1986 World Championships; Issue Date Closing Date Mailing for Copy Date Sectional Championships: Pacific Coast, Southeast, Great Lakes, Rocky NOVIDEC Ocr
Then make the call for Blad e fencing equipment welcomes you to the 1986-87 season wit h the highest quality equipment at the best prices! 212 West 15th St., New York, NY 10011 tel. 212 620-0114 United States Fencing Association, 1984-86 President: Lewis W. Siegel Executive Vice-President: Carl Borack Vice President: George G. Masin Vice President: Colleen Olney Secretary: Fred G. Rhodes, D.D.S. Treasurer: William J. Latzko Counsel: John Nonna Official Publication of the United States Fencing Association, Inc. September/October 1986 Dedicated to the memory of Volume 38, Number 1 JOSE R. deCAPRILES, 1912-1969 MIGUEL A. deCAPRILES, 1906-1981 Editorial ............................................................. 4 Editor: Mary T. Huddleson International Calendar .................................................. 5 Art Director: Beverly Johnston Sport Psychology for Fencers ............................................ 6 Business Manager: Anne Whiting by Gerard Shaw Sports Medicine Update ................................................ 7 AMERICAN FENCING magazine (ISSN 0002-8436) is published bi-monthly by the by Irwin Bernstein United States Fencing Association, Inc. 1750 Improving Our International Standing ..................................... 8 East Boulder Street, Colorado Springs, CO by Eleanor Turney 80909. Subscription for non-members of the U.S.F.A. is $12.00 in the U.S. and $18.00 "How Sweet It Is" .................................................... 9 elsewhere. Single copies $2.00. Members of the by Carla-Mae Richards U. S. F. A. subscribe through their dues. Address Minutes of USFA Annual Meeting ... : ........... , ....................... 10 all correspondence concerning membership to the U .S.F.A. office in Colorado Springs, CO. The 1986 U.S. Olympic Festival ................... , . , ................ , .. 11 Second class postage paid at Colorado Springs, by Carla-Mae Richards CO and additional mailing offices.
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