Southeast Alabama United States Bowling Congress (USBC) Association (SAUSBCA) Month of August – Bowling Quiz

1. In the triangle configuration how far apart are the pins set apart on the pin deck from each other?

a. One (1) feet apart.

b. Twelve (12) inches apart.

c. Two (2) feet apart.

d. Six (6) inches apart.

2. Joystick Scoring Limited is a company that makes foul detection equipment.

a. True.

b. False.

3. Team USA consists of a minimum of ten (10) men and ten (10) women selected by a panel of United States Bowling Congress (USBC) coaches.

a. True.

b. False.

4. How many feet in length are the “Pines” between the heads and the back end of the lane?

a. Ten (10) feet in length.

b. Five (5) feet in length.

c. Thirty (30) feet in length.

d. Fifteen (15) feet in length.

Southeast Alabama United States Bowling Congress (USBC) Association (SAUSBCA) Month of August – Bowling Quiz

5. In order for a bowling center to bid on an AUSBCA sanctioned tournament the bowling center must have a minimum of how many lanes?

a. Fifteen (15) lanes.

b. Twenty (20) lanes.

c. Twenty four (24) lanes.

d. None of the above. If the bowling center is sanctioned by USBC, there is no minimum requirement.

6. Each lane is divided into how many section(s)?

a. Three (3) sections.

b. One (1) section.

c. Five (5) sections.

d. Four (4) sections.

7. If a bowler bowls in a USBC standard tournament and his/her Sport bowling average is not adjusted can they qualify for awards?

a. Yes, providing all of the tournament eligibility requirements are met.

b. No, they may be disqualified.

c. None of the above. Sport averages cannot be adjusted.

Southeast Alabama United States Bowling Congress (USBC) Association (SAUSBCA) Month of August – Bowling Quiz

8. Joey Bowler used a Scotch Brite pad to clean his during league play, is this legal?

a. Yes, this is not illegal to do. Scotch Brite pads and other abrasive pads can be used before and after USBC competition.

b. Once competition begins, these products can be used on bowling balls in competition or to be added during competition.

c. Scotch Brite pads and other abrasive pads cannot be used before and after USBC competition. Once competition begins, these products cannot be used on bowling balls in competition or to be added to competition.

9. Bowling's popularity has extended into other countries, particularly which two (2)?

a. England and France.

b. Japan and Canada.

c. China and Vietnam.

d. Spain and Denmark.

10. Bowling history was made on February 2, 1997. What was the name of the bowler and what did he do?

a. Parker Bohn, III – Bowled three (3) during USBC Open qualification.

b. Walter Ray Williams, Jr – Picked up the seven (7) ten (10) during match play.

c. Jeremy Sonnenfeld – Bowled three (3) perfect games in a three-game series.

d. Tony Smith – Picked up the big-four (4), twice during tournament play.