
CHRISTOPHER JAY JENKINS B.A.Sc.., The University of British Columbia, 1986






(Department of Civil Engineering) '

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July 1988

Christopher Jay Jenkins, 1988 In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my department or by his or her representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission.

Department of civil Engineering

The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada

Date July 18, 1988

DE-6 (2/88) ABSTRACT

A lab-scale study of anoxic-aerobic digestion of waste activated sludge was performed, using 6 litre digesters, and operated in a semi - continuous (fed-

once-a-day) manner with solids retention times (SRTs) of 20, 15 and 10 days and mixed-liquor temperatures of 20 °C and 10 °C. Raw sludge was obtained

from a pilot-scale biological phosphorus removal facility operating at

U.B.C. Fresh sludge was obtained daily and digested by three different

digestion modes: anoxic-aerobic, aerobic with lime addition and aerobic.

Two aerobic control digesters were run in parallel with the anoxic-aerobic

digesters. One of the aerobic digesters received a daily dose of lime

slurry. All three digesters were operated under identical conditions

(except for the cycling of air supply to the anoxic-aerobic digesters) so

that direct comparison could be made between the three digestion modes.

Comparisons were made on the basis of five main parameters related to: (1)

digestion kinetics, (2) digested sludge characteristics, (3) supernatant

quality, (4) ORP monitoring, and (5) an overall rating system.

Percent volatile suspended solids (VSS) reduction was used as one performance variable. Despite using only 42 percent of the air required by

the two controls, anoxic-aerobic digestion showed comparable percent VSS reductions. All three digestion modes showed increased solids reduction with increasing SRT and temperature. There was a linear relationship between percent TVSS and the product of SRT and temperature.

All three digestion modes had a propensity to retain their percent nitrogen

and phosphorus within their solids. However, with respect to retaining phosphorus, the aerobic controls were the least effective. Anoxic-aerobic digestion maintained neutral mixed-liquor pH (MLpH) throughout. Lime controls were maintained at MLpH close to neutral. Aerobic digestion, in general, resulted in MLpH levels below 5.0, however, there were periods when the MLpH of the aerobic digesters varied widely between 4.2 and 6.8.

Supernatant quality was superior for the anoxic-aerobic digesters. Due to the incorporation of non-aerated periods, there was almost 100 percent denitrification of nitrates produced during the aerated time. This nitrification-denitrification resulted in very low soluble nitrogen levels in the effluent, as well as considerable removal of nitrogen gas. Neither of the controls showed this ability. The lime and aerobic controls produced high levels of effluent nitrates, as well as occasional measurements of ammonia and nitrite.

Phosphorus levels were lowest for the lime control and anoxic-aerobic digesters. Presumably, due to reduced pH levels, the soluble phosphorus levels from the aerobic digesters were 2 to 3 times those in the lime or anoxic-aerobic digesters. Alkalinity was conserved in the anoxic-aerobic digesters as well as the lime control. However, the purely aerobic digesters consumed alkalinity until very little buffering capacity remained.

Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) was used as a means of monitoring the anoxic-aerobic digesters on a real time basis. ORP was particularly useful during the non-aerated periods, due to the fact that, at those times, dissolved oxygen was undetectable. Characteristic real time ORP profiles were revealed. Slope changes correlated well with events of theoretical and engineering interest; the' disappearance of ammonia and nitrates, as well as the (dis)appearance of detectable dissolved oxygen, could be predicted by these slope changes. As a result of the findings, ORP may prove to be an ideal parameter for the control of the anoxic-aerobic digestion process.

Finally, an overall rating system was developed. The results of this study suggest that, for the digestion of waste activated sludge, anoxic-aerobic digestion out-performed both lime-control and conventional digestion modes.








II LITERATURE REVIEW 4 A - Kinetics of Aerobic Digestion 4 B - Influence of Temperature on Digestion Kinetics 7 C - ORP Monitoring 9 D - Previous Research in Aerobic Digestion 11 E - Previous Research in Anoxic-Aerobic Sludge Digestion 22 F - Need for Future Research 23

III MATERIALS AND METHODS 25 A - Experimental Apparatus 25 B - Experimental Design 27 C - General Procedures 30 D - Analytical Procedures 32

IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 38 A - Digestion Kinetics 39 1. Solids Reduction 39 2. Endogenous Decay Coefficients 49 B - Digested Sludge Characteristics 64 1. Daily TSS and TVSS Levels 64 2. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels 74 3. Nitrogen Balance 81 4. Phosphorus Balance 85 5. Alkalinity Consumption and Production 91 6. 93 7. Qualitative Observations 95 C - Supernatant Characteristics 97 1. Nitrogen 97 2. Phosphorus 113 3. COD 124 4. Alkalinity 126 D - Monitoring Results 130 E - Overall Rating System 135

V CONCLUSIONS 138 A - Digestion Kinetics 138 B - Digested Sludge Characteristics 139 C - Supernatant Characteristics 140 D - Monitoring Results 142 E - Overall Rating System 143 F - Future Research 143

v TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)




A - Solids Data 151

B - Duplicate Solids Determinations 177

C - Nitrogen Data 185

D - Phosphorus Data 198

E - Real Time ORP Profiles 211




1. Summary of Percent TVSS Reduction Based on an Overall Mass Balance 42

2. Summary of Percent Reduction Based on Consecutive 1 Balance Periods 43 3. Median Endogenous Decay Coefficent Based on TVSS and TSS Measurements 54 4. Summary of Daily TSS and TVSS Levels for 20 day SRT 65 5. Summary of Daily TSS and TVSS Levels for 15 day SRT 66 6. Summary of Daily TSS and TVSS Levels for 10 day SRT 67 7. Average Nitrogen Levels Within Raw and Digested Sludge 83 8. Nitrogen Removal Data 86 9. Average Phosphorus Levels Within Raw and Digested Sludge 89 10. Phosphorus Balance 90 11. Average Alkalinity Levels Within Raw and Digested Sludge 92 12. Average COD Levels Within Raw and Digested Sludge 94 13. Average Supernatant Phosphorus Levels 114 14. Average Supernatant COD Levels 125 15. Summary of Nitrification and Denitrification Rates for Anoxic-aerobic Digesters 134 16. Summary of Rating Points for Comparison of Three Digestion Modes 137 A.l. Solids Data for 20 day SRT at 20°C 152 A.2. Solids Data for 20 day SRT at 10°C 158 A.3. Solids Data for 15 day SRT at 20°C 164 A.4. Solids Data for 15 day SRT at 10°C 168 A.5. Solids Data for 10 day SRT at 20°C 171 A. 6. Solids Data for 10 day SRT at 10°C 174 B. l. Multiple (n=9) Solids Determinations on a Single Sample for November 20, 1987 178 B.2. Multiple (n=9) Solids Determinations on a Single Sample for February 4, 1988 178 B.3.Daily Duplicate Solids Determinations for Run #1 179 B.4. Daily Duplicate Solids Determinations for Run #2 ^ 181 B.5. Daily Duplicate Solids Determinations for Run #3 183

vii LIST OF TABLES (continued)


C.l. Nitrogen Data for 20 day SRT at 20°C 186 C.2. Nitrogen Data for 20 day SRT at 10°C 188 C.3. Nitrogen Data for 15 day SRT at 20°C 190 C.4. Nitrogen Data for 15 day SRT at 10°C 192 C.5. Nitrogen Data for 10 day SRT at 20°C 194 C. 6. Nitrogen Data for 10 day SRT at 10°C 196 D. l. Phosphorus Data for 20 day SRT at 20°C 199 D.2. Phosphorus Data for 20 day SRT at 10°C 201 D.3. Phosphorus Data for 15 day SRT at 20°C 203 D.4. Phosphorus Data for 15 day SRT at 10°C 205 D.5. Phosphorus Data for 10 day SRT at 20°C 207 D.6. Phosphorus Data for 10 day SRT at 10°C 209

viii \



1. Schematic of Side-A Digesters 26 2. Schematic of Automated Monitoring Equipment 28 3. Solids Mass Balance in Digesters 37 4. Performance Curve Based on Percent TVSS Reduction at Various Combinations of SRT and Temperature 44

5. Percent TVSS Reduction Versus SRT at 20°C and 10°C 45

6. Daily Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 20 day SRT at 20°C 52 7. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 20 day SRT at 20°C - TVSS Basis 55

8. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 20 day SRT at 10°C - TVSS Basis 56 9. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 15 day SRT at 20°C - TVSS Basis 57 10. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 15 day SRT at 10°C - TVSS Basis 58 11. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 10 day SRT at 20°C - TVSS Basis 59 12. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 10 day SRT at 10°C - TVSS Basis 60 13. Temperature Sensitivity Coefficients for 20 day SRT 61 14. Temperature Sensitivity Coefficients for 15 day SRT 62 15. Temperature Sensitivity Coefficients for 10 day SRT 63 16. Daily TSS Levels for 20 day SRT at 20°C 68 17. Daily TVSS Levels for 20 day SRT at 20°C 68 18. Daily TSS Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C 69 19. Daily TVSS Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C 69 20. Daily TSS Levels for 15 day SRT at 20°C 70 21. Daily TVSS Levels for 15 day SRT at 20°C 70 22. Daily TSS Levels for 15 day SRT at 10°C 71 23. Daily TVSS Levels for 15 day SRT at 10°C 71 24. Daily TSS Levels for 10 day SRT at 20°C 72 25. Daily TVSS Levels for 10 day SRT at 20°C 72 26. Daily TSS Levels for 10 day SRT at 10°C 73 27. Daily TVSS Levels for 10 day SRT at 10°C 73 28. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels for 20 day SRT at 20°C 75 29. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C 76 30. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels for 15 day SRT at 20°C 77 ix LIST OF FIGURES (continued)


31. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels for 15 day SRT at 10°C 78

32. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels for 10 day SRT at 20°C 79 33. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels for 10 day SRT at 10°C 80 34. Nitrogen Balance During Anoxic-Aerobic and Aerobic Digestion 84 35. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 20 day SRT at 20°C 99 36. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C 100

37. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 15 day SRT at 20°C 101 38. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 15 day SRT at 10°C 102 39. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 10 day SRT at 20°C 103 40. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 10 day SRT at 10°C 104 41. Nitrogen Forms and MLpH Within Aerobic Control for 20 day SRT at 20°C 107

42. Nitrogen Forms and MLpH Within Aerobic Control for 20 day SRT at 10°C 108 43. Nitrogen Forms and MLpH Within Aerobic Control for 15 day SRT at 20°C 109 44. Nitrogen Forms and MLpH Within Aerobic Control for 15 day SRT at 10°C 110 45. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 20 day SRT at 20°C 116 46. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C 117 47. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 15 day SRT at 20°C 118 48. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 15 day SRT at 10°C 119 49. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 10 day SRT at 20°C 120 50. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 10 day SRT at 10°C 121 51. Relationship Between Phosphorus Release and MLpH 122 52. Alkalinity Consumption and Production Over a Single Cycle ^ for 20 day SRT at 20°C 128 53. Alkalinity Consumption and Production Over a Single Cycle for 20 day SRT at 10°C 129 54. Monitoring Results for 20 day SRT at 20°C on October 23 - 24, 1987 131 E.l. Monitoring Results for 20 day SRT at 20°C on October 2-3, 1987 ' 212 E.2. Monitoring Results for 20 day SRT at 20°C on November 10 - 11, 1987 213 E.3. Monitoring Results for 20 day SRT at 10°C on December 17 - 18, 1987 214

x LIST OF FIGURES (continued)


E.4. Monitoring Results for 20 day SRT at 10°C on January 8-9, 1988 215 E.5. Monitoring Results for 20 day SRT at 10°C on January 27 - 28, 1988 216

E.6. Monitoring Results for 10 day SRT at 20°C on September 30 - October 1, 1987 217 E.7. Monitoring Results for 10 day SRT at 20°C on October 9-10, 1987 218 E.8. Monitoring Results for 10 day SRT at 20°C on October 17 - 18, 1987 219 E.9. Monitoring Results for 10 day SRT at 10°C on December 15 - 16, 1987 220 E.10. Monitoring Results for 10 day SRT at 10°C on January 5-6, 1988 221 E.ll. Monitoring Results for 10 day SRT at 10°C on January 13 - 14, 1988 222


The author wishes to thank the many individuals who assisted and supported him throughout the completion of this research work.

First, I would like to acknowledge the technical, financial and spiritual support given by my wife, Carol.

I am grateful to three of my colleagues, Fred Koch, Craig Peddie and Bruce

Anderson, for their technical advice and general encouragement.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. D.S. Mavinic whose enthusiasm provided the impetus for this undertaking. As well, I am indebted to him for his critical, yet faithful, supervision.

Fond thanks are also due to Susan Liptak, Lab Manager, and her staff for their valuable technical assistance during the research portion of my work.

Lastly, the author wishes to thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering

Research Council of Canada for their financial assistance in support of this work.

xii 1


Advances in the treatment of wastewater have increasingly improved the quality of treatment plant effluents. Accordingly, regulations have, in general, strengthened to the point where is often required. Many of these secondary treatment facilities rely on the production of waste activated sludge. As a result, treatment schemes for waste activated sludge have had to deal with a dual problem: increasing quantity combined with decreasing quality.

Statements such as, "Today, most authorities agree that sludge disposal is the number-one problem in water and ." (Haines, 1976) appear regularly in the literature. Gloyna (1982) suggested one area that deserved increased research was sludge treatment methods and disposal.

Aerobic digestion is ideally suited to the treatment of most waste activated sludges, especially in small plants. Carried out in a separate reactor, aerobic digestion relies on to "produce a biologically stable end-product suitable for disposal or subsequent treatment in a variety of processes" (Adams and Eckenfelder, 1981). Not encumbered by the capital cost and delicate operation of , aerobic digestion has been the most suitable choice of wastewater systems treating small to medium discharges (Rich, 1977). At present, there are approximately 20 aerobic digesters operating in British Columbia. Since, in general, these digesters are located outside and are not heated, there is a need for studies that also yield low temperature results. 2

It has been reported that aerobic digestion has a number of advantages.

Adams and Eckenfelder (1981) summarized the advantages associated with aerobic digestion when compared to anaerobic digestion, citing improved

supernatant quality, formation of stable end-products, and equal volatile solids reduction for secondary sludges. However, a disadvantage is the higher energy costs associated with aerobic digestion because of its air

(oxygen) requirements.

Another potential drawback to aerobic digestion is the resulting drop in mixed-liquor pH (MLpH). Levels as low as 3.8 have been reported in the

literature. While many researchers have maintained that these low MLpH

levels do not adversely affect solids reduction, Anderson and Mavinic (1984) demonstrated that maintaining neutral MLpH by lime buffering improved solids

reduction considerably. Even if this is not the case, maintaining a low

MLpH (besides sub-optimum conditions for micro-organisms' activity) produces

a number of potential disadvantages related to digested sludge

characteristics and supernatant quality.

The concept of anoxic-aerobic digestion incorporates, at regular intervals, non-aerated periods during aerobic digestion of waste activated sludge, to produce a digester which cycles between anoxic and aerobic conditions. The objective of this study was to assess the acceptability of anoxic-aerobic digestion, in comparison to aerobic digestion with and without lime addition. It was felt that cycling of the air would have at least two benefits: (1) less air consumption, and (2) maintenance of a neutral pH

throughout digestion as a result of alkalinity consumption and production by way of nitrification-denitrification processes. The first benefit would

translate into lower operating costs, and the second benefit could result in better digested sludge characteristics and supernatant quality. 3

Since very little research had been done on anoxic-aerobic digestion, it was hoped that this work would demonstrate the acceptability, as well as the potential benefits, of this adaption to the aerobic digestion process. 4


A - Kinetics of Aerobic Digestion

For micro-organisms to treat wastewater, aerobically or anaerobically, they must oxidize organic matter for energy and cell synthesis.

The process of aerobic digestion can be represented in the following equation:

Organic Matter + O2 + NH3 > Sludge Cells + CO2 + H2O . .. .(1)

In Equation 1, the sludge cells can be represented by the empirical formula

C5H7NO2 (Hoover, et al. 1952). Thus, the stoichiometric presentation of

Equation 1 becomes:

2(CxHy0z) + 2(x + ^ - ? -5)02 + 2NH3

2C5H7N02 + 2(x - 5)C02 + (y - 4)H20 ....(2)

Under conditions of unlimited organic substrate (food), the mass of sludge cells increases due to growth and cell division. When substrate is limiting, production of cell material is accompanied by auto-oxidation of cell material (Benefield and Randall, 1978)..

It follows that, under aerobic conditions and no external source of food, micro-organisms are forced to consume their own cellular material in order to survive. Thus "when the substrate is unable to supply sufficient organic matter for synthesis and energy and the rate of destruction exceeds the rate of growth, the micro-organisms obtain their energy by autodigestion of the cells' • protoplasm, and the biologically degradable organic matter in the sludge is oxidized to carbon dioxide, water and ammonia" (Dreier, 1963). 5

Aerobic sludge digestion can be represented in the following series of

equations (Metcalf and Eddy, 1979):

Sludge Cells + O2 —5> Non-biodegradable Cell Material

+ C02 + H20 + NH3 (3)

or stoichiometrically,

C5H7NO2 + 502 > 5C02 + 2H20 + NH3 ....(4)

As aerobic digestion proceeds, the ammonia produced in Equation 4 will be

oxidized, first to nitrite and then to nitrate, as follows:

+ NH3 + 1.502 >• N02" + H + H20 ....(5)


N02" + 0.5O2 > N03" ....(6)

Combining Equations 5 and 6 yields the overall nitrification equation:

+ NH3 + 202 > NO3" + H + H20 ....(7)

Thus, under nitrifying conditions (combining Equations 4 and 7), Equation 8

represents aerobic sludge digestion:

+ C5H7N02 + 702 > 5C02 + 3H20 + NO3" + H ....(8)

From Equation 4, the theoretical amount of oxygen required, when ammonia is

the final form of nitrogen, would be 1.42 kg 02/kg cell oxidized. From

Equation 8, when all the ammonia has been converted to nitrate, 1.98 kg 02

would be required to oxidize 1 kg of cell material.

It has been found that, due to nitrification inhibition at low pH, complete


nitrification may not be achieved. Barritt (1933), proposed that at pH

below 5.5, a cyclic reaction explained a continued drop in pH without

producing additional nitrates:

+ - 3HN02 > (H + N03 ) + 2N0 + H20

2N0 + H20 + 1/2 02 > 2HN02 6

Therefore, if the pH drops below 5.5, the nitrification process will be

incomplete and the amount of oxygen required will be between 1.42 and 1.98 kg 02/kg cell mass oxidized.

Futhermore, if nitrification is incomplete, there will be a build-up of

ammonia. Residual ammonia levels were found by Anderson (1988) at pH levels

less than 5.5, but not in digesters where the pH (through lime addition) was

maintained above 6.0.

Several kinetic models for the production of waste activated sludge exist.

Although different nomenclature has been given for various models, which

mathematically predict the amount of cell production as a function of

substrate removal, the following equation is presented (Stein et al.,


Sludge accumulation ^ = Ka - KdM ....(9)


M = quantity of active mass in the system (VSS),

S = quantity of substrate removed from system (BOD),

Ka = fraction of substrate removed, which is synthesized into new active

mass, and

Kd = fraction of active mass in the system, which is consumed per day by

endogenous respiration.

In the absence of external substrate, Equation 9 becomes:


= g£ " KdM or, upon integration:

= e -Kdt , or In ^ = -Kdt ....(10)

Equation 10 represents a first order reaction where Kd is the rate constant

of auto-oxidation (Koers, 1979). Kd is also referred to as the endogenous

decay coefficient (Anderson, 1988). Equation 10 holds under batch or plug 7 flow conditions (Benedek et al., 1972). For continuous flow, completely mixed systems, a mass balance around the system yields the following expression (Benedek el at, 1972):

j*t - 1 (11) } M0 1+Kdt'

Without recycle, t' is equal to the hydraulic retention time; however, with recycle, t' has been taken to be the average residence time of the sludge particles, known as "sludge age" (Koers, 1979).

It has been proposed (Anderson, 1988) that, for semi-continuous (fed-once-a- day) systems, Equation 10 can be used to determine K

1 day and new initial conditions are found for each day. In other words, semi-continuous systems may be treated as a continual succession of daily batches.

B - Influence of Temperature on Digestion Kinetics

As temperature is increased, biochemical activity is correspondingly

increased and vice versa. Since aerobic digestion is a biological process,

it comes as little surprise that, in general, at higher temperatures, there is greater activity leading to increased solids reduction. Most researchers reported increased solids reduction a elevated temperatures (Jaworski et al., 1960; Dreier 1963; and Randall et al., 1975). Work conducted (Koers and Mavinic, 1979 and Anderson and Mavinic, 1984) in the low temperature ranges (below 20 °C) also report increases in solids reduction as temperature was increased.

A symbol often used for temperature dependence is Qxo> a factor corresponding to how many times the reaction rate will increase if the temperature is increased 10 °C. The "rule of the thumb" that activity 8 increases two-fold for every 10 °C increase is often quoted. This temperature dependence should be reported between certain limits.

For example, Benedek et al. (1972) concluded that the rate of biological activity in the range of 5 - 40 °C increases with temperature according to the relationship of van't Hoff-Arrhenius:

dt RT7 K J where:

H = the heat of reaction or activation heat (cal),

K = the equilibrium constant of the reaction, i.e. the ratio of the rate

constants of the reactions,

R = the universal gas constant (1.986 cal/ K), and

T = temperature in degrees Kelvin.

Upon integration, Equation 12 yields an expression suitable for use in evaluating experimental data: log K = log A - 2303R * VT ....(13)

where Kd or K^ may be substituted for K, and A is a constant. A plot of log

Kd or log K]-, versus temperature will yield a straight line if the Arrhenius relationship is followed.

Randall et al. (1982) concluded (from on-going studies) that the aerobic

digestion coefficients, Kd and K^,, apparently followed the Arrhenius relationship from 5 to 20 °C. Above 20 °C, however, it seemed that the relationship does not hold for either coefficient. Droste and Sanchez

(1986) concluded that an Arrhenius relationship did not describe activity or decay coefficients in semi-continuous reactors. 9

The Streeter-Phelps empirical formula is frequently used to describe the temperature dependency of biochemical reactions (Phelps, 1945): l& = 0(T2 • Tl) ....(14) Kdl where:

K^i and Kq2 = the rate constants corresponding to temperatures Tj_

and T2 respectively.

Eckenfelder and Englande (1970), concluded that the temperature coefficient,

9, was greatly dependent upon the process characteristic. The range of 0 for activated sludge, between the temperature limits of 5 and 45 °C, was found to be 1.000 - 1.041.

Qio and 9 are related in the following manner:

log Q10 = 10 log 9 ....(15)

Thus, 9 = 1.072 corresponds to the "rule of thumb" that activity doubles for an increase in temperature of 10 degrees celsius.

Koers (1979) found that between 10 °C and 20 °C, 9 equaled 1.074 for both continuous and semi-continuous systems. A value of 1.120 was found for batch digestion systems over the same temperature range. Between 5 °C and

10 °C, 9 equaled 1.311, 1.156 and 1.113 for continuous, semi-continuous and batch digestion systems, respectively.

C - ORP Monitoring

The oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), or redox potential, is a measure of the activity of electrons in oxidation-reduction reactions within an aqueous environment. While in complex biological systems (e.g. wastewater treatment applications) ORP cannot be interpreted thermodynamically (Sawyer and

McCarty, 1978), the observed ORP represents the net electron activity of all the reactions taking place. Thus, ORP indicates the general oxidative state of the system (Kjaergaard, 1977; Koch and Oldham, 1985). 10

The potential of the platinum electrode can be expressed by general form of

the Nernst equation:

0.059 (OXIDANT) _ oc Q_ Eh - Eo + — LOG at 25 °C


Eh = The voltage difference between the oxidation-reduction

electrode and the normal hydrogen electrode, the potential of which i is zero by definition,

Eo = A constant characteristic of the system in question,

N = The number of electrons reacting.

The use of ORP for monitoring strictly aerobic digestion has not been

excessive. Previous work by Hood (1957) revealed that, under highly

oxidized conditions, ORP reached +700 mV. In 1964, Malina reported ORP

values under oxidizing conditions of +250 mV. Also noted was a drop to +25

mV during a 12 hour air pump failure. Alherg and Boyko (1972) reported the

use of ORP in conjunction with dissolved oxygen and nitrate levels in a

survey of aerobic digesters. They concluded that an ORP greater than +400

mV (combined with DO > 1.0 mg/L and NO3 > 10 mg/L) indicated conditions

that were satisfactory for aerobic digestion.

For aerobic systems, the availability of reliable, commercial dissolved

oxygen probes superceded ORP measurements (Koch and Oldham, 1985) .

Nevertheless, recent advances in wastewater treatment processes (which

incorporate unaerated zones), especially sequencing batch operations and

optimized oxygen usage, have renewed interest in ORP as an operational tool.

Sekine et al. (1985) established a linear relationship between nitrification

rate and ORP; Koch and Oldham (1985) noted that slope changes in the real

time ORP profile corresponded to changing conditions within the system, such

as the disappearance of measurable dissolved oxygen and nitrate. ORP values 11 ranged from +300 to -300 mV for both these studies and indicated that the systems alternated between aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

ORP has been utilized over a wide range of oxidative conditions. Ishizaki et al. (1974) used ORP to monitor and control anaerobic fermentation during beer, wine and saki production. Koch and Oldham (1985) found that methane production was optimized at ORP levels between -500 and -520 mV. A number of researchers found that ORP varied linearly with the log of oxygen concentration, suggesting that ORP is a much more sensitive parameter at very low levels (Ishizaki et al., 1974; Shibai et al., 1974 and Radjai et al., 1984).

A recent pilot-scale study of anoxic-aerobic digestion of waste activated sludge indicated that real time ORP profiles correlated to significant events within the digesters (Peddie and Mavinic, 1988). For example, the onset of aeration, dissolved oxygen breakthrough, fully oxidized plateau, disappearance of DO (after terminating aeration) and denitrification could all be matched to slope changes along the ORP profile. Thus, for the study of anoxic-aerobic sludge digestion, ORP presented itself as having the potential to be an ideal monitoring and control parameter.

D - Previous Research in Aerobic Digestion

More than half a century has past since Heukelekian (1933) first reported that wastewater solids were stabilized aerobically at a greater rate than during anaerobic digestion. In the last 30 years, a great deal of research has been conducted on the subject of aerobic digestion.

Kountz and Forney (1959) investigated the aerobic stabilization of milk solids and found that high oxygen demand occurred immediately following the 12 addition of substrate. This indicated that energy was required to stabilize organic substrate. They found that, during aerobic digestion, the nitrogen storage in the sludge fell from a theoretical maximum of 12.4 to 7.5 percent. They correspondingly predicted that 0.6 moles of ammonia released would be subsequently oxidized to nitrate. They concluded that total endogenous oxidation was not possible within normal times and sizes of treatment facilities.

Barnhart (1960) conducted experiments in aerobic digestion on five different sludges: bio-chemical, mixed pulp and paper waste, domestic sewage, mixed domestic sewage, and, textile and domestic sewage. While assuming the non- oxidizable VSS portion of the sludge to be less than 5 percent of the difference between the initial VSS and the minimum VSS remaining at the end of a sampling period, it was found that, for domestic sewage, the endogenous decay coefficient was between 0.23 and 0.275 days"-'-. The corresponding oxygen consumption rate was 3-7 mg/L of 02/hr/mg/L of VSS stabilized. The pH of the digesters tended to a range of 5.0 - 6.0 and, for aeration periods in excess of 30 days, the pH dropped below 5.0. A drop in alkalinity was also noticed during the aeration period. Barnhart concluded that "in particular cases, aerobic digestion may present an effective and economical means of sludge digestion."

The aerobic digestion of night soil was investigated by Reyes and Kruse

(1962) . The degree of stabilization was found to vary directly with temperature and compare favourably with results reported for aerobic digestion of sewage solids. They recommended that, in order to destroy pathogens, temperatures greater than 45 °C be used. At this temperature, 40

- 50% reduction in the VSS content of the night soil was achieved after 15 -

20 days of aerobic digestion. 13

Dreier (1963) reported that, in terms of VSS removed per cu.ft. of digester per day, it appeared that the efficiency of digestion increased with increasing loading rates. This does not include other important factors such as supernatant quality, or that higher VSS reduction on an overall basis corresponded to lower loading rates. The apparent contradiction disappeared when one considered the effect of dividing by the digester volume.

In a series of papers presented in 1963, various researchers, investigating

the theory of endogenous metabolism in bacteriology, helped explain the

success of aerobic digestion through endogenous respiration. Lamanna (1963) defined "endogenous metabolism as the sum of all the chemical activities performed by organisms in the absence of utilizable extracellular materials

serving as sources of energy and building stones for assimilation and

growth". He added that, when deprived of essential nutrients such as nitrogen and/or phosphorus, the micro-organism immediately and exclusively uses internal resources. Eventually the starving cell will waste away and

die, perhaps to become, in a predacious environment, a source of food for others; in the mean time, in case external conditions change, the starving cell will continue to metabolize, and the concept of "energy maintenance" to sustain viability is postulated. Marr et al. (1963) suggested that this

"specific maintenance represents the consumption of the source of carbon and energy for purposes that are not a function of the rate of growth".

While a greater understanding on a microbiological level was being realized, researchers in the wastewater field continued their investigation of aerobic

sludge digestion. Malina (1964) found VSS reduction at two different

loading rates (0.10 and 0.14 lb. VSS/day/cu.ft.) were 33.3 and 43.2 percent, respectively, at a digestion temperature of 35 °C. A change of air flow rate from 0.2 - 0.35 cu.ft./min. did not affect the percent VSS reduction.

The first use of pure oxygen to replace air sparging was presented by

Bruemmer (1966). This work concluded that normal air sparging rates were not effective in oxygenating high strength batch loads of primary sludge.

Also, high oxygen tension was not adverse to removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Under optimal conditions of oxygenation, the minimal time for processing raw primary sludge was 4 days at 30 °C.

In 1970, Ritter observed the performance of aerobic digestion at three plants in Pennsylvania. A few of the conclusions from the survey were:

1. The digesters of each plant produced a stable sludge which dried

readily. 1

2. Manual decanting of supernatant produced a supernatant low in BOD, but

with increased levels of ortho-phosphate and nitrate. These levels

would be inconsistent with nutrient removal requirements.

3. Concentrating sludge prior to feeding increased sludge residence time,

resulting in increased VSS destruction.

Stein et al. (1972b) compared air and pure oxygen aeration of waste activated sludge from a brewery waste treatment system. Utilizing 10 bench- scale digesters, they investigated both batch and continuous feed systems using air sparging for half the digesters and oxygen for the remainder. A single temperature of 30 °C was used and the initial VSS levels were 6000 mg/L. The results showed that there was no significant difference in terms of stabilization rates for air and pure oxygen systems. Indeed, the optimum performance (63.5% VSS reduction) was achieved with an air system and a 10 day SRT. 15

That same year, Graves et al. (1972) examined detention times of 2, 4, 8,

12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 days at a single temperature of 25 °C. The digesters were operated in a semi-continuous (fed-once-a-day) mode under aerobic conditions using air. It was concluded that "aerobic digestion of primary, mixed primary and secondary, and secondary waste sludges was feasible, although results of some tests show great variation". The results showed that: only the 2 day detention time failed to produce an adequately stabilized sludge; maximum reduction in TSS and VSS occurred at 4 to 36 day detention times; and, in terms of overall performance (dewaterability,

supernatant quality and solids stabilization), sludge digested 4 to 12 days out-performed the rest.

Ahlberg and Boyko (1972) reviewed the operation of aerobic digesters at seven treatment plants in the Province of Ontario. Process performance was assessed on digester sludge characteristics, volatile solids reductions, supernatant characteristics and field measurements. Most of the digesters operated at TS levels greater than 2 percent and noted that, at levels above

3 percent, difficulties with sludge settling and supernatant removal were encountered. In addition, "it seemed that with long detention times, settleability of the sludge and supernatant quality deteriorates". This could be correlated with low residual DO (less than 1.0 mg/L DO) in the digesters. In terms of recycling the supernatant to the head of the plant, they noted that aerobic digestion produced a supernatant of low-strength

(when compared with anaerobic digestion). The possibility for nitrogen removal due to denitrification of the nitrified supernatant was cited.

Ahlberg and Boyko generalized that if the DO level, the ORP and the nitrate level were all high (DO > 1.0 mg/L, ORP > 400mV, and NO3-N > 10 mg/L), then the process, in general, was found to be performing satisfactorily. They

suggested that, while VSS reduction did take place during aerobic digestion, 16 it could not be used as a performance variable for continuous loading cases due to a gradual build-up of non-biodegradable volatile solids.

Benedek et al. (1972) reported that, after studying both batch-fed and continuous-fed, plug flow aerobic digesters at various temperatures, first order kinetics and Van't Hoff-Arrhenius thermal relations were observed.

They found endogenous decay coefficients of 0.02 d"^- and 0.06 d"^ at 10 °C and 20 °C respectively. Also, it was noted that the organic load (which hydrolysis converts into bacterial nutrients) influenced the on set of endogenous decomposition of cells. Oxygen consumption per gram of organic matter decomposed ranged from 1.0 to 2.2 grams.

Leclerc and Brouzes (1973) , while comparing the efficiency of various sludge treatments, noted that, with a parallel decrease in the mass that occurs with time, a large and gradual elimination of the total bacteria and enterobacteria also occurs. However, they observed that while the disappearance of Salmonella occurred in 80 percent of the cases, and that the Salmonella could not adapt or multiply under aerobic conditions, the treatment could not be considered a sterilization of pathogenic bacteria.

In an effort to improve aerobic digestion, Singh and Patterson (1974) proposed solubilizing the waste sludge. Waste sludge was solubilized using concentrated sulfuric acid and then digested aerobically. After 4 days, a reduction in VSS of 40 percent was achieved. Meanwhile the control (no solubilization) achieved VSS reduction of 16 percent. They admitted that the cost of pretreatment (and subsequent neutralization) was high; however, the improved performance may offset this cost. Also, in an effort to enhance the aerobic digestion process, Bokil and Bewtra (1974) proposed mechanical blending of the sludge. Their work showed that, with increasing 17 energy of mixing, there was improved volatile solids reduction and settling capacity within the digested sludge.

Eikum et al. (1974) investigated the feasibility of using aerobic digesters for the treatment of mixed primary-chemical (alum) sludge. Aerobic digesters were operated on a semi-continuous (fed-once-a-day) basis, with detention times ranging from 5 to 35 days at temperatures of 7, 12, 18 and

25 °C. They concluded that: aerobic digestion of sludge from a primary- chemical treatment plant was possible; temperature influences on the reduction of volatile solids were slightly greater on the primary sludge alone; chemical oxygen demand (COD) was removed at approximately the same rate as volatile solids reduction; although there were wide fluctuations in pH, the digestion process was never inhibited; and, a reduction in the nitrogen content of the sludge (solids and liquid) was noticed.

In 1975, Randall et al. determined the influence of temperature on the aerobic digestion of waste activated sludge. They conducted 15 day batch tests at 5, 10, 20, 30, 35 and 45 °C. Results showed that endogenous decay coefficients, (day"-'-), agreed with Van't Hoff-Arrhenius equation (9 =

1.05) for temperatures between 5 and 20 °C, but for temperatures greater, the measured K^'s remained well below the predicted values. They concluded that the 45 °C temperature was unsuitable for batch aerobic digestion.

Furthermore, there appeared to be no practical advantage to aerobic digestion temperatures in excess of 20 °C.

Hamoda and Ganczarczyk (1977) studied the aerobic digestion of lime precipitated sludge, using both batch and semi-continuous reactors. . Based on experiments conducted at 20 °C, with influent volatile solids concentration of around 7000 mg/L, it was reported that: aerobic digestion 18 of the lime sludge was feasible, although at large lime doses, some adverse affects were noticed; detention times of at least 15 days are required for adequate stabilization; and, in terms of supernatant quality and dewaterability, semi-continuous systems out-performed batch digesters.

Pagoria (1977) presented a summary table of endogenous decay coefficients found in the literature before 1977. Sludge type, digestion temperature,

parameter used to calculate Kd (base e), digestion system and the references are all presented. In general, for temperatures between 5 and 45 °C, no

matter which sludge was investigated or how the K was determined, Kd ranged from 0.019 to 0.35 (day"-'-) . The majority of the references cited used batch

systems for digestion. For semi-continuous systems, reported Kd's ranged from 0.023 to 0.205 d"1.

Pagoria and Drewry (1978) investigated continuous flow with solids recycle

(CFWSR) aerobic sludge digesters. The digesters were operated at organic solids loading rates (OSLR) of 0.32, 1.6 and 3.2 kg volatile solids/cu.m./day and solids retention time (SRT) values of 13, 23 and 33 days. The temperature was maintained at 25 °C. Through analysis of variance techniques, they found that stabilization rate coefficients, based on biodegradable volatile suspended solids (BVSS), varied with both OSLR and

SRT. Similarly, it was shown that coefficients based on dissolved oxygen uptake rates (DOUR) and adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), varied with OSLR but not SRT. Thus, Pagoria and Drewry first proposed the use of DOUR as a means of quantifying process performance and rate coefficient values.

Koers (1979) investigated the possibility of aerobic digestion at low temperatures. Batch, continuous and semi-continuous aerobic digesters were employed at temperatures of 20, 10, and 5 °C. Good correlation was found 19

between the product of the temperature and sludge age and the percent VSS reduction. For a product below 250, the percent solids reduction increased with temperature-sludge age product; however, above 250, there appeared to be no further'improvement in VSS reduction. Calculation of endogenous decay coefficients followed the same trend. Different K^'s were found above and below the 250 breakpoint. A significant difference between kinetic coefficients derived from batch and continuous systems was noted and the author cautioned that the two are not interchangeable. While low pH levels

(3.5 - 5.0) were experienced in all digesters, it was concluded that these levels did not adversely affect that solids reduction. Appreciable nitrification and denitrification was shown to be possible in all systems at all temperatures studied.

Ganczarczyk et al. (1980) found that increasing solids levels improved digestion and, thus, was a more effective way of utilizing digester volume.

This agrees with the findings of Randall et al. (1969), Norman (1961) and

Burton & Malina (1964), but disagrees with the findings of Tebbutt (1971) and Reynolds (1973). The latter two studies, as well as Randall et al.

(1969), used aerobic batch digesters; whereas, in the other studies, semi- continuous aerobic digesters were employed. The authors concluded that batch digestion showed different performance characteristics than semi- continuous digestion. Therefore, results obtained from batch digestion experiments may not be applicable to the design of continuous flow aerobic digesters. This assertion agrees with Koers' (1979) findings.

Adams and Eckenfelder (1981) reviewed aerobic digestion of wastewater sludges and compiled lists of advantages and disadvantages of aerobic digestion. The advantages, which are generally presented for aerobic digestion, include the following: 20

1. A biologically stable end-product is produced.

2. The stable end-product is relatively noxious, hence encouraging land

disposal by holding lagoons or spray .

3. Due to simplicity of construction, capital costs for the aerobic system

are relatively low when compared with anaerobic digestion and other

soils-handling schemes.

4. Aerobically digested sludge generally possesses good dewatering

characteristics. It drains well when placed on a sand bed and is

resistant to rewatering during rainfall.

5. Volatile solids reduction equivalent to anaerobic digestion results is

possible with aerobic systems treating secondary sludges.

6. Supernatant liquors from aerobic digestion possess a lower BOD content

than those from anaerobic digestion. The aerobic supernatant in most

all cases has been found to possess a BOD less than 100 mg/L. This

advantage is significant because many conventional biological treatment

plants have been overloaded due to recycling of the high-BOD

supernatant liquors from anaerobic digesters.

7. Fewer operational problems exist from aerobic digestion when compared

with the more complex anaerobic process, due to a higher stability of

the aerobic system. Therefore, lower maintenance costs can be expected

and less skilled labour required with an aerobic facility.

8. It has been reported that the aerobically digested sludge has a higher

fertilizer content than that resulting from anaerobic digestion.

A few disadvantages of the process include the following:

1. There are higher power costs, which generate higher operating costs in

comparison' with anaerobic digestion. The difference in operating costs

is not significant with smaller treatment plants but is important with

the larger facilities. 21

2. Gravity thickening processes following aerobic digestion tend to

generate high solids concentrations in the supernatant.

3. Some sludges which have been aerobically digested have not been

observed to dewater easily by the vacuum process.

4. Since the process is aerobic, no methane gas is produced for recovery

as a by-product.

5. The solids reduction efficiency of the aerobic digester may vary with

extreme changes in ambient temperature, which subsequently affects the

aeration basin temperature.

Work done by Tran and Gannon (1981), using deep-shaft high rate aerobic

digesters, suggests an alternative to the traditional design of aerobic

digesters. They found that organic loading rates of up to eight times the

standard design values (EPA, 1979, C.A.P.D.E.T., 1979 and Brody, 0., 1979

recommend a VSS loading not to exceed 1.6 kg VSS/m^-day) could be achieved

while still achieving a stabilized sludge (24 - 41% VSS reduction).

Anderson and Mavinic (1984) studied aerobic digestion with pH control. This

preliminary investigation, using waste activated sludge from two different

sources, incorporated temperature runs at 20, 12 and 5 °C, as well as SRTs

of 5, 10, 12 and 15 days. The sludges investigated were obtained•from a high rate convention activated sludge plant and a modified-Bardenpho

process. Bench-scale (6L) aerobic digesters were operated on a semi-

continuous, fill-and-draw basis with the addition of an appropriate amount

of lime slurry to achieve desired digester mixed-liquor pH. Results showed

that, for both sludges, improved %VSS reduction was achieved through lime buffering. A future study was proposed whereby the scale would be increased

to 150 litre digesters. The results of that work have not been presented to

date (Anderson, 1988). 22

Droste and Sanchez (1986) aerobically digested waste activated sludge in lab-scale reactors under batch and semi-continuous flow patterns. The reactors were monitored at three different temperatures: 10, 20 and 30 °C.

No attempt was made to control pH, and they report that final pH levels in the batch digesters ranged from 4.4 to 5.5, while in the semi-continuous digesters the pH ranged from 4.5 to 6.4. One of their conclusions confirms what previous researchers had noted, namely, that "decay coefficients, determined in terms of degradable VSS from batch experiments, cannot be used to accurately predict solids reductions in semi-continuous units".

E - Previous Research in Anoxic-Aerobic Sludge Digestion

Very little literature exists on the development of anoxic-aerobic sludge digestion. As far as the author is able to discern, work conducted by

Warner et al. (1983) was the first use of regular, non-aerated periods, during aerobic digestion of waste activated sludge. Previous researchers may have, on occasion, experienced anoxic conditions during periods of settling for the purpose of manually decanting supernatant (Koers, 1979); however, the condition was not reported as such.

Warner et al. (1985) discussed the application of the general activated sludge model as set out by Dold et al. (1980) and extended by van Haandel et al. (1981) to anoxic-aerobic digestion of waste activated sludge. The laboratory experiments involved cycling of air to produce aerobic, then anoxic conditions, at regular time intervals for an extended time frame.

Some of the conclusions drawn from this work are:

1. Aerobic digestion of waste activated sludge with alternating periods of

anoxic and aerobic conditions is as efficient with regard to volatile

solids destruction as purely aerobic digestion provided: i) the anoxic cycles do not constitute more than 50 to 60% of the total retention

time, and ii) the duration of a single anoxic cycle is less than 3


2. For digesters with a 50% anoxic time, the nitrate generated by

nitrification in the aerobic cycle was denitrified during the anoxic


3. By denitrifying the nitrate generated, the alkalinity, and hence the

pH, in the digester remains stable.

Dold et al. (1985) further proposed that anoxic-aerobic digestion showed promise in terms of cost savings, in terms of approximately 20 percent les

oxygen required over purely aerobic digestion. In addition, due to nitrification-denitrification cycling, a neutral pH was maintained, thus negating the need for chemical (e.g., lime) addition.

Peddie and Mavinic (1988) reported VSS reduction to be the same (24% at

20 °C) for purely aerobic, aerobic with lime addition and anoxic-aerobic

sludge digestion. Investigation were carried out at pilot-scale (300

litres), utilizing continuous flow-through reactors and incorporating a po

thickening with recycle. Anoxic-aerobic cycle times of 3 hours were used. Air was used for mixing, consequently, air flow rates were 90

103 L/mJ min. , far exceeding the 20 - 40 L/m-1 min. recommended by Metcalf

and Eddy, 1979.

F - Need for Future Research

In reviewing the previous research conducted into aerobic digestion, it is

evident that considerable attention has been devoted to a better

understanding of the varied processes involved. At first, primary, mixed

primary-chemical and chemical sludges were investigated under a variety of 24 conditions. With the increase in biological waste treatment facilities came the need for digestion of waste activated sludges. These biologically active sludges lent themselves ideally to aerobic digestion.and the need for an even greater understanding of the aerobic digestion process.

Investigations into improvements and enhancements of the aerobic digestion process continued. The need for more research, in terms of design and satisfactory operation of aerobic digesters, became evident. The idea that aerobic digestion could be made more desirable, through the incorporation of anoxic periods, deserved to be further investigated and became the focal point of this study. 25


A - Experimental Apparatus

A bench top, lab scale experiment was carried out utilizing six digesters.

Each digester was a 10-litre, inverted, glass, bell-jar whose bottom had been removed. Thus, the open end of the digester had a diameter of 20 cm; and since the digester volume was maintained at 6 litres, a freeboard of

15cm existed (see Figure 1).

The bell end was stoppered with a bung that had been fitted with a long stem, glass rod, porous ceramic air diffuser. Air was supplied to each digester through 6 mm i.d. tubing. Before reaching the ceramic diffusers, the air coming out of the common line at 825 kPa (120 psi) was passed through a regulator to maintain a constant supply at 35kPa (5 psi).

After leaving the regulator, the air passed through a moisture trap and was split into a circular loop. The air supply was effectively split into six equal flows by six control valves installed along the loop. Each of these flows was, in turn, monitored and regulated by Cole-Parmer PR034-FM032-15ST, adjustable, air flow meters (rated range 15-150 mL/min.). The DO in each digester was periodically checked and, in general, exceeded 2.0 mg/L but was less than 4.5 mg/L. Although no analysis was conducted, the air supply was assumed to be oil-free.

For those digesters which required the air to be turned on and off, i.e. cycled digesters, Mac 113-112CCAA air solenoids were installed and connected to AMF/Paragon "Time Command 48" lamp timers. to Side-B Regulator Oil Free Air

Electric motor Daily Lime Dose

Aerobic Control Control Anoxic-Aerobid

6 L Timer A

CO c o Solenoid Valve Ceramic I Air Diffuser

Air flow meter

Figure 1. Schematic of Sicie-A Digesters (Side-B identical) as 27

Mechanical mixing was provided for each digester by Sargent-Welsh Scientific

Company "Cone Drive Stirring Motor" driving a stainless steel shaft and

paddle. The blade design and revolutions per minute were such that there

was complete mixing in both horizontal and vertical directions.

For the purposes of frequent, continuous monitoring and continual

monitoring, a number of electrical devices were installed. Broadly-James

Corporation (BJC) platinum electrodes (Model 9176) were used to measure

oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of the digesting sludge. Dissolved

oxygen (DO) was monitored using a Yellow Springs Instrument (YSI) DO meter

model 54ARC and YSI 5739 probe. All ORP probes were connected to an

amplifier to strengthen the signal before being relayed to a DataElectronics

Aust Pty Ltd. Datataker DT100. A "blue-box" LCD read-out was also connected

in parallel to the amplifier, to allow real visual monitoring of the ORP

values within the digesters. Amplification of the DO meter response was

not necessary and, consequently, it could be relayed to the Datataker

directly. Figure 2 shows a simple schematic of the monitoring devices.

The Datataker was "dumped" to an IBM personal computer located within the

lab, and the data was subsequently manipulated using Symphony database


B - Experimental Design

The use of solids retention time (SRT) as a control parameter for sludge

digestion was chosen because it is simple to maintain a constant value, it

is easy for an operator to change the SRT to a pre-determinable value, and

can be directly equated to loading rates. A constant value could be

maintained since the digester volume remained unchanged and there was no D.O. Probe Digesters " ORP Probes r\ r\ r~\ r\ r\

D.O. Meter Blue Box

"Oi o6

^2G7 ooooo 0308 QOOOO 4 -O 0 9 6 7 8 g 10 05 O 10 Amplif ie

to IBM PC Datataker Figure 2. Schematic of Automated Monitoring Equipment. 29 recycle, by wasting and then replacing with raw sludge, a set volume each day. Thus the SRT, in days, can be expressed as the following: SRT- v°lume °f digester volume wasted per day As well, the merits of SRT control are oulined elsewhere (Smith, 1978).

Two liquid temperatures, 20 °C and 10 °C, were required in order to investigate: (1) the influence of temperature on solids reduction and supernatant quality, and (2) the digestion process under both summer and winter operating conditions in moderate North American climates.

The experiment was performed incorporating three experimental runs, three

SRTs, and two temperatures.. Six, 6-litre, completely mixed, digesters, as described above, were employed. This allowed for two SRTs to be run simultaneously. Except as noted, each run lasted at least three SRT's after an initial start-up period of between 1 to 2 weeks.

For the first run, a total of six digesters was employed: two control digesters, one being aerobic and one being aerobic with the addition of lime to maintain neutral pH, and four cycled digesters operated with a 15 day SRT at liquid temperature of 20 + 0.5 °C. The four cycled digesters were so named because, based on an arbitrary total cycle time of six hours (see

Chapter IV), the air was on for a portion of that time. Thus, four different ratios of air off to air on, namely 4.0:2.0, 3.5:2.5, 3.0:3.0 and

2.5:3.5, were investigated. At the completion of the first run, the decision was made, based on overall performance (see Discussion), to proceed with the ratio of air off 3.5 hours and on 2.5 hours.

The second run also employed six digesters split into two sides; each one consisted of one anoxic/aerobic (unaerated 3.5 hours, aerated 2.5 hours), 30 one lime control and one aerobic control digester. Side-A was operated at a

10 day SRT for 3 SRT's (30 days). Side-B was operated with a 20 day SRT for

60 days. In addition, after 30 days, the air to side-A was switched off

(mixing was continued) and SRT's of 10, 15 and 20 days, using anoxic/anaerobic (no cover) digesters, were investigated. The liquid temperature throughout run #2 was 20 + 0.5 °C.

The third run was conducted in a Bel-Par Industries environment chamber.

This run replicated run #2, except that the liquid temperature was 10 +

0.5 °C and, due to poor solids reduction and odour problems, the anoxic/anaerobic digesters were abandoned. In order to investigate a 15 day

SRT at 10 °C, side-A was changed, after 3 SRT's, from a 10 to 15 day SRT.

Air flow rates were maintained between 7.5 - 12 L/m^ min. This range is somewhat lower than recommended by Metcalf and Eddy (1979); however, since mechanical mixing was provided, air was not required for mixing. In addition, DO levels were maintained above 2.0 mg/L at these flow rates.

C - General Procedures

Raw sludge was obtained daily from the U.B.C. Pilot Plant, located at the south end of the U.B.C. campus, Vancouver, B.C. This pilot scale, biological, phosphorus removal facility (bio-P Plant for short) treats 7220 litres of domestic sewage per day. A modified UTC process, the pilot plant has been operating for 4 years and, during the length of this study, maintained an average aerobic sludge age of 22 days. It should be noted that A-side sludge was used exclusively. The A-side of the process has the addition of volatile fatty acids (VFA's) by way of fermentation of the primary sludge. 31

Collection of raw sludge involved wasting from the aerobic basin of the

process. The amount wasted depended on the desired SRT of the process, but was in general 100 litres. This wastage was allowed to gravity settle until

the sludge blanket interface reached the 40 litre mark. The time for

gravity settling to occur varied between 30 and 60 minutes. The thickened

sludge was then collected in a 4 litre jug for transfer to the digesters set

up in the Environmental Engineering Laboratory located 2 kilometers north.

In the lab, the raw sludge was allowed to gravity thicken a second time for between 30 and 90 minutes or until approximately 1 litre of 'clear'

supernatant could be siphoned off by a vacuum flask and hose arrangement.

As a result of the two-stage thickening, the raw sludge had a MLSS roughly

three (3) times that of the aerobic basin and, more importantly, it was

possible to maintain MLSS levels of the raw sludge above those in the


Wasting from the digesters was accomplished using the same vacuum flask and

hose arrangement. The amount wasted was governed by the desired SRT. Since

the digesters all had an equal volume of six (6) litres, wastage of 300, 400

and 600 ml per day yielded SRTs of 20, 15 and 10 days respectively.

The wasted volume was measured by volumetric cylinder and transferred to

sample container for subsequent analysis. After wasting, the appropriate

amount of raw sludge (shaken to ensure uniform MLSS levels) was added to

maintain a constant volume of 6 litres in each of the digesters. A portion

of the raw sludge was saved for analysis. Liquid temperature and MLSS pH were recorded for each digester and the raw sludge. An aliquot of 80 g/L

lime (Ca[0H]2) slurry was added to the lime control digesters in order to

maintain a minimum pH of 6.8. The volume of the daily lime dose ranged 32 between 0 and 4 mL. The corresponding average doses were 28, 29 and 16 mg/L of lime/L of sludge/day for Runs 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

In order to ensure that no solids were lost, the sides of the digesters were cleaned every 3 to 4 days. Any evaporation losses were compensated for by

the addition of distilled water.

D - Analytical Procedures

The handling of the samples during collection, storage and analysis can have

a significant impact on both the accuracy and reliability of the results.

Therefore, it is important to note that analytical samples were collected in

the following manner:

1. For daily solids and twice weekly supernatant, 25 ml aliquots of MLSS

were measured in a graduated cylinder and poured into 50 mL centrifuge

tubes; these were then transferred to a IEC International centrifuge

and spun at 2500 rpm for approximately 15 minutes. After centrifuging,

the samples were poured onto washed, fired and weighed Whatman 934AH

glass microfibre 5.5 cm dia. filters, and vacuum filtered. When

soluble analyses followed, the centrate (supernatant) was retrieved,

appropriately preserved, and kept in a fridge at 4 °C. Care was taken

to avoid possible cross contamination.

2. For twice weekly mixed liquor TKN and TP, 20 ml of well mixed sample

were transferred to labelled bottles, preserved with a few drop of

cone. H2SO4, and kept in the fridge.

3. For twice weekly %N and %P of the solids, the pellets were scooped into

glass vails and dried at 104 °C. After completely drying, the residual

solids were scraped out of the vials, ground to a fine powder, and

transferred to air tight plastic pouches. It should be noted that the

same procedures were used for the collection of the real time samples 33

during the continual monitoring days, although it was necessary to

reduce the individual volumes in order that the SRT of the digester not

be altered too greatly. These samples were then spun in an IEC

Clinical centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 4 minutes.

As a matter of course, all weights were determined on a Sartorius analytical balance and, when available, a Technicon Autoanalyzer II was used for soluble chemical analyses.

Solids Determinations

Total suspended solids (TSS) and total volatile suspended solids (TVSS) values were determined daily on the wasted mixed liquor from each of the six digesters as well as the raw sludge. The Standard Methods approach was modified (see above) in order to allow a larger volume of MLSS to be analyzed. Drying took place in a Fisher isotemp oven, model 350, at 104 °C.

Burning of volatile material took place in a Lindberg muffle oven at 550 °C.

pH pH of the MLSS was measured using a Cole-Parmer Chemcadet model 5986-60 pH meter with automatic temperature compensation (ATC). The meter was calibrated, routinely using standard buffers of 4.00 and 7.01. Liquid temperatures were recorded using the same meter. Temperature calibration was confirmed by a mercury thermometer.


Samples, filtered or unfiltered, were digested in a Technicon block digester

40 and analyzed according to Technicon Industrial Method NO. 376-75W. 34


Samples, filtered or unfiltered, were digested in a Technicon block digester

40 and analyzed according to Technicon Industrial Method No. 327-74W.


Specific weights of finely ground solids were digested in a Technicon block digester 40 and analyzed according to Technicon Industrial Method No. 376-



Specific weights of finely ground solids were digested in a Technicon block digester 40 and analyzed according to Technicon Industrial Method No. 327-



Samples preserved with mercuric phenyl acetone were analyzed according to

Technicon Industrial Method No. 100-70W. Note that the cadmium granules were replaced with a cadmium wire.


Samples preserved with cone. H2SO4 to pH < 2.0 were analyzed according to

EPA Method 350.1.


Samples preserved with mercuric phenyl acetone were analyzed according to

Technicon Industrial Method No. 94-70W.


The alkalinity of MLSS and filtered samples were determined according to

Standard Methods. The titration end-point used was pH 4.5. 35


Samples, filtered and unfiltered, were preserved with cone. H2SO4 to a pH

< 2.0 and analyzed according to Standard Methods.


As noted earlier, BJC ORP probes were used for measuring the oxidation state of the MLSS on monitoring days. Regular maintenance of the platinum electodes involved a thorough wiping with a paper towel. The probes were then returned to the digesters and allowed to equilibrate for a minimum of 3 hours before any subsequent reading.

Dissolved oxygen

Probe membrane and electrolyte were replaced on average every two weeks.

The meter was calibrated using the Winkler Method as described in Standard


Solids Balance

Determination of daily solids levels allowed for a complete solids balance to be performed for both TSS and TVSS. This approach was outined elsewhere

(Koers, 1979 and Anderson & Mavinic, 1984) and is presented in Equation 17:

Overall change in mass = Amount in - Amount out + Net change within system (Feed) (Effluent) (Increase/decrease in digester solids) ....(17) Figure 3 presents a schematic mass balance diagram for a digester as applied in this research. Two' approaches were undertaken using the equations in

Figure 3. In the first case, the summation sign applies over an entire experimental run, that is, lengths of 3 SRT's resulted in 30, 45 or 60 measurements being considered. The second approach reduced the summation period to equal the SRT and calculate balances on a consecutive basis. 36

Therefore, for 20 day SRT, days 1 to 19 constitute the 1st balance period, days 2 to 20, the second, etc. As a result, for a run of 60 days, 40 - 20 day balance periods were observed.

The reason that the second approach was considered was that it allowed for multiple determinations of percent solids reduction to be performed

thoroughout each run. Thus, variations in solids reduction performance, such as maximum and minimum values, were assessed. As seen in Chapter IV,

there was no significant difference, in terms of average solids reductions, between the two methods. Cp = Concentration of suspended solids in feed sludge Vp = Daily volume of feed sludge

CR = Concentration of suspended solids in reactor sludge mass = Volume of reactor sludge

(ACRxVR) = Change in reactor sludge solids over sampling period (+) increase (-) decrease Cg = Concentration of suspended solids in effluent Vp = Daily volume of effluent

2.(CF x VF) -7"

A(CR x VR)

Solids destroyed = 5_(Cp x Vp) - 5/CE x VE) - <&CR x VR)

»/ T - J J J Solids destroyed 1ft., A solids destroyed = — „ — x 100% (Cp x Vp)

Figure 3. Solids Mass Balance in Digesters (After Koers, 1979) 38


The investigation of anoxic-aerobic sludge digestion was undertaken to determine the "acceptability" of the process, when compared directly to aerobic digestion, with and without lime addition, in terms of a number of parameters:

1. Digestion kinetics, including solids reduction and determination of

endogenous decay coefficients;

2. Digested sludge characteristics, including TSS and TVSS levels, daily

pH values, nitrogen and phosphorus balances, alkalinity destruction and

production, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and qualitative observations;

3. Supernatant characteristics, including nitrification, nitrogen forms

and denitrification, phosphorus forms, COD and alkalinity;

4. Application of continuous monitoring using ORP and DO to show

nitrification and denitrification as well as the reproducibility of the

ORP versus time profile; and

5. An overall rating system.

In an effort to determine a suitable ratio of air off to air on, the first experimental run was conducted using four (see Chapter III) anoxic-aerobic digesters of various non-aerated periods. Average percent TVSS reductions of 23.2, 20.9, 20.9 and 18.3 were found for ratios of 2.5:3.5, 3.0:3.0,

3.5:2.5 and 4.0:2.0 hours off to hours on, respectively. While the cycled digester with the longest aerated period showed the greatest percent TVSS reduction, it was not considered for future study because increasing levels of nitrate were found (up to 23.5 mg/L-N) in the supernatant, as well as a gradual decrease in the mixed-liquor pH (MLpH) levels was noted. These observations suggested that complete denitrification could not be achieved 39 within this digester. In comparison, the remaining three digesters achieved complete denitrification.

The cycled digester with the shortest aerated period was rejected because it showed the least promise in terms of solids reduction. In addition, it was observed that during the aerated period (relatively short) the break-through and subsequent maximum level of dissolved oxygen was retarded. Since there was a tie between the two remaining cycled digesters, the cycled digester which used less air was chosen.

Therefore, throughout the following results and discussion, anoxic-aerobic digester refers solely to non-aerated/aerated periods of 3.5:2.5 hours respectively, based on a six hour cycle and four cycles per day.

A - Digestion Kinetics

1. Solids Reduction

Using the approach outlined in Figure 3, solids balances, in terms of

(TSS) and total volatile suspended solids

(TVSS), were calculated. Appendix A is a detailed summary of all

solids determinations for all experimental runs.

The conundrum as to which parameters are most appropriate for the

determination of digester performance has not been solved. In the

past, researchers have used percent reduction of: total suspended

solids, TSS (Randall et al., 1974 and D'Antonio, 1983); biodegradable

volatile suspended solids (BVSS) found by subtracting the asymptotic

value of TVSS remaining at the end of a batch aeration test (Droste and

Sanchez, 1983); and percent reduction in TVSS (Koers, 1979 and Anderson

and Mavinic, 1984). Still, other researchers have used parameters 40 other than solids. Percent reduction in BOD (Datar and Bhargava,

1986), dissolved oxygen uptake rate (DOUR), and ATP (Pagoria and

Drewry, 1978) have also been proposed.

The addition of solids to the lime control digester precluded the use of TSS for measuring the relative performance of the digesters. An appropriate correction technique was not available to account for the digestion of the total solids present before lime addition, versus that same fraction digested after lime addition. In other words, were the total solids in the sludge or the total solids introduced by lime addition being reduced? Since the digesters were all operated on a semi-continuous, daily fill-and-draw basis, there was no scope for the determination of the amount of non-biodegradable TVSS; hence, determination of percent of BVSS reduction was not possible.

Initial conditions within semi-continuous (fed-once-a-day) digesters changed on a daily basis; therefore, whichever parameter was chosen, it would have to have been measured daily in order to obtain meaningful results. Consequently, the use of daily BOD was considered impractical. Since it was hoped that this work would be applicable to future full-scale operations, the use of DOUR and ATP were also considered inappropriate.

Mavinic and Koers (1977) noted that the initial total TVSS is a property of the sludge, independent of the decay rate, and can be used as a basis of comparison. Thus, its use allows these results to be compared to previous work. Therefore, for this work, relative performance of the digesters was determined using percent TVSS reduction. 41

It should also be mentioned that the sludge's origin has important

implications when discussing relative performance. Although not taken

into account, the non-degradable volatile fraction of the sludge is

influenced by the SRT of the process in which the activated sludge was grown (Reece et al., 1979). A system with a long SRT will have a

larger fraction of non-degradable volatile cell material and, as a consequence, performance in terms of TVSS reduction (i.e., not taking

into account the non-degradable fraction) will appear to be reduced.

The sludge used in the study was from a single source which had a long

total SRT (40 days). However, a comparison, in relative terms, of the

three digestion modes for various SRTs and temperatures was possible.

Given that the air flow rates were approximately equal in all the

digesters, and that the resulting dissolved oxygen levels remained above 2.0 mg/L (for the anoxic-aerobic reactors this value was, in general, reached or exceeded by the end of the aeration period), the only variables considered to have an affect on the performance of the digesters, in terms of solids reduction, were the solids retention time

(SRT), the mixed-liquor temperature and the resulting mixed-liquor pH

(MLpH). Table 1 is a summary of the percent reduction in TVSS for all

SRT's and temperatures. Figures 4 and 5 reveal the trends in digester performance.

The values in Table 2 have been determined using a different approach

than was the case for Table 1. Instead of the mass balance being

calculated over the entire experimental runs, they were calculated

continually on a moving average basis, where balance periods equal to

the SRT were used. For example, for a 20 day SRT, days 1 to 19 Table 1. Summary of Percent TVSS Reduction Based on an Overall(1) Mass Balance

Tempe rature(2) 20°C 10°C


Mode 20 15 10 20 15 10

C(4) 23.9 18.8 14.6 18.0 14.8 7.0

L(5) 28.0 20.0 19.0 17.0 16.8 10.9

A(6) 28.3 18.4 19.1 13.2 12.2 6.7

(1) Single balance period equal to 3 SRTs. (2) Liquid temperature in °C. (3) Solids retention time in days. (4) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (5) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (6) Constant aeration. 43

Table 2. Summary of Percent Reduction Based on Consecutive(1) Balance Periods

Temperature(2) 20 °C 10 °C


Mode 20 15 10 20 15 10

ave.(7) 24.1 20. 9 14.0 18. 9 15. 4 9.2

C(4) max.(8) 29.7 26. 6 18.1 27. 4 16. 2 15.4

min.(9) 17.8 11. 7 7.3 12. 4 14. 5 3.4

ave. 30.2 22. 2 18.6 18. 3 16. 6 13.5

L(5) max. 34.1 29. 5 22.8 21. 3 17 .3 ' 20. 3

min. 25.9 16. 5 13.8 15. 9 15'. 8 8.8

ave. 24.2 21. 1 16.5 15. 0 12. 9 9.2

A(6) max. 44.9 27. 8 24.8 21. 7 13. 9 12.1

min. 16.0 8. 8 12.3 9. 9 11. 9 3.6

(1) Multiple balance periods per run based on SRT. (2) Liquid temperature in °C. (3) Solids retention time in days. (4) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (5) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (6) Constant aeration. (7) Based on all balance periods throughout run period. (8) Maximum % TVSS reduction experienced for single balance. (9) Minimum % TVSS reduction experienced for single balance. 30

28 51 A Anoxic—Aerobic 26 Lime Control V Aerobic Control cz 24 O 22 ~o Z5 20 ~D CD 18 V CU X 16 00 if) 14 > 12 lime^

c 10 anox/aero

u 8 aero ^ CP CL 6 o Linear Regression Eguation R Squared 4 Anoxic—Aerobic y = 0.04753 x + 5.4853 0.83551 2 Lime Control y = 0.04902 x + 7.6009 0.90675 Aerobic Control y = 0.06412 x + 1.8906 0.88045 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Degree-Days ( C * days Figure 4. Performance Curve Based on Percent TVSS Reduction at Various Combinations of SRT and Temperature.

4^ 30



c 24 O 22 ~o

~D 20 CD 18

16 20°C CO > 14 12 cz CD 10 cj ^ 8 10 CD Anoxic—Aerobic D_ 6 -A- Lime Control 4

2 A' Aerobic Control

0 10 15 20 30 Solids Retention Time, SRT (days. Figure 5. Percent TVSS Reduction Versus SRT at 20 t and 10°C. constitute the first balance period, days 2 to 20 the second, etc. The advantage of this approach is that the operator, by plotting the point associated with each balance period daily, has the ability: (1) to realize that something has gone wrong, (2) to identify when the trouble started, (3) to pinpoint the cause of the trouble, and (4) to rectify the situation (Berthouex and Hunter, 1981).

Comparing the values in Table 1 to Table 2, there is obvious similarity between the average of the percent TVSS reduction based on consecutive balance periods and based on an overall approach. The maximum and minimum values in Table 2 indicated the range over which the digesters performed for each SRT and temperature.

For Figure 4, the percent TVSS reduction has been calculated on an overall mass balance basis for the entire length of a given run and acts as the independent variable. The product of the SRT and the digestion temperature has been calculated and acts as the dependent variable. As expected, there is an increase in percent TVSS reduction with an increase in the SRT-temperature product. This is true for the experimental and both control digesters. While the anoxic-aerobic digester and the lime control show parallel performance (lime slightly above), the purely aerobic digester exhibits a greater rate of increase in digestion of TVSS with increasing time and temperature. However, the aerobic digester lags behind both the anoxic-aerobic and the lime control until the SRT-temperature product exceeds 220 and 380, respectively. Over the range plotted, this relationship appeared to be linear. 47

In an effort to separate the combined affects of temperature and SRT on the relative performance of the three digesters, Figure 5 is presented. The slope of the curves show that there was improved performance, in terms of percent TVSS reduction, with increasing SRT.

As well, there was greater percent reduction found at 20 °C than at

10 °C for all digesters at all SRTs. This was expected. It was

observed that the anoxic-aerobic digesters performed at approximately

the same level as either of the controls. Therefore, it appeared that

cycling the air flow (3.5 hours off:2.5 hours on) did not greatly

influence the percent TVSS reduction. As noted earlier, the same

conclusion also applied to the other cycles investigated.

A complete statistical approach was not undertaken; however, it was possible to calculate the standard deviation of the daily solids

levels. From these values, as well as reducing the overall solids

reduction for each digester to a daily figure, it was possible to

determine that, due to overlapping standard deviations, there was no

real difference between digestion modes, in terms of solids reduction.

Nevertheless, by visual observation of the results, it was apparent

that the lime controls consistently yielded the greatest percent TVSS

reduction. In the absence of a more formal statistical analysis, the

observed results act as a good indication that percent TVSS reductions,

for the three digestion modes, were quantitatively different, yet

qualitatively similar.

Moreover, cycling of the air supply had one major benefit, namely, a

considerable savings in the amount of air required for stabilization.

To illustrate this point, the percent TVSS reduction values presented 48 earlier have been divided by the amount of air sparged. For the lime and aerobic controls, the amount of air was assumed to be unity, while for the anoxic-aerobic digesters the amount of air was 0.42 unity.

Thus, at 20°C and 10 °C, the percent TVSS reduction per unit air supplied for the anoxic-aerobic digester were 56.9, 44.7, and 34.8 and

43.0, 35.1 and 16.6, respectively. The lime and aerobic control values remained the same as presented in Table 1. In all cases, based on a per unit of air supplied, the anoxic-aerobic digesters out performed either of the controls by 150 to 200 percent.

Caution should be exercised when comparing the results in this manner.

The qualitative observation remains that, on a mass balance basis, the lime controls exhibited the greatest percent TVSS reduction. In addition, the fact there was a 58 percent 'savings' in the amount of air supplied does not necessarily imply there would a similar cost savings. The anoxic-aerobic digesters required the installation of timers and air solenoids as well as mixing energy. A cost analysis was not performed; however, it seems reasonable to assume that there could be significant cost savings associated with anoxic-aerobic digestion.

Warner et al. (1985), estimated a potential cost saving of 30 percent for anoxic-aerobic digesters, having an on off ratio of 1:1, over conventional aerobic digesters. Based on the results obtained herein, this estimate seems reasonable.

At first, it seemed counter intuitive that roughly the same amount of stabilization could be achieved using less air (and that, on a unit basis, the anoxic-aerobic would be vastly superior). Nevertheless, a couple of explanations are postulated. One explanation for the 49

comment that anoxic-aerobic digestion was as successful, in terms of

percent TVSS reduction, as either the lime or aerobic controls is that

the anoxic-aerobic digesters were more efficient in use of the air

supplied. That is, when the air came on, the dissolved oxygen level in

the anoxic-aerobic digesters was very low and, thus, for the first

portion of the aerated period (until the residual DO exceeded 1.0

mg/L), the driving force was very high. It was speculated that this

high driving force partially accounted for greater oxygen transfer

efficiency during aerated periods. With the DO level in both the

controls being maintained above 2.0 mg/L, the driving force was not as

great, and consequently a portion of the oxygen supplied was 'wasted'.

A second, perhaps even more substantial, explanation was that, during

the non-aerated periods, the denitrifiers were able to use nitrates

produced during the aerated period for energy. Thus, there continued

to be endogenous decay despite the absence of molecular oxygen.

During aerated periods, while oxidation took place in the absence of

an external food source, micro-organisms were able to endogenously

decay as expected. However, during non-aerated periods, while

reduction took place, again in the absence of an external food source,

endogenous decay also occurred.

2. Endogenous Decay Coefficients

Using Equation 10 and TVSS levels (in mg/L), the endogenous decay

coefficients for all digesters, at all SRTs and temperatures, have

been calculated. In general, K

the mass remaining at time, t, over the initial mass versus t. The

slope of the resulting straight line is the for that system. This 50 works well for batch experiments and continuous flow through systems

(using Equation 10); however, in the case of semi-continuous systems, the initial conditions are being changed daily. This is especially true when no attempt has been made to control the concentration of the

raw sludge to be added daily. As a result, Kd's for semi-continuous systems can be calculated by two means: (1) the average TVSS

concentration of the wasted sludge (Mt), the average TVSS

concentration of the raw sludge added (MQ) and the length of the run,

t, can be substituted in Equation 10, or (2) Mt and MQ can be determined on a daily basis (t = 1.0) and substituted into Equation 10.

Method (1) is unsatisfactory for several reasons: (a) Only a single

value of Kd is produced, hence its statistical relevance is unknown, and (b) taking the overall average of the TVSS concentration smooths out any periods of poor or exceptional performance. Consequently, method (2) was adopted. Thus, for the purpose of determining endogenous decay coefficients, the semi-continuous digesters were treated as daily batch systems.

Equation 10 was evaluated using t equal to 1.0 day, Me determined at t equal to 1.0 day, and MQ determined at t equal to zero (previous day).

The formula for MQ is as follows:

(M MQ - t.VR^ MFVF) ....(18 where:

Mt = mg/L TVSS of the wasted sludge,

Mp - mg/L TVSS of the raw feed sludge,

Vp = volume of sludge wasted/added daily (litres),

VR = volume of reactor minus Vp, and

VT = Vp + VR. 51

When the resulting endogenous decay coefficients were plotted on a daily basis, it was apparent that there was a great deal of variability in the daily values. In fact, Figure 6 revealed almost no usable information. This variability, in part, can be attributed to daily variations in the raw feed sludge. While the use of such "noisy" data for the determination of linear coefficients is very limited

(Holmberg and Ranta, 1982 and Holmberg, 1982), an attempt to utilize these results is presented herein. However, the author concurs with the statement that such variations "represent the real, not ideal circumstance " (Pagoria, 1977).

In order to present the K^'s in a much more useful form, they have been ranked in ascending order and plotted against a normalized abscissa. Before the coefficients were plotted, their standard deviations were calculated and found, in general, to be larger than the means. Thus, the percentage variance of the endogenous decay coefficients was often in excess of 100%. Figures 7-12 provide information such as overall variability (still very large) and the relative difference between the three digesters.

Of particular importance is the ability to use these curves for choosing design values of K^'s. The choice of endogenous decay coefficients and the expected percent of time that that value can be achieved may prove useful during the design stage. For discussion purposes, the use of the 50 percent of time-less-than-y value is suggested. In Figure 7, starting at the 50 percent less -than-y-value on the x-axis, a vertical line was drawn until it reached the curve denoting the type of digester of interest; from that intersect, a C CD 'u

"CD o O

o u

0 Q

GO Z5 o c CD CD ' O "O C

Time (days Figure 6. Daily Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 20 day SRT at 20°C.

ho 53 horizontal projection to the y-axis yielded the anticipated endogenous decay coefficient. This has been done for each digester. A summary of these results was presented in Table 3 which revealed that the median endogenous decay coefficients for the anoxic-aerobic and lime control digesters, based on TVSS, were larger than those based on TSS.

However, the opposite was true for the purely aerobic digesters. No trend with SRT was apparent.

Figures 7-12 also provide information about the changes that occur due to changes in SRT and digestion temperature. It is observed that the median values, as well as the maximum and minimum values for each of the three types of digesters, increased with increasing SRT and temperature. Also, the overlapping of the points indicated that

'equivalent' performance could be anticipated for the three digestion modes investigated.

Using the 50-percent-less-than values provided in Table 3, Streeter-

Phelps temperature sensitivity coefficients were determined from the slope of the semi-logarithm plots (Figures 13 - 15). No explanation was found for the anomalous point in Figure 14. No trend with SRT was noticed. Average temperature sensitivity coefficients of 1.046, 1.067 and 1.076 were calculated for the anoxic-aerobic, lime control and aerobic control digesters, respectively. This suggested that, over the temperature range examined, anoxic-aerobic digestion was least affected by temperature levels. 54

Table 3. Median(l) Endogenous Decay Coefficent Based on TVSS and TSS Measurements

Temperature 20°C 10°C


20 15 10 20 15 10

TVSS 0.0185 0.0144 0.0168 0.0104 0..010 4 0..010 6 C(2) TSS 0.0161 0.0133 0.0093 0.0072 0..011 8 0..007 2

TVSS 0.0229 0.0132 0.0277 0.0130 0..015 6 0..013 5 L(3) TSS 0.0145 0.0091 0.0175 0.0083 0,.014 1 0,.009 4

TVSS 0.0168 0.0198 0.0204 0.0100 0,.007 6 0,.009 9 A(4) TSS 0.0192 0.0165 0.0232 0.0092 0,.011 4 0,.010 8

(1) Value equal to or less-than 50 percent of the time (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. • Anoxic-Aerobic + Lime Control o Aerobic Control


20 40 60 80 100 Percent of Time less —than Y-Value Figure Endogenous Decay-"Coefficients for 20 day SRT at 20°C - TVSS Basis. 0.1 1 0.10 0.09 0.08 • Anoxic—Aerobic 1^ 0.07 + Lime Control 0.06 o Aerobic Control 0.05 CD 0.04 0.03 CD 0.02 O O 0.01 0.00 D -0.01 (J CD -0.02 Q -0.03 00 -0.04 Z5 -0.05 o C -0.06 CD -0.07 cn O -0.08 X) -0.09 c UJ -0.10 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent of Time less-thcin Y-Volue Figure 8. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 20 day SR" at 10°C - TVSS Basis.

OS 0.14'

0.12 • Anoxic-Aerobic + Lime Control 0.10 o Aerobic Control V 0.08

c 0.06 CD o 0.04

CD O 0.02 o 0.00 >> o o -0.02 CD Q -0.04 CO Z5 o -0.06 c CD CT> O "O C

-0.12 0 20 40. 60 80 100 Percent of Time less-than Y—Value Figure 9. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 15 day SRT at 20°C - TVSS Basis. ~D 0.04

Percent of Time less —than Y—Value Figure 10. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 15 day SRT at 10°C - TVSS Basis.

OO 0.08

0.07 Anoxic—Aerobic 0.06 Lime Control o Aerobic Control 0.05

CD 0.04 CJ 0.03

CD 0.02 O O 0.01

D 0.00 O CD -0.01 Q CO -0.02 Z3 o -0.03 C CD -0.04 cn O T) -0.05 C LJ -0.06 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent of Time less-than Y-Value Figure 11. Endogenous Decay. Coefficients for'10 day SRT at 20°C - TVSS Basis. 0.10 0.09 0.08 • Anoxic-Aerobic X5 0.07 + Lime Control 0.06 o Aerobic Control c 0.05 CD 0.04 0.03 CD O 0.02 o 0.01 o 0.00 o CD -0.01 Q -0.02 00 Z5 -0.03 o c -0.04 CD C7> -0.05 O "O -0.06 c -0.07 LU 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percent of Time less-than Y-Value Figure 12. Endogenous Decay Coefficients for 10 day SRT at 10°C - TVSS Basis. O 0.0316

0.0251 A c CD 0.0200 U

CD X e = 1.05* O CJ 0.0158 H >.. D O CD 0.0126 H O

CO Z5 0.0100 H O GZ CD -• Anoxic—Aerobic d> O 0.0079 H -A Lime Control C Ld Aerobic Control 0.0063 20 10


Figure 13. Temperature Sensitivity Coefficients for 20 day SRT. 0.0251 •— Anoxic-Aerobic — -A— - Lime Control 0.0200 * - Aerobic Control

' e = 1.100 0.0158 H 0 - 1.033

0.0126 H


0.0079 H

0.0063 20 10

Temperature (°C) Figure 14. Temperature Sensitivity Coefficients for 15 day SRT. 0.0398

0.0316 H

0.0251 H

CD O O 0.0200 H G = 1.075 ^ O o 0.015^ CD Q

CO Z5 0.0126 9 = 1.047 o C Anoxic—Aerobic CD CT> 0.0100 O -A- Lime Control TJ C Aerobic Control LU 0.0079 20 10

Temperature (°C)

Figure 15. Temperature Sensitivity Coefficients for 10 day SRT.

ON 64

B - Digested Sludge Characteristics

1. Daily TSS and TVSS levels

Appendix A contains the daily TSS and TVSS levels for all the

digesters throughout the three experimental runs. Figures 16 - 27 show

the daily variation in the TSS and TVSS levels for the different

digesters as well as the raw sludge. The average, standard deviation,

maximum and minimum value for both TSS and TVSS levels were determined

and are presented in Tables 4 - 6.

The precision of the method used to determine the solids levels is

presented in Appendix B. In general, the method was very good; on two

separate occasions, with a sample size of nine, the relative error in

the TVSS levels were 1.24% and 0.61%, respectively. In addition, the

average, relative error of daily duplicate samples throughout all three

runs was less then 1.4%.

Since no effort was made to control the daily raw sludge to a set

value, it is not unexpected that there was considerable variability in

the daily TSS and TVSS levels. This was true for both the raw sludge

and the digested sludge exiting the digesters on a daily basis.

After an initial start-up period of 1 - 2 weeks, measurements were

taken as outlined in the previous chapter. Steady-state conditions

were not a goal; however, as seen in Figures 16 - 27, even though

there was daily variation, the horizontal aspect of the median value

revealed that the systems were operating under consistent conditions,

with respect to solids. 65

Table 4. Summary of Daily TSS and TVSS Levels for 20 day SRT

Std. T Parameter Mode Ave. Dev. Max. Min.

F(l) 7960 538 9268 6616 TSS C(2) 6349 218 6876 5884 mg/L L(3) 6251 191 6700 5900 A(4) 6131 438 6876 4772

F 6227 424 7340 5212 TVSS C 4819 156 5216 4440 mg/L L 4509 170 4968 4240 A 4886 324 5340 3808

F 0.78 0.01 0.80 0.76 TVSS/TSS C 0.76 0.01 0.79 0.74 L 0.72 0.01 0.76 0.69 A 0.80 0.01 0.82 0.78

F 8555 794 9984 6228 TSS C 7112 143 7508 6752 mg/L L 7267 164 7604 6956 A 7076 242 7540 6532

F 6587 616 7732 4784 TVSS C 5359 117 5668 5064 mg/L L 5401 139 5676 5132 A 5469 197 5844 5080

F 0.77 0.01 0.81 0.75 TVSS/TSS C 0.75 0.01 0.77 0.72 L 0.74 0.01 0.76 0. 73 A 0.77 0.00 0.78 0.76

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. 66

Table 5. Summary of Daily TSS and TVSS Levels for 15 day SRT

Std. T Parameter Mode Ave. Dev. Max. Min.

F(l) 7538 1240 12584 5456 TSS C(2) 6207 126 6504 5904

mg/L L(3) 6464 210 7220 6120

A(4) 5856 183 6352 5484

F 5798 921 9640 4232 TVSS C 4660 107 4856 4384

mg/L L 4650 143 5052 4352 A 4597 147 5008 4312

F 0.77 0.01 0.79 0.75

TVSS/TSS C 0.75 0.01 0.76 0.73 L 0.72 0.01 0.74 0.69 A 0.79 0.00 0.79 0.77

F 8555 794 9984 6228 TSS C 7664 129 7824 7372 mg/L L 7568 135 7780 7300 A 7633 158 7852 7328

F 6587 616 7732 . 4784 TVSS C 5829 91 5968 5596 mg/L L 5704 100 5868 5500 A 5953 123 6116 5716

F 0.77 0.01 0.81 0.75 TVSS/TSS C 0.76 0.01 0.77 0.76 L 0.75 0.00 0. 76 0. 75 A 0.78 0.00 0.78 0.77

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. 67

Table 6. Summary of Daily TSS and TVSS Levels for 10 day SRT

Std. Parameter Mode Ave. Dev. Max. Min.

F(l) 7960 538 9268 6616 TSS C(2) 6976 166 7368 6704 mg/L L(3) 6835 172 7096 6408 A(4) 6649 196 7056 6232

F 6227 424 7340 5212 TVSS C 5330 131 5616 5104 mg/L L 5078 135 5280 4800 A 5198 143 5492 4780

F 0.78 0.01 0.80 0.76 TVSS/TSS C 0.76 0.00 0.77 0.76 L 0.74 0.01 0.76 0.73 A 0.78 0.01 0.80 0.75

F 8555 794 9984 6228 TSS C 7706 173 8020 7348 mg/L L 7459 239 7856 6972 A 7552 162 7912 7296

F 6587 616 7732 4784 TVSS C 5819 157 6108 5516 mg/L L 5578 204 5936 5172 A 5760 134 6000 5520

F 0.77 0.01 0.81 0.75 TVSS/TSS C 0.76 0.01 0.77 0. 74 L 0.75 0.01 0.76 0.74 A 0.76 0.01 0.78 0.75

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. Figure 17. Doily TVSS Levels for 20 day SRT at 20°C Figure 19. Daily TVSS Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C 13.0

0 10 20 30 40 Day

Figure 20. Daily TSS Levels for 15 day SRT at 20°C.

Figure 21. Daily TVSS Levels for 15 day SRT at 20°C 71 Figure 25. Daily TVSS Levels for 10 day SRT at 20°C 73 74

2. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels

Figures 28 - 33 reflect the daily mixed-liquor pH (MLpH) level in each

of the digesters as well as the raw sludge. No attempt was made to

control the pH level in the anoxic-aerobic digesters or the aerobic

digesters. A daily dose of lime slurry was added to the lime control

digester in an attempt to maintain the pH level near 7.0. The values

shown in Figures 28 - 33 for this digester are the minimum daily

values; that is, the pH reading was taken, then the lime added, and

the next reading was not taken until the following day. This system

was less rigorous than that employed by others (Anderson and Mavinic,

1984); however, it was successful at maintaining a minimum pH level

within the range considered optimum for a mixed population of


The average MLpH level in the anoxic-aerobic digesters was 7.12 + 0.07.

Thus, anoxic-aerobic digesters showed a remarkable ability to

'naturally' control the pH level. This was the case for both

temperatures (20 °C and 10 °C), as well as for the three SRT's

investigated (20, 15, and 10 days). One benefit of this self-

regulating pH process was apparent during the discussions concerning

the TVSS reduction, namely, that at lower SRT-temperature products,

the anoxic-aerobic digester out-performed the aerobic control.

The average minimum daily MLpH level in the lime control digesters was

6.81 + 0.12. While the standard deviation is larger than that for the

anoxic-aerobic digesters, it can be explained as a function of operator

reliability and daily slug dosing. Mixed-Liquor pH (MLpH) Levels


w O Ln O Cn O In O Cn O 8.0

7.5 7.0 X 6.5



5.0 -

• Anoxic—Aerobic 4.5 - + Lime Control o Aerobic Control 4.0 i i i i i i i r 10-Dec 17-Dec 24-Dec 31-Dec 07-Jan 14-Jan 21-Jan 28-Jan 04-Feb Date Figure 29. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C. Mixed-Liquor pH (MLpH) Levels

Mixed-Liquor pH (MLpH) Levels 8.0


X ^ 4.5 -

10-Dec 17-Dec 24-Dec 31-Dec 07-Jan 14-Jan Date Figure 33.. Daily Mixed-Liquor pH Levels for 10 day SRT at 10°C.

00 o 81

There was considerable variation in the MLpH levels in the aerobic

control digesters. For example, the average MLpH was 5.25 + 0.42 and

ranged from 6.71 to 4.24. While the aerobic controls did not seem to

suffer greatly in terms of solids reduction, it cannot be assumed that

large fluctuations in MLpH levels were completely tolerable. For

example, sudden increases in the MLpH levels within the aerobic

control, as seen in Figures 28 - 33, were associated with nitrite

build-up and lack of alkalinity consumption due to inhibition of

Nitrobacter. A more detailed account of this phenomenon appears later

during the discussion of the supernatant characteristics.

An explanation of why the lime control out-performed, in terms of

solids reduction, both anoxic-aerobic and aerobic digesters cannot be

founded solely on the basis of pH control. Additional benefits

associated with a neutral digester pH are discussed later in terms of

supernatant quality.

3. Nitrogen Balance

Appendix C contains a compilation of the nitrogen forms measured

throughout the three experimental runs. This includes both the

nitrogen associated with the digested sludge and the supernatant.

Table 7 presents a summary of the average TKN and %N for the raw

sludge and the digested sludges. In order to discuss and compare the

results, the TKN values have also been expressed in terms of TVSS. In

all cases, there was a decrease in the levels of TKN and the %N

through digestion. Variations in the TKN levels appeared not to 82 follow a trend with respect to SRT. However, the reduction in TKN was greater for all digesters at 20 °C than at 10 °C.

Average values of 0.086 and 0.094 g TKN/g TVSS were calculated for the raw sludge at 20°C and 10 °C, respectively and are within the range reported in the literature (Koers, 1979). The unit values for all digesters were quite similar, with overall averages at the two temperatures of 0.082 and 0.092 g TKN/g TVSS. These values represented decreases of only 4.1% and 2.1%; due to the relative errors associated with their determination, this was not considered significant.

In order to determine more closely the fate of nitrogen through the various digestion modes, the following mass balance equation was employed:

overall N balance = total N in - total N out

+ change in N in digester .... (19)

Figure 34 presents a schematic of the mass balance and the various forms of nitrogen measured. From this, it was possible to estimate the amount of nitrogen 'missing'. It was assumed that any missing nitrogen represented a loss of nitrogen gas to the surroundings. The forms and quantity of the gases liberated during digestion were not measured. 83

Table 7. Average Nitrogen Levels Within Raw and Digested Sludge

Temperature 20°C 10°C


Parameter Mode 20 15 10 20 15 10

F(l) 529 516 520 617 666 595

C(2) 403 325 443 470 544 526 ' TKN mg/L L(3) 443 347 425 526 537 506

A(4) 432 355 428 493 538 522

N(5) 494 498 492 - -

F 6.68 6.31 6.35 7.15 7.53 6.91

C 6.23 6.21 6.39 7.09 7.53 6.79

%N L 5.71 5.46 6.05 6.89 7.34 6.85

A 6.42 6.14 6.42 7.08 7.46 6.86

N 7.04 6.88 6.79 - - -

F 0.085 0 .089 0 .084 0.094 0.096 0 .093

C 0.084 0 .071 0 .083 0.088 0.093 0 .090 TKN/ TVSS L • 0.098 0 .075 0 .084 0.097 0.094 0 .091

A 0.088 0 .077 0 .082 0.090 0.090 0 .091

N 0.094 0 .094 0 .089 - - -

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. (5) Non-aerated digesters. 84

'\ Nitrogen gas lost


Feed sludge Digested sludge Nitrification "7 TKN TKN NH3-N Denitrification NH3-N NO3-N NO3-N

Figure 34. Nitrogen Balance During Anoxic-aerobic and Aerobic Digestion (after Koers, 1979) 85

While Koers (1979) found that there was considerable nitrogen removal,

it should be noted that the only route for nitrogen removal at this

level of investigation was through denitrification to N2 gas. He

observed that the process of turning off the air and daily decanting

"most assuredly resulted in anoxic conditions"; thus, an explanation

for the denitrification could easily manifest itself.

Table 8 presents the amount of nitrogen removal that can be expected

for the digesters investigated. It was found that almost all the

nitrogen could be accounted for in the lime and aerobic controls.

Since the air was always on, it is speculated that there was very

little denitrification taking place in these digesters. On the other

hand, since the anoxic-aerobic digesters experienced anoxic conditions

on a regular basis, it was not unreasonable to expect a significant

amount of denitrification, and hence nitrogen removal, to take place.

As such, nitrogen removals up to 30% may be anticipated through the use

of anoxic-aerobic digestion.

Note: It was assumed that ammonification (the conversion of organic

nitrogen) took place and soluble nitrogen first appeared as ammonia

(and subsequently nitrified). This is discussed more fully under

"supernatant characteristics".

4. Phosphorus Balance

Appendix D contains a compilation of all the phosphorus data,

including those associated with the digested sludge and the

supernatant, for all the digesters. Table 9 presents a summary of the

average levels of total phosphorus (TP) within the raw and digested 86

Table 8. Nitrogend) Removal Data

T SRT Mode Nin Nout Nin-Nout N0X out N2 Removal (2) (3) (4) (5) (f) (g) %

C(6) 8994 6850 2144 27 2043 22.7

20 L(7) 8994 6663 2331 2533 -253 -2.8

A(8) 8994 7337 1657 1500 131 1.5

C 6708 4494 2214 24 2189 32.6

20°C 15 L 6708 4505 2203 1455 747 11.1

A 6708 4612 2096 1267 829 12.4

C 4678 3987 591 9.8 586 12.5

10 L 4678 3825 853 853 -43 -0.9

A 4678 3854 824 775 43 0.9

C 10482 7993 2489 39 2450 23.4

20 L 10482 8267 2215 1720 495 4.7

A 10482 8384 2098 1145 953 9.1

C 4666 3806 860 11 849 18.2

10°C 15 L 4666 3756 910 634 256 5.5

A 4666 3769 897 555 342 7.3

C 6542 5788 754 14 740 11.3

10 L 6542 5571 971 781 190 2.9

A 6542 5742 800 704 96 1.5

(1) Nitrogen expressed as mg/L as N.

(2) Equals sum of both TKN and N0X added. (3) Equals sum of TKN wasted. (4) Nitrogen gas evolution assumed to be (f) - (g).

(5) Based on N2/TKNin x 100. (6) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (7) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (8) Constant aeration. 87 sludge. Results concerning the supernatant phosphorus are presented in the section on "supernatant characteristics".

Table 9 revealed that there was a decrease in the TP content of the sludge for all digesters at both temperatures. This suggested that there was phosphorus release taking place during digestion. This was confirmed by the average percent P levels in the digested sludge for the aerobic digesters. The %P levels in the aerobically digested sludge were consistently less than those in the raw sludge, constituting average decreases of 15.4 and 3.14 % at 20 and 10 °C.

Moreover, the greatest decrease in %P content of the sludge was found to be 19.9 percent for the aerobic digester having a 15 day SRT operating at 20 °C.

In contrast, the average %P for the anoxic-aerobic and the lime controls increased during digestion. This can readily be explained for the lime controls by the formation of calcium phosphate, which is insoluble and became a portion of the solids. A slight increase in the

%P for the anoxic-aerobic digesters was apparent. Since denitrifiers have been shown to be responsible for phosphorus accumulation, one explanation existed. In addition, it is speculated that the continuation of anoxic-aerobic cycling (experienced in the biological phosphorus removal process from which the sludge was obtained) promoted phosphorus retention within the digesting sludge. However, to confirm this, more work is necessary.

The observation that the unit TP per unit TVSS (g TP/g TVSS) increased

(when compared to the values for the raw sludge) for all the digesters 88 at both temperatures can be explained. During digestion, there was a decrease in the levels of TP as well as a decrease in the TVSS levels; however, the decrease in the TVSS content was greater than the decrease in the TP content. This was an encouraging result, since it suggested that, during aerobic digestion (especially for the anoxic-aerobic and lime control) there was an attempt made by the microorganisms to retain P. The short experimental run conducted without aeration showed that this was not the case for the anoxic-anaerobic digesters, which exhibited an average drop, in %P being retained in the sludge, of 45%.

A mass balance of phosphorus was conducted in a manner similar to that done for nitrogen. Equation 19 was employed, as well as using the approach presented in Figure 34 (substituting relevant phosphorus forms for nitrogen forms). Table 10 is a summary of those calculations and reveals that, within experimental error, all the phosphorus can be accounted for with a recovery range of 77 - 99 percent. 89

Table 9. Average Phosphorus Levels Within Raw and Digested Sludge

Temperature 20°C 10°C


Parameter Mode 20 15 10 20 15 10

F(l) 296 305 305 299 305 300

C<2) 284 248 296 269 293 293 TP mg/L L(3) 287 260 294 279 284 283

A(4) 285 253 283 277 280 282

N(5) 274 273 281 - - .' -

F 3.65 3.86 3.84 3.44 3.25 3.56

C 3.85 3.88 3.87 3.66 3.64 3.72

%P L 4.24 4.07 4.09 3.75 3.63 3.82

A 2.94 3.09 3.56 3.24 3.06 3.64

N 2.17 2.11 2.12 - - -

F 0.048 0.053 0.049 0.045 0.044 0.047

C 0.059 0.055 0.056 0.050 0.050 0.050 TP/ TVSS L 0.064 0.056 0.058 0.052 0.050 0.051

A 0.058 0.055 0.054 0.051 0.047 0.049

N 0.052 0.051 0.051 - - -

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. (5) Non-aerated digesters. 90

Table 10. Phosphorus Balance

P missing(2) T SRT Mode P in"^out(l) (absolute value)

C(3) -121 7.35

20 L(4) -17 1.00

A(5) -47 2.82

C 167 10.52

20°C 15 L 102 6.46

A 86 5.45

C 23 1.38

10 L 163 9.90

A 151 9.17

C 236 15.63

20 L 36 2.34

A -65 4.29

C 128 15.18

10°C 15 L 116 13.77

A 192 22.75

C 47 2.92

10 L 164 10.21

A 217 13.54

(1) Sum of total phosphorus added minus sum of total phosphorus wasted in milligrams. (2) Expressed as a percentage of total phosphorus added. (3) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (4) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (5) Constant aeration. 91

5. Alkalinity Consumption and Production

Table 11 shows the alkalinity levels experienced in the raw and

digested sludges. The raw sludge contained, on average, 214 mg/L as

CaCC>3 alkalinity. In general, this value would be considered to be

low; yet in areas where there is very little natural alkalinity in the

water supply, such as Vancouver, this value could be considered

normal. In order to maintain favourable conditions within the pilot-

plant, alkalinity, in the form of sodium bicarbonate, is added.

As with pH, no trends in digested sludge alkalinity were found for the

anoxic-aerobic digesters, either with respect to SRT or temperature.

The levels, on average, were approximately 20 percent less than those

in the raw sludge and, in general, matched the levels maintained in the

lime controls.

Ordinarily, alkalinity is consumed at the rate of 7.14 mg/L as CaC03

per mg/L of ammonia N oxidized to nitrate. Yet, the first step,

ammonification, results in a gain of 3.57 mg/L of alkalinity as CaC03

per mg/L of N ammonified (Warner et al., 1985). Therefore, when there

is no subsequent denitrification, a net loss of alkalinity, of 3.57

mg/L (as CaC03) per mg/L ammonia N, results. The outcome of this work

indicated a slightly lower net loss value of 3.07 mg/L of alkalinity

(as (CaC03) per mg/L ammonia N solubilized) could be expected.

However, the alkalinity data was not exhaustive and the author does not

dispute the theoretical value. 92

Table 11. Average Alkalinity Levels Within Raw and Digested Sludge

Temperature 20°C 10°C


Parameter Mode 20 15 10 20 15 10

F(l) 226 248 207 191 - 200

Alkalinity C(2) 192 137 169 163 161 mg/L as CaC03 L(3) 300 224 172 139 149

A(4) 57 40 16 57 - 25

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. 93

In the case when denitrification does take place, such as with anoxic-

aerobic digestion, an alkalinity gain of 3.57 mg/L (as CaC03> per mg/L

of nitrate N reduced can be expected. Thus, over one complete cycle,

there is an alkalinity gain of 3.57 mg/L (as CaCC^) during

ammonification, a loss of 7.14 mg/L (as CaC03) during nitrification,

and a gain of 3.57 mg/L as CaCC>3 during denitrification. Consequently,

there is no net loss of alkalinity during anoxic-aerobic digestion

provided there is complete denitrification.

The aerobic controls consumed almost all the alkalinity present in the

raw sludge. In general, the levels in the aerobic control were very

low, approximately one tenth those in the raw sludge. The values

presented in Table 11 are overall averages and reflect the fact that,

on several occasions, there was incomplete conversion of nitrites to

nitrates, resulting in less alkalinity being consumed. This is

discussed in more detail in the nitrification section of the

"supernatant characteristics".

6. Chemical Oxygen Demand

Raw and digested sludge chemical oxygen demand (COD) levels, as well

as g COD/g TVSS values, were calculated and are presented in Table 12.

Trends in the COD levels matched those found for percent TVSS

reduction. However, since COD levels were measured only occasionally,

any parallels are observational and may not withstand closer

investigation. The lime control digesters were found to be most

effective at COD removal regardless of SRT or temperature. 94

Table 12. Average COD Levels Within Raw and Digested Sludge

Temperature 20°C 10°C


Parameter Mode 20 15 10 20 15 10

F(l) 8400 8832 8329 9510 10193 8941

C(2) 6599 6059 7293 7784 9023 9027 COD mg/L L(3) 6116 6049 6926 7888 8331 8333

A(4) 6782 6417 6953 8117 9019 8552

N(5) 8189 8035 8529 - - -

C 21.4 31.4 12.4 18.1 11.5 -1.0

% COD L 27.2 31.5 16.8 17.1 18.3 6.8 Removal A 19.3 27.3 16.5 14.6 11.5 4.4

N 2.5 9.0 -2.3 - - -

F 1.35 1.52 1.34 1.44 1.47 1.40

C 1.37 1.33 1.37 1.45 1.55 1.55 COD/TVSS L 1.36 1.30 1.36 1.46 1.46 1.49

A 1.39 1.40 1.34 1.48 1.52 1.48

N 1.57 1.51 1.54 - - -

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. (5) Non-aerated digesters. 95

Averages of 1.42 and 1.43 g COD/g TVSS for the raw sludge and all

digested sludge, respectively, were calculated. The small difference

confirmed the speculation that the COD reduction paralleled the TVSS

reduction. This is consistent in fact, since the majority of the

volatile solids would be carbon compounds and COD is an indirect

measure of the carbon content.

The traditional C:N:P ratio of 100:5:1 (Metcalf and Eddy, 1979) was

not observed. A ratio of 100:6.3:3.5 was found. This was not unusual

considering the sludge's origin. Coming from a biological nutrient

removal facility, it seems predictable that the sludge would have

higher portions of both N and P. Also, the ratio of N to P was

decreased significantly, suggesting that there were high levels of P

in the sludge. Again, since the pilot-plant was operating successfully

during this study, it was anticipated that the sludge phosphorus would

be high.

7. Qualitative Observations

Although no formal tests were carried out to determine the following

results, their inclusion was warranted on the basis of careful


No solids determination on the supernatant were conducted because

centrifugation was substituted for gravity settling. Nevertheless, a

relative idea of the clarity of the supernatant could be seen when the

total solids determinations were made. That is, the mixed liquors were

spun, then the supernatant poured through the vacuum filter. At this 96

point, the relative amount of residue on the filter was assessed visually. For the anoxic-aerobic and the lime control digesters, there was little, if any, detectable residue, thus indicating a 'clear '

supernatant being achieved. In practice, the clarity of the

supernatant would be a function of the liquid solid separation

technique employed. In contrast, the purely aerobic digester

supernatant left a residue which was light brown in colour.

Foaming was experienced from time to time on all the digesters except

the lime controls. This occurred at both 20 and 10 °C. The maximum

thickness of any of the foam layers was approximately 2 centimeters.

Since sampling and wasting were performed well below the mixed-liquor

foam interface, the presence of foam was considered benign. For the

anoxic-aerobic digesters, a small blanket of foam could have the

beneficial effect of reducing any surrounding air transfer during the

anoxic (denitrification) periods.

Colour changes in the digested sludge were noted. The anoxic-aerobic

and the lime control digested sludge were brown (the raw sludge was a

darker brown). On the other hand, the aerobic control digested sludge

was a light brown.

Although of dubious practical significance, the presence of sludge worms was observed in the raw sludge. This was not always the case, but when they were present a couple of observations were made. Sludge

worms survived the lime control digester; however, they were not

present in the effluent of the anoxic-aerobic digester. It is

speculated that the worms are unable to survive without oxygen, hence 97

they expire and become food for the bacteria. Sludge worms were not

able to survive the pure aerobic digestion process either. Since

oxygen was always present, it is assumed that the worms were unable to

adapt to the low pH level within the digester.

None of the digesters produced a detectable odour. Even at 10 °C

where the digesters were in a relatively small environment chamber, i

was there no noticeable odour. A brief experiment was conducted

whereby sludge was digested at 20 °C without aeration (mixing with no

cover). However, these digesters experienced odour problems and the

experiment was not repeated.

C - Supernatant Characteristics

The supernatant from each of the digesters and the raw sludge was analyzed for soluble constituents of engineering interest. These included: nitrogen

+ in the forms of N0X (N02 + NO3) and NH4 ; total phosphorus and ortho- phosphate; chemical oxygen demand; and alkalinity.

1. Nitrogen

As noted earlier, Appendix C contains all the tabulated nitrogen

information for all experimental runs.


All digesters showed that nitrification took place during each run.

This was not surprising on two accounts: (1) The source of the sludge,

and (2) past experience.

The raw sludge was obtained from a modified UCT biological phosphorus

removal pilot-plant. The facility was operating successfully

throughout the sludge digestion study period. In part, the successful 98 operation of the pilot-plant relies on a healthy population of both nitrifiers and denitrifiers. Thus, when the raw sludge was obtained from the pilot-plant, it was assumed to contain both nitrifiers and denitrifiers. This assumption was corroborated by the results.

The production of nitrates during aerobic digestion is well understood. Dreier (1963) reported nitrate levels as high as 600 mg/L. Koers (1979) reported levels around 200 mg/L. For the anoxic- aerobic digesters, the nitrification that took place during the aerated periods was denitrified during the non-aerated periods.

Therefore, the level of nitrate found, at any particular time, was a function of the sampling time. Similarly, the TKN and NH4+ levels were affected by the sampling time frame. In order to assess the real-time TKN and NH4+ levels, a series of continuous monitoring experiments were conducted. The results are discussed in greater detail in Section D.

During aerobic digestion, it is usually the case that any ammonia formed as a result of the stabilization of the volatile solids present will first be converted to nitrites by Nitrosomonas and then to nitrates by Nitrobacter. In general, nitrites are unstable and quickly converted to nitrate. The production of nitrate is an

indication that stabilization has taken place.

Figures 35 - 40 show the trends in nitrate production, over time, for the three digesters, for all SRTs and temperatures investigated. The ammonia levels within the aerobic control were also plotted at the

same time. Figures 35 - 40, for the lime controls, suggest a steady 180

24-Sep 01-Oct 08-Oct 16-Oct 22-Oct 29-Oct 05-Nov 12-Nov Date Figure 35. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 20 day SRT at 20 °C.

VO VD 130

10-Dec 17-Dec 24-Dec 31-Dec 07-Jan 14-Jan 21-Jan 28-Jan 04-Feb

Date Figure 36. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C.

o o Soluble Nitrogen as N (mg/L)

ooooooooooooooo o





80 - CO O 70 C CD 60 cn O • NOx Anoxic-Aerobic 50 + NOx Lime Control 40 o NOx Aerobic Control

_CD v NH3 _Q 30 Z5 Nitrite not detected o 20 CO 10 -v-

0 i 24-Sep 28-Sep 01-Oct 05-0ct 08-0ct 13-0ct 16-0ct 19-0ct 22-Oct

Date Figure 39. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 10 day SRT at 20 °C.

o 90


CD 70

60 - CO D 50 - C CD cn 40 O • NOx Anoxic—Aerobic + NOx Lime Control 30 o NOx Aerobic Control _CD v NH _Q 3 Z5 20 Nitrite not detected "o CO 10

0 10-Dec 17-Dec 24-Dec 31-Dec 07-Jan 14-Jan

Date Figure 40. Supernatant Nitrogen Levels for 10 day SRT at 10°C.

o 105 increase in the level of nitrates, eventually levelling off; however, the aerobic controls experienced fluctuations in their nitrate production.

Due to the nitrification-denitrification taking place within the anoxic-aerobic digesters, the peak nitrate levels were found to be low. That is, in general, the maximum concentration of nitrate found was less than 2.0 NO3-N mg/L. At 20 °C, the levels were 1.74, 1.98 and 1.20 NO3-N mg/L for SRTs 20, 15 and 10 days, respectively. At

10 °C, peak nitrate levels were found to be 4.44, 1.74 and 1.60 N03-N mg/L for SRTs 20, 15 and 10 days, respectively.

Supernatant nitrate levels in the lime control digesters were maximum at 20 °C, peaking at 174, 133 and 111 NO3-N mg/L for SRTs 20, 15 and

10 days, respectively. At 10 °C, peak nitrate levels were found to be

126, 101 and 80.5 N03-N mg/L for SRTs 20, 15 and 10 days, respectively. Nitrate production, at 20 °C, in the aerobic controls peaked at 97.6, 94.9 and 89.5 NO3-N mg/L and, at 10 °C, 81.4, 78.5 and

74.3 NO3-N mg/L for SRTs 20, 15 and 10 days, respectively. The magnitude of the peak levels for the lime controls and aerobic controls were consistent with the fact that nitrifiers prefer a slightly alkaline pH.

The conversion of ammonia to nitrate consumes alkalinity at the rate of 7.14 mg/L (as CaC03) per mg/L ammonia N oxidized (Warner et al.

1984; among others), and if the buffering capacity of the digesting sludge is low, this results in a drop in digester pH levels as nitrification proceeds. For the anoxic-aerobic digesters, 106 denitrification during the non-aerated periods produce alkalinity and, consequently, there is no drop in digester pH. For the lime control digesters, the daily addition of lime maintains the pH level and indirectly restores the alkalinity lost due to nitrification.

As noted while discussing Figures 28 - 33, the pH control of the anoxic-aerobic units was excellent. The pH control by the addition of lime was adequate, but was limited by the daily addition of a slug,, rather than through a continuous feed. The aerobic digesters, where pH was not controlled, showed that, in general, the pH levels dropped to relatively low levels (4.2 - 5.0). On several occasions, there was a sudden increase in the aerobic digester pH, which can be partially explained in terms of nitrite production.

The presence of nitrites was not detected for the anoxic-aerobic nor

the lime control digesters. However, on a number of occasions, nitrites were detected in the aerobic digester supernatant. A measurable amount of nitrite was noted in all the aerobic control digesters for SRTs of 20 and 15 days at 20 and 10 °C. There was no measurable nitrite in the 10 day SRT digesters at either temperature.

Nitrite build-up 'events' were characterized by. a sudden increase in digester pH (a rise of 1.0-2.0 pH units over 2-4 days); a large -

increase in dissolved oxygen (from 3 to 7 mg/L); a drop in ammonia

levels, and; a drop in nitrate levels. Figures 41 - 44 illustrate the apparent interplay between digester pH, DO and soluble nitrogen forms.

Ordinarily, the conversion from nitrite to nitrate is rapid and

therefore residual amounts of nitrite are not detected. Therefore, it Soluble Nitrogen as N (mg/L) Soluble Nitrogen as N (mg/L)

Mixed-Liquor pH (MLpH) Level

80T Soluble Nitrogen as N (mg/L)

OM^bcobro^bcobrol^bcob Mixed-Liquor pH (MLpH) Leve

601 Soluble Nitrogen as N (mg/L)

4^ 4^ Cn cn Cn cn cn CD cn b 4^ CO b NO 4^ b 00 b 4^ cn CO b ixed-Liquor pH (MLpH) Level

on 111 was assumed that there was no change in the nitrite production, but there was a decrease in the conversion of nitrite to nitrate. In other words, at those times, environmental conditions inhibited Nitrobacter but not Nitrosomonas.

It was felt that competition and low energy levels were a greater hinderance to Nitrobacter than Nitrosomonas. When the Nitrobacter population was incapable of converting the nitrite to nitrate at the normal rate, a 'residual' amount of nitrite was detected. At 20 °C, the maximum level of nitrite was 17.82 mg/L NO2-N for a 20 day SRT.

Meanwhile, at 10 °C, the maximum levels were 13.2 and 5.39 mg/L NO2-N for 20 and 15 day SRTs, respectively. There were corresponding drops in the nitrate levels of 54% at 20 °C and 77% and 21% at 10 °C. Since there was less production of nitrate, there was a corresponding decrease in alkalinity consumption, resulting in increasing digester pH. The increase in the DO levels in the digesters is explained by the inability of the Nitrobacter to consume oxygen to form nitrate. A significant fraction of the air sparging that was being used for nitrate production was no longer being utilized; as a result, there was an increase in the residual dissolved oxygen.

These events were self-correcting. Even though nothing changed, after a number of days the pH began to slowly drop to the previous level, D.O returned to normal, the nitrite levels dropped and the nitrate levels increased. One explanation is that replacement of inactive 'digested'

Nitrobacter with 'fresh' sludge, combined with the increased pH levels, allowed for the re-establishment of a healthy Nitrobacter population.

As a result, 100% conversion of nitrite to nitrate was re-established. 112

It was speculated that, with the restored conversion of nitrite to nitrate, there was a corresponding consumption of alkalinity resulting in steadily decreasing pH. Experimental runs were not long enough to say whether or not these events would repeat themselves within a single digester. However, it is likely that similar events could occur over time during long-term digestion studies.

This explanation was supported by the fact that no nitrite was found

in the 10 day SRT aerobic controls. The addition of a larger volume of 'fresh' sludge prevented nitrite build-up from occurring, despite a decrease in MLpH. At the same time, Figures 41 - 44 reveal that the ammonia levels also dropped during the nitrite 'events'. With

increasing pH, the nitrifiers were no longer inhibited and consequently there was increased conversion of ammonia to nitrite.

Ammonia levels

If samples were taken at the end of an aerated period, that is under highly oxidized conditions, there tended to be very little ammonia present. This was the case for the anoxic-aerobic and the lime control digesters. However, the aerobic digesters showed a significantly high build-up of ammonia.

Supernatant ammonia levels in the aerobic digesters were maximum at

+ 20 °C, peaking at 30.5, 72.9 and 14.1 mg/L NH4 -N for SRTs 20, 15 and

10 days, respectively. At 10 °C, peak ammonia levels in the aerobic digesters were found to be 23.9, 17.0 and 3.71 mg/L NH4+-N for SRTs

20, 15 and 10 days, respectively. With the one exception, there was a decreasing ammonia residual with decreasing SRT, as well as with temperature. The longer SRT allowed for a greater degree of 113

solubilization of nitrogen to form ammonia and, due to greater

biological activity at higher temperatures, there was an increase in

the rate at which solubilization took place.

A short experiment conducted under anoxic-anaerobic conditions (no

aeration, mixing without covers) produced ammonia levels of 41.4, 51.8

+ and 39.3 mg/L NH4 -N for SRTs 20, 15 and 10 days, respectively. This

run was conducted at 20 °C for 30 days. Observations made on the

continuous monitoring dates revealed that the soluble TKN levels were

approximately equal to the NH4+ levels.

2. Phosphorus

Appendix D contains a summary of all the phosphorus data.


The levels of ortho-phosphate (PO4) observed are presented in Figures

45 - 50. Table 13 reveals, in terms of SRT and temperature, trends

associated with the digesters investigated. It was apparent that the

average level of phosphate in the supernatant increased with

increasing SRT, as well as with increasing temperature. The addition

of lime was assumed to produce an insoluble calcium phosphate,

Ca3(P04), which remained with the solids. As a result, ignoring

possible adsorption to CaC03 at high pH, it was anticipated that the

ortho-phosphate levels in the supernatant of the lime control digesters

would be a function of the amount of lime added.

All digesters showed a tendency to have higher PO4 levels at longer

SRTs and higher digestion temperatures. At 20 °C, average levels in

the anoxic-aerobic digesters were approximately 1.5 times those in the 114

Table 13. Average Supernatant Phosphorus Levels

Temperature 20°C 10°C


Parameter Mode 20 15 10 20 15 10

F(l) 0.3 6.4 0.3 1.4 2.6 0.8

C(2) 42.5 41.9 34.8 26.0 20.2 13.5 PO4-P mg/L L(3) 24.7 29.8 23.5 26.1 21.1 17.2

A(4) 117.7 103.2 71.7 65.3 71.3 30.7

N(5) 148.4 152.4 152.1 - - -

F ------

C 46.2 - 37.9 27.3 - 13.3 TP mg/L L 23.0 23.2 26.1 14.6

A 123.6 - 79.7 54.4 - 35.4

N ------

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. (5) Non-aerated digesters. 115

lime control; levels in the aerobic control supernatant were 3-5

times those in the lime control (or 2-3 times those in the anoxic- aerobic) . Similar ratios were obtained at 10 °C. In addition, with an

increase in SRT from 10 to 20 days at 20 °C for both the anoxic-aerobic

and the aerobic digesters, the PO4 levels increased 1.5 times and, at

10 °C, levels roughly doubled. Phosphorus levels in the lime control

supernatant exhibited the same trends, although not to the same extent.

Results of the continuous monitoring revealed that no measurable phosphorus release and uptake occurred for the anoxic-aerobic digesters

during a single cycle.

The significance of the difference between the ortho-phosphate levels

found in the supernatant of the anoxic-aerobic and the aerobic

digesters may be explained in terms of digester pH. As shown in

previous studies, more P release occurred at lower pH levels. For the

lime control, the ability to maintain the lowest PO4 levels could be a

function of both calcium phosphate formation and neutral pH.

In a effort to show the relationship between pH and phosphorus release,

Randall et al. (1971) plotted phosphorus released per day versus

digester pH. They found that, below pH 6.5, there was a large

increase in the release of phosphate during aerobic digestion.

Figure 51 is a similar plot for this work and helps explain the

different PO4 levels in the supernatants of the digesters.

Clearly there was significantly greater release of soluble phosphorus

per day at MLpH levels below 5.8. Thus, similar to previous findings

(Hopson and Sack, 1973; among others), it was observed that phosphorus 150

i l I I T I I 1 1 24-Sep 01-Oct 08-Oct 16-Oct 22-Oct 29-Oct 05-Nov 12-Nov 19-Nov

Date Figure 45. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 20 day SRT at 20°C. 120

110 ioo H

90 H

80 H

70 H

10-Dec 17-Dec 24-Dec 31-Dec 07-Jan 14-Jan 21-Jan 28-Jan 04-Feb

Date Figure 46. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 20 day SRT at 10°C. 130

02-Jul 09-Jul 16-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul 06-Aug 13-Aug

Date Figure 47. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 15 day SRT at 20°C. cn

Q_ I O D_ Q) _Q Z5 "o 00


Date Figure 48. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 15 day SRT at 10°C. 90

• Anoxic—Aerobic + Lime Control o Aerobic Control

i i i i i n i 1

24-Sep 28-Sep 01-Oct 05-0ct 08-0ct 13-0ct 16-0ct 19-0ct 22-0ct

Figure 49. Supernatant PhosphoruDate- s Levels for 10 day SRT at 20°C.

ho O 55

10-Dec 17-Dec 24-Dec 31-Dec 07-Jon 14-Jon


Figure 50. Supernatant Phosphorus Levels for 10 day SRT at 10°C. Phosphate Release (mg/L P04- P/day)

4* 4^


4^ 00


n O _> C/) ~o IT B e L e

r-t- CD < fD fD CD —

T) _X X OD O 00 C T3 Z3 —__J O c CD 00 4^ X) fD ft) Q 00 fD 00 Q


"O ZC 123 release will occur as a result of the on-set of unfavourable conditions such as low pH. It is also possible that adsorption/desorption reactions could be as important as direct precipitation.

Total phosphorus

As seen in Table 13, the levels of soluble total phosphorus in the digester supernatants closely followed the ortho-phosphate levels. It was assumed that, due to the relative errors associated with both determination methods, soluble TP and PO4 were about the same.

Therefore, throughout the following discussion, total soluable phosphorus and ortho-phosphate are considered interchangeable.

The importance of the PO4 levels obtained, after digestion of the raw sludge, can be considered to be a function of the sludge origin, effluent requirements and ultimate sludge disposal methods available.

Sludge obtained from a biological phosphorus removal facility will undoubtedly have a high phosphorus content. Although it is desirable to digest that sludge, in order to stabilize and reduce its volume, it is undesirable to release the phosphorus during digestion. Thus, is was desirable to have a method of digestion which maintains stabilization and allows for minimal phosphorus release. The anoxic- aerobic digesters were superior to aerobic digesters, in terms of preventing phosphorus release.

If the effluent requirements are not very stringent, then the phosphorus levels found in the supernatant after digestion are of no consequence. The supernatant may be combined with the plant effluent and discharged. However, it is more likely that there will exist effluent requirements that prohibit this course of action. Two 124

choices present themselves: (1) the supernatant from the digesters may

be recycled to the head of the plant, or (2) the phosphorus may be

removed by a separate treatment process before being discharged. The

latter could be readily accomplished by a relatively small chemical

stripping basin (lime coagulation). The former option is available if

the plant has excess capacity, but it should be remembered that

phosphorus must be 'physically' removed (presumably through sludge

wasting) on a continual basis.

The ultimate disposal method determines the appropriate sludge

treatment. If adequate land is available for composting and sludge

dewatering, then digestion may not be required at all, and the

importance of phosphorus levels in digester supernatant is irrelevant.

However, assuming that aerobic digestion takes place before ultimate

disposal, then the phosphorus levels in the supernatant are relevant.

Again, it is desirable to retain as high a percentage of phosphorus as

possible in the digested sludge solids, especially if the dewatered

digested sludge is to be used as a fertilizer or soil conditioner.

3. COD

The soluble COD level for the various digesters, SRTs and temperatures

are summarized in Table 14. With the exception of the aerobic control

digesters and the brief experiment conducted under non-aerated

conditions, there were no trends in the measured CODs. 125

Table 14. Average Supernatant COD Levels

Temperature 20°C 10°C


Parameter Mode 20 15 10 20 15 10

F(D 30 28 28 29 29 28

C(2) 41 40 34 32 34 28 COD mg/L L(3) 53 36 36 31 29 32

A(4) 118 118 57 116 126 77

N(5) 184 181 174 - - -

C 37 43 21 10 17 0

% COD L 77 29 29 7 0 14 increase(6)

A 293 321 103 300 334 175

N 513 546 521 - - -

(1) Raw sludge feed. (2) Anoxic-aerobic digester. (3) Constant aeration with daily lime slurry addition. (4) Constant aeration. (5) Non-aerated digesters. (6) Relative to raw sludge feed. 126

In general, for the anoxic-aerobic and the lime control digesters, the

level of soluble COD in the supernatant equalled that within the raw

sludge. This suggested that any solubilization of carbon that

occurred during digestion was readily consumed. On the other hand,

the aerobic controls showed a deterioration in their ability to

maintain a low COD level in the supernatant. Again, this may be a

function of low pH and a reduced capacity for the bacteria to utilize

carbon under these conditions. It may also be a function of the

amount of cell lysis that takes place within the various types of

digesters. It was assumed that any dead cellular material would act

as food for the remaining micro-organisms; however, even if that

material was biologically unavailable, it may still exert a chemical

oxygen demand. No BODs were measured so this can not be confirmed or


Also, during the brief non-aerated experiment, the anoxic-anaerobic

digesters showed an increase in their level of supernatant COD over and

above those experienced by the aerobic controls at 20 °C. There was an

increase in the soluble CODs of roughly 5 times over the anoxic-aerobic

digesters and 1.5 - 3.0 times over the aerobic controls.

4. Alkalinity

It was assumed that the alkalinity consumed and produced during the

various digestion modes could be indirectly associated with the

digester pH. For the most part, this assumption was correct on a day-

to-day basis (see Chapter IV, Section B, Number 5). Two sets of 127 alkalinities were determined for the 20 day anoxic-aerobic digester; one at 20 °C and the other at 10 °C.

The results have been plotted along with nitrogen levels from a different date. Figures 52 - 53 show that, after the air was introduced, alkalinity was consumed while nitrates were produced, and during denitrification, there was production of alkalinity. Over an entire cycle, there was no net change in the alkalinity level. This confirms Warner et al.'s (1984) conclusion that anoxic-aerobic digestion does not consume alkalinity.

Figures 52 - 53 also confirm there is 100% conversion of solubilized ammonia to nitrate, within the anoxic-aerobic digesters. For example, nitrification continued after the detectable ammonia has disappeared, while at the same time alkalinity consumption followed nitrate production. The specific rates of alkalinity consumption were 8.33 and

4.16 mg/L (as CaC03) per mg/L NH4+ consumed at 20 °C and 10 °C, respectively. These disagree with the theoretical value of 7.14 mg/L

(as CaC03) per mg/L of NH4+ consumed. However, they are based on only two observations, consequently, more work would be required to confirm these values. Alkalinity as mg/L CaCO^


o^woj^uioivjaifflo-^M^^aioiNiajfflo Soluble Nitrogen as N (mg/L)

8ZT Alkalinity as mg/L CaCO


Nitrogen as N (mg/L)

6ZI 130

D - Monitoring Results

The following results were obtained from 12 continuous monitoring experiments.

Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) readings were recorded every two minutes over a 24 hour period. For the first six-hour cycle, chemical parameters of interest were also measured. Readings from the anoxic-aerobic digesters were plotted and are presented in Figure 54 and

Figures E;l - E.ll. contained in Appendix E.

Figure 54 identifies a number of features. Peddie et al. (1988) described these features in more detail than is presented below. However, a brief overview, identifying their existence, is appropriate.

Feature (A) denotes a rapid slope change in the ORP profile with the onset of aeration.

Feature (B) has been dubbed the "elbow" and occurs at the time when dissolved oxygen becomes measurable. Before this time, any oxygen introduced has presumably been utilized for the production of nitrates, thus only combined oxygen is present, and the "elbow" signifies the emergence of free oxygen. It also corresponds to the time when all the ammonia left over from the non-aerated period has been oxidized. The "elbow" occurred between

20 and 40 minutes after the onset of aeration, depending on the SRT and the digestion temperature. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time (hours) Figure 54. Monitoring Results for 20 Day SRT at 20°C on October 23-24, 1987. 132

Feature (C) is the plateau value of the ORP value during the aerated period.

It corresponds to a fully oxidized state or, at least, the time when the rate of oxidation equals the rate of aeration.

Feature (D) is the inflection point after aeration has been stopped. Dubbed the "oxygen knee", it corresponds to the disappearance of measurable DO.

Note that, up to this point, the concentration of nitrates has been increasing and that, beyond, denitrification takes place. Point D occurred between 14 and 56 minutes after aeration had been halted, depending on the

SRT and digestion temperature.

Feature (E) is a second inflection point. It has been dubbed the "nitrate knee" and corresponds to complete denitrification. The concentration of nitrates at this time was less than the detection limit of 0.1 mg/L. Point

(E) occurred between 96 and 206 minutes after aeration had been halted, depending on the SRT and digestion temperature. On two occasions, at 10 °C, for a 20 day SRT, the air came back on before denitrification was complete.

The reproducibility of the ORP profiles and the characteristic features noted above can be seen in Figures 54 and E.l - E.ll. Except as noted, each of the features is present for each of the monitoring dates. In addition, the inset curve reveals the ORP and DO profiles over a 24 hour period.

Again, consistent results were obtained. The first cycle of the 24 hour inset is the main figure.

Further work relating to the applicability of ORP as a monitoring and control parameter for both anoxic-aerobic digesters and Sequencing Batch

Reactors (SBR) has already begun at U.B.C. 133

One reason for the two occasions when complete denitrification did not occur is that, at 10 °C, there was not enough soluble carbon available for the denitrifiers. Since complete denitrification took place within the 10 day

SRT digester at 10 °C, the longer SRT also contributed to the lack of carbon available.

It should be noted that, on monitoring days, the digesters were not "fed" raw sludge until after 16:00 hours. This meant that fresh sludge was not introduced for up to 30 hours. Therefore, it is possible that all the readily available carbon needed for denitrification had been depleted.

However, if denitrification was not complete, there would have been a gradual increase in the nitrate level within the digester. This did not occur. Presumably, after fresh feed was introduced, there was sufficient carbon available for complete denitrification to take place during subsequent cycles. This presumption was confirmed by the overnight ORP profile, which showed that complete denitrification took place on each of the cycles following the addition of raw sludge (inset Figures 54 - 67).

Table 15 contains a summary of the calculated nitrification and denitrification rates found during monitoring. No clear trend in nitrification rates emerged with respect to SRT. However, the rate of nitrification decreased, on average, 33 percent with a decrease in temperature of 10 °C. Similarily, denitrification rates dropped 56 and 36 percent for 20 and 10 day SRT, respectively, with decreasing temperature.

In most cases, the rate of denitrification exceeded the rate of nitrification. This is particularily true for 10 day SRT. For example, at 134

Table 15. Summary of Nitrification and Denitrification Rates for Anoxic-aerobic Digesters

T SRT 0(1) Nitrification(2) Denitrification(3)

1 0.,64 6 0. 784

20 2 0,.52 4 0. 892

3 0..56 1 0. 900

Ave. 0..57 7 0. 858

1 0..72 1 0. 633

20°C 15 2 0..64 7 0..80 8

3 0..63 0 0. 756

Ave. 0..66 6 0. 732

1 0..68 4 1.,32 8

10 2 0..68 2 1.,02 3

3 0..52 7 1.,12 1

Ave. 0,.63 1 1;,18 7

1 0..35 4 0.,35 1

20 2 0..39 7 0.,41 6

3 0..38 7 0.,36 5

Ave. 0,.37 9 0.,37 7

1 0..42 2 0.,60 8

10°C 10 2 0,.49 1 0.,74 6

3 0,.45 3 0..92 9

Ave. 0..45 5 0..76 1

(1) Observation number. (2) mg/L NO3-N produced per hour. (3) mg/L NO3-N reduced per hour. 135

20 °C, the rate of denitrification exceeded the rate of nitrification by 88 percent.

E - Overall Rating System

The main objective of this study was to assess the acceptability, in terms of a number of accepted performance variables, of anoxic-aerobic digesters for the stabilization of a waste activated sludge. In so doing, logical comparisons have been drawn between anoxic-aerobic digesters and two different controls: aerobic digesters enhanced by lime addition and pure aerobic digesters. So far these comparisons have been dealt with individually. It is hoped that the following discussion will help round out those individual comparisons by presenting an overall rating system and applying it to this case.

For each of the criterium presented in Table 16, each of the digestion modes has been given a score. Each criterium has a total point value of 6;

3 available for the highest ranking; 2 for the next and 1 for the last. In the event of a tie, the combined points available for those two positions are divided equally between the two (or three). In addition to the total points awarded to each digestion mode being recorded, the number of first, second and third place finishes have also been recorded. Identification of a particular digestion mode's strengths and weaknesses are then possible.

Results suggested that anoxic-aerobic digestion was superior to either of the two controls. The lime control ranked above the aerobic control. While the system was somewhat arbitrary, it is felt that this approach had some merit by presenting a rational for comparing the different digestions modes. 136

The system could be improved by utilizing several independent evaluations.

In addition, the relative importance of each category was not assessed, nor was a complete cost evaluation considered. 137

Table 16. Summary of Rating Points for Comparison of Three Digestion Modes


% TVSS reduction 1.5 3.0 1.5

MLpH control 3.0 2.0 1.0

Nitrogen removal 3.0 1.5 1.5

Phosphorus retention 2.5 2.5 1.0

Lack of effluent nitrate 3.0 1.0 2.0

Lack of effluent ammonia 2.5 2.5 1.0

Lack of effluent phosphorus 2.0 3.0 1.0

Total COD removal 1.5 3.0 1.5

Least increase in soluble COD 2.5 2.5 1.0

Ability to conserve alkalinity 3.0 2.0 1.0

Air requirements 3.0 1.5 1.5

Chemical cost 2.5 1.0 2.5

Additional equipment required 1.0 2.0 3.0

Full scale experience 1.5 1.5 3.0

Potential for automation 3.0 .1.5 1.5

Total 35.5 30. 5 24.0

Number of highest rankings 10 6 3

Number of 2nd place rankings 4 7 6

Number of 3rd place rankings 1 2 6 138


Based on the results of this experimental work, utilizing a single source of waste activated sludge, various digestion modes and two temperatures, the following conclusions can be drawn:

A - Digestion Kinetics

1. Anoxic-aerobic digestion compared favourably to aerobic digestion, with

and without lime addition. The use of non-aerated and aerated

conditions in the ratio of 3.5:2.5 hours per six hour cycle allowed

for equal percent TVSS reduction when compared with aerobic digestion.

Over the range of temperature and SRTs investigated, there is a linear

relationship between the percent TVSS reduction achieved, and the

product of SRT and temperature.

2. Lime control digesters consistently showed greater percent TVSS

reduction. However, the differences between the three digestion modes,

in terms of percent TVSS reduction, were within experimental error. It

is concluded that anoxic-aerobic digestion is as effective as aerobic

digestion, with or without lime addition.

3. The incorporation of non-aerated periods during aerobic digestion

resulted in a significant savings in the amount of air required for

comparable percent TVSS reduction. Anoxic-aerobic digestion consumed

only 42 percent of the air required by either the lime or aerobic

controls. 139

4. Variations of 200% in the calculated endogenous decay coefficients

(based on TVSS) can be expected when daily feed sludge concentrations

are not controlled. However, a useful approach for comparing the

endogenous coefficients was presented. By plotting the endogenous

decay coefficients against the percent-time-exceeded, it was possible

to show parallel performance between the digestion modes.

5. Temperature sensitivity was different for each digestion mode. Between

20 °C and 10 °C, temperature sensitivity coefficients of 1.046, 1.067

and 1.076 were found for anoxic-aerobic, lime control and aerobic

digesters, respectively. This indicated that anoxic-aerobic digestion

of bio-P sludge was less affected by temperature than would be

predicted by the standard QIQ = 2 (0 = 1.072).

B - Digested Sludge Characteristics

1. Anoxic-aerobic digesters showed an ability to control the mixed-liquor

pH (MLpH) levels that was superior to daily lime dosing. Neutral MLpH

conditions were maintained in the anoxic-aerobic digesters, despite low

alkalinity levels in the raw sludge.

2. Aerobic digestion afforded large drops in MLpH which did not seem to

inhibit solids reduct ion. Low (generally 4.2 - 5.5) MLpH levels did,

however, effect the overall acceptability of the process.

3. A reduction in total TKN content of the sludge can be expected,

whichever digestion mode is employed. There was no trend in the amount

of TKN reduction with respect to SRT; however, more reduction occurred

at 20 °C than at 10 °C. The average levels of 0.086 and 0.094 g TKN/g 140

TVSS for the raw sludge at 20 °C and 10 °C, were maintained throughout


4. Anoxic-aerobic digestion showed an ability through denitrification to

remove nitrogen as nitrogen gas. As much as 32 percent of the raw

sludge nitrogen may be converted to nitrogen gas. In general, the

amount of nitrogen removal can be expected to be 2 to 4 times that of

the controls.

5. Phosphorus release took place during all three digestion modes.

Anoxic-aerobic and aerobic digestion with lime addition showed the most

promise with respect to retention of percent phosphorus within the


6. Alkalinity was consumed during aerobic digestion. The incorporation of

regular non-aerated periods resulted in the production of alkalinity,

such that there was no net loss of alkalinity during anoxic-aerobic

digestion. The daily addition of lime indirectly maintained the

alkalinity level within the lime controls.

7. Reductions in COD levels paralleled TVSS reductions. A ratio of 1.42 g

COD/g TVSS was observed throughout digestion. The ratio of C:N:P was

100:6.3:3.5 before and after digestion.

C - Supernatant Characteristics

1. Anoxic-aerobic digestion resulted in superior supernatant quality over

either of the controls. Soluble nitrate levels within the anoxic-

aerobic supernatant were generally less than 5.0 mg/L as N. In 141

contrast, nitrate levels in the lime control ranged between 80 and 175

mg/L as N, and levels within the aerobic control ranged between 75 and

100 mg/L as N. Soluble phosphorus levels within the anoxic-aerobic

digesters were, depending on lime dose, approximately equal to the

levels within the lime controls and were one-half to one-third the

levels within the purely aerobic controls.

2. Nitrification took place within all digestion modes. Nitrate levels in

the lime controls were the highest. Due to low MLpH within the aerobic

controls, there was some retardation of nitrification, resulting in

lower levels of effluent nitrate as well as an ammonium residual. Due

to the incorporation of non-aerated periods, there was complete

denitrification within the anoxic-aerobic digesters. Consequently,

nitrogen removal to N2 gas can be expected during anoxic-aerobic

digestion. The rate of nitrogen removal was 2 to 3 times that of

either of the controls.

3. Low MLpH (4.2 - 5.5) may have contributed to a 'build-up' of nitrites

within the aerobic controls. It did result in significantly higher

phosphate levels in the aerobic control supernatant, when compared to

either anoxic-aerobic or lime control digesters' supernatant.

4. Phosphorus supernatant levels were comparable within the anoxic-

aerobic digesters and lime controls. Any differences could be

attributed to lime dose and subsequent precipitation of soluble

phosphate. 142

5. Waste activated sludge generated by a biological removal of phosphorus

facility may preclude the use of aerobic digestion without sufficient

forethought as to the fate of phosphorus within the digester

supernatant. Anoxic-aerobic or aerobic digestion with lime addition

are more suited to this purpose and are therefore recommended.

6. Low soluble COD levels existed in the supernatant of both the anoxic-

aerobic and the lime control digesters. This was not the case for

aerobic digestion, which tended to exceed the levels found in the

others by 3 times.

7. Over a single cycle within the anoxic-aerobic digesters, alkalinity was

consumed and produced such that there was no net loss of alkalinity

during digestion.

D - Monitoring Results

1. ORP proved to be a valuable tool for the monitoring of anoxic-aerobic

digesters. Similar features occurred on all real time ORP profiles

which correlate to events of engineering and theoretical interest.

The use of ORP as a control parameter shows great promise.

2. Nitrification and denitrification rates were affected by temperature,

although, in general, there was sufficient time afforded within each

cycle for both complete nitrification and denitrification to take

place. 143

E - Overall Rating System

1. Based on an overall rating system, anoxic-aerobic digestion rated

higher than the lime control which, in turn, rated higher than the

aerobic control. There exists a need for a standardized rating system

such that regulators, operators and designers can adequately compare

various digestion schemes.

F - Future Research

As a result of this work, the author feels that there are a number of areas of interest which could lead to important discoveries and cost savings. As a result, the following topics are suggested:

1. Anoxic-aerobic digestion should continue to be investigated. Only one

source of sludge was investigated during this study. Anoxic-aerobic

digestion of high-rate sludges, or the digestion of sludges which

combine a relatively small fraction of primary sludge with a larger

fraction of secondary sludge, may prove interesting.

2. Considerable scope exists for the design of new digesters and retrofit

of existing aerobic digesters to utilize the potential benefits of

anoxic-aerobic digestion. In particular, the incorporation of

mechanical mixing and an ability to 'cycle' the air supply come to


3. The use of ORP as a control parameter requires more study. It is felt

that the characteristic shape of the real time ORP profile could lead

to automated control strategies; this would allow for optimization of

both aerobic and anoxic periods. 144


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Solids Data 152

Table A.l. Solids Data for 20 Day SRT at 20°C.


1 9180 7076 0. 77 2 8264 6364 0. 77 3 8172 6308 0. 77 4 7560 5808 0. 77 5 7600 5932 0. 78 6 8672 6664 0. 77 7 8084 6200 0. 77 8 7432 5764 0.,7 8 9 8344 6508 0.,7 8 10 . 7308 5624 0..7 7 11 7512 5812 0..7 7 12 7276 5628 0..7 7 13 8476 6548 0..7 7 14 , 7620 5904 0..7 7 15 7864 6000 0..7 6 16 8436 6524 0..7 7 17 7572 5868 0..7 7 18 7196 5592 0,.7 8 19 8096 6284 0..7 8 20 7380 5768 0..7 8 21 8072 6312 0,.7 8 22 7940 6200 0,.7 8 23 8128 6368 0,.7 8 24 8248 6428 0,.7 8 25 8588 6756 0,.7 9 26 7520 5948 0..7 9 27 8088 6372 0,.7 9 28 8100 6344 0..7 8 29 7996 6256 0.,7 8 30 8456 6616 0.,7 8 31 8328 6540 0.,7 9 32 7296 5764 0.,7 9 33 6616 5212 0. 79 34 7560 6028 0. 80 35 8096 6344 0. 78 36 8576 6780 0. 79 37 8348 6712 0. 80 38 9268 7340 0. 79 39 7836 6248 0. 80 40 6904 5512 0. 80 41 7672 6144 0. 80 42 8288 6644 0. 80 43 8000 6348 0. 79 44 7804 6276 0. 80 45 7496 6024 0. 80 153

Table A.l. (cont'd.)


46 7544 6020 0..8 0 47 7020 5656 0.,8 1 48 7832 6240 0.,8 0 49 7800 6196 0.,7 9 50 7368 5824 0.,7 9 51 7252 5720 0.,7 9 52 9044 7176 0.,7 9 53 8644 6836 0..7 9 54 7240 5704 0..7 9 55 7704 6076 0,.7 9 56 8232 6496 0..7 9 57 8332 6592 0..7 9 58 7472 5868 0,.7 9 59 8684 6840 0,.7 9

AVERAGE 7923 6219 0.79 ST. DEV. 554 433 0.01 MAX. 9268 7340 0.81 MIN. 6616 5212 0.76

1 6876 5216 0. .76 2 6776 5140 0 .76 3 6652 5032 0 .76 4 6560 4972 0. .76 5 6556 4980 0,.7 6 6 6516 4920 0,.7 6 7 6484 4860 0,.7 5 8 6504 4896 0,.7 5 9 6556 4972 0..7 6 10 6816 5132 0,.7 5 11 6596 4988 0.,7 6 12 6332 4776 0.,7 5 13 6360 4768 0.,7 5 14 6536 4928 0.,7 5 15 6360 4736 0.,7 4 16 6696 4992 0.,7 5 17 6636 5004 0. 75 18 6392 4780 0.7 5 19 6324 4784 0.7 6 20 6352 4740 0.7 5 27.08 9924 23.82 11293 21 6432 4800 0.7 5 24.72 9004 21.27 10014 22 6248 4692 .0. 75 24.99 9089 22.21 10435 23 6468 4900 0.7 6 20.71 7538 18.32 8605 154

Table A.l. (cont'd.)


24 6592 4948 0 .75 20 .48 7492 17 .03 8034 25 6648 5004 0 .75 19 .11 7036 16 .28 7727 26 6280 4728 0,.7 5 22,.3 3 8174 20 .09 9468 27 6380 4816 0,.7 5 21,.6 2 7927 19,.1 4 9020 28 6488 4876 0,.7 5 22,.2 7 8203 18 .78 8890 29 6164 4648 0,.7 5 28,.7 1 10553 26,.2 7 12407 30 6484 5116 0..7 9 19..3 8 7183 20,.2 0 9611 31 6596 5000 0.,7 6 18.,3 0 6822 15,.8 9 7600 32 6328 4828 0,.7 6 20,.9 9 7831 19,.6 2 9383 33 6276 4780 0..7 6 23..5 0 8675 21,.6 2 , 10218 34 6120 4604 0.,7 5 ' 23.,5 8 8713 21..6 0 10205 35 6220 4676 0..7 5 26..8 2 9938 24,.8 0 11732 36 6240 4704 0.,7 5 26.,9 4 10006 24.,1 4 11431 37 6228 4744 0.,7 6 23.,4 1 8753 21.,8 4 10394 38 6376 4876 0..7 6 22..3 7 8480 20,.1 7 9725 39 6288 4784 0.,7 6 23., 11 8758 21..5 1 10354 40 6224 4768 0.,7 7 24., 13 9128 23..1 6 11113 41 6108 4660 0.,7 6 24.,1 4 9120 22.,3 2 10682 C 42 6300 4848 0..7 7 24..6 0 9326 22..8 0 10939 43 6344 4844 0..7 6 25,.4 6 9649 23,.8 2 11418 44 6324 4852 0..7 7 26,.2 1 9920 24,.7 3 11821 45 6240 4808 0,.7 7 22,.2 3 8368 20 .88 9912 46 6284 4816 0,.7 7 23,.4 8 8843 21,.6 0 10254 47 6208 4828 0,.7 8 23,.8 0 8912 23,.5 1 11089 48 6240 4808 0,.7 7 20,.4 6 7654 19,.0 0 8947 49 6204 4760 0..7 7 28 .61 10698 23 .42 11012 50 6012 4600 0,.7 7 29,.2 8 10879 27 .09 12652 51 6056 4616 0,.7 6 26,.0 6 9620 22,.9 0 10619 52 5984 4584 0 .77 26,.8 4 10021 24 .24 11366 53 6088 4692 0,.7 7 23,.3 5 8831 22,.0 4 10471 54 5992 4596 0..7 7 25,.8 3 9744 24,.4 5 11590 55 5884 4440 0..7 5 28..7 9 10838 26,.0 9 12341 56 6300 4844 0..7 7 22,.7 0 8527 20,.4 5 9652 57 6040 4620 0..7 6 28..4 2 10664 25,.7 5 12151 58 6020 4588 0.,7 6 26.,8 3 9949 24,,2 5 11311 59 6116 4680 0..7 7 25..5 2 9510 22,.7 2 10657 60 6244 4724 0.,7 6 23.,1 1 8611 19.,5 9 9187

AVERAGE 6349 4819 0.,7 6 24.,1 5 8998 21.,9 4 10384 ST. DEV. 218 156 0.0 1 MAX. 6876 5216 0.7 9 29. 28 10879 27. 09 12652 MIN. 5884 4440 0.7 4 18. 30 6822 15. 89 7600 Table A.l. (cont'd.)


1 6448 4824 0..7 5 2 6700 4968 0 .74 3 6496 4788 0,.7 4 4 6516 4756 0 .73 5 6492 4788 0,.7 4 6 6596 4824 0,.7 3 7 6340 4584 0..7 2 8 6516 4744 0..7 3 9 6560 4804 0..7 3 10 6524 4756 0.,7 3 11 6436 4732 0.,7 4 12 6368 4648 0.,7 3 13 6420 4648 0.,7 2 14 6512 4700 0. 72 15 6284 4448 0.,7 1 16 6608 4736 0.,7 2 17 6520 4672 0.,7 2 18 6284 4480 0.,7 1 19 6288 4516 0. 72 20 6268 4456 0.,7 1 29,.1 9 10699 20 .54 9740 21 6288 4476 0.,7 1 31..0 7 11318 23 .04 10848 22 6196 4408 0. 71 29,.6 0 10765 21..7 7 10230 23 6184 4424 0.,7 2 29,.1 4 10604 22 .36 10502 24 6332 4528 0.,7 2 28..5 1 10427 20 .63 9732 25 6248 4480 0.,7 2 30..6 0 11270 23 .65 11230 26 6328 4544 0.,7 2 25,.4 4 9316 18 .99 8948 27 6276 4488 0.,7 2 29,.1 6 10692 21 .93 10337 28 6204 4416 0..7 1 31,.9 2 11756 23 .93 11327 29 6088 4388 0.,7 2 31,.7 9 11686 25 .08 11844 30 6116 4380 0.,7 2 32,.3 8 12000 24 .42 11615 31 6400 4600 0..7 2 27,.9 9 10434 20 .41 9758 32 6316 4544 0.,7 2 29,.0 5 10842 22 .16 10596 33 6388 4588 0..7 2 28,.4 6 10507 21 .51 10168 34 6096 4340 0.,7 1 28..7 6 10628 22 .56 10658 35 6056 4308 0.,7 1 34,.2 5 12694 27 .43 12980 36 6076 4348 0.,7 2 33.,0 2 12263 26..4 7 12534 37 6192 4436 0.,7 2 29,.1 7 10907 22 .60 10753 38 6064 4320 0.,7 1 32..6 8 12391 25,.3 7 12233 39 6084 4384 0.,7 2 30,.8 1 11676 24 .88 11976 40 5956 4268 0.,7 2 32,.9 7 12472 26..7 0 12815 41 6064 4624 0. 76 26.,0 3 9833 24..1 5 11562 42 6056 4360 0. 72 30.,7 6 11660 24..3 6 11684 43 6112 4368 0. 71 32.,3 1 12247 25..4 9 12220 44 6336 4540 0. 72 28. 74 10878 21.,4 2 10237 45 6104 4424 0. 72 31. 23 11755 24.,9 1 11825 46 6188 4432 0. 72 30. 34 11426 23. 29 11058 47 6104 4380 0. 72 29. 71 11124 23. 03 10861 156

Table A.l. (cont'd.)


48 5996 4292 0..7 2 30 .71 11490 22 .93 10795 49 6120 4396 0 .72 28 .88 10798 21 .59 10151 50 6056 4332 0,.7 2 33 .05 12278 25 .55 11930 51 6104 4392 0..7 2 30 .88 11399 23 .51 10904 52 5996 4340 0 .72 33 .37 12460 26 .88 12605 53 6108 4448 0,.7 3 28 .70 10853 22 .89 10873 L 54 6248 4292 0,.6 9 30 .52 11514 20..3 6 9652 55 , 5900 4240 0,.7 2 31 .89 12006 24 .93 11789 56 6212 4504 0,.7 3 28 .80 10818 22..1 8 10469 57 6188 4480 0,.7 2 27 .23 10217 20..8 6 9841 58 5960 4328 0,.7 3 29 .85 11069 23..2 0 10822 59 5960 4340 0..7 3 28,.1 6 10492 22,.0 6 10345 60 6192 4500 0..7 3 31 .13 11598 20,.3 2 9530

AVERAGE 6251 4509 0..7 2 30..2 0 11250 23.. 18 10975 ST. DEV. 191 170 0.,0 1 MAX. 6700 4968 0..7 6 34.,2 5 12694 27. 43 12980 MIN. 5900 4240 0.,6 9 25.,4 4 9316 - 18.9. 9 8948

1 6804 5312 0.7 8 2 6768 5252 0.7 8 3 6876 5340 0.7 8 4 6604 5152 0.7 8 5 6524 5124 0.7 9 6 6784 5272 0.7 8 7 6596 5132 0.7 8 8 6524 5104 0..7 8 9 6612 5200 0.7 9 10 6720 5304 0.7 9 11 6632 5240 0.7 9 A 12 6240 4920 0. 79 13 6284 4948 0.7 9 14 6272 4944 0. 79 15 6080 4768 0..7 8 16 6412 5080 0.7 9 17 6192 4924 0. 80 18 6200 4884 0. 79 19 6184 4940 0.8 0 20 6008 4768 0. 79 25.,7 4 9434 28. 25 13394 21 6024 4820 0.8 0 23.,8 3 8681 27. 58 12984 22 6140 4884 0.8 0 24..4 3 8886 27. 73 13027 23 6084 4876 0.8 0 21.,8 8 7963 25. 45 11956 24 6096 4856 0.8 0 22.,3 9 8190 24. 93 11762 25 6192 4932 0.8 0 24.,2 4 8927 27. 68 13142 157

Table A. 1. (conf d.)


26 6128 4892 0.,8 0 22..4 7 8226 25,.9 9 12250 27 6200 4980 0..8 0 20,.8 0 7627 24,.4 1 11506 28 6240 4980 0..8 0 22,.8 4 8414 25,.5 2 12079 29 6020 4820 0..8 0 27,.3 0 10037 29 .90 14120 30 6292 5024 0..8 0 23,.7 7 8810 26 .14 12433 31 6312 5052 0..8 0 18 .77 6997 21 .55 10302 32 6296 5056 0..8 0 19,.1 4 7141 22 .27 10651 33 6284 5052 0.,8 0 18,.1 7 6709 21,.3 6 10093 34 6096 4884 0..8 0 18,.1 8 6716 21 .39 10104 35 6292 5024 0..8 0 20,.9 8 7775 23 .09 10926 36 6184 4968 0,.8 0 19,.6 2 7285 21 .89 10364 37 6164 4796 0..7 8 22 .38 8369 22 .64 10774 38 6304 5112 0..8 1 19 .16 7265 21 .63 10428 39 6344 5116 0..8 1 16,.2 1 6145 18 .71 9006 40 6156 4984 0..8 1 18,.7 9 7108 20 .93 10043 41 6212 5008 0..8 1 19,.1 7 7241 21,.3 6 10226 42 6200 5044 0..8 1 18,.6 3 7062 20,.9 5 10049 A 43 6328 5124 0..8 1 16,.8 4 6382 19,.2 8 9241 44 6400 5180 0.,8 1 16,.8 0 6359 19,.1 6 9161 45 6240 5080 0..8 1 17,.1 5 6455 19,.7 9 9395 46 6176 5016 0.,8 1 19,.5 2 7351 21,.4 9 10204 47 6108 4948 0.,8 1 20',.1 7 7554 22,.3 9 10559 48 6200 5044 0.,8 1 15,.9 5 5968 18,.3 1 8618 49 5900 4732 0.8 0 24..2 6 9072 25.,5 8 12028 50 5812 4656 0.,8 0 25..7 5 9569 26., 75 12493 51 5664 4568 0.8 1 27.,1 5 10020 28.,3 7 13157 52 5200 4240 0.,8 2 33..8 4 12632 35..6 6 16722 53 5492 4452 0.8 1 29..1 4 11020 30.,9 2 14688 54 5332 4276 0.,8 0 34..4 6 13001 35..7 7 16957 55 5252 4180 0.8 0 35.,6 3 13414 35.,9 1 16984 56 5532 4396 0.7 9 29.,7 5 11172 32.,3 7 15276 57 5460 4336 0.7 9 36.,0 6 13530 35.,5 1 16754 58 5344 4272 0.8 0 37.,0 8 13748 37.,3 9 17440 59 5044 4080 0.8 1 39.,1 8 14597 39.,9 9 18756 60 ' 4772 3808 0.8 0 44.,8 9 16726 45.,0 7 21139

AVERAGE 6131 4886 0.8 0 24..2 1 9014 26.,3 7 12468 ST. DEV. 438 324 0.,0 1 MAX. 6876 5340 0.,8 2 44,.8 9 16726 45..0 7 21139 MIN. 4772 3808 0.,7 8 15,.9 5 5968 18,.3 1 8618

F = Raw sludge feed C = Anoxic-aerobic L = Lime control A = Aerobic control Table A.2. Solids Data for 20 Day SRT at 10°C.


1 8460 6428 0.7 6 2 7456 5724 0.7 7 3 8564 6552 0.7 7 4 7476 5700 0.7 6 5 6228 4784 0.7 7 6 8692 6612 0.7 6 7 8660 6592 0.7 6 8 8512 6508 0. 76 9 8364 6392 0.7 6 10 9148 6964 0.7 6 11 9648 7380 0.7 6 12 7256 5500 0.7 6 13 9132 6916 0.7 6 14 9180 6907 0.7 5 15 8640 6468 0.7 5 16 7188 5440 0.7 6 17 7800 5964 0.7 6 18 7048 5400 0..7 7 19 8220 6320 0.,7 7 20 7996 6112 0.,7 6 21 7508 5728 0.,7 6 22 8188' 6232 0,.7 6 23 8028 6132 0..7 6 24 9236 7060 0..7 6 25 8160 6256 0..7 7 26 7988 6144 0,.7 7 27 9116 6976 0,.7 7 28 9360 7188 0..7 7 29 8300 6552 0 .79 30 9352 7184 0 .77 31 8112 6216 0..7 7 32 8152 6628 0 .81 33 6812 5384 0 .79 34 8680 6796 0 .78 35 7908 6224 0 .79. 36 8712 6820 0 .78 37 9276 7240 0,.7 8 38 8256 6440 0..7 8 39 8660 6760 0,.7 8 40 9224 7220 0..7 8 41 8572 6624 0,.7 7 42 9488 7324 0,.7 7 43 9932 7696 0,.7 7 44 9460 7284 0..7 7 45 9984 7732 0,.7 7 159

Table A.2. (cont'd.)


46 8640 6704 0.,7 8 47 8852 6868 0..7 8 48 9216 7120 0..7 7 49 8032 6212 0..7 7 50 8968 6972 0..7 8 51 8972 6996 0..7 8 52 8204 6364 0,.7 8 53 8604 6644 0..7 7 54 8284 6360 0..7 7 55 9632 7356 0..7 6 56 8500 6548 0..7 7 57 9412 7232 0,.7 7 58 9720 7456 0,.7 7 59 9548 7280 0..7 6

AVERAGE 8555 6587 0.77 ST. DEV. 794 616 0.01 MAX. 9984 7732 0.81 MIN. 6228 4784 0.75

1 7080 5384 0 .76 2 7060 5436 0..7 7 3 7084 5440 0..7 7 4 7136 5448 0 .76 5 7032 5404 0..7 7 6 7008 5380 0 .77 7 6924 5236 0 .76 8 7152 5456 0 .76 9 7216 5484 0,.7 6 10 6948 5288 0,.7 6 11 7156 5468 0 .76 12 7220 5452 0,.7 6 13 6992 5308 0,.7 6 14 7100 5364 0,.7 6 15 7072 5244 0..7 4 16 7332 5516 0..7 5 17 7096 5360 0.,7 6 18 7124 5400 0.7 6 19 7076 5324 0. 75 20 7120 5360 0.7 5 13..9 5 5217 12,.7 9 6282 21 7112 5304 0.7 5 15 .27 5679 12 .12 5915 22 7060 5240 0.7 4 16,.8 7 6298 13,.4 4 6590 23 7096 5312 0.7 5 15 ,6, 6 5827 13., 34 6522 160

Table A.2. (cont'd.)


24 7232 5376 0..7 4 14 .91 5608 11 .30 5581 25 7204 5392 0. .75 15 .27 5814 12 .27 6133 26 7124 5320 0,.7 5 13..8 7 5259 11,.7 8 5863 27 7000 5224 0. .75 19 .12 7274 16 .21 8089 28 6928 5168 0..7 5 21 .10 8068 18 .39 9227 29 7176 5196 0,.7 2 17 .91 6859 12 .21 6124 30 7180 5376 0,.7 5 17 .98 6898 14 .62 7339 31 6972 5204 0 .75 19 .90 7564 17 .22 8566 32 7004 5248 0,.7 5 17 .83 6836 14 .68 7339 33 7144 5340 0..7 5 16 .23 6151 12,.9 9 6406 34 7264 5452 0,.7 5 12 .41 4699 10,.8 2 5318 35 7204 5424 0..7 5 16 .87 6372 14,.2 6 6979 36 7320 5492 0..7 5 14,.2 7 5449 10,.7 8 5328 37 7176 5396 0.,7 5 17,.2 0 6637 13..6 0 6779 38 7168 5428 0..7 6 16,.1 8 6293 13..7 2 6888 39 7024 5284 0.,7 5 19,.2 6 7517 16.,2 2 8164 40 7152 5400 0.7 6 17.,2 9 6805 15. 20 7706 41 7064 5304 0.,7 5 18..3 4 7266 16.,1 8 8256 42 7188 5412 0.7 5 18.,3 4 7326 15. 71 8080 43 7064 5320 0..7 5 21..6 0 8729 19..6 6 10220 44 7088 5352 0.7 6 21.,5 1 8707 19. 25 10019 45 7280 5488 0..7 5 19..2 4 7873 16.,9 4 8911 46 7380 5584 0.7 6 16.,5 7 6810 14. 56 7686 47 6776 5096 0.7 5 22.,9 1 9408 20..6 1 10866 48 6752 5064 0.7 5 23..8 2 9779 23. 74 12508 49 7508 5668 0.7 5 17.,0 8 6991 14. 86 7816 50 7156 5396 0.7 5 18.,4 0 7522 16. 33 8572 51 7048 5348 0.7 6 20.,1 0 8264 18. 29 9647 52 7208 5460 0.7 6 19.,5 0 8002 17..9 7 9481 53 7256 5452 0.7 5 21.,8 9 9066 19. 55 10417 54 7228 5460 0.7 6 21.,1 2 8717 19. 03 10117 55 6816 5152 0.7 6 27..3 8 11394 25. 92 13919 56 6972 5276 0.7 6 24.,2 1 10057 22. 67 12160 57 7092 5352 0.,7 5 23.,6 0 9804 21..3 5 11458 58 6948 5224 0.7 5 24.,0 8 10074 22. 11 11963 59 7476 5596 0..7 5 20..4 8 8600 17 .8. 3 9694 60 6976 5228 0..7 5 24..4 9 10284 22..4 7 12218

AVERAGE 7112 5359 0.75 18.88 7507 16.41 8467 ST. DEV. 143 117 0.01 MAX. 7508 5668 0.77 27.38 11394 25.92 13919 MIN. 6752 5064 0.72 12.41 4699 10.78 5318 161

Table A.2. (cont'd.)


1 7532 5676 0 .75 2 7376 5640 0 .76 3 7352 5608 0 .76 4 7388 5592 0 .76 5 7108 5412 0 .76 6 7180 5440 0 .76 7 7024 5244 0 .75 8 7220 5464 0 .76 9 7188 5400 0 .75 10 7116 5352 0 .75 11 7368 5524 0 .75 12 7196 5356 0 .74 13 7192 5380 0 .75 14 7400 5520 0 .75 15 7276 5352 0 .74 16 7296 5424 0 .74 17 7184 5340 0..7 4 18 7204 5364 0 .74 19 7164 5272 0..7 4 20 7280 5396 0,.7 4 17 .25 6452 14 .46 7099 21 7160 52.92 0..7 4 18 .19 6765 13 .74 6709 22 7180 5272 0.,7 3 18 .63 6956 13..7 1 6724 23 6956 5156 0..7 4 20 .33 7566 16,.8 6 8242 24 6960 5132 0.,7 4 19 .07 7176 14,.5 6 7194 25 7056 5192 0.,7 4 19 . 68 7491 15.,3 0 7645 26 7032 5188 0.,7 4 16 .54 6274 13,.4 3 6686 27 7016 5180 0.,7 4 20,.4 4 7777 16.,2 3 8098 28 7024 5160 0.,7 3 20,.4 2 7808 16..2 9 8171 29 7088 5188 0.,7 3 19..4 9 7464 14.,6 9 7366 30 7176 5256 0. 73 21..3 3 8182 16.,7 2 8393 31 7200 5308 0. 74 17..3 1 6578 13.,6 8 6806 32 7096 5248 0. 74 19,.4 4 7453 15.,4 1 7705 33 7264 5360 0. 74 18..9 2 7167 14. 66 7228 34 7160 5292 0. 74 17,.4 4 6602 14.,3 0 7030 35 7096 5264 0. 74 18,.9 4 7156 15. 05 7368 36 7244 5356 0. 74 17 .1, 1 6534 12.,7 1 6281 37 7228 5356 0. 74 18..2 9 7056 13. 90 6926 38 7140 5328 0. 75 17..9 9 6995 15.,1 3 7596 39 7148 5264 0.,7 4 21,.1 6 8257 16.,6 5 8381 40 7180 5348 0. 74 19,.0 0 7476 15.,5 1 7867 41 7108 5288 0. 74 20,.1 6 7986. 17.,1 6 8754 42 7340 5436 0.,7 4 16,.7 2 6680 12.,3 7 6360 43 7324 5436 0. 74 17,.1 2 6922 13.,3 5 6941 44 7352 5460 0.,7 4 17,.5 5 7106 14.,0 2 7298 45 7480 5560 0.,7 4 16,.6 5 6815 12.,9 4 6806 46 7548 5604 0. 74 15,.9 3 6546 12.,0 1 6343 47 7484 5520 0.,7 4 16 .55 6796 12..4 3 6556 162

Table A.2. (cont'd.)


48 7416 5468 0 .74 17 .45 7163 13.64 7187 49 7496 5556 0 .74 16 .68 6830 13.37 7032 50 7396 5504 0 .74 17 .90 7316 14.47 7595 51 7484 5584 0 .75 16 .12 6628 12.54 6616 52 7384 5488 0 .74 18 .82 7724 15.45 8153 53 7504 5580 0 .74 17 .09 7076 13.65 7274 L 54 7440 5496 0 .74 17 .49 7220 13.30 7072 55 7364 5480 0 .74 19 .57 8143 16.49 8852 56 7464 5536 0 .74 18 .47 7672 14.97 8027 57 7420 5508 0 .74 18 .35 7624 14.43 7746 58 7396 5444 0 .74 18 .87 7894 15.34 8300 59 7568 5588 0 .74 18 .08 7592 13.98 7601 60 7604 5612 0 .74 16 .69 7009 12.55 6826

AVERAGE 7267 5401 0 .74 18 .27 7218 14.43 7387 ST. DEV. 164 139 0 .01 MAX. 7604 5676 0 .76 21 .33 8257 17.16 8852 MIN. 6956 5132 0 .73 15 .93 6274 12.01 6281

1 7084 5384 0..7 6 2 6920 5308 0,.7 7 3 6960 5340 0..7 7 4 6920 5296 0,.7 7 5 6916 5304 0..7 7 6 6868 5296 0., 77 7 6844 5216 0..7 6 8 6992 5380 0.7 7 9 7020 5392 0.7 7 10 7040 5416 0.7 7 11 6980 5400 0.7 7 A 12 6948 5340 0.7 7 13 7144 5508 0.7 7 14 6956 5344 0.77 ' 15 7036 5368 0.7 6 16 7068 5408 0.7 7 17 6888 5304 0.7 7 18 6836 5312 0.7 8 19 6688 5160 0.7 7 20 6952 5368 0.7 7 14. 55 5442 16.65 8174 21 6808 5240 0.7 7 15. 02 5587 16.08 7852 22 6976 5352 0.7 7 14. 05 5246 14.86 7286 23 6844 5268 0.7 7 14. 46 5382 15.78 7712 24 6848 5292 0.7 7 15. 14 5695 16.63 8214 25 6884 5312 0.7 7 15. 67 5966 16.60 8299 163

Table A.2. (cont'd.)


26 6580 5112 0..7 8 17,.4 1 6601 19,.8 0 9854 27 6576 5108 0,.7 8 20,.3 9 7756 22,.0 1 10984 28 6532 5080 0,.7 8 21,.6 8 8290 23,.5 4 11808 29 6988 5444 0 .78 16 .41 6283 18 .31 9182 30 6768 5256 0..7 8 19,.3 7 7429 20..4 9 10285 31 7012 5452 0..7 8 14 .54 5528 16 .40 8159 32 7004 5456 0 .78 17 .77 6816 19 .27 9635 33 6984 5436 0 .78 14 .55 5514 16 .18 7979 34 7068 5516 0 .78 13 .45 5093 15 .81 7771 35 6996 5440 0 .78 15 .07 5694 16 .73 8188 36 7140 5536 0 .78 12 .75 4870 13 .52 6679 37 7156 5536 0 .77 13 .56 5231 13 .31 6634 38 7104 5512 0 .78 12 .12 4715 12 .63 6340 39 7096 5464 0 .77 16 .12 6292 15 .85 7981 40 7008 5400 0 .77 15 .83 6230 15 .77 7997 41 7108 5484 0 . 77 16 .64 6594 16 .92 8634 42 7216 5548 0 .77 14 .96 5975 14 .61 7512 A 43 7264 5608 0 .77 15 .16 6126 14 .80 7693 44 7308 5636 0 .77 14 .92 6042 14 .55 7574 45 7384 5696 0 .77 11 .75 4810 10 .82 5692 46 7472 5812 0 .78 9 .85 4048 9 .60 5068 47 7296 5624 0 .77 11 .74 4820 10 .55 5564 48 7480 5776 0 .77 14 .28 5863 13 .04 6869 49 7496 5808 0 .77 10 .58 4332 9 .92 5220 50 7288 5644 0 . 77 15 .44 6312 14 .60 7661 51 7480 5808 0 .78 13,.3 3 5479 12 .47 6578 52 7384 5736 0 .78 13 .72 5628 13 .15 6936 53 7268 5636 0.. 78 16..9 7 7026 16..1 2 8588 54 7172 5544 0,.7 7 16, .92 6983 16, .14 8582 55 7332 5716 0..7 8 16..3 0 6784 16..5 8 8903 56 7344 5720 0..7 8 15..9 4 6623 16, .41 8802 57 7400 5752 0.,7 8 14.,9 7 6220 15..1 3 8122 58 7392 5740 0. 78 14. 91 6240 15. 66 8474 59 7524 5828 0. 77 12. 80 5375 13. 41 7292 60 7540 5844 0. 78 13. 45 5650 14. 05 7637

AVERAGE 7076 5467 0. 77 14. 99 5917 15. 48 7913 ST. DEV. 242 197 0. 00 MAX. 7540 5844 0. 78 21. 68 8290 23. 54 11808 MIN. 6532 5080 0. 76 9. 85 4048 9. 60 5068

F = Raw sludge feed C = Anoxic-aerobic L = Lime control A = Aerobic control Table A. 3. Solids Data for 15 Day SRT at 20° C


1 8420 6500 0.77 2 7872 5992 0.76 3 7844 6152 0.78 4 7984 6176 0.77 5 7676 5888 0.77 6 8620 6656 0.77 7 6908 5336 0.77 8 5456 4232 0.78 9 5456 4232 0.78 10 6800 5352 0.79 11 7640 5952 0.78 12 8440 6476 0.77 13 7660 5848 0.76 14 7412 5700 0.77 15 7816 5996 0.77 16 8428 6456 0.77 17 5572 4328 0.78 18 7364 5704 0.77 19 . 8112 6232 0.77 20 8296 6388 0.77 21 7872 6024 0.77 F 22 8180 6208 0.76 23 8300 6284 0.76 24 6700 5244 0.78 25 6936 5296 0.76 26 12584 9640 0.77 27 7664 5836 0.76 28 7828 5960 0.76 29 8132 6172 0.76 30 7544 5788 0.77 31 5532 4272 0.77 32 6912 5324 0.77 33 8104 6232 0.77 34 7372 5580 0.76 35 8940 6840 0.77 36 8804 6768 0.77 37 7056 5376 0.76 38 6396 4968 0.78 39 5612 4432 0.79 40 5668 4476 0.79 41 6352 5008 0.79 42 8500 6344 0.75 43 8164 6216 0.76 44 8248 6260 0.76

AVERAGE 7572 5821 0.77 ST. DEV. 1233 918 0.01 MAX. 12584 9640 0.79 MIN. 5456 4232 0.75 165

Table A.3. (cont'd.)


1 6236 4704 0..7 5 2 6128 4604 0. 75 3 6032 4592 0.,7 6 4 6248 4716 0. 75 5 6304 4772 0. 76 6 6288 4768 0. 76 7 6504 4856 0. 75 8 6420 4828 0. 75 9 6392 4824 0..7 5 10 6244 4716 0. 76 11 6080 4604 0.,7 6 12 6128 4644 0.,7 6 13 6200 4648 0.,7 5 14 6196 4648 0..7 5 15 6332 4764 0..7 5 17..0 9 5947 14..8 6 6698 16 6276 4740 0..7 6 15.,5 9 5374 14..0 3 6265 17 6376 4836 0,.7 6 11,.7 4 3967 9,.3 1 4070 18 6364 4812 0,.7 6 13,.6 5 4588 11,.7 4 5113 19 6236 4700 0..7 5 16,.7 2 5625 14 .39 6273 20 6364 4820 0 .76 14,.9 6 5062 12,.8 5 5633 21 6252 4564 0..7 3 20,.7 0 6954 16,.8 1 7317 C 22 6276 4668 0..7 4 19 .41 6586 16 .50 7269 23 6116 4588 0..7 5 22 .90 7959 20 .63 9320 24 6112 4608 0,.7 5 21 .85 7682 19 .84 9065 25 6204 4656 0 .75 19 .13 6724 16 .62 7600 26 6236 4684 0..7 5 22,.1 1 7991 19 .74 9294 27 6240 4684 0..7 5 21 .67 7743 20 .07 9348 28 6060 4524 0 .75 24 .52 9267 22 .52 11104 29 6348 4724 0,.7 4 23,.6 9 8532 21,.1 9 9960 30 6268 4704 0 .75 23 .51 8493 21 .37 10076 31 6056 4588 0..7 6 25,.4 1 9038 23,.6 7 10985 32 6140 4636 0..7 6 25,.2 6 9084 23,.5 1 11039 33 6260 4684 0..7 5 23,.1 8 8387 20,.9 3 9889 34 6124 4572 0..7 5 26,.6 4 9569 23,.9 0 11222 35 6056 4500 0.,7 4 24.,3 1 8774 24.,0 2 11339 36 6028 4516 0,.7 5 26,.4 3 9619 25,.4 6 12113 37 6148 4580 0.,7 4 23.,4 5 8457 21.,2 9 10035 38 6380 4808 0..7 5 18, , 56 6595 16, .72 7751 39 6028 4504 0.,7 5 23.,9 2 8423 21.,8 0 10014 40 5960 4464 0.,7 5 24. 75 8580 22.,6 4 10219 41 6204 4632 0.,7 5 18.,1 1 5957 15.,4 4 6604 42 6132 4572 0. 75 17. 49 6158 15. 38 7064 43 6236 4656 0. 75 19. 26 6406 17. 56 7618 44 5940 4384 0. 74 24. 23 8111 20. 96 9151 45 6168 4592 0. 74 18. 54 6261 14. 87 6534

AVERAGE 6207 4660 0. 75 20. 93 7352 18. 73 8580 ST. DEV. 126 107 0. 01 MAX. 6504 4856 0. 76 26. 64 9619 25. 46 12113 MIN. 5940 4384 0. 73 11. 74 3967 9. 31 4070 166

Table A.3. (cont'd.)


1 6676 4908 0 .74 2 6784 4856 0..7 2 3 6576 4740 0 .72 4 6668 4836 0..7 3 5 6864 4940 0,.7 2 6 6704 4860 0..7 2 7 7220 5052 0..7 0 8 6660 4784 0..7 2 9 6420 4652 0..7 2 10 6296 4580 0..7 3 11 6308 4608 0..7 3 12 6420 4676 0.,7 3 13 6288 4556 0..7 2 14 6432 4664 0.,7 3 15 6332 4588 0.,7 2 23,.1 1 7995 16,.5 3 7406 16 6464 4672 0..7 2 20,.9 8 7256 16..4 1 7350 17 6488 4728 0..7 3 16..5 4 5610 11..7 5 5157 18 6216 4520 0..7 3 21 .77 7342 16 .69 7293 19 6252 4504 0..7 2 24,.3 4 8218 19 .36 8470 20 6448 4632 0..7 2 21..4 8 7293 15 .34 6749 21 6660 4752 0,.7 1 22 .30 7515 18 .98 8291 22 6680 4816 0,.7 2 17 .52 5966 12 .52 5536 23 6120 4352 0..7 1 25 .67 8952 19 .43 8810 24 6320 4504 0,.7 1 22 .88 8072 16 .15 7403 25 6264 4512 0 .72 23 .25 8197 17 .17 7878 26 6120 4400 0 .72 29 .50 10835 , 23.9 6 11467 27 6420 4636 0 .72 23 .19 8459 18 .01 8565 28 6680 4612 0 .69 25 .39 9274 16 .33 7779 29 6608 4736 0 .72 22 .43 8234 16 .34 7829 30 6536 4724 0,.7 2 23 .68 8672 18 . 54 8862 31 6508 4716 0,.7 2 22 .84 8165 17 .15 7998 32 6444 4620 0,.7 2 21 .95 7934 15 .48 7304 33 6440 4616 0,.7 2 22 .10 8035 16 .32 7750 34 6268 4516 0,.7 2 25 .31 9138 20 .47 9656 35 6400 4616 0..7 2 26 .03 9445 21 .95 10413 36 6400 4604 0..7 2 28..0 4 10258 23..0 3 11010 37 6512 4652 0,.7 1 19 .09 6918 13 .92 6595 38 6152 4424 0.,7 2 24,.2 0 8643 19,.7 0 9181 39 6280 4476 0.,7 1 22..7 9 8066 16,.5 9 7658 40 6200 4452 0.,7 2 20..6 3 7234 14,.8 8 6792 41 6416 4628 0.,7 2 17..0 1 5650 10,,8 5 4685 42 6624 4632 0.,7 0 17..0 2 5686 12,.0 7 5250 43 6512 4696 0.7 2 18.,2 4 6115 13.,0 4 5691 44 6428 4592 0.7 1 20. 15 6760 13. 46 5882 45 6388 4612 0.7 2 20.,2 8 6847 14.,3 0 6285

3E 6464 4650 0.7 2 22. 25 7832 16. 67 7645 iV. 210 143 0.0 1 MAX. 7220 5052 0.7 4 29. 50 10835 23. 96 11467 MIN. 6120 4352 0.6 9 16. 54 5610 10. 85 4685 Table A.3. (cont'd.)


1 5840 4612 0 .79 2 5916 4636 0 .78 3 5728 4504 0 .79 4 6016 4732 0 .79 5 6028 4700 0 .78 6 6096 4792 0 .79 7 5936 4624 0 .78 8 5892 4596 0..7 8 9 5584 4384 0 .79 10 5728 4536 0..7 9 11 5856 4608 0,.7 9 12 5532 4368 0,.7 9 13 5656 4420 0,.7 8 14 5664 4424 0..7 8 15 5800 4560 0.,7 9 21..7 0 7509 22 .62 10133 16 6104 4792 0..7 9 17,.8 5 6171 19 .33 8662 17 5804 4604 0.,7 9 17..2 6 5854 19..2 8 8459 18 5868 4604 0.,7 8 20,.7 6 7003 21,.8 7 9555 19 5796 4540 0.,7 8 21..6 1 7294 23..3 1 10198 20 6032 4736 0.,7 9 20,.1 9 6856 21..4 5 9437 21 5840 4544 0.,7 8 20..3 1 6846 21..5 9 9432 A 22 5820 4532 0.,7 8 20,.9 6 7136 22..2 7 9843 23 5928 4648 0.,7 8 17,.1 1 5968 18..6 8 8470 24 5768 4516 0..7 8 22..7 5 8024 23,.3 8 10718 25 5660 4444 0.,7 9 25,.2 5 8902 26..6 2 12216 26 5624 4412 0..7 8 25..0 7 .9208 26,.2 4 12558 27 5772 4556 0..7 9 22,.8 2 8325 25,.2 5 12008 28 5864 4568 0.,7 8 22..6 3 8262 24..1 2 11488 29 6116 4768 0..7 8 21,.6 0 7930 22,.7 5 10899 30 6048 4780 0.,7 9 24..7 9 9078 27,.0 3 12923 31 6092 4828 0.,7 9 18,.9 5 6774 20,.8 1 9706 32 5920 4664 0.,7 9 22,.5 0 8133 24,.6 1 11611 33 5888 4612 0..7 8 22,.7 4 8269 24,. 56 11659 34 6052 4768 0.,7 9 22..6 0 8157 24,.7 8 11693 35 5492 4312 0..7 9 27,.8 1 10091 30,.3 0 14374 36 5900 4628 0.,7 8 22,.9 3 8387 25,.4 2 12155 37 5888 4600 0.,7 8 24,.5 3 8891 26,.1 8 12398 38 5884 4644 0.,7 9 20..4 7 7310 23..0 0 10718 39 5612 4432 0.7 9 22.,2 1 7859 24,.5 4 11330 40 5668 4476 0.7 9 20..1 4 7062 22..4 9 10267 41 6352 5008 0.7 9 7.,9 6 2643 9.,8 9 4267 42 5884 4528 0.7 7 17.,3 9 5810 18.,2 0 7917 43 6044 4772 0.7 9 16.,6 1 5566 19. 55 8531 44 5484 4312 0.7 9 25. 68 8616 26.,9 7 11782 45 6024 4760 0.7 9 19. 06 6434 20. 68 9088

AVERAGE 5856 4597 0.7 9 21. 10 7431 22. 83 10468 ST. DEV. 183 147 0.0 0 MAX. 6352 5008 0.7 9 27. 81 10091 30. 30 14374 MIN. 5484 4312 0.7 7 7. 96 2643 9. 89 4267 168

Table A.4. Solids Data for 15 Day SRT at 10°C.


r 7600 5804 0..7 6 2 7560 5772 0..7 6 3 7372 5596 0..7 6 4 7516 5768 0..7 7 5 7520 5752 0..7 6 6 7656 5800 0..7 6 7 ' 7756 5896 0..7 6 8 7804 5932 0,.7 6 9 7804 5928 0..7 6 10 7728 5860 0,.7 6 11 7752 5856 0..7 6 12 7824 5920 0..7 6 13 7724 5868 0..7 6 14 7616 5768 0..7 6 15 7812 5968 0..7 6 14,.4 9 6098 12..7 7 6923 16 7572 5768 0..7 6 16..2 2 6770 14.,3 3 7706 17 7756 5892 0,.7 6 11..9 7 5003 10,.2 6 5534 18 7760 5888 0..7 6 13.,8 8 5782 11.,2 9 6069 19 7772 5916 0..7 6 13.;2 2 5514 11..2 8 6082 20 7700 5872 0.,7 6 14..3 7 5987 13.,4 1 7229 21 7720 5856 0.,7 6 15.,8 5 6600 14..2 0 7653 22 7872 5980 0..7 6 14.,3 1 5942 12.,8 2 6898 23 7844 5916 0.,7 5 15.,1 8 6307 13.,1 6 7085 24 7864 5940 0..7 6

AVERAGE 7664 5829 0.76 15.36 6434 13.55 7314 ST. DEV. 129 91 0.00 MAX. 7824 5968 0.77 16.22 6770 14.33 7706 MIN. 7372 5596 0.76 14.49 6098 12.77 6923 169

Table A.4. (cont'd.)


1 7464 5620 0..7 5 2 7404 5600 0,.7 6 3 7488 5632 0..7 5 4 7424 5604 0..7 5 5 7300 5500 0 .75 6 7616 5720 0..7 5 7 7580 5712 0..7 5 8 7528 5696 0..7 6 9 7660 5768 0..7 5 10 7748 5864 0,.7 6 11 7656 5736 0..7 5 L 12 7732 5804 0..7 5 13 7780 5868 0..7 5 14 7532 5688 0.,7 6 15 7712 5816 0..7 5 15,.8 0 6650 13,.4 2 7275 16 7468 5640 0..7 6 17,.3 2 7227 14,.7 8 7949 17 7412 5600 0.,7 6 18..5 2 7741 16.,5 5 8925 18 7444 5576 0..7 5 18,.2 0 7579 15,.2 8 8216 19 7560 5696 0.,7 5 14..9 9 6253 12..7 6 6885 20 7536 5684 0.,7 5 18,.1 0 7541 16 .3, 3 8802 21 7520 5672 0..7 5 18..1 3 7547 16..1 3 8690 22 7496 5624 0.,7 5 18..4 8 7678 15.,7 5 8470 23 7788 5816 0..7 5 16,.6 3 6909 13,.8 2 7442 24 7724 5780 0.,7 5

AVERAGE 7568 5704 0.,7 5 16,.5 6 6938 14..1 0 7612 ST. DEV. 135 100 0..0 0 MAX. 7780 5868 0.,7 6 17,.3 2 7227 14..7 8 7949 MIN. 7300 5500 0..7 5 15,.8 0 6650 13 .4. 2 7275 170

Table A.4. (cont'd.)


1 7612 5916 0..7 8 2 7496 5852 0.,7 8 3 7368 5752 0.,7 8 4 7328 5716 0.,7 8 5 7416 5792 0..7 8 6 7552 5852 0..7 7 7 7704 6008 0..7 8 8 7612 5948 0..7 8 9 7852 6116 0..7 8 10 7836 6112 0..7 8 11 7800 6100 0.,7 8 A 12 7752 6020 0..7 8 13 7756 6052 0..7 8 14 7660 5988 0..7 8 15 7660 6004 0..7 8 13 .92 5858 15 .06 8163 16 7720 6024 0..7 8 11..8 9 4960 12 .34 6635 17 7744 6020 0..7 8 10,.5 2 4398 10 .69 5763 18 7600 5892 0..7 8 11..3 7 4734 11..4 3 6144 19 7700 5984 0..7 8 11..0 0 4586 11,.2 8 6086 20 7772 6060 0.,7 8 10,.4 4 4352 11..6 9 6299 21 7684 5984 0..7 8 13,.5 8 5654 14,.2 1 7656 22 7800 6064 0.7 8 11..3 0 4696 11., 68 6285 23 7836 6056 0. 77 13..7 4 5707 13..8 5 7454 24 7932 6144 0.7 7

AVERAGE 7633 5953 0.7 8 12.,9 0 5408.80 13 .7 0 7399.20 ST. DEV. 158 123 0.0 0 MAX. 7852 6116 0.7 8 13. 92 5858 15. 06 8163 MIN. 7328 5716 0.7 7 11. 89 4960 12..3 4 6635 171

Table A.5. Solids Data for 10 Day SRT at 20 C,


1 7096 5492 0 .77 2 7136 5472 0..7 7 3 7224 5540 0 .77 4 6992 5332 0..7 6 5 6996 5388 0..7 7 6 7040 5344 0 .76 7 6884 5216 0,.7 6 8 7368 5616 0 .76 9 7072 5444 0..7 7 10 7292 5540 0,.7 6 11..8 6 4430 9..3 7 4534 11 7112 5456 0..7 7 11..1 4 4078 10,.2 2 4843 12 6852 5232 0,.7 6 15..3 0 5532 13..9 1 6509 13 6900 5244 0..7 6 12..4 9 4534 11,.0 9 5206 14 6992 5312 0..7 6 12,.4 7 4531 10 .03 4714 C 15 6868 5200 0..7 6 13,.9 9 5093 12,.6 3 5957 16 7160 5468 0..7 6 7..0 5 2558 6 .5, 0 3055 17 6920 5284 0..7 6 16,.1 2 5822 15,. 14 7070 18 6928 5256 0.,7 6 14.,0 8 5071 11..5 3 5369 19 6704 5144 0..7 7 17..7 4 6365 17,.4 6 8105 20 6780 5168 0.7 6 16.,7 6 6026 14..8 9 6919 21 6708 5104 0.,7 6 15..3 8 5578 13,.6 1 6370 22 6804 5172 0. 76 15., 36 5621 13..7 9 6509 23 6880 5268 0.,7 7 14,.6 1 5330 13,.6 4 6408 24 7116 5380 0. 76 11.,5 7 4260 9..6 1 4550 25 7128 5452 0.7 6 15.,4 0 5738 13.,6 2 6509 26 6724 5188 0..7 7 16..3 6 6041 15..2 5 7205 27 6924 5288 0.7 6 14.,9 7 5573 13.,3 7 6360 28 6908 5276 0..7 6 14..3 7 5412 11..7 8 5666 29 6816 5256 0. 77 14..8 5 5592 13..6 3 6547 30 6968 5368 0.,7 7 12..9 1 4925 11..7 8 5736

AVERAGE 6976 5330 0.,7 6 14..0 4 5148 12,.5 2 5911 ST. DEV. 166 131 0.0 0 MAX. 7368 5616 0.,7 7 17,.7 4 6365 17,.4 6 8105 MIN. 6704 5104 0.,7 6 7,.0 5 2558 6..5 0 3055 172

Table A.5. (cont'd.)


1 6972 5272 0 .76 • 2 7036 5280 0,.7 5 3 7088 5264 0,.7 4 4 7016 5212 0 .74 5 6856 5096 0 .74 6 6980 5148 0 .74 7 6864 5080 0 .74 8 6912 5092 0 .74 9 7056 5272 0 .75 10 7096 5248 0..7 4 16..9 1 6314 11..7 8 5700 11 6996 5236 0,.7 5 15,.5 7 5698 11,.9 7 5669 12 6860 5100 0,.7 4 16..8 3 6084 13..4 9 6310 13 6820 5056 0 .74 17,.3 7 6305 13,.7 6 6461 14 6816 5032 0 .74 16..2 8 5918 12,.0 9 5681 L 15 6776 4968 0 .73 18 .50 6732 14,.5 7 6871 16 7012 5180 0..7 4 13,.6 3 4949 9,.7 8 4598 17 6988 5152 0,.7 4 13,.7 0 4946 9,.9 5 4649 18 6924 5148 0..7 4 16,.4 2 5914 12,.3 4 5748 19 6532 4876 0,.7 5 20,.9 2 7505 18..3 3 8506 20 6584 4836 0..7 3 22,.2 7 8006 17,.1 0 7944 21 6504 4828 0..7 4 21.,4 7 7783 17.,6 1 8239 22 6480 4800 0,.7 4 22,.4 3 8210 18.. 58 8770 23 6712 5032 0.,7 5 18.,0 3 6581 15..3 5 7210 24 6628 4904 0.,7 4 19.,9 9 7356 16..8 1 7963 25 6744 5036 0.,7 5 22., 14 8249 19..1 2 9137 26 6688 4988 0.,7 5 22.,0 5 8138 18. 99 8974 27 6772 5048 0.,7 5 21..8 2 8119 17. 93 8525 28 6832 5052 0.,7 4 18.,5 1 6972 13. 33 6410 29 6732. 5020 0.,7 5 18.,1 2 6821 14. 87 7142 30 6768 5084 0. 75 17.,6 9 6749 14. 34 6982

AVERAGE 6835 5078 0.7 4 18. 60 6826 14. 86 7023 ST. DEV. 172 135 0.,0 1 MAX. 7096 5280 0.7 6 22.,4 3 8249 19. 12 9137 MIN. 6480 4800 0.,7 3 13,.6 3 4946 9 .7. 8 4598

\ 173

Table A. 5 . (conf d.)


1 6924 5348 0.,7 7 2 6912 5340 0.,7 7 3 6912 5340 0.,7 7 4 6820 5268 0.,7 7 5 6736 5244 0.,7 8 6 6896 5316 0..7 7 7 6720 5212 0..7 8 8 7056 5492 0..7 8 9 6924 5416 0..7 8 10 6792 5288 0,.7 8 15,.4 0 5750 16 .43 7946 11 6808 5344 0,.7 8 12,.6 0 4610 14,.4 6 6847 12 6436 5048 0,.7 8 16,.9 3 6120 18 .75 8772 13 6540 5128 0..7 8 15,.1 0 5479 17,.0 4 8002 14 6600 5176 0 .78 14 .20 5160 15 .55 7306 A 15 6416 5008 0,.7 8 18,.6 4 6782 20 .61 9720 16 6680 5224 0..7 8 13..3 1 4834 15..0 3 7068 17 6620 5212 0 .79 17 .69 6386 19,.6 9 9197 18 6576 5148 0,.7 8 17,.8 2 6418 18,.9 3 8815 19 6628 5240 0 .79 14,.1 3 5069 16,.6 8 7740 20 6492 5120 0..7 9 17,.5 5 6312 19,.1 0 8875 21 6544 5160 0 .79 12 .98 4706 14 .59 6826 22 6436 5048 0,.7 8 16,.9 4 6202 18,.0 0 8496 23 6428 5116 0 .80 16 .39 5981 18 .65 8762 24 6496 5144 0,.7 9 13,.9 6 5138 16,.2 4 7690 25 6668 5284 0..7 9 15,.7 9 5882 17,.8 4 8525 26 6676 5248 0,.7 9 15,.3 5 5666 16,.0 2 7570 27 6540 5148 0..7 9 16,.7 2 6223 17,.8 3 8479 28 6620 5164 0..7 8 18,.9 0 7121 18,.3 5 8827 29 6232 4932 0.,7 9 21.,1 4 7961 21.,8 9 10517 30 6352 4780 0..7 5 25.,7 5 9826 22..2 6 10838

AVERAGE 6649 5198 0.,7 8 16.,5 4 6077 17.,8 1 8420 ST. DEV. 196 143 0.,0 1 MAX. 7056 5492 0.,8 0 25.,7 5 9826 22.,2 6 10838 MIN. 6232 4780 0..7 5 12.,6 0 4610 14. 46 6826 174

Table A.6. Solids Data for 10 Day SRT at 10 C.


' 1 7984 6100 0..7 6 2 7904 6052 0.,7 7 3 7764 5956 0.,7 7 4 7732 5896 0.,7 6 5 7672 5884 0.,7 7 6 7568 5680 0..7 5 7 7592 5736 0..7 6 8 7676 5844 0..7 6 9 7700 5836 0..7 6 10 7712 5880 0..7 6 8,.9 8 3355 8..5 5 4186 11 7816 5928 0..7 6 9 .11 . 3454 7..8 5 3895 12 7804 5864 0,.7 5 8 .57 3240 6,.1 9 3067 13 7948 6008 0,.7 6 5 .80 2203 4,.4 9 2242 14 8020 6032 0,.7 5 6 .79 2630 4,.5 2 2299 15 7792 5796 0 .74 9 .77 3885 8 .44 4418 16 8012 5988 0,.7 5 5 .59 2181 4,.0 3 2074 17 7584 5716 0..7 5 10 .59 4096 9,.1 0 4634 C 18 7572 5728 0 .76 8 .90 3381 8,.0 6 4034 19 7348 5516 0..7 5 13 .35 5066 11..1 6 5575 20 7564 5672 0 .75 10 .77 4031 8 .73 4301 21 7568 5644 0..7 5 8 .21 2994 6..4 0 3070 22 7568 5660 0 .75 11 .72 4324 9 .55 4634 23 7960 6108 0 .77 3 .43 1250 4,.2 7 2045 24 7396 5532 0..7 5 10 .08 3682 9,.3 3 4469 25 7448 5556 0 .75 12 .93 4706 11..3 3 5395 26 7452 5596 0,.7 5 9 .49 3492 7,.5 2 3619 27 7456 5580 0..7 5 11 .62 4349 8,.9 8 4390 28 7696 5756 0..7 5 7..9 9 3077 5..8 0 2918 29 7700 5776 0,.7 5 10 .03 3876 8,.0 0 4027 30 7672 . 5760 0..7 5 11..1 9 4394 9..7 1 4968 31 7804 5868 0.,7 5 10..1 1 4001 8., 54 4397 32 7880 5968 0..7 6 15,.4 3 6142 11..8 2 6084 33 7784 5880 0. 76 7..3 7 2902 5..2 3 2652 34 7740 5880 . 0.,7 6 6..8 3 2678 5..3 3 2688 35 7892 5984 0.7 6 5.,1 5 2018 2. 75 1382 36 7728 5840 0.7 6 7 .6, 9 3046 5. 24 2659 37 7600 5796 0.7 6 11.,0 6 4394 •9. 60 4877

AVERAGE 7706 5819 0.7 6 9.2 3 3530 7. 52 3750 ST. DEV. 173 157 0.0 1 MAX. 8020 6108 0.7 7 15. 43 6142 11. 82 6084 MIN. 7348 5516 0.7 4 3.4 3 1250 2. 75 1382 175

Table A. 6 . (conf d. )


1 7856 5936 0. .76 2 7800 5920 0 .76 3 7528 5716 0,.7 6 4 7748 5860 0..7 6 5 7488 5708 0 .76 6 7312 5516 0..7 5 7 7400 5532 0..7 5 8 7396 5568 0,.7 5 9 7424 5560 0..7 5 10 7404 5608 0 .76 13 .83 5167 13 .15 6434 11 7500 5632 0 .75 14. .98 5681 12, .99 6449 12 7776 5804 0..7 5 8,.8 9 3360 6..1 7 3055 13 7668 5768 0 .75 12 .17 4627 10 .59 5280 14 7752 5804 0 .75 10 .99 4257 8 .32 4236 15 7736 5720 0 .74 11,.6 0 4612 8 .74 4574 16 7764 5788 0 .75 8 .80 3434 7 .31 3761 17 7516 5592 0 .74 11 .41 4413 9 .11 4639 L 18 7396 5516 0 .75 11 .02 4187 9 .29 4649 19 7064 5224 0 .74 16 .82 6386 13 .31 6650 20 7144 5324 0 .75 14 .93 5589 12 .61 6211 21 7060 ' 5228 0 .74 17 .69 6448 15 .32 7351 22 7168 5312 0 .74 17 .52 6462 14 .38 6979 23 6972 5172 0 .74 20 .33 7406 17 .57 8414 24 7072 5240 0 .74 18 .96 6924 17 .03 8160 25 7128 5268 0 .74 20 .08 7308 16 .94 8069 26 7192 5340 0 .74 17 .36 6391 14 .59 7020 27 7264 5388 0,.7 4 17..0 4 6377 13..9 3 6809 28 7328 5448 0 .74 13 .97 5378 11,.6 6 5861 29 7544 5584 0,.7 4 13, .17 5086 9..5 5 4805 30 7660 5680 0..7 4 11..1 1 4363 8 .0, 3 4109 31 7756 5800 0..7 5 10, .35 4097 8..0 1 4126 32 7584 5648 0..7 4 10..5 6 4205 7.,2 1 3710 33 7588 5652 0..7 4 9,.7 9 3852 6..2 8 3187 34 7552 5656 0., 75 9.,1 5 3588 6.,1 8 3118 35 7408 5572 0. 75 11. 03 4322 8. 05 4046 36 7564 5676 0..7 5 10. ,59 4190 7.,4 0 3754 37 7464 5620 0. 75 12. 34 4906 9. 28 4714

AVERAGE 7459 5578 0. 75 13. 45 5108 10. 82 5363 ST. DEV. 239 204 0. 01 MAX. 7856 5936 0. 76 20. 33 7406 17. 57 8414 MIN. 6972 5172 0. 74 8. 80 3360 6. 17 3055 176

Table A. 6 . (conf d.)


1 7828 5944 0 .76 2 7788 5952 0 .76 3 7496 5720 0,.7 6 4 7472 5680 0,.7 6 5 7532 5752 0..7 6 6 7364 5628 0..7 6 7 7364 5520 0,.7 5 8 7600 5772 0..7 6 9 7452 5660 0.,7 6 10 7492 5736 0.,7 7 11,.2 0 4183 11,.6 9 5719 11 7616 5820 0.,7 6 11 .53 4373 11,.2 3 5575 12 7832 5916 0.,7 6 6 .07 2292 4,.8 1 2381 .13 7724 5904 0.,7 6 5,.8 7 2232 6,. 19 3089 14 7696 5828 0.,7 6 9 .70 3755 8,.8 5 4505 15 7728 5800 0.,7 5 10,.4 7 4161 8,.8 5 4634 16 7912 6000 0.,7 6 3,.5 5 1386 4,.4 7 2299 17 7516 5708 0..7 6 10 .76 4161 10 .77 5484 A 18 7456 5708 0.,7 7 7 .53 2862 8 .32 4164 19 7376 5596 0.,7 6 10 .50 3986 9,.6 9 4843 20 7380 5632 0..7 6 10 .21 3825 10 .03 4939 21 7300 5528 0..7 6 11 .55 4209 11 .71 5621 22 7396 5600 0..7 6 11 .75 4334 10 .75 5218 23 7296 5564 0.,7 6 10 .51 3827 10,.9 5 5244 24 7304 5572 0..7 6 10 .56 3857 11 .81 5657 25 7472 5672 0..7 6 12 .11 4406 11 .80 5618 26 7424 5656 0..7 6 9 .18 3379 8 .95 4303 27 7488 5708 0..7 6 9 .82 3674 8 .93 4366 28 7420 5644 0..7 6 11 .69 4498 11 .34 5702 29 7764 5916 0.,7 6 7 .84 3029 6 .91 3478 30 7676 5836 0,.7 6 8 .67 3406 8 .14 4162 31 7688 5908 0.,7 7 8 .77 3470 9 .31 4795 32 7652 5880 0.,7 7 8,.7 7 3492 8,.2 3 4236 33 7724 5960 0.7 7 6,.0 3 2374 5,.6 5 2866 34 7540 5840 0. 77 8,.6 1 3374 8,.9 3 4502 35 7512 5828 0.7 8 8..2 6 3238 8..3 7 4207 36 7536 5824 0.7 7 9.,8 0 3878 9..5 0 4814 37 7612 5916 0.7 8 7..4 9 2976 7.,8 2 3972

AVERAGE 7552 5760 0.7 6 9.,2 4 3523 9..0 7 4514 ST. DEV. 162 134 0.0 1 MAX. 7912 6000 0.7 8 12. 11 4498 11. 81 5719 MIN. 7296 5520 0.7 5 3. 55 1386 4.4 7 2299 APPENDIX B

Duplicate Solids Determinations 178

Table B.l. Multiple (n=9) Solids Determinations on a Single Sample at 20°C.

Date/Sample TSS TVSS TVSS/TSS mg/L mg/L

November 20/anoxic-aerobic 6076 4680 0.77 6040 4628 0.77 5984 4608 0.77 6220 4752 0.76 6056 4620 0.76 6180 4712 0.76 6096 4676 0.77 6240 4792 0.77 6116 4680 0.77 average 6112 4683 0.77 standard deviation 81 58 0.00 maximum 6240 4792 0.77 minimum 5984 4608 0.76

Table B.2. Multiple (n=9) Solids Determinations on E ^ a Single Sample at 10 C. Date/Sample TSS TVSS TVSS/TSS mg/L mg/L

February 4/anoxic-aerobic 7400 5560 0.75 7492 5632 0.75 7400 5556 0.75 7424 5600 0. 75 7468 5608 0.75 7516 5668 0.75 7492 5640 0.75 7432 5592 0.75 7476 5596 0.75 average 7456 5606 0.75 standard deviation 40 34 0.00 maximum 7516 5668 0.75 minimum 7400 5556 0.75 179

Table B.3. Daily Duplicate Solids Determinations for Samples Throughout Run #1.


kTE DIGESTOR TSS TVSS TSS TVSS (1) (2) (3) (4) [a] [b] [c] [d] TSS TVSS - # dig. # mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L % %

1 5 6256 4748 6236 4704 20 44 0 .35 0 .84 2 4 6136 4600 6220 4676 84 76 1 .49 1 .47 3 3 6816 4908 6576 4740 240 168 3 .93 3 .11 4 4 6176 4672- 6248 4696 72 24 1 .26 0 .46 5 2 6400 4844 6284 4768 116 76 1 .99 1 .43 6 1 6264 4740 6296 4764 32 24 0 .55 0 .46 7 feed 6920 5316 6908 5336 12 20 0 .19 0 .34 8 1 6224 4680 6144 4600 80 80 1 .41 1 .56 9 2 6204 4692 6340 4772 136 80 2 .37 1 .52 10 3 6396 4632 6296 4580 100 52 1 .73 1 .01 11 4 6016 4528 6060 4552 44 24 0 .79 0 .48 12 5 6048 4564 6128 4644 80 80 1 .43 1 .56 13 . 6 5804 4548 5656 4420 148 128 2 .77 2 .63 14 feed 7388 5680 7412 5700 24 20 0 .35 0 .32 15 6 5712 4464 5800 4560 88 96 1 .65 1 .94 16 5 6144 4644 6276 4740 132 96 2 .32 1 . 84 17 4 6188 4664 6056 4568 132 96 2 . 34 1 .88 18 3 6072 4388 6216 4520 144 132 2 .59 2 .62 19 2 6132 4668 6180 4708 48 40 0 .85 0 .77 20 1 6256 4736 6392 4828 136 92 2 . 35 1 .73 21 feed 7788 5980 7872 6024 84 44 1 .16 0 .66 22 1 6200 4660 6076 4592 124 68 2 .20 1 .33 23 2 6492 4892 6484 4904 8 12 0 .13 0 .22 24 3 6300 4520 6320 4504 20 16 0 .35 0 .31 25 4 6336 4744 6372 4740 36 4 0 .62 0 .08 26 5 6276 4668 6236 4684 40 16 0 .70 0 .31 27 6 5760 4536 5772 4556 12 20 0 .22 0 .40 28 feed 7748 5896 7828 5960 80 64 1 .12 0 .98 29 6 6032 4708 6116 4768 84 60 1 . 50 1 .15 30 5 6360 4788 6268 4704 92 84 1 .58 1 .60 31 4 6440 4824 6400 4820 40 4 0 .68 0 .07 32 3 6224 4460 6444 4620 220 160 3 .85 3 .09 33 2 6268 4728 6216 4672 52 56 0 .91 1 .08 34 1 5896 4408 5828 4360 68 48 1 .26 0 . 99 35 feed 8848 6784 8940 6840 92 56 1 .12 0 .74

(1) Absolute difference between duplicate TSS values. (2) Absolute difference between duplicate TVSS values. (3) Percentage error for TSS values based on the average{([a]+[c])/2}. (4) Percentage error for TVSS values based on the average!([b]+[d])/2}. 180

Table B.3. (cont'd.)


DATE DIGESTOR TSS TVSS TSS TVSS (1) (2) (3) (4) [a] [b] [c] [d] TSS TVSS day # dig. # mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L % %

36 1 5752 4308 5772 4332 20 24 0..3 8 0.,5 0 37 2 6516 4884 6440 4836 76 48 1..2 8 0,.8 9 38 3 6296 4504 6152 4424 144 80 2..5 5 1.,5 9 39 4 6072 4536 6020 4468 52 68 0..9 4 1,.3 6 40 5 5752 4312 5960 4464 208 152 3,.8 9 3..0 9 41 6 6192 4888 6352 5008 160 120 2.,7 5 2.,2 2 42 feed 8616 6496 8500 6344 116 152 1..4 7 2..1 4 43 6 6020 4772 6044 4772 24 0 0..4 3 0.,0 0 44 5 6260 4628 5940 4384 320 244 5., 70 4.,9 0 45 4 6280 4652 6188 4596 92 56 1.,6 1 1.,0 9

AVERAGE 1.581 1.306 ST. DEV 1.159 0.992 MAX. 5.705 4.896 MIN. 0.134 0.000

(1) Absolute difference between duplicate TSS values. (2) Absolute difference between duplicate TVSS values. (3) Percentage error for TSS values based on the average{([a]+[c])/2). (4) Percentage error for TVSS values based on the average{([b]+[d])/2}. Table B.4. Daily Duplicate Solids Determinations for Samples Throughout Run #2


DATE DIGESTOR TSS TVSS TSS TVSS (1) (2) (3) (4) [a] [b] [c] [d] TSS TVSS day # dig. # mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L % %

1 5 6600 4924 6448 4824 152 100 2. 54 1. 85 2 4 6988 5288 6776 5140 212 148 3. 34 2. 58 3 3 6840 5308 6912 5340 72 32 1. 13 0. 55 4 2 6872 5080 7016 5212 144 132 2. 28 2. 29 5 1 7080 5436 6996 5388 84 48 1..2 9 0..8 1 6 feed 8616 6620 8672 6664 56 44 0. 70 0..6 0 7 1 6916 5256 6884 5216 32 40 0.,5 0 0..6 9 8 2 7036 5200 6912 5092 124 108 1.,9 4 1.,8 8 9 3 6908 5412 6924 5416 16 4 0..2 5 0..0 7 10 4 6736 5068 6816 5132 80 64 1.,2 9 1.,1 3 11 5 6356 4692 6436 4732 80 40 1,.3 7 0,.7 6 12 6 6364 5008 6240 4920 124 88 2..1 1 1..6 3 13 feed 8528 6576 8476 6548 52 28 0,. 66 0 .39 14 6 6328 4992 . 6272 4944 56 48 0,.9 5 0..8 9 15 5 6204 4408 6284 4448 80 40 1..4 2 0 .79 16 4 6612 4940 6696 4992 84 52 1,.3 8 0 .94 17 3 6668 5224 6620 5212 48 12 0 .78 0 .21 18 2 6620 4808 6924 5148 304 340 4..9 7 6 .04 19 1 6692 5120 6704 5144 12 24 0 .19 0 .42 20 feed 7500 5852 7380 5768 120 84 1..7 4 1 .33 21 1 6912 5288 6708 5104 204 184 3 .24 3 .23 22 2 6524 4828 6480 4800 44 28 0..7 4 0 .52 23 3 6488 5172 6428 5116 60 56 1..0 0 1 .01 24 4 6528 4904 6592 4948 64 44 1..0 7 0 .80 25 5 6340 4544 6248 4480 92 64 1,.6 1 1 .26 26 6 6172 4936 6128 4892 44 44 0..7 7 0..8 3 27 feed 8200 6436 8088 6372 112 64 1..4 8 0 .92 28 6 6232 4972 6240 4980 8 8 0..1 4 0..1 5 29 5 6104 4404 6088 4388 16 16 0.,2 9 0..3 2 30 4 6396 4808 6484 5116 88 308 1.,4 9 5.,6 3 31 3 6952 5660 6840 5572 112 88 1.,7 3 1..4 6 32 2 6552 5444 6528 5428 24 16 0.,3 9 0.,2 8 33 1 6732 5448 6760 5500 28 52 0.,4 4 0..8 8 34 feed 7568 6056 7560 6028 8 28 0. 11 0..4 3

(1) Absolute difference between duplicate TSS values. (2) Absolute difference between duplicate TVSS values. (3) Percentage error for TSS values based on the average{([a]+[c])/2). (4) Percentage error for TVSS values based on the average{([b]+[d])/2). 182


Table B.4. (cont'd.)


iTE DIGESTOR TSS TVSS TSS TVSS (1) (2) (3) (4) [a] [b] [c] [d] TSS TVSS ' # dig. # mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L % %

35 1 6616 5372 6628 5412 12 40 0 . 18 0 .74 36 2 6364 5300 6380 5292 16 8 0 .25 0 .15 37 3 6012 5052 6420 5228 408 176 6 .56 3 .42 38 4 6328 4908 6376 4876 48 32 0 .82 0 .59 39 5 6084 4400 6084 4384 0 16 0 .00 0 .32 40 6 6196 5020 6156 4984 40 36 0 .69 0 .67 41 feed 7732 6180 7672 6144 60 36 0 .83 0 .54 42 6 6192 5028 6200 5044 8 16 0 .14 0 .29 43 5 6212 4420 6112 4368 100 52 1 .79 1 .05 44 4 6288 4840 6324 4852 36 12 0 .62 0 .22 45 3 6248 5204 6224 5196 24 8 0 .41 0 .14 46 2 6312 5264 6428 5336 116 72 1 .93 1 .27 47 1 6832 5724 6788 5708 44 16 0 .68 0 .26 48 feed 7940 6308 7832 6240 108 68 1 .47 1 .00 49 1 6672 5576 6636 5564 36 12 0 .57 0 .20 50 2 6456 5388 6212 5176 244 212 4 .05 3 .79 51 3 6244 5172 6060 5000 184 172 3 .16 3 .18 52 4 5960 4576 5984 4584 24 8 0 .44 0 .16 53 5 6080 4396 6108 4448 28 52 0 .51 1 .04 54 6 5268 4256 5332 4276 64 20 1 .29 0 .43 55 feed 7656 6016 7704 6076 48 60 0 .67 0 .91 56 6 5568 4444 5532 4396 36 48 0 .69 1 .00 57 5 6228 4480 6188 4480 40 0 0 .71 0 .00 58 4 6008 4560 6020 4588 12 28 0 .22 0 .55 59 3 6324 5212 6332 5228 8 16 0 .13 0 .29 60 2 6408 5296 6420 5280 12 16 0 .20 0 .28

AVERAGE 1.242 1.165 ST. DEV 1.060 1.261 MAX. 4.969 6.043 MIN. 0.000 0.068

(1) Absolute difference between duplicate TSS values. (2) Absolute difference between duplicate TVSS values. (3) Percentage error for TSS values based on the average{([a]+[c])/2}. (4) Percentage error for TVSS values based on the average{([b]+[d])/2}. 183

Table B.5. Daily Duplicate Solids Determinations for Samples Throughout Run #3.


LTE DIGESTOR TSS TVSS TSS TVSS (1) (2) (3) (4) [a] [b] [c] [d] TSS TVSS ' # dig. # mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L % %

1 4 7228 5512 7080 5384 148 128 2 .24 2 .14 2 3 7672 5832 7788 5952 116 120 1 .63 1 .84 3 2 7656 5824 7528 5716 128 108 1 .83 1 .70 4 1 7728 5892 7732 5896 4 4 0 .06 0 .06 5 feed 6248 4808 6228 4784 20 24 0 .35 0 .46 6 1 7592 5756 7568 5680 24 76 0 .34 1 .20 7 2 7364 5552 7400 5532 36 20 0 .53 0 .32 8 3 7540 5744 7600 5772 . 60 28 0 .86 0 .44 9 4 7112 5400 7216 5484 104 84 1 .58 1 .39 10 5 7436 5604 7116 5352 320 252 4 .76 4 .18 11 6 6896 5312 6980 5400 84 88 1 .31 1 .49 12 feed 7228 5484 7256 5500 28 16 0 .42 0 .26 13 6 7148 5512 7144 5508 4 4 0 .06 0 .07 14 5 7264 5348 7400 - 5520 136 172 2 .04 2 .82 15 4 7112 5292 7072 5244 40 48 0 .62 0 .82 16 3 7720 5844 7912 6000 192 156 2 .68 2 .37 17 2 7320 5428 7516 5592 196 164 2 .90 2 .65 18 1 7648 5760 7572 5728 76 32 1 .09 0 .50 19 feed 8540 6500 8220 6320 320 180 4 .13 2 .57 20 1 7396 5540 7564 5672 168 132 2 .46 2 .11 21 2 7080 5232 7060 5228 20 4 0 .31 0 .07 22 3 7384 5572 7396 5600 12 28 0 .18 0 .45 23 4 7236 5432 7096 5312 140 120 2 .13 2 .02 24 5 7012 5156 6960 5132 52 24 0 .82 0 .42 25 6 6836 5260 6884 5312 48 52 0 .76 0 .89 26 feed 8048 6208 7988 6144 60 64 0 .81 0 .94 27 6 6620 5128 6576 5108 44 20 0 .72 0 .36 28 5 6884 5064 7024 5160 140 96 2 .21 1 .67 29 4 7192 5436 7176 5196 16 240 0 .24 4 .04 30 3 7636 5836 7676 5836 40 0 0 .57 0 .00 31 2 7856 5956 7756 5800 100 156 1 .39 2 .40 32 1 7800 5892 7880 5968 80 76 1 .11 1 .16 33 feed 6700 5232 6812 5384 112 152 1 .79 2 .62

(1) Absolute difference between duplicate TSS values. (2) Absolute difference between duplicate TVSS values. (3) Percentage error for TSS values based on the average{([a]+[c])/2). (4) Percentage error for TVSS values based on the average{([b]+[d])/2}. 184

Table B.5. (cont'd.)


DATE DIGESTOR TSS TVSS TSS TVSS (1) (2) (3) (4) [a] [b] [c] [d] TSS TVSS day # dig. # mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L % %

34 1 7720 5820 7740 5880 20 60 0..2 8 0,.9 3 35 2 7580 5704 7408 5572 172 132 2,.4 9 2,.1 2 36 3 7628 5900 7536 5824 92 76 1..3 1 1..1 8 37 4 7160 5396 7176 5396 16 0 0,.2 4 0,.0 0 38 5 7228 5372 7140 5328 88 44 1..3 4 0 .74 39 6 7120 5476 7096 5464 24 12 0..3 7 0 .20 40 feed 9196 7168 9224 7220 28 52 0,.3 3 0 .66 41 6 7144 5516 7108 5484 36 32 0,.5 5 0..5 3 42 5 7252 5344 7340 5436 88 92 1..3 2 1..5 2 43 4 7212 5460 7064 5320 148 140 2..2 5 2..3 5 44 3 7584 5908 7612 5948 28 40 0..4 0 0..6 2 45 2 7660 5768 7660 5768 0 0 0 .00 0,.0 0 46 1 7820 5940 7728 5860 92 80 l'..2 8 1 .23 47 feed 8956 6952 8852 6868 104 84 1 .26 1 .11 48 1 7836 5916 7824 5920 12 4 0..1 7 0 .06 49 2 7664 5768 7780 5868 " 116 100 1..6 4 1..5 5 50 3 7500 5852 7660 5988 160 136 2..2 8 2..0 9 51 4 6960 5264 7048 5348 88 84 1..3 7 1..4 3 52 5 7448 5528 7384 5488 64 40 0,.9 4 0,.6 5 53 6 7352 5708 7268 5636 84 72 1..2 4 1..1 6 54 feed 8184 6268 8284 6360 100 92 1..3 2 1.,3 2 55 6 7280 5624 7332 5716 52 92 0..7 7 1.,4 8 56 5 7448 5540 7464 5536 16 4 0..2 3 0.,0 6 57 4 7136 5384 7092 5352 44 32 0..6 7 0.,5 4 58 3 7784 6052 7800 6064 16 12 0.,2 2 0..1 8 59 2 7688 5720 7788 5780 100 60 1.,4 2 0. 93 60 1 7932 5988 7864 5940 68 48 0. 94 0. 73

AVERAGE 1.193 1.197 ST. DEV 0.964 , 0.964 MAX. 4.763 4.183 MIN. 0.000 0.000

(1) Absolute difference between duplicate TSS values. (2) Absolute difference between duplicate TVSS values. (3) Percentage error for TSS values based on the average{([a]+[c])/2}. (4) Percentage error for TVSS values based on the average{([b] + [d])/2}. APPENDIX C

Nitrogen Data 186

Table C.l. Nitrogen Data - 20 Day SRT at 20°C. Nitrogen Forms as mg/L N.

DATE TKN NH3 NOx NO 2 NO 3 %N total solids

24-Sep 455 0., 1 0.1 0 0.1 6..0 5 28-Sep 493 0.. 1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .43 01-0ct 538 0., 1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .87 05-Oct 538 0.. 1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .72 08-Oct 429 0.. 1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .41 13-0ct 539 0,. 1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .47 16-Oct 552 0,. 1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .84 F 19-0ct 547 0,. 1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .67 22-Oct 587 0 .1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .61 26-Oct 552 0,. 1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .78 29-Oct 513 0 .1 0.1 0 0.1 7 .41 02-Nov 513 0 .1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .74 05-Nov 546 0 .1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .61 09-Nov 507 0 .1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .53 12-Nov 552 0 .1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .85 19-Nov 552 0 .1 0.1 0 0.1 6 .71 average 529 0 .1 0.1 0.1 6 .68 std. dev. 40 0 .27

24-Sep 375 0., 1 1.35 0 1.35 5 .82 28-Sep 401 0.. 1 1.61 0 1.61 6 .51 01-0ct 398 0., 1 1.54 0 1.54 6 .27 05-Oct 420 0.. 1 1.26 0 1.26 6 .14 08-Oct 437 0., 1 1.72 0 1.72 5,.7 7 13-0ct 393 0., 1 1.57 0 1.57 5,.8 0 16-Oct 384 0. 1 1.34 0 1.34 5..8 9 C 19-0ct 409 0. 1 1.40 0 1.40 6..1 5 22-Oct 399 0. 1 1.63 0 1.63 5.,9 5 26-Oct 409 0. 1 1.24 0 1.24 6.,5 1 29-Oct 395 0. 1 1.70 0 1.70 6.,2 9 02-Nov 372 0. 1 1.61 0 1.61 6. 42 05-Nov 356 0. 1 1.36 0 1.36 6. 46 09-Nov 378 0. 1 1.64 0 1.64 6. 53 12-Nov 448 0. 1 1.36 0 1.36 6. 36 19-Nov 448 0. 1 1.64 0 1.64 6. 52 average 403 0.1 1.51 1.54 6.23 std. dev. 26 0.16 0.28 0.27 Table C.l. (cont'd)

DATE TKN NH3 NOx NO 2 NO 3 %N total solids

24-Sep 383 0 .1 94.5 0 94.5 5 .68 28-Sep 378 0 .1 109 0 109 6 .26 01-0ct 385 0 .1 121 0 121 6 .41 05-Oct 385 0 .1 129 0 129 5 .49 08-Oct 363 0 .1 115 0 115 5 .87 13-0ct 412 0 .1 150 0 150 5 .40 L 16-Oct 384 0 .1 146 0 146 5 .48 19-0ct 389 0 .1 153 0 153 5 .78 22-0ct 384 0 .1 156 0 156 5 .50 26-Oct 394 0 .1 159 0 159 5 .42 29-Oct 367 0 .1 172 0 172 5 .55 02-Nov 372 0 .1 176 0 176 5 .61 05-Nov 367 0 .1 169 0 169 5 .42 09-Nov 389 0 .1 167 0 167 5 .62 12-Nov 453 0 .1 171 0 171 5 .86 19-Nov 434 0 .1 174 0 174 5 .87 average 443 0 .1 149 112 5 .71 std. dev. . 24 25 18 0 .28

24-Sep 418 9 .4 73.5 0 73.5 5 .93 28-Sep 442 18.. 4 81.5 0 81.5 6 .35 01-0ct 445 21.. 7 87.2 0 87.2 6 .19 05-0ct 420 28.. 7 97.6 0 97.6 6..6 9 08-Oct 366 29.. 4 82.1 0 82.1 6,.2 7 13-0ct 437 30., 5 90.9 0 90.9 6..3 0 A 16-Oct 419 18., 6 81.3 0 81.3 6..2 2 19-Oct 419 16. 0 80.0 0 80.0 6.,1 2 22-Oct 448 12., 6 77.2 17.3 60.0 6.,3 0 26-Oct 453 7. 8 68.9 17.8 51.1 6. 44 29-Oct . 434 7. 0 65.0 17.7 47.3 . 6.,6 7 02-Nov 406 5. 7 57.6 15.4 42.3 6. 67 05-Nov 417 5. 4 55.5 13.8 41.7 6. 58 09-Nov 395 15. 0 47.5 0.7 46.8 6. 43 12-Nov 532 9. 7 66.9 0.2 66.7 6. 55 19-Nov 443 20. 0 62.3 0.1 62.2 6. 74 average 432 15. 7 72.5 10.4 74.3 6. 42 std. dev. 33 8. 0 13.4 7.9 13.8 0. 23 188

Table C.2. Nitrogen Data - 20 Day SRT at 10°C. Nitrogen Forms as mg/L N.

DATE TKN NH3 NOx N02 N03 %N total solids

10-Dec 510 0 .05 1,.3 6 0 1 .36 7 .2, 7 14-Dec 659 0,.0 5 0,.0 8 0 0 .08 6,.9 9 17-Dec 672 0..0 5 0..0 8 0 0,.0 8 6,.8 1 21-Dec 540 0,.0 5 0,.0 8 0 0 .08 7,.5 5 24-Dec 476 0 .05 0,.7 2 0 0 .72 6,.8 1 28-Dec 540 0,.0 5 0..0 8 0 0 .08 6 .80 31-Dec 568 0,.2 4 1,.4 2 0 1 .42 6 .60 04-Jan 627 0,.0 5 0..6 0 0 0,.6 0 6,.9 2 07-Jan 638 0,.3 3 0.,0 5 0 0 .05 6,.6 4 11-Jan 589 0,.1 4 0..0 5 0 0,.0 5 6,.5 3 14-Jan 723 0..2 9 0.,0 5 0 0..0 5 7..0 6 18-Jan 571 0,.0 5 0..0 5 0 0,.0 5 6..9 5 21-Jan 686 0..6 2 0..0 5 0 0,.0 5 7..6 6 25-Jan 631 0,.5 1 0..2 3 0 0,.2 3 7 .8, 6 28-Jan 592 0..4 5 0.,0 5 0 0,.0 5 7., 60 01-Feb 710 0.,1 1 0.,2 8 0 0..2 8 7.,9 6 04-Feb 750 0.,3 0 0.,0 5 0 0,.0 5 7..6 0

rage 617 0.,2 0 0. 31 0 0.,3 1 7. 15 dev. 76 0. 18 0. 44 0 0. 44 0. 45

10-Dec 553 0 .05 1,.5 0 0 1,.5 0 7 .28 14-Dec 491 0 .05 2,.8 8 0 2,.8 8 6 .94 17-Dec 516 0 .05 1,.4 8 0 1,.4 8 7 .05 21-Dec 370 0,.0 5 1,.8 2 0 1..8 2 7 .47 24-Dec 437 0,.0 5 1..1 1 0 1., 11 6 .94 28-Dec 461 0,.0 5 1,.7 5 0 1..7 5 6 .75 31-Dec 497 0,.0 5 1.,7 2 0 1.,7 2 6,.8 8 04-Jan 465 0,.0 5 4,.4 4 0 4.,4 4 6 .95 07-Jan 465 0..0 5 3..3 1 0 3.,3 1 6,.6 6 11-Jan 418 0..0 5 2.,5 7 0 2. 57 6,.1 0 14-Jan 499 0..0 5 2..7 2 0 2.,7 2 7,.6 9 18-Jan 464 0..0 5 3.,2 5 0 ' 3.2 5 6,.7 8 21-Jan 485 0.,0 5 3.,0 0 0 3.,0 0 7,.4 0 25-Jan 438 0,.0 5 1..8 4 0 1.,8 4 7,.5 1 28-Jan 482 0..0 5 1.,5 6 0 1..5 6 7,.7 5 01-Feb 470 0,.0 5 1..5 6 0 1.,5 6 7 .45 04-Feb 482 0..0 5 1..4 5 0 1.,4 5 6,.9 5 average 470 0.05 2.23 0 2.23 7.09 std. dev. 39 0.88 0 0.88 0.41 Table C.2. (cont'd)

DATE TKN NH3 NOx N02 N03 %N total solids

10-Dec 540 0,.0 5 54 .3 0 54 .3 7,.3 1 14-Dec 466 0,.0 5 66 .6 0 66 .6 6 .99 17-Dec 510 0 .05 70 .4 0 70 .4 7 .08 21-Dec 370 0..0 5 81 .4 0 81 .4 6 .60 24-Dec 431 0 .05 86 .9 0 86 .9 6 .87 28-Dec 523 0 .05 90 .5 0 90 .5 6 .79 L 31-Dec 492 0 .05 97 .2 0 97 .2 6 .78 04-Jan 481 0 .05 106 0 106 6 .35 07-Jan 459 0 .05 110 0 110 6 .74 11-Jan 418 0 .05 120 0 120 5 .82 14-Jan 510 0 .05 117 0 117 6 .71 18-Jan 520 0 .05 116 0 116 6 .45 21-Jan 511 0 .05 116 0 116 7 .41 25-Jan 471 0 .05 118 0 118 7 .30 28-Jan 482 0 .05 118 0 118 7 . 37 01-Feb 533 0 .05 126 0 126 7 .40 04-Feb 550 0 .05 125 0 125 7 .21 average 526 0 .05 101 0 101 6 .89 std. dev. 46 22 0 22 0 .42

10-Dec 485 0..0 7 54 .3 0 54 .3 7..2 1 14-Dec 497 0..5 5 61 .7 0 61 .7 7..2 0 17-Dec 522 2..7 9 68 .0 0 68 .0 7,.2 3 21-Dec 419 6.,1 3 81 .4 0 81 .4 7..4 1 24-Dec 504 7..9 1 77 .1 0 77 .1 6..8 3 28-Dec 523 8..9 9 77 .7 0 77 .7 7.,0 6 A 31-Dec 497 9. 20 77 .4 0..4 5 77 .0 6..5 4 04-Jan 503 19. 79 63 .8 13..2 0 50 .6 6. 64 . 07-Jan 487 23. 91 37 .3 4.,5 4 32 .8 6. 52 11-Jan 445 0. 05 18 .8 0..0 5 18 .8 6. 32 14-Jan 499 0. 05 27 .5 0 27 .5 6. 91 18-Jan 509 0. 05 45 .9 0 45 .9 6. 72 21-Jan 500 0. 27 62 .3 0 62 .3 7. 62 25-Jan 520 0. 51 69 .8 0 69 .8 7. 60 28-Jan 476 5. 27 72 .7 0 72 .7 7. 37 01-Feb 453 6. 05 72 .7 0 72 .7 7. 74 04-Feb 545 6. 95 77 .8 0 77 .8 7. 45 average 493 6.85 61.5 4.56 60.47 7.08 std. dev. 30 7.31 18.2 5.29 18.75 0.42 190

Table C.3. Nitrogen Data for 15 Day SRT at 20°C, Nitrogen Forms as mg/L N.

DATE TKN NH3 NOx N02 NO 3 %N total solids

02-Jul 441 nd 0 .20 0 0 .20 6 .07 06-Jul 489 nd 0 .20 0 0 .20 5 .81 09-Jul 532 nd 3 .40 0 3 .40 5 .76 13-Jul 514 nd 1 .70 0 1 .70 6 .01 16-Jul 439 nd 1 .53 0 1 .53 6 .19 20-Jul 527 nd 0 .11 0 0 .11 6 .40 F 23-Jul 491 nd 10 .20 0 10 .20 6 .20 27-Jul 807 nd 4 .90 0 4 .90 6 .45 30-Jul 457 nd 3 .98 0 3 .98 6..5 7 03-Aug 440 nd 1 .57 0 1 .57 6,.5 2 06-Aug 508 nd 3 .92 0 3,.9 2 6..5 7 10-Aug 559 nd 2 .90 0 2,.9 0 6,.4 2 13-Aug 504 nd 3,.6 6 0 3,.6 6 7..1 0 average 516 2..9 4 2..9 4 6.,3 1 std. dev. 92 2..6 0 2..6 0 0.,3 5

02-Jul 370 0.02 1..3 4 0 1.,3 4 5. 85 06-Jul 263 0.02 1.,8 0 0 1.,8 0 7 ,7. 8 09-Jul 330 0.02 1.,6 7 0 1.,6 7 6.,7 7 13-Jul 373 0.44 1.,1 0 0 1.,1 0 5. 93 16-Jul 374 0.35 1.,4 0 0 1.,4 0 5. 93 20-Jul 355 1.09 1.,8 4 0 1.,8 4 5. 89 C 23-Jul 373 1.21 1. 60 0 1. 60 5. 89 27-Jul 418 0.36 1.,6 4 0 1. 64 6. 36 30-Jul 287 0.18 1.,3 5 0 1. 35 6. 03 03-Aug 287 0.20 1.,8 7 0 1..8 7 6. 29 06-Aug 355 0.25 1.,4 0 0 1. 40 6. 03 10-Aug 347 0.35 1. 07 0 1. 07 5. 93 13-Aug 362 0.14 1.,9 8 0 1. 98 5. 99 average 325 0.36 1. 54 1. 54 6. 21 std. dev. 42 0.36 0. 28 0. 28 0. 52

nd = not detected 191

Table C.3. (cont'd)

DATE TKN NH3 NOx NO 2 NO 3 %N total solids

02-Jul 397 0 .20 71 .2 0 71 .2 5..4 7 06-Jul 346 0 .02 87 .6 0 87 .6 5 .20 09-Jul 338 0 .02 96 .4 0 96 .4 5 .13 13-Jul 371 0,.2 0 95 .0 0 95 .0 5 .46 16-Jul 299 0,.4 0 109 0 109 5 .34 20-Jul 355 0,.9 0 116 0 116 5 .29 L 23-Jul 391 0..1 1 131 0 131 5 .40 27-Jul 391 0,.0 8 126 0 126 5..5 3 30-Jul 292 0,.0 6 123 0 123 5 .78 03-Aug 270 0,.1 8 117 0 117 5 .76 06-Aug 338 0,.1 4 117 0 117 5 .60 10-Aug 355 0,.1 4 131 0 131 5 .46 13-Aug 362 0..1 5 133 0 133 5,.6 1 average 347 0..2 0 112 112 5..4 6 std. dev. 38 0..2 2 18 18 0,.1 9

02-Jul 405 13..7 0 62 .4 0 62 .4 6,.3 2 06-Jul 335 17.,2 0 67 .3 0 67 .3 6.,4 8 09-Jul 329 19. 80 83 .7 0 83 .7 5. 43 13-Jul 296 25. 60 84 .4 0 84 .4 5.,8 1 16-Jul 384 26. 70 88 .6 0 88 .6 6. 28 20-Jul 391 32. 09 83 .5 0 83 .5 6. 12 A 23-Jul 346 30. 50 93 .8 0 93 .8 5. 90 27-Jul 373 39. 20 94 .9 0 94 .9 6. 48 30-Jul 338 79. 20 72 .4 0 72 .4 6. 00 03-Aug 304 10. 10 62 .7 0 62 . 7 6. 53 06-Aug 355 5. 10 59 .1 0 59 .1 6. 14 10-Aug 355 1. 31 57 .5 0 57 .5 5. 94 13-Aug 401 0. 52 55 .6 0 55 .6 6. 34 average 355 24.97 74.3 74.3 6.14 std. dev. 34 23.57 13.8 13.8 0.30 192

Table C.4. Nitrogen Data for 15 Day SRT at 10°C. Nitrogen Forms as mg/L N.

DATE TKN NH3 NOx N02 NO 3 %N total solids

14-Jan 723 0..2 9 0. 05 0 0.,0 5 7.,0 6 18-Jan 571 0. 05 0. 05 0 0. 05 6.,9 5 21-Jan 686 0.,6 2 0. 05 0 0.,0 5 7.,6 6 F 25-Jan 631 0.,5 1 0..2 3 0 0..2 3 7..8 6 28-Jan 592 0.,4 5 0.,0 5 0 0..0 5 7..6 0 01-Feb 710 0..1 1 0.,2 8 0 0..2 8 7..9 6 04-Feb 750 0.,3 0 0.,0 5 0 0.,0 5 7,.6 0 average 666 0..3 3 0..1 1 0,.1 1 7..5 3 std. dev. 64 0,.1 9 0..0 9 0..0 9 0..3 5

14-Jan 536 0..0 5 1..3 1 0 1 .31 7 .37 18-Jan 565 0 .05 1,.4 4 0 1 .44 6 .91 21-Jan 575 0..0 5 1..5 4 0 1..5 4 7 .64 C 25-Jan 509 0 .05 1,.7 4 0 1 .74 7 .60 28-Jan 532 0 .05 1 .45 0 1 .45 8 .23 01-Feb 533 0 .05 1..4 3 0 1 .43 7 .64 04-Feb 556 0 .05 1 .53 0 1 .53 7 .30 average 544 0.05 1.49 1.49 7.53 std. dev. 21 0.12 0.12 0.37 Table C.4. (cont'd)

DATE TKN NH3 NOx N02 N03 %N total solids

14-Jan 552 0.05 78.0 0 78.0 7.00 18-Jan 537 0.05 86.6 0 86.6 6.66 21-Jan 543 0.05 92.1 0 92.1 7.83 L 25-Jan 509 0.05 94.5 0 94.5 7.80 28-Jan 548 0.05 99.3 0 99.3 7.67 01-Feb 545 0.05 102 0 102 7.57 04-Feb 522 0.05 101 0 101 6.87 average 537 0.05 93.4 93.4 7.34 std. dev. 14 8.0 8.0 0.45

14-Jan 574 1.03 68.1 0 68.1 7.06 18-Jan 571 3.65 76.8 0 76.8 6.49 21-Jan 543 5.50 78.4 0 78.4 7.23 A 25-Jan 543 9.65 79.7 4.65 75.1 8.11 28-Jan 471 16.97 67.7 5.39 62.3 8.36 01-Feb 562 8.10 67.7 4.97 62.7 7.67 04-Feb 505 6.80 65.1 3.44 61.7 7.31 average 538 7.39 71.9 4.61 69.3 7.46 std. dev. 35 4.72 5.6 0.73 6.8 0.59 194

Table C.5. Nitrogen Data - 10 Day SRT at 20°C, Nitrogen Forms as mg/L N.

DATE TKN NH3 NOx NO 2 NO 3 %N total solids

24-Sep 455 0.. 1 0.. 1 0 0.. 1 6 .05 28-Sep 493 0., 1 0.. 1 0 0.. 1 6 .43 Ol-Oct 538 0.. 1 0.. 1 0 0.. 1 6 .87 05-0ct 538 0., 1 0.. 1 0 0.. 1 6..7 2 F 08-Oct 429 0.. 1 0., 1 0 0., 1 6,.4 1 13-Oct 539 0.. 1 0.. 1 0 0.. 1 6..4 7 16-Oct 552 0., 1 0.. 1 0 0., 1 6,.8 4 19-Oct 547 0.. 1 0., 1 0 0., 1 6..6 7 22-Oct 587 0., 1 0.. 1 0 0.. 1 6 .61 average 520 0., 1 0.. 1 0.. 1 6,.56 . std. dev. 48 0..2 4

24-Sep 373 0..1 7 0.,1 0 0 0.,1 0 5..5 9 28-Sep 424 0..0 8 1.,7 8 0 1.,7 8 6.,2 8 01-0ct- 430 0..1 7 0..5 9 0 0.,5 9 6..7 8 05-Oct 440 0..0 5 1.,1 8 0 1.,1 8 6..5 8 08-0ct 451 0..0 5 1.,2 0 0 1.,2 0 5..8 1 13-Oct 515 0,.0 6 1..3 2 0 1.,3 2 6..3 6 16-Oct 433 0..1 0 1.,1 6 0 1.,1 6 6..5 8 19-Oct 453 0..1 0 0.,9 0 0 0.,9 0 6..7 0 22-Oct 468 0..0 4 0.,7 4 0 0.,7 4 6.,8 1 average 443 0.09 1.00 1.00 6.39 std. dev. 36 0.05 0.46 0.46 6.39 Table C.5. (cont'd)

DATE TKN NH3 NOx N02 N03 %N total solids

24-Sep 410 0.30 77.5 0 77.5 5.50 28-Sep 420 0.02 87.0 0 87.0 6.30 01-0ct 440 0.08 93.2 0 93.2 5.94 05-Oct 400 0.03 99.1 0 99.1 6.15 L 08-Oct 398 0.53 80.9 0 80.9 5.62 13-Oct 466 0.04 111.0 0 111.0 5.94 16-Oct 414 0.07 110.0 0 110.0 6.15 19-0ct 424 0.33 107.0 0 107.0 6.32 22-Oct 453 0.02 85.4 • 0 85.4 6.49 average 425 0.16 94.6 94.6 6.05 std. dev. 22 0.17 12.0 12.0 0.31

24-Sep 423 3.40 67.0 0 67.0 5.49 28-Sep 410 8.53 71.0 0 71.0 6.51 01-0ct 460 10.40 75.4 0 75.4 6.73 05-Oct 435 11.20 76.8 0 76.8 . 6.61 A 08-Oct 383 14.10 67.6 0 67.6 6.17 13-Oct 437 13.10 89.5 0 89.5 6.46 16-0ct 414 13.40 84.0 0 84.0 6.20 19-Oct 463 10.80 73.5 0 73.5 6.68 22-Oct 429 5.90 79.5 0 79.5 6.90 average 428 10.09 76.0 76.0 6.42 std. dev. 23 3.38 7.0 7.0 0.40 196

Table C.6. Nitrogen Data for 10 Day SRT at 10°C. Nitrogen Forms as mg/L N.

DATE TKN NH3 NOx NO 2 NO 3 %N total solids

10-Dec 510 0 .05 1. 36 0 1 .36 7 .27 14-Dec 659 0..0 5 0. 08 0 0 .08 6..9 9 17-Dec 672 0..0 5 0. 08 0 0 .08 6..8 1 21-Dec 540 0,.0 5 0. 08 0 0 .08 7..5 5 24-Dec 476 0,.0 5 0. 72 0 0,.7 2 6..8 1 28-Dec 540 0..0 5 0. 08 0 0..0 8 6..8 0 F 31-Dec 568 0,.2 4 1. 42 0 1,.4 2 6..6 0 04-Jan 627 0..0 5 0.6 0 0..6 0 6..9 2 07-Jan 638 0..3 3 0. 05 0 0..0 5 6..6 4 11-Jan 589 0..1 4 0. 05 0 0.,0 5 6,.5 3 14-Jan 723 0.,2 9 0. 05 0 0.,0 5 7..0 6 average 516 0.,1 2 2. 94 2.,9 4 6..3 1 std. dev. 92 0. 11 2. 60 2. 60 0..3 5

10-Dec 578 0. 05 0. 99 0 0.,9 9 6..8 5 14-Dec 528 0.,0 5 1. 38 0 1.,3 8 6.,9 2 17-Dec 541 0.,0 5 1. 04 0 1.,0 4 7..1 9 21-Dec 546 0. 05 0. 89 0 0. 89 7..0 1 24-Dec 498 0.,0 5 1. 40 0 1.,4 0 6,.7 8 28-Dec 473 0. 05 1.4 0 0 1. 40 6.,7 6 C 31-Dec 524 0.,0 5 1. 60 0 1..6 0 6.,5 5 04-Jan 514 0. 05 1. 45 0 1. 45 6.,3 8 07-Jan 535 0.,0 5 1. 31 0 1..3 1 6..3 2 11-Jan 515 0. 05 0. 30 0 0. 30 6.,6 4 14-Jan 536 • 0.0 5 1. 31 0 1. 31 7 ,. 37 average 526.1818 0.05 1.19 0 1.19 6.80 std. dev. 25.89425 0.35 0 0.35 0.31 197

Table 6. (cont'd)

DATE TKN NH3 NOx NO 2 NO 3 %N total solids

10-Dec 584 0 .05 55 .6 0 55 .6 7 .08 14-Dec 503 0 .05 59 .2 0 59 .2 6 .96 17-Dec 590 0 .05 58 .9 0 58 .9 6 .99 21-Dec 431 0 .05 68 .6 0 68 .6 7 .03 24-Dec 492 0 .05 75.. 9 0 75 .9 6 .84 L 28-Dec 455 0 .05 74 .7 0 74 .7 6 .61 31-Dec 481 0 .05 73,. 7 0 73 .7 6 .81 04-Jan 492 0 .05 74,. 9 0 74 .9 6. .45 07-Jan 487 0,.0 5 80,. 5 0 80 .5 6 .94 11-Jan 504 0..0 5 80,. 5 0 80,. 5 6,.6 4 14-Jan 552 0,.0 5 78,. 0 0 78 .0 7..0 0

average 506 0..0 5 71., 0 71,. 0 6,.8 5 std. dev. 48 8.. 6 8,. 6 0,.1 9

10-Dec 590 0..0 5 43., 3 0 43.. 3 6..8 9 14-Dec 578 0.,0 5 53.. 1 0 53., 1 7..0 3 17-Dec 565 3.,7 1 56.. 4 0 56., 4 7..0 5 21-Dec 400 0. 41 61., 9 0 61., 9 6.,7 9 24-Dec 498 1.,0 3 64., 3 0 64., 3 7..7 5 A 28-Dec 504 0. 76 62. 5 0 62.. 5 6.,8 6 31-Dec 503 0. 82 66., 2 0 66., 2 6.,5 4 04-Jan 492 0. 16 70. 0 0 70., 0 6..4 7 07-Jan 508 2.,0 0 74., 3 0 74.. 3 6.,6 5 11-Jan 530 1. 25 73. 1 0 73.. 1 6..3 9 14-Jan 574 1.,0 3 68. 1 0 68., 1 7.,0 6

average 522 1.02 63.0 63.0 6.86 std. dev. 52 1.02 8.8 8.8 0.36 APPENDIX D

Phosphorus Data Table D.l. Phosphorus Data - 20 Day SRT at 20°C. Phosphorus Forms as mg/L P.

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

24-Sep 273 0.31 3..7 5 28-Sep 302 0.28 3.,6 9 01-0ct 320 0.24 3..8 8 05-0ct 325 0.50 3.,9 5 08-0ct 299 0.17 4.,0 3 13-0ct 309 0.18 3.,8 7 16-0ct 298 0.41 3..8 8 19-0ct 298 0.30 3.,8 6 F 22-Oct 324 0.27 3..6 8 26-Oct 291 0.25 3.,4 3 29-Oct 283 0.43 3..7 6 02-Nov 273 0.30 3.,3 7 05-Nov 299 0.30 3.,2 9 09-Nov 275 0.18 3..3 1 12-Nov 275 0.14 3..4 3 16-Nov 297 0.19 3..4 1 19-Nov 289 0.24 3 .53 average 296 0.28 3 .65 std. dev. 16 0.10 0 .24

24-Sep 265 32.0 3 .89 28-Sep 275 35.5 3 .59 01-Oct 278 40 .9 38.4 3 .83 05-Oct 315 42.6 3 .82 08-Oct 280 44.4 3 .99 13-Oct 280 45.8 3 .92 16-Oct 283 44.5 4 .04 19-0ct 288 43.9 4 .10 C 22-Oct 283 50.. 9 46.0 3,.7 7 26-Oct 283 46.0 4,.0 8 29-Oct 290 42.2 3..7 8 02-Nov 283 44.1 3,.7 6 05-Nov 283 42.6 3..9 6 09-Nov 299 46.. 7 43.4 3..9 9 12-Nov 272 43.4 3.,6 6 16-Nov 282 43.4 3..6 5 19-Nov 295 43.5 3. 70 average 284 46. 2 42.5 3. 85 std. dev. 11 4. 1 3.7 0. 15 Table D.l. (cont'd)

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

24-Sep 275 39,. 0 3.86 28-Sep 268 22,. 0 4.18 01-0ct 293 32.9 31., 1 4.27 05-Oct 290 33.. 5 4.09 08-Oct 275 26., 0 4.65 13-Oct 316 25., 3 4.62 16-Oct 278 26.. 3 4.27 19-0ct 278 26., 9 4.50 L 22-Oct 275 22.1 24,. 8 4.21 26-Oct 286 28.. 0 4.25 29-Oct 294 25., 1 4.24 02-Nov 301 25.. 0 4.20 05-Nov 295 12.. 5 4.23 09-Nov 285 14.0 12., 5 4.17 12-Nov 302 14,. 8 4.25 16-Nov 289 21.. 8 4.06 19-Nov 285 25., 0 4.03

average 287 23.0 24., 7 4.24 std. dev. 12 7.7 6., 7 0.19

24-Sep 275 71. 0 3.55 28-Sep 290 88. 0 3.32 01-0ct 295 120 99. 6 3.18 05-Oct 298 114 3.33 08-Oct 272 127 3.31 13-Oct 300 145 2.95 16-Oct 281 129 2.84 19-0ct 278 126 2.92 A 22-Oct 288 131 123 2.82 26-Oct 240 126 2.84 29-Oct 287 126 2.84 02-Nov 283 116 2.75 05-Nov 288 123 2.76 09-Nov 287 120 112 2.65 12-Nov 316 127 2.59 16-Nov 275 124 2.68 19-Nov 292 125 2.64 average 285 124 118 2.94 std. dev. 15 5 17 0.28 201

Table D.2. Phosphorus Data - 20 Day SRT at 10°C. Phosphorus Forms as mg/L P.

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

10-Dec 249 0. 11 3..4 8 14-Dec 328 0. 14 3.,6 7 17-Dec 333 0. 52 3..5 1 21-Dec 289 1. 14 3.,9 1 24-Dec 248 0.,1 4 3..6 5 28-Dec 286 0.,2 9 3..6 7 31-Dec 298 0.,2 3 3..5 3 04-Jan 319 0.,3 4 3,.6 9 07-Jan 324 1..2 5 3 .45 11-Jan 297 1..6 2 3..1 5 14-Jan 335 3,.1 1 3 .46 18-Jan 255 2..2 6 3 .40 21-Jan 328 3,.2 0 3 .34 25-Jan 282 3,.6 4 3 .25 28-Jan 255 4,.8 1 2 .96 01-Feb 315 0 .57 3 .19 04-Feb 344 0..6 9 3 .13 average 299 1.42 3.44 std. dev. 32 1.42 0.24

10-Dec 282 14 .5 3 .53 14-Dec 266 17,. 6 3..7 2 17-Dec 295 19 .2 19 .6 3..8 1 21-Dec 215 20,. 5 3..9 9 24-Dec 254 20.. 3 3,.7 9 28-Dec 270 21.. 5 3..7 5 31-Dec 286 24.. 9 3,.7 9 04-Jan 278 28.. 6 3.,6 1 07-Jan 273 29.. 7 31.. 5 3 .7. 0 11-Jan 279 27.. 2 3.,3 6 14-Jan 285 29.. 1 . 4.,1 2 1,8-Jan 263 31.. 2 3.,6 9 21-Jan 275 31.. 6 3.,6 0 25-Jan 253 30., 9 3.,5 1 28-Jan 267 33.. 0 33.. 1 3..5 6 01-Feb 261 31., 9 3.,4 4 04-Feb 268 28. 0 3. 30 average 269 27.3 26.0 3.66 std. dev. 17 5.9 5.7 0.20 202

Table D.2. (cont'd)

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

10-Dec 282 18,. 3 3..7 1 14-Dec 266 20,. 1 3..9 5 17-Dec 284 19.. 8 20,. 3 3..9 9 21-Dec 223 22.. 3 3 .7. 3 24-Dec 248 21.. 8 4,.0 4 28-Dec 292 25.. 0 3..9 2 31-Dec 293 25.. 7 3,.9 8 04-Jan 288 29.. 2 3..5 7 07-Jan 278 28., 0 28,. 9 3,.9 8 11-Jan 299 25,. 2 3,.4 3 14-Jan 291 26.. 5 3,.8 2 18-Jan 272 27,. 7 3,.6 9 21-Jan 299 29,. 5 3..7 1 25-Jan 280 30 .9 3 .62 28-Jan 270 30,. 4 32,. 1 3..5 6 01-Feb 288 30,. 9 3 .56 04-Feb 293 29 .7 3 .43 average 279 26.1 26.1 3.75 std. dev. 19 4.5 4.1 0.20

10-Dec 255 21.. 3 3 .53 14-Dec 263 27 .2 3 .83 17-Dec 289 40 .5 37 .0 3 .73 21-Dec 232 48 .5 3 .72 24-Dec 281 56 .4 3..5 3 28-Dec 292 62.. 2 3..5 3 31-Dec 288 66 .4 3 .21 04-Jan 288 96.. 5 3..0 1 07-Jan 273 55.. 0 110,. 7 2,.7 3 11-Jan 297 98.. 3 2,.7 9 14-Jan 275 76,. 0 2,.8 7 18-Jan 263 64.. 9 3..1 5 21-Jan 287 •63., 2 3.,2 5 25-Jan 290 67., 7 66., 0 3..1 7 28-Jan 267 68. 0 3. 14 01-Feb 278 72.. 7 3. 04 04-Feb 285 74. 0 2. 85 average 277 54.4 65.3 3.24 std. dev. 16 11.1 22.9 0.34 203

Table D.3. Phosphorus Data - 15 Day SRT at 20°C. Phosphorus Forms as mg/L P.

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

02-Jul 243 1..4 0 3..7 3 06-Jul 268 1..3 0 3..7 7 09-Jul 241 1,.3 5 3..6 6 13-Jul 308 2..1 0 3..6 4 16-Jul 258 3,.4 0 3..6 8 20-Jul 294 4,.4 5 3..7 6 23-Jul 294 4..7 4 3.,6 4 27-Jul 486 44..1 0 3..5 8 30-Jul 314 4..2 0 4,.0 3 03-Aug 297 4..5 0 3.,9 1 06-Aug 305 3..2 0 4..0 4 10-Aug 338 2..5 0 4.,2 2 13-Aug 319 5..6 6 4.,5 6

323 1J. 5 3.,9 4 std. dev. 61 12.6 0.30

02-Jul 243 34,. 4 3.,8 1 06-Jul 210 33.. 9 3.,7 5 09-Jul ' 233 38.. 5 ,3.,7 2 13-Jul 262 41,. 6 3.,7 5 16-Jul 252 37.. 7 3.,7 5 20-Jul 250 44.. 5 3.,7 9 23-Jul 259 46., 9 3. 73 27-Jul 268 46.. 3 4.,0 7 30-Jul 239 43,. 4 3.,8 9 03-Aug 247 43.. 5 4.,0 6 06-Aug 247 44,. 6 3.,9 1 10-Aug 243 45,. 8 4.,1 8 13-Aug 265 43,. 5 4..0 9 average 252 44.0 3.94 std. dev. 9 2.5 0.16 Table D.3. (cont'd)

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

02-Jul 243 22.. 2 3.98 06-Jul 226 15.. 7 4.05 09-Jul 242 16.. 3 4.03 13-Jul 271 32.. 7 3.87 16-Jul 266 32.. 7 3.89 20-Jul 259 30.. 6 3.98 23-Jul 285 36.. 9 4.02 27-Jul 259 37,. 7 4.11 30-Jul 289 29.. 8 4.25 03-Aug 255 32.. 4 4.22 06-Aug 255 32.. 9 4.03 10-Aug 264 31.. 2 4.20 13-Aug 265 36.. 4 ' 4.27 average 266 33.4 4.11 std. dev. 12 2.7 0.13

02-Jul 243 70.0 3..3 5 06-Jul 210 80.2 3 .11 09-Jul 287 86.5 3..0 9 13-Jul 208 96.3 3..0 3 16-Jul 252 95.1 3 .06 20-Jul 259 93.8 3..1 9 23-Jul 250 102 3..1 1 27-Jul 259 123 3..1 9 30-Jul 297 123 2.,9 4 03-Aug 255 118 3. 13 06-Aug 247 120 2.,7 8 10-Aug 243 116 3. 03 13-Aug 274 118 3. 14 average 260 112 3.06 std. dev. 16 11 0.13 205

Table D.4. Phosphorus Data - 15 Day SRT at 10 C. Phosphorus Forms as mg/L P.

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

14-Jan 335 3.11 3.46 18-Jan 255 2.26 3.40 21-Jan 328 3.20 3.34 25-Jan 282 3.64 3.25 28-Jan 255 4.81 2.96 01-Feb 315 0.57 3.19 04-Feb 344 0.69 3.13 average 302 2.61 3.25 std. dev. 35 1.44 0.16

14-Jan 307 13.1 3.86 18-Jan 289 16.3 3.73 21-Jan 304 18.6 3.75 25-Jan 290 23.5 3.56 28-Jan 280 25.2 3.82 01-Feb 288 24.0 3.44 04-Feb 290 20.8 3.33 average 293 20.2 3 .64 std. dev. 9 4.1 0.19 Table D.4. (cont'd)

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

14-Jan 291 12.8 3.76 18-Jan 263 17.8 3.67 21-Jan 294 19.7 3.86 25-Jan 282' 23.9 3.76 28-Jan 290 26.1 3.54 01-Feb 288 23.7 3.57 04-Feb 280 23.7 3.24 average 284 21.1 3.63 std. dev. 10 4.3 0.19

14-Jan 283 52.5 3.29 18-Jan 290 61.1 3.06 21-Jan 289 66.0 3.02 A 25-Jan 290 75.8 3.19 28-Jan 255 82.3 3.18 01-Feb 295 82.3 2.93 04-Feb 261 78.7 2.76 average 280 71.3 3.06 std. dev. 15 10.7 0.17 Table D.5. Phosphorus Data - 10 Day SRT at 20°C. Phosphorus Forms as mg/L P.

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

24-Sep 273 0.31 3..7 5 28-Sep 302 0.28 3..6 9 01-0ct 320 0.24 3,.8 8 05-0ct 325 0.50 3 .95 08-Oct 299 0.17 4..0 3 13-Oct 309 0.18 3..8 7 16-Oct 298 0.41 3..8 8 19-Oct 298 0.30 3..8 6 22-Oct 324 0.27 3..6 8 average 305 0.30 3.84 std. dev. 16 0.10 0.11

24-Sep 283 38.. 0 3..4 9 28-Sep 280 32.. 0 3.,6 8 01-0ct 288 33., 7 35., 4 3.,9 3 05-0ct 305 33.. 0 3.,8 7 08-0ct 306 45,. 7 36.. 9 3 .8. 3 13-Oct 323 38.. 6 4..1 5 16-Oct 296 34,. 2 32 .0 4..0 2 19-Oct 291 30,. 8 4..1 2 22-Oct 288 36 .4 3,.7 2 average 296 37.9 34.8 3.87 std. dev. 13 5.5 2.7 0.20 Table D.5. (cont'd)

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

24-Sep 305 27.. 0 3.79 28-Sep 278 23,. 5 3.75 01-0ct 298 23,. 5 25.. 1 4.00 05-Oct 320 23., 9 4.00 08-0ct 275 19.. 8 19.. 9 4.17 13-Oct 316 25., 9 4.22 16-Oct 278 26., 3 24., 4 4.27 19-0ct 288 20., 9 4.41 22-Oct 288 20., 6 4.23 average 294 23.2 23.5 4.09 std. dev. 16 2.7 2.3 0.21

24-Sep 283 47,. 5 3,.4 5 28-Sep 278 55.. 5 3,. 55 01-0ct 300 67 .3 62,. 4 3,.7 1 05-Oct 293 71.. 9 3,.6 2 08-Oct 265 91,. 0 86,. 3 3,.4 6 13-Oct 290 87,. 5 3,.6 5 16-Oct 281 80,. 7 83,. 1 3,.3 0 19-0ct 278 72.. 3 3..7 3 22-Oct 278 78,. 8 3,.5 6 average 283 79.7 71.7 3.56 std. dev. 10 9.7 13.2 0.13 209

Table D.6. Phosphorus Data - 10 Dav SRT at 10°C. Phosphorus Forms as m g/L P.

DATE TP TP P04 - %P total soluble solids

10-Dec 249 0.11 3.48 14-Dec 328 0.14 3.67 17-Dec 333 0.52 3.51 21-Dec 289 1.14 3.91 24-Dec 248 0.14 3.65 28-Dec 286 0.29 3.67 F 31-Dec 298 0.23 3.53 04-Jan 319 0.34 3.69 07-Jan 324 1.25 3.45 11-Jan 297 1.62 3.15 14-Jan 335 3.11 3.46 average 301 0.81 3.56 std. dev. 30 0.88 0.18

10-Dec 311 11.4 3.45 14-Dec 284 10.5 10.5 3.67 17-Dec 295 10.6 3.88 21-Dec" 300 12.4 3.83 24-Dec 281 13.4 3.84 28-Dec 268 14.1 3.83 C 31-Dec 298 14.7 3.70 04-Jan 296 15.8 16.7 3.69 07-Jan 303 17.5 3.56 11-Jan 283 11.9 3.45 14-Jan 307 13.5 13.1 3.86 average 293 13.3 13.3 3.71 std. dev. 12 2.2 2.2 0.15 Table D.6. (cont'd)

DATE TP TP P04 %P total soluble solids

10-Dec 306 14,. 7 3.,6 8 14-Dec 268 12,, 9 13,. 0 3..7 7 17-Dec 330 13,. 4 3..8 4 21-Dec 254 16 .6 3,.8 9 24-Dec 287 18,. 2 3..7 8 28-Dec 262 20 .8 3,.8 0 31-Dec 278 18,. 6 3..9 5 04-Jan 288 17,. 5 20,. 4 3,.7 2 07-Jan 278 19,. 0 3..9 4 11-Jan 269 12.. 8 3.,6 7 14-Jan 291 13,. 5 12,. 8 3..7 6 average 283 14.6 ' 16.4 3.80 std. dev. 20 2.0 3.0 0.09

10-Dec 306 16 .5 3 .59 14-Dec 290 18 .4 18,. 3 3,.7 5 17-Dec 306 20,. 8 3,.7 5 21-Dec 232 25.. 5 3,.6 0 24-Dec 281 30,. 2 4,.1 3 28-Dec 287 34,. 9 3,.6 6 31-Dec 286 38., 1 3.,4 9 04-Jan 286 32,. 0 43.. 4 3..3 8 07-Jan 268 48., 8 3.,4 1 11-Jan 295 53., 7 3.,1 3 14-Jan 283 55., 8 52., 5 3.,2 9 average 284 35.4 34.8 3.56 std. dev. 19 15.5 13.0 0.26 211


Real Time ORP Profiles 212

-]/6UJ '(OQ*)AW 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time (hours) Figure E.2. Monitoring Results for 20 Day SRT at 20 °C on November 10 - 11, 1987. cn


Average ORP (scaled by 50) Dissolved Oxygen + NOx-N (soluble) • TKN (soluble) o NKz, -N (soluble)

-3 i 10 11 13 14 15 16 Time (hours Figure E. Monitoring Results for 20 Day SRT at 10 °C

on December 18-19, 1987. M l—' — Average ORP (scaled by 50) Dissolved Oxygen + NOx- N (soluble) • TKN (soluble) o NH3- N (soluble)

10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (hours)

Figure E.4. Monitoring Results for 20 Day SRT at 10 °C on January 8 - 9, 1988. Average ORP (scaled by 50

i i i 1 1 r 10 11. 12 13 14 15

Time (hours) Figure E.5. Monitoring Results for 20 Day SRT at 1 0 °C on January 27 - 28, 1988. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time (hours)

Figure E.6. Monitoring Results for 10 Day SRT at 20 °C on September 30 - October 1, 1987. i—1 Figure E.7. Monitoring Results for 10 Day SRT at 20 °C on October 9 -10, 1987. Average ORP (scaled by 50) Dissolved Oxygen NC\- N (soluble)

10 16 22 4 10

10 11 12 13 14 15 Time (hours)

Figure E.8. Monitoring Results' for 10 Day SRT at 20 °C on October 17 - 18, 1987. A NH3-N (soluble)

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time (hours) Figure E.9. Monitoring Results for 10 Day SRT at 10°C on December 15 - 16, 1987. M o Average ORP (scaled by 50) Dissolved Oxygen

Time (hours) 1 1— —i n ' 1 r 10 11 12 ' 13 14 15 16 Time (hours)

Figure E.10. Monitoring Results for 10 Day SRT at 10°C on January 5 - 6, 1988. Average ORP (scaled by 50) Dissolved Oxygen + NOx - N (soluble) • TKN (soluble)

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time (hours)

Figure E.11. Monitoring Results for 10 Day SRT at 10°C on January 12 - 13, 1988.