HOUSE-INFESTING ANTS of the EASTERN UNITED STATES Tlwir RacopttiiNi, Biology, »ni Ecomiiilc Importaiieo ft. vm. «F MimiiK^ iTWWL »SE'CUITUMI IffiMi JÜL 121965 CUIEHTSEIULIËGIHI^ Technkai BuMfliii No, 1328 ^rieidtunl^MwrA Swvice UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF A6RIC0LT«RE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author grateñilly acknowledges tihe assistiuice of individuals listed below on one or more aspects of ants discussed in this bulletin : Allen Mclntosh (now retired), and J. A. Fluno, U.S. Department of A^culture, Beltsville, Md.; Ö. T. Vanderford, Georgia State Board of Entomology. Atlanta; J. C. Mo^r, ^uthem Forest Experiment Station, tT.S. Department of Agriculture, Alexandria, La. ; Arnold Van Pelt, formerly with Tusculum College, Greeneville, Tenn.; Mar^ Talbot, Lindenwood College, St. Charles, Mo.; M. S. Blum, ïxxuisiana State University, Baton Bouge; and M. H. Bartel, Kansas State Universitv, Manhattan. He is indebted for the illu^ra- tions to Arthur D. Cushman and the now deceased Sarah H. DeBord. Some of the illustrations have hee^ used previously (Smith, 1947, 1950). Ck>yer mustration : Worker of black carpenter ant Camponotui pennsylvanUmn (DeGeer). HOUSE-INFESTING ANTS of THE EASTERN UNITED STATES Their Recognition, Biology, and Economic Importance By Marion R. Smith Entomoiogy Researcli Division Teclinical Buiietin No. 1326 Agricuiturai Researcit Service UNITED STATES DEPARTIRENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D.C. Issued May 1965 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Oovemment Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price 46 cents Contents page Introduction }■ Classification and Bionomics ^ Economic Importance 4 Collecting, Shipping, and Identifying Ants 7 Key to Subfamilies of Formicidae 9 Keys to Species J^ Discussion of the Species.
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