County Meath Biodiversity Action Plan 2015-2020 Are Set out Below
County Meath Biodiversity Action Plan 2015-2020 Meath County Council Acknowledgements Thanks to John Wann and Aulino Wann and Associates for undertaking the biodiversity audit and research to inform this plan. Thanks to Dr. Carmel Brennan (Project Officer Meath and Monaghan) and Abby McSherry (Action for Biodiversity Project Officer) for managing the process of the Biodiversity Audit. Data and information was kindly provided by Tadhg Ó Corcora (Irish Peatland Conservation Council), National Biodiversity Data Centre, Meath branch of Birdwatch Ireland, Dr. Joanne Denyer (Denyer Ecology), Maria Long (BSBI Irish Officer), Dr Maurice Eakin (District Conservation Officer, National Parks and Wildlife Service), Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Balrath Woods Preservation Group, Sonairte National Ecology Centre, Margaret Norton (BSBI Co Meath recorder), Tidy Towns Groups, Columbans Dalgan Park, Navan, Jochen Roller (National Parks & Wildlife Service), Bat Conservation Ireland, Irish Wildlife Trust, Inland Fisheries Ireland, Paul Whelan (Lichens Ireland), Coillte Teoranta, Una Fitzpatrick (Biodiversity Ireland), Woods of Ireland, Irish Natural Forestry Foundation, Irish Whale and Dolphin Group, Meath/Cavan Bat Group, Boyne branch of the Inland Waterways Association of Ireland, Kate Flood (Meath Eco Tours), Controlling Priority Invasive Non-Invasive Riparian Plants and Restoring Native Biodiversity CIRB project. Action for Biodiversity Project was part financed by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund through the INTERREG IVA Cross Border Programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body. Meath County Council would like to thank the County Meath Heritage Forum, in particular the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Working Group, for their work, co-operation and commitment in preparing this Biodiversity Action Plan. The Forum would like to extend their gratitude to Megan Tierney for administrative assistance.
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