, of level a on Depending it.” modify it, change can you or “ it Youprograms: use as just way can same the them use can one Similarly, programs. for code source a wiring to similar be can production mathematical on based is ofadditive manufacturing. potential presenting algorithms, orsomeobjects complex which, of geometry the toys, some printed: he projects different of full box a me showed He around. laying or room the decorating elements printed 3d many are there that see will you room, living the especially apartment, his around look you If day. second every Healmost one ofhisprinters uses elements. prints many but project hedecorative also shifter magic his for case a develop printers 3d uses currently He ideas. his materialize quickly to i.e. home, cooperation.” comes out from full which potential Tom is 28 years old male from Austria. When asked about his political and ideological and political his about asked When Austria. from male old years 28 is Tom which instructions, digital of form another yet just are models 3d that argues Philipp at prototyping rapid do to him allows it because device, great a is printer 3d a Wizzard For 26 CEU eTD Collection 13 member.' 'new a as rather categorized be can he hence Shifter, chapter. the next in both analyze of which Iwill Magic Wizzard's of case the to similar approach is It development. product in engagement active an in community enabling still while profits, maximalize to order in elements, patented even closed, with mixed are solutions source open where logic, mixed a of example an is project the Therefore, it. with experiment and it use can people other so Thingiverse, on out it put will he works it if and printer the for extruder an on working now is he example, For it.” enhance to able be will people so available software, and parts source open some use openly “will printer However,the Tomas on-line. underline, be not will printer the for hardware the of design high A says. a he printer, - professional one.” precision a and 2X Replicator Makerbot Solidoodle, of mixture a be gonna “It's Germany. from companies industrial the of one by funded is project The sell. to intends he manufacturing which design, own his creative of printer 3D a a of model commercial in a developing currently is facilitators He process. great a considered be to has printers 3d scene, this In easy. relatively end fast things prototype to possibility a has user a it with i.e. ideas”, the on hands “get to him allows it that printing 3d the of aspect important most the it finds He frequently. uses he which of both Max, Mandel RepRap oversized build self and solidoodle, – printers 3D two has license. Share Alike usually designs, CreativeCommons he uses case ofprintable the In licenses. open under released are profit) for (not fun' 'for does he that projects hand, other the On public. for code source the reveal not do and it on copyrights imposes rather he for) it doing is he that company to or directly him (to profit bring to intended is product developed a if that except Ilove.”what Ergo, Idoand what isnodifference there forwork does fun', and what'for he between is printing 3d as well as development, product and “software that affirming occupation his about emotional feels He metalab. of members including people, other from or Internet, the books, the Even though the distinction is not clear or visible in the social reality of the space, it is used by the author for the for author the by used is it space, the of reality social the in visible or clear not is distinction the though Even Unlike Wizzard, Tom started to frequent metalab relatively recently, around half a year ago, year a half recently, around relatively metalab frequent Wizzard,to TomUnlike started He Tom_Korn. as known is he designs, his of most the uploads he where Thingiverse, On 27 13 He first time came here, because he was he because here, came time first He CEU eTD Collection project. You don't have to reinvent everything on your own.” He argues that open source practice source open that argues He your own.” your for on thing everything reinvent whole to have a You don't project. even or it, of parts use stuff, do people other how see and code source advantages: its and content source open on keen truly seems He forums. thematic on or tutorials of form a in Internet the through shared knowledge to access open an on based mainly was education his before, mentioned I as and years, for hardware and software source open using been has he contrary, the On before. him by exercised not were knowledge sharing and openness of practice that mean not in built the result. community with the personal identification the to related motivation secondary a of emergence an in results collaboration, peer and interactions physical involves it as practice, This knowledge. and tools space, share to is motivation primary the where resources, sharing of actions pragmatic of out formed being is community which in building, community hackerspace of pattern reoccurring a represents It community. the to attached getting and Tom's friendships some in resulted which space, the of members many with acquainted got also he process the In project. the of origins the about says he - launch.” to ready service and website a already have you later week One design. interface graphic of concept a have you later hours three and lounge, the in here sit just “You rates. exchange in change about users to notifications sends that currency) virtual (emerging bitcoins for software a developing is he member other two with Currently, minutes.” within it on work to manpower of lot a have will you on project interesting an have you “If - practice into coined quickly here are ideas the that space, the in things amazing most the of one it finds He him. with work to wanted and ideas his liked who people found quickly to how on Wizzard and Max printer Mendel his metalab the to (PCB). brought he Board Then Circuit Printed a produce consulted He people. with discuss to wanted he that project a on working second factor is influenced by the first and bytheof length the bythe frequenting hackerspace influenced first factor is and second the where of, part you are friendsof group informal – which preferences personal of and do it, do you well how and do you do what – nature meritocratic the of all of first are observed have I that distinctions The reason. analytical Even though Tom has a relatively short experience of being the member of metalab, it does it metalab, of member the being of experience short relatively a Tom has though Even “One of the coolest thing about open source software is that you can easily look into its into look easily can you that is software source open about thing coolest the of “One 28 (Wykretowicz, Vachkov, Ilioaia, Nd.) Ilioaia, CEU eTD Collection ( poetry” is “Code - Wordpress slogan the to referring me to explained he code.”- the rhyme to how poetry. poetry...like in is good programing I'm and but Youmaths in way good the was find to have never “I mathematics. failing level, gymnasium the at education official his finished He activist. an Jascha(Manarius) how. and influenced are parties which society, the on impact their consideration into business take which models conscious of importance the emphasizes He copyrighted. be not should drugs, saving society,the to significant discoveries that underlines efficientenergyas produce such toor life ways he Nonetheless, contribution. community active require not do that those and profits generate to potential a have that products on copyrights uses he hand, other the On licenses. open under Github or on Thingiverse release he that things” little “funny o lot a are 50%. There to 50% is ratio the that want to contribute.” they timeand whoan extend volunteers choosea by developed are they because activities, source open on schedule time a put cannot “you projects: source open of disadvantage potential a as unpredictability an recognizes Tom hand other the On concept. their towards approaches new and discussion reports, bug comments, the by poster, stimulates original also which peers other by further developed is concept design a or idea primary the process the In design.” the time the all improving part, by part better and better it making keep people then and dw], – design original as [an build major such one have you platforms improvingcases many “In on Thingiverse: shared constantly designs a open to becomes allies also it this Tom, as to According source, mechanism.” closed is that anything than powerful more much be can initiatives source “open transparency, and openness the of because that stipulates he Moreover, problems. similar with struggled people other how to see him enables time and you saves wordpress.org Jascha, also known as Manarius, is a 30 years old, self-educated computer programmer and programmer computer self-educated old, years 30 a is Manarius, as known also Jascha, says He activities. copyrighted and sourced open between balance a is there life Tom's In ). He has Austrian citizenship, however, as a declared anarchist, he rejects a concept a rejects he anarchist, declared a however,as citizenship, Austrian has He 29 CEU eTD Collection based on self-organizing structure and organic hierarchy. It also tests “how society would work if work would society “how tests also It hierarchy. organic and structure self-organizing on based is it as practice”, in “anarchy of example successful a as metalab perceives He metalab. at persons” “freakier the of one is him, describe members the of some As says. he - (laugh)” talk funny a have and discussions members. other with in socialize engage to as projects his on work to often as time of abundance the utilizes project a finds or it behind ideas some needsspaceshipssoon!” opinion “humanity stronglythat an interesting. expresses He supports he because just charge, a without NGO or company a for work a does even he Sometimes at. work to wants he projects which choose can he that privilege a enjoys He openness. against acting i.e. 'evil', be to considers he that employers for work to refusing with, cooperate to wants he who choose consciously seems he companies external for freelancer a as works he when times the in Even causes”. “open for work of choice by expressed further is and ideology his with complements It moment”. the at do to thing right the “is thinks earn and he more what or do” to work wants he what could do “to freedom enjoy he to prefers he that instead but more significantly says He finances. his secure to year a in months 2-3 only work to has and month per Euro 500 than ecology.less and spends economy He on impact minimal nowadays knowledge. hisprograming to decided develop iswhy the to world.It he impossible change is it computers without that argues He communication. of means digital the through only masses reach can one that realized He through.” message a get to it is hard “how and is” world the against initiatives activist other and protest many in part taking was he times that During squatters. other with houses abandoned occupied (illegally) he years three For subculture. squatting a of part a was he 20, of age the at programing with adventure his starting Before life. his in early formed were openness and sharing towards feelings strong and orientations political His state. nation a of P FPÖ Due to his work routine, Manarius is one of the most frequent visitors at metalab, where he where metalab, at visitors frequent most the of one is Manarius routine, work his to Due with lightly” and “cheap lives He consumption. the to approach 'minimal' a presents Jascha right wing government. This experience made him realized “how constraining the real the constraining “how realized him made experience This government. wing right “ I am one of those guys at the lounge, who you go to if you want to want you if to go you who lounge, the at guys those of one am I 30 CEU eTD Collection 14 that argues He technology. the about optimistic Zombies. and Pirates Space game computer for popular the to reference a is stands it and Zombies vs Pirates vs which Players PVPVZ, is game the for title i.e. working project, The the derivatives. forking independent even creating or bugs, reporting requests, pulling commenting, by project the repository github public his on available freely are farso created have he models the spaceships. All course and of printstations space of planets, models to dedicated he game the for figures a as spaceships, and space the to love his of Because Euro. 0,1 than less them cost would figure one of printing a where themselves, game a fabricate to production of means have they lab the at available printers 3D with that realized He gaming.” not but money their about only care that companies from one “not but metalab at game strategy a play game miniature -fantasy towell. as Jascha applies characteristics mentioned the of Both brain. the to hormone dopamine of production in result would eventually which hack, clever a with or works things how with amazed being by stimulation brain extensive Secondly,require hackerspaces. also at people argument, popular those Jascha's following tea mate on based drink fizzy a Mate, many Club usually beverages, caffeine drinking are to addicted people there firstly that means It junkies”. dopamine and “caffeine are metalab of members many that claims He him. to fine works also which say”, to wants he what say to free was everyone ein o D pitbe ojcs h rges o VV rjc a e rve at review be can project PVPVZ of progress The objects. printable https://github.com/manarius/pvpvz-fleets 3D for designs open develop and share to used also is it confirms, example Jsascha's as also but software mostly content, digital private and source open of production peer for open tools used commonly most for the of one is It 2013) management (Github.com projects.” development code and review, “collaboration, for tool line on an is Github.com Basing on his relatively short, but positive experience with 3D printing, Jascha is highly is Jascha printing, 3D with experience positive but short, relatively his on Basing table-top source open an create to printers 3D with experiment to started recently Jascha . His motivation was that with a few other member they decided to decided they member other few a with that was motivation His 14 , where others can contribute to the development of development the to contribute can others where , 31 the most amazing thing about 3D printers is that is printers 3D about thing amazing most the CEU eTD Collection to be greedy is a lesson that humanity must learn, if we really want to start space travel.” Therefore travel.” space start to want really we if learn, must humanity that lesson a is greedy be to not “learning that argues He reasoning. social and commercial between sustained balance a is there way this In open. made be could they profit, some gained they after and so, or year a for source closed products new keep to example for practice justifiable a it finds He copyrights. of duration the reducing of favor in is he situation systemic current the In society. the by carried knowledge the of basing always is he program a creates he if Hence, domain. public are words and language” by others. replaced be can contributor because individuals, by obstructed not is production collaboration mass in time same the at and separately, working individuals than efficient more is group the because collaborative, the for beneficial is projects source open through cooperation that observes aptly he Furthermore, neoliberalism. dehumanized of economy market the to factor human a back bring which capitalism, of attempts centralizing to opposition an initiatives collaborative such finds He “ which collaboration” of way “natural a already is practice production peer the himself For standard. a become soon will it that thinks and initiatives open of number growing rapidly mentions He world. the in change make to starts production peer donotwhat to theyknow print. isthat just problem biggest the people many for However, endless. are printing 3D use to possibilities that says He want.” really they “what choose to is“ there “what choosing of instead products, their to according a choosing and products customize to people enables printers affordable 3D selection, desktop limited from product shop a to going of instead that, explains He blocks. of types different between connector a himself create or download can he printer 3d a With together. systems lego connect different not could he but blocks, Lego with play to lot a liked he young was he when example, instantly.For results the see to and world” the of parts additional create “easily to him enable they He is critical about the idea of copyrighting intellectual property because “the code is just a just is code “the because property intellectual copyrighting of idea the about critical is He of process collaborative that opinion an express and content open about optimistic is Jascha 32 after 6 years practice comes to your bloodstream.” your to comes practice years 6 after CEU eTD Collection ie big te ms f cmoiis cno e poie y 3 rnig ad oe source open and printing 3D by 15 provided be cannot commodities of most the being time H develop. to time needs it that sees but technology the in believes He object. technical complex, a or food is it if difference no with to, told is it that thing any produce to able replicator 'the resembles which printer” 3D ideal “an imagines market. the without fulfilled are posteconomy,needs market where a post-socialism, towards society the leads fabrication desktop digital of use by facilitated goal.the mentioned achieving in initiatives cooperative such of potential a sees recently,he metalab frequent to he started though Even sense. common a become will practice such day one that extend the to sharing on keep should people that argues He income. basic the of idea the supports he why is It goal. this secure to how ways the of one is welfare to and information to access open an people granting that better.” bit little his mother, by believes He inspired was activist. he respect political In thisis a who a world the “make to wants he human a as and welfare social in interested is he researcher a As Vienna. in lived he life his of all and family class middle a from comes He Spindoctor. as known Marcel(Spindoctor) ofthe society. notfordevelopment essential but are easier life of aspects the of some makes which systems delivery automated pizza as such solutions just are second whereas source”, open it release to not crime a is “it and source open be always should ones first problems”; world “first and problems” critical “mission for division a proposes he replicating manufacturing machine” (reprap.org manufacturingmachine” replicating 2013) self “general-purpose” of idea the and project RepRap the by inspired were Makerbot of makers the as coincidence, a not is it Replicator.Apparently called also is printer 3D Makerbot of model latest the that mentioning worth is It As an economist Marcel thinks that sharing the free culture and information, especially information, and culture free the sharing that thinks Marcel economist an As is he Internet the Vienna. of On Univeristy at Economics of student PhD years 30 is Marcel 33 15 When he thinks about the future he future the about thinks he When ' from Start Trek movies, which is which movies, Trek Start from ' e notices that for the for that notices e CEU eTD Collection 16 of result the free for share to him allows which Vienna, of University the at job paid a has already He wheel.” the “reinventing without it of use make also can people other so license, Commons it I know not now, hesure: project, was “When printing tryelse.” something Iwill maybe a importantly most but part, of the use-value a only not gained he himself, part the of producing result the in argues, he As the However, in store. a in pay project. to have would he that more him coasted part this scene, this economical on time of lot a spent he all, in All settings. proper the with part the print to attempts multiple had they Uniq, with along Then, lock. the and frame his of size OpenSCAD use to how learn to had he First, printing. 3D in engage lock to justification the enough was needs which mount, he that realized he Finally project. a do to “excuse” an for looking was he time some for and printer 3D with something print to wanted He shop. the in it buying simply of instead himself, part a print to able is he if verify to wanted He curiosity. of out came all of first printing some for motivation his that adjust me told Marcel part. working a print to managed and finally they before settings, times four for printing the restart to had they experiment; of notion a involve to had process the observe could I As effects. desired achieve to order in print the for parameter proper setting in helped machine, the use to how him explained Ultimaker,who of owner the Uniq, by assistedwas he process printing In the bicycle. for his mount a lock print to chose he project first his For hackerspace. the at knowledge of exchange free through learning of process and technology novel with struggles first his both: observe to opportunity an me gave This metalab. at research my Internet. from them the resolved bydownloading ideal. isnot yet The replicator be cannot subsistence of needs guaranteeing of question the Hence, copied. be cannot and limited are they traditionally; produced be to have still that goods are food or materials Raw communities. satisfaction which comes from mastering the craft. When I a I When craft. the mastering from comes which satisfaction A of of for the members metalab. open by…one free sourcesoftware ….developed and Marcel will release his design for bicycle lock mount on Thingiverse under the Creative the under Thingiverse on mount lock bicycle for design his release will Marcel conducting was I while design first his printed and printers 3D use to how learned Marcel 16 , which allowed him to make a precise model of the mount that would perfectly fit the fit perfectly would that mount the of model precise a make to him allowed which , 34 sked him if he will do another 3D another do will he if him sked CEU eTD Collection 17 forthe have design. ifto they pay even othermade, that people to objects printing limited merely or repetitive recreating, rather be will use their fabrication, desktop digital of method popular become soon they if even printers 3d that believes He way. simple the in them use they and work that things want people the of Most experiments. for will attitude, hacking shares society the of part small a only Actually, nature. their in creative is everyone Not more. create to people show they appreciation.” of yourworkcommunity after with startup where , as such platforms “y where and community on-line by financially backed are initiatives funding crowd on-line to thanks attitude such postpone to with model justifiable business a build can you it that argues He licenses. open finds under source content's releasing he reasoning, such of Because argues. he work” your for paid get to “You want profession. main his of part a was it if once” them for paid get “to like would he improved be can there infinitely. hand other the On answer the and question, the answer can connected everyone Internet the on part of“ experience isa and knowledge sharing of practice such him For having. is he problem a for solution for looks he Stack he greatuses Exchange Also toextend. hea as dependsonit access to knowledge, open to advantages the realizes he academic, an as Especially initiatives. access open open and supports source He it. support not do professors his but LaTeX software preparation document open an software, computing statistical source open an R, uses he example For can. he as software his to related not general. in technology to nor metalab at activity is occupation primary his describe, I people other Unlike separated. visibly play leisure and work Marcel's fact In it. on depend not does he as activity, secondary his Stack Exchange is a network of community-run question and answer sites on various topics including, but no but including, programing, cooking, etc. education, limited software to topics various on sites answer and question community-run of network a is Exchange Stack Even though the technology enables people to do things, he is rather skeptical it will push will it skeptical rather is he things, do to people enables technology the though Even a search for the absolute answers.” He believes that w that absolute believes searchHe forthe answers.” a are things that he would not release under open source or at least at or source open under release not would he that things are However in his work he tries to use as much open much as use to tries he work his in However 35 ou can promise to share results to promise can ou hen you put a questionhen youput a 17 whenever rather CEU eTD Collection from the community in a form of appreciation and recognition of their contribution by their peers, their by contribution their of recognition and appreciation of form a in community the from feedback positive a receive might they platforms, sharing on-line to designs the upload they after society. the of development understood Thirdly, broadly a to contribute to order in others with labor their of result the share motivated are contributors where reciprocity, of act conscious of act an as considered be can community a with designs the sharing the Secondly, action. through freedom of expression an becomes also result the in which project, a start to motivation a and culture hacker of characteristic primary a is which curiosity, of expression an is it Firstly structure. hybrid a has community. they for3Ddesigns sharewith which printing, Iargue in activity tosuch engage a drive open create to of participants motivation of the analysis my present I chapter this In it. extended and activities.” social any be not would there things), doing factor motivation “h that argues He factor'. motivation 'social strong a suggest which commons, of production peer in engagement for motivations important most the considered were activities. ofhacking in printersa wider for3D range creationofdesigns but notinvolved only in informants my of All in. engage space the at people that projects the of scope the reflects It art. of forms different and poetry even or hardware, software, open creating by also but designs open creating by only not ways, different in commons of production the to contribute and projects programs. computer to way similar a in coded be can that instructions of set another yet is design computer-aided a observes aptly Wizard As production. peer of practice broader the in situated be can and content open creating of forms other According to Moilanen (2013) altruism, community commitment and having fun are to be to are fun having and commitment community altruism, (2013) Moilanen to According First of all I found that the creation of the open designs have significant similarities to the to similarities significant have designs open the of creation the that found I all of First

and having fun is fundamental part of social life. Without having fun (while fun having Without life. social of part fundamental is fun having and Analysis of hybrid hybrid motivations Analysis of Chapter Chapter 4 People at the metalab most often work on various on work often most metalab the at People 36 My research has verified Moilanen's thesis Moilanen's verified has research My aving fun is one of the most important most the of one is fun aving CEU eTD Collection suggested was followed by satisfaction from mastering the craft, as described in1976) craft,(Marx Marx described from the as mastering followedsuggested was bysatisfaction informants the as challenge, successful The Internet. the from design ready-made a downloading or it buying of instead themselves, object an create to can they if i.e. create, related to abilities ones challenging was curiosity hacker's the informants my cases four all in Furthermore, community. the with work their of results the share to decided they printer, 3D a of use a with fabricated be can that design 3D functional a create to able be to themselves proved they after only and curiosity by motivated where printing 3D with experiments first Wizzard'sMarcel's doable. and is something often chapter that prove empirically previous to i.e. system, given the a and oneself challenge in to is project a presented for justification informants the of relations the to According (Fromm do 1968). to freedom expressing action emancipating for cause a is which reflect curiosity, They author's features. some share in engage metalab the of members that activities movement, Curiosityactionliberation and through (higher needsofsubsistence. secure their need to labor their of result and knowledge reasons, byeconomical compromised being motivations) isoften their sharing in engagement voluntarily their that stipulate I activity, leisure and work paid their paid informants' between relation analyzing B entertainment. for or reasons social for done are but survival of need by merely motivated not are actions one's i.e. category, higher a to belongs others two and motivation basic the the is survival that reasoning his follow I entertainment. and life social survival, under categorized be can activity, hacker's for which motivation of Torvald commons. types digital three distinguishes (2001) ofactivity. this continue type motivates to and esteem which influencetheir s I hv hw n te peiu hpe hl icsig caatrsis o hacker of characteristics discussing while chapter previous the in shown have I As and other open designs produce to drive social of the limits the analyze I chapter the in Later The participant's motivation that emerges out of curiosity can be hence interpreted as an as interpreted hence be can curiosity of out emerges that motivation participant's The 37 as the creators ininstance the creators first the as y CEU eTD Collection the projects that I have seen at metalab. Hence, its members can be considered as a part of a of part a as considered withinhackerspace. the movement ofhackers social productive be can members its Hence, metalab. at seen have I that projects the of most very the to applies characteristics This Internet. the through licenses open and free under released are instructions and codes source descriptions, designs, their as knowledge, and of production sharing peer of process the to contribute often most are practice hacker a of results the A Consciousreciprocity system (Jascha). capitalist neoliberal opposing of practice the in engaged ideological even or actions their of results such of conscious are extent some to all they participants, the of profiles presented the in visible is it As (30) doing”. of flow collective the of rupture relentless “a is which fetishism commodity oppose and power-to, their liberate hackerspaces of members so, doing By information. of pool common the to contribute to and personally, themselves develop to projects, own their on work to timeand energy their to do,hackers devotes capacity Instead their ofselling of thesystem. capitalist attempts centralizing opposes and power of decentralization in its results which do, to power,capacity aggregates movement content open the where action, collective a by exercised analogically is practice production peer of power social The do. to capacity a “can-ness”, a as understood be can and agency, to related is understanding Holloway in power The collective. plural, inherently be to has which (15) refusal” active an of “scream a as doing of activity the defines He (2002). Holloway by used terms the in interpreted easily be DIY can doing. Their activity on focus and pragmatism in based firmly is designs computer-aided of form a in commons digital of distribution and production active. are we when free of expression ccording to the credo of the hacker ethic (Levy (Levy ethic hacker the of credo the to ccording Conscious reciprocity is a part of hacker ethics and ideology represented by my informants. my by represented ideology and ethics hacker of part a is reciprocity Conscious

positive concept of freedom ( 1992; Fromm 1968), which states that we are we that states which 1968), Fromm 1992; (Berlin freedom of concept positive Presented above hacker practice within the hackerspaces, which involves which hackerspaces, the within practice hacker above Presented 38 1984) “all information should be free”. Therefore, free”. be should information “all CEU eTD Collection from often a nameless contributor to the general pool of knowledge. The practice, I argue is not a not is argue I practice, The knowledge. of pool general the to contributor nameless a often from direction, unknown from you to back comes reciprocity the point some At give. you whom to or (Sahlins future the it shared network is ofknowledge, ofthe 1974). Inthe complexity in balanced be will contribution their that expectation often has but return, in anything instantly expect not do and value, their of track keep not do commons of pool general the to donating person a which reciprocity,in generalized the on based is designs open of case the in production peer that is argument My knowledge. and experience goods: immaterial of exchange of form particular a is it hand other the On terms. Maussian the in understood exchange gift a not fact in is there exchanged, than rather shared, gift and copied are objects digital on the Because exchange. based economy of form as strictly perceived be cannot commons, digital of production the contributionsociety. to their about content feel them make result the in and it, of use a make to people want they as work their of results the share to motivation their explains It potential. full its develop to mankind enables beliefs their in which sharing, of culture the of action through expression an is practice their Hence, shared. be would information the thus source, open be should society the of development the to important thousand. one or one discoveries critical” – “mission that obligation moral it a is it that use agree collectively they Furthermore, later will people many how matter not does it and themselves for use-value a created digital already who forthe extra participants, cost sharing donotany involve it. of use a have can also who others with it share to problem a not is it oneself also They Internet. the through freely available culture and knowledge of pool common the to contribute and from take sharing of benefits the of aware are them of All (Wizzard) sharing.” through more learn you contrary, the on Rather yourself. it loose don't This “ informants the by underlined repetitively was it As complements with with complements empathize that if they already have taken an effort to design an object for object an design to effort an taken have already they if that empathize Sahlins typology of reciprocity (1974), even though the case of peer of case though the even (1974), reciprocity of typology Sahlins participate extensively in a reciprocal activity,they reciprocal where a in extensively participate 39 if you share knowledge with others you others with knowledge share you if not relevant from whomyoutakenot relevant The process of process The CEU eTD Collection through sharing platforms such as Thingiverse. This way is more similar to production of arts, of production to similar more is way This Thingiverse. as such platforms sharing through communities, with shared then only and created individually mostly are designs The design. the in ofthe isembodied creator ofsoftware,the as production individuality ofcollaborative case classical from differs designs open the respect this In creator. original the i.e. individual, particular one to creator. ofthe an esteem building includes also it but altruism, pure or reciprocity generalized conscious of form a only not is act the Hence, themselves. about better feel them makes result a in work their of recognition and appreciation The them. fork or print and designs, their use peers other when happy” “feel they that admitted respectively informants my of Each it? print they will it, like they will – it of think might other what see to is community the with them share and designs their upload to informants the for motivation a often that found I interviews the Through activity. of type this continue to motivates an receive Esteem timeisbasedonindividualism. the yet same at individual egoisms, of instead general, in humanity even and communities of needs the serves competition than rather collaboration through which production, peer of practice ongoing to and community hackerspace investigated the of organization the to accurate particularly is economy human the of description the above shown have I As 2011:15). al. et (Hart organization” economic non-capitalist for ground as serve might emphasis, of redirection some with that, sociability for propensity human common of authors the by explored communism' 'everyday of notion the applicable I find content, open of sharing caseefforts theindividual 1976). In sum of mere (Marx a that greater something in results cooperation as it, from back get you more system, the into put you more the outcomes: of maximization for aims which calculation, economical practical a but metaphysical, This notion is especially visible in the case of open designs which are most often attributed often most are which designs open of case the in visible especially is notion This may creators their content, open of form other or designs open sharing of process the In prcain ad rcgiin b hi er, wih i nlec hi sem and esteem their influence in which peers, their by recognition and appreciation 40 Human Economy Human , “a , CEU eTD Collection that occurs on the contact surface between internal, non-market economy of the space and external and space the of economy non-market internal, between surface contact the on occurs that tension of result a are which space, the of consciousness collective and motivations individual both time. leisure their in activity open the in engage consider can they then after Only subsistence. of needs their secure to need instance first the in creators the as compromised, is designs open share and create to drive the However origin. Limitsofthesocialdrive tocreate commons ofthe production to design. the a as contribution peer designto has bedistribution accounted ofthe and creation of stage each at reviewed he that feedback the case, this In design. the improve further to him allowed which feedback, a received he Finally, it. do to it. how showing printing, model of process to know-how providing by design the in the printpeers assistedhim Later in orderit. to ofmetalab hethe used Furthermore, infrastructure of creation in him assisted people Many others. of knowledge the on basing was firstly he himself, item the designed he though it Even alone. do to able be not would he otherwise and collaboration through produced peer as considered be can mount lock bicycle his that believes he case, his In thesis. this confirms example Marcel's production. peer a as considered be can it cases some in individual, an by done usually is printer contributor. upthe ofthe models, esteem builds their of applications and prints importantly more and comments positive of amount same user, a amount the the to Similarly platform. collaborative a than designs” 3D “Youtube for a more resemble it argue Marcel) (Wizzard, informants my As (Jascha). efficient less process production peer simultaneous in makes which collaboration, equipped for tools not advanced is Thingiverse GitHub, Unlike 2004). (Lessig derivatives creating by or it it remix improve can people other later just and communities, with piece their share people where As I have shown above, the motivations of the open design creators are not of financial of not are creators design open the of motivations the above, shown have I As 3D desktop a using fabricated be can than design computer-aided of creation though Even My argument is that there are contradictions internalized in internalized contradictions are there that is argument My 41 of views on Youtube builds an esteem of esteem Youtubeon an views builds of CEU eTD Collection behavior, which are the result of such practice, come from outer world of market economy that economy market of world outer from come practice, such of result the are which behavior, of norms internalized Those within. from economy non-market open of building obstruct to seek that man” “inside an are attempts commodification internal the where economy, based commons economy, market commodity constituted by the is dominant the obviously where unbalanced, is relation the Nonetheless, practice. source open towards attitude social the of change the to contribute practices such of visibility increasing by which Internet, the through disseminated further and everywhere), software free of (use space the of outside also individuals by exercised is sharing and openness of culture Internalized relations. social the of change the to contribute this by and outside exported are content open sharing of practice and values internal of some but space the influence outside the human offull potential. environmentdevelopment enabling which isan only community, the in and through through only attained is freedom as 1976), (Marx directions” all in gifts his cultivating of means the individual each] [has community in “only argues Marx As good. action public common the to through contributing and taking through individual 1968) an as developing by to) Fromm (freedom 1992; (Berlin freedom positive a exercising for devoted be can time leisure the whereas labor, wage a in engage to motivation a therefore is subsistence of needs secure to necessity The labor. surplus their of results the community with sharing as perceived be can actions their scene this In charge. of source free content open open release to them time, enables activity,which leisure their on not and labor based wage market on depend to livelihoods labor They their companies. selling from but commons, digital of production in results which activity, source open their from come not does cases the of most in income of source reality. Their external of elements material on relies members their as sustainable self their fully yet not are and members community the because happens It system. capitalist of economy market commodity hs sos ta hr r o ny etra, bt as nenl bokn ocs fr the for forces blocking internal also but external, only not are there that shows This of structures larger the only Not pivotal. are inside-outside relations the hand other the On homo economicushomo , an egoistic individual. egoistic , an 42 CEU eTD Collection create acreate sufficient (Holloway 2002). change fora power systemic counter effect in my which sustainability, self full its in result can economy commons-based non-market the market of attempts of emancipatory the movement, control content open under the of is grow a with situation However economy. the that seams it being time the by for Thus, limited actors. is market market agency by whose themselves, sabotaged space is the of project members the and attempts Therefore commodification on. depending still are metalab of members 43 CEU eTD Collection who investigates morality within hacker movements with emphasis on community practices of practices community on emphasis with movements hacker within morality investigates who (2008), Söderberg to similar are respect this in observation My 2011). Cattani and Laville, (Hart, individualism on based be would time same the at yet egoisms, individual of instead communities and goods common of issue the economics of needs the serve would economy such researches some into agency.to According political democratic back brings it by and production, peer on based economy an create to aims hackerspaces of movement social the investigated, I hackerspace workshops orhackerspaces. atprinted homes, finally and improved discussed, modified, later be can that objects 3D of designs open network global the through share to technology the of use the is revolutionary is technology.What the use will who people all with environment sharing the associate cannot one Thus, reasons. of various for mean a as which and Internet, ways of various in used be can It the itself. technology social a not is printing 3D Unlike communication manufacturing. of process the of digitalization is different formsofart. and poetry even or hardware, software, open creating by also but designs open creating by only not different ways, in commons of production the to contribute and projects various on work often most production. peer of practice broader the in situated be can and content open creating of forms other the to similarities significant have designs open the of I creation that objects. found physical print 3D to used be can that designs open creating for motivations their and With an emancipatory attempts of the novel form of production of commons exercised in the exercised of commons of production Withform novel the of attempts emancipatory an ofthe emerging element that most showed issue important analysisthe My ofthe technology hackerspace the of members the of value of systems investigated I fieldwork my Through we are the new.we are (Kewagi 2011) ourselves. ones,we thechosen chosen for have we are dying bornto of asstruggling we a thetime, slaves get free. are Concluding remarks Concluding 44 People at the metalab the at People CEU eTD Collection diminishes the notion of commodity fetishism. the ofcommodity diminishes notion it this By sustainability. self in results that goods, of fabrication towards attitude (DIY) yourself” it “do presenting by trends this oppose communities hackerspace in hackers or craft.tinkers Makers, whole the perform ability loses worker the labor of devision by Furthermore 255). 1976: (Marx value. valorizing self a as itself act to ability therefore has Capital valorization. self perform commodities, to money from form, its in change with which agent independent as acts It monster”. grow, magnitude, its “animated an organism, living a changes becomes Capital valorization. self of It process the in itself replicate production. of mode alternative the by undermined is drive this of capital, drive immanent is an value of surplus in increase pursuit the Asvalue. valorizing self a as function to ability its losses capital commodities, of instead commons of produce in results and framework capitalist the outside functioning is it as production, peer of case the in However 255). 1976: (Marx value. valorizing self a as itself act to anability therefore has Capital valorization. self perform commodities, to money from form, its in change with which agent independent as acts It monster”. “animated an organism, living a becomes Capital valorization. self of process the in itself replicates grows, magnitude, its changes capital accumulation of process the In decentralization. is production peer of principle the whereas accumulation, capital through centralization whose is mission own, it of life has capital described Marx as because contrary, the in stand might Those exchange-value no posses commons production. ofcommons-based thepeer apply ofvaluecase in donot suggests, system capitalist that digital limitations without shared that fact The society. market current the in relationships change to attempts hence relationships, commodity existing an fact in labor struggle. anticapitalist considered be can struggle” “play hacker's the scene this In capitalism. and hackers between relation on insight an provides capitalism against struggle labor a as hacking on opinion His movement. software source open and free the in information of commodification opposing By production of commons which have no exchange-value the peer production questions production peer the exchange-value no have which commons of production By 45 CEU eTD Collection world without public domain.” world without domain.” public the in slaves be to want we if or free be to want we if choice a make to have we where edge the the within from also on are “we that sees he but optimists but an be to wants Jascha informant My themselves. communities outside the from expected be can attempts commodification where commons, digital replicating for printers 3D of use markets the for disruptive over struggle ongoing an is there But communities. and individuals of digitalized needs the allowing for objects by physical of economy manufacturing market the from emancipation the enabling are printers 3D flowofdoing”. collective (30) ofthe is “a rupture relentless which fetishism commodity oppose and power-to, their liberate hackerspaces of members so, doing By knowledge. public of pool the to contribute cases many in and personally, themselves develop to projects, own their on work to energy and time their devotes hackers do, to capacity their selling of Instead hack. to collaborate, to do, power, to its capacity aggregates movement the hackerspace a the of power social The do. of environment the in where actions, collective by to exercised analogically is movement hackerspace capacity a “can-ness”, as understood be can and agency, the to related is understanding Holloway in movement the of power The collective. plural, inherently 2002: 15)which refusal”is (Holloway ofan active a “scream be interpreted and ondoing, focus can As I have shown a new for of non-market open economy is emerging within hackerspaces. within emerging is economy open non-market of for new a shown have I As pragmatism in based firmly is which hackerspaces, the within practice hacker presented The 46 CEU eTD Collection Figures: Figure Figure 2 1 : A booth atmainroom. metalab's phone the hackerspace It of isasymbol : An entrance to metalab entrance hackerspace to : An Appendix 47 CEU eTD Collection Figure Figure 3 : Uniq's Ultimaker (on right) and Marius' Makerbot Ultimaker (onleft) (onright) andMarius' : Uniq's 4 : Marcel's hisbicycle to mountattached bicycle lock 48 CEU eTD Collection Das by Capital KarlMarx Figure 5 : Wizzard's Makerbot Replicator 2X 3D printer. In the background on the shelve stands shelve the on background the In printer. 3D 2X Replicator Makerbot Wizzard's : 49 CEU eTD Collection Marx, Karl. 1976. Capital vol. 1,London: Karl.Marx, 1976.Capital Penguin vol. Culture: Lessig, 2005. Free Laurence. and FutureThe ofCreativity. Nature Books. Penguin Levy, New Revolution.Dell: Heroes Computer Steven. ofthe 1984.Hackers: York. Kewagi. 2011. New.The 19,2013( RetrievedMay Books. Antonio. 2004. Multitude. Penguin andHardt, Negri, Michael a economy: human The 2011. eds. Cattani, David Antonio and Laville, Jean-Louis Keith, Hart, 2002. John. Holloway, York: Random House. A Pekka. 2001.Hacker Ethic: Himanen, the .New Philosophy ofBusiness RadicalApproachto Hackerspaces.org Wiki, 19,2013( RetrievedMay Greaber, 2001.Toward David. Anthropological An of Theory Value. New York: Palgrave Aiyer Rishab Ghosh, 2005. Gershenfeld, Neil Cultural the and Genres New from Freedom. Fromm, 1968.Escape Erich. York: Avon Books. Moral Practice: Hacker 2008. 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