Form 9 (version 5) UCPR 9.1 FIRST CROSS-CLAIM STATEMENT OF CROSS.CLAIM Court Supreme Court New South Wales Division Common Law Division List not applicable Registry Sydney Case number No 200854 of 2014 Plaintiff RodriEuez & Sons Ptv Limited (ACN 108 770 681ì First defendant Queensland Bulk Water Supplv Authoritv. tradins ae Seqwater Number of defendants g Cross-claimant Seqwater First cross-defendant SunWater Limited ACN l3l 034 985 Second cross-defendant State of Queensland Filed for Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority, trading as Seqwater, the First Defendant Filed in relation to the First Defendant's cross-claim Legal representative Justin McDonnell Legal representative reference JAM/NC 0455057758 Contact name and telephone Justin McDonnell (07) 3244 8099 Contact email
[email protected] 21069319:) I 2 1 Damages. 2 Further or alternatively to paragraph 1, contribution under section 6 of the Law Reform Act rees (ord). 3 lnterest in accordance with s 100 of lhe Civil Procedure Act 2005 (NSW). 4 Costs. A Parties 1 At all material times the Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority trading as Seqwater (Seqwater): (a) was an entity established under section 6 of the South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) Act 2007 (ald); (b) was not a body corporate; and (c) was capable of suing and being sued. 2 Atall materialtimes SunWater Limited ACN 131 034 985 (SunWater): (a) was a government owned corporation within the meaning of section 5 of the Government Owned Corporations Acf 1993 (Qld); (b) was a registered public company limited by shares; and (c) was capable of being sued 3 At all materialtimes the State of Queensland was capable of being sued in accordance with section 8 of the Crown Proceedings Acf 1980 (Qld).