A situation analysis of Children & Women in BHUTAN 2006 Maggie Black Peter Stalker 2006 SITUATION ANALYSIS OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN BHUTAN 2006 i Copyright © December 2006 UNICEF BHUTAN Published by UNICEF Bhutan Thimphu, KINGDOM OF Bhutan Design and Layout : BHUTAN MEDIA SERVICES
[email protected] Photos : Cover photos by Yeshey Dorji & Bhutan Media Services Inside photos by UNICEF The designation employed and presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities, or concerning the delineation of its frontiers or boundaries. 2006, UNICEF Acknowledgements : This Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Bhutan is prepared by UNICEF in close collaboration with the Royal Government of Bhutan, particularly the RGoB’s National Commission for Women & Children (NCWC). UNICEF wishes to thank all agencies and individuals who have contributed to the document: the members of the NCWC, programme officers of the RGoB and UNICEF who have shared their insight and expertise, and Maggie Black & Peter Stalker for researching and writing the Situation Analysis. ii SITUATION ANALYSIS OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN BHUTAN 2006 Preface This Situation Analysis was undertaken by the National Commission for Women and Children with support from UNICEF to provide a basis on which to construct Bhutan’s periodic report to the CRC Committee due in 2006. This report will also form the basis for consultations, underpinned by the formal UNICEF’s next country program cycle: documentation and other sources cited in 2007-2011.