Official Ballot Precinct Official's Initials Des Moines County Republican Party Commissioner of Elections Primary Election - Des Moines County, Tuesday, June 3, 2014 PCT 2

INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote, darken the oval(s) completely next to your choice, like this: . Write-In: To vote for a write-in candidate, write the person's name on the line provided and darken the oval. Do not cross out. If you change your mind, exchange your ballot for a new one.

Federal Offices State Offices County Offices

For Senator For Auditor of State For County Recorder Vote for no more than one. Vote for no more than one. Vote for no more than one. Mary Mosiman (Write-in vote, if any) Mark Jacobs (Write-in vote, if any) For County Attorney Vote for no more than one. Scott Schaben For Treasurer of State Matt Whitaker Vote for no more than one. Trent A Henkelvig Sam Clovis (Write-in vote, if any) (Write-in vote, if any)

(Write-in vote, if any) For Secretary of Agriculture Vote for no more than one. For United States Representative District 2 Bill Northey Vote for no more than one. (Write-in vote, if any) Mariannette Miller-Meeks For Attorney General Matthew C. Waldren Vote for no more than one. Mark S. Lofgren (Write-in vote, if any)

(Write-in vote, if any) For State Representative District 087 State Offices Vote for no more than one.

For Governor (Write-in vote, if any) Vote for no more than one. County Offices Tom Hoefling

Terry E. Branstad For Board of Supervisors Vote for no more than one. (Write-in vote, if any) For Secretary of State Tom Broeker Vote for no more than one. (Write-in vote, if any) Paul D. Pate For County Treasurer Vote for no more than one. (Write-in vote, if any) (Write-in vote,SAMPLE if any) FRONT Card 4 RptPct 20 "PCT 2"