Republic of Azerbaijan
REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN On the rights of the manuscript ABSTRACT of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy THE FAUNA AND ECOLOGY OF TESTATE AMOEBAE IN FRESH WATER BODIES OF THE LANKARAN NATURAL AREA Speciality: 2401.01 – “Zoology” Field of science Biology Applicant: Elyana Nail Tahirova Baku – 2021 The work was performed at the laboratory of Protozoology of the Institute of Zoology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of biological sciences, associate professor Natalia Yuryevna Snegovaya Official opponents: Doctor of biological sciences, associate professor Giyas Nagi Guliyev Doctor of biological sciences, associate professor Namig Janali Mustafayev PhD in Biological Sciences Elnara Eldar Jafarova Dissertation council FD 1.09 of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at the Institute of Zoology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Chairman of the Doctor of biological sciences, Dissertation council: associate professor Elshad Ilyas Ahmadov _____________ Scientific secretary of PhD in Biological Sciences, the Dissertation council: associate professor Gular Aydin Huseynzade _____________ Chairman of the Doctor of biological sciences, prof., scientific seminar: corresponding member of ANAS Ilham Khayyam Alekperov _____________ 2 INTRODUCTION Research rationale and the state of knowledge. As it is known, testate amoebae, as one of the groups of free-living protozoa, play an important role in biological processes that occur in freshwater bodies. Testate amoebae are active consumers of detritus, bacteria and many groups of microscopic algae, including cocci and diatoms. In addition, testate amoebae are involved, on the one hand, in the biological self-purification of fresh water, and on the other, in the processes of the formation and decomposition of organic matter in freshwater bodies.
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