FIU Law Review

Volume 13 Number 1 Environmental Federalism Article 7

Summer 2018

Come Hell and High Water: Climate Change Policy in the Age of Trump

Brigham Daniels BYU J. Reuben Clark Law School, [email protected]

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Online ISSN: 2643-7759

Recommended Citation Brigham Daniels, Come Hell and High Water: Climate Change Policy in the Age of Trump, 13 FIU L. Rev. 65 (2018). DOI:

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by eCollections. It has been accepted for inclusion in FIU Law Review by an authorized editor of eCollections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 36 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31      and FIU Law FIU Law picture of of picture ² HANGE FIU Law Review Come Hell and C s position on climate on climate s position ¶ RUMP LIMATE T * :C even if if depressing even ² GE OF ATER A ) ) 8/3/2018 7:44 PM W ELETE D IGH OT N Brigham Daniels Brigham O H )(D s Positions on Climate Change into Perspective ..... 71 ..... Perspective into Change on Climate s Positions ¶ OLICY IN OLICY THE WINDOWS P ELL AND ELL AND FINAL( H , suggests that we are facing challenges of enormous proportions. proportions. enormous challenges of we are facing that , suggests ANIELS Putting Trump Putting 76 ...... We Heading? Are Where 77 ...... Conclusion President Trump on Climate Change ...... 66 ...... Change on Climate Trump President OME NTRODUCTION s Symposium on Environmental Federalism in the Trump Era: Rescuing the Environment, Environment, the Rescuing Era: Trump the in Federalism Environmental on s Symposium ¶ Specifically, in Part I, I briefly detail Trump I briefly I, in Part Specifically, Thinking about the Trump Administration and climate change presents presents change climate and Administration Trump about the Thinking a fair give to attempt I this essay, In I  C    M K This short essay is a product of a transcribed speech given on October 20, 2017 as part of of part as 2017 20, October on given speech transcribed a of product is a essay short This where we stand as we face climate change in the age of Trump and then then and Trump of age the in change climate face we as stand where we the in change policy climate about thoughts general more some provide post-Trump a in change climate about think to how including picture, bigger world. change and what has happened with climate change policy since President President since policy change climate with happened has what and change difficulties. In terms of our political discourse, civility, partisanship, and even and even partisanship, civility, discourse, political of our terms In difficulties. seen not we have that politics of low point a at we sit aspirations, our public are we change, climate to comes when it time, same the At decades. for of challenges great the of act on one to failing continually and are paralyzed the two realities: considers as one depressed feel to is easy It generation. this in is the challenge and challenge, the up for not is administration current best. Still, is at its even when Washington insurmountable ways many essay, this of title The despair. not all ahead, is it looking digging is through challenges these to to respond way the that also suggests It courage. and grit with them facing deep and High Water * Review Resources, and Climate. The speechhas been altered and updated some. thank I the interesting most and managed best the of one in participate to opportunity the for Robbins Kalyani on comments helpful for symposium the of participants the thank also I attended. ever have I symposiums Birdsong, Bret Ryan, Erin Hester, Tracy Bratspies, Rebecca Robbins, Kalyani particularly remarks, these Owley. Jessica and II. III. IV. I. 2018-07-30 D Introduction ...... Introduction 65 C Y 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 36 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 A 09/13/2018 No. 36 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 36 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 M K C Y IMES 2 , N.Y., T [Vol. 13:65 13:65 [Vol. s positions and and s positions ¶ s Eve on on s Eve ¶ . 1, 2012, 7:13 AM), OV (May 4, 2012, 1:13 PM), PM), 1:13 4, 2012, (May (N (Nov. 1, 2012, 7:23 AM), HANGE C 4 WITTER WITTER WITTER WITTER ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM LIMATE C ELETE s global warming, give me a break. a me give warming, global s D ¶ OT FIU Law Review Law Review FIU N O )(D s Cold Outside. Cue the Trump Global Warming Tweet s continue to destroy the competitiveness of of competitiveness the destroy to s continue RUMP ON ’ ¶ It T note 1. 1. note s tweets have not changed since his election. Just in in Just election. his since not changed have tweets s Let ¶ WINDOWS 3 supra Additionally, climate denialism has in fact been one of the the one of has in fact been denialism climate Additionally, 1 FINAL( RESIDENT ANIELS our factories and manufacturing so we can fight mythical mythical fight can so we manufacturing and factories our happy! so is China warming. global record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old good of that bit use a little we could Perhaps record. countries, other not but Country, that our Global Warming In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year the be could it the East, In Do you believe Al Gore is blaming global warming for a warming global blaming is Al Gore believe Do you hurricane? In the 1920s, people were worried about global cooling, it it cooling, global about worried were the 1920s, people In it now happened, never he tweeted: he tweeted: 5 Kendra Pierre-Louis, Pierre-Louis, Kendra T (@realDonaldTrump), Trump Donald T (@realDonaldTrump), Trump Donald T (@realDonaldTrump), Trump Donald Pierre-Louis, I. P Sadly, Trump Sadly, In this Part there is very little I offer that might inspire optimism. The optimism. inspire might that offer I little is very there this Part In But we start with climate denialism and Trump. This is nothing new for for new nothing is This and Trump. denialism climate with But we start 1 2 3 4 5 Trump took office. Part II puts what we are seeing into a broader historical historical a broader into seeing we are what puts II office. Part took Trump are we where about speculations some provides III Part context. and political our direction about a concerned to those includes plea This also Part heading. conclude. briefly I IV, Part it. In to change action to take (Dec. 28, 2017), 66 2018-07-30 D reason for this has to do with the fact that President Trump President that the fact do with to has this for reason him. Since 2011 he has tweeted his skepticism of climate change over a a over change of climate skepticism his tweeted has Since 2011 he him. times. hundred actions on climate change are simply an attempt to institutionalize climate climate institutionalize an attempt to are simply change climate on actions as as well hope, for reasons some provide essay the in Parts Later denialism. future. a better for fight to we ought that encouragement overarching themes of his candidacy and presidency. While it is not as as is not While it and presidency. candidacy of his themes overarching certainly it Clinton, Hillary and Obama President of criticism his as dominant examples: few a feed. Here are Twitter his of strand is a dominant December 2017, even as the world on average faced an unusually warm warm an unusually faced average on the world as even 2017, December month, 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 36 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 B 09/13/2018 No. 36 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 37 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 ² , L.A. s Most s Most ’ (Feb. 24, 24, (Feb. IRE .W Chief skeptic Chief skeptic OL a fact that has has that a fact 7 , P ² Another prominent prominent Another 10 67 67 (Dec. 7, 2016, 4:30 PM), PM), 4:30 7, 2016, (Dec. (Dec. 28, 2017, 7:01 PM), IMES Trump Names Climate Change Skeptic and T the Administrator of the EPA! of the Administrator the WITTER ² ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM , Evan Halper, s position on climate change is much more more is much change climate on s position ELETE ¶ EPA, L.A. EPA, D How Scott Pruit Turned the EPA into One of Trump One into EPA the Turned Pruit Scott How OT N see, e.g. see, 6 O )(D s Transition: Sceptics Guide Every Agency Dealing with Climate Climate with Dealing Agency Every Guide Sceptics s Transition: Come Hell and High Water High and Hell Come ’ (Dec. 31, 2017), 2017), 31, (Dec. OST Pruitt Says God Justifies His Environmental Policies Environmental His Justifies God Says Pruitt EPA Chief: Carbon Dioxide not Primary Cause of Global Warming Global of Cause Primary not Dioxide Carbon Chief: EPA working towards rolling back environmental protection protection environmental back towards rolling working Trump 9 WINDOWS .P ASH (Dec. 12, 2016), FINAL( , W s cabinet ¶ ANIELS a skepticism that flies in the face of a long-standing recognition of of in the face of a recognition that flies long-standing a skepticism was to going pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect up! Bundle against. 8 UARDIAN UARDIAN Taegan Goddard, , Press, Associated Eilperin, Julie & Dennis Brady Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump), T (@realDonaldTrump), Trump Donald Milman, Oliver , G I do not intend to go in a lot of depth here, but I do hope to provide some some to provide do hope I but here, depth of lot a in go to do not intend I his to fill try to power has Trump used the appointment First, President Of course, President Trump President Of course, (Mar. 9, 2017,8:56 AM), 8 9 10 6 7 M K IMES examples of how this has been done. The hope here is to demark generally generally to demark is here The done. hope been has how this of examples Trump in the policy change to climate it comes are when where we Administration. in particularly change, climate or deny ignore that those with administration change. to climate related issues with dealing positions those than the bluster of his tweets. Rather, what we have seen over his first year is is year first his over seen we have what Rather, tweets. of his the bluster than find and change of climate skepticism deep this take to effort a concerted policy. into it to turn ways Change skeptic in an important position dealing with climate change is Energy is Energy change with climate dealing position in an important skeptic the eliminating of to be a proponent used who actually Perry, Rick Secretary 2018), Oil Industry Ally to Lead the the Lead to Ally Industry Oil environment-climate-change-skeptics; environment-climate-change-skeptics; climate change at the EPA dating back at least to the 1990s. Indeed, despite despite the Indeed, at least back dating the EPA at change climate and his change climate of challenge to the approach antagonistic this of terms in resources, agency of management questionable for penchant members effective the most to be one of proven has done, Pruitt things getting of Trump 2018] 2018] 2018-07-30 D T Powerful Tools Powerful updates-1489078393-htmlstory.html. with what has manifested itself as a near-religious zeal. a near-religious as itself manifested has with what questions whether carbon dioxide is a primary contributor of the dioxide is a warming whether carbon questions primary climate, science/under-scott-pruitt-a-year-of-tumult-and-transformation-at-epa/2017/12/26/f93d1262-e017-11e7- 8679-a9728984779c_story.html. been overshadowed by a long list of scandals during his time as as his time during of scandals list a long by been overshadowed he that to forget is easy It Administrator. among them is the Administrator of the EPA, Scott Pruitt Scott the EPA, of is the Administrator them among C Y 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 37 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 A 09/13/2018 No. 37 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 37 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 M K C Y s Top s Top (Sept. ’ IMES t Even Have a ’ [Vol. 13:65 13:65 [Vol. , N.Y. T (Nov. 2, 2017), 2017), 2, (Nov. Harnett White (Nov. 2, 2017), 12 Ultimately, likely likely Ultimately, though he too has OST OST OST Finally, for the the for Finally, 14 17 16 (Feb.2018) 4, .P .P for Pledging to Abolish Energy ’ s GovernmentDon OST ’ ASH ASH Regret ‘ President Trump nominated nominated Trump President , W , W .P ² Beyond these, many of the top of the top these, many Beyond ASH 18 an agency that has in recent decades decades recent in has that an agency ² ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM , W Trump Taps Climate Skeptic for Top White House House White Top for Skeptic Climate Taps Trump ELETE Sam Clovis Withdraws His Nomination for USDA for Nomination His Withdraws Clovis Sam White House Withdraws Controversial Nominee to Head Head to Nominee Controversial Withdraws House White D Expresses Perry Expresses Rick OT FIU Law Review Law Review FIU N s Chief Scientist, President Trump nominated nominated Trump President Scientist, s Chief and are likely to go unfilled. That is just the the tip just is That unfilled. to go likely and are ¶ O (Oct.2017), 13, 19 To head the Council on Environmental Quality Quality Environmental on Council the head To )(D 11 OST (June 6, 2017), 6, 2017), (June Trump Pick for Top Environmental Post Called Belief in Global Warming Warming Global in Belief Called Post Environmental Top for Pick Trump .P (Jan. 19, 2017), 2017), 19, (Jan. Jim Bridenstine to Be Nominated by Trump to Lead NASA Lead to by Trump Nominated Be to Bridenstine Jim Trump Agriculture Nominee Sam Clovis Confirms He Has No Hard-Science Hard-Science No Has He Confirms Clovis Sam Nominee Agriculture Trump WINDOWS 85 Percent of the Top Science Jobs in Trump in Jobs Science Top the of 85 Percent ASH OST OST OST , CNN (Oct. 19, 2017), ’ 15 , W .P .P FINAL( ASH ASH ANIELS , W In her hearings, she proved herself to be completely unaware of many of many unaware be completely to herself she proved her hearings, In Juliet Eilperin, Juliet Eilperin Philip & Rucker, Chris Mooney, Brady Dennis & Chris Mooney, Mooney, Chris & Dennis Brady Kaczynski, Andrew Eilperin, Juliet & Dennis Brady Id. Chang, Kenneth Steven Mufson & Sean Sullivan, Sullivan, Sean & Mufson Steven , W 13 To be the NASA Administrator NASA the To be 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 11 KindPaganism of ‘ Department of Energy. of Department Environmental Post Environmental been a leader on climate change science change on climate been a leader another skeptic: James Bridenstine Bridenstine of Oklahoma. James skeptic: another environmental issues and, particularly, climate change. climate particularly, and, issues environmental 2, 2017), 2, 2017), environment/wp/2017/06/06/trump-has-filled-just-15-percent-of-the-governments-top-science-jobs/. environment/wp/2017/10/13/trump-taps-climate-skeptic-for-top-white-house-environmental-post/. 68 2018-07-30 D nominee-for-usdas-top-scientist-confirms-he-has-no-hard-science-credentials/. has said that belief in global warming is a kind of paganism for secular for secular is of paganism a kind warming global in belief that has said elites. Department (CEQ), which is the chief policy position within the White House that that House White the within position policy chief is the which (CEQ), nominated Trump President issues, environmental on advises and oversees White. Hartnett Kathleen skeptic change climate outspoken skeptic Sam Clovis, who has no scientific background, scientific no who has Clovis, Sam skeptic Scientist Post After Being Linked to Russia Probe to Russia Linked After Being Post Scientist Nominee a Council on Environmental Quality withdrawn consideration of his candidacy. of consideration withdrawn for-udsas-top-scientist-post-after-being-linked-to-russia-probe/. controversial-nominee-to-head-council-on-environmental-quality/. scientist jobs remain open remain jobs scientist Department of Agriculture Department Credentials, Withdraws over Ties to Russia Probe Russia to Ties over Withdraws Credentials, because she was such a flawed nominee, the Trump Administration withdrew withdrew Administration Trump the nominee, flawed a such was she because her nomination. perry-seeks-to-lead-the-energy-department-an-agency-he-pledged-to-abolish/2017/01/18/19b14494- dd0a-11e6-acdf-14da832ae861_story.html. of the iceberg, and it is melting. is melting. and it iceberg, of the hartnett-white-paganism/index.html. hartnett-white-paganism/index.html. 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 37 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 B 09/13/2018 No. 37 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 38 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 , . HITE ASH W , W HE (Mar. 16, 16, (Mar. T ILL ,H (June 9, 2017), 2017), 9, (June and Dakota Dakota and 26 Trump Budget Would Would Budget Trump OUSE (Oct. 10, 2017), 10, (Oct. H . 2017), 23, (May M HITE GENCY W 69 69 .A HE s America First Strategy, Proposes Proposes Strategy, First America s .A (May 23,2017, 1:02 AM), ’ CI , T ROT This is true of the EPA, the the EPA, the of true This is P which was the second most most second was the which 24 22 OST OST , S L ¶ s environmentally friendly actions actions friendly s environmentally ¶ .P NVT E ASH ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM 42 (2018). EPA Remains Top Targetwith Trump Administration ± ELETE , W D s National Oceanic and Atmospheric and Atmospheric Oceanic s National ¶ , U.S. OT ” N . 35, 37 O and within those, targeted cuts aimed at at aimed cuts targeted those, and within EV nnouncement/. nnouncement/. 23 )(D Come Hell and High Water High and Hell Come L. R We have seen the beginning of the repeal of the Clean the Clean of repeal the of beginning seen the have We 20 Trump Officials Begin ReviewofEmissions Obama StandardsforCars WINDOWS Taking the Publicout of Public Lands:Shifts inCoal-Extraction Policiesinthe Trump Budget Seeks 23 Percent Cut at EPA, Eliminating Dozens of Programs of Dozens Eliminating EPA, at Cut Percent 23 Seeks Budget Trump Trump Proposes Deep Cuts to EPA, Federal Climate Funding Climate Federal EPA, to Cuts Deep Proposes Trump 27 , 13 , 13 FIU FINAL( which would have been the most meaningful reform under the under the reform meaningful been the most which would have Clean Power Plan 21 “ (Feb. 12, 2018, 9:40 PM), We have also seen the approval of the Keystone the of approval the also seen have We ANIELS OST 25 Devin Henry, Remarksby the President in TransCanadaKeystone XL Pipeline Announcement, Relief Regulatory on Trump President by Remarks EPA Takes Another Step to Advance President Trump President Advance to Step Another EPA Takes Grandoni, Dino Dennis, Brady Brady Dennis Juliet & Eilperin, Jessica Owley, Owley, Jessica (Aug. 10, 2017, 10:52 PM), PM), 10:52 2017, 10, (Aug. (Mar.201710:32 24, AM), President Trump has issued executive orders to rescind a number of of a number to rescind orders executive has issued Trump President Second, the Trump Administration has drastically shifted the executive executive the shifted drastically has Administration Trump the Second, .P 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 20 M K ASH OUSE OST OST federal policies of the Obama Administration aimed at combating climate climate combating at aimed Administration the Obama of policies federal Access Pipelines. dismantling most federal climate programs. climate federal most dismantling government/. environment/wp/2017/08/10/trump-officials-begin-review-of-obama-emissions-standards-for-cars/. P H far away from the Obama Administration Obama the from far away and policies. In another article from this excellent symposium, Professor Professor symposium, excellent this from article another In and policies. coal up opened has Administration the Trump how highlighted Owley Jessica production. and gas 2018] 2018] 2018-07-30 D al., et Reardon Sara with-trump-administration-proposing-31-percent-budget-cut/; Government Across Programs Science Slash effective method that the Obama administration proposed in reducing our our reducing in proposed administration Obama the that method effective our in proposed been have decimation and cuts Budget gases. greenhouse agencies environmental of Commerce Department transcanada-keystone-xl-pipeline-a environment/wp/2018/02/12/trump-budget-seeks-23-percent-cut-at-epa-would-eliminate-dozens-of- programs/. 2017, 7:48 AM), AM), 7:48 2017, epa-federal-climate-funding. Administration (NOAA), the United Nations, the Department of Energy, and the Department (NOAA),Administration Nations, United the NASA. Power Plan, Power W Cut Budget Percent 31 Proposing Repeal Of Trump Administration Trump strategy-proposes-repeal. Obama administration to reduce climate change gases. There has been been has There gases. change climate reduce to administration Obama rule, auto emission the of reconsideration C Y 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 38 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 A 09/13/2018 No. 38 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 38 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 M K re re 35 ’ C Y We that that ‘ 28 s Climate Plan Plan Climate s ’ [Vol. 13:65 13:65 [Vol. s Coasts: s Coasts: ’ Furthermore, Furthermore, 34 that eliminated eliminated that (Jan. 20, 2017), that required the the required that 29 30 Furthermore, to push push to Furthermore, 32 OST OST s website. ¶ .P been Scrubbed from Federal Websites? A A Websites? Federal from Scrubbed been ’ ASH We saw this from the first day the day the first from We saw this 33 and a policy that would require climate climate require would that and a policy ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM ,W 31 ELETE Climate Change Climate ‘ D OT FIU Law Review Law Review FIU N O (Apr. 28, 2017), 2017), 28, (Apr. )(D 36 (Mar. 14, 2017), (Oct. 11, 2017), 2017), 11, (Oct. OST OST EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Personally Monitored Removal of Climate Info from from Info Climate of Removal Monitored Personally Pruitt Scott Chief EPA How Muchhas note 33. 33. note .P OST OST New EPA Document Reveals Sharply Lower Estimate of the Cost of Climate Climate of Cost the of Estimate Lower Sharply Reveals Document New EPA WINDOWS On a Largely Ceremonial Day, Trump Revamps the White House Website and and Website House White the Revamps Trump Day, Ceremonial a Largely On Trump Signs Executive Order to Expand Drilling off America off Drilling to Expand Order Executive Signs Trump Trump is Poised to Issue a Sweeping Order Dismantling Obama Dismantling Order Sweeping a Issue to Poised is Trump OST ASH (Feb. 2, 2018 8:19 AM), AM), 8:19 2018 2, (Feb. supra .P (Jan. 10, 2018), 2018), 10, (Jan. FINAL( .P , W ASH EWS EWS ’ . . N ASH IMES T ANIELS , W Coral Davenport, Parker, Ashley Press, Associated Davenport, See id See id See Juliet Eilperin, Chris Mooney, Juliet Eilperin, ,CBS , W For those who are concerned with protecting the environment and and the environment with protecting are concerned who For those 33 34 35 36 28 29 30 31 32 , N.Y. change. These policies include those that terminated coal leasing, coal terminated that those include policies These change. Takes a Few Executive Actions Executive a Few Takes trump.html. trump.html. environment/wp/2017/04/28/trump-signs-executive-order-to-expand-offshore-drilling-and-analyze- marine-sanctuaries-oil-and-gas-potential/. calculation of social cost of carbon, of cost of social calculation change to be considered in federal decision-making. federal in considered to be change Trump Administration took over the White House White the over took Administration Trump at the EPA, this scrubbing was overseen directly by Administrator Pruitt. Administrator by directly overseen was scrubbing EPA, this at the environment/wp/2017/10/11/new-epa-document-reveals-sharply-lower-estimate-of-the-cost-of-climate- change/. personally-monitored-removal-of-climate-info-from-website/. fighting climate change, times are bleak. In just over a year, President Trump Trump President year, a just over are bleak. In times change, climate fighting the of one , the of path the reverse completely to chosen has combating a path of from change, to climate on Earth contributors greatest and denialism of one to Obama, President under change climate and in favor set aside where is ridiculed science degradation environmental will it direction which do not know I interests. business of unfettered course major any be will there imagine cannot I but in, go ultimately offshore drilling bans in the Atlantic and the Arctic, and Atlantic the in bans drilling offshore Climate change data has been scrubbed and has gone missing from multiple multiple from missing has gone and scrubbed been has data change Climate websites. agency federal 70 2018-07-30 D president-trump-transforms-white-house-website/. jettisoned the anti-dumping rule for coal companies, coal for rule anti-dumping the jettisoned Change Website environment/wp/2017/03/14/trump-is-poised-to-issue-a-sweeping-order-dismantling-obamas-climate- plan-this-week/. for further institutionalized climate denialism, the Trump Administration has has Administration Trump the denialism, climate institutionalized further for of mention of any alteration deletion, and scrubbing, absolute the mandated websites. data on federal change climate Openingup. it lot. this Week this 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 38 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 B 09/13/2018 No. 38 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 39 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 . CI HE HE , S , T (Apr. (Apr. (Jan. 31, 31, (Jan. 37 ). ). ´ AZETTE IMES and promising sothis is a ´ .G 41 ARV , N.Y. T s actions. ¶ , H HANGE INTO C And in our modern modern And in our 42 71 71 LIMATE C new American energy policy ³ ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM s environmental policies. I can only only can policies. I s environmental ¶ ELETE OSITIONS ON OSITIONS D P OT N S ObamaClimate Rules Not Enough to Fight Global Warming ¶ O )(D Come Hell and High Water High and Hell Come Tackling Climate Change Through Law, Policy Law, Through Change Climate Tackling . 5, 13 (2018). Protecting the Environment in an Era of Federal Retreat: The View from View from The Retreat: Federal of Era an in Environment the Protecting RUMP The State of the Climate, One Year into the Trump Era Trump the into Year One Climate, the of State The EV T WINDOWS L. R ERSPECTIVE FINAL( P UTTING UTTING (June 30,2017), , 13 FIU Elaine McArdle, McArdle, Elaine Gayathri Vaidyanathan, Plumer, Brad As Professor Rebecca Bratspies mentions in her article that is part is part that article in her mentions Bratspies Rebecca As Professor ANIELS Of course, off the charts means in comparison to the last 800,000 800,000 last to the comparison in means charts the Of course, off 38 s policies are bound to stick around much longer than he will be in in than be will he longer around much to stick bound are s policies OUSE There is no indication that, that direction is changing, is direction that that, no indication is There See Bratspies, Rebecca Id. See See See President Trumpto Vows Usher in GoldenAmericanof Era Energy Dominance ¶ 39 H 40 II. P So, it is a bleak place that we are starting from. I will bring up some up some bring from. will I are starting we that place a bleak So, it is Let us try to put this in perspective. There is more to climate change change climate to more is There perspective. in this to put try Let us into power, came Trump President before even that to argue is easy It 38 39 40 41 42 37 . (June 3, 2014), 3, 2014), . (June M K HITE M this is only the beginning . . . [t]he Golden Era of American Energy is now underway . . . . underway is now Energy American of Era Golden [t]he . . . beginning the is only this very serious problem. Add to this problem the greenhouse gases that are that are gases the greenhouse problem this Add to problem. serious very last environment in the gases greenhouse Most pollutants. stock called pollutants stock with dealing still So, we are away. go they before decades put into great-grandparents even and perhaps parents, grandparents, your that about. talking we are kind on what depending the air, more positive news in this Essay as it is not all darkness; just mostly darkness. darkness. just mostly darkness; all is not it as Essay this in news positive more office. office. society, we are putting more and more of those stock pollutants that have have that pollutants stock those of more and more putting we are society, President from come increases whatever So, the atmosphere. in lives longer Trump 25, 2014), 2014), 25, corrections in this Administration this in corrections year past the of a continuation see to we are going imagine W 2018] 2018] 2018-07-30 D A policy, even U.S. climate change policy, than the Executive branch. So, what branch. the Executive than policy, change U.S. climate even policy, this? about think should we of climate problem the address to ways, in major often had failed, U.S. policy change. fight-global-warming/. years. New York City York New golden-era-american-energy-dominance/ (describing his his (describing golden-era-american-energy-dominance/ ³ 2018), of this symposium, the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is off the the off is atmosphere the in gases of greenhouse the level symposium, of this charts. C Y 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 39 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 A 09/13/2018 No. 39 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 39 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 . M K s ¶ C Y ASH , W [Vol. 13:65 13:65 [Vol. t DerailClimate ’ and you also also and you 43 these are large are large these ² As Professor Tracy Tracy As Professor Professor Bratspies Bratspies Professor , FIU , FIU L. (Oct. 20, 2017), 47 44 45 . 79 (2018). . 79 (2018). 1:03:15). ± EV (Nov. 17, 2017 5:10 PM), So, it is not necessarily all terrible. all terrible. not necessarily is So, it IMES 46 T , 13 , 13 FIU L. R ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM Trump Slashes Size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Staircase Grand and Ears Bears of Size Slashes Trump ELETE D 6 Reasons Why U.S. Paris Reversal Won Reversal Paris U.S. Why Reasons 6 OT , L.A. FIU Law Review Law Review FIU N O Environmental Groups Sue Trump Administration over Offshore Offshore over Administration Trump Sue Groups Environmental )(D (June 1, 2017), (May 3, 2017), 2017), 3, (May As Trump Administration Touts Coalat U.N. Gathering, U.S.Cities and Climate Tort Federalism note 39, at 15n.71. WINDOWS (Dec. 4, 2017), 48 OST Presentation at FIU Law Review Symposium: Environmental Federalism in the the in Federalism Environmental Symposium: Review Law FIU at Presentation supra EOGRAPHIC IMES , BradyDennis, G .P FINAL( T L ¶ ASH s help, cannot overturn law. Currently under most of these of these under most law. Currently overturn s help, cannot Tracy Hester, Hester, Tracy AT ¶ ANIELS , N.Y. Erin Ryan, Ryan, Erin e.g. See, See Laura Parker Craig & Welch, Erik Kirschbaum, Bratspies, , N , W s energy portfolio over a particular time frame. time a particular over portfolio s energy (Jan. 31, 2018), 2018), 31, (Jan. First of all, the rest of the world has not followed President Trump President followed not has world the of rest the all, of First Many states and cities, mostly those run by Democrats, have gone down down gone have Democrats, by run those mostly cities, and states Many In addition, many states and cities within the U.S. are acting to combat to combat acting are the U.S. within cities and states many addition, In In addition to this, we have a wide range of entities that are suing the suing are that of entities a wide range we have this, to addition In ¶ 46 47 48 43 44 45 IMES lead. We do see international progress still being formulated, being still progress international see do We lead. the path of California, which is perhaps the most aggressive. Professor Erin Erin Professor aggressive. the most is perhaps which of California, the path what backstops exactly are regulatory sorts of these that highlighted Ryan for. or allows requires system our federal States Target Climate Change Climate Target States Hester discusses in his contribution to this symposium, there are also private also private there are symposium, to this contribution in his discusses Hester changers game to be potential the have and these tort, in based often lawsuits right. own in their climate change without the federal government. the federal without change climate see the U.S. becoming somewhat of an international pariah because of of pariah because an international of somewhat becoming U.S. see the change. climate climate-change-paris-agreement-california-emissions/. trump-administration-over/; Julie Turkewitz, Turkewitz, Julie trump-administration-over/; Monuments environment/wp/2017/05/03/environmental-groups-sue-trump-administration-over-offshore-drilling/; Alaska in Road Cove King Proposed over Administration Trump Sue Groups Environmental 72 2018-07-30 D federal government. President Trump can overturn policies but, without without but, policies can overturn Trump President government. federal Congress entities other and states, groups, environmental laws, citizens, environmental Administration the stop to attempt an in Administration Trump the suing are protections. environmental unwinding further from Furthermore, as a significant portion of society lives in large cities, these these cities, large in lives of society portion significant as a Furthermore, be discounted not should cities large by taken actions economy. the of portions T 1:01:15 at located portion (relevant 5d4a-4adb-967c-ed5c4ddf6e26 Trump Era: Rescuing the Environment, Resources, and Climate and Resources, Environment, the Rescuing Era: Trump Drilling Progress highlighted some of these efforts in New York and California where they they where and California in New York efforts these of some highlighted a state in which a method standard: portfolio renewable a introduced have of up a to portion a make energy of renewable goal a targeted mandates state 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 39 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 B 09/13/2018 No. 39 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 40 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 , s s s ¶ ’ ¶ IME , T . (Aug. . (Aug. M (Jan. 24, 24, (Jan. .A s emissions, s emissions, ¶ CI IMES 54 (Apr.2017), 8, , S IME , N.Y. T The importance importance The , T There have been been have There 51 55 (Mar. 29, 2017), 2017), 29, (Mar. s Power Turning Are Plants ’ s Last s Last Kick: Energy Clean As ’ s Promises 73 73 ’ Coal ORBES ORBES Coal Country , F ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM Renewable Energy Continues To BeatFossil Fuels (Apr. 8, 2017), 8, 2017), (Apr. ELETE Despite what happens in the political sector sector the political in happens Despite what D 49 IME It is hard to imagine that President Trump President that imagine is hard to It OT s Embrace Of Coal To What Comes Next Comes What To Coal Of s Embrace Mass Employment in Coal Mining Is Never Coming Back, No No Back, Coming Never Is Mining Coal in Employment Mass ’ N , T 53 O The coalThe industry, responsible for a quarter of the nation )(D ³ Come Hell and High Water High and Hell Come s Decline seems Impervious to Trump to Impervious seems Decline s s Last Kick: s Last Trump Past Looks Virginia West Rises, Energy Clean As ’ ’ (May 26,2017), Coal Coal IMES WINDOWS Natural Gas Emissions Will Surpass Those from Coal in U.S. in Coal from Those Surpass Will Emissions Gas Natural Two Coal Plants Close in Texas, as Trump Admin Pushes Pro-Coal Agenda Pro-Coal Pushes Admin Trump as in Texas, Close Plants Coal Two T Diane Cardwell & Clifford Krauss, Krauss, Clifford & Cardwell Diane note 41 ( 41 note Tim Worstall, (Oct. 13, 2017), 50 52 s Promises or Regulations or Promises s ’ FINAL( supra ). ). , N.Y. EDIA ´ M ANIELS Bobby Magill, Clifford Krauss, Plumer, St. John, Jeff See generally See See generally Worland, Justin ECH T Perhaps the most significant change in the U.S. is natural gas prices. gas U.S. is natural in the change significant most the Perhaps This is a major shift. Coal had been declining since the 1980s, and over and over 1980s, the since declining been had Coal shift. a major is This In addition, markets impact the climate picture and are at least partially partially at least and are picture climate the impact markets addition, In One statistic that is worth noting is that more than half of the coal-fired coal-fired of the half than is that more worth is noting that One statistic 52 53 54 55 49 50 51 M K REEN continues to shrink, edged out of the energy market by less expensive natural gas despite Mr. Trump gas Mr. despite natural expensive less by market energy the of out edged shrink, to continues it. to save efforts G Matter Trump Matter of this is that generating electricity from natural gas amounts to around a little a little around to amounts gas natural from electricity generating is that of this with created energy equivalent the than emissions carbon the of half than less coal fire plants. close-in-texas-trump-admin. close-in-texas-trump-admin. 30, 2016), 2016), 30, coal-in-u-s/. Over the past ten years, largely due to fracking, the cost of natural gas has has gas natural of the cost due to fracking, largely years, ten the past Over coal. of decline the to contributing significantly, decreased the past ten years there have been steep declines in coal, mainly due to new to new due mainly coal, in declines steep been have there ten years past the produced. been has that gas immune to policy prescriptions. policy to immune (Feb. 8, 2017), 2017), 8, (Feb. 2018] 2018] 2018-07-30 D coal plants that have been shuttered since President Trump was elected, elected, was Trump President since shuttered been have that plants coal power plants in the U.S. have been shut down since 2010. U.S. have in the power plants; Justin Worland, environment/coal-power-renewable-energy.html; Justin Worland, Worland, Justin environment/coal-power-renewable-energy.html; for many decisions, it is not what is on the books that matter: the dollar rules rules the dollar matter: that the books what is on is not it decisions, for many there change, climate to contributors significant are markets While the day. help fight may that the market in trends emerging long-term some are also change. climate 2018), coming-back-no-matter-trumps-promises-or-regulations/. policies, which basically aid natural gas development, are going to do going are development, gas aid natural basically which policies, appealing. less coal makes which cheaper, gas but make anything Rises, West Virginia Looks Past Trump Past Looks Virginia West Rises, Away From Coal From Away Embrace Of Coal To What Comes Next Comes What To Coal Of Embrace C Y 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 40 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 A 09/13/2018 No. 40 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 40 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 M K C Y , N.Y. 59 Clean Power Power Clean ‘ [Vol. 13:65 13:65 [Vol. (Oct. 20, 2017), 2017), 20, (Oct. OST (Oct. 4, 2017), 2017), 4, (Oct. .P ASH GENCY Even though the Trump Trump the though Even Decisions about coal power power coal about Decisions A 57 56 , W NERGY E ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM s handling, or as I see it, mishandling, of of mishandling, see it, or as I s handling, ¶ ELETE L D outlook: the long-term can change not much ¶ Coal Plant Closures Continue Even As U.S. Ends Ends As U.S. Even Continue Closures Plant Coal Trump SlapsTrump Steep Tariffson Foreign Washing Machinesand 58 OT FIU Law Review Law Review FIU NT N In the past, when this has occurred, parties have have parties occurred, has when this the past, In O The Party is Over is Party The 60 )(D , I (Jan. 2018), 22, Solar and Wind Energy Start to Win on Price vs. Conventional Fuels Conventional vs. on Price Win to Start Energy Wind and Solar WINDOWS IMES T FINAL( (Oct. 13, 2017, 2:58 PM), PM), 2:58 2017, 13, (Oct. , N.Y., ANIELS Diane Cardwell, Plumer, Brad & Swanson Ana Renewables2017 David Drehle, Von Emily Flitter & Scott DiSavino, DiSavino, Scott & Flitter Emily EUTERS The current American electorate is extremely fractured as the the as fractured extremely is electorate American current The We have all of these factors going in different directions. President President directions. in different going factors these of all We have Another helpful issue to think about is energy efficiency. If it is made it is made efficiency. If energy about is think to issue helpful Another Even if the federal government is not going to require it, to some extent extent some it, to to require is not going government federal the if Even (Nov. 23, 2014), 2014), 23, (Nov. 57 58 59 60 56 , R ’ IMES Republican and Democratic parties have practically been at war with each each war with been at practically have parties and Democratic Republican themselves. and with other climate change is, it is likely only one of a large number of issues that are are that issues of number large a one of only likely is it is, change climate elections. presidential future to determine going despite his desire to prop up the coal industry. the coal prop up to desire his despite Trump, obviously, is pushing things one way, while various other factors are are factors other various while way, one things pushing is obviously, Trump, context. a broader in this put to would like I However, way. another it pushing about a lot talked have We forward? are going as we mean this does What is, guess My forward? going about what but are, we and where back looking Trump President as as important Solar Products Solar plants are determined on a thirty-year time frame, and a president, even a a even a president, and frame, time thirty-year a on determined are plants them.Thus, protect to able be to going not is Trump, President two-term recalibrate. need to businesses many Administration has added a tariff to imported solar (in the name of preserving preserving of name the (in solar imported to tariff a added has Administration jobs), manufacturing domestic wind-energy-start-to-win-on-price-vs-conventional-fuels.html. wind-energy-start-to-win-on-price-vs-conventional-fuels.html. tariffs-washing-machines-solar-panels.html. tariffs-washing-machines-solar-panels.html. closures/coal-plant-closures-continue-even-as-u-s-ends-clean-power-plan-idUSKBN1CI2RH. renewable energy is growing, and it is growing fast. This growth has made a a made has growth This fast. growing and it is is growing, energy renewable the over sustained growth double-digit seen have We change. tremendous grow. to continue to likely is and it energy of green so or decade past 74 2018-07-30 D T Plan 4c6cf8b2-b5ca-11e7-be94-fabb0f1e9ffb_story.html. often ended up reinventing themselves. Let me just provide two different two different just provide Let me themselves. ended up reinventing often state standards and international standards are accomplishing this, along with with along this, accomplishing are standards international and standards state has grown energy clean as decades, previous the Over demands. consumer including solar, with along affordable more become have farms wind large, houses. on installations private small-scale price-competitive, who would not want to buy, assuming they are going to to going are they assuming to buy, want who would not price-competitive, less uses that whatever or a washing machine, a car, a truck, one anyway, buy energy? 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 40 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 B 09/13/2018 No. 40 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 41 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 s view, had had s view, ¶ 75 75 s suffrage, and tariffs. tariffs. and suffrage, s ¶ ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM ELETE D OT N s time, the Democratic Party began adopting and and adopting began Party the Democratic time, s O ¶ )(D Come Hell and High Water High and Hell Come s legacy, which led to a reconfiguration of both both of reconfiguration a to led which legacy, s ¶ WINDOWS s and LBJ s and ¶ FINAL( ANIELS The election of 1968 was a raucous affair. At that time, President Nixon Nixon President time, that At affair. raucous a 1968 was of election The Vietnam the against demonstrations massive were the U.S., there In was something South the of segregation the thought Wallace George JFK During In 1912, Teddy Roosevelt was upset with his predecessor, William Taft, Taft, William predecessor, his with was upset Roosevelt 1912, Teddy In moved that things those was one of environment the of Conservation of chunks big order to 1912, Woodrow Wilson co-opted in win In M K ran as a Republican and the election took place in a very tumultuous time. tumultuous a very in place took election the and a Republican as ran Jr.and Robert King Luther Martin of assassination the saw 1968 year The lasting streets in the riots even protests, violent by was dominated It Kennedy. protests mass even were There cities. American many in time at a weeks world. the throughout places of on in a number going about questions from resulting unrest social much just as was there and War, calling fore the into Nixon came demonstrations. to these response the proper George for law order. and featured the And, in addition to that, election difference no was there saying candidate third-party a as running Wallace on segregation. energy of his most focusing parties, the of either between of time proper to give it the seemed party and neither be valued should that the real criticizing he was candidate, as a third-party in running Thus, day. protecting with associated been which had long Party, Democratic the in shift South. the in interest white Republican and Democratic parties. The environment really did not play a play not did really The environment parties. Democratic and Republican 1960s the until late up parties reconstructed newly the of either in role big 1970s. early and the to whom he thought would carry on his conservation fight. Ultimately, Ultimately, fight. conservation on his carry would he thought to whom in Roosevelt and, task the at miserably failed Taft President about the talk Republicans hear we that extent the to action; into Roosevelt is Roosevelt Theodore protection, of environmental legacy Republican 1912 was of election But the claims. such for justification the main generally The environment. the about primarily even or environment, the about just not and businesses big part: most the for things, other about was 1912 election women people, on ordinary impact their Roosevelt Theodore examples of this, and then maybe some thoughts about where we might be be might we where about thoughts some maybe then and this, of examples going. to determined then Roosevelt legacy. his of elements progressive the ignored entered and Wilson, Woodrow candidate, Democratic the and Taft challenge election. the 1912 2018] 2018] 2018-07-30 D embracing some civil rights legislation. Nixon decided, even though he had had he though even decided, Nixon legislation. rights civil some embracing the of right the to run to rights, civil of favor in of being record a strong George between middle the in somewhere himself positioned He Democrats. C Y 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 41 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 A 09/13/2018 No. 41 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 41 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 M K C Y Southern Southern ³ [Vol. 13:65 13:65 [Vol. role on the the on role ¶ s administration. For a a For s administration. ¶ 61 1:11:20). 1:11:20). ± ? ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM s, the environment was not necessarily a a necessarily was not environment the s, ¶ ELETE D EADING OT FIU Law Review Law Review FIU N H O E )(D W RE WINDOWS A note 46(relevant portion located at 1:10:40 at located portion 46(relevant note FINAL( HERE supra ANIELS ´ Ryan, Ryan, III. W The Southern strategy was basically a way to court white voters by by voters white court to a way was basically strategy Southern The Given the demographic shifts that are immediate on the horizon, at least least at horizon, the on are immediate that shifts demographic the Given Where are we now? While the importance of the environment has has the environment of are we now? the importance Where While resonate will Jose, and Maria Irma, Harvey, names the that suspect I arisen will that have that issues other of range wide is a There 61 strategy. 70 the in particularly time, long to claim. fighting were parties the that issue was an it but issue, political playing at least somewhat to foot dragging on desegregation. In 1968, Nixon Nixon 1968, In desegregation. on dragging foot to somewhat least at playing while to anti-segregationists somewhat at least playing by won the presidency that by is interesting issues. It environmental sidelining completely almost the national part of a big had become environment the of issue 1970 the of Nixon part important more and an even landscape, Wallace and the Democrats, opening with what is called a a called is what with opening the Democrats, and Wallace 76 2018-07-30 D some of these issues will prove decisive with future actions. I am certain of of certain am actions. I future with decisive prove will issues of these some data suggests out. Polling play will this mess how however, is uncertain, it. It of growing majority the with resonates change climate about concern that that the symposium in earlier mentioned Ryan and Professor Americans, the that as an issue, to see this likely much people are more younger nothing. doing over action favors divide generational international stage. stage. international largely faded from the Republican agenda, the GOP finds itself at an at an itself finds GOP the agenda, the Republican from faded largely crossroad. important take to going is it because just not and season, hurricane this beyond well with gender issues important the this to done. Add the damage to repair years of many underlines movements and #TimesUp the #MeToo think I equality. have still we election, 1968 the like And, there. out are that issues the manifested have that with grapple to prejudice of issues significant racism, nationalism, of examples stark increasingly in lately themselves against hostilities and xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, antisemitism, communities. LGBTQ as the well as disabilities people with from everything include These parties. political both influence undoubtedly of role the and at NFL games anthem national the during kneeling players and tax policy. healthcare, to immigration, broadly more science receive control gun and violence gun for concerns seen we have Furthermore, shootings. of heartbreaking of a number wake the in attention of deal a great States the United and and peace war of issues also are There 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 41 Side B 09/13/2018 14:52:31 B 09/13/2018 No. 41 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 42 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 s policies aimed aimed s policies ¶ 77 77 ) 8/3/2018) 7:44 PM ELETE D s first year in office, it has become apparent apparent become it has office, in year s first OT ¶ N O s first term and possibly four more years after that. that. after years more four possibly and term first s ¶ )(D Come Hell and High Water High and Hell Come WINDOWS FINAL( ONCLUSION ANIELS During President Trump President During So, even with all these other issues at the forefront of American politics, politics, American of forefront the at issues other all these with So, even in agencies local and state at importance will have change Climate involvement that is with certainty say can I thing the one all of this, In IV. C M K that his administration is set on institutionalizing climate denialism. President President denialism. climate on institutionalizing set is administration his that skeptics change climate numerous with posts federal vital has filled Trump Obama President all of nearly reverse to attempted and has it is likely that climate change will continue to be important, even if it does it does if even to be important, continue will change climate that likely it is number of a is one it if and even stage federal on the immediately not resonate forward. going important prove that of issues readily not is forward way the uncertainty, this of all In politics. local certain continue and will change of climate the impacts seeing already We are clear. whether impacts, those of severity the surround questions main the to do so; them. with we will deal and how impacts, these for prepared we are of face in the challenges political dire facing we are that fact The matters. out, check to a reason not is our environment and in society challenges dire who who care, people in. people check need We to is a reason it but rather, our about upset feel and people who what they are seeing, by are alarmed those we care to things. We to to try owe that ourselves, change direction to a voice without those and gone, after we are come who will those about, this to lift who try more adds The up. action can. Individual do what we succeed. we indeed likely the more us, of off burden 2018] 2018] 2018-07-30 D However, there is hope that the market in general and state and local local and and state general in the market that is hope there However, change. climate against fight the to continue be able will governments facing currently issues other the all with along change, climate Ultimately, and Republican the both in changes in drastic result likely will the U.S., those past. What the in occurred have that shifts to similar parties Democratic are be will politics American of future the what and like look will changes as seen be will year past of the events the undoubtedly but seen, to be yet changes. those for catalysts at protecting the environment. For those concerned with climate change, this this change, climate with concerned those For environment. the at protecting three in the remaining come will what for blueprint a bleak gives year first Trump President of years C Y 39895-fiu_13-1 symposium Sheet No. 42 Side A 09/13/2018 14:52:31 A 09/13/2018 No. 42 Side Sheet symposium 39895-fiu_13-1