
Pasar Malam (28 August 2021) Live Station Buffet Menu. 1830 - 2130 Adult: MOP350nett / Kid (06-18): MOP180nett / Kid (00-05): FOC

Stall 1 - Nyonya Station (served to order) 娘惹(現點現做)

Pai-Tee & Basah 小金杯 & 薄饼 Stir-fried yam bean--dried , 蝦米炒沙葛長豆 Shredded egg, bean curd, lettuce, boiled 蛋絲, 豆腐, 菜絲, 鮮蝦 Crispy -, chili , sweet sauce, spring 脆炸干蔥蒜頭, 辣椒醬, 甜醬, 青蔥

- Appetizer 頭盤沙律

Kerabu Hai-Tay Jellyfish 海蜇沙律 Red onion, flower, mint leaf, , juice, 紅洋蔥, 薑花, 薄荷葉, 花生, 青檸汁 Chili, grated 辣椒, 椰絲

Kerabu Kacang Botol Wing 四棱豆沙律 Lemongrass, , chili, lime, shallot, 香茅, 香菜, 辣椒, 青檸, 干蔥, 蝦米, Belacan 馬拉盞

Kerabu Bee Hoon Vermicelli salad 粉絲沙律 , leaf, lemongrass, belacan, 鮮蝦, 青檸葉, 香茅, 叁峇馬拉盞, Dried shrimp, sesame and oil 蝦米, 芝麻, 麻油

- (cooked to order) 叻沙(現點現做)

Assam Laksa 亞參叻沙 Hot-sour fish , 酸辣魚湯 Cucumber, red onion, pineapple, ginger flower, chili, lime, 青瓜, 紅洋蔥, 菠蘿, 薑花, 辣椒, 青檸 Mint leaf, laksa leaf, 薄荷葉, 叻沙葉 sauce (Hee Koh), 蝦糕醬 noodles 賴粉

Nyonya Laksa 娘惹咖哩叻沙 Spicy-coconut-curry broth 香椰咖哩辣湯 Prawns, clams, , fish , shredded chicken, 鮮蝦, 蜆, 鮮魷, 魚餅, 雞絲, Fried bean curd, long bean, Ipoh bean sprout, boiled egg, 豆腐卜, 長豆, 怡保豆芽, 雞蛋 Sambal, 叁峇醬 Yellow noodles 油麵

Stall 2 - (cooked to order) 沙爹(現點現做) , chicken, lamb skewer 牛肉, 雞肉, 羊肉 Cucumber, red onion, , spicy 青瓜, 紅洋蔥, 飯糰, 香辣花生醬

- Sup Ekor (served to order) 牛尾湯(現點現做) Hot-sour 酸辣牛尾湯 Potatoes, , , tomatoes, onion, chili 薯仔, 蘿蔔, 芹菜, 蕃茄, 洋蔥, 辣椒 Coriander, Chinese celery leaf, crispy garlic-shallot 香菜, 芹菜葉, 脆炸干蔥蒜頭

- Mamak (cooked to order) 嘛嘛印度炒麵(現點現做) Malay-Indian fried yellow noodles 馬拉印度炒麵 Prawns, , squids, 鮮蝦, 青口, 鮮魷 Egg, fried bean curd, Ipoh bean sprout, tomatoes, 雞蛋, 豆腐卜, 怡保豆芽, 蕃茄, Choi-sam, green chive, 菜心, 韭菜 Sambal, tomato , peanut sauce, garlic 叁峇醬, 茄醬, 香辣花生醬, 蒜頭 Sweet dark , crispy garlic-shallot 甜黑醬油, 脆炸干蔥蒜頭

- Chai Tow Kway (cooked to order) 菜头粿(現點現做) Fried radish cake 炒蘿蔔糕 Chai Poh (pickle radish), garlic, egg, Ipoh bean sprout, 菜甫,蒜頭, 雞蛋, 怡保豆芽 Spring onion, coriander, 青蔥, 香菜, Sweet dark soy sauce, 甜黑醬油, 魚露

Stall 3 - 椰漿飯 / white rice 椰漿飯, 白飯 Peanut, boiled egg, cucumber, crispy fried 花生, 雞蛋, 青瓜, 香脆江魚仔

- Side dishes 配菜

Rendang Tok 仁當 Spiced braised beef, coconut 燴牛肉, 椰絲

Ayam Goreng Berempah 马来式香料炸鸡 Crispy- with ginger, , 香脆炸雞, 姜, 黃薑, 咖哩粉

Mutton Curry 咖喱羊肉 Indian , potatoes 印度咖喱羊肉, 薯仔

Sambal Udang Petai 鮮蝦臭豆叁峇醬 Spicy prawn-petai in chili paste

Acar Rampai 阿渣 Spicy pickle cucumber-carrot-shallot, turmeric, peanut 香辣腌青瓜蘿蔔干蔥, 黃薑, 花生

Kangkung Belacan 馬來風光 -fried morning glory, spicy sauce 馬拉盞炒通菜

Keropok 蝦餅 Crispy prawn

Stall 4. Directly from the BBQ grill 燒烤(現點現做) - U.S prime beef sirloin, marinade 美國牛

- Lamb chops, -pepper marinate 羊排

- , garlic-lime marinade 帶子

- Whole , sambal marinade 魷魚

- Large king prawns, garlic-lemongrass marinated 大蝦

- Red mullet, lime-chili paste marinade 紅衫魚

- Honey-glazed chicken wing 雞翼

Sauce & Dipping 醬汁及蘸醬 Chili-shallot sweet sauce, spicy tamarind-shrimp paste, 辣椒青蔥甜醬, 辣羅望子蝦醬, Sambal lime-, Sambal belacan 叁峇青擰醃蝦酱, 叁峇馬拉盞

Stall 5 - Nyonya -Muih 娘惹榚 Traditional Malaysian 傳統馬來西亞甜點

Seri Muka 雙色糯米糕 Steamed layer of pandan-coconut custard, 香蘭椰奶,甜糯米飯 sweet

Onde-onde 椰絲球 Poached pandan- Melaka glutinous 班蘭椰糖糯米球, 椰絲 Grated coconut

Dadar 班蘭椰絲糖卷 Caramelized coconut-pandan crepe roll 焦糖椰絲香蘭卷

- & Station (served to order) 紅豆冰 & 煎蕊 (現點現做) Shaved ice 刨冰 Red bean, green bean, , peanut, herbal jelly, 紅豆, 綠豆, 西米, 花生, 涼粉 Rose -agar, bubble pearl, cendol, 玫瑰大菜榚, 珍珠, 香蘭木薯凍, 煎蕊 Sweet corn cream, lychee, seed, palm seed 甜玉米, 荔枝, 羅勒籽, 棕櫚籽 Sugar Melaka syrup, rose syrup, melon syrup, 馬六甲椰糖漿, 玫瑰糖漿, 甜瓜糖漿, Condensed milk, 煉乳, 椰奶

- Ice Cream Corner (served to order) 雪糕 Chocolate, strawberry, green tea, vanilla 朱古力,士多啤梨,綠茶,香草

Condiments 配料 M&M’s, chopped caramelized nuts, M&M 朱古力, 焦糖堅果, cookie crumbs, chocolate chips 曲奇碎,朱古力片, Chocolate sauce, raspberry sauce, 朱古力醬,覆盆子醬, sauce, caramel sauce 芒果醬,焦糖醬

- Fresh Fruit station 鮮果 Watermelon, pineapple, rock melon, 西瓜,菠蘿,哈蜜瓜, honeydew, dragon fruit, mango 蜜瓜,火龍果,芒果

Stall 6 - Station (served to order) 榴蓮檔(現點現做)

- Éclair, durian cream 榴蓮泡芙

- Durian cheese cake 榴蓮芝士蛋糕

- Durian 榴蓮雪紡蛋糕

- Durian egg tart 榴蓮蛋撻

- Sweet roll, durian cream 榴蓮甜卷