Additional Biographical Notes on Plant Collectors in Southern Africa
Bothalia 15, 3 & 4: 631-654 (1985) Additional biographical notes on plant collectors in southern Africa L. E. CODD* and MARY GUNN* Keywords: biographies, plant collectors, southern Africa ABSTRACT Biographical notes on plant collectors, supplementary to those already published in Botanical Exploration of Southern Africa by Mary Gunn & L. E. Codd (1981). and including some collectors not previously recorded, are provided. INTRODUCTION * Adams, Berenice Zoe Margaret (later Mrs Mat thews) (1925- ) In our publication Botanical Exploration o f South ern Africa (G unn & Codd, 1981) many collectors’ b. Springs, Transvaal, 7 June 1925; biologist and names are listed with little or no biographical infor housewife; ed. Natal Univ., Pietermaritzburg. mation. Attempts have since been made to collect 1943-45, graduating B.Sc. Research chemist. some of the missing data and have, in several cases, Chamber of Mines Timber Research Laboratories, met with success. The information gathered is now Johannesburg, 1946-49, investigating the preserva presented and the opportunity is taken to make tion of timber and fabrics against fungal attack and some corrections to the original text. In addition, fire underground, the corrosion of steel by under several new names, not previously recorded, are ground water, and the culture of fungi. After her added. It is also apparent that some names, taken m arriage in 1949 to D r John Q uarry M atthews, she over from lists published by Tólken (1971) and in the worked for a year in the Pasteur Institute, Salisbury Index Herbariorum series on collectors, are scarcely (now Harare), Zimbabwe, as a clinical pathologist important enough to warrant inclusion.
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