Course Outlines 2012-2013


Plan 425: Introduction to Community and Regional Planning

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Wednesday 09:00 - 12:00 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Tom Hutton ([email protected])

Co-instructors: Leonard Machler ([email protected]) Rohit Mujumdar ([email protected]) Office Hours: Leonard – Wednesday (1:00PM – 3:00PM, in WMA 215, or by appointment) Rohit - Wednesday (1:00PM – 3:00PM, in WMA 137, or by appointment)

Note: September 5th class will be held in WMAX 240

Course Description

What is planning? Well, planning is a profession, not unlike medicine or law or engineering, with its own codes and tools of practice. In planning’s case, these tools are applied to shape the way different groups of people use and operate in space. But understanding what planning is should involve more than just knowing the duties and job descriptions of professional planners. At its heart, planning is an action- oriented and problem-oriented discipline. To plan, you are forced to act, and people begin to plan when they feel that they have encountered a problem involving how space is and ought to be used.

In this course, you will be introduced to the tools of planning practice and we will acquaint you with the contemporary issues that planners deal with. More importantly, however, this course will ask you to think critically about planning problems and to gain a deep understanding of the relationship between spatial arrangements and social relations. Our understanding of the changes taking place in urban areas across the world today are shaped as much by our cognition of space – of ‘the here’ versus ‘the there’ - as by our cognition of time – of ‘the now’ versus ‘the then.’

Many of the reading selections we provide will be comparative in nature – showing similar planning problems and case studies, how they affect people and how they are framed in various contexts, both locally and abroad. We choose a comparative approach not only because changes taking place in once part of the world increasingly affect what happens in other places, but also because our normative understanding of what localities / / regions are affects the way in which we think about planning for them and, therefore, about what they ought to be. This is crucial to the field of planning which, in the contemporary world, is seeing increasingly seeing transfers of ideas, policies and best practices across the globe. This course intends to provide a basis to think critically about such practices.

Some of the deeper questions posed in this class will include:

 What role does planning play (or ought to play) when we consider it in relation to the forces that shape urban and regional change today.


 What transformations, conflicts, and claims shape contemporary social and spatial change in "the North / West" against those in "the South / East"?  What does it mean to think critically about planning in the face of practices where ideas about cities or policies are continuously transgressing the social and political boundaries in which they were produced?  Whose values are represented when we make plans? Who is a planner?

Course Description

Introduction to Community and Regional Planning offers an introduction to the complexities of contemporary planning. We focus this course around key topics that encompass urban and rural planning today: social justice and equity, urban form and , sustainability and resilience, and . The course content will draw from international and Canadian readings that we will orient to planning practice through lectures, group-led reading discussions a field trip, guest speakers, and assignments.

Course Aims

The course will provide participants with a foundation in the dynamic and multifaceted themes of contemporary planning. It will engage participants in the various research and teaching concentrations at UBC’s School of Community and Regional Planning. The aim is to present, share and develop instructive and stimulating experiences that will help students to gain an initial understanding of contemporary urban and rural planning. At the same time, this course will aim to develop your critical thinking skills and expose you to diverse cultural perspectives and positions around planning problems.

Please note that this is an introductory course only; the core elements of planning will be covered, to give you a taste of the breadth and complexity of the field. If you find you are particularly interested in one or two of these key elements, we encourage you to learn more about that area through additional coursework and/or field experience.

Learning Objectives

Through lectures, discussions, reading and assessment, it is expected that by the end of the course you will be able to:

 Think critically about the various perspectives of contemporary planning introduced through the course, and examine and re-assess your own values and beliefs about contemporary planning.  Learn to work within small teams, collaborating with other students to produce a unified product.  Refine your analytical and evaluation skills of the planning of urban and rural areas through questioning, active listening, debate, writing, and presentation.  Connect themes in contemporary planning with local and international case studies.  Generate planning policy recommendations through course readings and discussions and your own observations of your case study neighbourhood.  Ultimately, generate your own opinion of the roles and responsibilities of contemporary planning, and be able to reflect upon planning’s past, current, and future roles.


Course Organization

See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading:

Assessment and Evaluation Methods

Your final mark in PLAN 425 will be broken down as follows:

Participation and Attendance – 20%

It is expected that you will attend every class and participate in class and group discussions on a timely basis.

The following two projects will be group-based, and we will assign you to groups of 4 or 5.

Leading a Discussion in Class on a Reading – 10% (Weekly, sign up at the beginning of term)

Each week, a different group will lead a 30-45 minute in-class discussion on one of that week’s assigned readings. Please email your instructors with up to 5 discussion questions 24 hours before your group’s turn to present. A schedule will be provided during the first week for you to sign up.

Neighbourhood Project Presentation - 35% (Due October 24th)

The purpose of this assignment is to gain an appreciation for planning issues in our region.

With your group, choose a neighbourhood in Greater Vancouver (we will give you a selection of neighbourhoods to choose from) and describe some of the central planning issues that this community faces.

To investigate this, you will be asked to either attend a planning-related meeting that affects the community (such as a zoning application, local area plan meeting or even a protest) or speak with three informed local stakeholders (this includes planners, developers, local citizens, employees and organizations and advocacy groups, etc.). You will also need to provide a brief history of development in the neighbourhood, relying on archives or history books.

Your deliverable will be a 15-20 minute presentation, presented in class on October 24th with your group. You are free to format the presentation however you wish, but you are encouraged to structure your presentation in the form of a narrative – or story – describing how the history of the community and the identities of the residents who have settled there is connected to the contemporary planning issues it faces today.


Final Paper – 35% (Due December 12)

The final paper is meant to test your critical thinking skills and to gain an appreciation of the complexity of planning problems. Your task will be to choose a specific problem or case study anywhere in the world and to successfully frame it as a planning problem.

To do so, you will have to identify the groups of people who have a stake in the problem (including the planners!), describe how rules – both the formal rules of practice and the informal rules of values (that may determine formal rules) - shape their perception of the issue, and what tools and resources they use (or cannot use) to achieve their desired objectives. Explain how a conflict may arise between the groups and apply the material we learned in class to describe how planning may address these conflicting objectives.

Details TBD, but the final paper is expected to be 5-10 pages double-spaced with proper references.

Assignment Deadlines

Unless a valid excuse is provided and emailed to both instructors, for every 24 hours past an assignment deadline, we will subtract 10% off your final assignment mark. For example, if you received a mark of 86% on your final paper but submitted it two days late, you will receive a final mark of 66%.

If you exceed 3 days without providing us with notice of a valid reason, we will be forced to give you a mark of zero for that assignment.

Referencing and Plagiarism

References and bibliography must follow the model of the American Psychological Association (APA). Poor and/or inconsistent referencing will be reflected in your marks, therefore, please pay very careful attention to these guidelines:

Students must cite ALL references and are alerted to UBC’s plagiarism warning and guidelines:

Grading Guidelines

We will use the following grading system to assess your work in all assignments.

A level - Good to Excellent Work

A+ (90-100%) A very high level of quality throughout every aspect of the work. It shows the individual (or group) has gone well beyond what has been provided and has extended the usual ways of thinking and/or performing. Outstanding comprehension of subject matter and use of existing literature and research. Consistently integrates critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. The work shows a very high degree of engagement with the topic.

A (85-89%) Generally a high quality throughout the work. No problems of any significance, and evidence of attention given to each and every detail. Very good comprehension of subject and use of existing

5 literature and research. For the most part, integrates critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. Shows a high degree of engagement with the topic.

A- (80-84%) Generally a good quality throughout the work. A few problems of minor significance. Good comprehension of subject matter and use of existing literature and research. Work demonstrates an ability to integrate critical and creative perspectives on most occasions. The work demonstrates a reasonable degree of engagement with the topic.

B level - Adequate Work

B+ (76-79%) Some aspects of good quality to the work. Some problems of minor significance. There are examples of integrating critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. A degree of engagement with the topic.

B (72-75%) Adequate quality. A number of problems of some significance. Difficulty evident in the comprehension of the subject material and use of existing literature and research, with fewer than ten articles/readings of significance referenced. Only a few examples of integrating critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. Some engagement with the topic.

B- (68-71%) Barely adequate work. A number of problems of major significance. Clear lack of understanding of the subject matter and very limited use of existing literature and research. No real evidence of integrating critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject matter.

C level - Seriously Flawed Work

C (55-67%) Serious flaws in understanding of the subject material. Minimal integration of critical and creative perspectives in relation to the subject material. Inadequate engagement with the topic. Inadequate work.

D level

D (50-54%)

F level - Failing Work

F (0-49%)

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 502: Introduction to Planning Theory and History

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Wednesday 14:00 - 17:30 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Leonie Sandercock Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-822-0225

This Course is open only to SCARP Master Students

Course Description

Theory, practice, history, knowledge, power, rationality, advocacy, communicative, progressive, equity, radical, multicultural, postmodern, postcolonial, indigenous planning, sustainability planning, integrated planning.

For most of its 20th century history, the field of planning oscillated between seeing itself as a rational/technical activity and seeing itself in quite messianic ways – bent on saving cities/citizens/the environment from imminent destruction. At its best, planning has been and should remain, a social project concerned with managing our co-existence in shared space in such a way as to enhance and advance social, cultural, and environmental justice. At least, that is my personal definition of planning. This course will help you to explore yours.

If we want to pursue a planning practice that is sensitive not only to the rich complexity of differences in contemporary cities but also to the ecological challenges of living sustainably on the planet, then we must be informed about the theories that underlie present practices (and their historical roots) and also be able to interrogate those theories for their flaws, exclusions, and inconsistencies. At a time when traditional doctrines of planning are being increasingly challenged, we need to be open to new ways of theorizing, new ways of knowing and doing, ways that recognize difference and conflict and disorder and open new deliberative and emancipatory spaces.

This course asks:

Where does planning come from, intellectually speaking? What are its colonial as well as modern roots, its history, and how does this shape and perhaps limit contemporary practice?

What is planning theory? Why is it important? What are its current debates and challenges?

The field of professional planning is a relatively new one, with the first planning school in North America established at Harvard in 1929. (SCARP’s Masters program was established in 1954). Planning theory emerged slowly at first, in the 1950s, and continues to evolve along with the profession. There is no definitive body of literature that makes up planning theory. It is a highly contested ‘field’, and necessarily so, because it seeks to define the profession, its goals, values, and trajectory. Various

7 thinkers/practitioners are regarded as important contributors to this developing body of work, and you will meet some of them in this course. Their writings help us to interrogate the very broad field of planning practice, from its ideas to its institutions, its processes to its outcomes.


The purpose of this class is to introduce you to the terrain of planning history and the domain of planning theory; to familiarize you with leading authors and ‘schools’ of theorizing; and to think about the qualities of planning imagination that might be necessary to deal with the challenges of 21st century cities and regions.

The approach is partly historical, partly thematic. We will discuss the main intellectual movements of the last two hundred years, as they relate to the emergence of planning. And we will struggle with enduring themes:

What constitutes valid knowledge in planning? As defined by whom?

 Is there such a thing as ‘the public interest’? Ditto.  In what sense/s is planning a rational and/or scientific activity?  What theories help us understand the nature of power, and of power relations in planning?  What is a workable theory of social change?


The class meets once each week for two 90 minute sessions, with a 30 minute break. The format varies. The first part of the session may be lecture and discussion, a film, a guest presentation, or student group presentations of a specific text. The second part will usually be peer learning in small and large group discussion and presentations – my ‘coffee shop model of learning’ (what some folks call ‘conversational learning’).

All students must come to class prepared to discuss the readings, to offer insights, to ask questions and to participate in all class activities.

Learning Objectives

You will be familiar with the historical roots of planning, both traditional and alternative histories.

1. You will have your own answer to the question, “What is planning theory?” 2. You will be able to articulate your thoughts on why planning theory is important. 3. You will be familiar with the evolution in planning theories from rational comprehensive, expert driven planning toward a more that values local and experiential knowledge and views the planner as a partner in positive change. 4. You will be able to formulate/clarify your own defensible position on key issues that confront planners such as: Is there a public interest and if so, how can we plan for it? How/should we plan for diversity? 5. You will understand how theory informs as well as critiques practice, and at the same time, is built from practice.


6. Ideally, you will begin the journey of becoming a reflective practitioner.

Course Organization:

See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

Class Assignments and Grading Due Date

1. History Paper (2000 words) (30%) October 17

2. Group Theory Presentation (35%) Nov. 14/21

3. Reflective Theory/Practice Assignment: Planner for a Day (35%) Dec 10

(2000-2500 words), class presentation 28 Nov. written paper 10 Dec

Course Assignments:

See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies:

See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials:

See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 504: Ecological Context of Planning

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday 18:30 - 21:30 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Jennie Moore Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604- 926-2900

Course Description

This course advances an ecologically oriented approach to planning that is based on understanding society-ecosystem interactions and . We begin with an introduction to ecology, thermodynamics and complex systems theory. This sets the context for exploring the ecosphere and socio-cultural perspectives on the natural environment and ecosystem services including: land and land- uses, water, energy, pollination, waste-assimilation and regeneration. We will also examine social justice as it pertains to ecosystem services, including: access to natural resources and exposure to environmental impacts. Next we explore concepts and tools related to “.” These include: the Gaia hypothesis, deep ecology, bioregionalism, one-planet living, material flows analysis, ecological footprint analysis, and ecocity mapping. Finally, we examine critical ecological challenges (e.g., climate change, species loss and habitat degradation) and various examples of policy and planning initiatives designed to address them. This includes consideration of the roles that different levels of government play in environmental management as well as the strategies used by non-government, private sector, and community associations to advance their interests.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course students should be able to:

 Articulate the role that socio-cultural norms play in ecological unsustainability, the distinctions between strong and weak sustainability (including the difference between ecological production and economic production).  Demonstrate capability in using ecological planning frameworks and tools and a sense of how and when these might be applied in planning practice;  Reflect on their role as a planning practitioner to address the ecological context of planning in their work.


Course Organization

The class meets once a week for three hours in the evening. There will be a break of approximately fifteen minutes provided at the discretion of the instructor mid-way through each class. The course will be delivered through various combinations of: lectures, guest lectures, student seminars, films and short debates on topical issues that are relevant to the course reading materials and learning objectives. Most reading materials and/or films will be distributed electronically and are available online.

Course Requirements and Grading

1. Class Participation – 20% 2. Written work – 80%

Course Assignments

Students will be expected to participate in in-class reviews of assigned readings and debates on issues pertinent to the course materials. Students will be asked to work in small groups from time-to-time on in-class exercises and short projects that involve written and/or oral presentations by their small group to the whole class. Each student will also be asked to submit a major paper on a topic to be selected by the student in consultation with the instructor.

Course Outline and Schedule (subject to change):

Part 1 (January 2013) - Introduction to ecology and socio-ecosystem interactions. Part 2 (February 2013) - Ecological planning frameworks and tools Part 3 (March 2013) – Policy and planning initiatives to address ecological challenges

Course Policies

There are no special policies for this course

Course Materials

All course materials are available through the UBC Library, including on-line access to journal articles. Most journal articles will be distributed electronically in advance of the next class when the readings are due.

Recommended readings (not required texts) include:

Beatley, Timothy. 1994. Ethical : Principles of Policy and Planning. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Gunderson, Lance and C.S. Holling eds. Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems. Washington DC: Island Press.


Plan 506: The Legal Context of Planning

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday & Thursday 08:00 - 09:30 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Raymond Young, QC Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-689-7400

Note: Restricted to SCARP Masters students

Course Description

Planning 506 is an introduction to some of the legal concepts and principles that will be of use to you in practice as a professional planner, and in any private or public role in which you seek to shape public outcomes in relation to growth management, planning, land‐use, social and environmental issues.

It is a course directed to the law relating to public decision‐making and the exercise of decision‐making power by public officials. While public law (also known as administrative law) principles apply over the entire spectrum of governmental activity, this course will focus on public law in the context of growth management, planning, land‐use and environmental legislation and authority.

The core of public law lies in the legal relationship between citizen and government ‐ between those who exercise power and make binding decisions, and those who assert rights ‐ both rights of transparency, accountability and participation as well as to substantive outcomes.

Planners who work for government will exercise power. Planners who consult for citizens will assert rights. This course is all about the interface between power and rights and about the role of the Courts (known as judicial review) in establishing the rules within which the interplay between public decision‐ making authority and private rights, takes place.

Learning Objectives

Planner as advocate, planner as advisor, planner as decision maker, planner as policy formulator, and planner of all trades must exist, operate and survive in a social, political and economic universe founded upon the rule of law. This course is designed as a planner's guide to reading some of the signs in that universe so as to become alert to legal issues relevant to planning, and to also be able to understand the import and content of some of the messages along the way.


Course Organization

I: Introduction to Administrative Law Concepts

The introduction to basic public law ideas has broad application to the exercise of power generally; however, the focus of examples will be substantially on planning and land use authority.

II. Essential Concepts of Planning and Land‐Use Legislation

Part II, while truncated in the Outline, consists of one‐half of the course time, and introduces students to a fairly standard legislative scheme enabling growth management, planning and land use control. This half of the course will focus directly on planning and land use legislation, its major components, their purpose and how they are implemented by planning legal tools. This focus is in addition to the emphasis on planning and zoning examples in Part I of the course that introduce basic public law concepts.

I. Introduction to Administrative Law Concepts

A. Placing Ourselves in the Constitutional and Legal Universe

 Private Law and Public Law  Statute Law and Common Law  Sovereign or Non-Sovereign Bodies/Parliamentary Democracy  The Constitution  Federal Structure  Division of Powers o Legislative/Judicial/Executive Branches of Government  Delegation  Dillon’s Rule  Role of the Courts o Constitutional o Judicial Review o Appeals  Types of Public Powers o Legislative/Regulatory power o Quasi-judicial/Discretionary power o Executive/Administrative Authority  Jurisdictional and Fairness o (substantive)/(process)

Required Reading Jones and de Villars, Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4

B. Basic Jurisdictional Concepts (Delegated Authority)

 Correctness or Deference/Standard of Review


 Preliminary or Collateral Matters of Fact  Statutory Conditions Precedent  Enabling Words  Uncertainty/Vagueness  Bad Faith  Discrimination  Subdelegation  Fettering/Policy/Contract  Transforming the Power/Regulation/Discretion  Unreasonableness

Required Reading Jones and de Villars, Chapters 5, 6 and 7

C. Procedural Fairness

 Audi Alterem Partem - notice/hearing/disclosure  Nemo Judex - bias/conflict of interest  Application Spectrum  Reasons  Legitimate Expectations  Article: “Legitimate Expectations – Judicial Review of Administrative Policy Action” Administrative Law Journal Vol. 3 1987

Required Reading Jones and de Villars, Chapters 8, 9 and 10, 13, 14 and 15

D. Private Remedies Applicable to Public Decision-Making

 Torts/Monetary Damages/Negligence/Defamation  Abuse of Power  Negligent Mis-Statement

Required Reading Jones and de Villars, Chapter 16

E. Miscellaneous Concepts

 Locus Standi (standing) (who can challenge government power)  Exhausting Administrative Remedies (ripeness) (Do not clog up the courts)  Privative Clauses (government protecting itself from challenge)

Required Reading Jones and de Villars, Chapter 17

II. Essential Concepts of Planning and Land-Use Legislation


In this Part II, we will spend one-half of the course time, looking at British Columbia’s Growth Management Planning and Land Use Legislation. We will examine our legislative scheme element by element to gain an understanding of the powers and restrictions that local communities may use in planning for their future.

1. Growth Management 2. The Comprehensive Plan (Official Plan)/Consistency Requirements 3. General Regulatory Controls (Zoning)/Methods of Land Use and Density; Control/Amenity Zoning/Phased Development Agreements 4. Statutorily Required Public Participation and Consultation 5. Site Specific Regulation (Development and Variance Permits)/Urban Design Controls and Tools for Environmental Protection 6. Non-Conformity 7. Subdivision of Lands/Strata/Bare land Strata/Airspace/Subdivision; Exactions/Works and Services 8. Development Cost Levies/Impact Fees/Community Amenity Contributions 9. Zoning Appeals/Boards of Variance and Adjustment

Required Reading Local Government Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 23, Part 25 & 26

Course Requirements and Grading

You have to attend class ‐ absence is not an option, except with prior notice for good reason.

You have to be on time – 8:00 a.m. is not some time at the edge of the known universe - get up and get a life.

Silence is not golden ‐ you have to participate. Speak up or I will not know you.

On the last day of class there will be a two‐question exam. You must answer only one of the questions. No notes, no books, nothing except pen and paper. You will have 60 minutes. The exam will be out of 100 marks.

Course Assignments

See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies

Class attendance is mandatory. I take attendance. Tardiness is non-graduate -like. I would consider it good manners and responsible behaviour for a student who is going to be late, or leave early or not attend class to e-mail me at least an hour before class time. Late papers will be penalized 1% per day provided that at my discretion a student may be relieved from the penalty for good cause. Non- attendance at class without prior notice results in 2% reduction in exam mark for each such non- attendance.


Course Materials

To assist you in any research that you may be motivated to undertake, the UBC Law Librarian has kindly prepared an On‐Line Course Guide for "Legal Context of Planning" (Planning 506). It can be accessed at the Law Library website homepage under REFERENCE: "Course Guides".

Law texts are expensive. The Law Librarian has put the texts I favour on reserve in the Law Library and those are clearly identified in the On‐Line Course Guide. Jones and de Villars, Principles of Administrative Law is required reading. There are several different editions. At the conceptual and elementary level of our discourse, the edition you use does not matter. The only annoying thing is that the chapter reference for required reading on pages 3 and 4 of the Outline may be different for different editions. Take it as a minor challenge to match the new chapter numbers to the subject matter of the readings required.

Relevant statutory material, including the Growth Management, Planning and Development Control legislation, can be accessed through the Law Library Course Guide under "Local Government Act".


This year there will be four guest lectures. One will be two days in February, and the subject will be an introduction to basic real property concepts for planners. The guest lecturer will be Patricia Kendall who has represented the Resort Municipality of Whistler in respect of almost every major development proposal in the past twenty years – both in respect of real property matters and in respect of the regulation of development. Of the other two (one lecture each), one will address the environmental toolkit for planners and the other


Plan 515: Planning Research: Qualitative Methods and Research Design

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Wednesday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Silvia Vilches Email: svilches at Telephone: 604.312.4054

Course Description

Keywords: qualitative research methodologies; qualitative data collection and analysis; research design


This course is the second in a two-part series (first part: PLAN 511 - Planning Research: Quantitative Methods and Computer Applications) that introduces students to the application of social science research methods to policy-oriented studies in the field of community and regional planning. This course focuses on qualitative methods and research design. This is a core course for SCARP master's students. It is intended as a survey that may prepare students for further elective courses for more in-depth coverage of specific analytical and research methods. The course encompasses the qualitative research process including conceptualization and operationalization of research question(s), ethical considerations, data collection, choice of analytical framework, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of research findings to specific audiences.

Course Overview

This is a survey course designed to introduce participants to some of the main qualitative methods that are used in planning research and practice. Working in small groups, students will trial methods in a practical setting with a service learning course partner. This applied portion will require students to engage members of the partner organization to meet an identified research need, and the groups will be responsible for producing reports for the partner organization.

Methods which may be trialled in the practical portion may include: interviews, focus groups or group consultation processes, participant observation, action research, or social, asset and cognitive mapping. Some techniques in both manual and computer analysis of data will be introduced to assist in report completion.


Learning Objectives

The three objectives are (a) to develop the ability to identify, read, and critically understand qualitative research results from a variety of methods and methodologies; (b) to identify suitable qualitative methods and methodologies for particular research problems; and, (c) to understand the components of practicable research design in qualitative research.

Course Organization


The class meets once a week for three hours. Classes will involve short lectures, practical exercises and group discussions and presentations. Students will be expected to work in small groups and to do field work within and outside of class time.


All students must complete the Tri-Council tutorial on ethics and submit the certificate of completion to the instructor by Dec 15, 2012 (electronic preferred). Students who do not submit may not be able to participate in the class project.

Course Requirements and Grading


There are three components of evaluation in the course.

1. Completion of an applied research project with a partner organization, including a report and evaluation and dissemination plan 2. Class presentations on and critiques of readings and methods 3. Individual paper on methods (individual submission)

Grades will be based on the following:

60% for project report including participating in development (submitted in stages)

25% for analytic methods paper

15% for classroom discussions and methods reviews

Course Assignments

See Course Requirements and Grading


Course Policies

See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials

Recommended Text

The following text will be referenced for readings, and students will be responsible for the obtaining the readings.

Hay, Iain (ed.) (2010) Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography. Victoria, : Oxford University Press. KOERNER LIBRARY RESERVE: GF21 .Q83 2010.

A reading list will be supplied via the Library course reserve section (search PLAN 515).

Qualitative Research Reference Materials

Corbin, J. and Anselm Strauss (2008). Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Creswell, John W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.

Denzin, Norman K. and Yvonna S. Lincoln. (eds.) (2003) The Landscape of Qualitative Research: Theories and Issues (2nd Edition). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications. (3rd edition available 2005)

Denzin, Norman K. and Yvonna S. Lincoln. (eds.) (2000) The handbook of qualitative research (2nd Edition). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.

Flyvbjerg, Bent. (2001) Making Social Science Matter: How Social Inquiry Fails and How it can Succeed Again. Oxford, UK: Cambridge University Pres

Krueger, R. A., & Casey, M. A. (2009). Focus Groups: A Practical Guide for Applied Research. Los Angeles, CA: Sage

Marshall, Catherine and Gretchen B. Rossman. (2006) Designing Qualitative Research, 4th ed. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.

Maxwell, Joseph A. (2006) Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach, 2nd ed. (Applied Social Research Methods Series, Vol. 41). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.

Michalko, Rod (1999). The Two-in-One: Walking with Smokie, Walking with Blindness. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.


Mukherjee, Amitava and Robert Chambers (2004). Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methods and Applications in Rural Planning. Essays in Honour of Robert Chambers. New Delhi: Concept Publishing.

Palys, Ted. (2003) Research Decisions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives. Toronto ONT: Nelson, a Division of Thomson Ltd.

Patton, Michael Q. (2002). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Robson, Colin (2002) Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers: Oxford, UK and Madden, Mass: Blackwell.

Stringer, Ernest T. (2007) Action Research: A Handbook for Practitioners. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Yin, Robert K. (2003) Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.


Plan 517: Theory and Methods of Urban Design

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Friday 14:00-17:00 Location: Lasserre 207 & WMAX 150

September 13 to December 13, 2012

Instructor: Ruchir Dhall Email: [email protected]

Course Description

This course covers the fundamentals of urban design theory and invites students to apply these theories in an evolving co-created neighborhood design. The course surveys major historical and contemporary trends in urban design theory and practice, and introduces emerging theories on the future forces affecting the development and functioning of urban regions. We will discuss cities at multiple scales and will apply our cumulative understanding to development at the neighborhood scale in locations in the Vancouver area. The course is designed to provide a collaborative, interactive, applied and community based environment for the development of spatial thinking and basic urban design literacy.

This is a required course for Urban Design students and is a foundation for anyone interested in gaining a basic literacy of Urban Design. It meets the distributional requirement for the Urban Design and Transportation area within SCARP’s Masters level degree program. The course is an entry point into the field from which students can build deeper knowledge and praxis with additional coursework and focused research. This course is open to all SCARP students and they will be given priority during registration, but students from other graduate programs are encouraged to register early for the waiting list section. Students from Architecture and Landscape Architecture are particularly encouraged to register. No prior design or drawing experience is required.

Learning Objectives

This course has a number of learning objectives nested within the urban design specialization sequence at SCARP. The course offers students an environment for developing their spatial awareness and spatial thinking without having to rely on drawings as a means of interpreting or communicating spatial thinking. Through the use of model building students are able to experience the basic elements of design without prior design or graphic communication experience. The course also offers an introduction to historical trends and theoretical constructs enabling students to engage in basic urban design discourse. The emphasis on peer presentations and peer critiques provides students with opportunities to hone their skills in public presentation, public speaking, and public discussion on urban design, all of which are essential elements in the practice and implementation of urban design. Specific learning objectives for this course are outlined on the following page as part of the trajectory of urban design learning at SCARP. At the end of this course you will be able to achieve the objectives indicated under the first column on the right hand side of the table. (See attachment)


Course Organization

The class will meet once a week for 3 hours. The course will include two parallel streams of activity; ideas and design actions. The first session will centre on the physical model of a Vancouver neighborhood, to which we will make changes, additions and modifications. For this semester we will be working on a neighborhood in Vancouver that is in or likely will soon be in a state of redevelopment and fundamental change. In the second session the class will include presentations and interactive discussions about readings in urban design. Each week two teams of students will make design changes to each of the digital and physical models based on the previous week’s discussions and will present those changes to the class. No prior design or model building experience is necessary. Students will additionally be required to make presentations demonstrating an understanding and critical engagement of course readings and will write critiques of other students’ designs.

Curricular and Pedagogical Context

The syllabus is designed to apply the contemporary thinking in urban design theory and methods to an authentic community setting. The teaching of this course will seek to draw upon the strengths of problem-based learning and peer-based learning within the studio environment while providing an opportunity for the repeated testing and application of urban design theory. The class integrates the models of community based learning and problem based learning to foster a dynamic learning environment.

Course Requirements and Grading

All coursework will be conducted in teams assigned at the beginning of the semester. Teams will be created to balance skills and experience. The following activities will be required on a rotating basis, following the schedule below, and will culminate in the production of a book of student work:

Design 50%

Critique 25%

Model base and summary report 25%

Course Assignments

Building the Model Base (contributes to learning objectives 2,3)

Each team will be assigned a task to help build the base model and contribute to the larger group effort. You will be given further instruction and specifics for each task once the teams are assigned. In addition, each team will be responsible for an area of the model for which they will construct simplified versions of all existing buildings. Use the base map for plan dimensions and visit the site and/or the Sketch-Up model to assess height, general building shape and current conditions. You will be graded on the cleanliness, neatness and precision of your craft.


Design (contributes to learning objectives 1 through 11)

Identify an opportunity or a vision for adding a neighbourhood as informed by the readings and class discussions. Propose a mitigation strategy that would fill that gap and build your design changes on the base model. Write a one-page synopsis of your design contributions. The first section should be dedicated to outlining the problem, gap or opportunity with references to the existing reality or the condition of the model at the time. In the second section describe the physical characteristics of your proposed solution and in the last section describe its benefits to the overall cohesion, activity and design of the neighbourhood. You are required to reference course readings in sections 1 and 3. You must also produce a figure ground drawing of the model with your changes.

In the first phase of design you must restrict yourself to existing zoning. You can amend zoning in phases 2 and 3 with a rationale and description of the zoning changes clearly outlined in a section entitled “zoning changes.” Each design can contribute no more than 5 design changes and cannot demolish any previous contribution that has not been on the model for two weeks.

You will be graded according to the following criteria (see marking rubric on p. 7):

Contribution - Do your stated problems reflect important considerations in urban design? Do they reflect our understanding of the needs of residents, workers and stakeholders? Do your proposed solutions address the problems you identified?

Thoughtfulness - You will be assessed on the degree to which your design contributions take into consideration all the perceived needs of area residents.

Care - Have you exercised care in keeping the model professional and clean? Have you added your contributions with care and precision so as to add to the whole rather than take away from it? The model is the result of an enormous collective effort.

Critique (contributes to learning objectives 6,7,8,11,12)

The critique of the previous week’s work is intended to give you the experience of interpreting a design and articulating a response from a particular frame of reference. You will be required to perform two tasks when you critique a work by students. First you will assess the degree to which the design group’s changes will produce the kind of results that would address the problems or gaps that they had identified. You may even take issue with their perceptions of the problem. The second task is a critique using the lens of the most current readings. This second task is more suggestive of a different treatment in light of the new reading’s point of view. You will be graded on critically engaging the intent of the design team’s work and your attention to detail in assessing the design team’s execution of their intent. You are also expected to demonstrate a thorough engagement of the weekly readings and a cumulative building of urban design theory over the course of the semester.



The readings for this course provide a broad survey of the historical trends in urban design theory and practice as well as contemporary reflections on the major issues that gave rise to and resulted from each of the major trends. Readings will be available for students through WebCT Vista. Students can log on to and use their CWL to login. Once inside follow the links to this course. Please check this site on a weekly basis for any new readings.

Late Assignments

This is a highly structured course that builds iteratively on every student’s timely completion of required assignments. It is therefore imperative that all work be completed on time. No late work will be accepted. Any student experiencing difficulty with course requirements should contact the instructor immediately.

Class Participation

Students are expected to attend every class. Missing a class will result in an automatic 1% reduction in your overall grade. During studio you are expected to participate in discussions and reviews of each other’s work, and to conduct yourselves in a courteous and professional manner. You are expected to be critical yet respectful and supportive in your engagement of each other’s work. You are expected to be attentive to whoever is speaking whether we are in studio or out of the studio touring or on a professional visit.

Course Policies See Course Assignments

Course Materials See Course Assignments


Plan 519A/B: Internship

2012W Term 1 & 2 Credit Hours: (3)

Note: Plan 519A is the 1st Internship and Plan 519B is the 2nd Internship

Sec 0X1, Term 1 & 2 (students continuing internship for both terms) Sec 0X2, Term 1 (students completing internship by December) Sec 0X3 (Term 2)

Course Description

An Internship Program provides the mechanism for students to earn academic credit for relevant work experience outside the University. An Internship is essentially a three-way partnership among the student, the agency and the School. The Internship may relate to the student’s thesis research and have the same Faculty Supervisor but it should be a separate "stand alone" project. The primary goal of the Internship Program is to assist students to develop professional skills and capabilities through guided "hands on" experience in a workplace environment while gaining academic credit. Typically an Internship involves the equivalent of one day per week during one term; other agreed upon arrangements are possible. Students have worked with local government planning offices and development firms.

1. If appropriate, students are encouraged to do one internship during their time at SCARP. A student should have completed one term (4 months) in the Masters program before starting an internship. 2. In exceptional circumstances at the Masters Chair's Program discretion, students can do a maximum of two internships during their time at SCARP. Memos by the student outlining why the second internship is important to their education and from their faculty advisor recommending the second internship need to be submitted to the Masters SCARP Office for her approval. The second internship must be taken at a different agency than the first. 3. Each internship course is worth a maximum of three-credits. Two internships courses are worth a maximum of 2 courses X three-credits = six-credits. 4. Students doing MITACS internships can get credit for one internship course credit of three- credits. This is included in the maximum number of credits allowed for internships.

Learning Objectives See Course Organization

Course Organization

The student, in consultation with his or her Faculty Supervisor identifies the kinds of work experiences appropriate to undertake;


1. it is recommended that the student contacts the agency to schedule time for an interview at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the term in which the Internship will take place; 2. the student meets with the Agency Supervisor and develops preliminary objectives for the project; and 3. the Faculty Supervisor, student and Agency Supervisor complete placement by ratifying the Internship Agreement form.

The student and Faculty Supervisor should work together in creating the Internship Agreement. The student is expected to outline goals for the Internship that are relevant to his or her academic objectives.

The student, with the assistance of the Agency Supervisor, then describes the work required to fulfill his or her objectives. This outline will form a work program for the Internship. The Internship Agreement should describe:

1. the project (a planning report or as otherwise stated in the Internship Agreement); 2. the Internship objectives; 3. the outline of the anticipated job description including specific projects or assignments; 4. the educational opportunities that are provided by the agency; 5. Internship schedule including timelines for the project with relevant deadlines and expected completion dates.

The Internship Agreement represents an informal understanding on the part of the participants to take part in a teaching and/or learning exercise of mutual benefit to all parties. The School of Community and Regional Planning can assume neither responsibility nor liability for any work (complete or incomplete) undertaken by the student in the course of his or her Internship studies.

Course Requirements and Grading


Internship Agreement Form

Internship Mid-Term Evaluation Form

Internship Final Evaluation Form

Post-Internship Assessment Form

The following is an overview of each of the three signatory parties responsibilities.

Faculty Supervisor:

1. Consults with the agency to determine educational objectives, appropriate experiences, and the expectations for the student during the project;


2. facilitates communication between the agency and student; 3. discusses with the student his or her academic objectives; 4. approves the student’s choice of agency placement; helps the student to develop an Internship Agreement that integrates his or her goals with those of the Internship project; 5. reviews the following project status reports:

 a Mid-term Evaluation from the agency that evaluates the student’s performance thus far;  a final planning report (or as otherwise described in the Internship Agreement) from the student at the end of the Internship that satisfies the academic standards of the University;  an Internship Final Evaluation from the agency that evaluates the student’s performance; and  a Post-Internship Assessment from the student that evaluates the experience.

1. the Faculty Supervisor assigns the student a grade for the Internship in consultation with the agency and submits it to the Administrator.


1. Consults with a Faculty Supervisor to formulate academic goals that can be discussed with the agency during the interview; 2. develops, with the assistance of the Faculty Supervisor and the Agency Supervisor, an Internship Agreement outlining objectives and a work schedule (including timelines and expected completion dates) and has it endorsed by all parties; the completed Internship Agreement form along with a Registration/Change of Registration form are to be submitted to the School Administrator; 3. learns about and acts in a manner consistent with the agency "culture" and its commitment to a high level of service to the public; 4. learns about and adheres to agency regulations regarding confidentiality and public access to information; 5. submits a final planning report (or as otherwise stated on the Internship Agreement) to the Faculty and Agency Supervisors by the term’s designated due date for final papers; and 6. submits a Post-Internship Assessment to the Faculty Supervisor at the conclusion of the course.

Agency Supervisor:

1. Provides the student with realistic, challenging assignments that facilitate learning (students should not be conducting work of a clerical nature); 2. helps the student learn about the agency "culture" and adjust to the workplace; 3. informs the student about the agency regulations regarding confidentiality and public access to information; 4. provides compensation for any pre-approved costs (i.e., printing, materials, postage) incurred by the student while conducting the project; 5. provides the student with ongoing feedback about his or her progress;


6. submits both an Internship Mid-term Evaluation and Internship Final Evaluation of the Internship experience to the School, describing achievements and providing suggestions for improvement; and 7. participates in assigning the student a grade for the Internship.

Course Assignments

See Course Organization

Course Policies

Ownership of Research

The student and agency both retain ownership over the product produced during the Internship. Publication and other use of information are subject to the agency’s confidentiality policies. Acknowledgment is subject to the agency’s standard practices with respect to staff and consultant reports. Neither the student, the agency nor the School will attribute the report to any of the other parties without prior agreement.

Termination of Agreement

All parties have the right to terminate the Internship Agreement for any cause, subject to discussion between the student, Faculty Supervisor, Agency Supervisor and agency management.


Students wishing to register for an Internship course are required to complete and submit to Patti Toporowski an "Internship Agreement" form (available on SCARP website). Students must complete and submit this form to receive credit for an Internship course. It is also possible to register for an Internship course during the Summer Session. Note: Catalogue numbers differ in the Summer and Winter Sessions.


Plan 538: Cross-Cultural Planning (Educating the Heart)

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Wednesday 09:00 - 12:00 Location: WMAX 140

Instructors: Nathan Edelson Email: [email protected] Norma-Jean McLaren Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-254-5285

This course is open to SCARP Masters and PhD students, and is limited to 15 participants.

Course Description


Storytelling, despair, fear, faith, vision, intuition, creativity, healing, respect, care, service, love, connection, belonging, spirituality, difference, intercultural, hope, multicultural, metaphor, ritual, transformative planning, transformative learning.


The metaphor of the ‘mongrel ’ captures the urban condition of the 21st century in which difference, otherness, and heterogeneity prevail. In the context of globalization, four socio-cultural forces are re- shaping cities: international migration, an unresolved post-colonial condition, the resurgence of , and the rise of civil society. Together these forces produce cities of difference, characterized by a located politics of difference, which is the context in which planning takes place. We may not consciously set out to be cross-cultural planners, but we all find ourselves inevitably working in cross-cultural situations. This kind of work requires an understanding of the visible landscapes of the multicultural city and also of our own less visible inner landscapes.

Planning can be described as “the art of the possible”. All planners must act within a context over which they have limited control. Successful planners learn how their actions and those of their community and institutional partners can help change that context over time. The art is to work with partners to move from disagreement and despair toward common understanding and hope. Hope creates the path forward between the illusions of despair and delusion. (Nathan Edelson)


Learning Objectives


The course will be taught as a learning community. This means that it is a forum for sharing experiences, through deep conversation, exploring new ideas, and cultivating our capacities for self-observation as well as integrating diverse ways of knowing. The course demands emotional as well as intellectual energy and commitment. The goal is to give students an opportunity to look at practice and theory related to planning diverse communities and to also consider the personal as it imposes itself into the equation.

There will be small group exercises, brainstorming, discussions, seminar-type sessions, and more, depending on the topic. Weekly discussions and exercises will be based on assigned readings/case studies, and participating students will take turns leading discussion on the week’s readings. The course is intended to provide a safe space where students can learn new skills and approaches, and take risks, without the fear of ‘messing up’ on the job. Guest speakers with urban, rural and aboriginal work experience will complement the course content.

This course is being co-taught by Norma-Jean McLaren and Nathan Edelson. Norma-Jean is a consultant specializing in diversity and anti-racism training, creative planning for personal and organizational change, developing personal and leadership skills in healing processes, and community building/empowerment work. Nathan has been the Senior City Planner for Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and has worked on a variety of contentious issues and community building programs in many communities here and outside of Canada.

Course Organization See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

 Examining the juxtaposition of the theoretical, the practical and the personal Students will be given weekly questions that will be the basis for a weekly journal. The journal will allow a deeper examination of self within community; questions will ask students to examine their own ways of knowing, responses to story, triggers, fears and hopes, and self in terms of privilege vs. exclusion, strengths and limitations.

o Students will be asked to summarize the awareness they have gained through the journaling. An emphasis will be on new approaches uncovered that will support them and issues that will need to be addressed to achieve their success in inclusive community planning and development. o A paper of no more than 4 pages will be due November 21. This paper will summarize the student’s learning in the areas listed above and relate this to the theory and practice discussed during the term.


 Experience and Analyse a Recent Planning Process – Work individually or with a small team of students to select a recent or current planning process that involves diverse groups. Review background reports and meeting minutes to understand the issues and stakeholders. Develop an appropriate strategy to observe the process by attending committee meetings and/or watching recorded public hearings, and meet with the planner and, if appropriate, several key stakeholders and analyze these through the lens of relevant readings. Students will be asked to include your assessment of the ways of knowing/learning apparent within the process. Central to your work will be analyzing the cross-cultural issues at play in the process, your response to them, and how the process addressed these issues.

o Individual or group component: The presentation will include your reflections on how effective was the community process; what ways of knowing/learning/discussing were accommodated within the process and what could have been done to accommodate other ways. Presentation times will include presentation, discussion and questions. Time allotted will be determined according to numbers or presenters. (Due for presentation in class on Wednesday, December 5th)

o Individual component Each course member will write a paper on the experience – including what you observed, what reactions you had, what assumptions you made, what triggers you experienced in the process, your judgments and your learning. This paper should connect your learning during the experience on how at least three of the class readings relate to outcomes in this process:

. how the planning process was able to, or could have been expanded to accommodate other ways of knowing or learning, . what are the implications of failing to be inclusive of other ways of knowing, learning and of expanding community capacity . what was the learning about yourself in terms of ways of working within community ensuring inclusive involvement in discussion and decision making. . Summarize this in a paper (max 2500 words). Questions to guide you through this process will be provided. (Due December 14th)

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 540A: Omnibus: Becoming a Good Sustainability Planning Practitioner

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Monday , 1330‐1500 Friday , 1230-1400 Location: WMAX 150

Instructors: Tim McDaniels Email: Tim McDaniels timmcd [at] exchange [dot] ubc [dot] ca Telephone: 604‐822‐9288

Course Description

The course has two main themes.

First it introduces students to the practical issues and choices associated with being a professional planner. It addresses issues of professionalism, membership in professional planning organizations, different kinds of working contexts, and different views on what planning entails. It also helps students develop personal learning goals and strategies that meet their individual needs and career ambitions.

Then the remaining two thirds of the class is devoted to concepts and methods that are basic to current planning practice. These include (i) a multiple objective view of policy analysis (multiple accounts analysis) and (ii) planning that actively involves stakeholders (including civil society and technical specialists) through an approach termed “structured decisionmaking”, an excellent basis for understanding, designing and implementing any planning process.

Along the way, we will also introduce a range of methods that are broadly referred to as “sustainability planning” and consider whether they are different from or complements to other approaches. We will also introduce and consider some basic issues of public finance for planners, including the economic rationale for government and planning, sources of revenues and costs for local governments.

Learning Objectives

Six Primary Learning Objectives

1. To develop a preliminary understanding of planning practice and practitioners. 2. To explore differing perspectives on sustainability planning as a component of planning practice. 3. To learn and practice basic policy analysis approaches. 4. To learn and practice methods relevant for structuring planning questions and processes, as a basis for better public planning choices. 5. To practice communication and interaction skills essential to planning practitioners. 6. To design a personal development strategy.


Course Organization:

A variety of active learning formats will be used to present, discuss and develop ideas and to build communication and interaction skills. There will always be preparatory work for a class session. We will strive for a combination of presentations and discussion. We will try to pose questions that stimulate critical thinking and discussion, in hopes of using values and evidence wisely, to help create imaginative solutions. At times we will use breakout groups to expand the opportunities for involvement in discussion, to open up topics for exploration and to create ideas. They will also be used to provide opportunities to practice the skills and techniques for productive group work including facilitation, recording ideas and reporting results.

Frequently we will use examples of the issues addressed by planning practitioners in a particular context. We will also have guests who are current planners and policy analysis practitioners who work on contemporary planning questions with organizations in Vancouver and elsewhere in Western Canada. We will seek to learn their perspectives on successful planning and policy analysis, for specific contexts. These could range from trading density for civic amenities, to designing community engagement for Official Community Plans.

Course Requirements and Grading

Grades for the course will be allocated as follows:

 Participation throughout the term (10%)  Individual Assignment 1 (35%)  Individual assignment 2 or Group assignment (35%)  Leading and facilitating session on case (20%)

Course Assignments

There will be two assignments, one Individual and the other either group or individual. They will each have component parts with drafts of each staged through the term. They will be assigned at the first class and the final products due before the final class of the term.

Course Policies

For policies on participation in class and group work please see UBC and SCARP policies

Course Materials

This course has two required books (both paperback):

Shaffer, M., 2010, Multiple Account Benefit-Cost Analysis: A Practical Guide for the Systematic Evaluation of Project and Policy Alternatives, University of Toronto Press.


Gregory, R. L. Failing, M. Harstone, G. Long, T. McDaniels and D. Ohlson, 2012, Structured Decision Making: A Practical Guide to Environmental Management Choices, Wiley-Blackwell.

Two practical guides, both written in BC by people who have decades of experience as analysts for agencies and governments, these books will provide the basis for the two thirds of the class concerned with policy analysis and structured decision making.

Other materials for the course will be available from a Dropbox site that has been created to go with this class. There will be an agenda for each class which indicates the preparatory readings, indicates questions to consider in preparing for the session, and lists the items we will address along with how we will approach them. The agenda will usually include links and references to other sources where additional information can be found.


Plan 542: Practical Practice: City Planning as a Craft

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Please see course outline Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Larry Beasley Email: [email protected]

Course Description

In a combination of lectures, workshops and group critical discussions, this course will explore the approach, role, style, and essential skills of planners in the normal situations of practical . Typical planning formats will be explored in detail: area planning; policy planning; development management. Practical urban design, and applied sustainability will be emphasized. From the point of view of actual practice, the emphasis will be on the craft of planning, exploring the settings you will be working in, the attitudes you will need to bring to situations in the field, the tools utilized on a day-to-day basis to cope with complex planning situations, and the kinds of people and professions that you will be working with. Recent experience will be used as hands-on case studies and key players will be invited to be part of the class discussions.

The sessions will combine commentary and critical discussion.

(evenings will be 3 hours from 7 - 10pm; full days will be 6 hours and a lunch hour from 9am - 4pm).

Session Dates - TBA

Learning Objectives

This course will assist young planners to focus their career aspirations and should prepare them as practitioners to face the first day working as a professional planner. It will look at skills and techniques not normally emphasized in the theoretical side of planner’s education.

Course Organization

The course will be held in seven 3-hour Wednesday evening sessions (7:00pm- 10:00pm) and three 6- hour Saturday all day sessions (generally 9:00am-4:00pm, with a 1-hour break for lunch- but this timing may be shifted if agreeable to the majority of the class). Sessions start Wednesday, January 4th, 2012 and end Saturday, March 24, 2012. There will be no classes during the UBC Spring Break, February 18- 26, 2012.

The course agenda is as follows:

 Session 1: Introduction to the course; crafting a viable planning approach, class project assigned for Session 11, paper assigned


 Session 2: Regulating development- a conceptual framework and typical tools, assignment for Session 3/4 (zoning review), assignment Session 3/4 (frs estimates)

 Session 3/4: Regulating development zoning primer, review of fsr estimates, presentation of zoning tools, Development economics; zoning as wealth creation; negotiations primer, meet a developer

 Session 5: Overall policy making, meet a politician

 Session 6: Public consultation in planning, assignment for Session 10 (participation innovations), meet a community development planner

 Sessions 7 and 8: Urban design to shape the city, meet a heritage planner

 Session 9: Applied urban sustainability, meet a journalist

 Session 10: Area planning for existing neighbourhoods and comprehensive new developments, discuss participation innovations

 Sessions 11: Class project presentations

 Session 12/13: The various typical roles of planners; communications primer, your style as a planner; closing overview of course

Course Requirements and Grading

60% for in-class participation, including assignment, workshops and readings.

20% for a class project.

20% for a maximum four-page paper.

Course Assignments

Please see above.

Course Policies

There are no special policies for PLAN 548P

Course Materials

Handouts and readings will be provided. No special materials are needed.


Plan 547C: Masters Project

2012W Term 1 & 2 Credit Hours: (6)

Course Description

Sec 001- Term 1 and 2 Sec 002- Term 1 Sec 003- Term 2 Select one section only. Student registering for BOTH Term 1 and 2 should select Section 001.

A student may complete his or her Masters program by undertaking either an academically oriented thesis of 12 credits (549C) or a professionally oriented project of 6 credits (547C) together with 6 credits of additional coursework. Students are required to make their choice by the end of September (which is the beginning of a student's second academic year) of the Master's program. But it is highly recommended that the student make their choice before the suggested time.


Registration in Plan 549C or 547C is mandatory in both Summer and Winter Sessions beginning in the summer of the first year and continuing until completion of the thesis or project.

Learning Objectives

The professional project is the capstone project of choice for those students with a practical bent and who intend to enter professional practice after graduation. Its major purpose is to provide experience in the execution of a planning or urban design project. Students will gain experience in project design and scoping, in researching project-relevant literature, in the application of appropriate analytic methods, in the analysis of context-specific data, and in the formulation of appropriate conclusions. In short, the professional project option provides an opportunity for students to develop and exercise their skill and judgement in problem definition and to demonstrate professional competence in the supervised design and execution of an individual planning study.

Given the increasing scope of professional planning activities and employment opportunities across the public and private sectors, the substantive focus and content of professional projects will vary greatly. Such projects may also take many different reporting forms--indeed, students are encouraged to use the project option to hone their professional presentation skills in diverse media as well as in writing.

To maximize the intended value of the professional project experience, the program of research and reporting under the project option will generally have the following characteristics:

1. A total of six (6) credits are offered for successful completion of a professional planning project. Project students therefore take six (6) more credits of coursework than thesis students.


2. A professional project is an investigation into a well-defined practical planning-related question or problem. Professional projects can be designed to contribute to a student’s experience of a client- consultant or employer-professional employee relationship. In some cases, students may choose to involve an actual external client to provide context and enhance the realism of the professional project experience.

3. Each professional project will proceed with the formal agreement of, and under the supervision of, a SCARP faculty member. In addition to real-world context, any participating 'client' can provide additional guidance and supervision. (See following point.)

4. To facilitate focused research and reporting and on-time completion, projects will proceed according to a written problem statement or terms of reference prepared by the student in consultation with the supervising faculty member. The 'problem statement' of the project should therefore reflect the conceptual and practical framework to be followed.

5. In all cases, a professional project must satisfy the academic norms of the university and SCARP. The supervising faculty member will be the final arbiter as to whether the student's professional project activities and report have achieved the necessary standard. This stipulation is an essential underpinning to all project-related problem statement or terms of reference.

6. A professional project is limited in scope. Original data collection is not necessary, but is possible. In general, participating students will apply known concepts, data, methods and procedures to a specified situation or problem context and generate a report (variable format) of restricted scope and scale. However, in designing his/her study and writing the professional reports, students are expected to demonstrate familiarity with at least the limited body of literature of direct relevance to the project.

7. Individual professional projects should be designed to ensure adequate reporting in roughly 30-50 pages, 1.5 spaces (or the agreed equivalent in other acceptable media). Project reports should be logically organized, structured to have effective communication value (use of sub-headings, tables, charts and other figures, etc., is encouraged) and be fully referenced. NOTE: Students who do a film for their project are also required to write an accompanying paper, the terms of which are established in consultation with their supervisor, and depend on the context: the length of the film, and the length and nature of the film making process. All papers will have a critical and reflexive content.

8. As noted above, the supervising faculty member is responsible for assessment of the final product with input from any external client if relevant. If there is no external client to review the final product a second reader will review the report (as detailed below). A final oral examination is normally not required though should be regarded as an option at the discretion of the supervisor(s) in special circumstances.

9. In all cases the student will be required to make a formal presentation of his/her findings to a SCARP project symposium as part of the normal reporting procedure. This is particularly important where the professional project is substantially documented in video, PowerPoint, or other presentation media. To enhance the professional value of this experience, other students and faculty will be invited to attend and comment on the presentation.


10. On-time completion of projects is an important element of professional practice. Students should regard the professional project as an opportunity to demonstrate competence in overall project management within the conceptual, time, and space constraints set out in the project terms of reference. Faculty supervisors will normally take on-time completion into account in assigning final grades for professional projects.

Course Organization

Masters Research Supervisor Selection Form - PROJECT

Thesis/Project Advising Groups

Each faculty member can run a thesis/project advising group for second year students whom they are supervising. Students are expected to participate in the sessions offered by the supervisor of their project or thesis. This makes the supervisory process more productive for students and faculty. It tends to cluster students and faculty around common topics and themes. A significant benefit of the group sessions is the opportunity thus created for students to support each other in developing and completing their research. Separate credit is not given for these group sessions, they are considered to be part of the 12 credits for the thesis and 6 credits for the project.

The group sessions are designed to lead students through the development and implementation of a proposal for their project or thesis and, if necessary, make a choice between the two options. Key components are discussed in relation to the student's areas of interest including problem statements, goals, objectives, research questions, conceptual and analytical frameworks, methods, case studies, and write-ups of results, conclusions and recommendations. Advice is provided on strategies for selecting manageable topics, conducting literature reviews, choosing case studies, undertaking field work and interviews, drafting text, and presenting the final results. Previous projects and theses are reviewed.

The specific meeting time and place is agreed to by each faculty member with their group of students in light of their schedules.

The advising group approach means that students must have identified the faculty member whom they wish to supervise their project or thesis by the beginning of their second year. If during the course of the term it should become evident that another supervisor would be more appropriate, a change can be made if both parties are agreeable but it is obviously preferable that this potential disruption not occur. In considering potential supervisors, students should discuss with them not only the topics in which they are interested but also the specific approach they take to supervising and how this influences the design of their group advising sessions.

Course Requirements and Grading

Submission of Completed Draft Professional Project Report

While there is much room for latitude depending on the project focus and reporting medium, the typical professional report prepared by students electing the professional project option should contain the following elements:


1. Project Title Page (must be included in final bound project after cover page) 2. Executive summary 3. Table of contents 4. List of tables and figures 5. Introduction (including the problem statement) 6. Detailed project description (including essential history and context; relevant literature; methods of investigation) 7. Findings and implications 8. Conclusions

Review by Second Reader

A second reader is required for a professional project, who can be a faculty member or someone from outside of the School who is an experienced professional with an interest in the topic. When students choose to involve an actual external client to provide context and otherwise enhance the realism of the professional project experience, this individual can serve as the second reader.

Expectations of an Outside Second Reader

The outside second reader is asked to provide, at a minimum, a "second set of eyes" to review a professional project, on the basis of criteria outlined below. If the draft is acceptable to the outside reader on the basis of these criteria, the outside reader signs the draft as "meeting the required standard." The outside reader is invited, but not required, to attend the student presentation at the symposium.


The primary faculty advisor has the responsibility for working with the student to ensure the professional project has an appropriate design and approach. The student may ask the outside second reader for advice during the research and preparation of the project. The student will normally complete a project and submit a draft report to the faculty advisor. The faculty advisor will review it and may ask for revisions if needed. The faculty advisor has responsibility for determining when a draft is ready for review by the outside reader. When the project is judged by the first reader to be ready to distribute, a cover letter should be prepared to send to the second reader, with a set of explanatory notes attached. The letter should indicate that the first reviewer is ready to sign the report as meeting the standard, subject to the approval from the outside reader. If the outside reader judges that the draft "meets the required standard" in terms of the criteria below, the outside second reader signs the project. If the project does not meet the criteria, the outside reader should communicate the reasons to the student and the faculty member, who will ask for appropriate revisions.


The outside reader is asked to review the draft on the basis of the following criteria:

 Is the draft well written in that it is generally free of grammatical mistakes, easy to follow and well presented?


 Does the project have a clearly stated question that it tries to answer, or goal that it addresses?  Does the project report place the question or goal in the context of literature relevant to the topic and methods, given the more limited expectations regarding the literature review in a professional project compared to a thesis, as discussed in the appendix to these notes?  Is the approach used to address the question or goal appropriate and adequately applied, given the expectations of a professional project, as discussed in the appendix to these notes?  Overall, does the project seem to be an acceptable professional product?

Course Assignments

Scheduling Presentation of Final Approved Report

Once the final report is approved by the Supervisor and the Second Reader, the student may schedule a presentation by submitting a Professional Project Presentation Form to the SCARP office seven (7) days before the presentation. See "Important dates & Deadlines" on the SCARP website for project presentation schedule. Final reports are to be approved for presentation seven (7) days before the scheduled presentation date.


A time is scheduled for a group of completing students to present their final reports to the School and other invited guests. The objectives of the presentations are to inform the School of the results of your work and to demonstrate your presentation skills in a context that simulates common characteristics of professional practice.

The proceedings are chaired by the Chair of the Masters program. Each student is required to make a 15-20 minute presentation designed to summarize the content of their report in ways appropriate to the School audience and the specific characteristics of the context within which the Professional Project was undertaken. Following the presentation there is a discussion period during which the student responds to questions and comments from the audience for up to 15 minutes. The presenter is responsible for managing the discussion period, which is intended to replicate the kind of situation that is likely to exist in practice contexts following presentation of a report. It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure discussion is kept within these bounds.


It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the signature of the Supervisor on the project title page and deliver two copies (one spiral bound) of the final signed report to the Masters Secretary seven days before the presentation. Two copies of the final report (one paper version and one electronic copy on a CD) will be put in:

1. SCARP's main office (the electronic copy) 2. The Craig Davis Reading Room (the spiral bound copy)

Additional copies of the professional project should be given directly to the Research committee.


The program completion date will be considered the presentation date if all course credits are complete.

Course Policies

Professional Project Supervision

Each student is required to have a Professional Project Supervisor who is a faculty member in the School. The Supervisor is to be selected and approved by the end of September of the first year in the program. This procedure is formalized by completing a Project Supervisor Selection Form. The student determines his or her own supervisor in consultation with faculty, subject only to a reasonable distribution of students among faculty. The Supervisor must indicate his or her agreement to oversee the project by signing the student's project proposal. This document (one page is adequate) must be placed in the student's file before he or she begins detailed research on the project. Students are responsible for submitting their completed Project Supervisor Selection form and project proposal to the SCARP office by the September deadline.


Plan 548A: Urban Transportation Economics and Policy

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Monday 09:00 - 12:00 Location: CEME 1206

Instructor: Jinhua Zhao, CEME 2007, [email protected], Office hour: Friday 1:00-2:00pm TA: Haytham Sadeq, CEME 2208, [email protected], Office hour: Thursday 2:00-3:00pm Guest Lecturer: Lorie Srivastava, Ph.D., Programme Manager, Forecasting and Monitoring TransLink (South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority)

Course Description

This course aims to provide a solid introduction to urban transportation economics and policy analysis. The course starts with the basic tools of travel demand modeling and discrete choice analysis, and then uses them to analyze transport policies that influence mode choice and control car ownership. This is followed by the discussion on public acceptance towards transportation policies. The 2nd part of the course discusses the impact of the interstate highway system, the efficiency and equity of transportation finance and the justification for subsidy to public transit. The course ends with the examination of the social aspects of transportation policies particularly the impact of transportation on social exclusion.

After completing the course, students are expected to be able to:

1. Understand the fundamental economic principles in the context of urban transportation systems; 2. Apply economic models to analyze an urban transportation system and evaluate transportation policies imposed upon such a system; 3. Use Biogeme to estimate mode choice and car ownership models using real data (binary logit model and multinomial logit model)

Course Website and login with your CWL

Course Description

This course aims to provide a solid introduction to urban transportation economics and policy analysis. The course starts with the basic tools of travel demand modeling and discrete choice analysis, and then uses them to analyze transport policies that influence mode choice and control car ownership. This is

45 followed by the discussion on public acceptance towards transportation policies. The 2nd part of the course discusses the impact of the interstate highway system, the efficiency and equity of transportation finance and the justification for subsidy to public transit. The course ends with the examination of the social aspects of transportation policies particularly the impact of transportation on social exclusion.

After completing the course, students are expected to be able to: a. Understand the fundamental economic principles in the context of urban transportation systems; b. Apply economic models to analyze an urban transportation system and evaluate transportation policies imposed upon such a system; c. Use Biogeme to estimate mode choice and car ownership models using real data (binary logit model and multinomial logit model)

Course Website and login with your CWL

Learning Objectives See Course Description

Course Organization See Course Description

Course Requirements and Grading

Problem Sets 30% (PS1 5%, PS2 10%, PS3 15%)

Final Exam (closed book) 30%

Term Project

Course Assignments

Lectures Problem Sets Date # Topic Out In Sep 12 1 Introduction to Transportation Economics and Policy Sep 19 2 Travel Demand Overview 1 Sep 26 3 Discrete Choice Analysis / Biogeme Tutorial 1 Modeling Travel Mode Choice / Biogeme Tutorial 2 Oct 3 2 1, Grouping 4 (Optional: Effects of Attitude and Personality) Oct 10 Holiday Oct 17 5 Controlling Car Ownership: Policies and Models 3 2 Oct 24 6  Guest Lecture: Critique to the Economics Models of


Transportation Planning and Innovations at Translink  · Public Acceptance of Car Ownership Policies

Oct 31 7 Impact of Interstate Highway on Commuting Patterns 3 Nov 7 8 Financing Transportation Proposal Nov 14 9 Justification of Subsidy on Public Transit Nov 21 10 Social exclusion and value of mobility Nov 28 11 Project presentation Presentation Dec 2 Project Report (Draft) Report Dec 15 Project Report (Final) Report Dec 7 Final Exam Date: 12/7/2011 12:00-2:00pm

Problem Sets

Students are encouraged to discuss with others on the problem sets but individual submission is required by each student. Three problem sets include:

 PS1: Demand Analysis  PS2: Binary Travel Mode Choice Model  PS3: Multinomial Logit Model

Tutorial on BIOGEME

Before the tutorials, please download and install BIOGEME v2.0 on your computer from, and read the Biogeme guide (on Vista) and the walk-through at

Term Project

Students will form groups of 2 students to work on the project. Each group should have one planner and one engineer. Each group will submit one report, present as one team and be graded as a whole. If you strongly want to work alone, please talk to the instructor for permission, and note that your project will be graded in the same way as the other teams, if permission is given. The deliverables of the project include

 Project proposal (2000 words)  Project draft report (7500 words)  Project final report (7500 words)  Project presentation (15 minutes presentation and 10 minutes Q&A)

Project Proposal Project Report (Draft and Final) Project Title Project Title

Abstract (250 words) Abstract (250 words)


Key words Key words

1. Introduction 1. Introduction 1. Context 1. Context 2. Significance 2. Significance 3. Objectives / Research questions 3. Objectives / Research questions 2. Literature Review 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 3. Methodology 1. Data: Availability/Accessibility 1. Data: Availability/Accessibility 2. Models / theories / methods 2. Models / theories / methods / 4. Expected results 4. Analysis results and interpretation 5. Expected impact and policy implications 5. Discussion 6. References 1. Summary of research findings 2. Impact and Policy Implications 3. Future research directions 6. References

Formatting Please follow TRB conference peer-review formatting instruction

Candidate project topics

 Develop a Car Ownership Model  Model Trip Chaining and its Impact on Mode Choice  Evaluate the Policy Acceptance of Congestion Mitigation Policies  Introduce Attitudinal Factors into Transportation Models  Impact of Canadian Highway System on Commuting Patterns  Review of Transportation Finance in Canadian Cities  Shall we subsidize public transit in Vancouver? To what extent?  Analyze the Impact of Transportation on Social Exclusion

Course Outline and Required Readings

Students are expected to complete the assigned readings before each lecture and to participate actively in class discussion. All required readings are posted at VISTA.

Lecture 1: Introduction to Transportation Economics and Policy

Sustainable Mobility : Urban Transportations Policy Overview

Modeling Transportation Systems

 Banister, D. (2008). The sustainable mobility paradigm. Transport Policy, 15(2), 73-80.


Lecture 2: Travel Demand Overview

Consumer Theory / Travel Demand Modeling

 Chapter 2 The Demand for Transportation: Models and Applications, in Gomez-Ibanez, Jose, William B. Tye, and Clifford Winston (editors), Essays in Transportation Economics and Policy: A Handbook in Honor of John R. Meyer, Brookings Institution Press, 1999

Lecture 3: Discrete Choice Analysis

Theory of Choice Behavior / Binary Logit / Multinomial Logit

 Kenneth Train 1986 Qualitative Choice Analysis Ch1, Ch2,

Lecture 4: Modeling Travel Mode Choice

 Train, K., 1980. A structured logit model of auto ownership and mode choice. Review of Economic Studies 28, 357–370.

Optional: Effects of Attitude and Personality

 Vredin Johansson, M., Heldt, T., & Johansson, P. (2006). The effects of attitudes and personality traits on mode choice. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 40(6), 507-525.

Lecture 5: Controlling Car Ownership: Policies and Models

 Giuliano, G., & Dargay, J. (2006). Car ownership, travel and land use: a comparison of the US and Great Britain. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 40(2), 106-124.

Lecture 6: Public Acceptance of Car Ownership Policies

 Chen and Zhao (2011) Bidding to Drive: Car License Auction Policy in Shanghai and its Public Acceptance, Submitted to Transport Policy

Lecture 7: Impact of Interstate Highway on Commuting Patterns

 Baum-Snow, Nathaniel. 2010. "Changes in Transportation Infrastructure and Commuting Patterns in US Metropolitan Areas, 1960-2000." American Economic Review, 100(2): 378–82.

Lecture 8: Financing Transportation

 Wachs, M, Improving Efficiency and Equity in Transportation Finance, The Brookings Institution Series on Transportation Reform, 2003.


 Buehler, R., & Pucher, J. (2011). Making public transport financially sustainable. Transport Policy, 18(1), 126-138.

Lecture 9: Justification of Subsidy on Public Transit

 Parry, I. W. H., & Small, K. A. (2009). Should Urban Transit Subsidies Be Reduced? American Economic Review, 99(3), 700-724.

Lecture 10: Social Exclusion and Value of Mobility

 Stanley, J. et al (2011). Social Exclusion and the Value of Mobility. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 45(2), 26.

Recommended Further Readings (beyond the requirement of this course)


 Gomez-Ibanez, Jose, William B. Tye, and Clifford Winston (editors), Essays in Transportation Economics and Policy: A Handbook in Honor of John R. Meyer, Brookings Institution Press, 1999 Part I and IV  Ben-Akiva & Lerman, Discrete Choice Analysis: Theory and Application to Travel Demand, MIT Press, 1985.  Pindyck, Robert and Daniel Rubinfeld, Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1998


 Journal of Transport Economics and Policy  Transport Policy  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice


This course is partly based on the MIT 1.201 Transportation Systems Analysis: Demand and Economics. We would like to thank Prof. Nigel Wilson for the permission of using the materials.

Problem Sets

Students are encouraged to discuss with others on the problem sets but individual submission is required by each student. Three problem sets include:

· PS1: Demand Analysis

· PS2: Binary Travel Mode Choice Model


· PS3: Multinomial Logit Model

Tutorial on BIOGEME

Before the tutorials, please download and install BIOGEME v2.0 on your computer from, and read the Biogeme guide (on Vista) and the walk-through at

Course Policies: See Course Assignments

Course Materials: See Course Assignments


Plan 548B: Social Learning Studio: Building Inclusive Communities

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Wednesday 18:30 - 21:30 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Nathan Edelson Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-254-5285

Note: (time may be adjusted to meet student needs)

Course Description

Planners who engage with civil society encounter a number of challenges and opportunities, e.g., the need to collaborate with organizations and individuals who are members of diverse cultures or sub- cultures and who are grounded in different epistemologies and have varying priorities. This course provides an introduction to concepts and theories about community development and social learning combined with hands-on experience with the kinds of social learning processes that form the foundation of effective community engagement and participatory planning.

Students will act as planning consultants and facilitators for projects in the non-profit sector that enhance students’ understanding of academic course content while addressing sustainability issues and contributing to the strengthening of civil society. These organizations will take place in areas such as the Downtown Eastside, Grandview Woodlands, Collingwood-Renfrew and elsewhere in Metro Vancouver. Several projects will also engage local and Urban Aboriginal groups.

The focus will be on developing practices that help community organizations to build capacity to better meet their objectives and to help overcome the forces of and improve the lives of people facing challenges in their lives rather than have them displaced to other neighbourhoods where needed social supports and services are less likely to be available. There will also be an emphasis on initiatives engaging urban aboriginal residents in community building processes. It is anticipated that at least one of the projects will be done in cooperation with the Digital Video & Planning course.

Planning students in the Social Learning Studio will:

 Work collaboratively as planning “consultants” to support community organizations in the design and planning of Community Based Research or Community Service Learning projects and to support the community organizations that host CSL projects;  Facilitate the implementation and monitoring of those projects in cooperation with the community organizations and relevant partners;  Learn about how community organizations work to help build inclusive communities and to address the pressures of changing social and economic environments;


 Reflect on the process of identifying, planning, implementing, and evaluating the project and examine the links between the lived experience of being a planner and the concepts and theories presented in the course readings and discussions; and  Reflect on the course itself as an instance of a social learning community of practice.

Learning Objectives

Students will be introduced to key concepts related to social learning processes, community development, gentrification and uneven development and will develop an understanding of how these concepts can inform participatory planning practices. In addition, through hands-on experience, students will develop skills in the following areas:

 Collaborative priority-setting, decision-making, and problem-solving;  Project planning, implementation, and evaluation: including determining what kinds of community projects are feasible and meaningful; facilitating the development of project plans that provide structure and direction while allowing flexibility and group decision-making; and designing and implementing appropriate monitoring and evaluation method;  Leadership: including building rapport, trust, and teamwork in diverse contexts, including inter- professional relationships;  Translating macro-level sustainability and gentrification issues into high level policy responses as well as concrete, short-term projects that make a difference in community settings; and  Critical self-reflective professional practice.

Course Organization

The course includes regular class sessions and allows time for students to meet on a sustained basis with their community partner organizations and other professionals. Classroom sessions will use a variety of instructional techniques including workshops, discussion of readings, student presentations, and small group dialogue. Individual reflective journaling is also used to enhance the learning process. The course is highly experiential. Students in the course will be expected to work collaboratively with other students, community partners and other professionals working in the area to enrich the learning objectives of the course and to meet the goals of the community projects. The instructor will play the role of team leader, mentor, and guide.

Since the success of the projects and the university’s relationships with the organizations hosting projects depends on the important roles played by the planning students, and since the course is intended to prepare students for professional practice, the expectation is that students will attend classes on time and will only miss classes in exceptional circumstances such as illness. Assignments not submitted on time will lose marks, unless arrangements have been made with the instructor in advance.

Through the class sessions and through the process of working with community organizations and other professionals to plan, implement, and evaluate their Community Service-Learning projects, Social Learning Studio participants will be introduced to a variety of topics and will learn how these topics are relevant to planning practice in community settings. The themes that will be central to the course include: social learning; Community Service-Learning; social, economic, and cultural sustainability; cross-

53 cultural communication and collaboration (“culture” here is intended to include sub-cultures such as those found in different kinds of professions, organizations or aspects of civil society), cycles of planning/action/reflection, and participatory leadership. A special emphasis will be placed on the theories of gentrification and ways in which low income neighbourhoods can be revitalized without displacing existing residents.

Course Requirements and Grading

15% - Class Participation:

 Criteria include regular attendance, sharing observations on readings, reflections and presentations, keeping class up to date on the progress and challenges of community project.

10% - Contract with Community Organization:

 A clear contract that describes the project the student will carry out with the community organization - including the purpose and objectives of the project from the perspective of the community organization and the student, the kinds of support and expertise the planning student can offer, the supports the student will need from the community and the university, the expected outcomes and critical deadlines.

25% - Reflection:

 Each student will keep a weekly journal containing observations of some of what they experience reviewing the literature, class discussion and in working with the community partner. The written journal is a learning tool for the student and can be kept confidential. It will be used as a basis for part of class discussion.  Each student will prepare a 5 to 10 page written commentary that summarizes some of the main points covered in the Reflective Journal. The commentary will include: o Thoughtful analysis of the processes whereby the CSL projects were identified planned, implemented and evaluated. o Reflections on the links between the lived experience of being a planner and the concepts and theories presented in the course readings and discussions. Reflections must make specific links between points made in specific readings and the student’s own experience. o Reflections on the course itself as an instance of a social learning community of practice.  Criteria for evaluation include: clarity of description of the CSL projects and their key planning and social learning processes, clarity and insight into links between planning theory and this instance of participatory planning practice, and insight into social learning processes.

50% - Final Project:

 A 10 to 20 page paper and a 15 minute oral presentation that summarize the substantive work that has been completed with the community partner and the ways in which this work relates to


relevant planning literature and social learning theory. The criteria will be the following, noting that the percentages assigned to each portion may vary depending on the nature of the project and the possible circumstances that are beyond the control of the student: o Progress of project in completing contract objectives - 20% o Communications and Media strategy (proposed or realized) -10% o Proposed ongoing social learning model related to project - 10% o Oral presentation - 10%

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 548E: Research Design and Quantitative Data Collection

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (1) Monday Please See Outline 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 150

Note: Restricted to 1st year SCARP Masters Students

Week 1 to 4 (Sept 10, 17, 24 and Oct 1)

Instructor: Mark Stevens Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604.822.0657 Office hours: By appointment Office: WMAX 223

Course Description

PLAN 548E is part of a sequence of 1-credit courses on the application of quantitative methods to policy- oriented studies in the field of community and regional planning. PLAN 548E focuses on (1) how to appropriately design research to facilitate the production of quantitative data, and (2) how to collect those data through surveys and the Census.

Learning Objectives

Objectives and Format

This course aims to develop basic literacy in the area of research design and data collection for planning analysis and research. Topics will be introduced and reinforced through multiple avenues, such as lecture, readings, discussion, team exercises, and computer-based exercises.

Course Organization

See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

SCARP Core Requirement:

For SCARP masters students, the core course requirement in quantitative methods consists of the following modular sequence of 1-credit courses: (1) PLAN 548E, (2) PLAN 548G or 548H, and (3) PLAN 548I. Students with strong/recent training in quantitative social sciences (e.g., an undergraduate degree in economics) can request an exemption from part/all of the core requirement in quantitative methods.



Registration is limited to students in either the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP) or the Resource Management and Environmental Studies (RMES) program.


Grading for the course will be based on a combination of quizzes, exercises, and class attendance and attentiveness. Grade weights will be determined during the first class session.

Course Assignments


There is no assigned textbook for this class. Readings will be drawn from books, journal articles, and professional reports. Readings will be accessible through the course website.

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Assignments


Plan 548F: Sustainability, Planning and Governance Approaches to Whole Region Change

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Wednesday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Jon O’Riordan Email: [email protected]

Course Description

This course presents the case for transformational change in governance of natural resources and urban complexes to deal with global challenges associated with a changing climate, fiscal limitations in the public sector, fossil based energy limits and the loss of natural capital.

This change is termed Integrated Resource Management which applies ecological principles to resource and urban development on a whole systems basis -- there is no waste, all resources including waste have value and that the ecological footprint can be continuously reduced while the economy grows. IRM is both a business model and an ecological model.

The World Bank has recently supported the concept of Eco 2 Cities which fully integrate ecology and economy in urban systems. IRM is fully compatible with this approach which is now so critical as the urban footprint worldwide will grow by 50% by 2050.

This course will apply IRM principles to a variety of resource management policies in British Columbia including strategic land use planning and forestry on the Central and North coasts, marine planning, watershed management and integrated regional planning of urban systems. Students will be encouraged to debate how to remove institutional and policy barriers to implementing IRM

Course presented from 2:00-5:00pm on Wednesdays during the fall term in Room 240 WMAX. The instructor will be available in person on Wednesdays otherwise by email or phone.

Learning Objectives

The course is structured to achieve four learning outcomes:

Knowledge: Scope and content of strategic land use plans, the legal rights of First Nations in land and resource management plans, solid and liquid waste management plans, watershed governance, integrated design of urban infrastructure and development of business case analyses.

Policy Understanding: Current Provincial policy for water management, climate change, salmon aquaculture, forests and land and resource management, watershed governance, liquid and solid and waste infrastructure in urban systems.


Government Decision Making Processes: I will use my experience in presenting policy advice to Cabinet to demonstrate how the decision making process works in BC and what approaches are required for securing successful outcomes.

Leadership and Teamwork: Demonstrate leadership in preparing and presenting assignments and learn how to integrate skills of different disciplines to develop unified recommendations. Develop ability to respond to comments and critiques to improve final products.

Integration: Understand differences between sectoral and integrative approaches to decision making.

Written and Oral Presentations: Each student will prepare a critique of readings in preparation for each class. They will also prepare written presentations as part of a team contribution. This presentation will be marked individually. The students will also be marked on how well they present their information orally and respond to questions and comments from the class who will be playing roles as senior civil servants and stakeholders as simulated planning tables.

Course Organization

The class will consist of 9 lecture/seminars, three classes when assignments will be presented and a field trip.

Lecture 1. Bridge in The concept of sustainability, whole system change, application of planning tools, the concept of integrated resource management and what is meant by governance.

Lecture 2. Field Trip Olympic Village—SE False Creek

The trip will be led by one of the design ecologists for SE False Creek development to demonstrate aspects of whole system design integrating energy, water and building landscape, reuse of waste heat for space heating and design of public space.

Lecture 3. Strategic land use planning.

The lecture will review development of land and resource management plans in BC and concentrate on the application of ecosystem based management principles (similar to IRM) to the North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii over the past ten years and demonstrate the transformative scope of whole systems change in both resource management and governance structures. There will be a review of the first example of applying the Forest Carbon Offset Protocol in which additional carbon is sequestered due to EBM principles and funds from purchase of these offsets are applied to promoting a sustainable economy on the Coast based on renewable energy, shellfish aquaculture tourism and sustainable forestry.

Lecture 4. The changing role of First Nations in land use planning and resource management.

This lecture will review the history of FN participation in LRMPs and changes in legal responsibilities of the Crown to consult with FN and accommodate their interests. The class will review the Haida and Taku cases which established policy and its application to the Atlin/Taku Land Use Plan . The construct of government to government negotiations will be discussed


Lecture 5. Resource Recovery for water and waste infrastructure: policies and plans for integrated resource recovery of water and energy from waste systems on the North Shore of Metro Vancouver. Responses from various level of government to the proposed integrated design will be analyzed as well as the type of procurement and governance changes required to shift to integrated design of urban infrastructure.

Lecture 6. Eco2 Cities: Workshop on integrated systems design for whole urban systems. How can ecology be integrated with economic function in city design; role of different levels of government— regional, municipal and Provincial in Eco2 cities concept in British Columbia; new decision tools based on valuing ecosystem goods and services and life cycle analysis of infrastructure planning and implementation.

Lecture 7. Aquaculture and Marine Planning

This lecture will examine the nature of the resource conflicts between aquaculture and wild salmon in the Broughton Archipelago and explain how even a whole systems approach based on peer reviewed science has failed to resolve the impasse for shifting to a sustainable approach.

Lecture 8. Thinking as Watershed

This lecture will cover the approaches to sustainability at the watershed scale. It will focus on proposed changes to water governance in BC under a new Water Sustainability Act. The lecture will review proposed changes to provincial water legislation and assess the prospects for required managing watersheds on an ecosystem basis. The prospect of delegating some decision making authority to local government organization will be explored.

Lecture 9. Government decision making processes and structures

This lecture will examine the new structure of the provincial government for resource decision making. In the fall of 2010, a new Ministry was created—Ministry of Natural Resource Operations which brings all decisions on land and water under one ministry. The lecture will evaluate the success of this ministry for integrating ecological integrity with resource decisions required to access resources for economic gain. It will also analyze how the present provincial government makes decisions on resource management, infrastructure and a changing climate. But it will also critically examine the constraints of democratic governance principles in developing long term policies and making radical policy changes in advance of public understanding and willingness to accept change.

Lectures 11, 12. Individual Assignments. See below for details.

Lecture 13. Governance and Reality.

This lecture will review the sustainability principles presented in the opening lecture and critically review the progress or lack of progress that is being made in whole regional change. There will be a full discussion of the roles of international bodies, national provincial and local levels of governance affecting sustainability. Based on this review, students will be asked to prepare recommendations that outline their proposals of what innovations should be taken in planning, governance and resource policies in individual sectors to advance sustainability in the province.


Course Requirements and Grading

Grades for the curse will be allocated as follows:

Workshop on Eco2 cities (20%)

Individual Assignment (60%)

Participation in class on weekly readings (20%)

Course Assignments

See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies

Students will be expected to attend all classes and field trips. If a lecture is missed, the student will be expected to read the assignments and review the lecture notes prepared by the supervisor. Generally a student will be permitted to miss no more than one lecture.

Course Materials

Readings from literature and government documents will be posted on an internal website for the class to access. The readings will be assigned at least a week in advance. For each class students will be identified to be a leader in the discussion for the following class on a rotational basis.


Plan 548G: Introductory Quantitative Data Analysis

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (1) Monday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Mark Stevens Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604.822.0657 Office: WMAX 223 Office hours: By appointment

Note: Restricted to 1st year SCARP Masters Students

Weeks 5 to 8 (Mondays, Oct 15, 22, 29 & Sat Oct 27 in lieu of Oct 8th UBC Holiday)

Course Description

PLAN 548G is part of a sequence of 1-credit courses on the application of quantitative methods to policy-oriented studies in the field of community and regional planning. PLAN 548G focuses on (1) how to describe quantitative data using standard techniques, and (2) how to assess relationships between and among variables.

Learning Objectives

Objectives and Format

This course aims to develop basic literacy in students’ use of quantitative methods and computer applications in planning analysis and research. Topics will be introduced and reinforced through multiple avenues, such as lecture, readings, discussion, team exercises, and computer-based exercises.

Course Organization

See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

SCARP Core Requirement:

For SCARP masters students, the core course requirement in quantitative methods consists of the following modular sequence of 1-credit courses: (1) PLAN 548E, (2) PLAN 548G or 548H, and (3) PLAN 548I. Students with strong/recent training in quantitative social sciences (e.g., an undergraduate degree in economics) can request an exemption from part/all of the core requirement in quantitative methods.



Basic familiarity with the use of personal computers. Registration is limited to students in either the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP) or the Resource Management and Environmental Studies (RMES) program. Students are expected to have Microsoft Excel on their personal computers (any version).

Course Assignments


The required textbook for this class is entitled “Multiple Regression: A Primer” and can be purchased through the UBC Bookstore. Other readings will be drawn from several books, journal articles, and professional reports and will be accessible through the course website.

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Assignments


Plan 548H: Intermediate Quantitative Data Analysis

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (1) Monday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Prof. Stephanie E. Chang Email: stephanie [dot] chang [at] ubc [dot] ca Telephone: Tel: 604-827-5054, Office: WMAX 241 hours: by appointment

Note: Restricted to SCARP & RMES Masters Students PLAN 548H

Weeks 5 to 8 (Mondays, Oct. 15, 22, 29 & one additional lab session (TBA) in lieu of Oct 8th UBC Holiday)

Course Description

PLAN 548H is part of the sequence of 1-credit courses on the application of quantitative methods to policy-oriented studies in the field of community and regional planning. It focuses on intermediate-level statistical analysis.

For SCARP master’s students, the core course requirement in quantitative methods consists of the following modular sequence of 1-credit courses: (1) PLAN 548E, (2) PLAN 548G or 548H, and (3) PLAN 548I. Students with strong/recent training in quantitative social sciences (e.g., an undergraduate degree in economics) can request an exemption from part/all of the core requirement in quantitative methods.

Learning Objectives

This course aims to help students develop capabilities in working with quantitative data using statistical analysis, with an emphasis on regression analysis. This includes developing core vocabulary, conceptual understandings, critical awareness, analytical capabilities, and computer skills. These capabilities are useful in all areas of planning, from environmental to transportation, housing, and social planning. Applications will also be drawn from resource management and environmental studies.

This course is designed to promote learning-by-doing. Students learn concepts through lectures and readings, and apply them in practical assignments using standard computer applications. The course will use software for statistical analysis (SPSS).


Students will also gain knowledge to help read, understand, and critically evaluating the use of statistics in reports produced by other analysts.

Course Organization

The class meets on three Mondays for 3 hours. The first half of each class will consist of lecture and discussion. Discussions will focus on examples that demonstrate how specific statistical analyses are applied in planning-related research and practice. The latter half of each class will be a lab session focusing on applying the statistical methods. This would generally take the form of a demonstration, in- class exercise, review of the weekly assignment (see below), and some time to begin work on the assignment.

In addition, students will be required to attend one lab session outside of class hours, to be arranged at the beginning of the course.

Course Schedule

(No class on Week 5; holiday)

(First class, Week 6) Descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing

(Second class, Week 7) Fundamentals of regression analysis

(Third class, Week 8) More advanced topics in regression analysis

For purposes of this course, students will have access to SPSS in the instructor’s computer lab and in the UBC library. However, students are encouraged to also purchase their own copy of the software, especially if they are considering using SPSS in their own research (see

Course Requirements and Grading


Students are expected to have completed PLAN 548E (Research Design and Quantitative Data Collection), or have been exempted from it on the basis of prior training or experience. Students are also expected to have familiarity with fundamental concepts in statistical analysis (e.g., units of analysis, variables, levels of measurement, distributions, mean and standard deviation, etc.). Students without these fundamentals should register in PLAN 548G (Introductory Quantitative Data Analysis) instead of 548H.

First-year SCARP students will be given a brief assessment at the beginning of the term to help them decide whether they should take 548G or 548H.

Priority registration will be given to SCARP students.

Computer and Software


For purposes of this course, students will have access to SPSS in the instructor’s computer lab and in the UBC library. However, students considering using SPSS in their own research are encouraged to purchase their own copy of the software.


90% Weekly short assignments (3@30% each)

10% Participation

Course Assignments

Weekly assignments

Short weekly assignments will provide an opportunity to review and apply concepts and methods discussed in class. Assignments will take the form of problem sets, structured analytical exercises, or brief professional analytical reports. Computer analysis will use SPSS. Students will be expected to hand in both the written assignments and the electronic files with their calculations.

Grading criteria

Assignments will be graded on the following criteria, as applicable: appropriate application of concepts and methods, accuracy of results, originality (where applicable), clarity and completeness of documentation, clarity of explanation, and professional writing/presentation.


In addition to general class participation, students should be prepared to introduce one application example in class. Details will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Course Policies

Because the assignments comprise weekly exercises, it is important for students to hand in the assignments on time. In the interest of fairness, marked assignments will not be returned to the class until all the students have handed in that assignment. Points will be taken off for late assignments as follows:

Days past due Points deducted (/10) 1-7 days 1 point 8-14 days 2 points >14 days assignment will not be graded

Students with extenuating circumstances should notify the instructor as soon as possible.


Course Materials

Students are highly recommended to purchase the following:

Meier, K.J., J.L. Brudney, and J. Bohte. 2011. Applied Statistics for Public & Nonprofit Administration, 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. (or earlier edition)

A number of recommended readings on basic statistical topics will be drawn from this text. This book can be purchased online and will also be on reserve in the library. Other readings will be compiled in a course reader and available electronically through WebCT.


Plan 548I: Quantitative Tools for Planners

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (1) Monday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Prof. Stephanie E. Chang Email: stephanie [dot] chang [at] ubc [dot] ca Telephone: 604-827-5054 Office: WMAX 241 Office hours: by appointment

Note: Restricted to SCARP Masters Students

Weeks 9 to 12 (Mondays, Nov. 5, 19, 26, & 2 guest lectures (TBA) in lieu of Nov. 12th UBC Holiday)

Course Description

PLAN 548I is part of the sequence of 1-credit courses on the application of quantitative methods to policy-oriented studies in the field of community and regional planning. It focuses on quantitative analytical tools and skills that are useful in planning practice.

For SCARP master’s students, the core course requirement in quantitative methods consists of the following modular sequence of 1-credit courses: (1) PLAN 548E, (2) PLAN 548G or 548H, and (3) PLAN 548I. Students with strong/recent training in quantitative social sciences (e.g., an undergraduate degree in economics) can request an exemption from part/all of the core requirement in quantitative methods

PLAN 548I is part of the sequence of 1-credit courses on the application of quantitative methods to policy-oriented studies in the field of community and regional planning. It focuses on quantitative analytical tools and skills that are useful in planning practice.

For SCARP master’s students, the core course requirement in quantitative methods consists of the following modular sequence of 1-credit courses: (1) PLAN 548E, (2) PLAN 548G or 548H, and (3) PLAN 548I. Students with strong/recent training in quantitative social sciences (e.g., an undergraduate degree in economics) can request an exemption from part/all of the core requirement in quantitative methods

Learning Objectives

This course aims to help students develop basic capabilities in working with quantitative data for planning analysis. This includes developing core vocabulary, conceptual understandings, critical awareness, analytical capabilities, and computer skills. These capabilities are useful in all areas of planning, from environmental to transportation, housing, and social planning.


This course is designed to promote learning-by-doing. Students learn concepts through lectures and readings, and apply them in practical assignments using standard computer applications. The course will use software for spreadsheet analysis (MS Excel).

Guest lectures from practicing planners will provide opportunities to learn about the use of quantitative methods and data in planning practice.

Students will also gain knowledge to help read, understand, and critically evaluating the use of quantitative data and methods in reports produced by other analysts.

Course Organization

Course Format

The class meets on three Mondays for 3 hours. The first half of each class will consist of lecture and discussion. Discussions will focus on examples that demonstrate how specific analytical methods and planning tools are applied in practice. The latter half of each class will be a lab session focusing on applying the analytical methods and planning tools. This would generally take the form of a demonstration, in-class exercise, review of the weekly assignment (see below), and some time to begin work on the assignment.

In addition, students will be required to attend two guest lectures outside of class hours. These will likely be coordinated with the SCARP Wednesday brownbag seminars.

Course Schedule

(First class, Week 9) Planning tools for socio-demographic analysis (e.g., population forecasting)

(No class on Week 10; holiday)

(Second class, Week 11) Planning tools for economic analysis (e.g., cost-benefit analysis)

(Third class, Week 12) Presenting quantitative data, analysis, and results

Course Requirements and Grading


Students are expected to have completed PLAN 548E (Research Design and Quantitative Data Collection) and either PLAN 548G (Introductory Quantitative Data Analysis) or PLAN 548H (Intermediate Quantitative Data Analysis), or have been exempted from these required courses on the basis of prior training or experience. Priority registration will be given to SCARP students.

Computer and Software

Students should bring to class a laptop computer with MS Excel (any version).



90% Weekly short assignments (3@30% each)

10% Participation

Course Assignments

Weekly assignments

Short weekly assignments will provide an opportunity to review and apply concepts and methods discussed in class. Assignments will take the form of problem sets, structured analytical exercises, or brief professional analytical reports. Computer analysis will use MS Excel. Students will be expected to hand in both the written assignments and the electronic files with their calculations.

Grading criteria

Assignments will be graded on the following criteria, as applicable: appropriate application of concepts and methods, accuracy of results, originality (where applicable), clarity and completeness of documentation, clarity of explanation, and professional writing/presentation.


In addition to general class participation, students should be prepared to introduce one application example in class. Details will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Course Policies

Because the assignments comprise weekly exercises, it is important for students to hand in the assignments on time. In the interest of fairness, marked assignments will not be returned to the class until all the students have handed in that assignment. Points will be taken off for late assignments as follows:

Days past due Points deducted (/10) 1-7 days 1 point 8-14 days 2 points >14 days assignment will not be graded

Students with extenuating circumstances should notify the instructor as soon as possible.

Course Materials

There is no required textbook for this course. Readings will be drawn from several textbooks, journal articles, and professional reports. Readings will be compiled in a course reader and made available electronically through WebCT Vista.


Plan 548J: Analysis

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Location: CEME 1202 Monday, 11:00-12:00 - CIVL - CEME- 1202 Wednesday, 11:00-13:00 - CIVL- CEME 1202

Instructor: Dr. Jinhua Zhao Email: [email protected] Office: CEME 2007 Office Hour: Friday 2-3:30pm

Teaching Assistant: David Lee [email protected] Manvir Sohi [email protected] Office: CEME 2004; Office Hour: Thu 2:30-3:30pm

Note: [Cross-listed with CIVL 583 and CIVL 441]

Course Description

This course introduces fundamentals and latest development of transportation planning analysis in nine self-contained cases. This course examines planning tools such as transportation infrastructure, transit service, pricing, land use, information provision, attitudinal influence, and economic development. The course emphasizes the application of methods and models in the analysis of transportation systems, travel behavior, and transportation plans and policies.

Case 1. Congestion Charging in London Case 2. Positive Utility of Travel Case 3. Mind the Map Case 4. Transit Reliability and ADC Case 5. UBC as a Lab Case 6. Transport 2045 Case 7. Dependence, Happiness and Social Interaction Case 8. Modeling Transport Case 9. 16Billion Pound

Technically this course will cover modeling framework, four step models and activity based models, manual data collection and survey design, automatic data collection, transportation externality, behavioral impact of information, measuring perception and attitudes, service reliability, agglomeration effect, economic impact analysis and long term strategic planning.

This course uses a team-based learning approach and to be able to work in a team is one key learning objective. Students will be randomly assigned into teams: 3~5 students per team, 6~8 teams in total, and mixing students with different background: graduates and undergraduates, engineers and planners,

71 etc. Students will work in teams on Assignment #3, term project and presentations throughout the course.

Learning Objectives See Course Description

Course Organization See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Requirements and Grading

Course Schedule

Class Date Case Topic Due Date 1 4-Jan 1. Congestion Charging Course Overview / London Case 2 9-Jan 1. Congestion Charging Economics Politics and Practice / 3 11-Jan 1. Congestion Charging Tutorial: Linear Regression 4 16-Jan 2. Positive utility Positive utility of travel HW1 5 18-Jan 2. Positive utility Data, Space and Survey Design 6 23-Jan 2. Positive utility In-Class Group Discussion Quiz 1 7 25-Jan 2. Positive utility Field Survey 8 30-Jan 3. Mind the Map How to lie with a map 9 1-Feb 3. Mind the Map Real time information HW2 Experimental economics in 10 6-Feb 3. Mind the Map transportation 11 8-Feb 4. Transit Reliability Measure, Improve and Inform 12 13-Feb 4. Transit Reliability ADC in Transit 13 15-Feb 5. UBC as a Lab Guest Lecture from UBC TREK Proposal (Feb 17) Mid-term break 14 27-Feb 6. Transport 2045 Land Use, Transport and Pricing Proposal 15 29-Feb 6. Transport 2045 Guest Lecture by Dr. Shiffer Presentation 1 16 5-Mar 6. Transport 2045 Guest Lecture by Greg Yeomans Proposal 17 7-Mar 7. Attitudes Modeling Car Dependence Presentation 2 18 12-Mar 7. Attitudes Happiness and Travel HW3 19 14-Mar 7. Attitudes Social Network Quiz 2 20 19-Mar 8. Modeling Transport Modeling Framework 21 21-Mar 8. Modeling Transport Four Step Models 22 26-Mar 8. Modeling Transport Activity Based Models 23 28-Mar 9. 16 Billion Pound Cross-Rail / Agglomeration 24 2-Apr 9. 16 Billion Pound Wealth of Cities


25 4-Apr 9. 16 Billion Pound Economic Development Quiz 3 9-Apr Draft Report 3:30pm-5:30pm Project Guest reviewers from TransLink and 17/18-Apr Presentation TREK will be invited CEME 1202 23 Apr Final Report

Assignment & Grading

Assignments % Note 3 Home-works 30% 6% + 10% + 14% 3 Quizzes 30% 10% + 10% + 10% Term Project 40% 10% (Proposal) + 10% (Draft) + 20% (Final)

 There are additional questions for grad students in each homework and quiz.  Late policy: A deduction of 5% (of the assignment in question) per day; will not accepted one week after due date.  Assignment #3 and Term Project will be evaluated as a group. Assignments 1 and 2, and all quizzes are evaluated individually.


 HW1: A Two-mode Congestion Model  HW2: Passive Observation on Bus as Data Collection  HW3: Face-to-face Interview and Questionnaire Survey


 Quiz 1: covering cases 1 and 2;  Quiz 2: covering cases 3, 4, 5 and 6;  Quiz 3: covering cases 7, 8 and 9

Closed book quizzes but one single-page aid sheet allowed.

Testable Material:

 All material presented in lecture slides  Key concepts in the required readings  Calculation based on equations discussed in class

Non-Testable Material:

 Case details from readings (exact dates, times, amounts, locations, etc.)


Course Materials in Dropbox

All class materials will be shared in Dropbox[1], including syllabus, lecture notes, assignments, readings, etc. An email list of students will be collected in the first class and an invitation to join the shared folder in Dropbox will be sent to students.

 Do not delete/changes files from the folder.  Anything you add to the folder will be accessible to all students.  All materials in the Dropbox are for educational purpose and for this course only. Please don’t share outside this class.

Prerequisite for SCARP students

1. PLAN 580: Introduction to Transportation Planning, AND 2. PLAN 514: Quantitative Methods II

If you have not taken the two courses but believe you are ready to take this course, please come to the first class and discuss with the instructor.

Reading and Discussion

It is essential that students complete the assigned readings before each class so as to participate actively in class discussions.

Discussion: Before each case, members in each group are expected to exchange their key points of the readings, integrate them (8~10 points in total) into a one-page memo and report to the class. The discussion memo may include: summary of the key insights, your thoughts inspired by the papers, connections to local or national transportation issues, and potential areas for term project. No written memo is required to be submitted but teams will be randomly selected to report their discussion to the class.

Term Project

Each team will deliver a term project on one of the following topics. If you like to propose a different topic (, which is equally encouraged), please talk to Dr. Zhao for advice. Each team will submit their top three favourite topics and Dr. Zhao will coordinate and assign the topics according to your preferences to the best extent. Informal interviews with Dr. Zhao and TAs are offered upon request near milestones to brainstorm ideas, clarify questions, gauge group progress and assess individual contributions. The deliverables include

 Project proposal (3000 words) and presentation (15 minutes including Q&A)  Project draft report (7500 words) and presentation (30 minutes including Q&A)  Project final report (7500 words)


Project Proposal Project Report (Draft and Final) Project Title Project Title

Highlights Highlights

Abstract (250 words) Abstract (250 words)

Key words Key words

1. Introduction 1. Introduction 1. Context / Significance 1. Context / Significance 2. Objectives / Research questions 2. Objectives / Research questions 2. Literature Review 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 3. Methodology 1. Data 1. Data 2. Models / theories / methods 2. Models / theories / methods 4. Expected results 4. Analysis results and interpretation 5. Expected impact and policy implications 5. Discussion 6. References 1. Summary of research findings 2. Impact and Policy Implications 3. Limitation and future research 6. References

Please use mendeley for reference formatting. Please follow the reference format of the example paper “Costa 2012 Urban public transport in Europe”.

Both draft and final reports are COMPLETE documentation of your term projects. Draft: the best you can do without my comments. Final: the best you can do with my comments.

Candidate project topics:

 Public Acceptance of Congestion Pricing in Vancouver  Positive Value of Commuting Time (at least two teams)  Real-Time Information’s Impact on Travel Behavior: Experimental Behavioral Study (at least two teams)  Quantifying Translink’s Service Reliability  Passengers’ Information Need for Transit Service  UBC as a Lab (at least two teams) o Public Bike Sharing Program Design o UBC Travel Survey 2011/2009/2006 Analysis and Enhancement o Measuring Car Dependence o Discovery with Translink Survey 2008


o Happiness and Commuting in Vancouver o Social Network and Travel Behavior of University Students

Past Examples:

 Quantifying Comfort of a Bus Seat  Cost/Benefit Analysis of Trolley Bus in Route 41 Corridor  Off Campus Parking at UBC  Weather’s Impact on Bicycle Traffic in Vancouver: A Time Series Analysis  “Over-forecasting” of Canada Line?  More at

[1] Dropbox is a file hosting service that uses cloud storage to store and share files and folders with others through the Internet. The files and folders are stored both on the user’s hard drive and online. Dropbox works with Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. All students, who do not have dropbox, will receive an email with a link to register and install Dropbox. A second email will have a link to join the shared folder. If you have any question, email [email protected].

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 548K: Planning for Disaster-resilient Communities

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Monday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 240

Instructors: Prof. Stephanie E. Chang Email: stephanie [dot] chang [at] ubc [dot] ca Telephone: 604-827-5054 Office: WMAX 241 Office hours: by appointment

Lily Yumagulova Email: lilyufa [at] yahoo [dot] com Office: WMAX 243 Office hours: by appointment

Dilnoor Panjwani Email: dilnoor [at] interchange [dot] ubc [dot] ca Office: WMAX 243 Office hours: by appointment

Note: [Cross Listed with RMES 500X]

Course Description

This course introduces students to the study of disasters and disaster management planning. It addresses such questions as: What causes catastrophes? Why are disaster losses increasing? How can communities become more disaster-resilient? The course focuses primarily on natural hazards in the U.S. and Canadian context. It will also touch on technological hazards, human-induced disasters, and disasters in the developing country context. Drawing primarily from social science and planning literatures, but also considering natural science and engineering perspectives, the course seeks to develop interdisciplinary insights into the challenge of developing disaster-resilient communities. There are no prerequisites for this course. Students from any disciplinary background are welcome.

Learning Objectives

This course aims to help students to (1) become familiar with the social science and planning literature on disasters and disaster management planning; (2) develop an understanding of how environmental risk arises from complex interactions between the physical environment, built environment, and human society; and (3) develop skills in interdisciplinary research and application.


Course Organization

This is a seminar course that meets once a week for 3 hours. Each week, class will begin with an informal lecture. This will be followed by a student-led discussion of the assigned readings and by in- class exercises that reinforce the lecture topic. Occasional guest lectures will provide perspectives from researchers and practitioners on current topics in the field.

Course Requirements and Grading: Evaluation

Grading for the course will be based on the following:

% of Grade Course Element Due Date

20% Assignment #1 - Hazards and disasters Jan. 28, 2013

40% Assignment #2 - Risk factors Mar. 4, 2013

30% Assignment #3 - Planning for resilience Mar. 29, 2013

10% Participation and discussion leadership

Assignments are designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply and assess concepts discussed in class, as well as to further explore specific case studies and examples. Through student presentations, the assignments are also designed to help students learn from one another, including appreciating perspectives from different disciplines.

Assignment #1 will take the form of a short paper. In Assignment #2, students will work in multi- disciplinary teams in which each student takes responsibility for investigating one aspect of a larger risk problem, potentially in collaboration with a municipality or an organization with Disaster/Emergency Management planning focus. (In the previous years, for example, groups investigated hazard mitigation planning practices in the District of Squamish or factors affecting wildland-urban interface fire risk for the UBC campus.) Each student will write his/her own paper and make a presentation in class. Part of the assignment will involve coordination and integration within the team. Assignment #3 will consist of a paper and in-class presentation. In addition to general class participation, each student will be expected to periodically introduce assigned readings and lead discussions in class. Additionally, there will be an optional fieldtrip outside of class time (destination TBC).

Assignments will be graded on the following criteria, as applicable: appropriate application of course concepts, identification and use of relevant sources, originality, clarity and completeness of documentation, clarity of explanation, reasoning and argument, and professional writing/presentation.

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading


Course Policies

Students should notify the instructor if they expect to hand in an assignment late. Students with extenuating circumstances should notify the instructor as soon as possible. Points will be taken off for late assignments as follows:

Days past due Points deducted (/100) 1-7 days 5 points 8-14 days 15 points 15-30 days 30 points >30 days assignment will not be graded

Course Materials Readings

There is no textbook for this course. Readings will be compiled in a course reader and will be available electronically through WebCT. For useful overviews and syntheses of the field, students are recommended to purchase the following:

Mileti, D.S. (1999) Disasters by Design. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press.

National Research Council (2006) Facing Hazards and Disasters: Understanding Human Dimensions. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Course Schedule

Disasters Week 1 Course introduction; conceptual frameworks

Week 2 Disaster impacts

Week 3 Environment and physical hazard

Week 4 Disasters and development

Vulnerability Week 5 Vulnerability of communities

& Risk Week 6 (UBC holiday)

Week 7 (midterm break)

Week 8 Vulnerability of people and businesses

Week 9 Risk factors

Planning Week 10 Risk assessment, communication, and perception


Week 11 Disaster mitigation and institutional structures

Week 12 Recovery and resilience

Week 13 (UBC holiday)


Plan 548L: Migration and Development: Planning and People Out of Place

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Monday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Michael Leaf Email: [email protected] Telephone: 822-3288 Office: 363 Choi

Course Description:

Keywords: migration, development, planning, globalization, post-, multiculturalism, transnationalism, remittances, refugees.

Description: It can be argued that the history of population movement is key to understanding the history of the human species. Yet at this point in our global societal development the vast majority of us can be said to be territorially normalized, that is, linked by virtue of our citizenship to specific nation- states and perhaps to their jurisdictional subdivisions as well. The underlying purpose of this course is to explore the tensions and problems that arise from these two human tendencies, our propensity for migration in pursuit of a better life or new opportunities and our practices of territorial organization and control – in particular those that underpin conventional notions of planning.

The primary focus of the course will be on migration and how it affects development within the “global South”, though considering the global extent of migration networks the scope will by no means be limited to the developing world. The course will provide an overview of basic theories and trends in current migration studies as well as review the historical processes of population movement that have led to where we are now. Ultimately, however, the intention is to consider the challenges to the territorial practices of planning that arise from human population movement.

Themes to be covered include:

Migration and the making of the (post)colonial world.

Movement within national territories and the rise of urbanization.

Deterritorialized nations, diaspora and essential outsiders.

The global administration of population movement.

The organization of international migration industry(ies).


The remittance economy, global and local.

Forced movement: displaced persons, refugees and climate refugees.

Cultural manifestations: multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism and transnationalism.

Learning Objectives

Students are expected to acquire facility with the basic concepts of migration studies and to understand the limits and challenges to planning practice that arise from population movement. Beyond this, they are encouraged to think creatively in seeking solutions to problems that arise from people being “out of place.” Ultimately the intention is to investigate the possibility of a network basis for planning interventions as a means for addressing the shortcomings of territorial practices of planning.

Course Organization

See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

Requirements: Students are expected to read and discuss articles relevant to the themes of the course and to undertake independent study in support of writing two term papers. The themes and scope of these papers are to be developed in consultation with the instructor, though the initial overall intent is to write one paper from a place-based perspective, such as the migration history of a particular city or locale or an evaluation of policies toward migrants in one or another city, while for the other paper the student will be challenged to write from a network perspective, such as undertaking an analysis of the movements of one or another group of people, or understanding the interactions between two or more locales due to population connectivities, or examining the network effects of remittances.

Evaluation: Grading for the course will be based upon the following:

30% Class participation

30% First paper

40% Final paper

Course Assignments: See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies: See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials: See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 548M: Strategic Planning

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Friday 09:00 - 12:00 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Ann McAfee Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604- 936-7108

Course Description

The first half of the course introduces the theory and practice of developing and implementing strategic/policy plans using examples from metropolitan, city, and neighbourhood plans. A range of topics including land use, transportation, environment, economic, social, and financial directions are combined into integrated plans for sustainable futures. The course considers the challenges and opportunities of engaging broad public participation in plan preparation and implementation. Assignment 1 provides an opportunity to compare strategic plans.

The second half of the course focuses on developing regional-metropolitan plans and integrating new issues, such as Sustainability, into established plans. Lectures will introduce example regional plans and monitoring processes developed under various governance systems. The second assignment provides an opportunity to prepare a report to a local Council advising how to update an Official Community Plan to accommodate Metro Vancouver’s new Regional Growth Strategy and Sustainability Directions.

Learning Objectives

Strategic Planning: acquaints students with methodologies for analysis and development of strategic/policy plans for communities, cities, and regions in Canadian and international contexts; assists students to select appropriate processes to involve stakeholders in plan making and implementation; offers practical experience in writing and presenting policy reports to elected officials, and provides a context for considering the roles of politicians, planners, various levels of government, private sector, NGOs, and citizens in planning sustainable futures.

Course Organization

See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading:

 40% Assignment 1 Written Report and Class Presentation  40% Assignment 2 Written Report and Group Discussion  20% Participation in class discussions on weekly readings.


For Assignments 1 and 2 you will be judged on your ability to identify, compare, and present (both written and verbal) strategic planning issues and associated policies. Assignment 1 should demonstrate your ability to compare and critique different approaches to policy planning. Assignment 2 should demonstrate the capacity to provide practical policy advice in a format which can be used by a municipal council.

Course Assignments

See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies

See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials

Course References: There is no prescribed text. Web accessible readings will be identified weekly.

Other example references:

Horovitz, Jacques. A Dream with a Deadline: Turning Strategy into Action. Prentice Hall 2007

Plant, Thomas E. Strategic Planning for Municipalities, Municipal World, July 2008, Canada

McAfee, Ann. When Theory Meets Practice. Grant, Jill, A Reader in Canadian Planning, 2008.

American Planning Association: Sustaining Places: The Role of the Comprehensive Plan, 2011

Computer/USB Flash:

All Class presentations will be available. Bring your computer or a USB to download materials.

Classes 2013

1. Introduction to Strategic Planning: Friday January 4

What is "Strategic Planning?" The challenge of combining land use, transportation, social, environmental, and economic directions into a Sustainable Strategic Plan. Example Official Community Plans and Municipal Business Plans. Course overview and assignments.

2. Approaches to Strategic Planning: Friday January 11

Discussion of sustainability as an organizing framework. Comparison of Traditional Strategic Planning Methodologies (SWOT) and Choicing Methodologies. Examples from Canadian and International experience. Discussion of strengths and challenges of approaches.

3. Case Study: CityPlan Engaging People in Policy Planning: Friday January 18


Planning to plan--agreeing roles and responsibilities, public engagement techniques, maintaining momentum.

4. Moving From Plans to Action: Friday January 25

Developing detailed policy plans from “Visions” and Broad Strategic Directions. Example case studies: Vancouver -- Economic, Housing, and Financing Growth Plans; Auckland Unitary Plan.

5&6 Assignment 1 Workshop on Comparative Strategic Planning Directions: Friday February 1

Class times 9-12 am and 1-3 pm. Students lead discussions sharing information from Plan reviews.

February 8: SCARP Student Symposium: No Class DATE TO BE CONFIRMED

7. Writing Strategic/Policy Planning Reports: Friday February 15

The challenges of assembling strategic directions, conveying options, and framing recommendations for a Council or Board. Presenting and responding to decision makers and the press. Example reports illustrate how to present complex policy issues, reframe existing policies, deal with legal challenges, anticipate new directions, and handle "unpleasant realities".

February 22: Mid-Term Break

8. Developing Regional-Metropolitan Plans: Friday March 1

Overview of challenges coordinating "multi-jurisdiction" plans and updating plans to include Sustainability. Field Trip to Metro Vancouver date to be confirmed.

9. Managing and Monitoring Plans: Friday March 8

Managing multi-department/agency plans is a complex task. This session discusses management structures, techniques for work programming, budgeting, phasing, and funding plans. Most Strategic Plans include a process to monitor Plan implementation. This session considers options for Plan and Program evaluation.

10. Applying Canadian Processes to International Applications: Friday March 15

Session on International Strategic Planning with examples from China, Ukraine, Philippines, Ethiopia, Sweden, Australia, .

11. Assignment 2 Writing & Presenting a Policy Report: Friday March 22

Workshop on Incorporating Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy and Sustainability into Municipal OCPs: Round table discussion of Second Assignment.


March 29: Easter Holiday

12. April 5: Make up class if necessary



Presentations: February 1 Note Class Sessions 9-12 am and 1-3 pm

Assignment due by: February 8


1. Select an issue/topic typically covered in a city or regional strategic plan, for example: Land Use/Growth Management, Transportation, Environment, Parks & Recreation, Infrastructure, Waste & Water Management, Economy, Housing, Culture, Social Equity, Community Character, Community Services, Community Health, Finances.

If you are interested in researching a topic which is not typically covered in city-regional plans speak to Ann about your idea. There are emerging issues which need to be included in strategic plans. It would be great to consider new topics -- however it will take more thinking on your part with less opportunity to review existing plans.

2. Research two Strategic Plans/Official Community Plans (from locations outside the Lower Mainland) to compare similar/different approaches to addressing your issue/topic.

 Identify good (and if it illustrates your points -- poor) examples of strategic directions, implementation actions, and monitoring.  How do plans handle the interrelationships between your topic and other Plan Directions?  What research/analysis underlies the policy direction?  What follow-up work has been done to further clarify or implement the policies?  Are evaluation criteria included? If not what would you suggest?  Include web addresses for Plans.

Likely your research will use the internet to access plans. If you have questions try contacting staff at the cities to clarify how the directions were established and are being implemented.

3. Prepare a brief report (5 pages) and presentation illustrating what you think are good (or poor) examples of how to address your topic.

 Be prepared to give a ten minute presentation on your findings; and  Provide a paper or electronic copy of your report to Ann. Copies of your presentation will be shared electronically with other students for future reference




Roundtable Discussion & Report Due: March 22, 2013


Planners seldom have the opportunity to “wipe the slate clean” and develop an entirely new Plan. Usually the task is to update an existing Comprehensive Plan/ Official Community Plan. This is the task facing Vancouver municipalities.

On July 29 2011 Metro Vancouver adopted a new Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Metro Vancouver 2040 Shaping Our Future. The RGS identifies 5 goals for the region: 1. Create a Compact Urban Area; 2. Support a Sustainable Economy; 3. Protect the Environment and Respond to Climate Change Impacts; 4. Develop ; and 5. Support Sustainable Transportation Choices. RDBoardJuly292011.pdf

Following adoption of the new RGS, each Metro Vancouver municipality is required to update their Official Community Plan (OCP) "Regional Context Statement" (RCS) describing how the municipality will implement the Regional Plan. Copies of existing Context Statements are available on the Metro Regional Growth Strategy Web site and on Municipal Web Sites. ents.aspx

Since there are 2 new sections in the Regional Growth Strategy (Goal 2 "Support a Sustainable Economy” and Goal 3 “Protect the Environment and Respond to Climate Change Impacts”) all Municipalities will have to amend their RGS to reflect these goals and other new directions. In addition Municipalities may take this opportunity to update their OCP to include a broad range of sustainability directions.


Your Task is to Select a Regional Goal and Municipality and Prepare a Report to your Municipal Council which identifies:

1. Where changes will be required to your Municipality’s Official Community Plan and Regional Context Statement to incorporate the new Regional Growth Strategy.

2. A brief assessment of other OCP sections which might benefit from updating to better address Sustainability issues; and

3. Recommend a process to review and revise the OCP RCS and, for consideration, propose a process to update the OCP to include broader sustainability policies.

The Report should be:


 Written for a Metro Vancouver Council (other than Vancouver) located in the "Growth Concentration" area (e.g. Burnaby, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey, or Richmond).  Written in a “Council Report Format” providing: o Recommendations o Brief summary of the new Regional Growth Strategy Goal you are focusing on and related policies in your Municipality's Regional Context Statement/ Official Community Plan. o Executive Summary/ Purpose o Background o Summary of relevant sections of the Regional Growth Strategy Goal and sections of your OCP and RCS which will require amendment.

§ Discussion of option(s) for the process your municipality could use to update the RCS to incorporate changes to the Regional Growth Strategy.

§ Your Recommendation to Council and justification/rationale. o Sustainability and other updates:

§ Discussion of option(s) for broadening the review to incorporate more sustainability or other updated directions throughout your OCP.

§ Identify your recommended process for broader updates and justify your recommendation. o Conclusion

Report Discussion and Due Date: March 22, 2013

 Be prepared to discuss your recommendations. Format will be a round table discussion of key points (not an individual power point presentation).  1 paper copy of report for Instructor or send report electronically to Ann.  Report should be brief (maximum of 10 pages)


Metro Vancouver: uly292011.pdf


The Regional Growth Strategy page on the Metro Vancouver web site provides early drafts of the Plan. It is not necessary to read past drafts. However there is some useful background information: Sustainable Future Slide Presentations; "Feedback" from Groups and Agencies, Public, and Municipal Responses; Staff reports; RGS Backgrounder Documents; and Transport 2040 the Region's Transportation Strategy. You may want to skim for submissions from your chosen municipality.

Check out Page 4 Framework, Page 7, Mission, and pages 9 &10 Sustainability Principles

For Transportation Goal: TransLink Sources:

BC Local Government Act Part 26 Division 2 Official Community Plans /Local%20Government%20Act%20RSBC%201996%20c.%20323/00_Act/96323_30.xml#section873


Plan 548O: Mobility Management in a Rapidly Urbanizing world: Focusing on China

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 140

Instructor: Jinhua Zhao Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-822-2196

Note: [Cross-listed with CIVL 598A]

Course Description

The economic growth and rapid urbanization in the developing world uniquely characterize its urban transportation problems and corresponding solutions. This course takes China as the main example and provides an overview of the developing world’s transportation in the context of its socioeconomic development, urbanization and land use change, exploding motorization, and energy and environmental constraints. Topics also include urban infrastructure financing, new technologies (high speed rail and electrical vehicles), traditional non-motorized travel (biking and walking), transportation equity, and institution building. The course concludes with a comparison of two major Chinese cities: Beijing and Shanghai. A guest lecture by Prof. Pendakur will discuss China’s latest five-year plan and its implication on transportation.

The course will combine lectures and seminars. Students are expected to provide critical inputs through literature synthesis.


Date # Topic Student presentation 01/05 1 (Im)possibilities of sustainable transportation 01/12 2 Urbanization, suburbanization and TOD 01/19 3 Rapid motorization and car ownership management 01/26 No class LS: Tamara/ 02/02 4 Energy demand and emissions from transportation sector Rupert 02/09 5 China’s 12th five-year plan: transport policy LS:Askarian; 02/16 6 Financing urban infrastructure PPL: Tamara/ Rupert 02/23 No class (spring break)


LS: Zhan/Simon; PPL: 03/01 7 A target too far: China’s ambition for electric vehicles Tracy LS: Timothy/Biying; PPL: 03/08 8 A 1.8 trillion yuan bet: China’s high speed rail system Askarian/ Simon/Biying PPL: Zhan/ 03/15 9 Reviving biking in the kingdom of bicycles Maria 03/22 10 Transportation equity and mobility of the urban poor LS+PPL: Manvir 03/29 11 Building institutions for sustainable urban transport PRJ: Tamara/ Rupert 04/05 12 A tale of two cities: Beijing and Shanghai LS: Tracy/Yueying 04/12 13 Project presentations All

Learning Objectives See Course Description

Course Organization See Course Description

Course Requirements and Grading

Assignment and Grading

1. 10% class participation 2. 20% literature synthesis (L) 3. 70% project (P): proposal 20%, draft report 20%, final report 30%

Both 2 and 3 require written report and formal presentation in class.

Due dates:

Proposal: Feb 16 Literature synthesis: Mar 1 Draft report: Apr 9 Final report: Apr 16

Term Project

Each student will choose one of the ca ndidate topics and deliver a term project. If you like to propose a different topic (which is equally encouraged), please talk to Dr. Zhao for advice. The deliverables include

 Project proposal (3000 words) and presentation (15 minutes including Q&A)  Project draft report (7500 words)  Project final report (7500 words) and presentation (30 minutes including Q&A)


Project Proposal Project Report (Draft and Final) Project Title Project Title

Highlights Highlights

Abstract (250 words) Abstract (250 words)

Key words Key words

1. Introduction 1. Introduction 1. Context / Significance 1. Context / Significance 2. Objectives / Research questions 2. Objectives / Research questions 2. Literature Review 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 3. Methodology 1. Data 1. Data 2. Models / theories / methods 2. Models / theories / methods 4. Expected results 4. Analysis results and interpretation 5. Expected impact and policy implications 5. Discussion 6. References 1. Summary of research findings 2. Impact and Policy Implications 3. Limitation and future research 6. References

Please use mendeley for reference formatting. Please follow the reference format of the example paper “Costa 2012 Urban public transport in Europe”.

Both draft and final reports are COMPLETE documentation of your term projects.

Draft: the best you can do without my comments

Final: the best you can do with my comments

Candidate project topics

 Car Ownership, Motorization and Urban Policy Responses o Regional Similarities and Differences in Chinese Provinces and Cities o Car License Lottery Policy in Beijing o Non-Local License in Shanghai o Car Dependence of Chinese Cities  Sustainable Travel Behavior in China: History, Evolution and Prospects  Life Aspirations and Urban Mobility Transformation In China  China’s 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Five-Year Plans: Impacts on Urban Transportation  Promoting of Electric Vehicles: Consistency between National and Municipal Policies  High Speed Rail:


o Integration of High Speed Rail and Urban Subway Systems o High Speed Rail and Agglomeration Effects o Real Estate Development around High Speed Rail Stations  Measuring Transportation Equity: Mobility Needs of the Urban Poor & Migrant Workers  Public Transit Organizational Reform  Interface of Administrative Boundaries: Who manage urban transportation? Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Railway, Ministry of Housing and Urban/Rural Development  Modeling Customer Loyalty in China’s Public Transit  Update Gakenheimer’s 1999 paper: Urban mobility in the developing world  Update Qing Shen’s 1997 paper: Shanghai Transportation Planning

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 548P: Indigenous Planning: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) 09:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 150

Instructors: Leonie Sandercock and Gerry Oleman (Elder in Residence) TA: Lyana Patrick

Tuesday: Jan 15th: 12-2pm WMA 140 Jan 26 and 27: 10am -5pm (UBC and Musqueam Reserve) Feb 23 and 24: 10am – 5pm (UBC and Musqueam) Mar 23 and 24: 10am – 5pm (UBC and Musqueam)

This course is a requirement for the Indigenous Community Planning program, and is limited to 15 students. It is open to First Nations Studies students (300 and 400 level) who meet the following requirements as well as SCARP students.

To be eligible to take a graduate course, undergraduates must meet the following requirements:

1. Must have completed at least 75% (normally equivalent to 36 credits) of the 300 and 400 level courses required for their bachelor degree, and must have a minimum overall average of 76% (B+) in their completed 300 and 400 level courses.

2. Must have completed all pre-requisite courses.

Registration form:

Course Description

Key words

Indigenous world view; indigenous planning; community planning; ; ecological imperialism; contact zone; settler societies; respect, recognition, rights; traditional ecological knowledge; co- existence; partnership.

Course Outline

This course starts from an acknowledgement of Canada’s history of colonization of Indigenous peoples, recognition that planning has been a part of that process, and also that Indigenous planning practices existed long before colonization.

This leads to a series of questions that the course will explore.


What is the meaning and significance of Indigenous Planning as a re-emerging theory of action among Indigenous community planners, civic leaders, and professionals?

What values underpin Indigenous approaches to community development?

What has been lost in the western planning perspective? What can be gained through understanding an Indigenous ?

How does an Indigenous planning paradigm challenge existing planning practice in Canada?

How does mainstream planning need to adapt and change to achieve recognition of and justice for Indigenous peoples?

What are the implications for a more culturally relevant planning profession and practice?

Is it possible to ‘decolonize’ planning? How? What would that look like?

What is the role of a non-Indigenous planner in Indigenous community development?

What do you need to know and what skill sets do you need if you are working with/in an Indigenous community?

What challenges do First Nations in BC face in implementing projects in their on-Reserve and off- Reserve communities?

How does First Nations community development (social and economic) affect surrounding jurisdictions?

The course is based around three sets of readings:

 Indigenous worldview (epistemology, ontology, and research methodologies)  History of colonization  Case studies in Indigenous planning


As much as possible, this course works from experiential, land-based and community-based learning. We start with a sweat lodge ceremony led by Elder, Gerry Oleman. The course is then organized around three weekends during which we will combine visits to the Musqueam Reserve, where Elders will introduce us to traditional teachings; with outdoor activities (such as a guided ethno-botanical tour); along with classroom discussion of readings and films. Musqueam community planners will introduce us to their planning process and award-winning Comprehensive Community Plan. Non-indigenous practitioners will be invited to discuss how they work with/in Indigenous communities in BC.

The course aims to integrate mind, body, emotions and spirit in its approach to learning.

Learning Objectives:


Learning objectives

1. Understanding of and respect for Indigenous world view 2. Understanding of ongoing impacts of history of colonization on Indigenous communities 3. Understanding of and respect for traditions of Indigenous planning 4. Unsettling of assumptions of western planning 5. Learning firsthand from Musqueam colleagues about their approach to Comprehensive Community planning in BC

Course Organization:

See Course Description

Course Requirements and Grading:

Assignments and Grading

1.Reflective journal entries: students will keep a journal in which they will reflect on readings as well as on class sessions and experiences. The journal should be focused on a personal narrative on the theme of ‘unsettling’. [25%]

2. Individual paper based on readings: students will focus on one of the three sets of readings to explore in depth and discuss at length during the weekend sessions. Your paper will review these readings, drawing out teachings for yourself, your life and practice. [25%]

3. Class project: as a group, or perhaps in several groups, you will explore how to make SCARP a welcoming space for Indigenous planning and for ICP students. This means designing and setting up a process, and making recommendations to the Director of SCARP. [25%]

Each student will also agree to attend and do the prescribed readings for all sessions. [25%]

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 548Q: Indigenous Law and Governance

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Monday 18:30 - 21:30 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Crystal Reeves, LLB, LLM Email: [email protected] Office hours: Appointments can be arranged by email

This course is required for Indigenous Planning Students at SCARP. It is also open to fourth year students in First Nations Studies.

Course Description

Key Words

Indigenous Laws, Aboriginal Rights and Title, Constitution, Indian Act, Historic and Modern Treaties, The Common Law, Self Government, Legislation, Indigenous Governance, Law and Planning, Consultation, Oral History, Law and Indigenous Economic Development, Law and Indigenous Community Development, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Course Outline

The purpose of this class is to introduce you to the laws within which Indigenous Peoples in Canada, and particularly in British Columbia, live within and which impact their communities and Nations. This course will give you an awareness of Indigenous laws as existing in different First Nation communities in British Columbia and their importance in governance. The course will provide you with an understanding of Aboriginal Rights and Title, as provided for in Canada’s Constitution and through important legal cases in Canada, as well as the necessity for consultation and accommodation with First Nations when projects impact their title and rights. You will also learn about how state laws impact upon Indigenous communities in Canada, with a particular focus on the Indian Act. You will also be provided an overview of historic treaties made with First Nation’s in Canada, as well as learn about the modern day treaty making process in British Columbia. You will also learn about specific laws impacting economic and social development in Indigenous communities in Canada, and the response of Indigenous communities to the application of state laws. Finally, you will learn about self government and land claims agreements in Canada.

Throughout the course, the following issues will guide our review and discussion of Indigenous law and governance:

 Law as a tool of colonialism and Indigenous peoples resistance  Reconciling notions of collective rights and individual rights  Law as power  Issues or recognition and identity


 Essentialism  Law and gender  Tensions between different legalities and processes of negotiation

Course Format

The class meets once each week for a three-hour session, with a 30 minute break. The format varies. The first part of the session may be lecture and discussion, a film, or a guest presentation. The second part of the class will be student group presentations of specific materials and student led discussion or small group learning.

All students must come to class prepared to discuss the readings, to offer insights, to ask questions and to participate in all class activities.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course:

1. You will have an understanding of the multiple legal contexts that give shape to Indigenous communities in Canada and impact upon Indigenous peoples lives and Indigenous governance

2. You will have an understanding of specific laws relating to lands, resources, social and economic development, and governance in Indigenous communities in Canada which may inform Indigenous planning practices.

3. You will be equipped with critical perspectives on the relationship between law and colonialism, law and power and Indigenous resistance to, as well as use of law to strengthen Indigenous governance.

4. You will be introduced to practical and theoretical tools to lead critical discussions about the role of law in Indigenous communities and governance, the how law informs planning with Indigenous communities and how it may inform your own thesis or planning interests.

Course Assignments and Grading

Assignment Grade (%) Due Date Exam #1 on Legal Terms and 10 % January 30, 2013 Concepts Article Précis, Class Presentation 40% (Précis (20%) and Class Starting first week of February and Facilitated Discussion Presentation and Facilitation and ending last week of March. (20%) ) Presentation schedule to be set in first week of class. Exam #2 on Legal Terms and 15% Last Day of Class Concepts Major Research Paper 35% Date during exam period


Exams (#1 & #2) on Legal Terms and Concepts

These will be short exams on key legal terms and concepts that will be introduced to students during the lectures. The first exam will focus on introductory legal concepts that will be discussed in the first month of classes. The last exam will focus on legal terms and concepts discussed during classes after the first exam until the end of the course.

Article Précis, Class Presentation and Facilitated Discussion

Two students will choose one class theme. Each student in the team will be responsible for preparing their own 5 page précis of 2 different articles for the class theme. The articles are listed in the course syllabus below and each student will be required to review different articles. The précis will include a brief synopsis of each article (no more than 2 pages), with the rest of the précis being the student’s analysis, critique and engagement with the article. The students will then work together to prepare a class presentation that relates to their précis and lead a class discussion about the themes, issues or questions that arise from their articles and précis. The students’ presentation and class discussion will be 60 minutes, to start at the beginning of their chosen class. The team presentation and discussion can be an opportunity for creativity and can involve a variety of facilitation and discussion techniques.

Major Research Paper

3000-3500 words (1.5 spacing; 12 point Times New Roman font; 1” margins)

The student will choose a topic area pertaining to law and Indigenous peoples in Canada. The student will be expected to research the topic using library and online resources. The paper will include a description of the issue or topic, will provide an overview of the legal issue(s) involved, will examine particular Indigenous peoples’ engagement with, and response to, the legal issues in question. The final part of the paper will involve a reflective discussion about how foregoing analysis can inform the student’s theory and practice of planning with Indigenous communities.

There will be further discussion of how to approach this assignment in the first few weeks of the course.

Course Readings

Required Texts (all available at the UBC Bookstore, and on Reserve):

1. Course Reader.

2. Burrows, John, Canada’s Indigenous Constitution (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010).

3. Olthuis, Kleer, Townshend, Imai, Aboriginal Law Handbook (Carswell Publishing, July 2012).

4. Miller, J.R., Compact, Contract, Covenant: Aboriginal Treaty-Making in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009).


5. Harris, R. Cole, Making Native Space: Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves in British Columbia (UBC Press, 2002).

6. Simpson, Leanne, Dancing On Our Turtle's Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence, and a New Emergence (Arbeiter Ring, 2011).


Plan 548S: Introduction to Non-Western Cities

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 140

Instructor: John Friedmann Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-874-1817

Course Description

The objective of this seminar is to introduce students to the extensive literature on the dynamics of urbanization in non-Western cities. We will be covering five dimensions of urbanization: history and theory; the rise of informal cities; periurban dynamics; China's urban transition; and problems of governance and planning. There will be few lectures but a great deal of discussion based on the readings.

Your grade will be determined partly on your active participation in the discussions and partly on a short research paper (15-20 pages at 1.5 spaces) that touches on one of the questions discussed in the course of the seminar. Please discuss the selection of your research topic with me early on in the term.

The seminar is limited to 20 participants. Seminar will be cancelled if less than 10 students register.

Part I Overview: Session I

Required reading for the course: Jo Ball and Sean Fox, (2009) Cities and development. Routledge. Copies will be ordered through the bookstore.

Friedmann, John (2003) The prospect of cities. University of Minnesota Press, "Introduction: urban future as ideology" and chapter 1 "The prospect of cities."

Part II History and Theory

Methodologically, a major change has been the realization that urbanization as well as cities and their respective regions can be properly understood only in historical perspective. We illustrate this approach with four contributions by leading scholars in the field, beginning with ’s magisterial survey on the “natural history of urbanization” through the millennia. This is followed by selected essays on Mexico City, Japan since the Meiji restoration, and urbanization in the Arab world since the 1950s.

As concerns relevant theory, very little has been done in regard to theorizing non-Western cities. As Janet Abu-Lughod writes "theories are analytical tools for dissecting events. Thus, they cannot be judged as either correct or incorrect; a hammer or screwdriver is not 'true' or 'false'. The value of any theoretical abstraction about process is determined more by its appropriateness to the case at hand than by its


'empirical truth'. And in any case, the tool is not the product. It is merely one of the ways to make a product."

One of these tools is the notion of world or global cities. Since the mid-80s, there has been much research driven by these concepts. They were proposed in the 1980s to reflect the new globalism that had started a decade earlier in the economy but would soon accelerate to include all aspects of life, in part as a result of instantaneous and very low-cost communication enabled by IT as well as lower transport costs. During the 80s and 90s, many manufacturing industries that once provided jobs in the global North migrated to so-called newly industrializing countries, especially East and Southeast Asia. Eventually, a major critique of this research was published with Jennifer Robinson's work on what she calls "ordinary cities". A number of other concepts have been used in the urban analysis of non- Western cities, of course. Here we have time only for two of them: “slum” and "marginality."

Session 2: The perspective of history

Mumford, Lewis (1956) “The natural history of urbanization.” In W. T. Thompson, ed., Man’s role in changing the face of the earth, vol. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 382-98.

Abu-Lughod, Janet (1996) "Urbanization in the Arab world and the international system." In Josef Gugler, editor, The urban transformation of the developing world. Oxford, chapter 6, 184-208.

Sorensen, Andre (2005) "The developmental state and the extreme narrowness of the public realm: the 20th century evolution of Japanese planning culture." In Bish Sanyal, editor, Comparative . Routledge, chapter 10.

Davis, Diane E. (2009) "From Avenida Reforma to the Torre Bicentario: the clash of history and progress in the making of modern Mexico City.” In Linda Newson and John P. King, editors, Mexico City through history and culture. Oxford, 143-78.

Session 3: The language of theory I

Gilbert, Alan (2007) "The return of the slum: does language matter?" International Journal for Urban and Regional Research, 31:4, 697-713.

Rao, V. (2006) "Slums as theory: the South Asian city and globalization," International journal for urban and regional research, 30:1, 225-32.

Roy, Ananya (2011) "Slumdog cities: rethinking subaltern ," International Journal for Urban and Regional Research, 35:2, 223-38.

Session 4: The language of theory II

Friedmann, John (1986, 2006) "The world city hypothesis," Development and Change, 17:1, 69-84.

Sassen, Saskia (1996) "Cities and communities in the global economy," American Behavioral Scientist, 39:5, 629-39.


Robinson, Jennifer (2006) Ordinary cities: between modernity and development. Routledge, chapter 4 "World cities, or a world of ordinary cities?"

Wu, Fulong (2009) "The state and marginality: reflection on Urban Outcasts from China's urban transition," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33:3, 841-7.

Caldeira, Teresa P.R. (2009) "Marginality, again?!" International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33:3, 848-53.

Part III The rise of "informal" cities

With half the world's urban population living in irregular settlements and engaging in a myriad activities that are not officially accounted for in official records and/or statistics, the term "informal cities" is not too far-fetched. In one form or another, it is also linked to the many dysfunctional aspects of global urbanism: poverty, corruption, crime, violence. The literature on informal cities is vast. What we call informality is not a single phenomenon but a broad range of activities and forms of settlement that challenge not only policy makers and planners but, as Ananya Roy would say, also demand a new kind of politics. Nor is it confined to the subaltern sectors of the population: it cuts across all sectors, including the government. The informal city exists everywhere, North and South of the equator. The selections below include examples from Lagos,Bangalore, Mexico City, Dar-es-Salaam, Hanoi, Istanbul, and Rio de Janeiro.

Session 5

Roy, Ananya (2010) "Informality and the politics of planning." In Jean Hillier and Patsy Healey, editors, The Ashgate research companion to planning theory. Ashgate, 87-105.

Gandy, Matthew (2006) "Planning, anti-planning, and the infrastructure crisis in metropolitan Lagos," Urban Studies, 43:2, 371-96.

Benjamin, Solomon (2007) “Occupancy urbanism: ten theses,” Sarai Readers: Frontiers, 538-563. (This article is in the public domain).

Turner, Sarah (2009) "Hanoi's ancient quarter traders: resilient livelihoods in a rapidly transforming city," Urban studies, 46:5 & 6, 1203-1221.

Session 6

Perlman, Janice (2010) "The mystery of mobility." In Favela: four decades of living on the edge in Rio de Janeiro. Oxford UP, Chapter 9, 220-249.

Robins, Kevin and Asu Aksoy (2000) "Worlds apart and together: trial by space in Istanbul." In G. Bridge and S. Watkins, editors, A companion to the city. Blackwell, chapter 29.

Ingin, A. K. and Tolga Islam (2011) "The reordering of a Romany neighbourhood," Planning Theory and Practice, 12:1, 125-31.


Briggs, John (2011 "The land formalisation process and the periurban zone of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania," Planning Theory and Practice, 12:1, 131-37.

Part IV Periurban dynamics

The term periurban refers to the lands surrounding the built-up area of the city. It is the area into which growing cities typically expand. It is also the area that is functionally related to the central city which depends on periurban lands for fresh food, water, outdoor recreation, waste disposal, industrial spaces, and many more services. But in densely populated regions, the periurban is typically a rural area already dotted with villages, small towns, and satellite cities subsidiary to the central city. The city's penetration of the periurban is therefore typically marked by conflict as local interests intersect with the interests of central authorities. Many of the most intractable problems encountered by planners are thus situated in the various zones of encounter on the city's edge and beyond.

Session 7

Friedmann, John, editor (Fall 2011) Special issue Pacific Affairs on periurban Vietnam and China. A copy of this issue will be placed on reserve.

McGee, Terry G. (1991) "The emergence of desakota regions in Asia: settlement transition in Asia: expanding a hypothesis." In Norton Ginsburg et al., editors, The extended metropolis: settlement transition in Asia. University of Hawaii Press.

Leaf, Michael (2008) "New urban frontiers: peri-urbanization and (re)territorialization in Southeast Asia." Unpublished paper.

Harms, Erik (2011) Saigon’s edge: on the margins of Ho Chi Minh City. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, ch. 4, “Negotiating time and space: household, labor, time and movement.”

Session 8

Hsing, You-tien (2010) The great urban transformation: politics of land and property China. Oxford University Press, Chapter 1: “Land and Urban Politics” and Chapter 8: “A New Territorial Order.”

Chou,Tsu-Lung and Jung-Ying Chang (2008) " and the politics of land-use planning in urban Taiwan," International development planning review, 30:1, 67-92.

DiGregorio, Michael (2011) “Into the land rush: facing the urban transition in Hanoi’s western suburbs,” International Development Planning Review, 33:3, 293-319.

Part V China's urban transition

To talk about China as though it were just another nation state of average size and recent origin would be misleading. China’s sheer size, regional diversity, and hisgtory should warn us away from such foolishness. 5000 years of continuous history in the territory now occupied by the PRC have also produced one of the oldest urban (and bureaucratic) cultures in the world. Whereas in many parts of Hispanic Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia urbanization is often

104 concentrated on only one city, usually the nation's capital, the story is a very different one for China and India, both of which have a dense urban pattern across all city sizes. Both countries are now undergoing a phase of hyper-rapid urbanization. In this introductory course on the non-Western city, we can therefore touch only lightly on some aspects of urbanization and that only with respect to China, the country I've studied intensively over the past decade. Luckily, there are some very readable books on contemporary urban China, and Tom Campanella's book along with my own short and now somewhat dated China's Urban Transition will be available on reserve.

Session 9

Friedmann, John (2004) China's urban transition. University of Minnesota Press. This book will be placed on reserve.

Campanella, Thomas J. (2008) The concrete dragon: China's urban revolution and what it means for the world. Princeton Architectural Press Note: this is the most accessible text on the built environment of China's cities. The book will be placed on reserve.

Campanellla, Thomas J. (2008) The concrete dragon: China's urban revolution and what it means for the world. Princeton Architectural Press, "Epilogue: China reinvents the city," 280-302.

Friedmann, John and Chen Fang (2011) "Towards sustainable neighborhoods: the role of social planning in China – a case study of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province," China City Planning Review, 20:1, 30-40.

Zhang, Li (2010) In search of paradise: middle-class living in a Chinese metropolis. (Cornell UP), chapter 5 “Accumulation by displacement.”

Daniel B. Abramson (2007) “The Dialectics of Urban Planning in China,” in Fulong Wu, ed., China’s Emerging Cities. (Routledge), ch. 4.

Session 10

Leaf, Michael (2007) "Chengzhongcun: China's urbanizing villages from multiple perspectives." In Chengri Ding and Yan Song, editors, Urbanization in China: issues in an era of rapid growth. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 169-89.

Chan, Kam Wing (2010) "The global financial crisis and migrant workers in China: 'There is no future as a labourer; returning to the village has no meaning’," International journal for urban and regional research, 34:3, 659-77.

Wu, Fulong et al. (2007) Urban development in post-reform China: state, market, and space. (Routledge), Ch. 3 “Establishing the housing market.”

Friedmann, John (2007) “Reflections on Place and Place-Making in the Cities of China,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 31:2 357-379.


Part VI Governance, policy, planning

For rapidly urbanizing non-Western cities there is no simple recipe for planning. Although most cities have master or comprehensive development plans of one sort or another, which serve primarily a symbolic function, there are no easy solutions for the multiple planning problems they confront. Moreover, how planning is actually done from city to city varies a good deal, a phenomenon that has been discussed in the literature under the general heading of planning cultures. Also to be considered is the fact that the city takes its form largely as a result of its history (i.e., it is a path- dependent evolution) and the multiple influences that converge upon and intersect on the urban such as: global economic conditions and world events, the policies of global institutions such as the IMF, corporate interests, national politics, local governance arrangements, the character of its leaders, and mobilized civil society, among others. The readings for Part VI touch on some though not all of these forces. Alas,, there is no golden key to the "good city." And everything is in the process of becoming.

Session 11

Shatkin, G. (2008) "The city at the bottom line: urban megaprojects and the privatization of planning in Southeast Asia," Environment and planning A, 40:2, 383-401.

Wong, Cecilia et al. (2008) “In search of regional planning in China: the case of Jiangsu and the Yangtze delta,” Town planning review, 79:2, 295-330.

Friedmann, John (2007) "The wealth of cities: towards an assets-based development of newly urbanizing regions," Development and Change, 38:6, 987-998.

Parnell, Susan and Edgar Pieterse (2010) "The 'right to the city': institutional imperatives of a developmental state," International journal of urban and regional research 34:1, 146-62. (A study of Cape Town)

Session 12

Avritzer, Leonardo (2009) Participatory institutions in Brazil. Johns Hopkins Press, chapter 2 “Changes in civil society” and chapter 7, "City master plans."

Blundo, Giorgio (2006) “Dealing with the local state: the informal privatization of street-level bureaucracies,” Development and change, 37:4, 799-820.

Kamete, Amin Y. (2010) "Defending illicit livelihoods: youth resistance in Harare's contested spaces," International journal of urban and regional research, 34:1, 55-75.

Session 13: Unresolved Questions/Review no readings

Learning Objectives See Course Description


Course Organization See Course Description

Course Requirements and Grading See Course Description

Course Assignments See Course Description

Course Policies See Course Description

Course Materials See Course Description


Plan 548T: Indigenous Community Planning Field Studio

2012W Term 1 & 2 Credit Hours: (6) Thursday 13:00 - 16:00 Location: WMAX 240

Instructors: Jeff Cook Email: [email protected] Office: WMAX 229 Office Hours: Thursdays – 10:00-12:00pm

Note: 2nd Year SCARP ICP Students

Indigenous Community Planning Program: Indigenous Planning Practicum Courses: 548T (Field Studio- 6 Credits), 547C (Masters Project - 6 Credits) 2012/2013 Winter Session, Term 1 & 2

This course is a requirement for the Indigenous Community Planning program. The course is limited to 6 students and is open only to second year SCARP students enrolled in the ICP program.

Course Description

Key Words

Indigenous planning practice, applied indigenous planning practice; comprehensive community planning; indigenous community development; indigenous knowledge systems; indigenous planner, planning practitioner; community-planner relationships; of planning.

This course is intended to provide students with a direct, hands-on planning experience with a First Nation engaged in a planning process. As emerging planners interested in the field of indigenous planning, having an opportunity to experience and support an active indigenous planning process is foundational to students’ learning and career development . It is expected that students will develop an 8-10 month planning relationship with a First Nation, and be periodically placed in the community to gain direct experience. A mutual learning agreement will be developed between the student and First Nation. The nature and extent of planning activities are to be determined but ideally students will respond to the planning needs of the First Nation(s) while satisfying mutual learning objectives and outcomes

Approach to Practicum

The approach to the student practicum will be participatory, collaborative and practical in nature, as well as culturally respectful and responsive. The practicum is based on three pillars:

 Building relationships and relations  Applied theory, learning and practice


 Communicating experience

Learning Objectives

Students are expected to define specific learning objectives in collaboration with the host First Nation. General objectives of the practicum are for students to:

 Gain an understanding of how indigenous planning practice works  Learn about indigenous planning protocols, methods and tools  Increase planning capacity necessary to work effectively with indigenous communities  Apply indigenous planning theory and practice

Format of Practicum

It is anticipated that students will participate directly in a component of a comprehensive community planning (CCP) process, or a comprehensive mid-level (sector) plan, or a comprehensive project plan. Once the community project and relationship are defined, including the learning protocol and work plan, students are expected to stay in a First Nations community for a combined period of 3-4 weeks, spaced over a period of 8-10 months (September to April), and based on 2-3 community visits. The Instructor will accompany and support students during their community visits.

Learning Outcomes

Example anticipated outcomes of the practicum are for students to have:

 Gained an understanding of indigenous planning protocol and practice  Increased knowledge and use of culturally appropriate planning traditions, methods and tools  Discovered implications of planners working with First Nations  Gained an awareness of western planning relevance and bias  Increased confidence and capacity to work with First Nations

Course Organization See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

Assignments and Grading

Grades will be based on participation, assigned readings and assignments relevant to the community practicum as follows:

Assignment #1: Learning Protocol & Work Plan 10%

Assignment #2: Student Planning Journal 10%

Assignment # 3: Final Planning Documentation and Presentation


(Contribution to/from community planning process) 65%

Assignment #4: Learning Reflection 15%

Total Grade 100%

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials

Recommended Readings

Readings are to be geared towards indigenous planning practice and be relevant to the topic and process of the particular First Nation (s) students will be working with


Plan 548U: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Friday 09:00 - 12:00 Note: Location: Geography Lab 239

Instructor: Bill Gushue Email: [email protected]

Course Description

This course introduces students to the theory, history and capabilities behind GIS, with computer laboratory workshops and exercises that focus on the application of GIS technology in design and planning. It is intended as a course for students not formally exposed to GIS or related geomatic technologies who desire a baseline understanding of the technology, and an ability to create, view, analyze, manipulate and present spatial information. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on exercises that reinforce the concepts introduced in the lectures and demonstrations.

Students who finish assignments early will have time to explore integrating various online data repositories (municipal data warehouses, provincial data warehouses, and open map services) with newly acquired GIS skills.

Learning Objectives

This course aims to help students develop a basic understanding of what constitutes a GIS, understand the capabilities and limitations of GIS, and gain practical skills in data design, creation, storage, analysis and presentation. Students will be exposed to a broad range of topics required to understand GIS technology. The basic concepts, combined with practical skills in operating GIS software, will provide students with a foundation in spatial information administration, analysis and production. This foundation will help students better understand emerging trends, issues and technologies, or serve as a starting point for further development.

By the end of the course students will have the necessary skills to incorporate GIS analysis and presentation skills into other projects and assignments for SCARP courses.

Course Organization

This course meets once a week for a 3 hour session in the Geography GIS Lab - Room 239). The course consists of 8 modules, each module having a 30 – 60 minute lecture, a 30-60 minute demonstration, and a 3 hour lab assignment split into two parts (sometimes spanning 2 sessions). Lab assignments will be collected at the end of each session, graded when both parts are complete, and returned the following week. The final exam is an in-class lab assignment that must be completed independently.


Course Requirements and Grading

80% Lab Exercises (8 – 2 part lab assignments)

10% Final Lab Assignment (completed in class)

10% Class Participation & Attendance

Course Assignments

All assignments including the final assignment are weighted equally. Lecture topics and corresponding lab assignments are as follows:

Section 1 - Introduction to GIS Concepts, Definitions and History

Section 2 – Inputting Data and Basic Editing

Section 3 – Database Types, Attribute Tables, and Data Exporting

Section 4 – Geoprocessing - Analysis & Query Capabilities

Section 5 – ArcMap Layout Views and Output Formats

Section 6 – Imagery and Layer Management

Section 7 – Geodatabases, Advanced Editing & Typology

Section 8 – 3D Surfaces & Automation, Customization, Modeling and Interoperability

Section 9 – Final Assignment – Biodiversity in Greater Vancouver

Course Policies

The final assignment will take place on December 3rd

Course Materials

Copies of laboratory demonstration materials will be provided. Articles that compliment lecture material will be compiled in a course reader. There is no assigned textbook for this class.


Plan 548V: Vancouver Planning Laboratory

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 240/Bing Thom Architects

Instructors: Tom Hutton (CHS-SCARP) and Andy Yan (BTAworks) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Course Description

Synthesizing Theory and Practice in the Transnational Metropolis


This course is designed to offer students a distinctive opportunity to undertake critical research studies of experience of urbanization and development planning in a city widely acknowledged as one of the world’s most instructive exemplars of progressive urbanism: Vancouver City and Region. [Although there are also critical views and counter-narratives: see ‘Remaking Vancouverism’, @ UBC Geography]. This course will be situated as a ‘recommended elective’ within SCARP’s Urban Development Planning (UDP) domain.

The course will be offered jointly by a consortium of the UBC School of Community & Regional Planning, and BTAworks – the research and development division of Bing Thom Architects . The course will include an element of initial presentations and discussion, but will largely be conducted ‘in the field’ and student will assume the role of “consultant teams”. The Instructors will be Andy Yan of BTAworks, and Tom Hutton, of SCARP. Our purpose is to provide students with a stimulating experience of applying theory to development, and including critical professional planning skills.

Initial sessions of the course will include overviews of development planning trends, issues and exemplars in the Metro Vancouver case, as well as discussion of student interests.

Learning Objectives

Themes for Fall Term 2012

While we’re prepared to entertain proposals for themes and issues for discussion and analysis, we have identified the following as deserving of our attention, and likely to form the subject of stimulating and instructive discussions and debates:

1. Economic restructuring and the city: from post-industrialism to the cultural economy and creative city? 2. Agglomeration, clustering and land use change in the contemporary city


3. Climate change: implications for local/regional planning and policy 4. Frontiers in architecture, urban design, and the built environment of the city 5. Problems of social alienation: the ‘convivial city’ and its discontents.

As regards subject sites, we are proposing that our field studies and research focus be centred on two instructive municipalities within Metro Vancouver: The City of Vancouver, located in the core of the metropolis; and, secondly, the City of Surrey, the largest suburban municipality, and increasingly branded as Metro Vancouver’s ‘Second City’, the latter reflecting not only its unique scale and growth trajectory, but also its engagement with progressive ideas about urbanism, including sustainable communities, green buildings, and urban design.

The assignment will take the form of a project, the subject of which will be negotiated between the individual students and the instructors. This could be the subject of independent study, but we are also open to the possibility of a group/collaborative project.

City Planning and the Urban Studies Canon

For us a clear vantage point for progressive and effective city planning is a commitment to engaging the ‘urban studies canon’ – which of course varies in the details of composition from person to person, and from place-to-place, but nonetheless insists upon critically informed urban knowledge as pre-requisite to good practice. That is, rather than seeing the urban studies literatures(s) and field- and profession- based practice as ‘separate worlds’ we perceive them essentially complementary realms which enrich and inform our understanding of cities and their complex problems and opportunities.

For Planning 548V this year we will prepare and share a set of readings which selectively at least reflect our interpretation of the urban studies/planning canon. But at the same time we encourage our students to bring to the class their own ideas of what constitutes the canon, and how it may contribute to the quality of our ‘practice’ – as city planners, architects or urban design specialists.

Just as an example, the central area/downtown of metropolitan cities represents a distinctive urban terrain, comprising a uniquely complex mix of specialized functions, labour, landscapes, and social groups. The theoretical saliency of the urban core is reflected in its centrality to defining urban theory and models (e.g. the Chicago School of social ecology, the postindustrial and post-Fordist city, the ‘new middle class’, global cities and urban transnationalism), and indeed an even richer polemical and political history which includes Marx, Engels, Dickens, Balzac, the Fabians and so on

An element of the course pedagogy is to give students a sense of a planning work environment, mainly that of a private sector consulting firm. Academic and intellectual comfort zones are intended to be challenged in the face and practicalities of real world employability. As a consequence, assignments will not only face a standard of academic rigor, but professional attention as students will face assignments that will teach and train them about theory and practice in the transnational metropolis.

Course Organization See Learning Objectives


Course Requirements and Grading See Learning Objectives

Course Assignments See Learning Objectives

Course Policies See Learning Objectives

Course Materials See Learning Objectives


Plan 548W: Practicum in Participatory Process

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (1) Saturday September 29th and Sunday September 30th 09:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Leonie Sandercock and Aftab Erfan Tel: 604-727-2729 E-mail: [email protected]

Note: Restricted to SCARP Students

Course Description:

Most professional planners are in meetings most of the time. Whether at a staff meeting, at an appointment with developers, or at a public consultation session, planners of all ranks can find themselves needing to function in a facilitative role. There are many books on techniques for working with groups, but the only way to develop your intellectual and emotional facilitative muscles is to practice. This is an intensive course on facilitation for students with some previous experience or knowledge of group work. It offers examples of new and emerging tools for facilitators who find themselves working in both small and large groups. A mix of theory and practice will be used to introduce each tool. Additionally, there will be some focus on learning to “read” group dynamics and working with our own internal resources to “hold” groups through differences. The class will be heavily exercise-based with opportunities for supervised practice.

Please note that we will be using the dynamics arising within the classroom as our learning field. For this reason you can expect to feel uncomfortable at times, particularly if you are conflict-averse. Successful participation in the course requires a certain degree of openness to new experiences and possibilities for personal growth.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the class students should be able to:

1. Facilitate generative discussions in group using a basic but disciplined approach; 2. Recognize what types of facilitation tools are suitable in what situations and when group dynamics require facilitators to switch tools; 3. Reflect on their own strength and weaknesses as facilitators and group members and articulate ways that they can improve.


Course Organization See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

Assignments and Grading:

 Individual assignment– 80%

An individual assignment will be due Dec 1st, 2012. The assignment will be discussed in class.

 Class Participation – 20%

All students will be expected to attend the entire course. Class participation will not be evaluated based on how much a student talks in class, but based on the degree to which he or she is fully present and grappling with the content.

Course Assignments

Course Readings and Requirements:

 Class Organization: Class will start at 9:00am and go for 3 hours in the morning and 3.5 hours in the afternoon. There will be an hour break for lunch and 2 short breaks on each of the two days. Class will end by 5:00pm.  Reading assignments: The focus of this class is on knowledge acquisition through experience and reflection. In addition, students are encouraged to consult the attached list of readings for further information on some of the topics covered in class and to enhance their own knowledge of this topic.  Consultation: Students are welcome to consult with the instructor regarding their final assignments, and regarding further resources for developing a path of becoming an expert facilitator. If you are struggling with the course content or process, particularly if you feel emotionally hooked, please also contact the instructor for support.

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials

Course Outline and Schedule (subject to change):

This is a rough idea for what we might cover in the course. Given that this is a course on facilitation and that facilitators make many if not most of their design decisions “on the spot”, please expect lots of deviation from the schedule including additions and elimination of some items.


Saturday morning:

 Introduction to the course and a broad survey of facilitation tools  Understanding group dynamics: what is being said and what is not being said, power differences and how they play out in groups, signs that conflicts are emerging and what to do about them (theory followed by practice)  Understanding the facilitation role: what do we need to know and who do we need to be (theory and discussion)

Saturday afternoon:

 Appreciative Inquiry: designing conversation spaces for bringing out people’s gifts, the critical importance of questions we ask, tips on designing good questions (demonstration followed by theory and discussion)  Conversation on Feet: using somatic resources to enliven conversations, helping participants take a stance (theory followed by practice)

Sunday morning:

 Check-in and check-out: opening and closing sessions, circle practice and its alternatives (theory followed by practice)  World Café: large group conversations and the art of mixing, setting the atmosphere for the conversations we want to have, harvesting (theory followed by practice and demonstration)

Sunday afternoon:

 The Argument: what to do with the elephant in the room, making it safe to disagree, the principles of conflict resolution, conflict and the gift of personal growth (theory followed by practice)  Open Space Technology: enabling the most important conversations, distributed facilitation (demonstration followed by theory and discussion)


Plan 548X: Post Colonial Urbanism

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Wednesday 09:00 - 12:00 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Abidin Kusno E-mail: [email protected] Office/ Office Hours: IAR, 224 - Wednesdays, 12:00 – 1:00 pm or by appointment

Note: [Cross Listed with IAR 508]

Course Description

This course explores the potentials and the limits of postcolonial perspective in relation to urban research and design practice. Loosely defined, the term “postcolonial” refers broadly to the ways in which social identities are represented by imperialism and how they are transformed after independence. The aim is to reflect on the material aspects and processes involved in the production of knowledge about “colonial cities,” “third world cities” or the “mega-region.” Themes to explore include nationalism, globalization, modernism, heritage, megacity, and informality. The course will be structured around weekly readings and discussions that feature the theme related to postcolonial urbanism to reflect on questions such as how and why have cities (as the sites of neoliberal modernity and coloniality, political ideas and practices, the exchanges of capital and desire), given shape to political subjectivities, the establishment of the disciplinary state, and the making of identities. This course will pay particular attention to the Asian world, but participants’ research may focus on any part of the world.

Learning Objectives

Course goals: To learn how to engage with academic theories through case studies in specific social and historical conditions: 1). by examining concepts and themes developed in postcolonial studies and explore their influence on the study of the built environment in postcolonial cities; 2). by exploring urban design and planning as specific cases of national, class, gender and ethnic identity formation; 3). by considering various local and global contexts within which urban design and politics intersect; 4). by addressing the impact of transnational cultures and economies on the policy and politics of the city and the nation.


Course Organization

Organization of Themes

1. Concepts of Nation and Nationalism 2. Empire and Colonial Urban Contexts 3. Urban Form, Nationalism and Anti Colonial Struggle 4. Coming to Terms with the Past: War, Memories and Urban Heritage 5. Decolonization, Development and the Capital City 6. Neo-liberalism, Mega-Region, Urban Informality 7. Urban Conflict, Social and Religious Movement and the New Spatial Order 8. The Ecological Questions 9. Diasporic Space: Transnational Migration and the Urban Formation

Course Requirements and Grading

Attendance and participation (15%): Attendance is required and participation in class discussion is an important part of contribution to the learning process.

Reading responses (20%): Participants are required to prepare a brief response of no more than 150 words to the readings assigned for the week. The response should not be a summary. Instead, it should present critical questions/issues the reading has raised. Use this exercise to make connections with previous readings in this or other course(s). A copy of your response must be submitted at the beginning of each class.

Discussion leadership (25%): Depending on the class enrollment, each participant is required to lead a seminar twice. Prepare statements for orientation, critical observations and three questions to direct discussion. Send them to the class two days before the session. Think about the questions as well as the answers. You may use power point showing images to help direct your discussion and illustrate points in more detail. You may choose examples that are not included in the readings but are relevant to the issues being discussed.

Research Paper (40%): Participants will need to write a 12-15 pages research paper of his/her choice after consultation with the instructor. The paper may be developed from one of the thematic sections in the course materials or link issues/ideas from several together. A bibliography of at least 5 key texts and one page abstract is due on October 24. A point form skeleton outline up to five pages listing headings and major points is due on November 7. The final paper is due on December 5.

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials


Potential Reading List:

Nezar AlSayyad (ed), Consuming Tradition, Manufacturing Heritage: Global Norms and Urban Forms in the Age of Tourism (Routledge, 2001)

Nezar Alsayyad and Mejgan Massourmi (eds), The Fundamentalist City? Religiosity and the Remaking of Urban Space (Routledge, 2010)

Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities, London: Verson, 1990 (revised version).

Stephen Cairns (ed). Drifting: Architecture and Migrancy (Routledge, 2004).

Partha Chatterjee, The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World, NY: Columbia University Press, 2006.

Jane M. Jacobs, Edge of Empire: Postcolonialism and the City (Routledge, 1996).

Anthony D. King, Urbanism, Colonialism, and the World-Economy: Cultural and Spatial Foundations of the World Urban System (Routledge, 1990)

Abidin Kusno, The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in Indonesia, Durham: Duke University Press, 2010.

T.G. McGee and I. Robinson The Extended Metropolis: Settlement Transition in Asia (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1991).

Richard A. O’Connor, A Theory of Indigenous Southeast Asian Urbanism, Research Notes and Discussions Paper No. 38 (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1983).

Jennifer Robinson, Ordinary Cities: Between Modernity and Development (Routledge, 2005).

Ananya Roy and Aihwa Ong (eds), Worlding Cities: Asian Experiments and the Art of Being Global, Wiley- Blackwell, 2011.

Edward W. Saïd, Culture and Imperialism (New York: Vintage Books, 1993) xixviii, 1-15, 50-72.

James C. Scott, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (Yale University Press, 1998)

Deyan Sudjic, The Edifice Complex: How the Rich and Powerful Shape the World. NY: Penguin Group, 2005.

Brenda S. A. Yeoh, Contesting Space: Power Relations and the Urban Built Environment in Colonial Singapore (Oxford University Press, 1996)

Li Zhang, Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks within China's Floating Population (Stanford University Press, 2001).


Plan 549C: Masters Thesis

2012W Term 1 & 2 Credit Hours: (12)

Sec 001, Term 1 & 2 (students continuing thesis for both terms) Sec 002, Term 1 (students completing thesis by December) Sec 003, Term 2 (students who have been on official leave for term one)

Course Description

A student may complete his or her Masters program by undertaking either an academically oriented thesis of 12 credits (549C) or a professionally oriented project of 6 credits (547C) together with 6 credits of additional coursework. Students are required to make a choice by the end of September (which is the beginning of a student's second academic year) of the Master's program. But it is highly recommended that the student complete this before the suggested time.

Registration in PLAN 549C or 547C is mandatory in both Summer and Winter Sessions beginning in the summer of the first year and continuing until completion of the thesis or project.

Distinction Between Masters Project (Plan 547C) and Masters Thesis (Plan 549C)

Project Thesis Number of Credits 6 12 Number of other 3 credit courses 18 16 needed for Masters Degree Length Shorter (usually 30-50 pages Longer (usually 80-100 pages) 1.5 line spacing) Concepts Less reliance on or building More reliance on or building from existing conceptual from existing/conceptual literature literature Orientation More professional orientation More academic orientation with an assumed or real client Motivation Requires a clear problem Requires a clear problem statement or terms of statement, cast as a research reference question Supervision Supervisor and second reader Supervisor, secondary (often professional client) supervisor and examiner for defense Literature review and research Concise but adequate for the Thorough and adequate for the design problem research question Methods Appropriate to the problem Appropriate to the research statement question Information Sources Primary or secondary Primary or secondary information sources information sources Format Clear, professional writing, fully Clear, scholarly writing, fully


referenced referenced Presentation Symposium presentation Thesis defense required required

Learning Objectives

The thesis has two objectives:

1. to satisfy the student's curiosity and advance his or her knowledge about some aspect of the planning field; and 2. to help the student learn how to think through and investigate a planning related problem of his or her own choice and to communicate his or her findings convincingly.

The major elements of a standard written planning thesis are:

1. the definition of a planning-related problem in its context; 2. the identification of specific research objective(s), research questions, or design issues to be addressed in the thesis; 3. the identification and collection of the data or information required to understand the problem and address the thesis objectives (questions); 4. the analysis of the data or information in order to draw authoritative conclusions; 5. a discussion of the theoretical and public policy implications of the work; and 6. recommendations and ideas for further research.

Course Organization

The scope of the work should be limited to allow the student to complete the thesis and graduate by the end of the second academic year. Continuation after that date is subject to evidence of substantial progress and approval of the student's Research Committee.

Each faculty member runs a thesis/project advising group for second year students whom they are supervising. Students are expected to participate in the sessions offered by the supervisor of their project or thesis. This makes the supervisory process more productive for students and faculty. It tends to cluster students and faculty around common topics and themes. A significant benefit of the group sessions is the opportunity thus created for students to support each other in developing and completing their research. Separate credit is not given for these group sessions, they are considered to be part of the 12 credits for the thesis and 6 credits for the project.

The group sessions are designed to lead students through the development and implementation of a proposal for their project or thesis and, if necessary, make a choice between the two options. Key components are discussed in relation to the student's areas of interest including problem statements, goals, objectives, research questions, conceptual and analytical frameworks, methods, case studies, and write-ups of results, conclusions and recommendations. Advice is provided on strategies for selecting manageable topics, conducting literature reviews, choosing case studies, undertaking field work and interviews, drafting text, and presenting the final results. Previous projects and theses are reviewed.


The specific meeting time and place is agreed to by each faculty member with their group of students in light of their schedules.

The advising group approach means that students must have identified the faculty member whom they wish to supervise their project or thesis by the beginning of their second year. If during the course of the term it should become evident that another supervisor would be more appropriate, a change can be made if both parties are agreeable but it is obviously preferable that this potential disruption not occur. In considering potential supervisors, students should discuss with them not only the topics in which they are interested but also the specific approach they take to supervising and how this influences the design of their group advising sessions.

Course Requirements and Grading

The length of the thesis is not fixed. In some cases it may be possible to communicate an excellent thesis in as few as 50 pages. Most theses should be in the 80-100 page range. Wherever appropriate, illustrations should be used to facilitate communication, and lengthy data sets, if any, should be presented in an Appendix. An urban design oriented thesis may have more illustrations than text and the illustrations may be submitted on large sheets if they can be duplicated.

Theses may also include video or other media presentations, but must be structured to meet high standards of professional or academic rigour as well as basic Faculty of Graduate Studies (FoGS) requirements.

Course Assignments

Students should begin to think about possible thesis subjects on entering the School, but most will not wish to close their options until the end of September of the first year of study.

Students are advised to examine theses previously completed by Planning students to obtain a better idea of what is expected (available in the Fine Arts Library). The theses will show that a very wide range of subjects and approaches are acceptable.

Course Policies

Masters Research Supervisor Selection Form - THESIS

Thesis Regulations

The Master's thesis and thesis defense are integral parts of the Master's program. The Faculty of Graduate Studies has produced two important reference documents that are intended to assist students through their Master's programs. They include Guidelines for the Various Parties Involved in Graduate Student Thesis Research; and Instructions for the Preparation of Graduate Theses. Up-to-date copies of (1) and (2) above are available from the Faculty of Graduate Studies reception desk. The Graduate Studies web site has information at:

Research Committee


Each student is required to have a Research Committee comprised of not less than two persons, one of whom shall be a faculty member in the School. The Chairperson of the Research Committee is the student's Research Supervisor and one other member is the Research Committee Member. Research Committee Members, who may include a practicing professional, provide advice and guidance to the student. Each student is required to have a Research Supervisor selected and approved by the end of September of their first year in the program. This procedure is formalized by completing a Research Supervisor Selection form. The student determines his or her own committee in consultation with faculty, subject only to a reasonable distribution of faculty to research committees. Both the Research Supervisor and Research Committee Member(s) must indicate their agreement to oversee the thesis by signing the student's thesis proposal. This document (one page is adequate) must be placed in the student's file before he or she begins detailed research on his or her thesis. Students are responsible for submitting their completed Masters Research Supervisor Selection form and thesis proposal to the SCARP office by the September deadline.

Submission Of Complete Thesis Draft

The student is required to submit a complete final draft of his or her entire thesis to their Research Supervisor and Research Committee Members by an agreed date no later than five weeks prior to the anticipated defense. It is the student's responsibility to keep his or her Research Committee informed of changes in the expected completion date. The draft of the entire thesis includes: abstract (about 300 words); table of contents; list of figures and tables; text; list of references; and appendices. Students should keep in mind that their thesis defenses may not be scheduled sooner than three weeks following the date in which the Research Supervisor and Research Committee Member confirm that the thesis is ready to be defended.

Scheduling the Defense

1) A minimum of five weeks prior to the proposed date of the defense the student is required to deliver the final draft of his or her thesis to both the Research Supervisor and the Research Committee Member(s). Defenses can be scheduled whenever the committee is available, except during the First- year orientation in September. Refer to the "Important Dates and Deadlines" section of this Handbook for graduation deadlines.

2) A minimum of three weeks prior to the proposed defense date: a) The Research Supervisor and the Research Committee Member(s) select the External Examiner and determine whether that person is willing to serve on the Thesis Examining Committee. It is the Research Supervisor's full responsibility to ensure that the External Examiner is given ample time to prepare for the defense. The student is not to have any contact with the External Examiner. b) The student must submit one copy of the thesis to the Master's Secretary for transmittal to the External Examiner. The student distributes copies of the complete thesis to the Research Supervisor and the Research Committee Member(s) of the Examining Committee. c) The student, in consultation with the Research Committee, schedules the defense including date and time and confirms that all Research Committee members are available.

128 d) The student completes a Booking Master's Thesis Defense form (available on the SCARP web site), including the Research Supervisor's and Research Committee Member's signatures, and submits the form to the Master's Secretary, along with a copy of the thesis abstract and a request for A/V equipment, if required. e) Only in extraordinary circumstances will an exception be made to the minimum time requirements for scheduling a thesis defense. In such circumstances it is the responsibility of the student to provide a written request for the exception using the Booking Master's Thesis form. An exception will only be authorized when it is acceptable to all members of the Thesis Examining Committee and is confirmed by the signature of the Research Supervisor. The student must also sign the "exception" portion of the form.

3) The Master's Secretary books the room for the thesis defense and writes to all participants to confirm the details.

Oral Examination

The student is required to pass an oral examination, also known as the thesis defense. The thesis defense is an important milestone in a student's graduate career and should be approached with a sense of occasion. The examination has several purposes: to give the student practice in making an oral presentation of his or her work; to demonstrate that the student is able to enter into a meaningful dialogue on the thesis and its significance; and to satisfy the Thesis Examining Committee that the work meets a reasonable standard for a Master's thesis. There are at least three members of each Thesis Examining Committee, two of whom must be from the School: the Research Supervisor; the Research Committee Member(s); and the External Examiner, who may be an academic or a professional, and who is selected by the Research Committee. The External Examiner is contacted by the Research Supervisor when the thesis is ready to be defended.

During a typical oral examination: The candidate will give a 15-20 minute presentation of highlights of the thesis research. This will normally include a concise statement of the problem, a brief description of the research methods employed, and a summary of the results, including discussion of the theoretical or policy context. The candidate may take notes into the oral examination for reference but is expected to address the examiners directly and may not read from a written text. Members of the Thesis Examining Committee will question the candidate about the thesis research. Visitors will also be invited to pose questions. When all questioning is complete, the Research Supervisor will ask the candidate and visitors to leave the room while the Thesis Examining Committee deliberates over the results. Once the results have been decided, the candidate will be invited to return and will be informed of the Thesis Examining Committee's decision by the Research Supervisor.

Generally the thesis will be passed, either with or without minor revisions. However, if extensive revisions are required the Examining Committee may require a re-examination. In cases where the thesis is considered seriously deficient or the student is unable to present an adequate oral defense, a second oral examination is required. The Thesis Examining Committee determines the parameters for grading the thesis and assessing the final grade. The Research Supervisor submits to the Master's secretary the thesis grade that will become part of the student's permanent record.


Submission Of The Thesis

The student should allow a minimum of one week following his or her thesis defense for final editing of his or her thesis. The thesis must be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FoGS) by established deadlines for graduation. For specific dates please refer to FoGS Dates and Deadlines page. FoGS is the final arbiter for determining whether a thesis meets the University's formatting requirements. If a thesis is not presented in the form required, FoGS has the right to reject it until further revisions are made. A final thesis must be accepted by FoGS before a degree will be conferred. UBC students are encouraged to submit their theses electronically. To submit a thesis electronically you must first complete all submission requirements, and have it approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. After it has been approved for submission you may submit your thesis electronically to the Library through the cIRcle system. All thesis requirements are described on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.

A minimum of one copy of the final thesis are required. Research Committee Members may also request copies of the student's thesis. It is the student's responsibility to check and provide copies for Research Committee Members as required. *Thesis submission dates to FoGS are subject to change. It is the student's responsibility to check with FoGS for correct deadlines.


Plan 550: Directed Studies

2012W Term 1 & 2 Credit Hours: (3)

Plan 550A, Sec 001, Term 1 & 2 Plan 550B, Sec 002, Term 1 Plan 550C, Sec 003, Term 2

Approval for Registration in A Directed Studies Course (PDF)

Course Description


With permission of the Director, students may individually or in small groups engage in independent studies under the supervision of a member of faculty who is capable of guiding their work in an area of special interest not otherwise covered in the curriculum. Most Directed Studies courses are extensions into greater depth of a topic covered in one or more regular courses, and thus are generally of interest only to second year students.


Students wishing to register for a Directed Studies course are required to complete and submit to Patti Toporowski an "Approval for Registration in a Directed Studies Course" form (download PDF here). Students must complete and submit this form to register and receive credit for a Directed Studies course.

A maximum of six credits of Directed Studies courses may be used for credit toward a student's graduate degree.

Learning Objectives

If a faculty member in the Planning School agrees to supervise a student in the proposed work, a copy of the outline, signed by the supervisor, will become part of the "Approval for Registration in a Directed Studies Course" form (refer to the Registration section below for further details).

Course Organization

Students seeking to initiate a Directed Studies course should begin by preparing a brief outline (approximately one page) describing the proposed project. The outline should primarily deal with the scope and subject matter to be covered over the duration of the course. It should be in sufficient detail to indicate that the content does not substantially overlap with other courses at UBC and is within an area of academic competence of a member of the Planning faculty. In addition, the outline should indicate the method of study (e.g. library research) and the results to be offered for evaluation.


Course Requirements and Grading To be determined by directed studies supervisor

Course Assignments To be determined by directed studies supervisor

Course Policies To be determined by directed studies supervisor.

Course Materials To be determined by directed studies supervisor.


Plan 561: Urban Development Market and Financial Analysis

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Friday 09:00 - 12:00 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Jay Wollenberg, Adjunct Professor Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-682-9714

Course Description

Course Overview

This course provides a thorough introduction to financial analysis and market analysis for urban development projects and for applications in urban/regional planning. The course emphasizes quantitative analysis of the market forces that shape the growth and development of urban areas and that determine the potential for, and viability of, new urban development projects. The course examines the application of financial analysis to understanding the impacts of development levies, density bonusing, and community amenity contributions. The course also teaches tools for forecasting and analyzing urban development patterns as well as basic and advanced techniques in financial and market analysis.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn to:

 Forecast market potential for new residential, retail, office, and industrial development.  Analyze the financial performance of urban development projects, including pro forma analysis, land residual analysis, and present value analysis.  Analyze the financial performance of income-producing properties using present value analysis, IRR, and other measures.  Apply market and financial analysis to planning policy issues such as heritage building preservation, affordable housing, and financing the costs of growth.

The material is heavily quantitative, but the instructor’s aim is to ensure that all students gain confidence and competence in the course content, even those students whose math skills may be weak or rusty.

Course Organization

The course is divided into these main modules:


1. Introduction and overview of the course. 2. Development projects. 3. Present value analysis. 4. Income-producing properties, commercial valuation, and mortgage calculations. 5. Financing the costs of growth and applications of financial analysis in development levies, density bonusing, and community amenity contributions. 6. Market analysis for residential development. 7. Market analysis for retail development. 8. Market analysis for office and industrial development. 9. Review and wrap-up.


The course meets once per week, for three hours. The class format is interactive lectures, discussions, and in-class exercise so students are expected to actively participate.

Course Requirements and Grading

There are 9 assignments, one due at the start of each class (except the first class). The assignments consist of mainly quantitative problems or questions that test understanding of the course material and that require some thinking that builds on the material covered in class.

The answers to the assignments are reviewed in class, with an emphasis on covering any questions that students found particularly challenging.

Each assignment is graded numerically. Late assignments or missing assignments are graded 0 unless there is a reason such as illness. The course grade is the sum of the assignment grades. There are no papers, presentations, group projects, or exams.

Any student that obtains a mark less than 80% on any assignment has the option of re-submitting the assignment but the maximum grade that can be achieved for a re-submitted assignment is 80%. Grading focuses mainly on whether answers show a basic quantitative grasp of the material. Fundamental errors in logic or analysis result in large deductions; minor computational errors result in small deductions.

By the second class, students will need either a calculator with business functions or a laptop with Excel or equivalent software that they can bring to class. This is discussed at the first class. There are no specific prerequisites, but students with no previous exposure to microeconomics (supply, demand, pricing) or whose undergraduate programs did not include quantitative work may have to work a little harder to master the material.

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies


Attendance is not mandatory, but given the nature of the course attendance is an essential part of the course. Students who miss classes will find it challenging to complete the assignments and will not achieve all of the learning objectives. Students who must miss any classes are advised to contact their colleagues to share notes and discuss the content of the missed class.

Course Materials

Each student receives a binder of course materials that include notes, illustrations, and readings that support the interactive lectures and discussions. However, there is no transcript of the lectures and no textbook. The course is delivered in a fashion that is meant to be engaging and interactive to encourage critical thinking and dialogue.


Plan 572: Theory & Practice of Project Planning for Development

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Thursday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Michael Leaf email: [email protected] Telephone: 822-3288 Office: 363 CK Choi Building

Course Description

Keywords: globalization; development theories and discourses; the role of the state; social contexts; state-community dynamics; participatory planning; the informal sector; bureaucracies and corruption; non-governmental organizations; spatial aspects of social change.

Description. This course is intended to introduce students to issues theoretical and practical that have direct impacts upon project planning and program design in third world contexts. Recognizing that there is a broad array of forms of political and social organization throughout the developing countries of the world, students will be encouraged to challenge the assumptions which in so many instances have come to be accepted as generalized truths regarding international development. Topics to be covered in readings and discussion will draw upon a wide range of subjects and materials in order to provide a basis for analyzing the "actors and factors" which influence planning in developing countries. These include the following: theories of development and their implications at national, regional, urban and neighbourhood levels; the role of the state and the function of bureaucracies in project planning; how local political and social contexts affect planning practice and project design; the role of the planner in different social and political contexts; the influence of foreign agencies, foreign planning models and foreign consultants on policy and planning in the third world; innovative strategies in project planning: the role of non-governmental and community based organizations; and anticipating and evaluating social and environmental impacts of planning projects.

Learning Objectives

Through this course, students are expected to gain familiarity with theoretical concepts relevant to development planning, and be able to apply them in the analysis and design of planning interventions for social, economic, and environmental betterment.

Course Organization See Learning Objectives


Course Requirements and Grading

Requirements. There are two major objectives to be accomplished over the course of the semester: read and discuss articles which are pertinent to understanding the various forces and interests which impinge upon project development; and undertake an in-depth case study of a particular development project, which will be presented in the form of two term papers.

Evaluation. Grading for the course will be based upon the following:

30% Class participation 30% First paper 40% Final paper

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials See Course Requirements and Grading


Plan 573: (Planning For) An Urban World

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Friday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Michael Leaf email: [email protected] Telephone: 822-3288 Office: 363 CK Choi Buidling

Course Description

Keywords: urbanization; globalization; urban housing; urban land; local institutions; regulatory systems; the informal sector; urban poverty; settlement processes; settlement patterns; urban ecosystems; rural-urban dynamics; environmental equity; settlement patterns; urban agriculture; water supply; sanitation; solid waste; the waste economy.


United Nations sources project that at a global level, virtually all (95%) of the earth’s population increase between 2000 and 2030 will be concentrated in cities, and that virtually all (again, 95%) of this growth will be in urban areas in what the UN categorizes as the “less developed regions” of the world. Such ongoing urban transitions throughout the developing world will have important consequences across the spectrum of human endeavours, shaping how people live and how societies and economies function, and in so doing challenging conventional notions of the city and of urban life.

This course is intended to introduce to students the range of current thinking on what has been in the past described as “third world urbanization”, focusing in particular on issues of spatial development, housing, infrastructure and local environments on the one hand, and the administrative and regulatory implications of urbanization on the other. The intent here is to examine the interactions between the bio-physical requisites of urbanization and the structures and processes of governance which shape their provision.

Learning Objectives See Course Description

Course Organization See Course Description


Course Requirements and Grading

Evaluation. Grading for the course will be based upon the following:

30% Class participation 30% First paper 40% Final paper

Course Assignment

Grading for the course will be based both on class participation and on two interconnected written papers which develop a case study of a particular city to be determined in consultation with the instructor. The first paper will examine the city in its larger system, looking at issues of urban change relative to the urban transition at national and/or regional levels. The second paper will go in depth at a more local level of scale and will examine conditions of urban change in one or more areas (neighbourhoods, communities, zones) within the city. Themes of integration and fragmentation and questions of governance and possible urban futures will be pertinent throughout.

Course Policies See Course Assignment

Course Materials See Course Assignment


Plan 579: Public Health, Transportation, and the Built Environment

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Lawrence D. Frank Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-822-5387 Meeting times: Available upon request – Tuesdays are Preferred

Note: (Cross-listed with SPPH 571)

Course Description

Taken collectively, the recent emergence of an obesity pandemic, increasing awareness of the environmental destruction associated with auto dependence, and increasing energy costs collectively suggest that investments in non-motorized transportation may soon emerge as a form of win – win public policy. At a time when Canadian and U.S. federal mandates are calling for reductions in air pollution associated with vehicular travel, currently dominant approaches to designing urban environments often serve to inhibit non-motorized travel.

This class is set within this socio-political backdrop, students will learn about the role of non-motorized transportation as a tool for the improvement of personal and environmental health. This class will familiarize students with factors that impact the choice to walk and bike and how to apply findings from research to specific transportation planning and programming (investment) processes and projects.

To meet clean air requirements, promote physical activity and public health, and to generate more lively / viable urban spaces, it is essential that site planning and urban design principals be re-introduced which encourage walking and biking as viable and even competitive travel options. This course will examine the historical relationship between urban design and demand for non-motorized travel. Moreover, the manner by which we design our communities dictates the relative ease of access to opportunities on foot, bike car, or transit. A focus of the class will be on exploring the synergies between transit as a form of regional mobility and non-motorized transportation as a form of local accessibility – or otherwise stated; how these two modes rely on one another to be viable.

Often, it is the nature of the transportation network that is the single most distinct feature that characterizes a place or gives it a sense of uniqueness. For example, the type of a roadway network (e.g. grid vs. cul-de-sac) used in a new subdivision will affect not only the number of buildable lots or the amount of money required to complete the project, but will also affect the ability for the future inhabitants to walk to shopping, recreational opportunities, or employment. In addition, this transportation decision will affect the ability to use public transportation to access these and other activities.


Transportation decisions, when coupled with land use or development decisions, have arguably the greatest collective impact on the quality of life of the inhabitants of a community. This becomes particularly the case with elderly and disabled populations. Research on the relationship between land use and travel choice indicates that the design of the “pedestrian environment” has a dramatic impact on the ability to reduce polluting forms of travel (single occupant vehicle) and the ability to promote transit.[1] Factors of the pedestrian environment found to be most influential include:

 presence of a continuous sidewalk system;  presence of dedicated bicycle facilities;  building setbacks;  the design, supply, and location of parking;  ability to cross streets;  buffering from vehicular traffic;  size of block faces;  lighting;  presence of other pedestrians;  “eyes on the street”;  presence of public spaces;  levels of employment density;  levels of residential density;  levels of land use mix; and  overall continuity of the street network

This course will provide the students with a framework to assess different urban environments (e.g. Vancouver’s West End vs. Burnaby and Richmond typologies) and to be able to discern the level of non- motorized accessibility that is present and the factors that affect the choice and likelihood of travel on foot or by bike. Students will gain a point of reference to evaluate both development and transportation investment proposals (in terms of the level of accessibility provided to transit and non- motorized modes of travel). Based on the readings, lectures, and class projects, students will become more capable of identifying opportunities to increase non-motorized accessibility, and thereby improve the quality of life of urban populations within their work as planners, health care practitioners, geographers, and within other professional endeavors.

[1] 1000 Friends of Oregon, 1994; Cervero, 1996, Moudon, 1996.

Learning Objectives

Student Learning Objectives

Students in this class will learn about the physical and social connections between the design of the places where we live, work, and recreate and human health and well being. More specifically, students will learn:

 The state of the evidence on the health effects of specific land development and transportation investment decisions;


 Why health should be a fundamental consideration when making planning decisions;  Tools and techniques available to better connect urban planning and public health  How to interpret quantitative and qualitative information from the academic literature;  How to prepare, organize, and write a clear and concise evidence-based research paper;  How to structure and to present ideas to classmates and to local agency representatives;

Course Organization See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

Class Work

Students will conduct two separate projects for this class and have an in class presentation on their final paper. Students will also be evaluated based on class participation noted below in #4. Students will be responsible for the discussion of questions and to assist the professor with the copying of readings on the class period indicated with their name on the schedule. This may change based on the final listing of students in the class.

Each project will be assigned with a more detailed description of the purpose and requirements of the project. Assignments I & II are to be no more than 12 pages and assignment III is to be no more than 15 pages in length. The three assignments are noted in 1-3 below and #4 refers to class participation:

1) Assignment I -- 30 points – A summary of the literature on the ways that the development and design of communities can support and promote a range of public health outcomes. It should review of some basic arguments and associated evidence that supports the need for increased physical activity and less sedentary lifestyles. The review should include some reference to ways in which the built environment influences travel patterns and overall activity levels. This is to be a 12 page paper followed by a list of sources in the form of bibliography. All sources to be referenced and cited.

2) Assignment II – Part I (25 Points) and Part II (35 Points) – Implementing Bikeway Facilities – Partnership with City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Board of Trade. See attachment.

3) Class Participation -- 10 points – Class participation based on attendance and the submittal of questions from readings. Each student will be required to lead, or co-lead one in-class session where the readings are discussed.

Course Assignments:

See Course Materials

Course Policies

See Course Requirements and Grading


Course Materials

Class Schedule:

Projects / student

Lecture Topic Guest Lecturer In Charge

1 Overview of Class and “Weight of the World” Video readings Frumkin Ch 1-3; Frank Ch 1-2 Historical Relationships Between City Planning and 2 Public Health – the Origins of Sprawl readings Frank Ch 6-9; Jackson Crabgrass Frontier 1985. Dale Bracewell and

3 Understanding the Built Environment Board of Trade Frumkin Ch 4; Frank and Engelke - Multiple Impacts of the Built Environment on Public Health; Friedman et al JAMA 2001; Pope et al Environmental Health readings Perspectives 2002. Assignment #1 4 No Class – Walk 21 Conference Due Frumkin Ch 5; Frank et al AJPM 2005; Frank Chapters 6- readings 11; Physical Activity Relationships With the Built 5 Environment Saelens et al Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2003; Sallis et al Transportation Research 2004; Handy et al AJPM readings 2002 Bike and Ped Planner City of 6 Non-Motorized Travel / Obesity and Community Design Vancouver Frumkin Chapter 6; Frank Appendix pp 201; FHA, Traffic Calming, Auto-Restricted Zones... (handout), Danish Case readings Studies, Ewing, Blodgett (Roundabouts) 7 Air Quality and Respiratory Impacts of Sprawl Michael Brauer Kerr et al Lit Review JPL; Frank et al 2010; Frank Chapter readings in Healthy Aging Book on Aging in Place Assignment #2 Built Environment Features and Healthy Aging – Walk part I due data 8 the Talk Symposium Symposium DT collection Frank et al AJPM 2004; Gordon Larsen 2006; M. Papas et Readings al 2007; Ewing et al 2003;


Jessica Stewart

Lecture on Obesity and Working Session on Final City and B.O.T. 9 Project Visit from City and Board of Trade Reps to Class Van Loon and Frank JPL Paper; Frank et al 2007; Kerr et readings al 2007; UD4H USEPA report on safe routes to school 10 Built Environment Features and Youth Frumkin Ch 8; Kunstler Home From Nowhere; Frumkin readings Ch 9; Putnam Bowling Alone 2000. 11 Sprawl and Mental Health and Social Capital Frank et al 2007 stepping towards causation; Fat City UT readings Study; Ewing et al 2006; Cao 2005 12 Self-Selection and Causation Frumkin Ch 10 and 11; Frank Ch 10 and 11; Best, A., Stokols, D., Green, L.W., Leischow, S., Holmes, B., Buchholz, K. (2003) An integrative framework for community partnering to translate theory into effective health promotion strategy. Am J Health Promot. 18(2), Readings 168-76. Towards Healthy Communities for the 21rst Century – Trans-disciplinary Research and Practice – the case for 13 transdisciplinary research readings None Assigned City of Vancouver Assignment #2 14 Student Presentations Part II Due

Reading Materials

Readings will be provided via pdf files to the students drawn from a variety of sources including:

 Frank, Lawrence, Engelke, Peter, Schmid, Tom. 2003. Health and Community Design: The Impacts of the Built Environment on Physical Activity. Island Press. Washington, D.C.· Frumkin, Howard, Frank, Lawrence, Jackson, Richard. 2004. Urban Sprawl and Public Health. Island Press. Washington, D.C.

 Jackson, Kenneth T. 1985. Crabgrass Frontier. New York. Oxford University Press. · Putnam, Robert. 2000. Bowling Alone. New York. Simon and Schuster


Plan 580: Introduction to Transportation

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Monday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Prof. Lawrence (Larry) Frank Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-822-5387 Office Hours: Mondays 2-5 pm/by Appointment

Course Description

Objectives and Scope

Transportation decisions impact many aspects of urban life. Young and old alike are affected by the viability and relative ease of traveling to destinations on foot, by bike, transit, or reliance on private vehicles. Transportation investments are arguably the single largest shaper of urban spaces and of development patterns. The safety, speed, and comfort for a particular mode of travel are a function of the investments that have been made in specific types of travel options. Regions, and parts of regions, vary considerably in terms of their supportiveness of traveling in ways that are health promoting (active) and environmentally sustainable.

Transportation planning is experiencing a re-awakening. The connections between transportation, land use, air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, physical activity, and obesity are becoming better understood. Considerable media attention in recent years has been devoted to the impacts of the built environment on climate change and the environment. Attention has also been focused on the economic impacts of transportation investments and more recently on how transportation impacts physical activity and health. Many are concerned about the impacts of urban sprawl on overall sustainability and on how transportation investments can create or help to reduce sprawl. These and other issues provide some context and backdrop for this class.

Set within the Vancouver region, we are fortunate to have many forward thinking experts on creating a livable region and the role of transportation within this context. We will learn from the perspectives of a variety of experts in our region who are engaged in making transportation planning decisions. Metro Vancouver currently has several rail projects being planned and implemented, the Olympics are coming, a major highway expansion is planned; and considerable investments are proposed and underway in non-motorized infrastructure.

The course introduces students to the fundamentals of urban transportation planning and the types of skills and knowledge that transportation planners need. It further familiarizes students with contemporary transportation planning issues and methods of analysis. The course is highly relevant regardless if students intend to focus on transportation itself, or other aspects of urban planning. The course can be taken stand alone, or as the first in a sequence of courses in SCARP’s Urban Design and Transportation Concentration.


Newly evolving theories and approaches to addressing emerging transportation problems will be central to the class. Relationships between transportation and urban land use systems and new tools to address environmental and quality of life impacts of transportation are presented. Transportation investment decisions (or lack thereof) have been held accountable for increased economic prosperity or spiraling economic decline. Transportation infrastructure (roads, rail lines, etc.) is extremely costly even when compared with other services which are capital intensive (sewers, storm-water drainage, etc.). Therefore, transportation decisions made today can impact a region for generations to come.

Transportation investment decisions affect our travel choices which in turn have dramatic impacts on our environment and our health. Transportation is about providing access to locations and impacts social equity, and the benefits or burdens felt by different segments of the population. Transportation networks are often the single most important determinant of a community, and the most distinct physical feature that characterizes a place.

Learning Objectives See Course Description

Course Organization See Course Description

Course Requirements and Grading

Course requirements

Essay Paper I 25% Essay focusing on the needs of a specific population (eldery, youth, poor, female, etc) and how specific transportation decisions helps or hinders their access to opportunities. Take Home Exam 30% Open Book Review of Basic Transportation Planning Concepts Final Project 35% - To Be Announced

This course requires no prior work in transportation. Some knowledge of basic statistical concepts and analytical methods is recommended.

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials

Course Schedule:


Week 1 Introduction Overview of the class, basic transportation planning terms, history of transportation planning, modes of travel, and their requirements.

Readings – Meyer and Miller Chapters 1 – Urban Transportation Planning: Defining the Context & 2 – Transportation Planning and Decision Making; Tolley and Turton Chapter 2 – Transport Demand and Supply; Hanson and Guliano Chapter 1 – The Context of Urban Travel: Concepts and Recent Trends.

Week 2 Major Components of Urban Transportation Systems Specific modes of travel (roads, transit, ped / bike) and their spatial and fiscal requirements. What transportation planners do and how they interact with other parts of city government. Overview of approaches and methods used to predict travel patterns

Invited Expert / Guest – Stu Ramsey

Meyer and Miller Chapter 3 –Urban Travel and Transportation System Chacteristics; Goulias Chapter 1-1 – Transportation Systems Planning; Tolly and Turton, Chapter 3 – Transport Form and Structure

Week 3 The Transportation Planning Process Historical overview of the development of the Vancouver Region and critical moments in its transportation history (Part I). Detailed methods to predict where people go and how they get there (needs and deficiencies), responding to land development decisions and regional growth patterns, tensions between investments in different modes of travel

(winners and losers).

Invited Guest / Expert – Gordon Price, SFU City Program - History of Vancouver (Part I); Basse Clement, Halcrow Consulting, (Part II)

Readings: Hanson and Guliano Chapter 5 – The Urban Transportation Planning Process; Chapter 6 – Reflections on the Process; Tolley and Turton Chapter 4 – Transport and Spatial Structures

Week 4 Regional Spatial Structure, Land Use, and Relative Costs

Across Modes Relationships between transportation investments and

development decisions. Theoretical explanations of urban


spatial structure and the historical evolution of cities in relationship with transportation technology and its advancement. Impacts of relative costs in terms of time, convenience, comfort, and actual money spent across available modes on travel choice.

Invited Guest / Expert – Jim Bailey, City of Vancouver – The Cambie Corridor

Readings: Hanson and Guiliano – Chapter 3 – Transportation and Urban Form; Chapter 7 – GIS in Urban – Regional Transportation Planning; Chapter 9 – Land Use Impacts of Transportation Investments; Bernick and Cervero – Transit Villages Part I – Chapters 1 and 2; Meyer and Miller Chapter 6 – Urban Activity Systems Analysis; Crane, R. The Influence of Urban Form on Travel – An Interpretative Review (Chapter 20 in Transport Planning Ed Shiftan et al. Frank 2000 – Urban Form and Travel Choice (JPER).

Week 5 Social Dimensions of Transportation Planning Understanding the transportation needs of those that are traditionally underserved, spatial mismatch between jobs and housing for the poor, adverse economic and health impacts of transportation investments on the poor and disadvantaged, policies in Canada and elsewhere to better balance the benefits and burdens of investments across income and ethnicities.

Invited Guest / Expert – TBA – Transportation and Equity in Vancouver

Readings: Tolley and Turton, Chapter 11 – The Social Impacts of Transport; Hanson and Guiliano – Chapter 12 - Social and Environmental Issues in Transportation; Bullard, Just Transportation; Schaeffer and Sclar, Access for All;

Week 6 Transportation Planning in an Era of Climate Change Environmental impacts of transportation decision making, critical role of transportation within the global climate change debate, the role of technology versus demand management in reducing transportation related CO2 emissions, relative benefits of transit and non-motorized modes of travel.

Readings: Hanson and Guiliano – Chapter 10 – Transportation and Energy & Chapter 13 – Transportation and the Environment; Tolley - Chapter 1 – Ecological Footprints and Urban Transportation & Chapter 2 – The relevance of Climate Change to Future policy on Walking and Cycling; Ewing et al:


Growing Cooler – Chapters 1-3.

Week 7 The Public Health Impacts of Transportation Investment Brief overview of the safety to pedestrians, physical activity and obesity impacts of transportation investment decisions, and current evidence and policy recommendations to support healthy communities.

Invited Guest / Expert – Dr. Meghan Winters, SFU

Readings: Frank and Kavage – The Hidden Health Costs of

Transportation Investment (APHA Report 2009); Promoting Public Health Through (Smart Growth BC report).

Frank, LD. 2004. Economic Determinants of Urban Form: Resulting Trade-offs Between Active and Sedentary Forms of Travel American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Week 8 Site Design and Street Design Standards Site planning and analysis; Street Design Standards, Parking Supply and Location and Related Policies. Invited Expert / Guest – Lon Laclerc, City of Vancouver – Street Design Standards for Non-Motorized Transport

Readings: Tolley - Chapter 36 – Segregation or Integration of Cycling in the Road System & 46 – Best Practices in Pedestrian Facility Design and Chapter 47 – Designing Streets for People; Moudon Chapter 5 – Pedestrian Street Use: Culture and Perception; Litman – TDM toolbox – Parking Strategies

Week 9 Travel Preferences, Attitudinal Predisposition, and Causation Understanding the relative effect of our preferences in shaping our travel patterns and the importance of separating out pre-disposition towards a particular travel mode (for or against) from the impact of the built environment (transportation investments and land use patterns) on the choice to use a given mode of travel.

Readings: Frank LD, Saelens B, Powell KE, Chapman J. (2007). “Stepping Towards Causation: Do Built Environments or Individual Preferences Explain Walking, Driving, and Obesity?” Social Science and Medicine. Schwanen, T., & Mokhtarian, P.L. (2005a). What affects commute mode choice: neighborhood physical structure or preferences toward neighborhoods? Journal of Transport Geography, 13, 83-99


Week 10 Transportation Plan Making – Regional Scale Modes of public transportation, requirements of specific transit modes and their energy and cost implications, operations versus capital budgets, rights of way costs, policies to promote public transportation, health benefits of public transportation.

Invited Guest / Expert: Dr. Tamin Raad, Translink

Readings: Hanson and Guiliano – Chapter 8 – Public Transportation; Bernick and Cervero – Transit Villages Chapters Parts I and II; Kennedy: A comparison of the sustainability of public and private transportation systems: Study of the Greater Toronto Area in Transportation.

Week 11 Strategies for Reducing Travel Demand within the Transportation Planning Process and Policy Issues

Approaches to reduce travel demand and competitive approaches to make walking, transit, and carpooling rational choices to driving alone. Economic and environmental arguments for programmatic actions to reduce travel demand. The political context of Transportation Planning – regional, local and national priorities and tensions in decision making and project prioritization.

Invited Guest / Expert – Carole Jolly – UBC TREK program

Readings: Meyer and Miller Chapter 8 – Transportation System and Project Evaluation;

Puentes and Katz: Taking the High Road: A Metropolitan Agenda for Transportation Reform. Chapter 1; Cervero and Kockelman - Travel demand and the 3Ds: density, diversity, and design; Litman – Incentives to use alternative modes and reduce driving:

Week 12 Class Summary -- and Student Presentations Summary of class lectures and topics discussed followed by students presentations on their final class project on the

Cambie Corridor.


Plan 587A: Introduction to Physical Planning and Urban Design

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday & Thursday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: Lasserre 207

Instructor: Maged Senbel Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-822-9158

Course Description

This course introduces students to the technical and analytical methods of urban design. It is the second of SCARP’s urban design specialization series and is a prerequisite to other urban design studios at SCARP and SALA. The course is open to all graduate students in planning and no previous design experience is expected. However, students are required to take PLAN 548L – Theory and Methods of Urban Design prior to taking this course.

This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge, issues and skills in physical planning and design with hands-on conceptual, analytical and graphic tools. Students work in a studio environment over an intensive 6-week period with a combination of short lectures and exercises. An important objective of this course is to provide students with the basic skills and techniques necessary to succeed in subsequent studio courses.

Course content begins with the development of visual awareness and explorations of creativity. It focuses on both direct and indirect urban design to provide a sampling of practical activities common in the field. Skills introduced in the course include: basic drafting, land use mapping, basic graphic design, sketching, basic computer drawing, 3D modeling and general communication of design ideas. Lectures will cover topics ranging from design thinking, spatial memory and creativity to land-use, zoning, design standards and graphic and verbal communication of design work.

Learning Objectives

This course has a number of learning objectives nested within the urban design specialization sequence at SCARP. The course offers students a number of tools for developing their creativity and design capacities and for interpreting design work and representing their own design work. The course also offers conceptual tools for guiding urban design projects. The specific learning objectives are outlined on the following page. At the end of this course students will be able to do the following:

 Read 3-dimensional form at different urban scales  Apply personal memory and experience of cities as a design reference  Produce basic orthographic drawing  Produce basic graphic design  Read and interpret detailed drawings  Produce basic digital 3-dimensional visualization using SketchUp


 Analyze the functionality of human scaled built urban design projects  Map the physical, social and economic characteristics of urban spaces  Produce an urban design brief establishing the parameters of an urban design project  Employ a heightened awareness of urban form at different scales  Articulate a subjective assessment of design features of public space  Produce a professional quality written report summarizing client’s design goals and principles  Produce a professional quality written report summarizing design & urban system precedents  Know yourself relative to the field of urban design

Course Organization

The studio meets twice per week for 3 hours each session. We meet collectively at the beginning of each day for brief lectures, course administration, explanation of exercises, and discussion of issues related to the projects. Various methods and techniques will be demonstrated and explained as needed throughout the course. The course also includes field visits for observation, mapping and site reconnaissance. Students are also expected to undertake group work in the field outside of class times.

Students set up individual workspaces in the studio where they are able to work on projects. Much of the course time each session is used for group and one-on-one desk crits with the course instructor. Successful studio experience demands that students physically work in the studio outside of scheduled class time to enable collaborative work, allow for cross-fertilization of thinking and learning, and provide an outlet for constant feedback and input from peers.

Course Requirements and Grading

Students are required to be creative, reflective, critical, analytical, industrious and professional in all the work that they undertake for this course. Students are provided with a markign rubric for each assignment to help them cultivate the highest standards of excellence throughout the course.

Course Assignments

Students are evaluated on their successful completion of the following course requirements:

1. Memory and Imagination Collage • Included in 5% participation grade This is an introductory exercise intended to cultivate capacity to access personal memory as a resource for design ideas. Students are required to present a small board portraying the character and characteristics of an enhanced space from personal memory. 2. Drawing Portfolio • 15% This exercise begins with an in-class workshop on plan and section orthographic drawing. Students develop a list of drawings that best represent a public space of their choosing in the case study neighborhood. 3. Design Brief Report • 30% This is a group assignment requiring students to complete a detailed study of integrated urban systems precedents. 4. Critical Eye and Asset Mapping • 50% This is an in-depth assignment designed to develop skills in both objective and subjective analysis of the space examined in assignment number 2. It heightens students' awareness as designers and “readers” of the built environment. Students also each produce two computer-generated maps of the study area on topics assigned in class.


Course Policies See Course Description

Course Materials See Course Description


Plan 587B: Introductory Urban Design Studio

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday & Thursday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: Lasserre 207

Instructor: Maged Senbel Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-822-9158

Course Description

This is the second in a series of Urban Design studio courses offered at SCARP, and the first where students have the opportunity to participate in project-oriented urban design. The course will expose students to the skills and issues associated with planning practice in urban design. Concentrating on direct and indirect design techniques, students will undertake group and individual work leading to the production of both design proposals and urban design plan components.

Working on issues pertinent to local jurisdictions and usually with a client or client group, participants in the course will undertake context analysis, data collection, mapping, diagramming and spatial decision- making necessary for creating appropriate policies, guidelines and project designs. Students will be expected to engage in the professional discourse and skills of the urban design field, including: graphic presentation techniques, public presentation and communication methods, critique, and a variety of other analytical and observation methods.


Students enrolled in this course must have successfully completed PLAN 587A or must have prior experience in design and graphic representation to obtain the instructor’s consent before registering.

Studio Project

For this 6-week introductory studio, we will develop urban design and land use proposals for a community facing critical challenges. The project is selection explicitly seeks to provide students with a rich and dynamic real world case while simultaneously leveraging the creative energy of students towards an important social and/or environmental urban design objective. Students often work directly with a client or client group ranging from progressive developers to community organizations.

The class begins with individual assignments to focus on building individual skills and confidence and then transitions to group work to achieve high quality outputs. Students have the opportunity to explore a variety of design options for the public realm, land use and urban form. Several major presentations during the course of the studio including site analysis, master plans and neighbourhood plans are designed to provide students with ample opportunity to hone their graphic and verbal communication skills.


Learning Objectives

The primary objective of the course is to introduce students to the urban design process from initial urban analysis through schematic design and presentation of land use and urban design drawings. Other objectives include:

1. Exposure and direct experience in basic design, communication and presentation techniques commonly used in the urban design field; 2. Development and use of basic spatial analysis methods, the synthesis of this material and its relation to urban design decision-making; 3. Understanding the rationales for both direct and indirect design at various geographic scales, along with knowledge of the components typically included in urban design plans; 4. Development of basic spatial critical thinking and the ability to articulate spatial systems thinking.

Course Organization

The studio will meet twice per week for 3 hours each session. We will meet collectively at the beginning of each day for brief lectures, course administration, explanation of exercises, and discussion of issues related to the projects. Various methods and techniques will be demonstrated and explained as needed throughout the course. As needed during the semester we will venture into the field for observation, mapping and site reconnaissance. On these days there is a strong likelihood the sessions may run longer than expected. Transportation options for fieldwork will be discussed in class. Students will also be expected to undertake group work in the field outside of class times.

Students will set up individual workspaces in the studio where they will be able to work on projects. Much of the course time each session will be used for group and one-on-one desk crits with the course instructor. Successful studio experience demands that students physically work in the studio outside of scheduled class time to enable collaborative work, allow for cross-fertilization of thinking and learning, and provide an outlet for constant feedback and input from peers.

Course Requirements and Grading

Students will be evaluated on their successful completion of course requirements similar to the ones described below. The final design deliverables vary depending on the emergent specific needs of the client group or community. Final project details will be made available on the first week of class.

Systems Flows and Design Brief 25% Draft Brief Draft Brief Final Brief Summary of goals of your design as well as the target figures for density, floor areas, population, number of jobs and energy and water strategy.

Conceptual Design by Individual Students 25% Draft Review of Master Plan


Final Review of Master Plan, Systems and distribution, diagrams, 1:1000 Plan, 3-D views, Site Sections Final Design in Groups Draft Review of Group Master 15% Plan Final Review of Group Master 35% Plan

Students will be provided with a marking rubric explicitly outlining the categories and criteria upon which they will be graded. The instructor will additionally focus on mentoring, and will seek evidence of, the following general principles:

Creativity: evidence of imaginative thinking and innovative problem solving

Critical thinking: evidence of deep thinking and analysis about a project, design or drawing

Industriousness: evidence of effort and efficiency in terms of how productive you are in the time available relative to your skill level

Professionalism: neatness, precision, attention to detail and attractiveness of your presentation

Course Assignments

See course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies

Late Assignments

Late assignments will be deducted 3% of your final grade/day up to a maximum of two days. Assignments more than two days late will receive no credit. In the event of an emergency please contact the instructor as soon as possible to notify him of your intended absence.

Class Participation

Students are expected to attend every studio session. Missing a studio session will result in an automatic 3% reduction in your overall grade. During studio you are expected to participate in discussions and reviews of each other’s work, and to conduct yourselves in a courteous and professional manner. You are expected to be critical yet respectful and supportive in your engagement of each other’s work. You are expected to be attentive to whoever is speaking whether we are in studio or out of the studio touring or on a professional visit.

Studio Culture

Above all be sensitive to and respectful of each other’s comfort levels in studio. While spending time in the studio can be a celebratory, collaborative and joyful experience, it must also be a safe and respectful one. At times you will want to be loud and animated and other times you will want to be quiet and

157 focused. Please be sensitive to the mental space of your colleagues. Offensive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Studio Guidelines

The space and furnishings provided for urban design students are expensive and difficult to replace. Please treat all furnishings and equipment with care. The kitchenette facility is provided for your convenience and is not an invitation to treat the studio as a cafeteria. Please keep all food material away from your studio desks and protect your drawings and drawing boards from crumbs and liquid spills. Absolutely no food or drinks are allowed in the urban design computer lab and no alcoholic beverages are to be consumed anywhere in the urban design studio.

Course Materials

Required Equipment

Students will be required to supply individual drafting tools (eg, adjustable triangles, compasses, templates), drawing materials (eg, pens, papers, erasers, sharpeners, colored pencils, drafting tape), presentation materials (eg, sticky-back adhesive, photo copying, markers) and fieldwork materials (eg, photography, sketchbooks, etc). Students can expect to spend about $75 on tools and materials and anywhere from $50 - $100 on reproduction costs.

Students wishing to work digitally will be encouraged to do so. Computing program teaching modules will be offered as needed for coursework. Students are encouraged to supply their own computer to facilitate their development in digital design.

Urban Design Computing Lab

A small 6-screen computer lab is available in the studio classroom for those students enrolled in the course. A $120 lab fee is required of all students enrolled in this course to cover the costs of printing and computer maintenance.

Readings and Handouts

Students will be expected to generate their own reference lists based on their team’s precedent studies and urban systems analysis. Additional readings may be distributed during the semester as required.


Plan 587E: Introductory Urban Design Studio

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday & Thursday 14:00 - 17:00 Location: Lasserre 207

Instructor: Maged Senbel Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-822-9158

Course Description

This is the second in a series of Urban Design studio courses offered at SCARP, and the first where students have the opportunity to participate in project-oriented urban design. The course will expose students to the skills and issues associated with planning practice in urban design. Concentrating on direct and indirect design techniques, students will undertake group and individual work leading to the production of both design proposals and urban design plan components.

Working on issues pertinent to local jurisdictions and usually with a client or client group, participants in the course will undertake context analysis, data collection, mapping, diagramming and spatial decision- making necessary for creating appropriate policies, guidelines and project designs. Students will be expected to engage in the professional discourse and skills of the urban design field, including: graphic presentation techniques, public presentation and communication methods, critique, and a variety of other analytical and observation methods.


Students enrolled in this course must have successfully completed PLAN 587A or must have prior experience in design and graphic representation to obtain the instructor’s consent before registering.

Studio Project

For this 6-week introductory studio, we will develop urban design and land use proposals for a community facing critical challenges. The project is selection explicitly seeks to provide students with a rich and dynamic real world case while simultaneously leveraging the creative energy of students towards an important social and/or environmental urban design objective. Students often work directly with a client or client group ranging from progressive developers to community organizations.

The class begins with individual assignments to focus on building individual skills and confidence and then transitions to group work to achieve high quality outputs. Students have the opportunity to explore a variety of design options for the public realm, land use and urban form. Several major presentations during the course of the studio including site analysis, master plans and neighbourhood plans are designed to provide students with ample opportunity to hone their graphic and verbal communication skills.


Learning Objectives

The primary objective of the course is to introduce students to the urban design process from initial urban analysis through schematic design and presentation of land use and urban design drawings. Other objectives include:

1. Exposure and direct experience in basic design, communication and presentation techniques commonly used in the urban design field; 2. Development and use of basic spatial analysis methods, the synthesis of this material and its relation to urban design decision-making; 3. Understanding the rationales for both direct and indirect design at various geographic scales, along with knowledge of the components typically included in urban design plans; 4. Development of basic spatial critical thinking and the ability to articulate spatial systems thinking.

Course Organization

The studio will meet twice per week for 3 hours each session. We will meet collectively at the beginning of each day for brief lectures, course administration, explanation of exercises, and discussion of issues related to the projects. Various methods and techniques will be demonstrated and explained as needed throughout the course. As needed during the semester we will venture into the field for observation, mapping and site reconnaissance. On these days there is a strong likelihood the sessions may run longer than expected. Transportation options for fieldwork will be discussed in class. Students will also be expected to undertake group work in the field outside of class times.

Students will set up individual workspaces in the studio where they will be able to work on projects. Much of the course time each session will be used for group and one-on-one desk crits with the course instructor. Successful studio experience demands that students physically work in the studio outside of scheduled class time to enable collaborative work, allow for cross-fertilization of thinking and learning, and provide an outlet for constant feedback and input from peers.

Course Requirements and Grading

Students will be evaluated on their successful completion of course requirements similar to the ones described below. The final design deliverables vary depending on the emergent specific needs of the client group or community. Final project details will be made available on the first week of class.

Systems Flows and Design Brief 25% Draft Brief Draft Brief Final Brief Summary of goals of your design as well as the target figures for density, floor areas, population, number of jobs and energy and water strategy.

Conceptual Design by Individual Students 25% Draft Review of Master Plan


Final Review of Master Plan, Systems and distribution, diagrams, 1:1000 Plan, 3-D views, Site Sections Final Design in Groups Draft Review of Group Master 15% Plan Final Review of Group Master 35% Plan

Students will be provided with a marking rubric explicitly outlining the categories and criteria upon which they will be graded. The instructor will additionally focus on mentoring, and will seek evidence of, the following general principles:

Creativity: evidence of imaginative thinking and innovative problem solving

Critical thinking: evidence of deep thinking and analysis about a project, design or drawing

Industriousness: evidence of effort and efficiency in terms of how productive you are in the time available relative to your skill level

Professionalism: neatness, precision, attention to detail and attractiveness of your presentation

Course Assignments

See course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies

Late Assignments

Late assignments will be deducted 3% of your final grade/day up to a maximum of two days. Assignments more than two days late will receive no credit. In the event of an emergency please contact the instructor as soon as possible to notify him of your intended absence.

Class Participation

Students are expected to attend every studio session. Missing a studio session will result in an automatic 3% reduction in your overall grade. During studio you are expected to participate in discussions and reviews of each other’s work, and to conduct yourselves in a courteous and professional manner. You are expected to be critical yet respectful and supportive in your engagement of each other’s work. You are expected to be attentive to whoever is speaking whether we are in studio or out of the studio touring or on a professional visit.

Studio Culture

Above all be sensitive to and respectful of each other’s comfort levels in studio. While spending time in the studio can be a celebratory, collaborative and joyful experience, it must also be a safe and respectful one. At times you will want to be loud and animated and other times you will want to be quiet and

161 focused. Please be sensitive to the mental space of your colleagues. Offensive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Studio Guidelines

The space and furnishings provided for urban design students are expensive and difficult to replace. Please treat all furnishings and equipment with care. The kitchenette facility is provided for your convenience and is not an invitation to treat the studio as a cafeteria. Please keep all food material away from your studio desks and protect your drawings and drawing boards from crumbs and liquid spills. Absolutely no food or drinks are allowed in the urban design computer lab and no alcoholic beverages are to be consumed anywhere in the urban design studio.

Course Materials

Required Equipment

Students will be required to supply individual drafting tools (eg, adjustable triangles, compasses, templates), drawing materials (eg, pens, papers, erasers, sharpeners, colored pencils, drafting tape), presentation materials (eg, sticky-back adhesive, photo copying, markers) and fieldwork materials (eg, photography, sketchbooks, etc). Students can expect to spend about $75 on tools and materials and anywhere from $50 - $100 on reproduction costs.

Students wishing to work digitally will be encouraged to do so. Computing program teaching modules will be offered as needed for coursework. Students are encouraged to supply their own computer to facilitate their development in digital design.

Urban Design Computing Lab

A small 6-screen computer lab is available in the studio classroom for those students enrolled in the course. A $120 lab fee is required of all students enrolled in this course to cover the costs of printing and computer maintenance.

Readings and Handouts

Students will be expected to generate their own reference lists based on their team’s precedent studies and urban systems analysis. Additional readings may be distributed during the semester as required.


Plan 589: Urban Development Planning

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Tom Hutton Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-822-4818

Course Description

Introduction: purpose and overview

Since the early 20th century planning for cities has emphasized the regulatory dimension of policy, focusing on planning for growth via a suite of development control, growth management and spatial planning policies. In the early years of the 21st century, urban planners among advanced and transitional societies are encountering a more complex array of issues associated with the growth and change of city-regions and urban communities, responding to new development factors and interdependencies, and engaging with new urban theory and innovative planning concepts.

More specifically, urban planners are engaged in policy experimentation and innovation associated with the emergence of sustainable development as paradigm for integrating economic, social, cultural and environmental imperatives within the urban realm. Planning 548S offers insights, skills and practice- based experience for urban development planning, drawn from an instructive set of case studies. These will include observations from the experience of Vancouver, often advanced as an exemplar of progressive planning, and a distinctive form of contemporary urbanism shaped by policy as well as market and social forces; but our survey will also draw on other Canadian cities, as well as exemplary international cases.

Students are encouraged to bring their own experiences – on research projects, NGO and CBO activity, travel and work, for example – to class, as an enriching experience for all of us!

Planning 589: Purpose, Learning Objectives and Positioning within the School’s Urban Development Planning Dimension

Planning 589 is designed to serve as a foundational course for SCARP’s Urban Development Planning Dimension. Planning 589 encompasses much of the subject matter, case studies and reference points that would normally be covered in graduate courses on physical and spatial planning, but with ample connections to other forms (and for a) of planning – e.g. social and community planning, economic development planning, and infrastructure planning.

Planning 589 complements Planning 592, Structural Change and the City, normally offered in the Winter-Spring Term. In broad terms Planning 592 includes a deeper theoretical platform for studying

163 urban development planning; draws upon a larger field of social science and humanities research; and incorporates allied planning interests, such as social and community planning. Planning 548S has a stronger emphasis on applied planning studies and public policy.

Learning Objectives

1. To develop an understanding of the contexts within which urban development planning is conducted, in terms of both macro-level processes and more localized contingencies, and with regard to the relationship between urban development planning and other domains of planning and public policy. 2. To investigate the operational features or ‘mechanics’ of urban development planning, including the range of policies and tools available to planners in shaping urban structure, built form, and the environment. 3. To examine cases of innovation in urban development planning, including implications of sustainable development principles for the practice of development planning in city-regions and urban communities.

Course Organization

The 589 program format will include a mix of lectures, discussion, student-led seminars, and a field trip/site visit.

Course Policies

There are no specific policies for PLAN 548S.


Plan 590A: Land Use and Environmental Policy

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Thursday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Mark Stevens Email: [email protected] Telephone: 604.822.0657 Office: WMAX 223, Office hours: By appointment

Course Description

PLAN 590a examines and evaluates (1) the negative impacts of human land use activities on environmental systems and (2) the policies in place at various levels of government in Canada (and elsewhere) that are intended to reduce those impacts. PLAN 590a is an elective course for SCARP students that can serve as a stand-alone introduction to land use and environmental policy, law, and planning or can lead into more specialized courses. PLAN 590a is also open to graduate students outside of SCARP.


Registration is limited to graduate students.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to: predict the likely impacts of land use activities on environmental systems; summarize the major pieces of Canadian legislation that regulate land use activities; evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of this legislation; and prescribe revisions to this legislation in order to better promote positive outcomes.

Course Organization

Topics to be covered include: “sprawl” vs. “sustainable urban form”; the impacts of land development and urban form on (1) land, habitat, and biodiversity; (2) water; and (3) air quality, energy use, and climate; federal, provincial, regional, and municipal land use and environmental legislation and policy; and key features of effective (and ineffective) legislation.

Course Requirements and Grading

Grading for the course will be based on a combination of quizzes, exercises, and class attendance and attentiveness. Grade weights will be determined during the first class session.


Course Assignments: Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Materials

There is no assigned textbook for this class. Readings will be drawn from several books, journal articles, and professional reports. Readings will be accessible through the course website.


Plan 592: Structural Change and the City

2012W Term 2 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday 09:30 - 12:30 Location: WMAX 240

Instructor: Tom Hutton Email: [email protected] Telephone:

Course Description

Planning 592: Course Purpose and Objectives

Accounts of urban "structural" or transformational change have largely emphasised economic dynamics and outcomes. Long-run processes of industrial restructuring have been central to urban transformation among ‘advanced and transitional societies. The rise of service industries and employment, and the decline of Fordist manufacturing, have wrought profound changes in the urban industrial structure, economic base, and labour force.

At the same time, transformational change within cities (and, more specifically, metropolitan areas) can be viewed as a more multi-faceted, comprehensive, and interrelated set of processes that transcend (but certainly include) economic restructuring. These processes include, notably: (1) the reshaping of metropolitan structure and land use; (2) the emergence of a new urban social morphology (with respect to class structure, ethnicity, and community reformation; (3) the reproduction of urban spaces and built form; and (4) the formation of new, extra-regional relationships within extended urban hierarchies, trading systems, and socio-cultural networks, characteristic of the global (or transnational) city. An integration of these dimensions of growth and change can offer a more rounded depiction of urban transformation than narrowly economistic models.

The purpose of this course is to facilitate a critical evaluation of the contemporary city as crucible of structural change (socioeconomic, cultural, spatial and physical) and the policy issues and planning responses associated with such change. Planning 592 offers a rigorous analytical grounding in processes of urban transformation, incorporating theoretical and empirical perspectives, as well as an entrée to normative issues and planning approaches associated with structural change. At the same time, at all times we will be engaged in evaluation of planning responses to growth and change, at urban system, city-region and urban community scales.

Learning Objectives

Objectives of Planning 592 are as follows:

(1) To depict the basic contours of urban growth and change, including an appreciation of underlying dynamics and influences, to achieve an understanding of implications for theory and for planning practice;


(2) To assess the role of cities both as `sites’ and `agencies’ of globalisation, as well as the emergence of transnational urbanism as an alternative development model;

(3) To acknowledge and evaluate the principal dimensions of urban transformation (economic, social, cultural, physical, environmental, and spatial) and the key interdependencies among these facets of urban change;

(4) To identify the complex, multiscalar range of planning problems and policy issues associated with urban growth and change, at the level of urban systems and the metropolis, and including community impacts of restructuring, with special attention to the recent transformation of the metropolitan core;

(5) To examine and critique the nature of planning responses to urban growth and change, with an emphasis on policy innovation, sustainable development approaches, and community-level initiatives.

Issues will be examined within a range of interactive formats, including (a) presentations by the instructor, during which discussion is encouraged and expected, (b) student-led seminar discussions, and (c) case study discussions. The course programme also includes both a structured site visit and field trip to Vancouver's Central Area, widely seen as an exemplar of processes of change, and as an instructive case study for planning innovation. The student-led seminars have proven to be a effective means both of bringing individual student interests to the course, and also broadening the range of themes (and thus interest value) of the course curriculum. Students are also strongly encouraged to introduce issues of personal interest related to the broad theme of urban transformation, to diversify the course content and add value to the learning experience.

Planning 592 carries with it a substantial reading commitment, an emphasis on class and seminar discussion, and a written assignment geared to the interests and programmatic needs of each student (to be discussed in class).

Course Organization See Course Descriptions

Course Requirements and Grading See Learning Objectives

Course Assignments See Learning Objectives

Course Policies See Learning Objectives

Course Materials See Learning Objectives


Plan 595: Negotiation, Facilitation and Mediation: Principles & Practices

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday 09:00 - 12:00 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Jessie Sutherland E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 604-879-2402

Course Description

Successful professional planners not only have excellent analytical and technical skills, but also have exceptional people and problem solving skills. Whether it is walking the tightrope between what developers want and representing the community; addressing challenging situations where First Nations communities, environmentalist and the logging industry have a stake; or dealing with a workplace conflict, professional planners must develop strong interpersonal, cross-cultural and problem solving skills. This course is intended to build your effectiveness in dealing with diverse interests and cultures.

A mix of experiential learning, theory and application will be used to achieve our learning objectives. Students will be expected to reflect on their personal experiences and reactions related to conflict and problem solving. Successful participation in the course requires an openness to self-exploration and personal growth.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the class students should be able to:

1. Explore and analyse personal influences in conflict such as life experiences, culture, and conflict style.

2. Explore and analyse particular theoretical approaches especially relevant to conflicts in planning contexts such as community engagement, the primacy of relationships, nested conflict, power, and interest based approaches

3. Assess problem situations and draw on several process models to design effective approaches in interpersonal, workplace and community settings.

4. Integrate theories of neurobiology, trauma, and conflict into process choice and design.


5. Identify communication skills in conflict such as listening to all voices, asking the right questions and storytelling.

6. Reflect on essential personal qualities for effective problem solving and relationship building like honesty, transparency, consistency, integrity, respect, etc.

7. Integrate and apply course content to the design of a comprehensive plan for addressing a complex community problem.

Course Organization

 Class Organization: Class will start at 9:00am and go for 3 hours with a 30minute break mid morning. The format of each class will vary. Sessions can include experiential learning, theory, guest speakers, lectures, small group discussion, dialogue and group presentations.  Participation: Students are expected to attend all classes and be prepared to discuss the readings, offer insights, ask questions and participate in all class activities.

Course Requirements and Grading


 Final Integrated Project – group presentation (50%)  Problem Solving & Conflict Journal on personal reflections with assigned focus questions (35%)  Readings Summary Presentations and Facilitation (15%)

Final Integrated Project – Group Presentation

Students work collaboratively throughout the term in small groups on this Final Integrated Project. Each group will apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned throughout the course and in your own research to a case study, coming up with an innovative plan to address a complex community problem. The presentation is expected to be creative, engaging, practical and innovative.

Problem Solving & Conflict Journal

Students are expected to keep a Problem Solving & Conflict Journal on personal reflections with assigned focus questions.

Readings Summary Presentations

Students will complete all readings assigned for this course. In addition, students will sign up for readings throughout the semester to give summary presentations and facilitate class engagement with the material.

Course Assignments

Course Outline and Schedule (TBA):


A detailed course outline and schedule will be handed out during the first class on September 4th 2012. There will be 13 classes, three hours each.


Plan 599: Environmental Policy and Analysis: An Introduction to Risk Management and Decision Analysis

2012W Term 1 Credit Hours: (3) Tuesday & Thursday 14:00 - 15:30 Location: WMAX 150

Instructor: Professor Tim McDaniels Email: [email protected] Telephone: 822-9288 Office: LASR 428

Course Description

Keywords: Risk management, decision analysis, risk analysis, risk communication, quantitative policy analysis, risk perception, probability, value elicitation, value tradeoffs, precautionary principles, societal responses to risk, transboundary risk, human health, ecological risk, technology risk.

Overview & Orientation of the Course

Risks to human health and environmental quality arise in a vast array of public policy issues. Risk issues are topics of growing concern for governments, corporations and citizens. How to think about these risks systematically, how they are addressed in the academic and professional writing on societal responses, and how to structure straightforward yet helpful analysis for them, are the basic concerns of this class.

How to handle risks to humans and to the natural environment have been crucial topics of interest since the beginning of human civilization. In fact, managing the risks of everyday life served as a major motivation for building social groups, settlements, cities and modern government. Much of the most interesting research and applied practice in many academic and professional fields come under the broad heading of managing societal risks. For example, some of the most significant and creative work underway today in the fields of policy analysis, planning, resource management, health promotion, workplace safety, social sciences, engineering and related fields fall under the broad heading of risk management.

Risk management is, in simple terms, about making decisions that involve uncertainties and complex value tradeoffs. Hence this course has two main orientations;

(i) an introduction to the important themes and important writing in the field of managing health and environmental risks, from a social perspective;

(ii) an introduction to the concepts and methods of decision analysis, which is the basic analytical framework helpful for making more informed and thoughtful risk management decisions.


This course places an emphasis on decision analysis as a concept and set of practices, and uses the best available text on decision analysis (Clemen’s book) as a basic text for the course. However, students should NOT fear that the course will be overly mathematical or homework oriented. The class will be readily accessible to anyone with basic high school math concepts, and there will be no problem-related homework. Rather, the course uses the text as a basis for informing us about methods and concepts, but has homework that asks the student to think through and write short assignments about how these concepts may be employed for better risk management decisions.

In sum, the course emphasizes building an understanding of both the concepts and the analytical tools important for risk management efforts. The class should be of interest and direct help to graduate students in professional programs such as planning, resource management, engineering, environmental health and related fields.

Learning Objectives

My objectives for the course are as follows:

 Provide students with an introduction to the basic concepts and methods of risk management and decision analysis so they can be intelligent readers and critics of these methods in the future.  Provide the basis for broader studies in risk and decision-making, by serving as the introduction to these issues, which can be supplemented in other courses.  Provide opportunities for learning though problem-solving, discussion, feedback, and interaction with peers.  Provide opportunities for individual study on issues of the student’s choice, in order to make the course more relevant to the student's other studies.

I would be happy to discuss your particular learning objectives, and see how we can tailor the course to address them. During the first few sessions, we sill discuss whether students have additional objectives for the course, and how they may be achieved.

Course Organization See Learning Objectives

Course Requirements and Grading

50% Three assignments (One small and two larger) 10% Class Participation 40% Term paper

Course Assignments See Course Requirements and Grading

Course Policies See Course Requirements and Grading


Course Materials

There are two books required for the class. They are both available at the bookstore:

Clemen, R. (2004) Making Hard Decisions, Fourth Edition (or an earlier edition), Duxbury Press.

McDaniels, T and Small, M, (2002), Risk Analysis and Society: An Interdisciplinary Characterization of the Field, Cambridge University Press.

There is also a booklet of readings on reserve.


Plan 603: PhD Colloquium

2012W Term 1 & 2 Credit Hours: (3) 14:00 - 17:00 Location: WMAX 140

Instructor: John Friedmann email: [email protected] Telephone: 604-874-1817

Note: Class meets every second week beginning Sept 13th, 2012

Course Description

For the new incoming students, you are probably wondering what the PhD Colloquium is about. Put briefly, it is a way to get you started on your doctoral research in a collegial setting. The Colloquium does not replace your Committee, but it pushes you define your research question so that by the end of the second year, you are ready to take the Comprehensive Exam which is supposed to ”frame” your research (see below).

You are probably wondering why we need the Colloquium, especially as you have had to present a research project to be admitted to the Program. Although you may have a general idea of the kind of research you would like to do, it is inevitable that over the course of the first two years, your ideas will undergo a change. Some of this will come from discussions in the Colloquium, others from discussions with your supervisory committee, and still others from the outside courses which we hope you will take to stimulate your thinking as well as allow you to scan the field of who might serve as an outside member on your committee. Questions of method also need to be addressed, but first you must have a fairly good grasp of what I call the question of which you are pursuing.

First and second year students—we will have six this year—are required to take the colloquium for credit. To obtain credit, you will have to make two oral presentations of your ideas for a dissertation, one in the Fall and the other during the Winter term. In addition, you will have to prepare a written paper of between 4000 and 6000 words which is to be handed in at the end of the second term. Your grade will be based on both this paper and your active participation in class.

This year’s Colloquium consists of three parts:

 peer discussion of the current state of your research question  a seminar sequence “Unraveling the mysteries of planning research: some basic questions” (see attached list of topics)  a student-organized speaker’s series running for the entire year, inviting both advanced PhD students and outside speakers from UBC and elsewhere in Vancouver (unfortunately, we have no money to pay fees)


I have also attached a list of a dozen books meant to make you “planning-literate.” You will want to do this reading on your own over the course of the year, though perhaps organizing a reading group to discuss these works would be more productive and fun.

Learning Objectives See Course Description

Course Organization See Course Description

Course Requirements and Grading See Course Description

Course Assignments See Course Description

Course Policies See Course Description

Course Materials See Course Description


Plan 649: Doctoral Thesis

2012W Term 1 & 2 Credit Hours: (0)

Sec001, Term 1 & 2 Sec 002, Term 1 Sec 003, Term 2

Course Description


There are no meeting times for PLAN 649, however all PhD students are required to register in PLAN 649 during both the Winter and Summer sessions to maintain their status as graduate students in the Doctoral Program.


Registration in PLAN 649 is mandatory in both Winter and Summer Sessions. Students must register each session in every year that they are enrolled in the PhD Program. Most students register for section 001 (full session course). Students would register for section 002 (Term 1) if they expected to graduate during Term 1; students would register for section 003 ( Term 2) if they were on-leave during Term 1.

Learning Objectives See Course Description

Course Organization See Course Description

Course Requirements and Grading See Course Description

Course Assignments See Course Description

Course Policies See Course Description

Course Materials See Course Description