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FROM Jean Gazarian





The enclosed communication dated ~ December 1967 is

transmitted to the Permanent Missions of the States Members

of the United Nations at the request of the Minister of Foreign

Affairs of the People's Republic of Southern .

i4 December 1967 c 0 p y

TO Secretary-General Untted Nations

FROM Government. of People's Rep-:1b l i of Southern Yemen

DATE 3 December 1967

Enclose statement by 'Mini ·er of !"oreirrn Affai ""s P e -,1 ·: ' :- Republic of Southern Yemen re our Government's c.tana. i:1 rcs1-.e:: t of th~ l!nit.ed Kingdom's decision to hand over Kur~a M11ria J c· J R ..,--3'~ to U:e Sultan of Muscat and Oman. Our position is clear in this question. Request. circulation of this statement to all Member States and denunciatior. of illegal step taken y the United Kine;dom.

The text of the statement follo~s:

"The whole world knows that Kuria Muria I s lands ~ere part

of the lands wtich were under British ad:ni::i~;;tra•fan.

Our people in their struggle against British c c l cnial f ~n w-en

~orking to secure full independence and sovereignty over U; e~ r country. The great revolution led by the NLF since

14 October 1963 had clearly defined its targets ar.j offer~n

and sacrificed victims and martyrs in defence of our leplt~mat.e right to restore our freedom and sovereignty over each anr every span of our land including Kuria Muria, and Kamaran Islands. In November 1965 the NLF vas able to exact the UN famous resolution which, undoubtedly confirmed that Kuria Muria Islands were an integral part of this land anf. this was reaffirmed in the UN resolutions adopted in December 1966. It never occurred to our people that ~uria Muria Islands and sovereignty over them would be a bone of contention with Britain, but Britain surprisP.d t h .. NI.F' delegation in Geneva by her decision to band over Kuria Muri.a Islands to the Sultan of Muscat. The British delegation also attempted to press the NLF delegation to abandon the Tsland:;.

1,•.Then our delegation insisted on having sovereig:~ty in .f\1ll < .. - 2 -

over the whole country including these partir.ular i slands, the British delegation resorted to various attempts '":it.)-. a viev to changing the attitude of our delegation. Our delegation. as everyone knows a."1d as will be emphasizej ~ y the document concluded by both parties in Geneva, vas ·· r,t . affected by such attempts and manoeuvres and its attitude remained clear and express, namely that Kuria Muria Jslar1d.s vere regarded as part of the new republic and it is for this that the statement that Mr. Kahtan Al Shabi, President nf the Republic and head of the NLF delegation to the talks, made on his arrival at air port was consistent with the belief and stand of the NLF with regard to its sticking to the rlght of sovereignty of the new republic. The declaration of independence statement, which mentioned the absorption by People's Republic of Southern Yemen of all the islands pertaining to the territory, firmly emphasized the insistence of the People's Republic of Southern Yemen on the integrity of its lands and on its readiness to defend its sovereignty, as the United Nations knew that Kuria Muria, Kamaran and Perim Islands were an inseparable part of the new republic. The United Nations Fourth Committee, on 29 November 1967, and the General Assembly, on 30 November 1967, adopted a resolution binding Britain to hand over all islands to the new state. The President of the People's Republic of Southern Yemen issued yesterday the Republican decree No. 4 whereby he nominated Ali Naser Muhammad Hasan! as Governor of Kuria Muria, Perim and Kamaran Islands. The Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of Southern Yemen wi shes to declare that the People':. Republic cannot remain silent upon encroachment of it5 s overeignty over its lands, whether by Britain or by the so­ called Sultan of Muscat and Oman, and reserves for itself the f ul l right to use all means and methods to prevent and repulse any infri ngement or violation upon the sovereignty of the People 's Republic of Southern Yemen by any quarters.

Saif Ahmad Dhalee Foreign Minister, 2 December 1967." < .. UNITED NATIONS (fl) NATIONS UNIES ~ NEW YORK

CA.LE .Aoor..:•e • UN,.TIONB NI:WYORK • AD~~tlt••E TI:LI:ORA .. HIQUE


The enclosed communication dated 16 December 1967 is

transmitted, for information, to the Permanent Missions of

· the States Members of the United Nations.

18 December 1967

(j .,



I have the honour to refer to Note Verbale I~o. PO 240 VINA

dated December 14th. 1967 relating to the circulation to Ste:tes Ivlem-

bers of the United Nutions of the so-called political program of the

so-called National Liberation Front of South Vietnam at the request

of the Romanian Delegation.

I should be much obliged if Your Excellency would kindly

circulate this letter to States Members, as a contribution to their


. .. 2/

His Excellency U TRANT

Secretary General

Organization of the United Nations - 2 -

As far as circulation of the so-called National Liberation

Front's document is concerned, I deem it necessary to point out that, while a Romanian is being entrusted with the presidence of the twenty­ second General Assembly, the Romanian Delegation should have refrained from taking side and playing the dubious role of a mouthpiece for an organization of outlaws in open rebellion against the constitutional

Government of the Republic of Vietnam.

I deeply regret that the United Nations have been abused as a propaganda forum by the so-called National Liberation Front which :

- is simply an instrument and facade of the communist regime in North-Vietnam, in their avowed plan to take over free South

Vietnam by means of violent armed force and consequently, through flagrant violation of an international agreement, namely the Geneva

Accords of 1954,

- is using the United Nations as a convenient forum for their fallacious propaganda, while along with the communist regime in

North Vietnam, the National Liberation Front has contemptuously and repeatedly rejected the authority of the United Nations,

- is a gathering of abhorred murderers and arsonists, res­ ponsible for the death of tens of thousands of defenceless civilians and for the innumerable sufferings endured daily by the people of

South Vietnam.

. .. J/ • - 3 -·

Their l atest feat, the burning of t he entire v illage .7 ~) ~ ;,s: n ( Pht:.:J c

inha'!:lit.a::1ts - the major p a'Y.'t o ... 1.rho YT~re womer; : ';,_. sr.all-C'rcc children

t i c: all t he r.or e r"'gr ettable that the 1\at i.:m al Liberation

Fr0nt e s document has een l ::rwe d t;:, be circulGted at the \Tni tc: d

viole t fJrce (page ?), i n flagrant violation :::: f "':: 1e _pr i 1ciplcs of

the Charter of the Un i ted .Nations.

Even though in t he p a s t , t he United Nations has circulated

documents and mat eria l s whi ch did Ilot originate f :tom a goverrl'nent,

those c ses concerne d patri ot ic organizations fighting for national

inciep E' ndence against or e i gn domination.

The situation is completely different with regard to the

document . ssu d by the South Vi etnam National Libe:ratio;:, Front vlhich,

t!>..rough its bo ~c-:rOvled name, tries to identi:r-s itself "'Ti th thosP.

nation li. m v ement-, vT' ile in .-e s.lity it is only a s t.bve:-sive

organization created by the Lao Dang (communist) Part:-l of North

Vietnam i n order to take o er a country effecti-rely independent and

sovereign since 1954.

0 c 0

On the instr'..lct i on s of my G..

call y:,ur Ex cellency's :- t tention on the follov.ring • - 4 - l - In spite of the fallacious claim by the Romanian Delegation in their introductory Note of December 12th. 1967 that the so-called

National Liberation Front is the 'authentic representative' of South

Vietnam, this organization - by its own admission - is but a facade set up by the communist regime in North Vietnam.

Reference is hereby invited to Communist statements concer­ ning the People's Revolutionary Party (Dang Nban Dttn Cach Mang) in

South Vietnam, which calls itself 'the Marxist-Leninist Party of

South Vietnam' and openly admits that it is the controlling force within the National Liberation Front,'the vanguard, the soul of the

National Liberation Front'.

A document containing directives to cadres of the Lao D&ng

(Communist) Party of North Vietnam, captured and made available to the International Commission for Supervision and Control in 1962, de cla.red that :

'In regard to the foundation of the People's Revolutionary

Party of South Viet~am, the creation of this party is only a matter of strategy, it needs to be explained within the party and, in order to deceive the enemy, it is necessary that the new party be given the outward appearance corresponding to a division of the Party (Lao

DOng) into two and the foundation of a new party, so that the enemy cannot use it in his propaganda •••

'The People's Revolutionary Party has only the appearance of an independent existence, actually our Party i s nothing but the

Lao DOng Party of Vietnam, unifie~ from North to South, under the ... /5 • .. - 5 -

direction of the central executive committee of the Party, the chief

of which is President Ho ••• '

2 - The so-called political program of the so-called National

Liberation Front, as being circulated at the United Nations, is but

a monotonous repetition of the traditional communist propaganda,

especially in Part I which carries the Hanoi-favored invectives

against 'imperialist aggressors'.

The nationalistic coloration of the program is designed to

create the impression that the so-called National Liberation Front

is independent from the North Vietnamese regime and Communist China,

but once again points to the tJ;'_aditional tactics of the Communist

Party to disguise its true nature, for propaganda purposes, under the

label of nationalist or democratic fronts or organizations. This is

not the first, but the fourth time that Vietnam experiences such a

tactics by the Indochinese ~ommunist Party which, founded in 1930-31 by NGUYEN AI QUOC alias HO CHI MINH, successively transformed itself

into the Vi&t Minh League, the Li~ Vi@t 1 the Fatherland Front and

the Lao D~g Party. -

Part II o£ the so-called program only contains false promises, all preempted by concrete projects presently carried out· by the cons­

titutional Government of the Republic of Vietnam for the implementation of a genuine democracy, for the improvement of economic production

and consequently the living conditions of the people.

Actually, promises contained in the National Liberation

Front's program are daily belied by their atrocious activities of

mass murder and arson, for which the entire people of South Vietnam,

through the voice of their Senate, have condemned the National ... I o .. . . - 6 -

Liberation Front as the enemy of the Nation.

as 3 - As far/ an eventual peaceful settlement of the -vietnnn

. problem is concerned, the National Liberation F-.cont 1 s document pr esents

absolutely no new element: there is no indication vrbatsoever that the

National Liberation Front is willing to put an end to t he at rocious

war which is causing so many sufferings among the Vietnamese people .

On the contrary, that document makes clear the Communists' determina-

tion to fight Until 'total victory' (page 8).

4 - The constitutional Government of the Republic of Vietnam

baS solemnly asserted its will to seek a peaceful settlement through I negociations with the Communists and pledged that Allied Forces would

withdraw from South Vietnam as soon as the Communists put an end t o

their aggressiveactivities.

But so far, the earnest appeals and overtures by the Govern-

ment 6f the Republic of Vietnam have been without any constructive

respon8~ on the part of the regime in North Vietnam and its instrument

in South Vietnam, the so-called National Liberation Front.

5 - As a positive step towards a peacefUl settlement, t he

Government of the Republic of Vietnam has been and is carrying out

a policy of national reconcili ati on, leaving the door wide open f or

communist elements to repent and to come back to the national


On the contrary, the proposal f or a coalition government,

as incl uded in the National Liberation Front's document, st ays i n

... /7 the line of the traditional communist tactics of deceit.

0 0 0

I avail myself of this opportunity t o renew t o Your

Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.

New York, December 16th. 1967


Nguyen Huu Chi Permanent Observer I