Planning Board DATE: 22 April 2020 NOTES: Items May Be Taken out Of
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Planning Board DATE: 22 April 2020 NOTES: Items may be taken out of order and therefore we are unable to advise the time at which an item will be considered. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made Councillors who have a query about anything on the agenda are requested to inspect the file and talk to the case officer prior to the meeting. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or contact their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting. Please give a day’s notice if you wish to inspect a file if this is possible. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report , ‘background papers’ in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received. Planning Board Report 18th March 2020 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Planning Board - 18th March 2020 Item Page Application Site/Ward/Member Recommendation Case Number Officer DM01 3 2019/2630/OTA Land North East Of The Approval Mrs Kelly Pound Inn, Main Road, Pritchard Coxley, Wells, Somerset, Wookey And St Cuthbert Out West DM02 17 2019/2498/FUL White Oak Farm , Strap Mrs Lorna Lane, North Brewham, Refuse Elstob Shepton Mallet, BA10 0JW Postlebury DM03 23 2019/1577/FUL Land At 355763 143568, Mr Upper Wellesley Lane, Refuse Carlton Dulcote, Wells, Somerset, Langford Croscombe And Pilton DM04 37 2019/2582/FUL The Lion At Pennard , Mr Felix Woodlands Road To Refuse Charteris Stockbridge Lane, West Pennard, Glastonbury, BA6 8NH The Pennards And Ditcheat DM05 43 2019/2583/LBC The Lion At Pennard , Mr Felix Woodlands Road To Refuse Charteris Stockbridge Lane, West Pennard, Glastonbury, BA6 8NH The Pennards And Ditcheat DM06 48 2019/3025/FUL Commerce Park, Imperial Approval Anna Way, Frome, Somerset, Clark Beckington And Selwood Planning Board Report 18th March 2020 Page 2 Agenda Item No. DM01 Case Officer Mrs Kelly Pritchard Site Land North East Of The Pound Inn Main Road Coxley Wells Somerset Application Number 2019/2630/OTA Date Received 28th October 2019 Applicant/ Mr G Roberts Organisation in conjunction with Coxley Community Land Trust Application Type Outline - All Matters Reserved Proposal Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved for the erection of 8no. dwellinghouses with a community hub. Ward Wookey And St Cuthbert Out West Parish St Cuthbert Out Parish Council Recommendation Approve Ward Cllrs. Councillor Lucie Taylor-Hood What three words: prosper.liner.undivided Referral to Planning Board: This application is being referred to the Planning Board as the Officer’s recommendation is for approval and this would represent a significant departure from the Council’s approved development policies. Description of Site, Proposal and Constraints: This site is land to the north east of the new residential development that replaced the the former Pound Inn. The site is an agricultural field with a mature roadside hedgerow presenting to the highway (A39) and benefits from an existing vehicular access. In the north east corner and running around the rear of the site is the river Sheppey and a playing field beyond. The Riverside Restaurant is across the lane and further to the north east. In terms of the adopted development plan (MDLP) Coxley is designated as a Secondary Village in the Local Plan Part I, however at present the site is located outside the settlement limits. The river is classed as flood zone 3 and a small part of the rear of the site is within flood zone 2. The community hub is close to the flood zone 2 but not within it. In terms of the emerging development plan, policy CX1, allocates the site for community uses with a limited number of dwellings to support the development of a community facility. Planning Board Report 18th March 2020 Page 3 The Application Scheme: The proposal is outline, with all matters reserved, but proposes 8 houses with a community hub retained for community use in perpetuity. In addition a managers flat will be provided on the first floor of the community hub building, which will include a café, lounge and activities room and will include an element of “drop in” provision to provide a venue to community activities. No development is proposed within the part of the site that is in flood zone 2. As background the applicant describes the community facility as: small shop, café/bar/lounge, multi-use room for craft activities/hobbies, limited post office facilities, bring and exchange library and veranda and lawns overlooking playing field and river. It is envisaged that a paid manager would run the hub, living in a two bedroom flat on the first floor, supported by some employed staff and village volunteers who have pledged help in the Survey. During the life of the application a pedestrian bridge over the river has since been removed from the scheme. Relevant History: 2014/1947/OTS – Refusal – Erection of two dwellings. (Decision notice issued on 28.11.14 with the following reasons for refusal). 1. The site lies in countryside outside the Settlement Limits of Coxley, where development is strictly controlled. The proposed development, by reason of its location and appearance would have a harmful impact on the countryside's intrinsic character here and would have an unacceptable urbanising effect on the character and appearance of the site. The development would also conflict with the emerging Local Plan's site allocations process for non-strategic sites and would result in unjustified housing growth for the village. As such, the development would be contrary to Adopted Mendip District Local Plan (December 2002) policy S1 and Q1, policies CP1, CP2, CP4, DP1 and DP4 of the emerging Mendip District Local Plan Part 1: Strategy and Policies 2006 - 2029 (as proposed to be modified) and the National Planning Policy Framework. 2. The site lies outside the Settlement Limits of Coxley and proposes to derive access directly from the A39. The applicant has failed to demonstrate that a high order (of route hierarchy) route location is essential to the type of development proposed and as such, the development would be contrary to Policy DP9 of the emerging Mendip District Local Plan Part 1: Strategy and Policies 2006 - 2029 (as proposed to be modified) which seeks to avoid direct access onto these roads, unless essential, to prevent adverse implications for traffic flow and road safety. Summary of Ward Councillor comments, Town/Parish Council comments, representations and consultee comments: Ward Member: No comments received. St Cuthbert Out Parish Council: Approval With the conditions that the full planning application contained a maximum of 8 dwellings and that the Community Hub had scope to extend to provide further space for intended varied purposes. Planning Board Report 18th March 2020 Page 4 Planning Policy: No objection This site is allocated in the Local Plan Part II as CX1. As the Plan has now been submitted to the Secretary of State, and the only objection relates to Flood zone 1, the emerging policy can be afforded significant weight. As such, the principle of the development is considered acceptable in planning policy terms, subject to the restriction of development to flood zone 1 and the inclusion of measures to retain the community hub in community use in perpetuity. Highways Development Officer: No objection subject to conditions. The site lies along a classified road (A39) which is subject to a 30mph speed restriction at the point of the existing access. On reviewing the recorded PIC’s (Personal Injury Collisions) there have been none within 500m of the existing access for the last five years. It is evident that a scheme could be delivered that could provide an appropriately designed access arrangement. The proposed access as shown utilises the existing access location with alterations. This is acceptable in principle but the access should be a minimum of 5.5m in width with 6m radii either side and provide visibility splays of 2.4m x 43m in either direction. All details should be annotated on any Reserved Matters (RM) plan scheme. If any proposed scheme is to be put forward for future highway adoption then swept path analysis of a refuse vehicle should be provided at RM stage, as well as pedestrian facilities. Bin storage facilities also need to be shown on plan. In terms of trip generation no details have been submitted but from the scale of the development the Highway Authority consider that the associated traffic generation will not have a severe impact on the local highway network of give rise to highway safety concerns. The development will increase pedestrian movements along the A39 main street and therefore the Highway Authority would want to ensure that the footway along the sites frontage is suitable therefore any scheme put forward for RM will need to show a min of 1.8m footway adjacent to the A39 along the sites frontage, this will mean the possible widening of the existing footway. Most of this will probably be on adopted highway. However, where extra land is required this will need to be taken from the developers land and not reducing the width of the carriageway. Environment Agency: No objection subject to conditions. The proposed development is mainly within Food Zone 1, with all the housing located at low flood risk. Part of the site however is located in Flood Zone 2, and the bridge is over the River Sheppey in Flood Zone 3.