FCP Foundation Provides Grant for Revolving Loan Fund Initiative Submitted by Forest County Economic Development Partnership in This Issue
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www.fcpotawatomi.com • [email protected] • 715-478-7437 • FREE POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES VOLUME 18, ISSUE 16 MKO GISOS LITTLE BEAR MONTH FEBRUARY 15, 2013 FCP Foundation Provides Grant for Revolving Loan Fund Initiative submitted by Forest County Economic Development Partnership In this Issue: Pokagon Band Language Interns pg. 4 Devil’s Lake Fisheree Results pgs. 7, 8 Pictured are (l-r): FCP Executive Council Treasurer Richard Gougé III, FCEDP Executive Director Jim Schuessler and FCP Executive Council Member Nate Gilpin, Jr. Calendar ..........pg. 11 CRANDON, Wis. - The Forest citizenship by assisting charitable organ- being developed; applications will not Notices ......pg. 10, 11 County Potawatomi (FCP) Foundation izations. This revolving loan fund offers be solicited until later this spring. “Local Personals ..........pg. 11 announced a grant for the Forest County the potential to help continue to deliver lenders are still the primary way to Economic Development Partnership upon those ideals.” advance business plans,” added (FCEDP) Revolving Loan Fund. The “The Foundation was instrumental Schuessler. “A revolving loan fund is Foundation announced a $25,000 invest- in putting a full-time economic develop- another tool in the economic develop- ment to the fund to help establish a ment effort program in the county,” said ment tool chest we will be able to use revolving loan fund in Forest County. FCEDP Executive Director Jim here going forward.” Announced late last fall, the fund will Schuessler. “This grant will help launch One of the goals of the fund will be operate as a micro-loan fund designed to new business opportunity right here. As to support entrepreneurial efforts of PAID PAID encourage the creation and retention of other counties have already shown with enrolled tribal members in addition to PRSRT STD PRSRT US POSTAGE permanent jobs within the county. The a fund, entrepreneurs get a little capital, other residents of Forest County. WAUPACA, WI WAUPACA, PERMIT PERMIT NO 47 fund will also encourage new private some business counseling, and that FCEDP is a local economic devel- investment into Forest County in the equals access and opportunity - ultimate- opment organization formed with the form of fixed asset investment, perpetu- ly the sky’s the limit.” combined support of the Forest County ate a positive and proactive business cli- The $25,000 grant by the FCP Potawatomi Foundation, City of mate, maintain a diverse mix of employ- Foundation matches the funds already Crandon, Forest County Potawatomi ment opportunities and minimize sea- contributed by CoVantage Credit Union Community, Sokaogon Chippewa sonal employment effects. and Laona State Bank. “It is inspira- Community, Forest County Government, In awarding the grant, FCP tional to note the major impact the Wabeno Chamber of Commerce, Forest Executive Council Treasurer Richard Foundation, CoVantage and Laona State County Chamber of Commerce and the Gougé III said, “The mission of the Bank will have for years as a result of Forest County Tourism Commission. Forest County Potawatomi Foundation is this fund,” noted Forest County Board to fight poverty, promote economic Chairman and FCEDP Board Member opportunity, strengthen communities, Paul Millan. and provide an example of responsible The loan fund structure is currently Page 2 POTAWATOMI TRAVELING TIMES • February 15, 2013 Community USDA Appoints New Members to the Forest Resource Coordinating Committee submitted by United States Department of Agriculture WASHINGTON, Jan. 22, 2013 - • Daniel Forster, Georgia, represent- quately represented on this advisory Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack ing state fish and wildlife agencies committee. The Forest Resource recently appointed eight new members • Allan Murray, Wisconsin, repre- Coordinating Committee provides expert to the Forest Resource Coordinating senting tribes counsel on actions and funds allocation Committee, which provides advice on • Tammie Perreault, Washington, that enhance the diversity and public private forestry and USDA’s programs representing non-industrial private forest benefits of forests. Important areas of that assist landowners in managing their landowners focus include wildfires, natural disasters, forests to protect, conserve and enhance • Bettina Ring, Virginia, represent- insect and disease outbreaks, the eco- the values they produce. ing conservation organizations nomics of forest ownership, air and “The USDA Forest Resource • Steven Sinclair, Vermont, repre- water quality, public policy related to Coordinating Committee’s new members senting state foresters private forests and wildlife habitat. will help us continue to make the right • Bonnie Stine, Florida, representing The full committee will meet April decisions for our rural communities, USDA-authorized state technical com- 11-12, 2013, at the Forest Service head- generating jobs, sustaining economic mittees quarters building in Arlington, Va. growth and conserving our working The new committee members join USDA is an equal opportunity lands for future generations,” said eight previously selected members and provider, employer and lender. To file a Agriculture Under Secretary for Natural the heads of four USDA agencies – the complaint of discrimination, write to Resources and Environment Harris Forest Service, Natural Resources USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Sherman. Conservation Service, Farm Service 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., The appointed members are: Agency and the National Institute of Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call • Leda Chahim, Washington, repre- Food and Agriculture. (800) 795-3272 (Voice) or (202) 720- Al Murray is the Forestry senting conservation organizations USDA has a special interest in 6382 (TDD). • Anthony Delfin, New Mexico, rep- assuring that women, minority groups Director for the Forest County resenting state foresters and persons with disabilities are ade- Potawatomi. Letters to a Teacher - A Warrior at War Letters from William Alloway Sent Home During World War II submitted by Norman H. Tribbett: Letters From the Kerr Family Collection This final set of letters written by Thank you ever so much. As near as I can gather judging but I sure will be on a look out for them. William Alloway during World War II are Friend every day climate, this country seems I’ll give you a buzz when they get here. dedicated to his son, the late Edward Billy somewhat cooler than any other country Hope you get the applications for Alloway (1952-2012). Look for more in I have been in, outside of your foreign that position you mentioned. I wish you upcoming issues. • • • • • territory (U.S.). Vegetation high, and a lot of luck in getting a chance to work August. 7, 1944 maybe good agriculture country. Soil with the service. Like you said some- July 17, 1944 seems and looks nice for anything. thing like Lund blades [note: Indian Dear George, Could be poor grade too. Who knows Agent] job. There will be same responsi- Dear Mr. Kerr. Am sending pictures and a map of Got an idea in this letter and I’ll without test. Good enough for me. bility in it and no doubt about that. I am Rome to hold or which ever way you What’s going on nearby? I suppose not trying to discourage you now but refer back to the offer you stated a while want. back. about the same as ever. “This will proba- that’s to be expected on any job. Have spent a little time there during bly hurt you but I’ll say it anyway. Why P.S. I just happen to think or can I, I should like to obtain pins for a a rest period and want you to see of the watch that I now have. These particular doesn’t he give me news so I can write couple more items that I should like to pictures are places I have visited. The back,” it’s the same old story we can’t have and they are ribbons. pins that I am talking about are used to blue ink lines on the Red Cross map are hold straps to a watch. write what we should like and its’ got to One will be easy, go over to our the routes I have used to get around be carried out. house and ask dad for my Purple heart These pins on my watch rusted off these places. from water, damp climate in spite of this Friend award, just take out the ribbon that’s in Oh yes there is a book included in Billy it and send it to me. The ribbon is purple salty air and sweat. The pins did won- the large brown envelope which you will derful service as long as they did. Am with white edges. be getting to give you a bit of informa- • • • • • If at all possible should like another now using parts of safety pins to keep to tion regarding the city of Rome itself. keep the watch on my wrist. September 7, 1944 ribbon, known as American Service If there are any questions that you’d defense ribbon, awarded to me at Fort The base of a pin is eleven sixteenth like to know of Rome why I might ask Dear Mr. Kerr. (11/16) of an inch long. I have tried to Ord, California -- special order # 135 you to hold it until I get home and I sup- I got your letter of Aug. 6 two days Hq. 15th Inf dated -- June 14, 1942. The get pins here and there but their watches pose that will be when the war is over. ago and I have enjoyed reading a long are made different. ribbon is yellow with red, white & blue I could tell you by mail but that letter. Now I am happy again. markings on each edge. If you like, you can or may send would only add up to a book because I have figures those watch pins will along other things like candy and cook- Your Truly there is so much to talk about. be hard to get.