Annual Report 2017

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Annual Report 2017 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Chairman ............................................................................................................. 4 Nature of the Report ......................................................................................................................... 6 ANNUAL REPORT ..................................................................................................................... 7 A. General Overview / External Environment ..................................................................................................... 7 1. Macroeconomic Framework ...................................................................................................................... 7 2. Mission, Vision and Values ......................................................................................................................... 8 3. Organization’s History and Profile............................................................................................................ 12 4. Highlights of the year / Relevant Facts in the ML Group ......................................................................... 17 5. Main Indicators ........................................................................................................................................ 20 B. Governance Structure................................................................................................................................... 23 1. Corporate Bodies...................................................................................................................................... 23 2. Management policies and mechanisms ................................................................................................... 28 C. Strategy......................................................................................................................................................... 33 1. Strategic Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 33 2. ML’s SDG .................................................................................................................................................. 36 D. Risks and Opportunities ................................................................................................................................ 37 1. Risk Management ..................................................................................................................................... 37 2. Risk Identification ..................................................................................................................................... 37 3. Response to the identified risks ............................................................................................................... 37 E. Performance ................................................................................................................................................. 39 1. Operating Performance ............................................................................................................................ 39 2. Environmental Performance .................................................................................................................... 66 3. Social Performance .................................................................................................................................. 72 4. Economic and Financial Performance ...................................................................................................... 83 F. Compliance with Legal Guidelines (ML) ..................................................................................................... 103 G. Perspectives ................................................................................................................................................ 120 1. External Context Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 120 2. Internal Context Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 124 H. Proposal for Application of Profits ............................................................................................................. 126 GRI Table and Indicators ............................................................................................................... 127 Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 146 Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................................................................ 149 2 3 Message from the Chairman After a first year of intense activity, the Board of Directors over which I preside, appointed for the 2017/2019 three- year period, hereby presents the Consolidated Annual Report for 2017, which is made available to workers, customers and other parties interested in the life of Metropolitano de Lisboa. The Consolidated Annual Report for 2017 outlines, in a detailed and thorough manner, the activity of Metropolitano de Lisboa, Ferconsult and Metrocom, as well as the results achieved by these companies during that period. For Metropolitano de Lisboa, at its very start, the 2017 financial year was characterized by the conclusion of the corporate transition process, from the model previously implemented by “Transportes de Lisboa” to a model of separation of the companies involved, with Metropolitano de Lisboa’s consequent autonomous management. Consequently, the company was subject to a reorganization through the implementation of a new organization model deemed appropriate to achieve its objectives, including the resurgence of investment in infrastructure and in rolling stock reconditioning, as well as the expansion of the workforce, which has been increasing in light of the current demand needs. At the same time, customer focus was strengthened at Metropolitano de Lisboa, with progressive improvements in operational performance and a consequent increase in the quality of the service provided. In this context, internal and external personnel have been recruited to meet operational needs. In the area of infrastructure, the six-car platform extension refurbishment work in Arroios station was initiated, being the last station in these conditions, as well as some stations’ re-qualification and modernization, regarding lighting, cleaning, refreshing and equipment and signage improvement. Simultaneously, with the beginning of the Expansion Project Studies between Rato and Cais do Sodré, contracted to the affiliate Ferconsult, a new phase of network expansion was launched. The implementation of this diversified set of measures started a new cycle in the life of Metropolitano de Lisboa, now marked by an atmosphere of stability and social harmony, engaging in an open dialog with the Workers’ Council and other Workers’ Representative Organizations, which is deemed essential for the company’s normal operation and to increase the quality of the service provided every day to the Customer. In a different context, we sought to stimulate innovation by creating a specific unit for such purpose, seeking new solutions arising from the economy and the sector’s increasing digitalization. Thus, in 2017, we sought to change Metropolitano de Lisboa’s attitude and behaviour enabling it to confirm itself as a more flexible public company, with renewed momentum, an increased market focus and conditions ensuring greater future sustainability to be able to strengthen its contribution to competitiveness and Lisbon’s quality of life. The expansion, in the project phase, connecting the Green and Yellow lines in a circular line, the beginning of the modifications to the signalling systems, the procurement of new rolling stock and the overhaul of a large number of systems and components will provide a challenge to all of Metropolitano de Lisboa’s workers and executives, representing a necessary step up for the company’s future sustainability and making an effective contribution to improving the city’s quality of life and competitiveness, with a significant impact on the mobility of its citizens. Regarding Ferconsult, the Board of Directors continued the strategy defined in 2016, the results of which are also shown in this report. Within Ferconsult’s ongoing development plan for the period 2017-2021, we implemented a new organization structure, more appropriate to existing market opportunities, using Metropolitano de Lisboa’s shared areas and ensuring the company’s knowledge and know-how in the fields of transport engineering consultancy, studies and projects. 4 Nature of the Report Pursuant to the applicable legal and statutory provisions, the Board of Directors of Metropolitano de Lisboa, E.P.E. hereby presents the Consolidated Annual Report and Accounts for the year 2017, having chosen to present, in light of paragraph 6 of article 508-C of the Portuguese Companies Code (PCC), a Single Annual Report, which, in accordance with all applicable legal requirements, shall allow for a practical and integrated full analysis of the information made available therein. The Consolidated Annual Report comprises the information regarding the Group Companies and has been prepared in accordance with the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
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