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Shri -Charita-Manasa: Kand

Chapter · April 2020


3 authors, including:

Ravi Khattree Oakland University



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All content following this page was uploaded by Ravi Khattree on 26 May 2020.

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Goswami TulsiDas, Translated into English Verses by Binda Prasad Khattri Transcribed and Edited by Ravindra Khattree Email: [email protected]

April 20, 2020 I. Kishkindha-Kand 1

Chapter 1


Shloka Beautiful like a lily of lotus blue, Fair and dark complexioned strong. House of knowledge, graceful, archer best, Of Your praises, sing song. [1A] Dear to the cows and to the Brahmins, By ‘Maya’ took human form, For religion coat-of-mail and helpful, Busy in search of , O Ram(a). [1B] Moving as a passerby, Rama and Lakshman,

10 Do bless me with Your deep devotion. [1C] Blessed are the pious persons who, ever, Drink nectar of holy name of Rama. Vedas are the ocean wherefrom on churning, Came out the Supreme Soul or . [2A] Destroy all sins of the ‘-Age’, Is eternal, never born or dying, Decorates the moon of the face of Shankar, All worldly ills defying. [2B] To all and sundry, it gives pleasure, And to Janaki, is the very life-giver. [2C] 2 20 Sortha Where Shankar and live, Why not, let that Kashi be your place too? It does to all salvation give Mine of knowledge and destroyer of sins. Like where is merciful one Why do you not remember Him, fool heart? He swallowed dreadful poison, Which was searching down the entire gods. Couplets Rama again marched off at the head of the group. 30 They approach the mountain named Rishyamuk. There stayed with all his ministers, Seeing Rama and Lakshman of unlimited powers, [1] He was afraid, addressing said he, “Listen, these two are house of power and beauty. Take form of a celibate, go and observe, Convey to me findings, your heart does preserve. [2]

If the evil hearted Bali has sent them, I’d leave this mountain and flee in no time.” Hanuman, in the garb of Brahmin, there went, 40 Addressed Them when his head, to Them he had bent. [3] “O valiant, fair and dark complexioned, Who are You here as Kshatris? He questioned, Ground is rough to walk on, Your feet soft well, What has led You, Lord, roam in forests, pray tell. [4]

Your form heart enchants, beautiful and tender, Yet unbearable heat, hot winds You suffer. Or You are from amongst Divine Trinity? Or You are Nara and Narain really? [5] Doha Or are You very God, Lord of Universe,

50 Real source of the world’s origin, Came, to give freedom from cycle of birth-death, 3 And to reduce the earth’s burden?” [1] Couplets “We both are sons of , the Kaushala King, Came to forest at our father’s bidding. We are Rama and Lakshman, the brothers two. A beautiful tender lady, was with us too. [1] She was taken away by the demons here, O Brahmin, we are searching Her everywhere. All our story we have told you, 60 Now tell us, Brahmin, your history too.” [2] Recognising his Lord, Hanuman fell at His feet, Uma, who could describe that pleasure sweet? He was horripilating, choked was his voice, At the sight of beautiful face he did rejoice. [3]

Then he gathered patience, did worship impart, Recognising his Lord, he was glad in his heart. “I was excusable when I inquired from You, But how do You question, as a man would do? [4] I had gone astray under the Maya’s influence, 70 Could not recognize You, my Lord, hence. [5] Doha I am unintelligent and under ignorance, Evil-hearted, with no knowledge too, Over and above that, my merciful Lord, I have been forgotten by You. [2] Couplets Lord, in spite of numerous demerits in me, By the master, let not servant forgotten be. My Lord, soul is under Your Maya’s charm. Recovery is possible by Your mercy alone. [1] Over and above that, by Raghubir I swear, 80 I know not any kind of worship or prayer. The servant banks on master, babe on mother, To help me, my Lord, You have got to consider.” [2] So saying, he was restless, fell at Rama’s feet, Exposed his identity, with love was replete. 4 * Rama lifted him up, hugged him to His bosom, Cooled him, watering him with tears of His own [3]

O monkey, listen to me, do not lose heart. You are dear, twice as Lakshman, on my part. They call me impartial and equitable report, 90 Yet servant is dear, he has no other support. [4] Doha He is with no support who in his heart holds, With all firmness, O Hanuman, That he is the servant and whole Universe Is his Lord God’s reflection. [3] Couplets When Hanuman found Lord quite favourable, All his pain was gone and he felt so comfortable. “O Lord, on the hill lives King of monkey force. He is named Sugriva and he is servant Yours. [1] O Lord, cultivate with him friendship dear, 100 Taking him helpless, grant him freedom from fear. He’ll arrange for search of Sita, besides, Will despatch crores of monkeys on all sides.” [2] Thus explaining to them all different matters, Hanuman seated both of them on his shoulders. Viewing Rama, Sugriva was in state of wonder. His life, very fortunate he did consider. [3]

He met Rama respectfully, put head at His feet, Embraced Rama and His brother by way to greet. In the mind of Sugriva, was the constant thought, - 110 “O Creator, will Lord befriend me or not?” [4] Doha Then Hanuman described in fullest details, History, behind Sugriva and Ram(a), Brought fire as the witness and established, Firm mutual friendship between them, [4] Couplets 5 Their friendship was deep, there was no secrecy. Then Lakshman described Rama’s whole history, With eyes watering, spoke out Sugriv(a), “My Lord, we shall Princess of , retrieve. [1] It so happened that I and my ministers, 120 Were once sitting here discussing matters, We noticed Her across sky flying, In captivity, most pitiably crying. [2]

She was wailing and crying ‘Ram(a), Ram(a), O Ram(a)’, She dropped a cloth, noticing us here sitting down.” Rama asked for it, it was immediately produced. He hugged it and was to great sorrow reduced. [3] “Listen to me, Raghubir”, spoke out Sugriv(a), Muster courage and patience, and do not much grieve. We’ll try to serve You with fullest accord, 130 So as to bring Sita back to You, my Lord.” [4] Doha At the words of the comrade, was Mighty pleased, Ocean of mercy, very powerful. “What is reason behind your stay in forest? Tell me Sugriva, frankly in full.” [5] Couplets “My Lord, between me and Bali, my brother, There was love indescribable and sincere. Son of Maya demon, Mayavi his name, It so happened that our town he came. [1] He reached town gate and threw a challenge, 140 Bali could not tolerate it, without a revenge, He ran, with the result that the demon fled. I too, followed my brother the way he led. [2] The demon entered into a mountain cave, Thereon Bali told me how I should behave, Wait for me for one full fortnight period, If I do not come, take it that I am dead.” [3]

“O Killer of Khar, for one month I waited, Therefrom a stream of blood came out instead. Thinking he had killed Bali, would now kill me, 6 150 I blocked, with a rock, cave entry and did flee. [4] The ministers found kingdom without a ruler. Forced kingship on me, though that I didn’t prefer. Killing the demon, Bali came back to town, Great ill-will, he developed seeing me on throne. [5]

He drubbed me miserably as if I was the foe. Snatched away all I had and my wife, also. O Merciful Raghubir, due to his great fear, I frantically fled all the universe over. [6] He does not come here on account of a curse, 160 Even then, I entertain in my heart fears.” When Lord merciful heard of His servant’s pain, There was throbbing all over His long arms twain. [7] Doha “Listen to me, Sugriva, Bali I shall kill, By shooting a single arrow, He will meet with death ultimately, he may seek, Shelter of Brahma or Shankar though. [6] Couplets Those who are not pained at the pain of friends, Their view itself, most horrible sins tends. Even a mountain of one’s own pain should be sand, 170 But a sand of friend’s pain should as mountain stand. [1] Those who have not developed a nature like this, Why should the fools forcibly friendship prectise? A friend should draw friend to virtues from evil, He should reveal his merits, his demerits conceal. [2] No hesitation should come in their give and take, For the good of friend, best efforts ever he should make. In times of misery, love should grow hundred fold, Such qualities for friends, saints, Vedas have told. [3] A friend who speaks sweetly face to face, 180 But at the back talks evil, ill-will does grace, Whose mind works zig-zag as is serpent’s trend, It is always safer to keep away from such friend. [4]

Foolish servant, miserly king, evil woman, 7 Friend insincere, these four cause great pain. Now friend, count on my power, worries cast away, I will be at your service in every possible way.” [5]

Sugriva said, “Listen Rama, King benefactor, Bali is so valiant full of great power.” Showed Rama seven trees, Dundibhi’s bones mound, 190 Which, without least difficulty, Rama pulled down. [6] When he saw boundless power, love for Rama increased. He would certainly kill Bali, Sugriva realized. He bent his head at Rama’s feet again and again, Recognising his Lord, he was exceedingly fain. [7] Sugriva thus spoke, when him knowledge did fill, “Through Your grace, O my Lord, now my mind is still, I’ll forego pleasure, property, fame, family, And take to Your service whole heartedly. [8] The saints who are worshipers of Your feet say, 200 From love of Rama, above things keep one away. Worldly foes and friends, all pleasures and pain, Are works of delusion, no reality maintain. [9] I consider, Bali is my great benefactor, Due to him, I got You, from sorrows rescuer. A fight with whom, even in dream, on waking, Gives pain as to why war with him he was making. [10]

I pray, Lord, now do to me this great favour, Leaving everything, let me Your name remember.” Hearing the monkey’s talk, full of renunciation, 210 Rama, holding arrow, smiled and so did mention – [11] “Whatever you have said, Comrade, is quite true. And my words cannot be wrong, that is true too.” O Adjutant, Rama the Vedas so declare, Make world dance as monkey to its master. [12]

With Sugriva in His company, Rama forward goes, In His hand, He is holding His bow and arrows. Later on, Rama encouraged Sugriva to go. With Rama’s support, he went and challenged did throw. [13] Bali heard him, was furious and rushed out to meet. 220 His wife, , advised him holding his feet – 8 “My lord, the two brothers whom Sugriva has met, Are very limits of power, in great glory set. [14] Sons of Kaushal King – Rama, Lakshman – renowned, They could conquer death itself on the battle ground.” [15] Doha “Listen to me”, said Bali, “O my love, afraid, Very impartial is Lord Ram(a). If He is pleased to decide and kill me, I’ll be possessed of a patron.” [7] Couplets So saying proceeded Bali, proud extra. 230 He counted Sugriva weak and straw, They clashed, Bali a great threat on him scored, Gave him a blow and very loudly roared. [1] That made Sugriva restless and made him fly. Blow came to him as an adamant from sky. “O merciful Raghubir, didn’t I say already, He is not my brother, he is very death to me!” [2]

“You both brothers happen to be so much alike, Due to that suspense only, I did not strike.” Then with His hands Survival’s body did stroke. 240 His pain was gone, body became hard as rock. [3] He put a garland round Survival’s neck, Giving him more strength Rama sent him to track – There was bout once again – both valiant they, From behind a tree, Rama was watching the fray. [4] Doha Sugriva employed all tricks of the fencing, He had fear, felt lost on his part. Then Rama sent out an arrow with His full might, It saw its way into Bali’s heart. [8] Couplets Struck by the arrow, he fell on the ground, 250 Sat up when, before him, the Lord he found. Reddish eyes, dark form, on His head matted hair, In His hands arrow and strung bow He did bear. [1] 9 Seeing Him repeatedly fixed mind on His feet, Recognised Lord, fortunate his life he did treat. With love in his heart, harsh words on his tongue, Spoke out as his eyes on Rama he flung. [2] “Lord, You have come to uphold morality, But like a hunter, You hit me secretly. I was treated as enemy, Sugriva as friend, 260 For what fault of mine, my life You did end?” [3]

“Younger brother’s wife, daughter-in-law, daughter, sister, All are alike, listen to me, fool with care. Whoever happens to cast evil eyes on them, It is no sin, if death is meted out to him. [4] O fool, you are so much to arrogance inclined, Teaching of your wife you did not mind. You know Sugriva enjoyed my full protection, Lost in pride, you sought for his destruction.” [5] Doha “Listen, Rama, I cannot successfully employ

270 Tricks on my master any more. O Lord, do I still a sinner continue, When at death, I have patronage your?” [9] Couplets When Rama heard the sweet words Bali spoke, With His own hand, Bali’s head He did stroke. “I shall make you immortal. Continue to live.” Bali said to Lord merciful, “Your ears to me give. [1]

Life after life yogis, who have all world renounced, Try, yet at death ‘Rama’ cannot be pronounced. By virtue of whose name Shiva salvation gives, 280 Whoever, in his last moments, in Kashi lives. [2] That very Rama stands today before my eyes. When else shall I find an occasion likewise? [3] Chhand He stands before me, of whose glories daily, Vedas repeatedly say, ‘It is not all.’ Controllers of senses, keeping mind in fences 10 Whose mere glimpse rarely recall, [1] Taking me as pride’s pray, to me Lord You did say, That I could continue to live. Where will such a fool be, who will cut Kalpa Tree,

290 And to acacia its place give? [2] My Lord, look at me, with an eye of mercy, My sought boon to me do bestow. Whatever form I am in, as my deeds determine, Let devotion to Rama’s feet grow. [3] Giver of protection, accept Angad, my son, In strength, humility my equal. Him Your hand do grant, take him as Your servant, Lord of gods and men, with no parallel. [4] Doha Developing love strong for the feet of Rama,

300 His mortal body, Bali left, As an elephant does not even know that his neck, Of flower garland is bereft. [10] Couplets Rama sent Bali to his dominion, Citizens all came restless, rushing on. Tara was wailing in many different ways, Hair undone, no control over body she has. [1] Rama finding her restless, in great repentance, Gave her knowledge and removed her ignorance. “Water, earth, fire, space and air – 310 These five the mortal body prepare. [2] That body, it is evident, is lying before you, And soul is immortal, then what for rue?” She bowed to His feet, when knowledge she got, Great devotion to Rama’s feet as a boon sought. [3]

Shankar addressed Uma by Her name and said, “Rama makes all dance as a puppet of wood.” 11 He then requested Sugriva also to please, Perform, as prescribed, funeral ceremonies. [4]

To his brother, Lakshman, instructions He did give, 320 To go and hold coronation of Sugriv(a). All, bending their heads to the feet of Ram(a), Turned accordingly to carry out programme. [5] Doha Immediately Lakshman issued, intimations, Held citizens and Brahmins’ meeting. They installed Angad as their Crown Prince And made Sugriva their King. [11] Couplets Uma, like Rama, there is no benefactor, Be he teacher, parents, brother or master. For gods, saints and men true it stands. 330 That for self-interest, everyone love extends. [1] He, who had been always afraid of Bali, Had heart full of worries, wounds all over body. That very Sugriva, He made King of monkeys. Nature of Lord Rama so very merciful is. [2]

Those who know it and yet let love for Him cease, How could they avoid falling in miseries? Rama sent for Sugriva again and explained, Ways and means how a good king reigned. [3] He said, “Listen, Sugriva, King of monkeys, 340 For year fourteen, I won’t enter cities. Summer is ending, rainy season is setting, I propose, stay at the hill neighboring. [4]

Angad and you jointly carry on the reign, Let thought of my business at heart remain.” When Sugriva from there, for home took his way, At Pravarklan Hill, Rama arranged for stay. [5] Doha Gods had already well equipped a cave, In the hill beautiful and sublime. They knew that Rama, house of great mercy, 12 350 Would stay therein for some time. [12] Couplets Look so fine, the flowering jungle does. For nectar of flowers, the black bees buzz. Ever since Lord came and settled up there, There was excess of leaves, fruits, roots and tuber, [1]

Seeing hill beautiful and matchlessly fine, Lord of gods stayed there with Lakshman. Gods, perfect ones and saints took up the form, Of birds, animals, black bees, for service of Ram(a). [2] Ever since Rama made it His place to reside, 360 The forest turned into pleasures personified. There, on a crystal rock, white beautiful, Both brothers are sitting so very comfortable. [3] Rama does to Lakshman all stories mention, Of politics, knowledge, renunciation, devotion. Clouds of rain look fine in the sky, As occasionally they thunder up on high. [4] Doha “See Lakshman, groups of peacocks begin to dance, When the clouds of rain they see, As a householder, with the ascetic feelings,

370 Seeing ’s devotee would be. [13] Couplets Rain clouds accumulate and loudly thunder, With no Sita with me, my heart does fear. Flash of lightening in the clouds does not stay, As does the fickle love of faithless go away. [1]

Clouds raining, so near to the earth do come, As learned getting knowledge, so humble become. Mountains bear constant beatings of shower, As do the words of the wicked, saints suffer, [2] Little streams overflow their banks and swell, 380 As a little wealth maddens the lowly people. Pure water gets muddy as on earth it runs, As does human soul under Maya’s influence. [3] 13 Waters gather from all sides and fill the tank, As do virtues come to men of holy rank. River waters enter the sea and are still, As on realizing God, the human soul will. [4] Doha Covered by grass, the earth has turned all green, And the tracks are not to be seen, As false doctrines and sanctimoniousness

390 Shroud up literature true and keen. [14] Couplets The croaking of frogs, all around seems right As if group of students Vedas recite – Trees with tender green leaves seem so bright, As do the anchorites when they have got light. [1] Void of leaves are willow and swallow-wort plant, As to the wicked, no room does good government grant. Even search will not find dry sand anywhere, As mortals are quite driven away by anger. [2]

Fields, bearing rich crops of corn, look fine, 400 As does wealth, to one beneficent, give shine. Glow-worms seem beautiful in pitch dark night, As groups of the people arrogant of might. [3] Heavy downpour breaks up the plots in the fields, As woman, in freedom, to wrong forces yields. Wise farmers are busy in fields, weeding. As the wise arrogance, pride, ignorance fling. [4] One cannot see ruddy geese now anywhere, As in the age of Kali, morals disappear. Rain falls, yet on fallow lad, nothing grows, 410 As into hearts of saints, passion never goes. [5] Earth looks beautiful so many lives throng, As under good government, public goes strong. Passengers are held up by rains here and there, As are senses when true knowledge does appear. [6] Doha There come occasionally gusts of strong wind, 14 * The clouds disperse and disappear, As, with the advent of an unworthy son, Family’s noble traditions live no more. [15A] At times it becomes so dark in the day,

420 Sometimes the Sun appears, As does the true knowledge have rise and fall, As to good and bad company it adheres. [15B] Couplets O Lakshman, see rainy season is on the wane. The autumn is come, most beautiful, again. Willow has flowered white, spread all over terrain, As if, it does point to old age of rain. [1] Agasti star is up, water in the ways dried, As vanish desires, when contentment is tried. Waters of rivers, tanks, now so clean we find, 430 As from pride and ignorance is free saint’s mind. [2]

Water is drying up gradually in tanks and rivers, As a man of real knowledge all attachment severs. With winter approaching, wagtails have come, As virtues appear at occasions welcome. [3] With no mud, no sand earth appears pretty, As the deeds of a king, expert in morality. With water lessening, fish is feeling restless, As with large family, foolish householder in distress. [4] With no clouds the clear sky looks so grand, 440 As is God’s devotee, with other hopes banned. Here and there, we do have some winter rains, As very rarely, my devotion one gains. [5] Doha Ascetics and monarchs, merchants and mendicants, Leave houses, march in troops. As on finding true devotion to Lord, leave The persons, work of four age groups. [16] Couplets 15 Fishes are happy that are in waters deep, As one in Lord’s patronage, no worry does keep. Ponds look beautiful due to flowering lotus, 450 As on taking form, looks God formless. [1] Big black bees buzz, making unique sound, Countless different voices of birds abound. Seeing night approach ruddy geese have worry, As the evil ones are, at others’ prosperity. [2]

Sparrow hawk cries, great thirst does press, As one, against Shiva never finds happiness. Heat of autumn sun, moon removes at night, As on seeing saints, sins all take flight. [3] Red-legged partridges gaze on moon with ease, 460 As does the devotee when his Lord he sees. Due to winter, are gone gnats and mosquitoes, At enmity with Brahmin as one’s family goes. [4] Doha Lives that were filling earth during the rains, At arrival of winter, are gone, As go, at the meeting of holy teacher, All doubts and every suspicion. [17] Couplets Rainy season is over, it is winter clear, But yet we have no news of Sita, dear. If any clue to Her could be found by me, 470 I’d get Her, winning, on death too, easy victory. [1] O brother, if She is only alive anywhere, I would make all arrangements and bring Her. Even Sugriva has ceased to remember me, Having got a consort, town, throne, treasury, [2] My arrow killed Bali, with the same arrow, I would be killing that fool too, tomorrow.” Uma, by whose mercy, pride and ignorance go, Could be, even in dream, become angry so? [3]

Rishis and men of knowledge only see through the treat, 480 Who have developed affection for Raghuvir’s feet. Lakshman saw that Rama was angry so, 16 He strung the bow and took up an arrow. [4] Doha Very limit of mercy Rama, then explained, To Lakshman what he was to do. “Go brother, threatening him of consequences, Only bring Sugriva here with you.” [18] Couplets And there Hanuman, son of Pawan, so thought, The business of Rama, Sugriva quite forgot. He went to Sugriva and at his feet bent, 490 Mentioned conciliation, gifting, division, punishment, [1] When Sugriva heard him, he was so much afraid, “Sensuousness, my understanding, overlaid. Now, Hanuman, send parties of our messengers, To places where monkeys reside in numbers, [2]

Let them know that in two weeks if they don’t come, With my hands, I shall kill all of them.” Then Hanuman sent call for all messengers, And did to them all, adequate honours, [3] Explained to them danger, love and morality, 500 Then bent heads and started on their duty. At this occasion, Lakshman in town did enter, Seeing him in rage, monkeys ran hither and thither. [4] Doha He pulled his bow and in great anger said, “To ashes I shall reduce the town.” Finding the whole population very restless, Angad, son of Bali, came down. [19] Couplets Bent his head to Lakshman’s feet and prayed, Lakshman to him offer of amnesty made. Sugriva himself heard hot words of Lakshman, 510 He was awfully afraid and said to Hanuman, [1]

“Hanuman, listen, take Tara with you, go there, Pray and pacify the Prince’s anger. 17 Both Hanuman and Tara went to Lakshman, Bowed to him and said the glories of Ram(a). [2]

Requesting Lakshman, they brought him to palace, Washed his feet and on a couch gave him place. Sugriva then arrived and bent at his feet. Lakshman held his hand and embracing did greet. [3] “There is no madness greater than worldly pleasures, 520 In no time, they elude hearts of seers.” At his humble speech Lakshman was so pleased, To Sugriva, in many ways he advised. [4]

Then Hanuman described whole situation, As to how messengers had gone in each direction. [5] Doha Then with a joyous heart, Sugriva and Angad, With other monkeys, left for the place. Brother of Rama guided the whole party To the place which Rama did grace. [20] Couplets Bending head at Rama’s feet and palms joined, 530 Sugriva said, “No fault on me could be enjoined. Your Maya exercises immense force. One could escape it with Your mercy, of course. [1]

Gods, men and sages are in pleasure’s control, I am low-born monkey, so sensuous an animal. Whom arrows of looks of maidens don’t hit, Who is awake in pitch dark anger night, [2] Who has not put his neck on the noose of greed, O Rama, he is equal to You indeed. One cannot get it by his efforts alone. 540 Through Your mercy only, it one could obtain.” [3]

‘Then Rama smiled and spoke to Sugriv(a), “Brother, you are dear to me as Bharat, believe. Now take the steps you deem right in your heart, So that news about Sita, we could get on our part.” [4] Doha 18 Numerous groups of monkeys arrived thereon, While they held this conversation. One could notice on all sides lots of monkeys, Different in forms and complexion. [21] Couplets Uma, I saw the great army of monkeys. 550 He would be fool if one tries to count these. They come and bend down to Rama, merciful, Seeing His face, consider their life successful, [1]

There was not one monkey in the force entire, Whose warfare Rama did not personally inquire. For Lord Rama, it is nothing very miraculous, For, being Omnipresent, He is in all Universe. [2] With orders received, they stood all over, When Sugriva explained to them last order. “It is work of Shri Rama and is my own request,

560 Spread on all sides, in Sita’s quest. [3] Find out whereabouts of Janak’s daughter, And come back to us in a month, brother, Who comes after that and of news empty, To kill him, will be my painful duty.” [4] Doha At this command, all the monkeys of the force, Soon spread out like a fan. Thereafter Sugriva called out chieftains, Like Angad, and Hanuman. [22] Couplets “O Nala, Angad, Hanuman and Jamvant, 570 Listen to me, you all wise and intelligent. Unite all brave ones, go towards Deccan, Of Sita, make inquiries from everyone. [1]

With that end in view and with thought, word and deed, Bring Rama’s business to grand success, indeed. We give back to sun and our front to fire, But in serving master, we should give our entire. [2] Leaving love for this world, let us guard next one, 19 Thereby cycle of birth and death we could shun. The best fruit of getting a body, here lies, 580 That one takes Rama’s name, everything else denies. [3]

Only he is fortunate, only he is discreet, Who has developed devotion to Raghubir’s feet.” They sought leave and joyfully made the start, Bowing head to Sugriva, keeping Rama in their heart. [4] To take leave, Hanuman was the last of those, Knowing of the work, Rama called Hanuman close. To stroke his head, Rama His lotus hands brought, Gave him His ring, as him His servant he thought, [5] And said, “Comfort Sita in all possible ways. 590 Come back soon, telling Her of my power and praise. Hanuman thought his life very successful indeed, With Rama in his heart, he left in all speed. [6] Though great protector of gods knows all things, To keep up standards of this procedure, He clings. [7] Doha They started, searching forests and rivers, Every lake, mountain and cave. Their mind all engrossed in the service of Rama, No thought of their body they have. [23] Couplets If they happened to come across any demon, 600 In a blow they would finish with his life anon, They make thorough search of forests mountains. If they met an ascetic they would hold a conference. [1] They felt thirsty and were restless hence, Could not find water, got lost in forest dense. This thought in the mind of Hanuman passed by That for want of water, they were going to die. [2] He went to the top of a hill and saw around. At a cave in the earth, great mystery he found. Ruddy geese, herons and swans were flying about, 610 Many other birds entered the cave from without. [3]

From the top of the hill, Hanuman down came. 20 Led all the party, showed the cave same. Putting Hanuman as leader, they moved forward, And in all haste, into the cave entered. [4] Doha They saw a fine garden and also a lake, Wherein lotus flowers did open. There was a very beautiful temple also, Wherein sat a great ascetic woman. [24] Couplets From a distance, they all bowed down to her. 620 When questioned, they told her the whole affair. Then she said to them, “Quench your thirst fully, And take fruits, different and sweet, juicy.” [1]

They all bathed and sweet fruits they ate. After that they all came, near her, sat. She too narrated to them her own history, Said, “I now go to King of Raghu’s family. [2] Close eyes and thereafter leave the cave. Don’t lose heart, whereabouts of Sita you’ll have.” They made compliance, opened eyes thereon, 630 And found they were on the shore of an ocean. [3] She left for the place of Raghunath’s residence, Put head at the lotus feet of Rama thence, She prayed to Him in many a different form, Was favoured with rare devotion for Ram(a). [4] Doha With due deference to His orders, she went To a place, Badri Forest they say, Keeping in her heart both feet of Lord Rama, Which Shiva and Brahma ever pray. [25] Couplets On the other hand, monkeys were of opinion, 640 Time limit has been reached, but progress had been none. They were mutually considering the matter, With no news of Sita, what shall we do there? [1] 21 With eyes full of water, then Angad did say, “We have got to face death friends, in either way. Here we have no news of Sita still, There, Sugriva, King of monkeys, would kill. [2] He would have killed me right after my father, Rama sheltered me, where is Sugriva’s favour?” Angad thus repeatedly mentioned to them, 650 “Undoubtedly, death is ultimate outcome.” [3]

Monkeys listened to the words of Angad, the brave, They don’t speak still the eyes tears have. For a moment they were lost in this worry, But later, they said very strongly. [4] “O wise Prince, we shall be never going back, If news about Sita we continue to lack.” So saying, they reached shore of brackish sea, Spreading grass, all sat resolutely. [5]

When Jamvant saw Angad in sorrowful plight, 660 He told some stories of teaching bright. “O brother, don’t take Rama to be just a man, He is unborn, unconquered, formless Brahm(a). [6] We are very fortunate that as servant of Ram(a), We have permanently Brahma possessed of form. [7] Doha He has taken up form out of His sweet will For gods, earth, cows, Brahmins. Lovers of Brahma corporeal are with Him Setting aside, all salvations.” [26] Couplets Thus Jamvant was mentioning stories grave, 670 overheard them from mountain cave. He came out and found monkeys in numbers. “Food has been sent to me by Lord of Universe. [1] I will be eating them up all, this day, Since so many days, I’ve starved away. Never did I receive food to my fill, God sent it today in installment single.” [2] 22 Hearing words of vulture, monkeys had fear – “There is no doubt death is now so very near.” They all stood up when they, the vulture saw, 680 In the heart of Angad, there was very great awe. [3] He thought in his mind, thereon he did tell, “On good luck, there is none to equal, Who gave up his life in service of Ram(a), The lucky one reached Rama’s dominion.” [4]

News sorrowful yet joyous, when the vulture heard, He approached the monkeys, who naturally feared. Granting them amnesty, he inquired from them. The entire story then monkeys told him. [5] When Sampati heard of the deeds of brother, 690 In many ways, glories of Rama he did utter. Doha “Take me to the shore of the sea, let me make, Oblations to my brother meek. In return, I’ll serve you with piece of advice. You will find whom you all seek.” [27] Couplets Ceremonies to the brother, at the seashore, done, He said, “Brave monkeys, to my history, listen. We brothers, when young, once began to fly, Approached the sun, high up in the sky. [1]

He couldn’t bear heat, hence back he returned. 700 Through pride I went on, to come back, I spurned. My wings got burnt, heat, so much, did swell. I gave a shriek and down on earth, I fell. [2] There was a nearby, called the Moon, He felt great pity on me as he saw soon. He gave me true knowledge in many a way, Pride, born of body, was very soon cast away.” [3]

He said, “In Treta period, Rama would assume human life. Lord of demons would be taking away His wife, To find Her, Rama would send out many a patrol, 710 At their meeting, you would once more become whole, [4] 23 You will have wings, feathers and again whole be, To them, you should show Sita, have no worry.” Those words of Rishi have proved true today. Do Lord’s work, listening to what I do say. [5] There is , built on the Trikut Mountain. Fearless by nature, therein lives Ravan(a). There is Ashok Garden, wherein Sita does live. Even now, She is sitting there and She does grieve. [6] Doha I do see Her still, but I know you can’t,

720 The vulture has endless sight, I am sorry that I am now too old, otherwise, I would have done service outright, [28] Couplets He who crosses eight hundred miles of sea, Would be doing Rama’s business, house of wisdom be, Look at me and muster great strength thereby. By Rama’s grace, how beautiful a body have I, [1] Whose fame, even if great sinners remember, Boundless Ocean of the worlds they do cover. You are servant of Him, cast away pessimism, 730 Keeping Rama in your heart, employ stratagem.” [2] So saying, O Adjutant, Vulture did go. In the heart of those monkeys great doubts did grow. Each one of them, by turns, his powers explained, But about crossing ocean, great doubt entertained. [3] “I am old now”, said King of bears Jamvan(t), Of my old strength I, now, don’t have a fraction. When Khar’s enemy Rama had taken Baman’s form, I possessed immense strength, was youth fully grown. [4] Doha While binding Bali, Rama grew immensely large,

740 That form, it is difficult to describe. Within minutes forty eight, that immense body, Seven times did I circumscribe.” [29] Couplets 24 Angad said, “I can go across the ocean, But I entertain doubts about the return.” Jamvant said, “You can do that very well, we know, But you lead us all, how can we let you go?” [1] Jamvant, King of bears said to Hanuman hence, “Why have you, valiant, assumed grave silence? You are son of Pawan, like wind possess might, 750 You have wisdom, knowledge, understanding, all right, [2]

Where is the work difficult, all the world over, Which can’t be performed by you easily, brother!” You have taken birth only for service of Ram(a).” At this, huge as mountain did Hanuman become, [3] Bears golden complexion, full of brilliance luster, As if he was another Mountain King Sumer. Like a lion, he roared out again and again, “I can, as in fun, cross this brackish ocean. [4]

I can kill Ravan, and his assistants clear, 760 Uprooting, Trikut, I can bring right here. O Jamvant, I’ld just like to know from you, Tell me the right things that I have to do.” [5] “You have only to go, brother, and meet Her, Come back and let us know Sita’s affair. Later on, the lotus eyed Rama powerful, Great monkey’s force, by way of sport, will pull. [6] Chhand With force of monkeys, killing demons with ease, Rama will bring Sita, on victory. Great glories of the ring, gods, Narad would sing,

770 Which will purify all the worlds three. [1] Which hearing, singing, talking, understanding, People will be earning salvation.” And which servant Tulsi, the big black buzzing bee, Of Rama’s lotus feet does mention. [2] Doha Men and women listeners of Rama’s glories, 25 Sure cure of world’s perplexities, Lord Rama, foe of , will definitely grant, Their wishes to His own devotees. [30A] Sortha Whose beauty exceeds Crore Kama’s

780 Whose form is blue like that of a blue lotus, One should listen to glories Rama’s Whose name is fowler for fowls of sins of world. [30B]

Here Ends Canto IV, The Kishkindha Kand.

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