October 2015 News
OCTOBER 2015 NEWS Above – David Crawshay – presentation of silver medal at 2015 World Championships (photo courtesy of Rowing Australia) More member profiles added Published 21st October 2015 More member profiles are being added including some of our younger members such as Meghan Hester, Alex Kinsella and Will Legge. We also have some of older members also recently added such as our Argentinian connection with Roberto Perillo. There are over 70 profiles listed already since this feature started a month ago. Mercantile AGM Results Published 19th October 2015 Above: A scene from the AGM 2015-16 Office Bearers We congratulate the following members elected to the Committee of the Club. President: Malcolm Batten OAM Vice-Presidents: Jeff Lawrence, David Colvin, David Yunghanns, David Pincus, Roger Wilson OAM, Warwick Hutchins, David Boykett OAM, Andrew Evans, Henry Edgar, James Tomkins OAM. Phil Batters, William Webster Captain: Robyn Selby Smith Vice-Captains: Hannah Lewis and William Webster Hon. Secretary: Jenny Fraumano Hon. Treasurer: Duncan McKinnon Hon. Ass. Treasurer: Andrew Phillips Boats & Equipment Manager: Roberto Perillo Committee: Danae Bosler, Julie Orr and Henry Edgar Auditor: John Weller Hon. Solicitor: Justin Quill 2014-15 Season Award Winners Dr R A Cooper Memorial Trophy for outstanding service to the Club: Graeme Boykett who has undertaken the task of decorating the Clubhouse with photos of our crews Captain’s Trophy for the most race wins: Hannah Lewis and Angus Widdicombe Max Bailey Trophy for the coxswain with the
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