Cartan and Complex Analytic Geometry
Cartan and Complex Analytic Geometry Jean-Pierre Demailly effort in France to recruit teachers, due to the much increased access of pupils and students to On the Mathematical Heritage of Henri higher education, along with a strong research ef- Cartan fort in technology and science. I remember quite Henri Cartan left us on August 13, 2008, at the well that my father had a book with a mysterious age of 104. His influence on generations of math- title: Théorie Élémentaire des Fonctions Analytiques ematicians worldwide has been considerable. In d’une ou Plusieurs Variables Complexes (Hermann, France especially, his role as a 4th edition from 1961) [Ca3], by Henri Cartan, professor at École Normale Su- which contained magical stuff such as contour périeure in Paris between 1940 integrals and residues. I could then, of course, and 1965 led him to supervise not understand much of it, but my father was the Ph.D. theses of Jean-Pierre quite absorbed with the book; I was equally im- Serre (Fields Medal 1954), René pressed by the photograph of Cartan on the cover Thom (Fields Medal 1958), and pages and by the style of the contents, which had many other prominent math- obvious similarity to the “New Math” we started ematicians such as Pierre Cart- being taught at school—namely set theory and ier, Jean Cerf, Adrien Douady, symbols like ∪, ∩, ∈, ⊂,... My father explained Roger Godement, Max Karoubi, to me that Henri Cartan was one of the leading and Jean-Louis Koszul. French mathematicians and that he was one of However, rather than rewrit- the founding members of the somewhat secre- ing history that is well known tive Bourbaki group, which had been the source to many people, I would like of inspiration for the new symbolism and for the here to share lesser known reform of education.
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