H. R. 4296 Union Calendar No
1 Union Calendar No. 273 103D CONGRESS 2D SESSION H. R. 4296 [Report No. 103±489] A BILL To make unlawful the transfer or possession of assault weapons. MAY 2, 1994 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Commit- tee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed IB Calendar No. 273 103D CONGRESS 2D SESSION H. R. 4296 [Report No. 103±489] To make unlawful the transfer or possession of assault weapons. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES APRIL 25, 1994 Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mr. REYNOLDS, Mr. SYNAR, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. ANDREWS of Maine, Mr. BECERRA, Mr. BEILENSON, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. BORSKI, Mrs. BYRNE, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. CASTLE, Mrs. CLAYTON, Mr. COPPERSMITH, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. DEUTSCH, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. ENGLISH of Arizona, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. FINGERHUT, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Ms. HARMAN, Mr. HOAGLAND, Mr. HOCHBRUECKNER, Mr. JOHNSTON of Florida, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mrs. LOWEY, Mrs. MALONEY, Mr. MANN, Mr. MANTON, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MAZZOLI, Mr. MORAN, Mr. NADLER, Mr. OWENS, Ms. PELOSI, Mr. RAN- GEL, Mr. SABO, Ms. SCHENK, Mrs. SCHROEDER, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. SHEPHERD, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Mr. STARK, Mr. STUDDS, Ms. VELAÂZQUEZ, Mr. VENTO, Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. WHEAT, Ms. WOOLSEY, and Mr. YATES) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary MAY 2, 1994 Additional sponsors: Mr. TUCKER, Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois, Mr. FILNER, Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. REED, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. PAYNE of New Jersey, and Mrs. ROUKEMA MAY 2, 1994 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed [Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic] [For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on April 25, 1994] 1 2 A BILL To make unlawful the transfer or possession of assault weapons.
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