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UFO Part 12 of 16 q e 0 -v ; - 9 . - I u _; am-menu cnunrv 3 i DEPARTMENT DF CIVIL DEFENSE E annulus AND oaexaou eraana } . FRANKLIN, INDIANA u spec-see-s &#39;- n_"" &#39;92 &#39; IO January 195$ .~~. - " $5!-" Ill. J. Edgar Hoover a Washington,Director ?ederal C.Bureau of D.Investigation 92 I l E V. 2 DIM Bil: . , . - I would first like to apologise for writing to you direct, however, I have V oleared this morning;with our Itote Director and he auggests this procedure. 1 i WeI tour !have posts beenherehaving the inacne successoount_!&#39;;_{7 withif/F_ our Ground Ctservation / Corps- q&#39;...;_--.-/i_, as we have- . Inst Fall I was contacted byor;e"oi"our local business mniEt&#39;i§&#39;t&#39;o&#39;11E&#39;owif I would be interested inJoining; internaticnalFlying SaucerBureau. I told bin 1 that I would and did joinwith the idea fully inlind oihaving thelocal people Iho are interested in Flying Saucers also work in our Civil Defense Program. Io are , only too willing -to co-operate in any my we can iith civil Defense. Ihe city or &#39; iranklin is approximately twenty 0! niles southwest of Indianapolis, on the dual &#39; lane highway o s #51. 92 I am enclosing a letter which wns received.last October, as well as the current &#39;issue &#39; oi/T."l&#39;I.C&#39;£ Iould like to know if this organisationhas beencleared or i_s___:ubvers&#39;i&#39;;§&#39;in any way. &#39; "" &#39;""-&#39;--&#39;- . I would appreciate your expediting this information back to us so that we will know shat steps to take in further enlisting interested persons in our program. _- I 11&#39; you donot requirethe enclosuresplease returnthen. &#39; I &#39;i 5 Q.V -_ _ 4"" ___92,,,__:.;_,-.._;__mi-_,:___,.:[_;.,,e _A .10. .%_ /&#39;_,>92_1,&#39;...,.- :_1 I " :=;-"1 ! .. _- . 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I P 1 . w 1- - .1 92 J &#39; . 3 . 92 _..--_ ....,.,_ _ ____ ___ &#39; " Ii92 . 92 M > -- ..i _ ___ ,:+..,92&#39;.f~.- 92 _._. !_ . r &#39; _ ,_~ W I A - - -&#39; __ -~_ - , _ @-J, -. &#39;---_ - ! - .* t . PW. a 1. sL .s t I - rs P s. ~. - e"" . I- _1 _ _ . I 7___&#39;7_ ___ I__ 777 :7 é 7% 7 7" -7 V J I . e _ M. I - &#39;_t._ _,__. 3, _-_ ~_ . R &#39;_&#39;- . J - . | : . y &#39;r &#39;. -&#39; .. , . 1 r -- :9 &#39;~ &#39; EXCBIPTS FROM &#39;A SUMMAIY OF A FIVE-YEAR _ &#39; 32&#39;, * A t=tY|t~ts&#39;sAuct1t mvesnc-A11o~ _1 _;J- "I &#39;;.-1"|,e..q.o.t--e-»,s-s-ago-its-s=a.a-sai.;I.1f.. 2i F I &#39;1 vejustdeeidedto &#39; &#39;ioothatIl:e allttle -3 s o 4 f. t>neof0senmtfudnniogu&#39;i?:aiu:modsninn,hein§u-.__,;: I F 0 ll J6 .t". o ->_ 1 &#39; i r Saooer"phenornena.Sincetlteau3wofl941wientherstssucer7&#39;3.-s .&#39;:*"""""- " .. &#39;.=P . ?;:s"&#39;}¢gw?1 meUrtitedStatea,Ihsvespesstnaaehoftst-ytiq,assooeya.odeaserpaeeltinA .J-t to rim rs&#39;=_!d_l_e_ Whit; go ow orivate inhalant I was ableto interview sever . -I astronomers, scientists, pilots and guided milaill petts, who _laul arts! these saucers.._ or at least had been iovestigstiog or ndyio; dose troop oecta. addition to these.1. -mrntsltolsuo interviews I have builgm;talked in to Lynchhsrg, to-any eye-sritneaaea Viqsok n tn!IR_lII.&#39;>t&#39;t&#39;ting had sight of these July cbjocts 6, t95l, tiu&#39;ott[I:92O921io- the United Sutea and have usai ed queaioonslru out to manyéothers. j .&#39; - ti- ; l&#39; _ I h v bullet and no the sneer: for the put ve yea.ra,"arad while.. &#39;i~ it flg or my ta: the--h rrdlqrhp tea-.-hers, I wrotxlmn lrttl l clusrnates. have dialed lartureel "The to several Flying groups Saucer in Phenom Lyodaurg." &#39;.. Thoutth It-r been interested in tltizflaroonsens from the vegerst. any sightirlz of an,.92 92 Oran]! that like lobe which hos-er hat tour nutes over Lynchbur; Go ge ad-_- creased my interest threefold ainot then. But is in ol my reasons tot pm my roves-DoR. tigation. It: really too big s job for one pa-non an handle. We must it-e that we are -la-sling with a phenomena that is sstantastsr as h is fascinating. Many of the reports that I. "Ihaw!-oqsdleeoptheriomycolloarionsondbhaekthiaatatemeot. &#39; _92. &#39; Some recent thoughts about the lying aoucua" are that Eerhaps there will be some ii; - landings soon. This doestft arms too lonlaitted In that these ying saucers are utlll being>_.w .4- seen everywhere. for longer periods 0! stout. sol in groups instead of 1100:. II It:-ll I-I &#39;1-I. ii N: .-,-Lil: -, It/it."&#39; more reports of huge saucer or rocket ship Theo. too. they seem to come and go Q will, - . 1a 0 perhaps being ststioned uutellites themselves - - - _ _:_ __ _ &#39;1 __ . ¢_ - "&#39;5">i¢"&#39;Ft*-it-r!.&#39;?J*e-#&#39;~$ -.._ 92- ! tee! tho our ggvgrrtrgantt trust Inst» aorrI&#39;rhin_g about these saucers hec:u.se&#39;iI&#39;t my s , °PI|I&#39;92lUl92 at this very moment the United Stem Go»-ernment is carrying on an educational 92 PrOg.&#39;Jm regardin inttrytlanetary travel of our rountry. Perhaps spate ships other plinth are altesrlg here, At any rate, whether Iitry are trying to prevent religious coo- t troversy or panic or for any other anotrves which they migl-it have. our governnsent is still t: releasing. denying, suppressing and even plating reports at intervals for some reason. - I&#39;ll- i I; -o Regardless, the future will tell! ln closing. I&#39;d like to use s favorite phrase ol&#39;Ch1rlie; t 1. | _. - , _ , . .~=-. I,tM&#39;l92l&#39;!~&#39;. Lynchburg ~* College e~_..-_. student who ll-Ill, "things are _ really _ ---...__ looking _.___._._____. - _ I wonder£ . _ u 1% I "591-,&#39;r &#39;7. 1 J ulnr _ things aren&#39;t looking DOWN. any-us||__ too; Sooner or. ; later we&#39;re bound l to r_- cl _ out, and_: -----..,,,___%__v_ . __;i:W i at" --92 i I mthrsalllcansayis_"thesooner.thebettet.. l - r_ .,_-. _._ T":-L.:..g.>;.l ___ _ . lt- - . ,p- - "~ I, : 1 - EDITOR&#39;S NOTE: l-r. Fa:-cett&#39;i :lisc&#39;..."&#39;kopirtietts will be foam! L2 {atone -.- .
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