Survey methods, habitat models, and future directions for conservation of Bendire's and LeConte's Thrashers: Comprehensive report of region-wide surveys in 2017-2018. Photo by Bobby Wilcox Prepared by the Great Basin Bird Observatory,
[email protected] Submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (Agreement #L17AC00185) Recommended Citation: E.M. Ammon1, D.M. Fletcher1, L.B. Harter1,C.C. Borgman2, E. Duvuvuei3, G. Geupel4, D. Jongsomjit4, E. Juarez5, C.L. Kondrat5, E. Masters6, and R. Norvell7 2020. Survey methods, habitat models, and future directions for conservation of Bendire's and LeConte's Thrashers: A comprehensive report of region-wide surveys in 2017-2018. GBBO Gen. Tech. Report 2019-1. Great Basin Observatory, Reno, NV. 1 Great Basin Bird Observatory, 2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Birds, 3 New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, 4 Point Blue Conservation Science, 5 Arizona Game and Fish Department 6 Bureau of Land Management, Arizona State Office, 7 Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Region-Wide Desert Thrasher Monitoring, Final Report by GBBO, 11/1/2019 Table of Contents Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Methods .......................................................................................................................................................