A Half-Century of Photography in Northern Thailand ย" อ น ย ล ช น ช า ติ พั น ธุ

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A Half-Century of Photography in Northern Thailand ย PICTURING HIGHLANDERS A half-century of photography in Northern Thailand ย" อ น ย ล ช น ช า ติ พั น ธุ. ภาพถ%ายกึ่งศตวรรษวิถีชีวิตบนพื้นที่สูงในภาคเหนือ ย"อนยลชนชาติพันธุ. PICTURING HIGHLANDERS A half-century of photography in Northern Thailand ย" อ น ย ล ช น ช า ติ พั น ธุ. ภาพถ%ายกึ่งศตวรรษวิถีชีวิตบนพื้นที่สูงในภาคเหนือ บรรณาธิการ ประสิทธิ์ ลีปรีชา และ โอลิเวียรG เอฟรารGด Pictures selected and edited by Olivier Evrard and Prasit Leepreecha 1 PICTURING HIGHLANDERS A half-century of photography in Northern Thailand ย"อนยลชนชาติพันธุ. ภาพถ%ายกึ่งศตวรรษวิถีชีวิตบนพื้นที่สูงในภาคเหนือ þşĩĝĵġĔĮăėğğĐĮĖĴĄğĝþĩăĦŷĖĭĄħĩĦĝĴđĹħŞăćĮĒİ ŶğĬĦİĔĕİńġıŶğıćĮ! ĞşĩĖĞġćĖćĮĒİĚĭĖĕĴŢĜĮĚēŞĮĞĄIJŀăĤĒģğğĥģİēıćıģİĒėĖĚijŁĖĔıŀĦĵăĻĖĜĮĀĸħĖijĩ! ĸćıĞăĻħĝŞ- ĤĵĖĞŢĤIJĄĥĮćĮĒİĚĭĖĕĴŢĹġĬĄĮğĚĭďĖĮĹġĬĦēĮėĭĖģİąĭĞĸĚijŀĩĄĮğĚĭďĖĮĝħĮģİĔĞĮġĭĞĸćıĞăĻħĝŞ%(()! $(%ħĖşĮ! $!ĜĮĚēŞĮĞ!<!ĸĩěğĮğŢđĺĩġİĸģıĞğŢĘĵşĹĒŞăğŞģĝ!<<!ħĝĮĞİŁĝĦĒĵđİĺĩĘĵşĸĹŶġ!<<!ćijŀĩĸğijŀĩă! **, <F5A,*+ ,*' )*% +#% * C\VgheXffX_XVgXWTaWXW\gXWUlB_\i\Xe8ieTeWTaWCeTf\g?XXceXXV[TėğğĐĮĕİĄĮğŶğĬĦİĔĕİńġıŶğıćĮĹġĬĺĩġİĸģıĞğŢĸĩěğĮğŢđ 6XagXeYbe8g[a\VFghW\XfTaW7XiX_bc`Xag68F7bY6[\TaZ@T\Ha\iXef\glTaW<afg\ghgWXEXV[XeV[Xcbhe_X7ÑiX_bccX`Xag ĤĵĖĞŢĤIJĄĥĮćĮĒİĚĭĖĕĴŢĹġĬĄĮğĚĭďĖĮĝħĮģİĔĞĮġĭĞĸćıĞăĻħĝŞĹġĬĦēĮėĭĖģİąĭĞĸĚijŀĩĄĮğĚĭďĖĮĹħŞăęğĭŀăĸĤĦ 9\efgchU_\f[XW%#$&Ul6XagXeYbe8g[a\VFghW\XfTaW7XiX_bc`XagTaW<afg\ghgWXEXV[XeV[Xcbhe_X7ÑiX_bccX`Xag ĚİĝĚŢĀğĭŁăĹğĄŶŖĚ!Ĥ!%(()ĺđĞĤĵĖĞŢĤIJĄĥĮćĮĒİĚĭĖĕĴŢĹġĬĄĮğĚĭďĖĮĹġĬĦēĮėĭĖģİąĭĞĸĚijŀĩĄĮğĚĭďĖĮ 8`T\_-VXfW3V`h!TV!g[[ggc-""jjj!VXfW!fbV!V`h!TV!g[[ggc-""jjj!g[T\_TaWX!\eW!Ye JTa\WTCe\ag\aZ6[\TaZ@T\G[T\_TaW$###Vbc\XfĚİĝĚŢĔıŀģĖİđĮĄĮğĚİĝĚŢąĭăħģĭđĸćıĞăĻħĝŞąŷĖģĖ$###ĸġŞĝ 8aZ_\f[XW\gbe-Gb`9_X``\aZėğğĐĮĕİĄĮğĜĮĥĮĩĭăĄĠĥ-Ĕĩĝĸěġĝĝİă 7Xf\Za-@Tl\`FghW\bğĵŶĸġŞĝ-ħĝĮĞİŁĝĦĒĵđİĺĩ 6biXec[bgb-6_Te^6haa\aZ[T`Tc[bgbbYCeXXV[TTgeTaf_Tgbe f[bjfg[Xc[bgbgb?\fhi\__TZXef\a5Ta?h`bY@TXgTXaZW\fge\Vg\a6[\TaZ@T\cebi\aVX\a$,)) ĜĮĚŶĄĺđĞĀġĮğŢĀĀĭĖĖİŀăĹĪĝ-ĜĮĚĀĴĐŶğıćĮĈIJŀăĸŶŦĖġŞĮĝĄŷġĭăđĵĜĮĚēŞĮĞĄĭėćĮģġıĈĵėşĮĖġĴŞĝĩŷĸĜĩĹĝŞĹĒăąĭăħģĭđĸćıĞăĻħĝŞŶŖĚ!Ĥ!%(#, 4Ubhgg[XThg[bef B_\i\Xe±ieTeW\fTag[ebcb_bZ\fgTgg[X<afg\ghgWXEXV[XeV[Xcbhe_X7ÑiX_bccX`Xag9eTaVX! 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Playing 88 เล=น Trading 102 ค7าขาย Connecting 112 เชื่อมโยง Fighting 122 สู7รบ Converting 128 รับความเชื่อใหม= Schooling 136 เข7าเรียน Claming, Staging 142 ทวงสิทธิและนำเสนอตัวตน Photo Credits 152 รายการภาพถ=าย 3 Foreword Center for Ethnicity and Development (CESD) was established 3!92?5ß*Ċ5!*-!:<&9! @čàD#đ!3!92?5(:&!:<&9! @čG!(: D3!?5 5#+8D0H* in the early 1990s within the Social Research Institute, Chiang =L"9!> F*!9 ):!@1*/<*: !9 /<9* )<9!!:+=E-8DĊ:3!Ċ:=L3!ĉ/*:!&9!:=L >M!H# Mai University, when highland development activity in North- Q::!"!=L&?M!=L2AG!ĉ/ +>L0/++1=L$ĉ:!): 0A!*č0> 1::<&9! @čE-8 :+&9!: ern Thailand was at its peak. Since the beginning, the center has )3:/<*:-9*D=*G3)ĉ HĊ+9")5"(:&2ĉ/!G3ĉ: 2:"9!/<9*:/D : =L*@<"":=L tried to engage in academic research on state’s civilizing project and its impacts on ethnic communities. As an academic research 2Q: 9-G!#ābedeE-8HĊ+9"(:&5= 2ĉ/!3!>L: !9 ):!@1*/<*:5:/@F2":ĉ:!=LD * center, we questioned the dominant development paradigm in Q::!/<9*G!@)!:<&9! @č>LHĊ)5"G3ĊE ĉ0A!*č0> 1::<&9! @č7D&?L5GĊ#+8F*!čG! :+ the highland of Northern Thailand and tried to understand how Ċ! /Ċ::/<: :+ the ethnic minorities were marginalized and excluded from de- :+&9!:"!&?M!=L2AG!ĉ/ +>L0/++1=L$ĉ:!):HĊ ĉ5G3ĊD < Ċ5)A-E-8 /:)+AĊ velopment. During the last fifty years, highland development =LD =L*/ Ċ5 9" :+&9!:D#đ!Q:!/!): !5 : !9M!*9)=(:&ĉ:*5= Q:!/!3!>L=L"9!> seems to mean domestication rather empowerment for the highlanders. H/ĊF*!9 &9!:!9 ):!@1*/<*:!9 /<9*)<9!!:+=E-8!9 D<!:(:&D3-ĉ:!=M-Ċ/!D#đ! Document, reports, books, photos and films generated 3-9 :!:#+8/9<0:2+č>L"9!> ß+5*DĊ:à 5$AĊ=LHĊD<!"!D2Ċ!: :+&9!: =L during this half century of highland development by develop- !9 /<9*+@ĉ!3-9E-8!9 0> 1:2:):+GĊG! :+0> 1: Ċ! /Ċ:D =L*/ 9" :+&9!:+/)9M*9 ment workers, anthropologists, researchers, missionaries and D#đ!3-9 :!G! :++/25"#+8D)<!E-8/<D +:83č#+82" :+č=L$ĉ:!):HĊĊ/*+83!9 sojourners are quite extensive. From a research point of view, > @ ĉ: 5D5 2:+D3-ĉ:!=M 0A!*č0> 1::<&9! @č7 >)=F + :++/"+/)+A#(:&E-8 they are the “footprints” of those who travelled on the path of D5 2:+ĉ: J =LD =L*/ Ċ5 9" :+&9!:"!&?M!=L2AG!ĉ/3Ċ:2<"#ā$ĉ:!): +/)9M)= highland development one way or another. They are traces of development which can be examined, assessed and analyzed /:) <=L89 9D-?5 E-8&<)&č+A#ĉ:*D3-ĉ:!=M":2ĉ/!D&?L5D$*E&+ĉ by students of development. Most of these materials were dili- /:) <9 -ĉ:/!=M25 -Ċ5 9" /:)2!G 50A!*č0> 1::<&9! @č7=LĊ5 :+ gently collected by the Tribal Research Institute which, unfor- &9!::!Ċ:!:<&9! @č/<90!čŮľőśŝʼnŔĭŜŐŖŗŏŚʼnŘŐšů9M!=MD&+:8D3K!/ĉ:2?L5(:&#+8D( tunately, was dissolved in 2003. Realizing this invaluable asset, ĉ:JD#đ!2<L=L+#+82< <(:&G! :+!Q:D2!5 /:)D#đ!+<:29 )2:):+8GĊD&?L5 CESD has salvaged and kept them in our archive, making them 5 <":*G3ĊD Ċ:G>/<=:<&9! @čG!#ď@"9! +/)9M*9GĊ"9!> /:)D#đ!):G!5=5= Ċ/* accessible for researchers and students. The CESD collection has later received additional materials and photos from several sen- 3!92?5(:&D-ĉ)E+ 50A!*č7 D+?L5D2Ċ! 2= E-8=/< =L=&<)&čD)?L5Ċ!#ā beef !=MD#đ! ior anthropologists and missionaries working in the highland :+!Q:D2!5(:& /:)+AĊE-8(A)<#ď: 5 !&?M!=L2AE""+ĉ/)2)9* F*)=/9@#+82 č communities who wanted to share their collection to others. We D&?L5E2> /:)3-: 3-:*E-8 /:):) 5/<==/< 5 !"!&?M!=L2A 2Q:3+9" are deeply gratitude to them. 4 !e idea to put together photo books came from our interest in 3!92?5*Ċ5!*-!:<&9! @čD-ĉ)!=MĊ5 :+!Q:D2!5(:& :+D#-=L*!E#- 5@)!&?M!=L developing visual ethnography at CESD. We realize that photographs 2A=LD < >M!G!ĉ/D/-:#+8): +>L0/++1=L$ĉ:!): :+D#-=L*!E#-=L!Q:H#2Aĉ /:) and "lms are an e#ective means to represent social reality. !ey can 9!2)9* /:)D#đ!H* :+#-A &?D<&:<*č :++5 5*2< <G! :+D#đ!&-D)?5E-8 provide description of the present as well as reveal records of the past. Our "rst photo book, Line, Colors and Life, is visual representation of +/)9M /:) 9E*ĊG! :+9 :++9&*: + the contemporary highlanders’ knowledge and wisdom. It aims to show :+9Q:3!92?5(:& *Ċ5!*-!:<&9! @č 2Q:D+K-Ċ/*=Ċ/* /:)):!8 the intricacy of the highland lives and livelihoods. Picturing Highland- &*:*:) 5+ŴF5-<D/=*+čD5'+:+čE-8+Ŵ#+82< <P-=#+=:=L@ĉ)DD/-:G3Ċ 9" :+ 9 ers is conceived of di#erently. It draws upon our existing large photo 2++ Q:E! D#+=*"D=*"E-85 <":*(:&!9"+Ċ5*(:& D&?L53:2<L=LD#đ!+ĉ5+5* 5 :+ collection. It aims to depict the transformation of the highland com- &9!:"!&?M!=L2AD)?L53Ċ:2<" /ĉ:#ā=L$ĉ:!):=LD3K!HĊ: (:&D3-ĉ:!=MG!!:) 50A!*č0> 1: munities. :<&9! @č7 $) 5 5" @9M25ĉ:!=LQ:G3Ċ(:&ĉ:*G!5==L+/"+/)H/Ċ!=M)==/< >M!): On the Picturing Highlanders is possible because of the genu- ine e#orts by Dr. Olivier Evrard and Dr. Prasit Leepreecha who spent 2:):+"5 D-ĉ:D+?L5+:/ĉ:JHĊ5*ĉ:!ĉ:2!GE-8 5 5" @ıŖśŜőŜŝŜōŗŎĺōśōʼnŚŋŐ hours and hours to choose, classify, compare and describe hundreds of ʼnŖŌĬōŞōŔŗŘŕōŖŜŮĮŚʼnŖŋōůE-8F + :+ĭĽųĻĭĩļıĬĭ=LG3Ċ :+2!9"2!@!G! :+ images so as to trace the track of "$y years of development in the high- =&<)&č3!92?5(:&D-ĉ)!=M land of Northern !ailand. On behalf of CESD, I want to express our gratitude to their contribution which has brought the photos in our +Ŵ*9!č/++ !8(A< archive to live. My special thanks go to IRD and EU-SEATIDE project for its generous support in publishing this photo book. 39/3!Ċ:0A!*č0> 1::<&9! @čE-8 :+&9!: Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, Ph.D. Director, CESD 5 Introduction This book is not an academic study of the ethnic minorities living in ß*Ċ5!*-!:<&9! @čĢ(:&ĉ:* >L0/++1/<==/<"!&?M!=L2AG!(: D3!?5àD-ĉ)!=M)<Gĉ the highlands of Northern Thailand1. Nor does it pretend to assess all the changes that occurred in their lifestyle in the course of the $-:! :+0> 1:D</<: :+E-8)<HĊ&*:*:)8#+8D)<! /:)D#-=L*!E#-9M3)=LD < last decades. It offers simply a glimpse on the photographic archives >M!G!/<==/< 5 -@ĉ):<&9! @č"!&?M!=L2A1G!ĉ/3Ċ:0/++1=L$ĉ:!):3: D&=*)@ĉ3):* available at the Centre for Ethnic Studies and Development (CESD) of Chiang Mai University. This collection is unique in Thailand by its =L8!Q:D2!5(:&: -9(:&ĉ:* 50A!*č0> 1::<&9! @čE-8 :+&9!: 8 size (more than 60,000 images), its geographic and ethnographic fo- 29 )0:2+č)3:/<*:-9*D=*G3)ĉ>L)= /:)FDĉ!Ċ/*@D!Ċ!::<&9! @č/++!: cus (highland populations of the Northern regions) and its time span ŮĭŜŐŖŗŏŚʼnŘŐšůE-8&?M!=L:(A)<0:2+čĊ/*+8*8D/-:59!*:/!:!ĉ5D!?L5G! :+D K" (the images cover the period between early 1950s and present). It owes its existence to the historical context of the development of anthropol- 282)+/"+/)E-8 !: 5 -9>L282)(:&ĉ:*H/Ċ /ĉ:3 3)?L!(:& -9(:&9 -ĉ:/ ogy in Northern Thailand as well as to the personal dedication of the D#đ!$-: "+<":#+8/9<0:2+č 5 :+&9!:Ċ:! :+0> 1:D<):!@1*/<*:G!(: researchers of the CESD and the financial and technical support they received from various institutions.
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