PRACTICALLY PERFECT IN EVERY WAY! Thanks to The Prenton Theatre Company, we 0DU\3RSSLQVZULWWHQE\3/7UDYHUVZDVPDGH were taken on a magical trip to the time when famous by Walt Disney’s production with Julie nannies ruled not only the nursery but also had Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. Our PTC production DELJLQÀXHQFHRYHUWKHLUSDUHQWV starred Cleo as Mary Poppins and Jessica as Bert, supported by Cerys and Mab as Michael Our talented cast sang and danced their way DQG-DQHDQG.DLWO\QDQG2OLYLDDV*HRUJHDQG RYHUDPDWLQHHDQGWKUHHFRQVHFXWLYHHYHQLQJV Winifred Banks. With a strong supporting cast through a wonderful and specially scripted of chimney sweeps, a bird woman, household adaptation of Mary Poppins and, with classic VHUYDQWVNLWHÀ\HUVDEDQNFKDLUPDQEDQNFOHUNV songs such as “A Spoonful of Sugar”, “Chim DQGLQYHVWRUVSDUNVWUROOHUVDQGDSROLFHPDQRXU Chim Cher-ee”, “Step in Time”, “Feed the SURGXFWLRQHYHQKDGDJURXSRISDUNVWDWXHVDQG Birds”, “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” and, of course, some honey bees. Altogether, there was a huge “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” - complete DPRXQWRIWDOHQWRQGLVSOD\ with superbly co-ordinated arm actions. No This story continued on page 2, more wonder audiences went home humming at least pictures on the back pages. RQHVRQJ Prenton High School for Girls | Hesketh Avenue | Birkenhead | Wirral | CH42 6RR Tel 0151 644 8113 | Fax 0151 643 9588 | Email
[email protected] Web | Twitter @prentonhigh Headteacher: Mrs Lisa Ayling BA (Hons) NPQH Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Geraldine Fraser BEd (Hons) MSc ...Thanks to PTC Director Mrs Jones, teacher of Music Miss McCabe, musicians Mrs Rowlinson on piano and Matthew Jones and Jack Corlett, choreographers Ms Barr and Miss :RRGVHWGHVLJQHUV0LVV'RGGDQG0LVV*UDWWDQOLJKWLQJDQGVRXQGWHFKQLFLDQV0U*UDYHV and Mr Hughes – and to members of the cast who made many of their own props.