Headteacher: Mrs M. Jackson Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L. Smith Danger Lane Moreton Wirral

CH46 8UG

Tel: 0151 677 1091

[email protected]


Friday 24th April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

You may be starting to think about secondary school selection for your child. Wirral has a variety of superb options when it comes to thinking about this next step in your child’s education. We hope that you will consider continuing your child’s education at a Catholic School. St Mary’s College has been a partner school for Sacred Heart for many years and St John Plessington, St Anslem’s College and Upton Hall School FCJ also offer Catholic education on Wirral.

If you are considering a selective school for your child, they will have to take a test for them to be considered for admission. This usually takes place early in the Autumn term and currently Wirral selection is still scheduled for this time.

Upton Hall School and St Anselm’s College set their own tests and you must apply directly to the school for your child to take their test. Details of how to apply and the admissions criteria can be found on the respective school websites. Applications for Upton Hall School are now being accepted and must be completed before 13th July. St Anselm’s College are also currently accepting applications for pupils who would begin Year Seven in September 2021.

If you are considering one of the following selective schools: Calday Grange Grammar School, Wirral Grammar School for Girls, Wirral Grammar School for Boys or West Kirby Grammar School, you must register your child to take the 11+ test. Regsitration opens on Friday 1st May 2020 and can be found on the Wirral Admissions website at https://www.wirral.gov.uk/schools-and- learning/school-admissions/apply-primary-or-secondary-school-place

Whilst secondary schools are unable to receive visits from prospective pupils at this time, their websites contain a wealth of information and are a good starting point as you begin to think about this next step.

Yours sincerely

Margaret Jackson Headteacher

Care, Courtesy & Commitment