Megi February 16, 2018 –Adar 1, 5778 Flamingo E Weekly 784 Erev , Rosh Chodesh Adar - Parshat Terumah Candle Lighting: 5:31pm | Shabbat ends: 6:34 pm

The Family Shul Wishes You a Joyful Adar & Shabbat Shalom!

Your Flamingo Week-at-a-Glance: Prayer Services, Classes & Events Erev Shabbat, Friday, February 16 Shabbat Kodesh – Saturday, February 17 Sunday, February 18 Rosh Chodesh Adar! 6:30 am Ma’amer Moment 8:30 am Chassidic Reader ~ Ohr 8:00 am Early Minyan 6:30 am Early Minyan 9:15 am Melodious Main Shacharit Prayer Services 8:30 am Tanya Teachings 6:50 am Regular Minyan 9:30 am Parents ’n Kids Youth Minyan 9:15 am Regular Minyan 10:30 am Shabbat Youth Programs

11:00 am The Teen Scene! 5:15 pm Mincha, Sefer HaMitzvot 5:40 pm Mincha, Sefer HaMitzvot 12:30 pm Congregational Kiddush and Friendly Schmooze and “Timely Torah” then, Ma’ariv joyous Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv! 4:45 pm Mincha, then Communal Seudah Shlisheet 5:00 pm Moshe’s Mishna Moment for the boys 6:30 pm Ma’ariv, then screening of the Living Torah video Our Diamond Daveners! Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm Youth Minyan: Menny Sandhaus Kiddush Honours: Seudah Shlisheet Thursday, February 22 Kids’ Program: Yossi & Shua Cagan Zadik Family, Stockhamer Family, Sharon Adler, Sari Honours: Bachar, Annette HarEven, Chava Milgrom The Friedman Family 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives Women’s Mikvah: by appt. only Women’s Mikvah: 8:00 - 10:00 6:30 am Early Minyan Monday, February 19 7:00 am Regular Minyan Tuesday, February 20 Wednesday, February 21 Family Day 5:15 pm Mincha, Sefer HaMitzvot 8:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives Ma’ariv 8:00 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:15 am Regular Minyan 7:00 pm R’ Robbins: Shabbat Laws 11:30 am Tribute to Jewish 7:30 pm “Women in the Bible” 5:15 pm Mincha, Sefer 5:15 pm Mincha and Sefer Women 7:30 pm M. Covant: Shalom Bayit HaMitzvot, Ma’ariv HaMitzvot; then, 8:00 pm Ezra K: Tanya Told Clearly 7:00 pm “Finding Happiness” Ma’ariv 5:15 pm Mincha and 8:30 pm R’ Kaplan: Talmud Tisch 7:30 pm “Jewish Jerusalem” Sefer HaMitzvot 8:00 pm R’ Kaplan: “Kosher Ma’ariv Birthdays?” Part III 8:00 pm Rosh Chodesh Society! Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8 - 10 pm

Monday, February 19th- Two Great Events -- Chabad Flamingo: Home of the Original “Family Day”

11:30 am ~ Annual Celebration of Torah-True Femininity: Enjoy a healthy brunch and be inspired by keynote speaker, The Honorable Judge Rachel Freier, the first elected Chassidic female in the US. RSVP NOW for one of the last few spots before they’re gone!

8:00 pm ~ Rosh Chodesh Society Rescheduled - Divine Delights: Why does Shabbat place such emphasis on eating? Rebbetzin Faygie

leads this lesson that squares physical pleasure with spiritual transcendence, mastering integrated life secrets for body and soul!

ערב שבת קודש ראש חודש אדר | Erev Shabbat - Friday Morning, February 16

 6:30 am – Class: “Eternally Yours” Torah’s phraseology on the Mishkan indicates its eternity. But how can that be? Facebook LIVE!  6:30 or 6:50 am – Prayers: “Kick-Start Joy” Fast or slow: joyously Daven with us to celebrate and observe Rosh Chodesh Adar.  5:40 pm – Prayers n’ Torah: “Freed!” Mincha, Digest: Donkey Unredeemed, The Sabbatical, TimelyTorah: Adar Joy! Then, services.

שבת קודש ~ ב׳ אדר |Shabbat Morning - February 17

 8:30 am – Class: “Angels in Vaughan” Mind-blowing mystical meditation on the proverbial cherubs; here, surprisingly relevant!  9:15 am – Shabbat Sanctuary Services: “Poland, Then & Now” Joyous, melodious Davening lifts our spirits, while insightful Torah teachings shed light on Mishkan making and its eternal meaning; analysis addressing Poland’s controversial new Holocaust law.

 9:30 am – Youth Minyan: “Guess What?” Arrive on time for a fun round of Parsha Trivia, and win lots of extra reward coins!

 10:30 am – Kids’ Program: “Terumah True” Parshat Terumah explains Hashem’s desire to dwell in our daily lives and in this world. Our job is to make ordinary life more holy by keeping loyal to Torah & Mitzvot. You can do many fun in Shul this Shabbat!

 11:00 am – Teen Program: “Be Seen @ The Scene” The guys chill with Avrumy, study Torah, and enjoy Kool Shul together. שבת קודש ~ ב׳ אדר |Shabbat Afternoon- February 17  12:30 pm – Kiddush: “Celebration, Commemoration and Appreciation!” co-sponsored by Amnon and Sharon Zadik in honour of their dear son Jonah’s Bar , Larry and Jordana Stockhamer to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Jordana’s father Julius William Enig OBM and Sharon Adler, Sari Bachar, Annette HarEven, Chava Milgrom to express gratitude for their participation at the Kinus HaShluchos and to show appreciation to the women that make Chabad Flamingo happen Rebbetzins Faygie, Rivki and Shterni  4:45 pm – Shabbat Climax: “On Sabbatical” Mincha, Seudah Shlisheet; varied Torah Teachings on the Sabbatical Era & observances.  5:00 pm – Youth Program: “By Kids, For Kids” Moshe’s Mishna Moments ~ Kinderlach study & enjoy age-appropriate refreshments!  6:30 pm – Conclusion: “Pray n’ View” Ma’ariv services followed by the weekly screening of Living Torah with the Rebbe ג׳ אדר |Sunday - February 18  8:00 or 9:15 am – Prayer: “Weekly Recharge” Daven quick & early, or more deliberately later on to prayerfully launch a new week!

 8:30 am – Class: “From Sad to Glad” How the happiest of transformations can set us free to soar spiritually. Facebook LIVE.

 5:15 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Celebrating Gold” Mincha, Daily Mitzvah Digest Re: The Great Jubilee! Ma’ariv follows. ד׳ אדר |Monday - February 19 Statutory Suspension – With the Family Day Holiday, there’s some serious scheduling shifting. See below!  8:30 am – Class: “Wardrobe Malfunction” What happened when the gem-studded breastplate stopped functioning? Facebook LIVE.  8:00 or 9:15 am – Prayer Time Options: Early and swifter in the Shtieble; moderately-paced services following class in Beit Midrash.  11:30 am – “Salute to Jewish Women” Delicious brunch and inspirational keynote address: The Honorable Judge Rachel Freier!  5:15 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Ancient Real Estate Bubble” Mincha, Daily Digest Re: Property in the Jubilee Year! Ma’ariv follows.  8:00 pm – Class: “Divine Delights: Why Shabbat meals? Reconciling physical pleasure & spiritual transcendence: Rebbetzin Faygie. ה׳ אדר |Tuesday – February 20  6:30 am – Class: “Go for the Gold” Choosing Cohanic Accessories: Blue wool pomegranates vs. golden apples! Facebook LIVE.  6:40 or 7:00 am – Prayer: “Shacharit Options” Earlier & swifter in Unzere Shtieble; a more relaxed-pace after class in Beit Midrash.  5:15 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Levite Privilege” Mincha, Daily Digest: Land for Levites? Building the Temple. Ma’ariv follows.  7:00 pm – Class: “Joy Quest” Mark Covant explores contemporary Chassidic writings to discover the true source of real joy!  7:30 pm – Class: “The J-History Channel” Lively presentation when Michael Rogozinsky reveals the authenticity of Jewish Jerusalem.  8:00 pm – Class: “Birthday in Afterlife” (last episode of 3-part series) We’ve learned that both birthday observance and celebrations are Torah truisms. Now we explore if birthdates have meaning after our terrestrial passing onto our eternal rewards. Facebook LIVE. ו׳ אדר |Wednesday – February 21  6:30 am – Class: “Greek Glaze” Why Cohens’ inauguration rites required wafers brushed with oil in Greek formation. Facebook LIVE.  6:40 or 7:00 am – Prayers: “Exercise Your Shacharit Time Options” Swiftly in Shtieble; more relaxed-pace in Beit Midrash after class.  5:15 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Altar Boys” Mincha & Daily Digest: The Rules of the Temple’s Altar. Ma’ariv services follow. ז׳ אדר|Thursday – February 22  6:30 am – Class: “Taber-Talk” Discover the ’s dual purpose; both focused on convening with HaShem. Facebook LIVE.  6:30 or 7:00 am – Prayer: “Moshe’s Day of Mazal” Swifter in Shtieble; relaxed following class in Beit Midrash, both start earlier! ז׳ אדר|Thursday Evening: Notable Limmud HaTorah Events –Thursday – February 22  5:15 pm – Prayers & Learning: “Mount Mariah Memories” Mincha and Daily Digest: Respecting the Great Temple; Ma’ariv follows.  7:00 pm – Class: “Shabbat PD” Rabbi Robbins ~ How to safeguard Shabbat impeccably with essential Halachik Do's & Don’ts.  7:30 pm – Seminar for Women: “The Wonder Women in the Bible” Rabbi Robbins explores who they were and what they did.  7:30 pm – Men’s Seminar: “Family Peace” Mark Covant shares Torah concepts which eliminate family strife; from Garden of Peace.  8:00 pm – Class: “GPS of the Soul” Ezra Krybus teaches the Tanya: our spiritual dimensions and how to make the most of them.  8:30 pm – “Rabbi Kaplan’s Talmud Tisch ~ Palace Prisoner” Esther’s harrowing induction into the monarchy. Facebook LIVE! The Family Shul Members Bulletin  Best wishes of Mazal Tov to Amnon and Sharon Zadik upon the Bar Mitzvah of their dear son, Jonah.  Best wishes of Mazal Tov to Stephen and Lisa Stern upon the engagement of their daughter, Arlee.  We extend Heartfelt Condolences to Isobel Kaplan upon the loss of her husband - our dear member, Max.

Celebrate Purim at Chabad Flamingo … like no place on Earth!

Purim E-Joy: Have you ordered your time-saving and cost-effective Mishloach Manot yet? With all of the deliveries to be made on Purim Day (b’ezrat Hashem,), you can still easily fulfill the Halachik obligations of this Mitzvah. But all your orders must be placed on time, so that they can be organized. So, please go ahead and make your e-selection today! Order deadline is Thursday, February 22. Purim Eve, Wednesday, February 28th at 6:30 pm~ Carnival Night: The entire community is invited to join us on for an entertaining evening that includes many Megillah reading options, followed by an amazing indoor carnival extravaganza! There’s no charge or RSVP to attend. Fresh hot pizza and drinks will be available for sale; everyone is invited to stay, play and have lots of fun! st The Annual Masquerade Ball - Thursday, March 1 at 5:15 pm ~ “Purim at the Circus!” is quickly filling up! Guaranteed to be the liveliest, tastiest & grandest Purim Party in the GTA! Cover charge is $65 per adult and $30 per child. RSVP before we sell out!

Save These Dates: Collect the Whole Set! Leave Monday, March 26; return Tuesday, March 27th Soul Trek - a special Prayer Mission to the Ohel in NYC. We honour Yud Aleph

Nissan, the 116th anniversary of our beloved Rebbe’s birth. Lodgings & refreshments fully sponsored; only travel costs are yours!

March 23 -- Pesach Shabbaton: Presenting our annual Passover-Saver Friday Night Shabbat Dinner! Join us for a delicious catered meal featuring speaker, Kivi Bernhard. He is a Torah observant Jew, a passionate father, adventurer, accomplished businessman, author and famous motivational speaker who expresses an extraordinarily unexpected and unforgettable spiritual philosophy, Join us! th Wednesday, May 30 -- Go Fore Golf! Our 17 Annual Charity Golf Event is coming. Participate in an exhilarating day of inspiration and support for our community. Always fine food, plus bigger and better prizes than ever! More info at Thursday, April 12 --The Collaborators: Poland’s revisionist new law is whitewashing its Holocaust complicity. This is eliciting global outrage. Also, in Lithuania, less than 10% of us survived, while many locals played active roles in the genocide; yet, official propaganda casts these perpetrators as victims! On Yom HaShoah, Flamingo hosts the premier Canadian screening of The Last Sunday of August. It’s about Moletai, a Lithuanian town, where the locals murdered all 2,000 Jews in one day! Producer Zvi Krizer joins us from Israel. When his father, an active Russian soldier resisting the evil enemy, returned home to Vilnius, he found his entire family murdered.