PHI Directory The Membership Committee would like to thank everyone who assisted in updating the PHI directory for 2008. We would also like to thank alPHa for allowing us to use their Directory of Ontario Jurisdictions Cross-Referenced by Health Units document, which is a very useful resource. Both of these documents will be posted on the CIPHI Ontario website and will be circulated on the CIPHI listserv. In an ongoing effort to keep the PHI directory current, we will be updating this document annually. Therefore, if each health unit could appoint one contact person to assist us in this effort it would be greatly appreciated. Any staff, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, or e-mail changes that occur throughout the year can be sent to
[email protected] by the appointed contact person. We thank you in advance for your assistance. Sincerely, Dennis Persaud Membership Committee Chair Ontario Branch • lead • promote • advocate for Environmental Public Health Professionals in Ontario VISION Health Protection: Cornerstone of Public Health STATEMENT OF MISSION To advance, promote and uphold the profession of public health inspection and to ensure the attainment of the highest professional standards of practice for its members - and in so doing - to facilitate the achievement of optimal health for all persons who live, work or visit in Ontario by promoting excellence in environmental management through education, advocacy and research. Prepared by the 2007-2008 Ontario Branch Executive Council and Board of