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Downloads.Bbc.Co.Uk/Guidelines/Editorialguidelines/Pdfs/Editorial Gu Idelines in Full.Pdf Kent Academic Repository Full text document (pdf) Citation for published version Majin, Graham (2019) Truth and Truthophobia - The Poverty of Journalistic Theory in the Age of Fake News. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, University of Kent,. DOI Link to record in KAR Document Version UNSPECIFIED Copyright & reuse Content in the Kent Academic Repository is made available for research purposes. Unless otherwise stated all content is protected by copyright and in the absence of an open licence (eg Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher, author or other copyright holder. Versions of research The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check for the status of the paper. Users should always cite the published version of record. Enquiries For any further enquiries regarding the licence status of this document, please contact: [email protected] If you believe this document infringes copyright then please contact the KAR admin team with the take-down information provided at Final as deposited FC04. 10th July 2019 Truth and Truthophobia; The Poverty of Journalistic Theory in the Age of Fake News. Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Centre for Journalism at the University of Kent in 2019 By Graham Majin Word count Original content. 87,414 Quotations. 34,713 Bibliography and contents. 10,934 Grand total. 133,061 1 For Harry, George & Annabelle. Mum, dad, Cyril, Gerald and all the old gang. 2 Declaration I declare that this thesis is entirely my own work, except where otherwise stated by reference or acknowledgement. It has not been submitted, in whole or in part, in any previous application for a degree. Signed: Graham Majin Date of original submission: 27th February 2019. 3 Acknowledgements.............................................................................................................................. 8 Abstract..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Journalistic Preface. Plain Language Abstract........................................................................11 A Note on the Arboreal Methodology.........................................................................................17 List of Research Questions Addressed in this Thesis...........................................................23 Part One. Journalism Studies; a Tale of Two Paradigms.....................................................26 01.00.00 A Folk-Conceptual Theory of Journalism..........................................................27 01.01.00 Journalism as Testimony. Error, Deception and Manipulation................29 01.02.00 A Folk-Conceptual Approach to Journalistic Truth.......................................32 01.03.00 The Dominant Paradigm of Journalism Studies.............................................34 01.04.00 If Fake News is News that is Fake; Then What is News?............................36 Part Two. Paradigm Crisis at the Academy...............................................................................38 02.01.00 A Kaleidoscope of Perspectives............................................................................40 02.01.01 Putting Perspectives into Perspective...............................................................41 02.02.00 Journalism Studies; A Discipline in Search of a Paradigm.........................44 02.02.01 Paradigm Theory........................................................................................................ 45 02.03.00 Truthophobia vs Naive Realism; A Discourse of Derision.........................46 02.03.01 Pedagogic Evidence for the Crisis State. Resistance in the Classroom. 48 02.03.02 Crisis State. Conflict in an Age of Social & Media Polarization.................49 02.03.03 Polarization as Catalyst for Paradigm Crisis. Tambini's Turn..................50 02.04.00 Anxiety in the Academy #1 – Paradigm Crisis in the 21st Century.........52 02.04.01 Anxiety in the Academy #2 – Paradigm Crisis in 2019...............................56 Part Three. The Rise of Tribalism and Fake News.................................................................61 03.00.00 The Journalistic Landscape; Tribalism and the Post Truth Age..............62 03.01.00 Fake News..................................................................................................................... 64 03.01.01 Fake News as Partisan News. Farewell to Trust............................................67 03.01.02 What Exactly is Fake News? Self-Serving Definitions..................................70 03.01.03 Is Fake News, Fake News?......................................................................................75 03.02.00 Hate Speech and “Unwanted Content................................................................77 03.03.00 The Voice of the Politician; the Rise of Censorship......................................79 03.04.00 Freedom of Speech.................................................................................................... 83 03.04.01 The Limits of Freedom of Speech........................................................................84 03.05.00 The Pursuit of Truth vs the Pursuit of the Good; Aletheia and Arete....85 03.05.01 Aletheia, Arete: Freedom of Speech or Censorship?.....................................86 03.06.00 Conclusion. Journalism Studies; a Voice Stilled by Truthophobia..........92 Part Four. The Canonical Theorists and Texts of TDP...........................................................95 04.00.00 The Theoretical Landscape. In Search of TDP.................................................96 04.01.00 Critical Theory and The Frankfurt School.....................................................101 04.01.01 Rationalism and the Genie in the Bottle.........................................................103 04.01.02 Ideologically Motivated Research.....................................................................105 04.01.03 Cautionary Tales; IMR and Grievance Studies.............................................105 04.02.00 Gramsci. The Man Who Would Be Caesar......................................................107 04.02.01 Gramsci & Machiavelli. Indifference to Truth. Power & Hegemony....109 04.02.02 Why Gramsci?........................................................................................................... 114 04.03.00 Post-Structuralism and the Advent of Irrationalism.................................120 4 04.03.01 Freudianism; the Irrational Unconscious......................................................120 04.04.00 Semiotics and the Legacy of de Saussure.......................................................122 04.04.01 Semiotics; Philosophers & Linguists “Have Always Agreed.........................127 04.04.02 Fichte. Only Stupid People Would Disagree With Me...............................129 04.04.03 Semiotics vs Contemporary Developmental Psychology.........................135 04.05.00 Jacques Lacan. Dissolving Reality and Truth................................................138 04.05.01 Lacan; Genius, Fraud or Intellectual Terrorist?...........................................141 04.06.00 On Sophistry, Humbug, Bullshit and Obscurantism..................................143 04.07.00 Louis Althusser. Reality and Truth Dissolved in Psychosis.....................144 04.07.01 Althusser and Lacan...............................................................................................147 04.07.02 Althusser and the Death of Marxist Materialism........................................148 04.07.03 Althusser's Irrational Turn. Psychosis as Theory.......................................151 04.07.04 Althusser's Catholic Marxism. Marxism as Religion..................................156 04.08.00 Stuart Hall................................................................................................................... 160 04.08.01 Hallism - Irrationality and Truthophobia......................................................161 04.08.02 Hallism and Truth. The Impact on Journalism............................................166 04.08.03 Encoding-Decoding. Limited or Powerful Effects? Theory in 1973....168 04.08.04 The Theoretical Scaffolding. Decoding Hall's codes..................................172 04.08.05 The Problem of Hall's Worker.............................................................................177 04.08.06 Encoding and Decoding - Truthiness; the Worst of Both Worlds.........180 04.08.07 Epilogue. Hallism, Political Correctness and Left Fascism......................185 04.09.00 Canonical Theorists – A Summary....................................................................189 Part Five. The Foundational Philosophical Assumptions of TDP..................................190 05.00.00 Two Dogmas of TDP................................................................................................ 191 05.01.00 Apologia; Why We Need to Talk About Philosophy.....................................191 05.02.00 The Philosophy of Journalism............................................................................193 05.03.00 Ontology vs Epistemology....................................................................................194 05.04.00 Truth as Correspondence to Reality.................................................................198
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