Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations
GEF Portal Hernan Gonzalez 1.Home 0.RoadMap 0.CEO Endorsement Form Strengthening management and governance for the conservation and sustainable use of globally significant biodiversity in coastal marine ecosystems in Chile Project Identification Form GEF Secretariat Reviewer PIF Clearance CEO Endorsement Request GEF Review CEO Endorsed CEO Endorsement (CEO) entry – Full Sized Project – GEF - 7 Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10075 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Strengthening management and governance for the conservation and sustainable use of globally significant biodiversity in coastal marine ecosystems in Chile Countries Chile Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s): Ministry of the Environment (MMA) Executing Partner Type Government GEF Focal Area Biodiversity Taxonomy Fisheries, Mainstreaming, Biodiversity, Focal Areas, Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Productive Seascapes, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Influencing models, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Deploy innovative financial instruments, Transform policy and regulatory environments, Indigenous Peoples, Stakeholders, Local Communities, Type of Engagement, Consultation, Information Dissemination, Partnership, Participation, Beneficiaries, Community Based Organization, Civil Society, Academia, Non-Governmental Organization, Behavior change, Communications, Education, Strategic Communications, Awareness Raising, Large corporations,
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